@Washington Wizards

Miami Heat vs Washington Wizards Postgame Show | The Basement Sports Network

Miami Heat vs Washington Wizards Postgame Show | The Basement Sports Network

[Applause] one go rebound Bosch back out to Allan his three-pointer with 5 Seconds oh yeah we packing somebody up tonight hey come on in take your shoes off before we close the door few rules heat packing the air we about to blow this the basement ain’t nobody safe you already know grab a seat and kick your feet before you get too comfortable you

Want the exes and the the TR yes and know friends in the F the but in the hero you can feel it in your soul the ring is the go but if somebody need to go we be sure to let you know going hard for my dogs is an everyday

Thing like Jimmy down the lane of 13 off the screen whole Squad keep it tued like number 17 bring your takes and your memes going hard for the team going down in the Bas it’s going down in the Bas get your takes off get your get your takes off H going down in the basement y welcome to the [ __ ] post game show I’m your host Royal Ace Shepard and I’m joined today my chairman of the K gang Ricky J Mark Ricky how are you

Doing today doesn’t matter it doesn’t it really doesn’t because the Miami Heat are pissing me the [ __ ] off Ricky three games in a row that you Dro now look two of the games bam plays like absolute dog [ __ ] this game he plays like I I don’t maybe he was human [ __ ] tonight he

Wasn’t great tonight either though like you got a great first quarter from B the rest of the game it felt like he coasted but bro again bro the Miami Heat are in a goddamn dog fight with one of the two worst teams in basketball Ricky and then

You come out on the end of this with an L in a game that was easily oh it was easily winable bro like the [ __ ] felt like a troll from beginning to end I I just I don’t know what the [ __ ] I was watching with this

Team bro because when it came to like everybody dog like Jimmy he gave a damn tonight but uh brother 9 for 20 0 for four from three five for six from the free throw line like it he had one stretch in the third where he looked like he was actually

Doing something worth a [ __ ] and then the rest of the game it just felt like him doing [ __ ] do like I don’t know dunan Robinson brother I have came to your Aid plenty of times this season tonight is not one of those days you the D that

You are [ __ ] trash bro [ __ ] trash and people have been saying it like when is the inevitable Duncan stinker coming there it is right there tonight five of 16 four of 13 from three goddamn three of the worst looking [ __ ] shots with the game on the line that I’ve seen some of

Them good looks but just no [ __ ] hope of them [ __ ] going in Ricky give me your thoughts on I don’t give a [ __ ] if you talk about this game you can talk about this trend of losing you can talk about where this TEAM stands against some of the other competition in the

East just whatever bro just go ahead you know in 1859 before while during a time in which black people in America were still considered did you just say 1859 can I can I get to my point I I promise it’ll make sense I promise go

Ahead go ahead so in 1859 uh during a time in American history when uh people of African descent were still considered to be property uh an individual by the name of Charles Dickens uh uh wrote a wrote a book titled A Tale of Two Cities this was set

In the French Revolution uh during the time of the French Revolution and um it has nothing to do with the Miami Heat however the title of the book is something I’m going to borrow right now I think this game was a tale of two halves I got there I got there yeah all

Right you’re welcome you love it it’s it’s wild because like in the first half Miami outscored uh if my math is correct Miami outscored the W the lowly Washington Wizards and then how do we start the second half by spotting them 33 points basically um we they scored 10 more points in the

Third quarter than they did in the second and then went on to scor 29 in the final stanza if you will and that was the ball game among other reasons right I mean I know you mentioned bam atab bio uh what was it he was some sort

Of human stool I think that’s what you you were referring human [ __ ] um he was dog [ __ ] the last two games he upgraded to human [ __ ] this game but still [ __ ] nonetheless bro you know I I don’t know if he was that bad he had 16 rebounds

Which granted there were no centers oh what’s you sou bro right right there were no centers with the you know playing with playing for the Wizards so I guess it was kind of expected but you know what I I mean I’m not here to make

An excuse for the Miami Heat this was a game they absolutely should have won you’re talking about an an 11 and 53 uh Washington Wizards team with two guys leading their team that are quite frankly known more for the memes they create inadvertently than their actual talent competency and you know skill and

All that other stuff it’s a rough it’s a rough stretch for Miami I think think the only thing they can probably take solace from is that it’s kind of weird in the Eastern Conference right now for a lot of people um but quite frankly I I yeah it’s not it’s

Not you know it’s not doing what it’s supposed to do but like even even though you can take Sil that other teams in the Easter like filing right now you got Philly playing the Knicks like if Philly wins that game Miami is right back into the playin scenario

Again well yeah they’re a playing team but bro godamn though bro like this you were on you had created an Avenue for yourself to get a shot at a home court like series or something like that and you had lost two straight to a a Denver a Dallas team that was kind of

Like flailing a little bit wasn’t playing well defensively and then OKC who’s a good team you know what I mean but you lost that game too this was your Get Right game because the next game you going right up against Denver and probably going to get your [ __ ] teeth

Kicked in again and fall further and further down like my like no like I think yeah you know I think it’s a symptom though I mean because if we remember those two games Miami look I look I I know people are going to be like oh yeah we’re supposed to win every

Game all this other stuff but the truth is look hey remember that remember that Dallas game we never win in Dallas though like I mean I can I mean there’s a championship is Vaguely Familiar but never mind and then there and then there are six subsequent years right after

That Championship where we didn’t win a regular season game against Dallas right after that oh oh man that that is true that is true but here’s the thing though if we remember those don’t let me go into that bag either bro I don’t like to show people that I be knowing what you

Be talking about sometime oh well okay no but like here’s the thing though if we look back at the Dallas and OKC games those were games where Miami for all intents and purposes had those guys beat but but they’re um this game too yeah water meets its level unfortunately and unfortunately when

Water meets its level more than one time in like a two to a one to two week period sometimes those bad habits or cold stretches stretch into games where they have no business uh go ahead Royal no no no no no you talk because I’m not

Gonna be paying attention to you for a while got my day just got a little bit better bro you want to come back in five minutes like do you it take more all right so let me go ahead and just go ahead no you cook cook that I

Don’t feel safe at all that I don’t this is this is a a a Christian Network that is the fire in my loins right there brother man oh hey there it is there it is I don’t remember what I was talking about I we were talking about the Miami

And how they kind of just uh the heater twitching the heat are twitching yes check the gamer speaking of we are now broadcasting live from four platforms just want to let everybody know we’re broadcasting live from YouTube twitch uh X the artist formerly known as Twitter

And Instagram uh so yeah guys make sure that you’re following us on all those platforms we appreciate everybody who’s watching us on those platforms appreciate your support appreciate everybody who’s watching us here on YouTube make sure you leave us a like And subscribe to the basement Sports Network because we trying to algorithms

Ass uh but yeah Ricky we were talking about kind of like how Miami was positioning themselves for a potential shot at a home like Court playoff series and now it feels like they’re just on the road to 28 brother we on the road to 3,000 brother we need

That thank you guys in the comments as always fun would thank you uh Ricky that’s it we play sorry sorry we we’re not gonna do that y’all we not go do that the’ Les Ricky J Mark go Ricky talk about basketball please um help okay um well you know

Before I continue I think we need to be very clear about something when you aband like when you squander Victory or when you squander games like we have in the last week last few weeks especially after a pretty solid stretch that we saw them play you don’t give yourself the

Kind of insurance that you need heading into the playoffs where your players can theoretically rest oh all right I don’t know the show’s going off the rail I don’t need to know about Ricky you gotta power Ricky you gotta just keep going bro I don’t feel I don’t I’m trying to be

Professional you know what I’m saying like I’m trying to be professional I’m trying to be to that point because I think you’re gonna like this kind of pivot that we’re going to go on right now I know bro I missed it because I was distracted but um I caught it like

Afterwards I get back around to another but either way uh to that point though about them trying to rest uh players kind of like for SL out of stretch at this point bro like love bro like I’m starting to feel like it don’t matter what bro got going on he may need to

Come back and I know a lot of people are going to Pivot to the you know we would have won this game with Tyler hero thing I’m not going to argue with you today because dun was [ __ ] horrible like I’m not even going like I I wouldn’t

Even mind that narrative but I think with Kevin Love the the the formula that they’ve been using to kind of preserve Kevin Love or be they use nicoa yovic as an Innings eater and I think Buddy is responding like very well he is because they tried Orlando Robinson

Tonight for three minutes and couldn’t do it bro like just to kind of spare bam a couple of minutes bro yic is finding himself in a position where I feel like he’s going to have to be in the rotation long term and that’s including the playoffs are you great getting those

Vibes yeah I know I know you’re that’s wonderful I mean I I love it when my son succeeds so I I can’t complain uh about something like that it’s just as long as he’s not played out of position and he’s not made to do things that are outside

Of his be it physique or his ability then you know I mean like it’s it’s tough It’s just like you force a guy like that to play okay go ahead go ahead Roy I’m not I’m not I’m not going to do it right now like but yes I

Know appreciate you juv n bro go ahead bro I I want you to keep talking there’s a lot going on tonight there’s a lot going on it is bro it is it is it’s yeah uh look yeah no it’s rough but the thing is when you’re dealing with a mediocre

Team and I know oh wow they lost you’re piling but it’s that’s just the reality they’re a mediocre team there’s a reason why why they’re not a lock for homec court advantage and why they’re not a lock for not make or for avoiding the play in I mean these things happen

Unfortunately it’s not it’s not a good thing I mean you’re talking about a team that’s seven and 27 on the road that just came in and beat y’all that’s not cool you can’t do that and look I mean all right Tyler hero right Duncan Robinson and Tyler hero as

We’ve discussed a million times both on here and on the Stream and on playback by the way for playback and follow us on basement Sports onplay to join the conversation in more ways than one um it’s it’s it’s hard to it’s hard to really you know play the Tyler versus

Duncan game because they the two of them play different games like Tyler herro you think Tyler herro taking 35 shots to score 25 points is gonna that was going to keep Miami from losing this game tonight I mean look at that final possession he had a three-point shooter

Miss a three and he had Jimmy get the rebound backs out to the three-point line when you only needed two points shoots a three was Tyler gonna be like that that’s a Tyler hero possession so why are we sitting here acting like because he’s not here he’s somehow

Better I don’t I don’t understand that it’s weird like why why are we are supposed to be smarter than that as a fan base we know what Tyler hero is and if you don’t then well you’re exactly what the rest of the NBA thinks about you as a fan of the Miami

Heat oops I think I think the reaper brought up a good point though like yes bam is supposed to be our defensive stopper nobody did much of [ __ ] to stop Kyle kma tonight like bam included so yeah point that but the free throw shooting bro the free throw shooting was

Like it was big for us bro bam went two of six from the free throw line and it’s just kind of like I don’t know it’s been a trend for weeks bro but it’s starting to lose Us games when buddy is out there just kind of like not

Nailing his free throw so like that’s I don’t know bro like I don’t really want to pile on bam but dog these past couple of games these past few weeks or whatever like he has not played up to standard and I’m sorry guys like a lot

Of these people who I tend to argue with they are absolutely correct if bam Alex Campbell being one of he said uh the top two just aren’t good enough end the if B and Jimmy aren’t going to play up to the caliber of the two best players

On this roster then we’re not going to go anywhere bro that’s just we’re not going anywhere and that’s just the reality I will tell you well let’s let’s let’s get on a positive tip right quick uh cause Terry roier I thought he was really good tonight like I think what Terry was

Doing tonight kind of gave us it gave everybody kind of like the pie in the sky version of like what is ideal for 16 points uh four four assists seven rebounds like just you know like being able to get into the lane talk about what what you’ve seen from Terry because

He’s been playing better as of late you know I think we need to give I think we need to give Terry Rosier a great deal of Grace and Applause for the way he’s been able to play in the last few weeks because here’s the thing before he was

Traded to Miami they the where was he he was uh Charlotte they were in the midst of a a pretty rough stretch schedule-wise where they were playing like back back to backs they didn’t have necessarily that much rest then next thing you know he gets traded to Miami

And the schedule’s rough right then and there so there I think was Miami on the road around that time like it was a while before we really I think well no they the the Heat played the Celtics at home but there wasn’t that much time to

Acclimate and then he goes down with a knee injury which thankfully wasn’t significantly more catastrophic than it turned out to be like he he works his way back from that injury from the exhaustion and he starts putting together a couple of solid games here and there I believe he uh was a key

Player he was a key reason why the heat were able to uh get away from Portland of all teams see there’s another team that Miami had to scratch and Claw just to just to beat and that was what a week and a half ago or something like that

Bro it’s been it’s been tough bro like um no but like I’m glad I’m glad that he starting to round and deform and he’s um developing a rhythm for this team but I think I mentioned this at the at the outset not long after the trade and

After a couple of games he’s gonna need a training camp uh whatever you get out of Terry rosier um this season this potential playoff wrong if wrong playoff wrong playoff run if it gets that far embrace it you know knee injuries are tough I had to deal with them myself

When I used to play ball I mean I’m dealing with an ankle injury right now it you know these things take time and given the given what Miami is going to have to do just to get into a decent enough playoff spot I remember some time

Ago uh one of our guys Harry U gentleman known for his hot takes uh he mentioned that um the heat were the heat I believe had the third easiest record um heading into the remainder of the Season well they struggled uh to beat uh Portland they lost to Dallas they lost to Denver

They lost to OKC and they lost to the Wizards we’re in we’re near we’re about we’re near we’re we’re almost at the Ides of March like we’re we’re right there that’s what maybe uh 25% 30% of the schedule already that is gone that Miami is squandered it just makes it

Harder so I think you mentioned this yourself Roy it being the easy it being one of the easiest uh remaining schedules in the league doesn’t mean anything when you’re talking about a team that if you go back to 2017 lost to the Knicks twice um easy

For who Richard J mark it it can’t be easy for us if we’re losing to one of the two worst teams in the [ __ ] league right it’s not easy that’s the point like that’s my point so back in 2017 when they lost to the Knicks twice and then ended up missing the playoffs

After the 30 and 11 run after Deon waiters hurt his ankle it is not easy like it’s they had it in the bag like they controlled their own destiny if Miami plays like a 51 team like they had been for a certain stretch of this calendar year yeah theoretically they

Got a shot at it because Joel embiid’s not coming back anytime soon and maybe the Bucks are rounding into form for the time being it’s like yeah you know what are we what are we dealing with you know it’s this is Miami we’re talking about they don’t like anything easy they like it

Hard relax yourself at dinardo pulling up one for one time for the one time I didn’t know whether or not you wanted to be on stage but I saw you pop in the back so I pulled your ass up here anyway how you doing today doesn’t

Matter you know I don’t care uh talk about why the Heat suck ass for losing to the Washington Wizards tonight bro he yo if I wanted to shoot all threes I could and I think I shoot a really good percentage I just like running into people and seeing who falls down first

This was a quote from Jimmy Butler just a week ago and to that I say really Jimmy Butler because first let’s break it down first you talk about you could probably shoot a high percentage of Threes right well that’s a really cute thing to say the one Su uh the One

Season that should actually shoot him pretty well but let’s not forget the four previous years with the Miami Heat you were barely cracking 30% if that right and then also let’s get into that second part he says I just love running into people and seeing who falls down

First well that seems to be the case until it’s the goddamn fourth quarter and then you want to stay your ass at the three-point line like you like you think you Steph Curry and start chucking threes so you only like running into people and being this tough guy when

It’s the first three quarters but then it gets to the fourth quarter and you want to stay your ass out there and start chucking it’s the same thing we saw earlier in this year that’s why this heat team’s clutch offense is terrible because his shot selection is awful just

A stupid quote and then don’t get me started on Eric Reed every game he says oh I got a scoreboard watch it’s March no you goddamn don’t worry about your own team you think I give a [ __ ] that the magic lost you losing to the Wizards

At home and every night is with Eric Reed say oh let’s see what the Pacers are doing let’s see what the Knicks are doing I don’t give a [ __ ] you got your own shitty team to worry about what the [ __ ] does it matter that the magic lost you’ve lost three straight games

Yourself worry about your own damn team that [ __ ] is frustrating to me yeah I think I think you got a scoreboard watch to avoid the pain of watching this [ __ ] Team bro like that like for but for real though bro like it is it’s insane it’s insane the way that this

Miami team is built in the way that they go about playing basketball bro like they play basketball like a 500 team sometimes and then they [ __ ] around and play basketball like they’re actually goingon to repeat that magical feat from last year like would anybody be surprised they came out here and beat

Denver I [ __ ] would just being per godest but like I know a lot of people would huh they’re not going to come on now no this is going to be four straight losses for Miami and a guarante like they’re positioning themselves right now to be a play in Team Four you know who

Their two games are after Denver I know they got Detroit like twice in a row exactly six straight losses for your well they’re about to get one they’re about to split that Denver game but like yeah like for real back toback games against Denver we’re losing one of

Them you you can bet money on that we are losing one of the games to Denver and it’s not like I want him to lose I would like for denit Detroit you keep saying Denver Detroit Detroit I’m sorry but yeah the pist did you just correct the black

Man yes I did yeah February’s over hold whoa whoa whoa listen let me tell you something man I watch your videos I like your stuff okay all right I like the way you dribble up and down the court let me tell you something it’s black history month every day on this network all

Right you are a minority sir amen yeah yeah yeah yeah no no you did you see them bro the most disrespectful member of the on this get come on now get your bongo drums out too um we watch they say they say you watch his videos hey

Yo no watch his videos of course but no like I I look I think there is a real issue with um I think there’s a real issue with Miami coming to because another thing that’s [ __ ] me up is Patty Mills bro like Patty Patty Mills is the guard Off

The Bench now is Patty Mills has Patty Mills secured a spot in the rotation over Delon right he’s played more guys I’m Gad relax go ahead go ahead Patty Patty Mills Patty Mills has started playing more as the backup guard off the [ __ ] more so than dine right bro is that a permanent

Thing like is Patty M backup guard I don’t think either one of them’s in the rotation when when 14 is back but do I think Mill sat uh certified himself as the number 12 to delon’s 13 sure I think it’s gonna be a I think

It’s going to be a depending on the day type thing because remember these are Bargain Bin Acquisitions and there’s a good chance the one guy the the one of the three guys you signed or something like that probably isn’t going to be your main person you know because

There’s a reason they’re where they are because they’re probably good at one thing Delon Wright pretty solid Defender from what I remember Patty Mills or Patty Mills because we got Patty’s day coming up um yeah uh 2% arge by the way H at your boy um

He’s a shooter so I remember there there were some plays tonight when when he was pulling up I’m like Gabe vinsent is that you you’re back and then you know whatever sh J sh say it’s disrespectful as [ __ ] to uh sign that man knowing that you’re not gonna play him I don’t think

The intent I don’t think the intent was not to play uh dlon Wright like or or tode him not to play him I don’t think that they were signing Patty Mills until they realized that they were a guard down for the rest of the season like

When Jay Rich was out for the rest of the season then they needed another guard because you’re not you don’t want to use Del W as your one Reserve guard like so they would and got some veteran experience which is cool like I understand but do like it feels like

It’s I don’t know how to explain like it’s it’s like it’s like SPO feels like he’s throwing [ __ ] at the wall and hoping [ __ ] sticks like with just you know the the one little rotation of Delon Wright or Patty Mills in here as the backup guard like does it feel like

SPO has r a a like a hold on what he’s supposed to be doing Ricky yeah it’s just you know you’re dealing with a team that is pretty flawed and some of the guys that were signed in the offseason Jay Rich being one of them kind of underperformed I

Mean sure we had certain expectations of him but he wasn’t exactly the most reliable player night in and night out and then he goes and hurts his shoulder and you know and then on top of that uh I think your third highest paid player on the team has his yearly injury and

He’s now out for an indefinite period of time and it’s like well okay I’m trying to do the best with what we have and when you consider that the way this team in this culture is constructed constructed it’s built around guys that just play hard and a lot of the guys

That play hard are usually playing hard because they’re not as skilled or talented as say other NBA players because everybody in the league has has skill everybody in the league is talented you know if you put them out on a uh on a street corner right now well

Maybe not a street corner because that that’d be weird but if you put them on a basketball court somewhere they’re going to look like a god next to the average Hooper but n it’s just suppose makeing do it what he has I mean he’s been doing

The best he could ever since LeBron left and you know I ain’t got no problems with SPO I really don’t it is what it is why Jo y played 23 Minutes tonight but but usually let’s be for the same reason that he played Myers Leonard you know

You just kind of like throw him out there with the first five kind of see how teams are playing you and then you rotate to your actual uh like well you go to your actual rotation for the rest of the half but tonight he didn’t do

That with yic like he threw him out there with the first five he got a second stin in the first half which he usually doesn’t get uh but that’s because he was playing well he was aggressive he went to the basket um but yeah like at you feel like spoke kind of

Like has a handle on where he’s going with this rotation or does it feel like he’s still experimenting this late in the season when has SPO ever had like a handon rotation before the playoffs it feels like every season he’s just tinkering with lineups as we I feel like during

The big three era I think I feel with this core with this core now I will say though I think the last few seasons that has been mostly because of injury and you could argue that’s similar this season too because we expect Tyler herro to come back soon and

If you ask me at this point do I think he starts right away I’ll tell you what two weeks ago I would have said yeah but right now I don’t know now they’ve lost three straights so you would think it would help in that direction for SPO to want

To shake it up a little bit but at the same time Duncan Robinson’s been good not tonight tonight you know hit some big shots but he was ass but just in general he’s had a very nice couple weeks you know he’s not dropping points T night did I miss something I’m sorry I’m

Sorry no no uh shenon got hurt and the towel guy just chucked it at him like he was walking off and he was a wheelchair I’m sorry please I apologize go ahead cook keep cooking I’m sorry uh yeah I feel like Duncan’s been playing very well as far as I like what

He’s bringing to the table because not only is he shooting very well from three and finishing inside but the passing has been awesome the screening has been awesome and I think spoler sees that and I think because originally we thought hero might miss a couple games but now

That Hero has missed a few weeks I think that’s more of an excuse for spa to kind of say hey let’s work in Tyler slowly Off the Bench and what’s going to happen is he’s going to say that he’s going to phrase it that way Tyler’s Gonna Come

Off the Bench start it’s not benching Tyler I’m sorry K’s getting on my [ __ ] nerves but like it’s not benching Tyler bro it’s having him come off the bench like there’s a difference benching is what we did to Duncan Robinson when he went to the bench never played again Tyler hero going playing

Off the Bench is different and benching him bro like it’s not the same thing Tyler hero starting is not the answer could we have used Tyler herro as a scorer cool like it’s not gonna happen how how could you how can you justify it bro we have 18 games left in the season

He has not play with this unit you’re going to try and work him into it’s not the same thing bro he said but you’re gonna try and work Tyler hero into a goddamn lineup right now so that he can try and regain his rhythm as well as the

Other players around him trying to find the Rhythm with him that doesn’t make any sense if you’re heading into a playoff game bro that’s the reason why people would consider starting D tyo or Duncan Robinson like it I do it’s it’s starting bro you you looking crazy bro

It’s not about whether or not SPO is going to do it bro it won’t make sense for him not to like it won’t make sense to put start Tyler back in the starting lineup because every game that we go by is Tyler coming back next game if he

Come back next game he can [ __ ] start because I don’t think it’s going to change nothing I think it’s going to be the same thing except for Dunkin gonna be way worse but like exactly I think somebody got the nail on here it’s irrelevant what lineup is out there fixing

Inconsistent offense at this point of the season is just not realistic the offense does not make sense it does not work it don’t because from night to night you don’t know who the [ __ ] G to be playing well like it’s it is what it is dog like

At this point though I I think I’m tired of having a Tyler hero conversation because [ __ ] it if he GNA start he gonna start if he gonna be on the bench he gonna be on the bench do like but nobody wants to keep having this [ __ ] over and

Over and over again because he is not going to fix it coming back and starting Tyler hero does not win you this game versus the Washington Wizards if bam and Jimmy are gonna come out here and play like this cause Tyler is just as liable to go five or 16 as Duncan is

That’s the reality yeah Jimmy missed a lot of shots he was [ __ ] terrible bro uh what’s in the private who who what I was responding to Ricky’s message oh yeah that was to myad let’s go to this next game because to be honest with you dog this game kind

Of like it it made me it’s frustrating me now to talk about it because I know the narrative that’s coming after this bro and the n The Narrative is that like we need Tyler hero now when in actuality bro I think all these games is highlighting the the impact Kevin Love

Has had on this roster like SPO has no clue what to do when he puts the uh bam on the bench because there is no answer like without Kevin Love he said Tyler have you win this game in the fourth what evid is you have a that that one game against the Sixers

Two years ago worse inut situations cam Johnson Tyler hero Kyle kma cam Thomas and Jason Tatum all score at a much less efficient clip in the clutch this season than they do during the rest of the game they’re not gonna respond at Stats intelligent is not I missed the first

Part of that video play it again but then on the flip side we have players who get appreciably worse in clutch situations cam Johnson Tyler herro Kyle kosma cam Thomas and Jason Tatum all score at a much less efficient clip in the clutch this season than they do during the rest of the

Game I appreciate the lob whoever said uh Tyler would win this in the fourth because I was just queuing up that oh who is this uh David Rivera I appreciate the L I was just queuing that video up right as you sent that so I do

Appreciate that what did he say oh he said Tyler would have won US his game in the fourth oh no he wouldn’t but delete the footage no he he wouldn’t but you know who would have won you this in the fourth my guy James Pew and the people

Over at simple Health advisors ladies and gentlemen insurance does not need to be complicated make sure you email I got James Pew or give him a call today and tell them that the basement sent you email James pew at JP that’s jpu GLE health or give them a call at 321

34577 38 again that number is 321 345 7738 now I can’t do this one without a screenshot but I want to thank my guys over at aim high hit higher Enterprises for sponsoring the basement Sports network uh these guys do parties they do graduation parties they do proms they do

All things in terms of entertainment including and specializing in DJ Services so if you would like to get in contact them text my guy at 561 592 4146 or email him at Jam ENT amh highit uh appreciate appreciate it that’s my guy Jordan so appreciate Jordan and the

People over at a high hit High Enterprises for sponsoring this network but yeah we finally got a nice screenshot so that I can continue to read that number out to y’all and give y’all uh something to look at yes does he do wait so you said he he does a wide

Range of of parties am I understanding that correctly yes but these parties must be uh available to be attended by people who don’t have only fans just putting that out there wait hold on I don’t I I don’t like your assumption sir why why would I cohort Cort or cohort is it Cort

I think Cort would I for with that uh with that Community what makes you think I would do I live a righteous life okay white people are nasty and you like white women that’s that that’s crazy that’s crazy all right is an understatement I mean what are we

Doing like I was trying to get she wasn’t white she wasn’t white she was Hispanic St okay smother like I mean talk about game because this I’m hurt I’m hurt I had no intention on SL you today black man let’s talk about this next

Game we got got on bro I do it’s for the culture all right baby yeah you dare dardo I seen you twitching don’t you [ __ ] uh but yeah next game we got Denver at home versus the hoes on Wednesday so we got a little break so

Miami got some time to maybe get a practice in there and get their [ __ ] together Ricky the boy feeling good well I’m not really feeling good right now especially considering the fact that there’s this assumption that I love playing in the snow when I was just I

Was just trying to get to I was trying to get to know a Latin woman just the other day right that a go well just because you like women who don’t mean you don’t like snow bunnies but who I mean love is love all right love is love America not in my

House let me let me talk to you about something you ain’t read Twitter I’m a racist apparently we just celebrated huh we just celebrated I am so sorry I shouldn’t have done that the boy feeling good Ricky just we need to end the show The Boy feeling good I am feeling attacked betrayed

Dismayed run a muuk Bamboozled I feel good look at you’re turning the audience against me Ricky there’s no wrong with it there’s no wrong you know why because they have our blood in their veins no they don’t yes they do theya in their brains that’s

Crazy I don’t even know I I don’t even think you realize what you just said national women’s day or International women’s day was on Friday matter of fact right now the heat um the Knicks in the what do you think about the Denver Nuggets Ricky J Mark they are a better

Team than maybe 90% of the league they’re probably going to repeat as NBA champions and they’re not GNA be worrying about a team like the Miami Heat that said heat in five the heat are going to win the NBA championship this year Jimmy Butler will Eclipse Michael Jordan Magic Johnson LeBron James

And now one thing I’m not gonna allow is other people to lie to y’all on my Airways I will lie to y’all okay look your dead in your face and lie to you but I’m not gonna allow other people to get on here and lie to y’all the way he

Lied to y’all just now I don’t care about your migrain Richard J Mark Ardo the boy feeling good nah cuz I kind of had like six parlays tonight and every single one had hameh hakz over one three the man was over for one tonight his sister’s not

White I’m pretty down bad my sister my sister is white get out not you him oh he has to go he’s talking about how hocky as his sister oh yeah she’s a nice lady uh why won’t they just answer the question about the game who who you didn’t ask me about the

Game you said how am I feeling about the game uh what was my name has no my name has no in it well I was trying to see what the spread is but it’s not up yet because that’s how I myself entertained during these Heat games right now oh my god oh

Man that was nuts hey wow wow wow is correct that was crazy that was I don’t even what is going on I don’t know I want Anthony dinardo to make a pick about the game my name has no in it a you know what it is you’re a

Wisdom burger and that’s what they see when they see you talk okay why won’t we make picks about the Denver Bros Denver Bros the Denver Nuggets why won’t y’all just pick a winner for the game so I can get the Miami teeth are going to cover the spread whatever wow wow

Wow no no they are not they are going to lose yeah I guess whatever it is that they have Denver winning this game by they will double it um I whoops yeah whoops not today not today this team f f in faster than Royal hairline let me

Tell you something no no I got this one Ro I got this one I mean I mean brother he cooking though you know what I’m saying like we can share my hairline Royal we can share my hairline I need you to donate way more than that brother I can’t I

Just I need to I need to all right yeah no I’m not doing the thing tonight because Miami is going to lose this game to Denver bro it is Denver all right like there’s no explanation needed they shown us repeatedly that we cannot beat them way

Shout out to Yan Mora I know that person don’t go after Roy Royal hairline is already man yeah how you doing Royal’s hairline is already gone so nobody can go after it okay they it’s it’s gone away it’s no more all right so I I have no idea what’s happening right

Now but yes the heat are gonna lose this game because it’s Denver like I’m sorry I don’t have it in me today they pissed me off today and so I’m not with it but I I don’t know bro I’m a little worried just like in terms of the

Outlook of rest of the season I’m a little bit worried bro because I don’t feel like SPO has a direction that he wants to go with this roster and I don’t feel like he’s figuring one out yet and I think the insertion of Tyler hero back into this rotation is only going to

Convolute things a little bit more and I think like Kevin Love is his absence has kind of made his role defined he’s the backup big but like Tyler hero with the E and flows of this team and the ABS and flows of his game I feel like his in

Throwing him back in here is only going to add more confusion Road no we are on the road to 3,000 subscribers so if you’re watching this video and you’re not already subscribed shame on you but you have an opportunity to rectify that make sure you subscribe right now hit

The Subscribe button also hit a like on this video also leave us a comment after the video is done to tell us how much you hated everything that we said here tonight so that we can ignore it and continue to say it louder for your viewing Pleasures but I think that’s all

We gonna do today I think we’ve done a pretty good job uh we got to figure out some other things that we got to do so thank you guys in the comments as always read right now thank you guys in the comments as always for joining the show

Making it much more fun than it would have been without you thank you no I’m not letting you read a poem you already Bro you’ve already taken us down the road of 1856 when we were talking 1859 it was Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities know it’s it’s an American

Literary classic we should stop doing that Jus save me bro play the video masses okay Liv to school yes they do I have like six degrees it’s crazy way more than I do hello it is a mystery how in heat history hero is one of the most polarized fans either thinking he killed

A Heat leading the victory always stay figh fans always go to extreme where there’s no in between never realizing that is subjective I’m about to rap from both perspectives starting with the pro you already know baa that’s my baby go giv and get Buckets that’s quit Pro

Watch you on the top 10 list mod Jo yoube shoot from the L I be see you cook putting dudes in the blender then leing them shook as you only getting better I’ll be praying for Defenders and I calling you a Kindle cuz you like the

Book balling in the finals is a r the gnarly hard snar far up and look a shook the DP y the 40 you put on his head now people still are mck you for Bubble Boy that’s inaccurate it’s a Miss no mer cuz you miss the more Aver b a double game

Respect on his name and on this game Boulevard next to d way I’mma build you a stat haters going to at you talking about catcher y’all ain’t even real can’t fill out the capture freak accident RIS fracture just wait for the hero come back like a back shot haters

Keep taking it personal they insecure and they thinking they hurt you you earned your success so they’re hates and effective but I want to rap from their perspective you don’t know me though I rap like ambino but Tyler the one that is childish came out the gate with the

Best drip here okay I get it you stylish do you work on your game I ain’t buying it you just care about the fame stop denying it lame rap what your name used to title it whack bars from Jack Carlo writing it my homeboy Tyler he playing

South Beach I heard him crying someone get the LA right off of me you like a s a Bulet cuz you H behind the screen get on the Z diet cuz you looking kind of lean see you got the no work no check tap but when you didn’t play the

Playoffs your check still cash and to all these stand saying that you got a deep bag if that’s true your short arms couldn’t reach in that I think my watch is broke and it really is a shame cuz for the last couple weeks it been stuck

On Dame like highest bid come get you and break Twitter if must didn’t go figure think bigger you wish you could say the word allar but you’re not you’re a high level role player that’s tops get so little stops can’t tell if you’re an OP godamn all this hating really is

Exhausting it really is though I’m not a hater let the record show I am a Tyler hero fan and I got the bobble head

Covering all things Miami Heat including Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Josh Richardson, Caleb Martin, and Kevin Love.

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  1. This is a mediocre team, plain and simple, their 2 best players don’t stretch the floor enough and have a lack of talent. The front office needs to look in the mirror and add real talent to this roster

  2. so we doin postgames shows with weird ass knicks fans huh? what kinda "network" is this haha I see the numbers down too. So constantly hating on herro didnt push yall? weird huh?
    I used to really fw yall but this is so watered down shit. ANT IS BETTER BY HISSELF

  3. bam have a very negative body language and I always said that jimmy is good but the way he want to win ain’t gonna do the trick, cause teams in the nba will embrace the grit game they know they can score hanging around is more of a guarantee for other teams than the heat I’m sorry ,heat need to think of blowing teams out period, I hate grit games, mostly in today nba that ain’t gonna work cause let’s be honest heat don’t have talent for that .

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