@Detroit Pistons

WILD VIDEO: Pistons GM Threatens To Kick Hecklers A*s! | Don’t @ Me With Dan Dakich

WILD VIDEO: Pistons GM Threatens To Kick Hecklers A*s! | Don’t @ Me With Dan Dakich

You know I went to the IU game and I didn’t even have to throw hands with anybody Dusty May joins us fa auu we talked to him earlier and now I want to talk to him at the end of the season we’ll to take a swing again with Dusty

May Dusty May the head coach of Florida Atlantic he is in the running for every job that comes open but I think he likes his we’ll talk to him but let’s get right into it the World of Sports is out of its everloving mind I don’t know if you saw this but

The Detroit basketball pistons in Detroit have a general manager named Troy Weaver uh by all accounts Troy Weaver is a decent human being by all accounts Troy Weaver is the kind of guy that you can get down with but Troy Weaver threatened to kick a heckler’s ass that’s right that’s what we’re doing

In these parts let’s here see from the GM of the Detroit Pistons suck in your job Don’t Tell Troy Weaver he sucks at his job baby because Troy Weaver will have your ass out of there look you got to understand something Troy Weaver does

Suck at his job he does I mean I don’t know what to tell you Troy Weaver sucks at his job I don’t know whether he was a Dei hired I don’t know whether he deserved the job that he have who the hell knows and who the hell cares but

Right now the Detroit basketball Pistons are 10 and 53 they had a 28 game losing streak earlier in the year now I’m going to say that again a 28 game losing streak earlier in the year why are you kicking a fan out why are you kicking a

Fan out out uh that’s telling the truth I mean what the hell I mean this guy Troy Weaver was an assistant at Pittsburgh was an assistant at New Mexico was an assistant at Syracuse he was an aaou coach oh and he gives his aaou record I coached aaou for a million

Years I got no idea what my aou record is right here he served as coach of the assault he was 85 and 17 really well that certainly should make him after being a head Scout and assistant general manager that certainly should make Troy Weaver the preeminent general

Manager of the Detroit and the NBA I mean let’s not even say he should be the general manager look at this guy’s resume here and tell me so he was a co-founder of the DC assault an assistant coach with the p Pittsburgh Panthers the new uh the New Mexico Lobos

Syracuse he won a national championship he had Carmelo well there you go he was a head Scout director of player Personnel if you ever want to know if you ever want to see Dei hire Troy Weaver’s the man Troy Weaver had done nothing holy hell so Troy Weaver decide

He gonna yell and scream and you know what the fan ain’t wrong I mean if I had a side with a general manager of a 10 and 672 team or a paying customer I gotta tell you I’d probably side with the paying customer I mean everybody talks about how tough Detroit is

Everybody talks about I know Detroit is one of the biggest group of [ __ ] in America if you ever want a [ __ ] basketball player get him out of Detroit worse if you ever want to hire an assistant coach get a high school kid uh coach from Detroit biggest backstab and

Dags in America Detroit lost his way when Isaiah and the great Ricky Mahorn I love both of those guys I’m not going to lie Ricky Mahorn is one of the nicest human beings ever Rodman Sal D Mars uh the the guy that backs up Troy Weaver

Has a worse resume his name is George David I hired George David I did I hired George David as a manager at Indiana and George David was going to go work at a shies his family owned some kind of shies well George David somehow someway

Well I know how coach knigh and I got him a job with the Detroit Pistons as an intern and he worked his way to be Joe Dumars number one right-hand man well George left came tried to be an agent tried to be all kind of stuff and then

Came back to the Detroit Pistons so you got a guy you got a guy that was the vice president of basketball operations for the waserman Media Group I think waserman might represent me I can’t remember who the hell represents me I’ve had such bad representation I got this

Job myself anyway uh so George is there this guy Weaver’s there and they’re 10 and 672 any surprise but the world has gone insane did you know the coach the women’s Coach at Utah State got fired from the end of her game till she went to the press conference I just saw this

Today I just saw this today everybody’s mad in the world Duke fans you suck but you’ve always sucked Duke fans like you’ve always been little [ __ ] you have you s you get in people’s faces you do all this kind of stuff but you suck all of a sudden North Carolina guys

Throw it back at you and what are you doing you little future accountants you little future dags what do you do oh man you lose your mind we’ll get into that coming up here in a minute but the world has gone insane yesterday at Indiana the head coach of Indiana University men’s

Basketball Mike Woodson he was a really good player the kind of player that gets you fired if you want to know the truth thank God for Isaiah hell even with Isaiah and five other Pros they lost to Purdue in the NCAA tournament but Woodson scored a bunch of points and

Made a lot of jump shots he’s back as our head coach he said after the game I’m the head coach I’ve done my job this is the same guy that when he came here very arrogantly promised I’m only here to win big 10 titles and NCAA titles Indiana’s never competed for either this

Is like a whole insane World of Sports we got going on right now and I’m here for it I am you got to keep Mike Woodson at Indiana because of the content you got to fire Troy Weaver immediately like Troy Weaver is so bad at his job that

Play uh that fans little indiscriminate fans are yelling at him and he’s so insecure he’s losing his mind the whole Sports World is out of whack and I’m going to go through it uh one after the other after the other after the other next the LSU South Carolina women now here’s what

You got to understand about women women basketball players South Carolina LSU are like little Thug guys they act like they’re little thugs little mini micro thugs man I’m ghetto and good for you I’m ghetto a’t that what Angel ree said I’m ghetto really you’re ghetto you’re

An idiot uh little mini micro thugs is what women can’t women should come up with their own stuff all women basketball players do is see what dudes do and then they do the same thing and then you got these clowns that are playing women’s basketball that are

Little mini micro thugs I mean honest to God it’s the it’s embarrassing how about you just go Caitlyn Clark or that girl from South Carolina or South uh uh USC holy sh is she good I’m looking around I forgot about her USC women’s basketball this is going to be absolute

Blasphemy Caitlin Clark’s the best women’s basketball player right now but USC Women’s Basketball has the best women’s basketball player in the future coming up if not now very soon very very very soon I mean to tell you she is so damn good I think it’s USC she’s a

Freshman she’s insanely good I think her name is McKenzie fors but I might be wrong holy cow I hope she doesn’t act no that’s not her I hope she doesn’t act like a mini micro Thug I hope she doesn’t go the the route of these USC

LSU women all right so they get in a fight they get in a fight and Big Mama knocks over some girls from LSU this is after Angel ree has been pulling hair pulling hair is like a traditional woman thing right it’s unbelievable I’m pulling hair Angel Reese is like pulling hair poking eyes

But she’s from the hood my ass little mini micro Thug girls that act like dudes have always a little Thug dudes have always amused me anyway Big Mama from USC is cleaning house Big Mama’s boom boom boom you know they’re fighting a dude a dad this is how idiotic women’s

Basketball can be a dad and a couple others tried but a dad jumped over the scorers table to get involved in the frus on the court this is how whacked out these women are it’s insanity but anyway there was something good out of it and that good is Don

Staley who is the original little mini micro Thug but Kim Moy did what Kim M does Kim M’s an idiot like Kim Mo’s a little mini micro Thug is wearing feathers so they brawl they fight and then the coaches got to discuss here’s Kim M’s dumbass discussing the brawl in

The SEC among the mini micro Thug ladies of the SEC no one wants to be a part of that no one wants to see to to see that ugliness but I can tell you this I wish she would have pushed Angel Reese don’t push a kid that you 68 don’t

Push somebody that little that that was uncalled for in my opinion let those two girls that were jawing let them go at it yeah yeah let them two that was Joel and go at NOP Angel Reese is a little punk she’s a great player I guess but

She limped off she didn’t help her teammates so she uh put out a statement basically being embarrass because she’s supposed to be ghetto I get a kick out of all of it man I do I get a kick like a GU guu Watkins is the girl’s name and she’s freaking

Good like she’s really good she’s from USC but anyway so Kim M continues to be an idiot she just does now the original little mini micro Thug Don Staley you’ve seen her in every movie like I’m watching The Killing and they got all these little Street kids and one of them

Got killed the other day I’m not very happy about it it’s on a TV show but anyway Don Staley’s the original little mini micro Thug but she handled it like a human being Don Staley was awesome in this here’s Don Staley but I’m gonna say

This fly Jay came to me after the game right after the game and she just apologized and said she’s not that type of player and I really appre appreciate that there something that somebody won’t ever hear if I didn’t say anything and she’s not she’s a really good person um

Things just got escalated um I’ll take responsibility for what happened from our side of it um which is we don’t you know we we we talk about these things as a you know as a as a team and we we try to as much as possible um Express to

Them how not to react in in those type of situations um but real time is real time and I know that you know anybody Camila as well as the other four or five players that were ejected I know if they had a chance to do it all over again

They would do it differently but now we have that I just don’t want um the people who are tuning in to women’s basketball see that and think you know that is our game because it isn’t our game is a really beautiful thing um and to be quite honest this is this is a

Part of it now so we have to fix it and we have to move on yeah I mean you know um good for Don Staley um good for Don Staley Don Staley literally just sat there and said this bad for the sport I me I don’t know if

It’s bad for the sport I don’t know if it’s good for the sport but I tell you what’s really bad for the sport um is the fact that you got daddies jumping over the sideline to get involved in the frus I mean it’s unbelievable guy a couple guys came right out of the

Student section or the fan section or the parents section to jump into the frus what the hell is that like honest to God I knew this was coming to when I see all these women acting like dudes I knew this was coming and that’s exactly

What it is and you want even more you know I am on the Dei hires that are women broadcasters right uh the women doing the game didn’t know the rules they’re like well everybody suspended no they didn’t know the rules six players were ejected benches were ejected they

Didn’t know the rules I got texts from a bunch of people that broadcast including one woman who said this is unbelievable these women did not know the rules now I want you to think about that so you got a broad the the so you got a broadcast that has little mini micro

Thugs fighting each other a dad and more coming jumping out of the stands and broadcasters that don’t know the rules had no idea that’s unbelievable God bless you women’s basketball you need some stuff like this to keep it going I mean you’re not gonna have Caitlyn Clark or gu guu Watson to

Stand by Juju Watson’s Really Good Ju guu Watson I think they should put a one-on-one match freshman verse senior one-on-one Caitlyn Clark vers J Watson pay-per-view I might actually buy that I might I don’t know not saying I would anyway long story short freaking awesome all right this is odd a former SEC

Quarterback and vanderbild Lum Mo Hassen recently took to social media claiming that the Italian mob was paying players in the SEC to fix games during his time in the conference all right now before I go to the audio let me explain something to you back my last there no my the game

That crushed my soul we won we came back against Toledo we were down like 15 or 17 and a half we were getting killed we come back and win crowd Rush the court and hurt my player that game later on went in front of a federal judge in

Detroit for Point shaving turns out they did before the game there was a player named Sammy vajas we actually recruited Samy he was a kid that came from like South America somewhere he lived with a judge in Lime Ohio Samy was a really good player before the game my assistant

Coach Arty papella is like man look at Sammy vas’s first and second half splits he actually said it to me before the game long story short sami’s making everything I mean he’s making everything long long story long second half against us Samy vajas made nothing we came back and won next

Thing you know a number of players both football and basketball were in front of a judge and got convicted for Point shaving they had a backup running back uh a quarterback who ended up playing in the NFL actually and I’m not going to say his name because it’s unfair because

He got cleared he was brought in front I thought to myself I can understand the quarterback but what the hell does his backup running back have to do with it well then I found out he was the recruiter he was the guy that got others

To go along with the scheme and this was the mob in Detroit now I don’t know what kind of mob you got to understand there’s all kind of mobs this guy had kind of a middle eastern accent tint to him it wasn’t the Italian mob so this

Kind of stuff has been going on and people need to know right now at Temple we’ve got some weird very very weird gambling lines that they’re investigating we saw what happened with the Alabama baseball coach Bohanan who got fired for sending gambling to a guy in Cincinnati make bets this is coming

This is coming to your school this is coming just like in a legal immigrant crisis is coming to your community my community it’s coming we open the floodgates uh not we CU I said don’t do it but anyway the floodgates are open you will see gambling situations we

Always have had gambling situations we had one at Arizona State basketball Boston College back in the day Northwestern had one of of all places but you’re going to see more and more so I’m giving you that background because I want you to say okay so here’s a quarterback named Mo Hassan he’s saying

The SEC is influenced by the Italian mob here’s Mo I was approached at Jason alen’s Bar in Nashville by the Italian Bob what to fix football games I’ll be honest this sounds like a story that I do not need to be a part of I want to get drinks and

So I’m alone right now I’m not with my friend group he comes up to me wait he knew who you were yes this is already a bad start he offered me $300,000 he offered you $300,000 he said for something like this my you know my clients 250 to

300K for a game the Italian mob offered you 300K to do we stop saying that he said we regularly talk to guys in your position about fixing games he said he named guys in the SEC who I don’t want to say their names because they’re in

The NFL right now and that’s that’s a bad look it’s a bad deal but University of Alabama I will tell you that holy crap he said he said almost every game in the SEC is rigged too much for me well you know people are saying it’s

Hard to fix games from the bench and they’re right I mean the guy well the guy threw 17 total passes in seven games then he transferred to Southern Cal now here’s the thing that I look at I go back to experiences look they’re not necessarily going to approach the star

They’ll approach this guy because they believe he has influence over teammates now I don’t know maybe he was going to start the next game maybe it was going to be the one time in his life he got in a game he appeared in seven games he did not play in 2022 his last

Year for USC now obviously walking off the field he did something here so I’m not going to just just discard this because I have experience with this but the truth of the matter is um I’ll believe it and people like Danny canel people like my friend Greg mroy

And others are poo pooing it and I don’t blame them I can see how it’s poo poo but I had always Federal investigators talk to my team about Point shaving actually the I showed him a picture of the longtime radio host of Bowling Green basketball from before I was there the

Guy wasn’t he was the radio voice being led away in cuffs and I showed him his his Bowling Green championship ring from the early 80s so I was kind of diligent about it and I paid attention to this it’s not always the star that gets plucked it’s the guy that has influence

On the team and I’ve seen it for myself I was actually the coach of a game that the University of Toledo fixed and Sammy V vas I don’t he I he did a little bit of jail time he did a little bit now these guys got off and somehow

Some way Samy vajas is like coaching but charged with Point shaving I’m just telling you man this is more prevalent than you think and the one thing that I would question here is this the Italian mob really I mean I’m a big mob fan I read books I mean I’ve

Read every book you can on every type of mob whether it’s the Irish Ro mob the Russian mob I okay you know that’s an easy one that’s almost too easy I look if the guy said it I’m GNA believe it I can see how it happened even though the

Guy was a uh bench warmer but prce for it it’s happening and happening anden happening I’m not saying it’s happening in every SEC game or Big 10 game or M game or whatever but it is happening there’s no reason to think it hasn’t it’s happened before now gambling is legal now people

Can go and make a $5,000 bet on DraftKings and now it’s more open it’s more accepted now uh Point shaving isn’t but gambling as a whole is so what do you think’s going to happen it’s no different than illegal immigrants now that it’s accepted that we’re going to

Leave let half a m half a million people into our country you know it’s coming to your community it’s the same thing it is the same thing and I’m not sure I did a great job of explaining it but you guys are smart you’ll figure it out Ryan

Clark Ryan Clark is constant fodder for our show there are some people that just give us the goods Ryan Clark gives us the goods basically because I don’t like them basically because Ryan Clark said yeah I don’t like Sage Steel’s politics so I’m not going on air with her then of

Course he backed off that I don’t care okay and I think he’s bad at his job he’s a philos my ass he’s an ex football player that was pretty good played on really good teams with a great culture he’s a goodlooking articulate guy so he shows

Up well on TV and he has an opinion but Ryan Clark is a fraud and here’s the deal he is a coddled hack at ESPN ESPN is afraid you know you got all those white men and women that care about one thing and one thing only they’re stock options they do you think

I’m lying you’re crazy I know them I know people that are good friends with them I’m like why won’t they comment on that you think those guys want to lose their stock options you think those guys want to risk their 401ks you’re out of your mind so they cuddle they cuddle the

African-American the African-Americans can do whatever they want at ESPN and it’s kind of a [ __ ] show if you want to know the truth in a lot of ways in the background see you got to understand something it used to be fun you sit there in the Green Room you got all kind

Of different people man you got white you got black you got great players you know I remember Paul Pier not Paul Pierce uh somebody had a bodyguard I don’t think I was there when Paul Pierce was there yeah I think maybe I was I don’t know I can’t remember somebody had

A bodyguard and on me like hey man you guys all right think someone’s going to get you here on the worldwide leader I remember sitting there with that idiot Brendan Hayward the dumbest human being alive alive actually the laziest human being alive I went to go see him in high

School he ran his La actually I went to go see his teammate Vincent Whit and his coach goes look at this this is going to be the best center in the country and look at this clown literally anyway so it used to be fun now it’s a [ __ ] show now it’s

Ridiculous it’s absolutely absurd what goes on behind the scenes at ESPN and Ryan Clark is a big part of it because Ryan Clark is entitled so listen to this Ryan Clark now who’s talked openly about money I want more money I always want to be respected it’s a non-negotiable with

Me I try to rep reciprocate the same through the way I treat others in work that’s what my new contract with ESPN was all about I didn’t need to feel loved and contract details would dictate my worth there I wanted to agree to something that gave me the heart of

Gratitude walking into a building each day so I worked for that I stood on that and here we are I feel so blessed for my progression I got a lot of what I wanted but certainly not all it was a reminder you ain’t him yet so the goal Remains

The Same do right and kill everything the energy is different but the grind is now see y’all everywhere Jesus got a little video of this idiot too here you go can’t hear it oh well Ryan Clark had a ESPN camera crew following him and they went out to

The lake or the ocean where he’s looking out dreamily and he’s talking about respect and he’s talking about all of the things that he deserved lookie here let’s get a camera crew to follow Ryan Clark hey man hey Norby Stephanie droy Ryan wants a camera crew to follow him

Around is he african-amer it’s Ryan Clark who who Ryan Clark you know the guy that oh God yes give him what he wants yes and does he need a new suit does he need a mock turtleneck does he need a Dicky does he need to look

Serious does he need a new makeup grow yes I mean the white dudes at ESPN are doing what I do every day around 9:30 10:00 they’re crapping themselves over Ryan effing look at him let’s get a little camera crew yeah show me how hard I work look I’ve got my luggage I look

At me I put my own bags in I get in my own seat I’m deep thinking what a bunch of [ __ ] and I’m here for it I’m here for all of Ryan Clark’s [ __ ] I think we all should be here for Ryan Clark’s [ __ ] because it’s so obvious it’s so

Ridiculous and it shows how needy and pathetic Ryan Clark is but if you think Ryan Clark is needy and pathetic oh any woman that you see at ESPN is 10 times now that Sage is gone holy hell these women but maybe not maybe Ryan Clark is needier I’ve said

This about Stephen A Smith you know word on the street that I get from his producer who by the way owned a porn company yeah that’s right I love this woman we were whole up in the Double Tree a snowstorm was coming in I was staying at the Double Tree which is

Across street and down the road a little bit anyway so ESPN put all their employees up I’m having a beer minding my own business couple people come up they do what most people do double D we love you hey sit down let’s have a drink turns out there Stephen A Smith’s

Producer I don’t know if it was when he was doing his radio show it must have been all of a sudden we get talking what do you do what do you do what uh you know what on the side I own a porn company you what now of course you got me

Rocking and rolling right but by all accounts according to them he’s a joy to work with Ryan Clark is not a joy to work with Ryan Clark is needy Ryan Clark is actually kind of a little batch hey film crew follow me around for a day now

If you follow me around for a day it’s going to be boring but it’s not going to be self-involved you’re going to see me hanging out here going to see me going in about I don’t know 10 minutes to use the restroom you’re going to see me

Doing nothing driving to my next show but it ain’t going to be needy it isn’t going to be pensive and don’t for one second tell me that African-Americans need that don’t for one single second tell me well you’ve got white privilege yeah my ass Ryan Clark was going to get

A contract at ESP PN no matter what didn’t have anything to do with how he went it had to do with how he looked period he’s okay I mean I understand that some Emmys gave him award for something which is Dei number two because there’s not a chance in hell

He’s the best studio anal you’re not even close there’s nobody that ever said hey look I got to turn on my TV to see what Ryan Clark has to say that’s my definition of a good host I’ll give you an example when I would drive around for

ESPN and you know going to games I always drove unless it was Minnesota or Penn State something stupid like that but what I would do would be I would turn on the radio flash around and if I heard Rex Ryan who was the coach at at

One point of the Jets was going to be on a guest a guest of the show I listened I did if I heard Kiser on the radio I listened if Ryan Clark was coming on or Stephen A Smith was cing God I ain’t listening now I know I got

To balance that white with black because in this Society that’s what we got to do but I really can’t because the number of people I stop and listen to that aren’t my friends like Seth Greenberg or Fran forella or lonso Ellis there see what I

Did there if they come on then you know what I would stop and listen but Ryan Clark I don’t need to get yelled at by Stephen A Smith I don’t need to hear stupid from Ryan Clark I don’t but good for Ryan Clark and good for ESPN you know

ESPN is giving in to its Talent isn’t that what we all want don’t we want our networks to give in the talent hey we got some crazy look I love Danny Hurley uh I’m G skipping ahead fellas I think Danny Hurley is freaking great and I’ll

Tell you what I like about Danny Hurley everywhere he goes fans know he’s nuts at least he seems like he’s nuts on the sidelines so they want to challenge him and everywhere he goes Danny Hurley isn’t afraid to challenge back I loved it that’s who I was in the Mac I had one

Guy in a sweater he’s well I go come back here and I’ll beat your ass so he came back there and the cop that’s following me like Dan what are you doing well here’s Danny Hurley going at a fan at Providence here he is [Applause] [Applause] I love it I don’t kind of sort of like it I 1,00% love it see fans think they can yell whatever they want to yell at you fans think that they can come at you fans think that you know what you’re on the court you’re fair game and maybe to

A certain extent you are but I got to tell you fans need to be very careful because the line’s getting blurred now I don’t know if Danny Hurley’s tough I don’t know if Danny Hurley’s fake tough he was a good player played in the big ease pretty tough League played for a

Father that was pretty tough he’s from Jersey City I’m guessing Danny Hurley’s really tough no idea you know what I love that I’m past that age I think I told you all this my wife when I was in an incident said hey look there was a

Day you were tough but today ain’t it at 61 years old and she’s right we all think we’re tough but Danny Hurley’s still young enough I love the fact that Danny Hurley is tough on his team he wins and he’s unabashedly not afraid to come back at people that are unabashedly

Not afraid to come at him the difference though is this here’s Duke Duke is playing North Carolina Duke gets swept by North Carolina and amazingly enough Kyle Philip howski not only isn’t dead not only played in the game but did what Duke white guys have been doing for centuries not centuries decades going

Back to 92 when Christian lner stopped on aminu timberlakes chest in the legendary Duke nor our Duke Kentucky game that lner hit the gamewinner you know fast forward to every White dude that’s ever played at Duke acting like an idiot here is Duke fans before the game listen to

This oh this is after the [Applause] Game you know one of the things that we didn’t show there I was hoping we would was before the game Duke’s players excuse me Duke’s fans were not only taunting North Carolina RJ Davis as he warmed up but one yelled out I want to kill you there was all kind of crap

About their girlfriends their mothers their families now you got to understand little dookies are entitled little [ __ ] they always have been they always will be not the players the fans I mean just look at them just just look at them they’re ugly people they really are you would think that Duke would have

Like greatl looking people goodlook you know no they’re ugly people they just are and they’re not ugly because of how they look they’re ugly because how they react when things don’t go their way I guess I should say they’re typical people typical people well they love to

Be loved they love to taunt you but when it comes back on them they can’t handle it see that’s the beauty of me here when when it comes back on me I just go back at you I don’t throw things but here’s the deal we always knew Duke was like

This always I mean how can you not look on that sideline and see coach Shashi defending Grayson Allen for all his stupidity defending lner for stomping now you got John Shire his entire fan base acted like complete dumbasses from before the game until after the game now

Here’s a deal John Shire also had a player named Kyle filipowski who went from the dead of being touched by a fan at Wake Forest to all of a sudden tripping a player in game we’ll see what happens and it ended it started with the nasty taunting the awful taunting the

We’re going to kill you taunting stuff about your mother and it ended with that what you just saw throwing stuff on the court you know what and in between a Duke player did what a Duke player does which is trip people

Subscribe to Outkick for daily videos and shorts:

00:00 – Pistons GM Loses It On A Fan
07:17 – SEC Championship Fight
15:06 – Mo Hasan & the Italian Mob
25:13 – Ryan Clark Is A Coddled Hack
31:45 – Dan’s CBB Roundup

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  1. That fan was speaking for every Detroit sports fan in this city. This team is an absolute embarrassment. They really should actually listen to their fan base.

  2. Imagine be that thin skinned. So much for sticks and stones and names can never hurt me.

  3. Right on the money Dan. Love the takes on everything except Ju Ju Watkins. When he got the correct pronunciation of her name he kept saying it wrong. He kept bringing her up so he could mispronounce it to get a rise. What has she done Dan? Bad look!

  4. I don't believe ANYTHING with the Jets until it's done. Every single person in upper management including the owner are complete trash.

  5. The Players are a reflection of their Coach, thugs will be thugs, you would NEVER see this behavior with Caitlin Clarke or Iowa…Ryan sure has gotten Thirsty , SAS lite….baby brother… ..surprised Mr. Weaver didnt play the always used Race card…. Mr. Weaver is a DEI hire, this is what happens when you let The Rooney Rules seep into all Sports…

  6. I discovered this about 2 months ago and got hooked. I'm not quite sure how i feel about DD. Sometimes I'm riding all the way with him and other times I'm thinking what the fuc$ is this caucasian moron talking about? He speaks much truth but he bleats an equal amount of BS. I'm constantly thinking is this dude serious or is he half drunk and talking outta his ass? I still watch him daily but it can be confusing

  7. Either your dumb or your producers are…. they Litterally said it was her "Brother" not "Dad"…….atleast watch before talking! Come on pay attention to your own content!

  8. All the NbA or China lovers. Why do people go to this crap anymore is beyond me. All this league is are players jacking 3’s with 20
    Seconds on the shot clock

  9. There is so much unrighteousness in the world today. People who are unrighteous will eventually pay and pay big. It can come in any form

  10. Sure glad I found this Dan Dakich guy and his takes on sports and all the personalities in sports a few weeks ago while enjoying life up here in Vancouver,

  11. depending on the circumstances, unless the fan was totally out of line, Pistons fans should support the fan and stop coming to the games, walk tf out

  12. Troy Weaver might be better suited for coaching and not talent evaluating…He had a good coaching record but he might not be as gifted as a GM…

  13. So true about the lady broadcasters, whenever I tune in to a men's game and the play by play announcer is a woman, I can't watch it.

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