@Denver Nuggets

Stephen A. Smith CHECKS Shannon Sharpe for his belief in the Lakers 🍿 | First Take

Stephen A. Smith CHECKS Shannon Sharpe for his belief in the Lakers 🍿 | First Take

Anthony Davis how about storic night you feeling good Shannon versus the t-wolves Davis had a career night finishing 27 points 25 rebounds five assists three blocks seven steals how’s that for a line and a win against a western contender in Minnesota ad became the first player with 25 points 25 rebounds

Five assists five steals in a game since steals became official in the 70s here’s the man of the hour We’re confident in our group we still got guys missing um you know cam sending out with the ankle you know V C Wood uh GP you know we still got guys

Out but um know we’re confident in our group uh you know we we know that we can line up against anybody and and beat them uh if we play the right way uh and if we don’t then we can line up against anybody and lose but uh I think right

Now um playing against these uh top teams it’s going to help us later on um come playoff time um know it’s a good test for us uh to kind of tighten up screws and figure out what we need to do I like that earring ad putting in work

Okay Shannon the Hall of Famer you know better than anyone to be the best you gotta be the best hoer so tell me this try to be objective is this win devalued considering the t-wolves didn’t have Carl Anthony towns no cat on the court uh now is he gonna be back anytime

Soon no oh what about oh so are we going to devalue the win that they had against the bucks with no LeBron are we devaluing that Stephen A I keep telling you in a seven in a seven game series the only team that I’m fearful of in the

Western conference is the Denver Nuggets that’s the only team that strikes fear into me but when if you tell me Anthony David might not give me 25 but you tell me I’m going get that from ad oh nuggets going to have to see this is going to be a seven game series

Everybody else will get beat if ad plays like that last night cuz I already know what goat going to do you know what goat is in the playoffs there’s a reason he’s the alltime lead scorer Stephen A Smith there’s a reason we about to make this run we

About to make a move we put you on notice you know what it is Stephen A and guess what we did the thing what we did is that we banged on our drums because we didn’t want to sneak up on you we want you to hear us coming so what we

Did is we banged on our drums on Friday night against against the Bucks against jannis and d and DLo did what he did ad said my turn give you 20 give you 25 and 25 and then LeBron said hey did y’all forget that I’m the goat Big G big O big

A big t period period period did you forget Stephen A you must have forgot I I I didn’t forget I did forget I got amnesia I got amnesia I got amnesia you’re something else you’re something else but you’re traveling all over the damn country you’ve been to one game

This year you understand one game I mean I I mean you where the court side presents at where you you know you shaky on the Lakers that’s why you ain’t been at game that’s why I keep bringing it up because you know something nervous

Got we all got work we all got work come on now but still and all we find a way to get to them games more than you cuz you’re nervous because you know that there’s something to be nervous about by the way you bring up Denver I got to so

Sacramento ain’t nothing to be worried about Sacramento ain’t nothing to be worried about I’m talking about Sacramento against y’ not the Y what what Sacramento will take y’all you do understand that right they will take y’all I think New Orleans might take y’all personally I’m just going to talk

I’m just gon to say it I’m G to speak ex I don’t want that to happen because obviously we all know where I want to be come May and June I want to be in Southern California and apologize for that to anybody but I did you remember

When we did in New Orleans didn’t we beat New Orleans by 40 did in the play in in in n Season tournament yeah yeah I get that but let me say this to you let me say Let me throw this by hold hold wait a minute don’t don’t don’t distract

From my point that I’m trying to make don’t try to be slick here Shannon sharp here’s the deal man so Anthony Davis drops 40 against Washington the next game he goes up against joic is 17 when joic got 30 damn near 35 Point triple double right he sits up there he goes up

Against Sacramento sabonis has a field day he only drops 14 that game but without call Anthony towns here he is with the 27 and 25 we know that Anthony Davis is an Allstar we know he’s an all World Talent I’m not trying to disrespect him I’m highlighting it

Because I’m saying to you you can’t come to me and tell me you sure about anything unless that brother’s going to be consistent now I give this he helped you win a bet cuz I owe your dinner because I thought that he was going to miss 17 games my Valentine’s Day so I

Lost I got to stand down and give you you props where it’s due on that in that regard Anthony Davis looked out for you was he going to look out for you against joic is he going to look out for you against sabonis is he gonna look out for

You against these other brothers I’m not so sure about that Shannon so you could talk all you want to and I don’t mind I listen I’m not rooting against them I’m just saying I know what I’ve seen and they are up and down you can’t depend on

Them as consistently as you would like to that is a fact well what you seen well well I I saw your eye doctor the other day and told me you had a stigmatism so your eyesight ain’t what it needs to be but anyway whatever whatever go ahead what happened to the

Clippers I remember you was trumping the hold up I remember you was Trump in the uh the Clippers calls yes but after we done beat the brakes off them three to one and track them down from 15 you don’t mention the Clippers no more now you keep throwing look I’ve I’ve been

Abundantly clear I’ve been on record the team that scares me is Denver they scare me because they got a guy they got two guys that in clutch situations can take the game over that’s Jamal Murray that’s yoke and then they got a guy they can kick to in and Michael Porter Jr that

Can drain threes but everybody else in the Western Conference I fear nothing I’ve been in his ear I’ve been offering him some kind words of encouragement we track it we going to get that six seed that’s coming we let one slip with the uh the Kings we had the Kings down by 19

Ended up being by down by damn 15 at the have but that won’t happen again so in other words we got Golden State on Saturday I’ll be at that game oh really oh real oh the game that Steph Curry won’t be playing in I mean why I mean you really stepping out

Of you sure about that I’m not sure about that that’s number one number two when you speak when you speak speak you call ad on the road why you on the road because you’re damn straight in LA right so you calling him on the road you

Getting him on the phone is he answering those calls we’ll see what games he answers you would lose to Denver you would lose to Sacramento I personally think you would look you would lose to New Orleans myself but oh you brought up the Clippers let me tell

You something about the Clippers stop it I I I listen I’m worried obviously because of Kawai and Paul George can never stay healthy if Kawai and Paul George even zubac is on the court y’all ain’t beating the Clippers you ain’t beating the Clippers I’m just telling you that all we got to

Do all all the scheduling guards got all all they got to do is play a 12:00 game on the west coast and the Clippers Coast if they play a 12:00 game on the west coast the Clippers toast but but playoff time ain’t going to be no 12:00 games

Man not with the Clippers and the Lakers you ain’t look at you hope it hope it it’s not going to happen praying on their downfall all right I’ll leave you with this the Lakers are six games over 500 for the first time since years 20 2021 don’t steal my stat He

On First Take, Stephen A. Smith and Shannon Sharpe join Molly Qerim to talk through the Lakers’ win over the Timberwolves.
0:00 Historic night for Anthony Davis
1:40 The only team in the West that Shannon’s worried about
4:00 Stephen A.’s got a point to make

#ESPN #FirstTake

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  1. It’s so disheartening to see professional basketball players, making millions of dollars catch a ball in the post and go straight up for a dunk and get the shot blocked by someone who’s 6 feet. Do they know anything about ball fake? Have they ever watched Kobe Bryant play?

  2. What nobody pays attention to is, the lakers has played 2 or 3 games more than every team in the West! Now let’s thank the nba for throwing that on a 39 yr old superstar! Oh yeah it’s some back to back losses coming for somebody to catch those games up! We have a 3 day rest, maybe Lebron want try to go play 18 minutes in the 3 on 3 league! Sit your old but down and rest!!

  3. Lakers won because GOBERT wasn’t there not KAT. No way Davis is getting all those offensive boards and putbacks with Gobert there. And he’s coming back unlike KAT

  4. LAker's 🟣🟡 Fan Here – DEN & SAC were built to beat The LAL & GSW!!! We would have a huge problem against both Teams in a 7 Game Series bcuz AD struggles with Joker & Sabonis and We have no answer for Murray & Fox.

    We (Showtime & LAke Show) whooped DEN & SAC for Decades and They are now getting They Get Bac!!!

  5. Shannon shenanigans works better with Skip!

    It is way more entertaining! They are a better tandem! Too bad Skip couldn’t handle Shannon’s success!

    I miss those 2 together!

  6. Lmao the wolves didn’t have kat or rudy gobert and played a game the night before 😂😂😂and lakers he full squad and barley beat the wolves


  8. If this was the nuggest or the mavericks this win would be devalued heavily. But since its the Lakers we need to really drive home the fact it doesnt matter if one of the other teams best players is out. Oh and Lebroom got swept last year in the conference finals W 0-4 L

  9. Shannon is hilarious. The Lakers problem is the same as the Warriors. No true center that can hold their own vs the centers in the Western conference. Davis is a PF having to play center. Get him a center, same for the Warriors. That is the hole in the team. Don't blame AD.

  10. Stephen A. didn’t provide an ounce of actual analysis. The only teams that have a chance of beating the Lakers in a 7 game series is the Nuggets, Suns, and Clippers because they are the only teams with enough experience to matchup with Brons ability to find and exploit a teams deficiencies

  11. If the warriors won these games the lakers did, Stephen A would be shouting "i tOLd yOu thE wArRiORs aRe a tHreAT"

  12. There’s a reason he’s the all time leading scorer STEPHEN A. SMIFF!!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂📣📣📣📣

  13. Stephen A is on crack saying that the pelicans and clippers would beat the lakers in a 7 game series. Even the Kings is a stretch. The only real threat is the nuggets.

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