@Indiana Pacers



Hey guys what is up it is the fast break report here bringing you guys another Vlog uh almost forgot to make a video tonight I I’ve been wore out uh work today was not exactly stressful but it just I was I don’t know if it’s the weather like it was almost 70° here

Today in New York where I live which is uncommon for this time of year um and I don’t know if it was like allergies or whatever but I just felt like drowsy all day and then I realized like hey I got a I got to make a video and uh at the same

Time tomorrow I have to go to Newberg and I’m going to be there from 9:00 a.m. in the morning till probably 11:30 at night because I have my local Regional match for APA uh if any of you guys know what that is it’s a pretty big deal um

I’ll be playing against 84 people tomorrow to represent the Hudson Valley in uh and in Las Vegas at pool I play in a pool league so it needless to say like YouTube has kind of been taking a back seat this week uh but nevertheless The Show Must Go On

Because I do want to talk about the Pacers um because I I’ve watched the past couple games uh in our last five games we’ve lost I believe three of them and uh we’re running into consistency problems uh and that’s that’s not a good thing to have with 19 games left in the

Season uh we really got a buckle down we’re not going to have have Ben Maan for the next I think three or four games with which is not good uh you know Ben mathine when he plays when Ben mathine plays 30 plus minutes and scores 15 plus

Points we tend to win and when Andrew n hard starts uh we also tend to win as well like it usually goes pretty well um but there’s going to be a lot of guys on this team that are going to be asked to step up here in in the second half of

This this season or this last 19 game stretch um I know it sounds like a lot but it’s really not it’s really not a whole lot of games um you know when you think about it like we’ve only got a maybe a month left in the NBA season

Until we get into the playoffs and this is a bad time to be struggling I I’m just I’m just going to call it man like this is a bad time for us to be struggling and being inconsistent um you know Miami is looking like they’re turning a corner

Like the Miami Heat look like you know they could be an NBA Finals threat again uh you know granted the 76ers are playing worse but that’s because Joel embiid’s not there we’re we’re a team that like we we got to take full advantage of what we can get um you know

The loss to the Spurs was kind of disheartening to me because I was like this is a team we should beat like they’re what the second worst team in the NBA I mean if we go to basketball reference uh yeah yeah San Antonio is like the third worst team in the NBA

With a record of 13 and 50 and we still can’t beat them um um but we can come out and beat the Mavericks we can give the Timberwolves a run for their money and lose by one basket you know granted it was Anthony Edwards did have

A a pretty solid block at the end of that game but it’s just the idea we can’t have these things these next 19 games are very important because I’m just going to call it what it is man I don’t expect us to be a uh like a a an

NBA Finals Contender you know what I’m saying like it’s it’s possible I’m not going to rule it out because anything is possible in the playoffs last year we saw Miami who shouldn’t have even made it out of the play and go all the way to the NBA finals so really

Anything is possible and especially with this basketball team where it seems like we uh play to the skill levels of our opponent which it feels weird to say that because we uh we lose to bad teams but beat the good teams it just it doesn’t make sense to me uh but it’s

Just an idea it’s like we’re a team that’s very moody when it comes to who whoever the opponent is like we play to their level when really we should be making other teams play to our level if if you want my honest opinion uh but

There’s a lot of guys that are going to have to step up coming down the stretch here um and unfortunately one of those dudes is actually two of those dudes are going to be Ben Shepard and jarus Walker those are two guys that are really going

To have to step it up down the stretch same thing with Benedict mathan and Tyrese halberton Tyrese halberton is not going to be a stranger to criticism on this channel I just like even though he’s the best player on the team uh you know he had a he had a good night

Against the Timberwolves I think he had uh 19 and 11 or or 20 and 11 somewhere in that ballpark uh but when Tyrese halberton scores 20 points and dishes 12 11 or 12 assists we tend to win more often rather than him going out there

And trying to score 30 or 40 this team has way more success when he’s a distributor but this team needs to find its identity that’s that’s the problem like in these next you know 19 games or so this team needs to find like uh they need to hit their stride and they need

To do it now uh they they can’t wait to do it and the problem is there’s a lot of inconsistencies and like like for example with this team you know Tyrese halberton has unfortunately become a big question you know him and Miles both miles is a guy that you know is a like

What a career 37% three-point shooter and he just hasn’t been hitting the three very much at all this year um he’s shooting the three I think in the ballpark of like I think 33 or 34% uh don’t quote me on it but the problem is we’ve dropped to the eighth

Seed and this is not a team that should be in eighth seed um you know Miles Turner shooting 33% from three this year that’s abysmal compared to what he’s done in years prior uh but this is a team that really needs to get it together I I want to see more Ben

Shepard I want to see more jarus Walker I I would I know Ben is injured but you know Aaron n Smith just came back we’ve been dealing with injuries on and off all season but this is a team that like now if if you’re going to get serious

Now’s the Time uh you know the the rest of the schedule is not super easy you know what I’m saying like Miami has an easier schedule than we do for to to run out the year here but we we need to we need to figure some out you know

What I’m saying I really think one of the things we should really focus on is the Pascal cakam Tyres caliber and pick and roll I think that opens up the floor a lot for a lot of the other guys and I think it takes a lot of pressure off the

Other guys too Pascal sakam is a guy who can score in the paint uh and Tyrese halberton is a guy that can hurt you from anywhere beyond the three-point line if you give him space so I think if they can find a way to orchestrate that

And make it so you can maybe free up Aaron n Smith and Ben Shepard and Ben mathine going down the road if you can free those guys up and get them some open three-point shots maybe get them some better looks maybe even get miles some some three-point shots like the one

Thing that irritated me against the Timberwolves specifically is miles is a stretch big you right like we know he’s capable of that and I think he only took four three-pointers in that game and I’m thinking to myself right like if Carl Anthony towns is out for the rest of the

Season and you have Miles Turner and Pascal SE yakum let them play inside out let Pascal SE yakum do the damage down low and let Miles Turner stand on the three-point line you know I’ve been saying it for a very long time now that this team plays the

Best when it’s playing team basketball and the ball is moving right the only times we’ve really seen it this year where the the ball movement was just on another level was against Detroit right after the All-Star break the very next game a couple games against the Bucks

And I think one or two games against the Celtics that was like the only time we saw it but when we did when we were moving the ball when everybody was getting involved everybody’s getting touches we win games so you know that’s something I’m looking forward to seeing more of hopefully here

Down down the final stretch of the season um Isaiah Jackson has been very good Jaylen Smith has been very good you know like this is a team that I just hope takes advantage of these things and and like hopefully in the next 19 games here really figures it out because this is

Not a team that should be a playing team I I’m just going to call what is and I think you all agree with that right like this is a team that should be like in the four through six range in in the playoffs the idea that we’re the eighth

Seed and you know Chicago is now a 500 basketball team like we’re we’re at the point where it’s like dude like if we’re going to do this and and and make us like take the playoffs seriously we need to get our together now you know TJ McConnell has been a bright spot

All year um it it’s sad because like TJ McConnell is blowing Andrew nard out in bench minutes I I’m just going to call it what it is like I love I love me some Andrew nard but the fact of the matter is like TJ McConnell is playing so much

Better than Andrew nard this year that it just kind of like I I really I’m really starting to Fig trying to like how do you justify playing Andrew nard over TJ McConnell at this point like that’s that’s kind of where I’m at personally like I understand defensively

Andrew nard is better than TJ McConnell as far as like an on ball Defender he doesn’t get beat much TJ McConnell is is a feisty basketball player he gets in between the passing lanes and all this other stuff but I think Andrew nard is the better on ball Defender uh but when

It comes to the offensive side of the ball like it’s it’s a night and day difference like they they couldn’t be any more farther apart TJ McConnell is the the spark plug on this team he comes off the bench he provides energy he provides effort and it it like he

Energizes the bench unit um and I I’m just it just I’m worried because I feel like this team has a lot of really good pieces and they still haven’t figured out how to meld it all together here uh going into the final 19 games of the season so I don’t know

What’s going to happen uh but it’s just like I’m I’m I’m a little worried like I I can’t believe I’m saying I’m worried but I’m a little worried you know just a like a couple like a week ago I was saying like this team could be you know

As high as the two seed and now we’re worried about us not you know not being a playing team so I don’t know man like this is a team that I expect to get into the playoffs I I think we could upset somebody in the first round um if

We lost in the first round I really wouldn’t be that surprised but at the same time I I think we can all agree that this team is better than what they’ve been showing us um I I think we can all agree like our expectations are higher than what we’re getting and I

Also think that this whole team if they if they got a Milwaukee Bucks matchup in the first round we could we could legitimately beat them like they’re a team that we could legitimately beat uh but the thing is like there’s there’s a handful of teams that if we played against them I think

We could be but if we get a Boston Celtics first round matchup or even the Knicks like I I hate to say it but I mean I know the Knicks have a whole bunch of injuries going on right now which is working in our benefit but

We need to capitalize on that as well you know like if the Knicks are not playing good we need to take that into consideration and use that to our advantage to win games where they otherwise might lose games so we can move up in seeding um but I I just I

Don’t know how what like if that’s going to happen you know like our our team has been incredibly inconsistent all year it sucks because I I I tell everyone it’s like same old Pacers right like we can beat the best teams in the League run them off the floor

But we we can’t beat you know the San Antonio Spurs we can’t beat the Detroit Pistons you know it’s it’s embarrassing we can’t beat the Charlotte Hornets you know like it we lose games to to teams that we shouldn’t be losing games to and honestly we sometimes win

Games against teams we probably shouldn’t be winning games like against so I don’t know man the team is is uh kind of sporadic at the moment like we don’t know going in and out of games who who’s going to win what when like there’s certain games that we get into

Where I’m like we should win this game and we lose so I I don’t know man I’m I’m growing a little a little worried but do I think we’re going to make the playoffs yes I think we’re going to make the playoffs it’s not

Going to be as high as of a seed as I wanted us to be or expect us to be unfortunately I’m starting to think we’re in the ballpark of like maybe uh a 42 44 win team not 47 um and and like 47 wins would be nice but I’m looking at

This team and I’m like I don’t know if they’re actually going to get 47 wins you know it just I want to have faith but I’m starting to lose it I’m like dude like you know when like the Pelicans ran us off the floor you know like that that game was was

Atrocious I mean that that game was bad bad like the arguably the worst game we’ve played all season but these games that were losing to you know like San Antonio Charlotte and stuff like that we can’t be doing that like these these games I understand no win in the NBA is

A free win but these are the closest things to free wins you’re going to get if you’re the Indiana Pacers and you have to capitalize on it and we simply haven’t been so I don’t know man you know this year I don’t think is our year

I’m just going to call it I don’t think this year is our year to make a serious deep playoff run I think next year is going to be but with that being said I still have an expectation of this team to at least my expectation is to at

Least make the second round you know what I’m saying like I I if if we make the second round of the playoffs and we get knocked out cool I’m fine with it but I would I would at least like to see our team get there and I’m starting to

Draw concerns I I’m starting to say like okay like you know we play so inconsistently that I’m like are do we even have a shot at making the second round and I’m going to be honest if we don’t make the second round I think a

Lot of fans are going to be like a little peed off you know like I I I really think what needs to be emphasized this off season is prioritizing the idea of finding a coach that can teach defense because clearly Rick Carlile can’t clearly everyone else on

His staff can’t okay so we need to find a coach a good defensive coach that’s going to come into practice and teach Ben mathine to be the guy that we we we know he can be teach Tyrese halberton to be better on defense um Ben Shepard’s a

Guy that I actually think is really good on defense Ben Shepard’s a guy that I’m like fully looking forward to as to being a future piece of this team he’s a a great three and guy um you know ever since buddy heeld left I think he’s been

A a solid replacement but I’m just I’m looking at this man and I’m like it’s it’s kind of a mess and I my expectations are higher than what I’m getting right now and I think most of you would agree with that as well so anyway tell me what you guys think about

This down below in the comment section below I love to hear you guys opinions on this I like help me out subscribe if you guys want to see more on The Fast Break report and I’m out of this oh wish me luck tomorrow too because I have to win 15 matches and

I’m probably going to play like 26 or 25 of them tomorrow of pool uh if I win I get to go to Vegas all expenses paid so maybe I’ll Vlog it if I if that does happen that I do end up winning but uh I’ll be playing for for the top spot

Tomorrow essentially so it’s part of the reason I didn’t release this video tomorrow even though I wanted to but anyway peace out guys I’ll see you in the next one

So the Indiana Pacers have dropped 3 of their last 5 games and the consistency concerns have definitely started to rear their ugly heads. The Indiana Pacers have 19 games left in this NBA season and if they’re going to make a serious playoff push then it has to be now over this last 19 games.

#indianapacers #pacers #tyresehaliburton

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  1. Yes yes they do. Also I thought that they were gonna get past the first round now I don't think that they can get past the first round. Good luck bro.

  2. Issues is putting it lightly. The way things are going as of late has me quite concerned. If they barely scrape by into the play in, and get bounced in the first round I can’t see why Siakam would stick around.

  3. Carlisle tries to force defense on this team so hard, instead of rolling with what works best. Nehmbard can still play 25+ minutes a game or whatever, but for the love of God and the pacers future, mathurin needs to be allowed to start. Carlisle seems unwilling to give him much of a chance and seems to have lost all faith in him being meaningful to our future. Its really a shame, because I think Mathurin could help bring our scoring over the hump and win us some more games than this pitiful defensive-minded strategy currently is.
    Carlisle is a fool if he's trying to cultivate something that can be sustained. He's playing make-believe, thinking jamming Nehmbard and Nesmith in the starting line up, contributes to us winning anything. Sure, the defense helps, but teams always score 120+ on us and meanwhile we're not sure weither we want to continue to pretend to defend, or go back to kicking ass offensively.

  4. You nailed it at the end, WE NEED A DEFENSE WIZARD ASSISTANT COACH. It’s not a talent issue. Mathurin needs someone to help him unlock things. He can be the next Kawhi at both ends of the floor with the right teacher.

  5. Soft as butter. Myles is Mr Blue Bonnet.

    You think the front office would fire Carlisle? He's one of them. He's not going anywhere until Pritchard retires and Buchanan moves to President and Carlisle becomes GM. I dont see any of that next year.

  6. This time of year in March makes me sleepy as well. Trying to get adjusted to the seasonal changing of the weather. Agree about the Pacers. Inconsistency & injuries has hurt. Trading for McDermott is looking like a mistake. Rather had brought back TJ Warren over him.

  7. We traded for Siakam and are going to give him a max contract and they are a bubble playoff team.. Might aswell get the youngsters minutes and not worry about the playoffs or their seed this year. Walker and Mathurin are the keys to use being contenders in the next few years anyways

  8. You take Buddy out the lineup for siakam and the spacing gets worse. I know pascal has been shooting better but he doesn’t get guarded like Buddy.

  9. Nbas not going to let the pacers do.anything now. Since all star break is over we made them the money they wanted. They just wanted to drum up revenue. Now back to the script

  10. All you Pacer fans that wanted Buddy gone has the defense gotten better? One things for damn sure the spacing is worse.Buddy was not the Issue this coaching staff is an issue and Myles Turner is an issue.Your not going anywhere when your starting center is avg 7 rebs a game and his post defense is pathetic.

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