@Golden State Warriors

Will the Warriors escape the Play-In Tournament? 🤔 | The Hoop Collective

Will the Warriors escape the Play-In Tournament? 🤔 | The Hoop Collective

So speaking of teams that are beat up the warriors uh aren’t as beat up as some of the teams that are fighting for position with them but losing Steph Curry uh even if it’s not for an extended period of time has taken a toll and Pelton as we do this pod they have

Slipped down to um a 10th place in the Western Conference um they are tied with the Lakers in the loss column but they have three fewer wins because they had some games postponed earlier when their assistant coach Dei passed away and they’re just a little bit behind and so

That’s fine I mean in theory they can catch up but the problem is is that you know they’re three games over 500 so you know and then you got to play games you know in a Titan window back-to-backs are created where there weren’t backto backs um the outlook for the Warriors which

Was looking pretty Rosy seven to 10 days ago um has has eroded they actually I think had gotten into eight briefly didn’t they yeah sounds right yeah but uh but Dallas is now uh you know Dallas has recovered a little bit so anyway um the Steph Curry factor is uh is loing

Pretty large in that West seaing right now yeah I mean Tim was mentioning The Importance of Being out of that nine10 playoff game and you know the Lakers actually are are less than 50/50 coming in today in the BPI projections to be part of that game The Warriors coming

Into today 77% far away the most of any Western Conference team and you know that’s what happens when you lose games to the Bulls and the Spurs at home well yeah I mean that’s what I was gonna say is you lost to the you said the Spurs at

Home you buried the lead it was the Spurs at home without Victor wanyama so that’s one of the worst losses of the season and you know obviously they they badly missed Steph Curry in that game uh they play in in San Antonio on Monday night uh then then Dallas another game

That’s kind of crucial Dallas and the Lakers are the next two games so a couple of teams they need to beat if they have any chance of climbing out of 910 and get he up into that seven eight playing game and Victor by the way scheduled to play on Monday yep he’ll be

Back uh we’ll see if stuff can make it back for that that Lakers game on Saturday night on ABC but uh seems you know he he won’t be reevaluated until Tuesday so certainly out for that Dallas game and they just do not have a lot of

Mar for error so even though the news on Steph Curry was relatively good in terms of him not being sidelined for long that still could be the difference between them them getting up to seven or eight and being stuck in nine or 10 and most likely 10 which would mean having to win

Twice on the road to make it to the playoffs yeah for sure I mean um they’re dangerous and we respect them but again they’re three games over 500 I want to make one point about that are we can we really call a team that at home against a Spurs team without Victor wanyama

Cannot win with Steph Curry a dangerous team I think we might want to retire of the idea that they’re dangerous you’re not necessarily wrong but I’m just going to say that we’re living in a world where we saw two playing teams make the Conference finals last year so I think

Yeah we saw one we saw one super fluky thing happen but I think again let’s I think we need to see some evidence that this team is really a team to be that concerned about there are a couple games over 500 they just lost lost yes they played amazingly against the Bucks they

Then turned around and lost a home game to the Bulls who have played better but are still a below 500 team and then even beyond that you want to right off the Bulls game they then got pounded at home by a horrific Spurs team yeah you know

What I’ve been saying is I and I this isn’t just something to say I believe it is I believe that the Warriors are not really a fair assessment of their record because the way that they’ve been playing isn’t indicative of the way that they got to that record because Draymond

Was suspended it took you know they put Clay on the bench they promote they you know started to play their young guys kaminga psky and Jackson Davis and that things were looking their Outlook I I was comparing it to last year where the Lakers were walking around with a record

Under 500 at this point but they had actually become one of the best defensive teams in the league after the trade deadline and that they were actually more deadly but the point that you’re making here is is that even if that’s true even if you agree with my

Premise and you may reject it I’m not going to be offended the the the deck that is so stacked against them the margin fra is so small that it might not matter that they’re that they’re that they’re actually a much better team than three games over 500 would suggest yeah I mean

Miami did go to the second playin game need that last year ended up making the playoffs and did it as the eighth seed to to get all the way to the to the NBA finals but they injury nobody says that ever and I’m guilty of that too but if

Giannis is 100% healthy I don’t know if the series goes the same way the heat believe it The Heat have had great success against the Bucks I just the Nicks were also the Knicks were also banged up in the second round too I think they’ beat the Knicks either way

But Julius Rand was messed up Jay Bruno was messed up I mean I think Miami was a better team but still yeah I mean the big thing though is like those are teams that would have been in the playoffs either way what we have not seen is a team that has gone

From outside the top eight via the playin make any real noise in the playoffs as yet that’s true that’s true we we spend a lot of time um talking about two of them but I kind of get It

Will the Warriors escape the Play-In Tournament? 🤔 | The Hoop Collective
Brian Windhorst is joined by ESPN’s Tim Bontemps and Kevin Pelton to talk about the likelihood that the Golden State Warriors will remain in Play-In territory.

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  1. It looks like the 4 play in teams will be Lakers, Warriors, Dallas, and either Sac or Phx

    Whoever is the 9/10 seed is very unlikely to make it to the playoffs. Its gonna be a tall task to win TWO MUST WIN play in games vs teams of that caliber

  2. only casuals, bandwagoners & trolls think Homeless State will make noise — anyone who is objective & knows basketball understands that team is beyond cooked — even with Stefani C0rny

  3. Keep the same energy for the warriors.

    Why is espn obsessed with covering this garbage 10th seed? I honestly can't understand it. Makes no sense at all. Absolutely flabbergasted. This is unfathomable.

  4. Someone from the Warriors need to step up…they really need to quit depending in Steph Curry…keep closing more the gaps on other teams’ 3-point shooters especially they don’t have Steph to offset them…

  5. Honestly I kind of hope not, because I'd much rather have to the Mavs, Suns and the Kings in the play-in. And then if we can get out of the play-in we could possibly play the Thunder or maybe the T-wolves in the first round.

  6. Believe it or not, Steph is a LOT more important to the Warriors winning than Wemby is to the Spurs winning.

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