@Miami Heat

The Miami Heat are BROKEN, Who Deserves the BLAME? (Pie Chart Breakdown)

The Miami Heat are BROKEN, Who Deserves the BLAME? (Pie Chart Breakdown)

And that’s all Shiro with the Celtics a commanding 33o win in Miami to since early in the season when they lost four in a row have lost four in a row again need to fall to 24 and 23 and depending on the outcome of Orlando’s game tonight at Dallas

Miami could fall clock at two impossible sh already with eight make it 11 in the fourth quarter sticks for Duncan 5 seconds left for the lead short rebound Butler for the win and the Heat lose to the Wizards 110 to 108 what the f is wrong with the bami

Heat I don’t exactly know but that’s the question that I’m going to try to answer today well more specifically who is to blame for the Miami Heats recent struggles is it so recent I don’t exactly know just for a little bit of context I’m recording this a couple

Hours after the Miami Heat got embarrassed on their home floor by the Washington Wizards I just made a postgame reaction video to that make sure to go check it out I wasn’t necessarily angry because at this point I’m not surprised because we’ve seen the same thing all season it’s starting to

Look exactly like we saw last year so my question is who exactly is to blame now I do want to preface this video by kind of saying this may be a very surface level video maybe you may take it that way but that’s because it’s truly hard

To quantify why the heat are the way that they are you can’t exactly just put a number and pinpoint certain people and pick blame because in reality there’s a million different factors there’s all kinds of schemes and there’s luck involved but I kind of wanted to point

Out the people that are the reasons that maybe have been most disappointing to me this season and I’ve accumulated ated all of that into this pie chart right here and that’s what we’re going to get into today and you can see we going to work away up to that there is one major

Reason that I believe is the majority of the fault for the heat struggles that being said let’s start at the bottom y’all see we got this one small sliver this 1% and I’m contributing 1% of the blame to Kyle Lowry uh just because I couldn’t let this season I couldn’t let

This video go on without a little sliver of Kyle Lowry slander now I don’t want to call it slander because he is what he is which is a 37y old point guard but this year for the Miami Heat only played 37 games before he was of course traded

To the 76ers he started 35 of them and in those Stars he averaged eight points per game four assists to one turnover 43% from the field and 38% overall so o overall it’s generally not bad numbers I mean he was very efficient particularly from three you know I love that 4 to1

Assisted turnover ratio cuz that’s the same thing that I’ve been praising Terry Rosier for but still to have a guy that’s getting paid almost third or over excuse me $30 million averaging eight points a game that’s not enough from Kyle Lowry and that wasn’t going to cut

It now a lot of this wasn’t even his fault because they really had no other point guard on the roster other than Drew Smith who obviously got hurt early on but I didn’t think he was that good to begin with so were kind of forced to

Play Kyle Lowry maybe a lot more than spola wanted to but on top of that I don’t even think like KY Larry wanted to come off the bench it really didn’t seem like he wanted to sacrifice because every chance he got in every interview in which the question was asked do you

Want to start he basically said yes I think I’m a starter in this league and last year we heard a lot of the same thing spoler obviously went with gay Vincent and it kind of seemed like Kyle Lowry was not happy with that not happy

That he had to come off the bench so this year he did start but it still seemed like he was very frustrated with his role just in general maybe not happy in this situation so I do think that there was a lot of stuff like in the locker room that was potentially awkward

Just because he seemed disgruntled I guess is a good way to say it now I don’t want to speculate on that too much cuz truthfully I have no idea and you know he’s very close with Jimmy Butler was is still very close to Jimmy brother

I have no idea I would like to believe that they’re very close still because I think like Jimmy was The Godfather to to Larry’s daughter or something along those lines but I also wonder like for the heat to trade Kyle Larry did they get Jimmy’s blessing on that did Jimmy

Approve on that did he want to do that I don’t really know cuz we know Jimmy Butler wants to win a championship so I’m truly curious if he like understood how bad Larry was and knew he had to get traded or is that something he was kind

Of happy about because Larry wasn’t that happy here to begin with I don’t know so it’s not really specul on all that locker room or off the court stuff his on the field or his on the his on the court fit was not great the efficiencies were the efficiencies were good yes but

Like I said the scoring was way way way too bad to be a a starting point guard in this league because the Miami Heat offense was terrible and a lot of that is because you had a point guard that wouldn’t even shoot Kyle Lowry sometimes

Was taking two to three shots a game and I just don’t think you can win games when you have a point guard that’s doing that and on top of that defensively the dude is terrible and again he’s 37 years old and he’s slow what do you expect but

He was getting torched on the defensive side of the ball and that’s why overall I’m not even sure if he was the top 20 point guard in the league I’m really not now all of this being said I only got him at 1% because I think they got a lot

Of other bigger issues and obviously Larry hasn’t been here for the last few weeks and the heat are still struggling Low’s actually having a pretty nice start for Philly though by the way he’s putting up relatively the same numbers but a little on a little bit better

Efficiency but that being said I I really I don’t miss him like he he wasn’t a starting or he isn’t a starting quality point guard in this league anymore uh and for that reason I think they struggled a lot with him but we see now they are struggling a ton without

Him so moving on to the next little sliver here we got bamino now I gave bamino 5% of the blame which is not lot keep that in mind I am criticizing these guys but look at the relative percentages so don’t come out here calling me a hater majority of these

This recent bad play or just lack ler season overall is not on bam the he’s averaging 20 points a game 10 rebounds forces 51% from the field but I put some blame on him because once again we are seeing some regression in the second half of the season this is the same

Thing that we saw last year this season bam atab B after the All-Star break which is only eight games so keep that in mind that’s also part of the reason that I’m not giving bam as high percentage of the blame cuz still a small sample size of bad bam it about

But he’s averaging 18 points per game eight rebounds and 50% so a little bit worse efficiency and only two points per game less and two rebounds less so the numbers don’t look drastically worse but if you’re watching bam he does not look the same out there particularly this

Last week when he played against the Mavericks and the the Oklahoma City Thunder he can’t rebound no more he can’t finish at the rim no more he can’t find his footing on no more he has been terrible and against the Wizards he did that 16 and 16 but it is the Wasington

Wizards he’s supposed to and he did so I do give him credit for that but overall the last I mean post All-Star break but also the second half of the Season you know which is a little bit before the All-Star break he really has started to regress a little bit cuz earlier this

Year he was at 21 points per game playing Elite defense now I guess you’re always going to get the elite defense and he has continued to be phenomenal Al on that side of the ball but he hasn’t been the same and as this team’s second best player you can’t see these the

These bad Nights from him you know they they should be more few and far between and there’s been a lot of like 30 percentage or you know like games from the where he shot 30% from the field you know there’s been too many of those late

For my liking get it out rebounded by guys he shouldn’t be for that reason I’m giving bam just a small sliver of 5% of the blame now this next one here I don’t have is the only one on here that’s not like a a direct person it’s injuries

With 10% of the blame now the Miami Heat being injured is is nothing new obviously right but I don’t want to make excuses for this team but I also don’t want it to be lost how unlucky they really have been cuz I do think injuries play a factor right and again I think

It’s a legitimate excuse cuz I’m only giving them 10% of the blame right not too much but if you look at the numbers here the Mi Heat this year have the the fourth most games lost to injury with 212 games lost and if you look at the top five here it’s Memphis Portland

Charlotte Miami and then the Atlanta Hawks so all those teams surrounding them suck so for the Miami Heat to still be in playoff with uh contention while missing all these games that is a credit to Eric spola and just the depth on this team and and all the pieces around your

Main guys because if you look at this list right here of games lost through the injury number one is Ty hero with 27 games missed for foot knee head shoulder ankle damn near like the nursery rhyme or whatever song shoulder knees and toes that’s Tyler Hero’s injury report this

Year right number two Jimmy Butler 13 games Miss for foot calf and ankle and then bam has missed the third most games on his team with 10 for the hip so if you look at the guys who are getting injured it’s also your three best players and because of that the Miami

Heat have a franchise tying record 31 one different starting lineups you know how insane that is to go into a season that’s you know just a little over I guess you’re three fours of the way done and you’ve had 31 different starting lineups that is not easy to maneuver

Around I don’t want to make excuses but I do believe that’s a fact now the reason I only give this 10% blame and not more is because well air exposure doesn’t like to use it as an excuse we know his Mantra next man up we have enough and that’s something that I love

And something that I agree with so if he’s not going to sit there and blame excuses well obviously I’m not going to do that either and plus I do believe that he’d have enough talent to be better than they are if they are missing Tyler hero or Jimmy Butler or bam

Because you had a game like tonight on the time I’m recording this against the Wizards yeah you’re missing Tyler hero but it was the Wizards you should not missing Tyler hero is not an excuse for losing to the Washington Wizards it’s just not and the Mi he have had a lots

Of bad b games this year where they were missing a player or two and there’s that there’s not an excuse to lose those games plus how many games have we seen the Heat win this year with guys missing we saw them beat the Milwaukee we saw them blow out the Milwaukee Bucks

Without Jimmy Butler so we know they’re capable of have games like that so I don’t think the injuries are a major excuse but it is a factor nonetheless moving on here the next little sliver we got is a one that I know is going to be a Hot Topic because it’s the most

Polarizing player on the team and it’s Tyler hero and I give him 15% of the blame now listen I don’t know how many times I have to say this I love Tyler hero the dude is Young improving and a three-level score he’s a great player and there’s not many you know

Young three-level scores in this league I really like Tyler Heroes on this team I personally do not think he is a great fit in the starting lineup now if you look at his numbers this season 21 points five rebounds four assists 43% from the field and and Elite 40% from

The uh three-point line those are great numbers but if you’re watching these games he doesn’t fit well in that starting lineup and there’s all kind of numbers that prove this I mean you could go this year and just say the Miami Heat are 19 and 17 when hero plays and

They’re 35 and 29 overall so not that big a difference but at the very least you could say that the heat don’t miss him right because when Duncan Robinson starts they’re 18- n this season and that’s a hell a lot better than when Tyler hero starts now I don’t want to

Get into these numbers too much because I’ve had many videos talking about Tyler hero and his impact and bringing up all these statistics and of course all the comments I get saying oh you can’t just look at the numbers blah blah blah but I do think more and more people are

Starting to agree with the idea that maybe hero should come off the bench maybe he’s better suited as a six-man because now we’re even starting to hear Ira Wonderman talk about it Barry Jackson talk about it Ethan skolnick talk about it and these are all ideas that I was

Saying 3 4 months ago it seems like more people are starting to agree with that but either way I don’t want to get into those numbers because they’ve been said a ton right you can even go back to last season Tyler Hero’s numbers on the bench

For starting and whatever I just want to talk about his fit in that starting line because that’s something that’s actually opinion based and we could have a real discussion there right because we’re all seeing it and his fit with Jimmy Butler and Bam about doesn’t work great Jimmy

Butler and Bam are very efficient players Ty hero is not at least not from inside the ark this season and I think that when he takes a lot of shots away from Jimmy and ban which he does I don’t think that’s a good thing especially compared to Duncan Robinson who his fit

Is impeccable the dribble handoffs the pick and rolls that go both ways you’ll have Duncan roll you’ll have bam roll and they could do the little pocket pass to each other you have Duncan lob it up to Bam you you have Duncan curling around sitting in the corner everything

And guys that can drive as good and attack like Jimmy and Bam and find him moving all over the place cuz Duncan Robinson never stops running the fit is just great and now Duncan Robinson doesn’t just sit on the three-point line he can score inside the arc beat guys

Off a dribble like we said throw a little law pass find guys’s back door find bam in the dunker spot find Jimmy uh cut into the basket it’s just an amazing fit it truly is and people may say oh we’ll start Tyler hero instead of Terry Roser Terry has been hooping of

Late shooting wise and facilitating and I just can’t take that away for Tyler herro and again I’m only giving Tyler hero 15% of the blame that’s a small small small fraction in the grand scheme of things but I don’t think his fit in this starting lineup is great we know he

Doesn’t want to come off the bench otherwise spoler might have tried it by now and I’m not saying trade Tyler hero I’m not saying you know he should be out of the rotation I just think he’s better suited as a six-man at the very least you clearly don’t need him because

Because they’re winning without him they’re also losing without him so does he have a direct impact like a huge impact either way I don’t think so moving on though the next guy that I got here the second to last person on the the blame pie chart here is Jimmy Butler

At 18% so more blame than Tyler hero now the reason I give Jimmy Butler you know the the biggest pot here so far is he’s the best player on this team and when your team is struggling I think majority of the blame has to go on the best

Player and we know Jimmy Butler likes the coast and me saying that majority of the blame is on him is not me saying that I’m mad at him because I’ve been a record on a lot saying I’m okay with Jimmy Butler coting if it means that we

Are going to get playoff Jimmy god mode Michael Jordan 2.0 in the postseason I’m okay with Jimmy coting as long as they he picks and chooses his spots a little bit better so they actually make the playoffs cuz what good is saving yourself a playoff Jimmy if you miss the

Playoffs that’s why a game like tonight versus the Wizards you would have liked to see Jimmy Butler have more than 22 points you would have liked to see him be a little bit better down the stretch maybe have more than six free throw attempts maybe not settle for all the

Threes that he did in that fourth quarter you would have liked to seen that but there’s a lot of games earlier this season too when the heat were struggling they were on a seven game losing streak just a couple weeks ago and Jimmy I think waited way too long to

Turn it on now he eventually did that’s how we saw this team start to turn it around a little bit they want like seven to 10 but he still waited too long in my opinion and I think he needs to pick and choose his spots a little bit better but

Again regardless of what I think of that we know he coast and the reason this Heat team is not a top four seed easily is because he Coast if Jimmy Butler was to go balls to the walls I think they could easily be a top four seat in the

East but I prefer Jimmy saving himself and going into the postseason but regardless he’s the best player he should get majority of the blame uh and on top of that I do want to say too that the Miami Heat are 23 and 22 when Jimmy Butler plays this year so if I’m going

Say all these stats for Ty hero I got to give it back for Jimmy too so you tell me this Heat team is six games over 500 but only 23 and 22 when Jimmy Butler plays now that’s not for me to say at the very least you don’t need him

Because they very clearly need Jimmy Butler me saying that about Tyler Hill is not necessarily just looking at the numbers it’s the ey test cuz I think they have a lot of guys that do what Ty hero does like Terry Rosier I like you know how hakas I think could take a lot

Of the scoring load that Tyler herro does but they don’t have guys that can do what Jimmy Butler could do so obviously he’s very critical but he is the best player on this team and when you’re struggling I’m going to give you majority of the blame except for this

Last large chunk that y’all see right here at 51% of the blame I’m giving the Miami Heat struggles this season to the front office man because at the end of the day they are the people that put this team together and that includes Pat Riley and that includes Mickey arrison and that

Includes Andy ellisburg and everyone else that has a say on who to get who to trade for who’s money who to spend your money on that is who I put majority the blame on because this Heat team going into last season had obvious flaws and if you remember they ran it back last

Season almost missed the playoffs and then made the NBA finals going into this season Miami he had obvious flaws once again and they ran it back and now here we are as the a seed potentially about to miss the playoffs as well now it is a little I I want to

Just touch on this for a little bit it’s a little confusing on how I feel about the front office as a Heat fan because if you would have asked me at the end of last regular season I would have said the front office did a terrible job with

The a seed we almost missed the playoffs but then they made the NBA final so hey maybe this front office does know what they’re doing I can’t sit there and be jealous of the Celtics making all these moves and the buck making all these moves when we were the last team

Standing but I also don’t know how fluky a run that was is it fluky because the heat also made the Conference Finals the year before and the NBA Finals two years before that so it’s just for me struggling as a Heat fan CU at the same

At the same time that I say last year’s finals run wasn’t a fluke I can also sit here and say that I feel comfortable as a a seed going into the playoffs again cuz that’s just human nature you know what I mean but the reason that I still

Get the front office most of the blame is because you had allv these flaws that weren’t addressed we knew this Heat team had no size they did absolutely nothing to get any size except sign a minimum contract Thomas Bryant and a minimum contract to Atlanta Robinson we knew

This Heat team after after losing out on gay Vincent did not have a backup point guard let alone a starting point guard with Kyle lry and guess how many guards they signed in the off season it was was none they went into this season with a

Starting guard or or I guess point guard rotation of Kyle ay and Drew Smith are you kidding me you cannot win games like that this Heat team did not have a starting power forward last year they were starting Caleb Mar who was like 64 who did as good as he could possibly do

But he’s 6’4 then the Miami Heat going to this season with no starting power forward again we’re playing around all season between Cayla Mar and Hayward heith and now it’s nicoa yic who’s 20 years old old and wasn’t even a part of the rotation earlier this season but now

He’s our starting point guard or starting power forward and we got to rely on him that’s a problem that’s scary it’s tough to win a championship when you’re starting a guy who was who was 20 years old and was even out of your rotation early in this earlier this

Year and yic has been pretty fine of late but of course he’s he’s very inconsistent because of his age and the mind he didn’t do anything to address that power forward position either now I’m going to give them a little bit of credit because Terry Roser has been a

Nice trade so far got off to a rocky start but I really like what he’s been of late he’s way better than Kyle lry I like Patty Mills who’s gotten some run over the last couple games and I also like Delan Wright who probably be out of the rotation Patty Mills will probably

Be out of the rotation too but I like those guys and they did get make a move to get Terry rir but they still haven’t addressed the size issue we’re still sitting here wondering who the long-term power forwards going to be we don’t know and that’s a problem and when you’re a

Team that has a guy like Jimmy Butler who very clearly is good enough to lead a team to a championship series and you didn’t make any moves around the edges to get better that’s a problem the Celtics got close they went out there got youw holla they got christas

Porzingis the Bucks got close they went out there and got Damen Lillard that’s what you do when you’re close to winning the championship you make some moves to put you over the top and the fact that the Miami Heat front office sat there in the offseason twit twiddling their

Thumbs doing nothing that was very very disappointing to me uh I do Wonder though how much of that Dame Lillard stuff impacts their off season we know Dame kind of or maybe even Joe cron in the GM of the Blazers kind of had the heat in the choke hold where the heat

Couldn’t make no moves until he sent him over here and it’s possible the heat had a whole game plan centered around getting Dame and when that didn’t happen they had to Pivot last minute when most of the guys were gone so but still I don’t care why they didn’t do nothing

The the point is they didn’t they should have known they could get Dame or they should have had a better plan B cuz you’re trying to win a championship and Jimmy Butler only has so many years left as this Prime player and it’s unfortunate that it seems that they’re

Wasting another season because I still think this Heat team has a chance to click and turn it around and maybe make another run to the NBA finals and maybe win it all this time if they don’t get matched up with the Nuggets because I’m not going to count out this team because

They’ve proven to me that I should never count them out but I should they should have put a a roster uh around Jimmy Butler that makes me feel a lot better about their chances than the front office did anyways that’s really all I got to say for this video again no hate

To anyone it’s very hard to quantify this sort of thing I just want to speak about a few things that I think are wrong with this team and you can see through my list a lot of it is on your top three players because I think that’s

Who deserves most of the blame but let me know what y’all think down below I’ll be reading every single comment so I’m curious to hear what y’all say and please do like the video and subscribe because it does great me greatly help me out a lot mind me he do play the Denver

Nuggets next and then the Detroit Pistons for two games in a row after that so this could all either go very bad or very good but we’ll see what happens and I’ll talk to you then peace out pull get Dead face do it on my own I

Don’t need no dead way had a kill them off yeah I need a head space you know this homeown don’t man hm

The Miami Heat are down bad after losing to the Washington Wizards and have the Denver Nuggets up next. Breakdown of who is to blame including Jimmy Butler, Tyler Herro, Bam Adebyo, Kyle Lowry, Injuries, Pat Riley, and the Front Office. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news.
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▬ Music Credit ▬
Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
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Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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▬ Timestamps ▬
0:00 Intro
0:53 Context for breakdown
2:19 Who is the BLAME? (Pie Chart)
23:02 Closing Thoughts


  1. Riley,and SPO. Riley fir not getting a 7 ft center and a true point guard,to get Buttler help. And Spo for doing a terrible job on Offense,and using his players the right way. But defense he has done okay,and he doesn't play 12 players,he only uses 8,or 9 players. Riley has to retire,and spo needs to be replaced. As far as players,Buttler Herro,Martin haven't played well.this year,and Bam must get his shit together.

  2. I believe Dame deal was over when Heat said no for Bam. Portland wanted Ayton, Bam, Jermy Grant, to complement Scoot and Ant S small guards. Heat and Portland didn't talk after that. The front office had plenty of time to get something besides Dame.

  3. I blame Herro, Bam, front office. Herro and Bam need to not be so inconsistent, especially Bam. Bam will have a great game and then the next he will disappear, same goes for Herro. But front office gets the most blame. Front office should have actually build a competent team around Jimmy and get some actual size on the team because that has been our issue

  4. Your two max players aren't elite scorers and can't shoot 3s
    Butler sleepwalking through regular reasons.
    Herro didn't deserve to get paid either.

  5. I would’ve kept Kyle over this mess and just tweak a few things and keep Jimmy happy . Kyle explodes in the playoffs …
    But we’re still good and just wait karmas on our side

  6. Hey Anthony we are 0 and 3 with Robinson starting last 3 games. BTW Ira as of late has said that he thinks Herro should be a starter.

  7. 1st unit : bam , jimmy , duncan , love , rozier , 2nd unit : herro , Jaime , niko , Caleb , delon wright – throw in paddy mills , nikola , Thomas Bryant in between each unit … have an emphasis on defense , balll facilitation , rebounding , and getting back to both sides before the other team … emphasis on “ we have enough “ spo needs to step up , it’s time for a players meeting – watch out karmas coming and the Miami Heat took down names . Spo has US at 50% output for injury prevention . We’re relying on alot of luck rn . But once the last 15 games and
    Playofffs come around just watch guy

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