@Sacramento Kings

Mike Brown explains the ‘spray threes’ the Sacramento Kings highly value in their offense

Mike Brown explains the ‘spray threes’ the Sacramento Kings highly value in their offense

Easy one I know you’re close to they’re all easy for the most part I know you’re close to uh coach Patrick uh sax State who didn’t do very well as we’re doing really well in the tournament just eliminating number one seed just what are you thinking with h what sack

State’s been able to do Stingers up baby let’s go we in the semi-finals I’ve been following those guys just from afar obviously hadn’t had a chance to get out and support them but uh uh they’re on a heck of a run so keep your fingers crossed keep doing what you’re doing DP

Keep getting the dck how how special of a guy a coach do you think think coach Patrick is uh fantastic fantastic guy uh terrific family uh great pillar in the community and obviously a guy that can coach and uh you know everywhere that he’s been he’s done just a hell of a job

Uh with with the program and to see him you know cuz because again you’re not winning every year at a high level that’s the nature of of sports and so to see him uh get his team primed at the right time of the year and go on a

Little run hopefully it’s continues for two more games is is something special and it’s not surprising March that anything can happen right anything can happen in March especially in college for you guys though Now you kind of turn your attention to Kings I mean does last night have a familiar feeling for you

Even though the way they defended um you talk about how great they were defensively but obviously a familiar feeling that you have a team with a losing record come in here and kind of show you up a little bit right and again this is how how to how to uh sport will

Goes they may have a losing record uh but they’ve won four of their last five and uh they’re playing at a high level right now and they should be on a five game winning streak like I said before they were up 20 on the Clippers and uh

So they should be on a five-game winning streak so to sit back and just say hey you know a losing team came in here and beat you guys that’s that’s not realistic you you know uh they’re playing well and they have a chance to

Be a play in team still there’s a lot of season left and I me they got to go on a ridiculous streak to be in the playoffs but they’re still alive and they’re a good team they have guys that have won at a high level Dylan Brooks has made it

Past the first round how many times Fred Van Fleet made have pass the first round how many times he may have a championship Jeff Green the same thing uh so you can look at their team and you can say okay these guys have a nice mix

Of veterans that have won at a high level and young athletic guys that are getting better it’s just like you know Keegan Keegan got better throughout the course of the year last year their young guys are getting better they have uh their young kid who’s drafted higher

Than than Keegan last year he’s getting better they’re long they’re athletic so I think you and you got to give uh E Credit so again you know just to look at that record and say hey this this and that I I don’t think is accurate but uh you know we definitely

Uh felt like we had a chance to win the game yesterday um I and you know I still say it’s the same thing our pick and roll uh defense got away from us a little bit and that’s why we went to a Zone it’s probably the most we played as

Z I think it played as played a Zone I think we played it the whole fourth quarter um and then we played it in spurts and other parts of the game um and then you know our inability to spray the basketball you know like said we had 10

Sprays if you look at just the last three games alone we’re we’re 29th in the NBA on 30 teams in terms of spraying the basketball and that has an impact on us going 6 for 32 from the three-point line because we’re not getting as many easy

Threes as we normally do and if anybody came to me and said hey even though we didn’t play great defensively at times if somebody came to me and say hey the team has 105 points with a minute 20 to go in the game are you okay with that

For me like hell yeah cuz we’re going to probably have about 112 115 at that point in time uh but and they probably if we would have cleaned up a couple of things a little bit on defensively they probably would have had 97 or 98 at that

Point in time uh but having said all that we have to continue doing what we do offensively and and and overall even though these last three games were 29th we’re fourth overall in sprays in the NBA so we do it and first and passing so

We do a good job we just got to get off of the ball a little bit better especially when teams take away uh um or when we play pick and roll we get in the paint uh when we drive the basketball just in oneon-one situation get in the

Paint and or we roll and catch in the pocket and and everybody’s doing like this so uh I think it’s that more than anything else that uh that hurt us last night when you’re looking at those spray threes and sort of categorizing it like what is the black and white definition

Of what a spray three is uh anytime you touch the paint now we have early sprays that we like meaning that uh if if if I’m on the wing and I start the drive cuz sometimes teams overh help early just make the Syle pass or push what we

Call Push ahead pass to the next guy because his defender came in to help stop the ball now that guy could shoot it or what they what Houston does is they’re they’re really good at crowd that paint and you get off it like that they’re I mean they they really close

Out hard to you and so when that ball comes to me I got a guy closing out to me now that’s when the snap Drive is available and the snap drive is not just always available for me to score cuz they may still be there from collapsing

The first time but the snap Drive may be now I take one two get in that paint and now I spray it and that guy maybe kicks it you know so again we have touching the paint whether it’s uh off of a drive from a pick and roll or an

ISO uh off of a drive from a snap Drive uh off of a roll cuz I catch in the pocket and everybody collapses uh off of a rebound you know sometimes you get a rebound if you got two three guys around you and you’re a smaller guy sometimes

You just got to play off too and kick it um yeah and and kick it because if you got two or three guys around you somebody on the perimeter is open um and so those are the different ways you could spray uh a basketball that we’re

Not doing a good job of that we have to be better at than what we have been the last three games how much do shooting struggles you know obviously Kevin’s kind of had some moments Keegan a little bit as well how much does maybe that

Play a part in not seeing that action as much uh I whether guys are making shots or not you still have to play the right way and to me that’s part of playing the right way but that’s why I say at the end of the day um you got to defend and

You got to win The Possession game because uh shots aren’t going to always go in you know when you go back and you look at the shots that we had last night um we had some open looks from the right Shooters the ball just didn’t go in and

So what does that mean that means you got to be better defensively and you have to try to win The Possession game where you can’t send them to the free throw line play after play after play and you take care of basketball cuz if you turn it over especially as athletic

As they are they’re going to get out and they’re going to make your pay and transition and which is what happened they’re going to get some easy baskets with their quickness and their ability to attack with their athleticism off of our turnovers so and then you can’t give

Up offensive rebound so those are the areas that you know High Lev teams win most nights defensively and then The Possession game because I’ve been with high Lev teams and the ball’s not going to always go in even if even if you are playing the right way just just the

Nature of the game what you m as you look ahead to the next few games you know Milwaukee tomorrow then La then New York on Saturday and whatnot with what 19 games remaining in the regular season do you kind of feel on this next stretch obviously pushing to get that uh top six

Seed that you guys are kind of going to feel as a team who you guys are what’s your made of despite some of the inconsistencies um throughout the season yeah no I mean you know this is winning time and you know every game I said this before every game you play is almost

Like a playoff game now it’s not quite there because the preparation and when you’re in the playoffs your preparation at at a much higher level um but you know trying to bring the uh intensity sense of urgency level of consistency to the table versus your opponents is

Something that has to happen and we have to be able to do it uh in order to have some success comeing postseason so big games for us coming up and uh you know hopefully we can perform at the level that I think we’re capable of and everybody else thinks that we’re capable

Of what have you been hoping to get out of that that zone and was it that fourth part or that Miami game that was kind of the start of okay maybe we could go to this bit more no I mean we played Zone most of the year in spurts um I if

You play it too much teams can get a rhythm and not only that they’ll prepare a little bit more coming into the game and um you know against both if if you’re talking specifically about Miami and specifically about Houston we went to Zone because in both instances uh the

Pick and roll was hurting us you know the pick and roll with bam was hurting us he was catching in the pocket making plays uh last night the pick and roll was hurting us s go was catching in the pocket or whoever it was catching in the

Pocket and making plays uh even landel and so um to to make them take a different shot which is what they had to do um is why we went to Zone against Miami is why we went to Zone uh last night against Houston and and uh both of

Them worked you know um obviously helping us defensively but at the end of day you still got to take care of the ball and you still have to make shots and we didn’t do that at at a high enough level uh especially in the third

In the third we you know offensively I I I’d say in the another three quarters we bad offensively and and since the All-Star break we’ve been third in the NBA in terms of offensive rating so we’ve been pretty good offensively since the All-Star break we fell off the wagon

A little bit and it had uh a lot to do with our turnovers and and our I think we had one spray in that third quarter and our abil our inability to get the ball moving at the right time pace is a big key for you guys do you feel like

When you have a lead there could be some benefit of slowing it down a little bit well uh because you know I’m just I’m not a firm believer in uh being being passive when uh your strength is uh being aggressive especially when it comes to pace so uh maybe you slow it

Down in the last minute and a half if you’re up you know three three or so baskets but to start slowing it down in in the uh uh you know in the third quarter just because you’re up or the second quarter because you’re up no cuz now you’re going against a set defense

All the time and and you need easy baskets with the way that the game’s being played today makes everyone

Sacramento Kings head coach Mike Brown spoke with reporters Monday afternoon following their team practice. He discussed their shortcomings in Sunday’s 112-104 loss to the Houston Rockets, defined the ‘spray threes’ that they (and the rest of the NBA) highly value, and more.

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