@Orlando Magic



Were able to take control after halftime what what did you kind of see in the third quarter that allowed them to to gain separation have to go back and look at it but I I think a lot of it was you know a couple turnovers here and there

Got them on The Fast Break runouts um you know shots being missed and then those are long shots weal long rebounds and so they were able to get out on the break did you make the physicality of tonight’s game that wasn’t the issue I

Think we I thought we did a good job of handling that the other side of it was more you know our ability to get back in transition after after the some of those shots went up kind of the second kind of on that on that note the second straight

Game where shots aren’t aren’t falling desense desense maybe a little bit of frustration with with some of the shots or maybe the shots that they’re they’re not getting or or missing around the rim leading to maybe some lapses on defense H how would you rate maybe this team’s

Maturity and and keeping focus on the defensive end well I think we did miss some around the rim and I think when you miss those around the rim you’ve got guys crashing and they were they threw about four over the top and that part of that is the

Leak out and so you got to make it make sure one finish uh two of you don’t they’re tapping it out and that’s the where those long run outs came into play but again we’ll have I want to go back and look at it see exactly where there’s

Areas for cleanup uh and what adjustments we need to make moving forward moving to the offensive side of the ball you guys obviously didn’t shoot the ball particularly well tonight what did you just make of the looks that you guys were getting and the volume of Threes that you guys were

Taking well I think there was there was a we talked about being able to make a quick decision um moving it quick guys found themselves with feet set threes in a lot of spaces uh so those are the type of looks you want to get um now mind you

Whether they drop or not you know they the looks that you’re wanting to get but again we’ll go back and look at it see exactly the type of shots we’re getting the looks we’re getting but again part of it is the defense when those shots don’t fall we’ve got to make the

Decision crashing the glass or sprinting back to make sure they’re they’re out with those leakout and run outs what went into the decision to start Caleb tonight last last game Jaylen didn’t play you went with AB tonight you went with Caleb and the starting lineup just curious about that choice I guess oh

Well a lot of that goes into who they have as their guard you know so Tyrese halberton his minutes the way in which he Subs in and out of the game we wanted to make sure we kept the body on him the whole time so when he Subs out right

Around that three-minute Mark being able to have Gary on him early helped and then when you sub back in you want to be able to make sure if he comes in early AB is able to sit down and guard that in that position as well so being able to

Match a little bit of those minutes but make sure that you know they can overlap with somebody that can also sit down and guard with length because AB does have that length that he provides I know that you know jayen Jaylen marel weren’t available tonight tonight uh and Palo

And frons are on the ball a lot but how how much does you know maybe missing a traditional point guard or someone who’s maybe more experienced kind of organizing team how much does does that affect the ability to kind of get into get into the offense and get quality

Shots well I think they did a good job of Mak sure calling plays and getting s side to side a little bit you know well again have to go back and look at it I don’t know if it was the pressure that was it was an issue at all I think our

Ability just continue you know make or Miss shots I think that’s a big portion and we got a great ton of great looks at The Rim um whether you know we were getting hit or not is is one thing but I think we got a bunch of great looks at

That Rim coach back to back losses for the first time since the end of January what what message do you give this team after two tough losses in playoff type environments the same thing that I would say had we won these games that we’ve got to continue to get back to the

Drawing board get back to figuring out exactly what we need to do to continue to put ourselves in position to be successful uh make sure we’re recovering the right way and then again it’s just hang our hat on the defensive end where can we continue continue to clean that

Up is there an expectation about Marquel and jaylen’s injury status obviously different injuries but do you guys have an idea of marquel’s uh injury no what what we’re going to do with see how they continue to respond to the treatment that they’re going through each and every single day anything

Else all right thank you thank you guys appreciate were able to turn the tide and gain separation in the third quarter what did you see as the difference after halftime um we uh we got in a way of ourselves that game I mean I think that we just um

We stopped kind of move we stopped not kind of we stopped moving that rock we started trying to get into a lot more isolation and there are times that that where that will work and there times where it won’t but I mean that’s two gamees straight where we shooting under

40% from the field it’s hard to win like that and I mean I’m not I think our defense is still sou we’re still holding teams well under their average but like it’s still it’s some pivotal possessions there and then we just we got to put

That ball in the basket at the end of the day that’s going to help us win some games too Paulo mentioned in New York that against the Knicks you guys didn’t react live in game well and I feel like tonight you guys you know obviously they came back and we

Went laid an egg we we laid an egg the second half I mean I thought we’ had a pretty solid first quarter even halfway through the second quarter but then we just we started getting stagnant it started turning to I mean I’m guilty of it myself like just herob ball just you

Know and I think it’s coming from a good place I don’t think anyone’s out there like yo like forget you like I’m going go get it’s it’s more of like a Yol I can make something happen I’m trying to help the team and so I don’t think it’s

A bad thing but you know we just got to we got to get that Flowback on the offensive side just move that rock and you know obviously missing Jaylen and his shooting ability is is obviously hurts a little bit but you know we getting we getting some good looks and

We just got to make shots how do you snap out of that like in game like how do you adjust quicker I guess it’s it’s you know adjusting in game is hard but something we’re going to have to learn how to do but um I don’t know I mean I

Think we just it’s something that we just got to recognize sooner and you know try to remedy that try to get that ball moving I think even I mean when we got down kind of in that fourth quarter we started playing a little more desperate but the ball started moving a

Little bit more and that’s we were able to find some success but you know we we we we we we’re we’re a good team we have good player we got good dudes and we gonna figure this out we gonna figure this out were were New York or New York

And Indiana these last two games what my fault no sorry were New York or Indiana in these last two games doing anything differently to kind of disrupt disrupt that flow or you know were they packing the pain a little bit more what were they doing maybe to to disrupt some I

Mean with New York they just punched Us in the mouth that was really what it was they just they came out I know in that New York game I think our they set tone off rip I think um our first three shots of the game I think they blocked them or

It might have been a little Ticky tack foul into a block but that said that set the tone in New York so that that was from right off right the off the off the tip Ball but you I mean in this game I mean we had hon we started off pretty

Strong and then you know we started getting um started getting comfortable and they play with a sense of urgency and we didn’t trying to form my question here good um just just looking back at these these last two games you know against teams that you might see in the playoff

In the playoffs did did you sense that they that these games felt a little felt different at all with with how close we are now to the postseason yeah I mean I think for us these last two games I mean especially that next game I mean I’m not

Taking no credit from Indiana they’re both those are both teams we will see in the playoffs and um I I just know New York and that physicality that was that I mean I never been in the playoffs yet but from just watching that that was the level of physicality of a playoff

Basketball game and in this game this was you know it’s a playoff game too it was a crazy atmosphere you know back and forth game and they ended up getting up and we weren’t able to get back in but you know it’s hard to you know once the

Team goes up 15 points you know a good team it’s hard to get back in that game so we just we got to do better a better job of just keeping it close or just and just not letting it get out of hand like that how coach talked about it before you

Came in talking about the transition defense how he wanted to see you guys do a better job of that Indian leag was good today that second half that was going to say what is your your thoughts tonight really on the defensive effort tonight man um we just um they uh we had

Some like live ball turnovers and then they have dudes leaking out and we just didn’t do a great job having that sense of urgency sprinting back I mean I’m guilty myself obviously and um yeah I know they had I know Obi toppen probably had about five or six

Layups where he just kind of just outran everyone and just got up the court and we just that that can’t happen and that’s a team that wants to that’s that’s their that’s their their play style and we just we let them they were comfortable and that’s when they were

Able to play their game well are you guys starting to feel the pressure of the playoffs coming closer and do you think that’s maybe affecting how these last couple of games have gone uh I mean I don’t know if we I’d say we’re particularly feeling just that pressure

I’d just say maybe I think it’s definitely some fatigue there when you get to this point in the season you know Allstar break had some time off but just got what is that how many games what was that 10 games we’ve played since after since the break and you know just um little

Fatigue uh a little bit of of of comfort you know we had some some uh some some wins and then you know you get comfortable and you know that’s the best part of this league is once you get comfortable you going to get knocked right off your feet and I think that’s

What’s happened us these last two games so we got to go pull we got to go uh pick it back up and put it back together El thank you all right y

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  1. Feels like the Magic need an off season after a season like this to really come out prepared to be a winning team
    So far no Magic fan can say they're disappointed with our team this year.

    They'll be in the playoffs for sure
    Go Magic

  2. Stop complaining after every single missed call and start making some drives to the basket. Would make a difference in my opinion.

  3. Win some, lose some. These teams that we were once hoping to be like (Knicks, Pacers) have identified us as a threat. Bounce back and keep playing Magic basketball. Good things will happen.

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