@Boston Celtics

Boston Celtics mailbag: Lessons better than wins?, Late-game execution, and superheroes

Boston Celtics mailbag: Lessons better than wins?, Late-game execution, and superheroes

It’s a mailbag Monday let’s open up and talk about willing to lose to teach a lesson jaylen’s free throw shooting late game situations and superheroes it’s all right now on the locked on Celtics podcast Blockbuster holiday season Dro Drew in the mix and three from KP no we

Not on the knck flushing competition like Al on Yannis juice and Big D still be Town’s finest b a 18 going up in the Raptors watching SE Gam locked on after on the breakdown clut like a TI from D white on the breakdown John on the mic

Documenting domination m p back B all SE Nation r j how start a raising bsiness how we finish locked on Celtics P home of the Winner hey there welcome back to the lockdown Celtics podcast right here in the lockdown podcast Network it’s your team every day and I got you covered every single day Monday through Friday with a free fresh podcast that drops directly to your device when you subscribe on your favorite podcasting

App ring the bell on YouTube get notified when I drop new videos hop into the comment section there let me know what you’re thinking I’m John corales if you’re new to the show I used to play a long time ago now I’m covering the Celtics 4 Boston Sports Journal today

Today’s show is brought to you by Nissan are you the kind of driver that likes to push things a little further ever wonder what Adventure could be like around the next Corner take the Nissan Rogue Nissan Pathfinder or Nissan Armada and go find your next big adventure check them all out today at it’s a mailbag episode everybody can uh go and submit your questions to John mailbag johnc mailbag that’s where I accept the questions send them in try to get the best uh maybe one that represents a bunch of them and get into it uh later on we’ll talk about

Superheroes have some fun third segments generally I like to try to have some fun if I can JB JT stuff in the second segment let’s get right to it with Jonathan who asks is it possible that Joe mul doesn’t really care about losses to Cleveland and Denver and instead

Believes that experimentation is best for success in the playoffs in essence deciding to put them in hard situations and getting them to learn and gain resilience yeah a little bit but I’ll put the I’ll say this he still wants to win Joe still wants to win these games

So he’s he’s willing to it’s not that he doesn’t care it’s the willingness to you want to win he cares about winning and you don’t want to set a precedent that you don’t care about winning but and everybody can see in certain situations like there are different guys in the game and like

People are smart in the NBA they get what’s going on so it’s a willingness to teach the lesson in situations like this and those are great situations like look at I think this road trip has actually been a very productive road trip for the Celtics so far the

Cleveland game the Denver game two different types of losses but to Jonathan’s Point teaching moments teaching opportunities letting the team fail not calling certain timeouts letting the team try to get through this understand you got yourself into this mess I’m going to you’re going to have to get

Yourself out you have to learn how to get yourself out stop looking to me for the answers you find the answers because in the playoffs this is how it’s going to go you’re gonna have to figure out your own way sometimes timeouts aren’t always going to be there so it’s a willingness

To lose a game but gain the bigger lesson for sure but also keep in mind that that willingness is very easy because the Celtics have the East uh pretty much wrapped up I mean I’m recording this on Sunday night and the you know the Celtics are getting a a

Hand from other teams Cleveland lost uh the the the Knicks is this really the final score did they lose 797 3 was that the final score of that game I didn’t even realize that that was the game they really did lose 79 to 73 this is the first I’ve seen I know they

Played but oh my God I know the Knicks lost to the Sixers I didn’t know how they lost to the Sixers okay Nets beat Cleveland uh who else is in there Miami lost to Washington by the way side note a lot of these teams are having tough

Times with bad teams like it’s not just the Celtics by the way so keep that in mind uh but anyway the Celtics my point that I was making have already gotten help Milwaukee eight games behind they they uh beat the Clippers on Sunday Cleveland eight and a half games back

There’s no real kind of danger in the East and so you you lose a couple of games here they’ve even got a pretty healthy lead in the overall standings Minnesota they just lost Carl Anthony towns OKC hey who knows what’s going to happen with them but you don’t really

Worry about OKC when it comes to the finals are they really getting to the finals I’d be a little bit surprised So you you’re really looking at that Denver uh and Clippers and you just got a healthy enough lead there all of this is

To say that this is a great time for Joe moula to be like willing to teach a couple of lessons here or there because it’s not going to cost the Celtics anything even if it’s a couple of losses they’re still on Pace to win 60 plus

Games they’re still uh the best team in the NBA they’re still uh plenty of space between them and everybody else so yeah let them let the Celtics let the guys let Tatum let Brown let everybody just kind of figure things out the last the last little bits here and if you can Hammer

Some points home then great Donnie uh and this is a representative question of a lot of people who’s wondering about his free throw shooting um now Jaylen has had pretty good stretch here scoring very efficient scoring uh but the free throws have been a problem and so a lot of people ask

About the free throws and they say hey maybe he should start taking fadeaways it’s funny that people say that it is a common feeling amongst people Jad is such a good mid-range shooter why is he struggling at the free throw line couple of things there being a good mid-range

Shooter if you shoot that same percentage at the free throw line is a bad free throw percentage like he shooting in the mid-range it feels like man he just makes him all the time but he’s always hitting one of two you know like he’s a great mid-range shooter he

Hits more than half he hits like 55 60% even even if he hits 60% which he doesn’t but even if he hits 60% from the mid-range that’s great you don’t want him shooting 60% from the line free throw stuff is mental it’s all mental he is very capable of hitting

Three-point shot I mean free throws he’s very capable of being a good Shooter free throws are mental there’s something that some people have and hand up I can speak to that very much so because I was a very good mid-range shooter one of my bread andb butter shots was flashing to

The Elbow catch turn fire um that right elbow was my spot catch spin into that fire that shot man that shot was money for me but I struggled from the free throw line my biggest weakness my biggest weakness as a player in my I’ll admit this is it was a mental kind of

Like I was aware I I was not able to kind of put moments aside I really struggled with the um okay this is just a free throw this is just calm down just shoot you’re just shooting a basket I could never get myself mentally to a

Place where it’s just you in the basket I’m a very self-aware kind of person and that self-awareness carried over into the court and I think Jaylen might have a little of that in him sometimes Jaylen is a thinker Jaylen is a very self Weare person I think and I think when you when

Your brain is wired to a point where you are constantly it’s just constantly working constantly thinking constantly processing that you don’t have that like let the let the previous play Go mentality it has been historically one of the weaker points of jaylen’s game like we know from going way way back and it’s

It’s nowhere it’s not like that now but historically and I was just thinking about this he he made a great play um in the last game uh where there was someone was attempting to back back door cut him and he read it sniffed it out and made a

Great defensive play he used to get backd door cut two three times a game and it rarely happens anymore and this is just a great progression for him as as a player but historically speaking he has had to overcome lapses mental lapses on the floor he has admitted that he

Said that flat out I’m not accusing him of anything that he hasn’t said about himself I think the free throw line might be a little bit a little last remaining vestage of that I think that space where you sit there and you think can be a place where you kind of Psych

Yourself out just you have to get yourself to a point where it’s just you and it’s the basket and and I think that’s that’s kind of like Jaylen Brown’s and that’s a complete guess on my part that’s a complete guess on my part but I know free throw shooting is

Mental I know that you can get into your own head and I know Jaylen Brown is a really good shooter who otherwise should be money from there so I’m just kind of putting my own basketball experience together and thinking like because it’s mental there’s nothing mechanical about

His shot that’s off there’s none of that stuff so it’s a it’s a mental thing it has to be a mental thing and sometimes sometimes just sometimes it’s just it it didn’t start as a mental thing it it’s not that he always goes up there he like

Oh my God it’s a free throw but sometimes when you miss one or two and it’s like man and then it becomes a mental thing like Jaylen has had wasn’t that long ago we had like a 10 for 10 from the line game so he’s very capable

Of hitting it but I think sometimes when you miss a couple and a couple of important ones that’s where it starts to play dance around in the skull a little bit so very simple gotta just try to find a way out of that whatever mental

Trick you got to play get your way out of that you’ll be okay jayen I think Jaylen can do that and he’ll be fine all right we’ll get into curses and differences in JB and JT their lessons and all that stuff we’ll talk about all of that stuff

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Jaylen Brown was dominant but uh kind of disappeared in the fourth quarter so my thoughts are that we should not be going through any one particular player other than you should include Chris hops porzingis for sure because that’s why the Celtics got christops porzingis but the question isn’t should

They go through Jaylen or Jason or christops or Derek or Drew it’s yes to all of them should they go through Jaylen Brown yes should they go through Jason Tatum yes any name one yes all five guys they should go go through all five guys this is the strength of the

Boston Celtics this is why I have been so confident all year long about their chances their ability to win a championship yet when the it’s crunch time and I’ve this is what I’ve been saying basically for a week now since the Cleveland game you cannot slow it

Down to a halt you cannot walk the ball up the floor you cannot get away from all of the things that make you successful now I know you need different ways to win and maybe working on this slow down grind it out oneon-one everybody spread out and watch maybe

That’s just a way to practice a different way of winning maybe but the Boston Celtics are their best their absolute best their dominant selves the team that people have called inevitable as finalists uh in the NBA this year that team moves the ball pushes the pace forces cross matches all of that stuff

So why stop in the fourth quarter why stop when it’s been working why go like you’ve got a 15-point lead push the pace keep going the Warriors didn’t change they don’t go to ISO down the stretch they keep doing what they do these the the teams that and I think this mentality is

Well you slow it down you get it to your best player well that works when it’s LeBron it works when it’s Kevin Durant but Jason Jaylen they’re great players but neither of them is LeBron neither of them is Kevin Durant and this concept of well you get your ball to the

Best players that’s what these teams do it’s because their best players are generational talents and no you don’t just give your ball to the best player you do the thing that gets you the best chance at a bucket that’s what you do down the stretch what is your best

Chance at getting a bucket and one-on-one Jason Tatum is not your best chance at getting a bucket all the time one-on-one Jaylen Brown is not one-on-one anybody is not getting your best chance it’s move the ball set picks cut read make the right pass if you have a lead a 10-point lead even

You can still run your offense oh maybe there’s a turnover okay maybe there is a turnover get back get back and play defense you’re not going to turn the ball over every time if you keep playing the ball playing basketball the right way so should they go through Jaylen

Brown yeah he should not be standing in the corner for an entire fourth quarter he needs to play he needs to touch the ball more because that’s how the Boston Celtics offense is at its best so does Derek so does Drew so does porzingis so

Does Sam Hower if he’s out there so does pton Pritchard if he’s out there everybody needs to be a threat that’s how your spacing works and to that end I’m gonna answer a question about Jason and Jaylen the lessons uh because it it’s been this one

Is an exception because I see it in the comments I see it Con constantly so I’m going to address this as part of the mailbag whenever jayen does something wrong and I include Jason people go why are you including Jason Tatum jaylen’s the one who screwed up and then like

Last night or the night before Jason has two turnovers and I include Jaylen Brown in part of my analysis and people go why are you talking about Jaylen Brown he didn’t do anything when you’re talking to one you’re talking to both and let’s not pretend that both of them haven’t

Had the same exact issues down the stretch in big games okay down the stretch in big games both have been baited into isolation both have driven into multiple players both have had turnover issues they have both had those issues so when I’m talking to one I’m talking to both and I’m basically

Talking to everybody but those two guys the criticism of one is the criticism of both because you’re the two star players and it’s not like Jaylen can go one-on-one and Jason can’t or vice versa I don’t want to see either of those go guys going oneon-one with just impunity

They can go one-on-one like I was saying uh after the after the last game there where the Celtics went at Phoenix with the same play and after the first play sprung holiday open and he kicked it to Horford for the three they were in the same play and that kind of cleared out

Of lane and then Jason went one-on-one that’s how you do it you set the defense up and then you take advantage of that you manipulate the other team into doing what you want you don’t just say here you go Jason we’re going to bring up Grayson Allen and we know you’re going

To go oneon-one so they’re GNA have they’re gonna set up all of their help and they’re going to set up all of their Hedges and you know all this other St they you can’t do that and that’s a message to both of those guys one more here before I get into my

Speed round at the end there uh do the Celtics have a TNT curse do the lights get too bright from them I only remember one win against on TNT against Miami uh no there’s no TNT curse you play you play good teams on national TV generally

Speaking uh they do well on ESPN uh if if they have a bad record on TNT it’s just how it goes sometimes National TV games are games against good teams and good teams beat each other and the Celtics beat these good teams in other games and just because TNT is there I

Don’t think that that’s a that’s a thing I think it’s just two good teams going at one another the Celtics have played on Plenty of national TV games they’ve got a good record uh across the board so if you if you want a nitpick cherry pick

Whatever uh go for it but it’s not really uh an issue curses aren’t real so that’s that all right let’s get into uh superheroes we get into Tony brothers and more when we come back Today’s Show is brought to you by LinkedIn if you’re looking to hire you

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Check it out wherever you got this podcast let’s wrap up mailbag Monday John mailbag to get your questions in uh Ted asks is Brad the year the front runner for executive of the year will Joe moula get his flowers for coach of the year if not who well yeah I I

Think I can’t imagine anybody else but Brad getting this I mean he that those were some ballsy moves uh getting trading away the Sixth Man of the Year the heart and soul of the team and A big man that seemed kind of indispensable and part of

A huge part of what made this team good the last couple of years to get porzingis who at that point was there was a little bit of a question there and to to just dive in and be like oh we’re gonna get Drew holiday you gave

Him up here we are boom that is such a slick move and I think there will be some residual like man look at how good Derek white is I can’t believe you got that guy we’re going to give you kind of like rro flowers for that because we’re

Going to go back uh and really give you credit for that so he should win coach of the year is always expectations versus performance so Missoula best best record uh the expectation of him was certainly not high and he’s probably exceeding some expectations so yeah that

Could be um uh a shot but you know Minnesota’s doing well okay is doing well New York’s doing well none of those teams are all of those teams are doing better than expected so you’ve got a bunch of candidates there that could win coach of the year so I don’t know

Missoula I think Missoula has an opportunity if he doesn’t win it this year and the Celtics win a championship they’re always kind of like a year behind on this so he might if they win a championship he might just win it next year um I think he’s going to win one at

Some point but I do and I do believe that he’s going to win one at some point Nick says hi from Melbourne Australia is it time for Tony Brothers to retire he’s so Trigger Happy on the tech um and mentions that guys get teed up without warning while Draymond can act however

He wants without consequence I I look we see the worst in officials and like they certainly are quick-tempered no official is going to be perfect no one is ever going to say if you know the name of a ref then you’re not going to have good things to say no matter who it

Is no matter what people will always find some fault with the official they’re always going to miss calls they’re GNA have bad days sometimes they’re short-tempered some people are just not great at handling that in general um and whatever there are criticisms to be made of every official

So I don’t really like to get into officiating as a thing um I think Tony Brothers has his moments for sure but also has his moments where he’s actually pretty good and you don’t notice those the moments that he’s pretty good because you just glance past those you only notice the refs when

They’re bad right honestly think to yourself when have you ever said to yourself that’s some good officiating right there maybe once or twice in your life how many times do you say that that’s bull and swear at a ref like 10 times a game right so it’s out of whack

You don’t notice it so you can say time for Tony Brothers to retire but on the flip side of that that just means younger in experience refs come into the game and for all of Tony Brothers faults The Experience kind of helps him through certain situations where if you

Think he’s got a quick trigger some of these younger refs really really have quick triggers it’s it’s tough officiating in the NBA it’s tough that is the game moves fast the bodies are huge the you are constantly blocked out they it’s impossible for this is why I

Want a fourth official you need another set of eyes to kind of be further back I want like a diamond configuration with the fourth official because that fourth official who’s backed can then on a break run back and be kind of in position to see things where I think

Some officials kind of like I I can make an educated guess on some of these transition files but if experienced officials retire younger officials come in and you’re going to have a period where yeah you can you can name off all of the officials that have

Been around forever you be like yeah he should go he should go he should go he should go like okay great four or five officials gone that now you’ve got four or five officials that came up who were officiating g-league games or WNBA games last year and the speed is different the

Game is different and you’re gonna see a whole lot of inexperience and bad calls so be careful what you wish for because you just might get it Nathaniel and we’re getting into some more fun questions here um Nathaniel says I like the old theme music better can can you sometimes do a retro

Podcast we do the the old theme music we’ve had five different theme songs at at one by this point uh Millie did two three three different versions B ever is on his second version so some people are always gonna like the one that that just that we just got rid of

Um I like to update things I like to and I I really do like to give you know B ever is a Celtics fan who is in the music industry I want to give him opportunity ities as well people listen to this show and maybe maybe he’ll pick

Up some fans from people listening to the theme song and look this is everything is subjective art is subjective some people like the new song Some people love the new song some people don’t that’s how it’s going to go just like some people like this podcast some people love this podcast and some

People freaking hate it some people think I suck and think that I am just full of it and that’s fine like that’s how it goes I’m not going to be universally liked or I’m not going to be universally disliked it’s you know unless you know some people are uh but

Those are extreme exceptions point is that art is subjective and to answer the question will I do old theme music no I think once we move on we move on um and we may we may have to move on again from this because as the network grows we

We’re kind of bound by other things that the network wants to do and I I honestly I can’t promise that this theme song is going to stick around for longer either so I’m running it for now until we get clearance and clarification on whether we can keep it um so that’s the best

Answer I can give you Nathaniel finally Harley I like this from Harley Quinn um who’s the next superhero on the team now that Batman is gone it’s Grant Williams people ask me if we want Grant Williams back I’m like no what I’m not one to bring guys back I

Like to just he’s gone he’s gone he very clearly he’s didn’t work well with Joe moula so he’s gone but anyway who will stop the Joker on the team well that’s going to be an issue we saw that and I think this question might have come in before the Denver

Game but who’s the next superhero on this team I’m not going superhero I want this team to be the Justice League we are not a team with one superhero we’re a team full of superheroes guys with different powers that can do different things that maybe some of these

Superheroes lose a battle with a certain villain but the other superhero comes in and wins that battle saves the other hero okay that’s I think the beauty of some of these superheroes they have certain skills that make them super but also they’re not invincible and so let’s

Look at the Celtics as the Justice League and they ‘s a Superman and a Flash and a you know a Green Lantern and a Batman you know I don’t know I don’t know who’s who and I’m not gonna go all JJ reick and say that Derek white is

Alfred uh because I thought that analogy kind of got away from him but the point is that this Celtics team we don’t want singular superhero we want a team where everybody is a hero in their role and we want a team where anybody on any given night can be the one that saves

The day that’s the goal so I you probably wanted a more fun answer but that’s my best answer because that’s that’s what’s best for the Celtics the Celtics are at their best when you’ve got seven superheroes you know available so yeah I don’t know I guess Tatum is Superman and Jaylen would be

Batman in this scenario and Derek could be like flash and maybe Drew as Green Lantern and I don’t know make porzingis Aquaman because he’s just so unique I don’t know I have no idea kind I this analogy has gotten away from me too so I

I can’t get on JJ reck for for losing it on live TV because I can’t get it either thanks for uh submitting your questions again the questions can all be submitted at John mailbag johnc mailbag to send your questions in it’s the best way to do it it’s the

Only way to do it because the only way I can get organized sorry I’m not I just don’t I can’t keep track of them all everywhere that’s the best way for me to do it subscribe be coming every day or join me every Monday through Friday bonus podcast when they play on the

Weekend so um like I did a podcast after the game against Phoenix because they played on a Saturday next week they have nothing on Friday Saturday so it’s a Monday through Friday podcast but then the week after that they play Sunday Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday so seven days of podcasts after that so

It’s just I’ll give you as many podcasts as you need so subscribe wherever you get your podcast and then share the podcast spread the word tell everybody they should be listening to and watching the lockon Celtics podcast right here in the lockdown podcast Network it’s your team every day

We open up the mailbag once again to answer questions about whether Joe Mazzulla sacrificed wins for lessons this past week, Jaylen Brown’s free throw shooting, playing through Brown down the stretch, and why criticism for Brown is the same as criticism for Jayson Tatum and vice versa. John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal gets into all of that, plus a TNT curse, postseason awards, getting certain refs to retire, and team superheroes.

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Locked On Celtics is a daily Boston Celtics podcast by Boston Sports Journal beat writer John Karalis. It’s an inside look at the C’s from a former professional basketball player who is at practices & games.

#BostonCeltics #Celtics #NBA #JaysonTatum #JaylenBrown


  1. I notice good officiating all the time. When they allow them to play and don’t call ticky tack fouls

  2. What lessons is a 35 year old coach teaching these players? You say this like he’s Pop or Spo, with championship experience, when in fact this is his first NBA head coaching job. And what do you mean in the playoffs they’re going to have to figure it out themselves? Other coaches call timeouts and draw up plays, this guy is more of a rah rah guy, clapping and saying to play harder. And it’s now a second season of Joe insisting they need to learn what to do without calling timeouts and they still haven’t figured it out. Suddenly in a few more weeks they’re going to? I’m not buying your reasoning here.

  3. Wait did we turn the calendar ahead too?🤔And I’d much rather have the wins. Acquiring home court is much more important to me than “lessons”. And honestly as much as I love this team, their act of letting the foot off the gas got old a while ago. Talk is cheap and this postseason I feel will be make or break for this group. If they can’t get it done, it being a title, & it’s because they lack mental toughness, I don’t know if they’ll keep the Beatles together. Thanks John ☘️🔒

  4. Totally agree on JB free throws being mental. I noticed this year he’s adopted the Donavan Mitchell deep breath approach to calm the body etc, which I actually think works against him. Seems like all he’s doing at the line is thinking vs just shooting – I think he needs to reduce that routine down to two dribble and shoot, and in his head literally count out 1 (dribble) 2 (dribble) 3 (shoot). It’s just a clean way to get him of his own head, just think about the count and fire away. Nothing more nothing less.

  5. I just read that all 5 starters are questionable for Monday's game against Portland! KP is out and the other 4 are questionable. Various injuries 😲

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