@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons could have Interest In Klay Thompson this summer?

Detroit Pistons could have Interest In Klay Thompson this summer?

So I know we were talking about back courts and we were talking about fit and I saw this last night and when I tell you I was like man like I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about this so this was actually an article from and they were talking about a free agent

Not named Tobias Harris talking about Klay Thompson okay yeah and as we know you know Klay Thompson four-time NBA champion has had seen his role kind of diminish this year because he’s been playing more Off the Bench for Steve Kurt and it’s done fairly well and in

This article I’m I’m gonna put this quote on the the screen we could react to it later so this is what the this NBA executive said he said if you’re Detroit wouldn’t you love that a level of maturity and experience Monty William wants it grown up so an NBA executive

Was talking about if the Warriors let Klay Thompson walk in free agency and I’m looking and I’m like you know Clay Thompson would be a really good fit on this team well obviously he’s not the defender he was you know five six years ago we know that

We understand that but my question to you is with the lack of I would say star power in this free agency class would you put an offer sheet in for Klay Thomson to make the Golden State Warrior sweat I guess the market is around 20 to 25 million per year

I the the first answer and this is the this is the complete bias NBA NBA fan of me would say no because I want clay Steph and Draymond to play together forever I understand it’s been ugly and I understand why clay clay would want to leave and it’s it’s

Tough situation but like you know I grew up on even though I hated them at first I began or I ended up revering the Spurs even though even though like that Championship still don’t sit right with me but I I grew a a respect for seeing a

Group of guys stay together for so long and that was that was just such a cool thing in basketball because we don’t see that in this era I’m all four star movement it’s cool it’s entertaining it gives us a lot of to talk about so I enjoy it but I I ultimately

Like it it’s a balance like if you have those teams like the Warriors like the Spurs and you have the player movement I think that’s best for the I think that’s best for the NBA so the fan of me would say the no but looking at from a Pistons

Perspective if I’m just trying to better this team I would go other avenues before Klay Thompson personally I wouldn’t I wouldn’t totally wi wipe that off the board uh because from what I’ve seen of clay like it’s been it’s been up and down and again the maturity but you got to

Factor in the the the stage of clay that you’re getting them not just in terms of production but in terms of mentality klay’s a professional I have no doubt that he’s going to go out there and he’s gonna he’s going to try to Ball but Clay’s been very frustrated with his

Role because he thinks he’s still the player that he was and the Aging star is a very hard thing to deal with in the NBA it’s the hardest thing so getting a guy like that I’m not too excited about I would explore other avenues because yes do we need the shooting absolutely

Do I think he would really help Kade and iy’s development when you know when he’s playing with them yes but if he’s going to come into this like hey I know kad’s that I know kade’s a good player but I can shoot all I want like if he

Comes in like boan right where it’s like okay relax a little you know what I mean like Boon was started bringing the ball up chck up Threes And if clay if Clay is that if that’s the version of clay we’re getting I’m not necessarily I’m not necessarily geeked

About that for the piss perspective so I would explore other avenues the free agent class like you said not great but I would explore the trade market to try to get some of these some of these guys that that that could be out there that are to me fit the Pistons fit

The Pistons better in in a lot of ways but I wouldn’t I wouldn’t to I wouldn’t totally close the door on it I think it’s interesting because when I look at this quote and I’m going to put it on the screen again just for people to see it it’s cool that you know

Executives believe that the magic and Detroit could be two teams to monitor but I’m looking at Monty William wants a grownup yeah and the reason why I I want people to focus on that is for the past four years during this rebuild we’ve seen so many

Pistons fans like hey let’s go take a flyer on a young guy I think that’s over I don’t think you’re gonna have any more of these project players no more of these Reclamation projects that were high lottery picks Monty Williams wants bets on this team um and I like Klay

Thompson I think he would be a good Mentor for this team but my only fear would be is if you were to pay him the asking price because if you look at the Golden State Warriors cap projections uh they’re in cap space H they’re going to have to move somebody

Whether that’s Chris Paul whether that’s Andrew Wiggins so they can resign clay um they’re not going to have the money to offer what probably Klay Thompson wants because currently klay’s like on a 3040 million contract right now yeah um and I I feel like a 20 to 25

Million new contract would actually be like team discount for the Warriors because they’re in such cap space hell but I would probably p uh pass on Klay Thompson yeah um because I can see fans saying like oh you’re going after a guy that’s a little bit older like kind of

Gives me like Charlie V Vibes where you know he can shoot but like he’s not the same player he used to be um and I I think Trella like said it perfectly about Monty it would give him another excuse not to play Ivy next to Kate Cunningham

Yes and I I 100% agree with that I really do like um if you were going to sign Clay Thompson he’s kind of that prototypical two guard uh that’s that movement shooter that we were talking about that we want IB to become Clay is already that um I I think for the

Pistons standpoint they would really have to break the bank for clay to even consider joining they’d probably have to pay upwards anywhere from like just my my opinion I think 26 to 30 easily yeah I was going to say like maybe even 28 like yeah like yeah like really high for

Them to use and that would be a majority of their cap space just to sign uh an an older two guard um that isn’t the defender he used to be um but I really want Pistons fans to really hyperfocus on that Monty William wants a grownup because I think

That’s the route that this team is going to go think they go like this free agency Chris I think it’s just going to be nothing but vets it’s going to be nothing but guys that are anywhere between like 27 to like maybe 34 I think those are the type of players that the

Pistons are going to Target whether that is in free agency whether you want to use your caps based in trades I think they’re done with the 20-year old project players yeah because they just haven’t panned out really I mean you can go to on the list of every Reclamation

Project the TR weer has tried to save here in Detroit they’ve all failed miserably yes I I I agree because Cade assar Ivy Duren Stu Sasser these are all guys Stu is the only one that exceeded his rookie contract and he would still in some sense I would be looked at as a

Prospect even though he completed his rookie contract he’s young enough like you have enough young pieces to develop now I get that you’re always kind of looking for that for that you know that diamond in the rough and that does a lot for a franch but you have enough

Prospects to develop at some point if you have too many prospects it’s very hard to develop them all and that’s what makes OKC so impressive that they’ve been able to just like take a whole team of prospects and make it and make it work but you see Miami Miami has

Prospects but then they mix it in with Jimmy with you know vets like they it’s very hard to get a team full prospects to work and after the season that the Pistons had this season like there’s just fans are not going to put up with

You know any type of any any type of you know there was people talking themselves into trading Z for Zack oen because they just wanted like seven more wins that’s where Pistons fans are at that’s where management feels the heat right now so yes I agree with you they’re they’re

Done with projects um they’re going to they’re going to yes use their cast Spas via trade or free agency and get a whole bunch of vets in this room and really just kind of end that era of of reclamation projects and really just focus on in-house you

Have enough prospects to develop and you have quite a quite a nice collection of prospects in my opinion to develop so now surround them with pieces figure out what you figure out what you got and mty wants grown-ups and I think I think I think Troy does too it’s just I don’t

Know if they want the same grown-ups that’s that’s where my question lies I think they both want grown-ups but I don’t know if they want the same ones yeah I mean it’s hard when you have four people at the table and you all can’t agree on the player that you uh want but

I I I do agree with you I I think that not only Monty but I think this band base this fan base is starving for a winner um the fact that like when they beat the Nets just The Vibes like I think Pistons fans they they just they want to win basketball

Games and I think they deserve it they’ve been through absolute this past four these past four years like I don’t even think they’ve won 82 games in the the past four years and that’s absolutely insane to me that’s just yeah like when Adam Silver came to Detroit I

Thought Troy was getting a boot personally but I guess it was just talk to talk to season ticket holders and he basically told um Pistons fans to be more patient which I was just like man get out of here with that mess [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Yeah

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Chris Platte of Woodward Sports the topic of discussion was the recent news of an NBA Executive speculating if the Golden State Warriors don’t offer what Klay Thompson wants a team like the Detroit Pistons could go after him this summer.

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  1. Really would like to see the Pistons go for PG3 and Daniel Theis if the Clippers don't make a deep playoff run. Klay would be great, but I don't believe he's leaving Golden State. Same with the Suns and Grayson Allen and Cameron Payne.

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