@Dallas Mavericks

Post Game Thread: The Dallas Mavericks defeat The Chicago Bulls 127-92

#Dallas Mavericks at Chicago Bulls

United Center- Chicago, IL




|Time Clock|

|DAL |44|18|36|29|127|
|CHI |16|26|22|28|92|

###Player Stats

**Dallas Mavericks**

|D. Jones Jr.|16:18|8|3-7|2-5|0-0|0|0|0|2|0|0|0|1|19
|P. Washington|23:13|7|3-5|1-3|0-0|0|5|5|0|2|1|0|2|19
|D. Gafford|22:48|20|9-9|0-0|2-3|3|4|7|1|1|2|0|4|11
|K. Irving|27:20|14|6-14|2-6|0-0|0|3|3|1|1|1|1|2|12
|L. Doncic|33:37|27|9-23|6-15|3-4|2|10|12|14|1|0|2|2|34
|D. Exum|18:51|2|1-3|0-2|0-0|1|3|4|2|0|0|1|0|11
|D. Lively II|20:00|22|11-12|0-0|0-0|2|5|7|3|2|2|1|3|22
|J. Green|23:09|5|2-3|1-2|0-0|0|3|3|3|0|0|0|0|26
|M. Kleber|12:47|2|0-1|0-1|2-2|0|4|4|1|0|0|0|1|15
|T. Hardaway Jr.|18:10|4|1-4|0-3|2-2|0|1|1|4|2|0|0|0|-3
|J. Hardy|7:23|11|4-5|1-2|2-2|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0
|A. Lawson|6:09|3|1-5|0-2|1-2|0|1|1|1|1|0|0|1|2
|D. Powell|5:12|0|0-1|0-0|0-0|2|0|2|1|0|0|0|1|2
|M. Morris|5:03|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|5

**Chicago Bulls**

|D. DeRozan|22:05|13|4-9|0-1|5-6|0|2|2|2|0|0|1|1|-12
|A. Caruso|21:02|4|1-6|1-6|1-4|2|3|5|3|1|0|1|1|-9
|N. Vucevic|26:20|13|6-13|1-4|0-0|2|4|6|2|0|1|3|0|-22
|A. Dosunmu|29:04|9|4-13|1-5|0-0|2|6|8|6|1|1|2|2|-35
|C. White|27:05|12|4-14|1-6|3-3|1|1|2|1|0|0|2|2|-18
|O. Bitim|25:16|17|8-16|1-6|0-0|4|2|6|1|0|0|1|3|-21
|J. Carter|13:25|3|1-1|0-0|1-2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|-17
|T. Craig|16:32|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|2|-21
|A. Drummond|16:28|4|1-3|0-0|2-4|1|9|10|1|1|0|1|0|-11
|J. Phillips|27:57|11|3-7|2-3|3-3|2|1|3|0|2|0|0|0|-9
|D. Terry|7:23|4|2-5|0-2|0-0|0|0|0|2|1|0|1|0|0
|T. Taylor|7:23|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|0
###Team Stats



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  1. Wooden-Ad1987

    Luka tryna stat pad that 30 was hilarious. Too bad he couldn’t extend the record

  2. Jackfitz88

    We need to give Hardy tims minutes. 11 points in 7 minutes. Dudes a baller

  3. Reddit-on-Reddit

    Years of pain and suffering at the center position…now look at us.

  4. papadondon

    jason kidd’s defensive scheme is coming to fruition

  5. NeonBurrito_

    Now that’s the kind of game you love to see after a super long funk. Came swinging right out of the gate and never let them close up.

  6. HispanicAtTehDisco

    will be very interesting to see how people manage to twist this win into a bad thing

    i was told the season was over and we should tank after a bad stretch

  7. Putrid_Ad_2256

    Luka wanted one last shot, you could see him running back out after the clock stopped.  🤣

  8. Acreativeusername69

    Our centers today were on fire, we’ve come a long way from staring Powell to get here. Let’s enjoy it boys!

  9. Once again I’m demanding Hardy rotation minutes

  10. Luka is the worst stat padder of all time, like just drive to the paint lol

  11. RoughlyTreeFiddy

    Gafford + Lively tonight: 42/14/4/3/4 on 20-21 shooting in 43 mins. Absolutely ridiculous.

  12. This is a bipolar ass team lol. Hopefully we win streak going into the playoffs

  13. Diabolic_Bug_Man

    Tyson Chandler effect, ladies and gentlemen

    Our Centers are monsters

  14. Diabolic_Bug_Man

    Hardy is our future 6th Man

    Get him some more minutes

  15. this_is_a_name522

    To me one of the most perfect games I’ve seen them play,and sad that Lukas streak is over

  16. Dereck Lively and Gafford played perfect. What a difference two legit bigs can make.

  17. PrinceofEden23

    It is the first day of Ramadan, so it does take a little adjustment for Kyrie to get situated. So he deserves a pass. Other than that great game!

  18. slimkid07

    *weeps softly at seeing Mavs centers dominate the paint after decades of ineptitude

  19. jknets_tdot

    42 points 14 rebounds 4 blocks from the center position. Plus assists and steals.

    What a beautiful thing.

  20. juanopenings

    Let Lively FEAST! He’s a growing young MAN

  21. Axisofcoolio

    In a 35 pt blowout, tim is -3. That’s generational talent y’all 

  22. this_is_a_name522

    I felt like we never blow a team out by this much recently

  23. ITakeLargeDabs

    44 pts from Gafford and Lively against the #3 rated paint defense in the league. What a dominant display from the big fellas, love it

  24. kingjasko96

    Chicago Bulls cared more about stopping Luka’s record from extending than they did about winning the damn game ahahahahaha

  25. Our bigs went 20-21 from the field. That’s it, that’s the recap.

  26. MFFL12_17

    I think this starting lineup is clicking real well

  27. AdhesivenessOwn7109

    This is the first time since the OKC game, I have seen a good game from the Mavs, especially on the offensive end. I guess we should run small ball next right? Right Kidd?

  28. bigmeatyclaws1

    Dare I say kidd now understands that one of Lively or Gafford should be on the floor at all times???

  29. malandropist

    Luka not being 2nd in the MVP race is a fucking farce

  30. Ok_Instruction_5232

    Nice little confidence boost before a huge 3-games stretch

  31. Glass-Lifeguard1919

    Just here to say that our centers (Gaff & Lively) combined for 42 points, 14 rebounds, & 4 blocks tonight.

  32. HarrisonGod

    Funny seeing this team destroy another team in the paint for a change. Loving Gafford in the starting lineup.

  33. Megaman_320

    Nice little win streak. Hope we can continue it against the qarriors, and hopefully against the thunder and nuggets too, to keep the lakers at bay and hopefully get the 6th seed if possible.

  34. Nuevo_Pantalones

    Give Luka two twin towers (Burj Khalifa) and everyone will say MAMA MIA!

  35. this_is_a_name522

    Our defense was phenomenal,64 points coming to the 4th lol

  36. Our 2 centers combined for 40+ points. What year is this??

  37. Rare_Royal_9185

    Good win. Thj being 10th man out was a good call. Still bricking with the only player negative on the +/-

  38. Nico_Simon

    Morris scored 2 in 5min +5 +/-. THJ got 4 in 18min -3 +/-. WTF

  39. It’s hard to be negative about anything in this game. Maybe Luka not hitting 30? Very cathartic game

  40. Phreak_of_Nature

    When was the last time we had two centers score 20+ each?

  41. DCJustSomeone

    Luka really wanted a 3 to fall in the 4th, lol

  42. Great win. Luka did not get a 30 points Triple Double. This clearly proves Luka being the problem.

    That should be enough to get be a job as a NBA analyst isn’t?

  43. notsoyungblood

    Gafford must love playing with Luka. It is insane to think he was leading the league in fg% playing with Poole.

    He is shooting 76.6% from the field as a Maverick. 59-77

  44. DrChill21

    Gaffers needs to play 25 minutes a night. Anything less and Jason Kidd is a fucking moron.

  45. boringhangover

    LOL that THJ was the only player with a minus (-3) in a blowout win. How fitting…

  46. Historical_Chip_2706

    We win by 35 and THJ is only guy with negative +/-


  47. EggYakult

    Pay attention to the +/-, only 1 Mavs player was in the negative

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