@Detroit Pistons

Can Cade Cunningham & Jaden Ivey become the next great Detroit Pistons backcourt?

Can Cade Cunningham & Jaden Ivey become the next great Detroit Pistons backcourt?

Obviously we’re doing the podcast now we’re talking about Kate Cunningham and Jade Ivy and uh shout out to one of your co-workers uh Speak Easy yes sir shout out shout out to him uh because I know he is not the biggest Jaden Ivy fan not to say that he doesn’t like them he’s

Always questioned the fit right so my question to you you know Kate Cunningham and Jade Ivy combine for over 60 points against the Brooklyn Nets are you still a believer in Kate Cunningham and Jay Navy with this back court do you think it can work do you think that there’s a

Blueprint for this back court to lar to work longterm in Detroit okay so like this is exactly what you know easy was blowing up the chat our our our heavyweights group chat about it so I I I put some research into it because you know he talked about like

You know their plus minuses and how they’re they’re both better without each other on the court and all of that and so my my thing is this right is what were we doing a little over a year ago like in in the NBA Circle Beyond Pistons

Like NBA Circle what was one of the biggest talks around January of 2023 it was do Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum fit together is that a core you can actually you can actually win with and they’ve been good for so long they’ve gotten very far including the NBA Finals but

They haven’t gotten over that hump there’s that there’s that question they played they played and I want to get this number 420 games together through multiple coaches multiple roster constructions so my point with Kade and Ivy is they played 59 out of 144 games possible between between the two of them

So that’s 41% of possible games that that they play together it’s too early I understand E’s logic I agree that like if this were to work one of them has to at least one of them have to be an elite shooter and the other has to be

Considering you got assar a pretty good shooter and I don’t know if either of them are going to be elite Kate has been Elite but I don’t know how sustainable that is uh you know and maybe maybe it is if he starts to get better looks if

The if the roster improves around him and he gets in uh and Monty puts him in better sets like maybe that’s maybe that is sustainable Jaden Ivy’s been streaky all season you know but when he’s on he’s on so I want to see it it’s probably gonna he’s probably going to

Level out to like a like a 36% 35% three-point shooter which is which is good enough so to me I have I believe that it can but my answer is I don’t know yet I I don’t know yet because we haven’t had like this is 59 games in the

NBA is nothing nothing when you’re getting when you’re getting almost no practice time because of the way the NBA schedule is these these players in these teams aren’t practicing a lot and you know a lot of people are saying that’s even destroying the NBA because these these players aren’t able to be

Developed uh properly because that’s where you really develop is through through practice through the off season and you can’t do that during the regular season you’re just going out there and playing game after game after game and then in between you’re resting and so it took it took Jaylen Brown and Jason

Tatum 420 games to now look at it and people still have questions if Boston comes up short this year they’re going to go see that fit didn’t work and that’s a team that made it to the finals so like you gotta give these you got to give these players time I believe in

Just looking at their skill sets they can fit together the prettiest compliment no but it’s it can’t it can work but the question is you got to just you got to just or the statement is you got to give it time because 59 games is nothing

That’s nothing in the NBA you got to go through the trenches you got to play in the playoffs together you got to you know you got to you got to play multiple Seasons together these are young kids figuring their games out young men I should say figuring their games out so

For me it’s way it’s way too early to tell could easy be right and take his Victory lap early maybe he’s taking it early yeah and maybe he will be right one day but right now I just don’t think you can have a concrete answer to your point I think it is early

Um less than 100 NBA games is an extremely small sample size um but you know the best availability is availability and that has you know Kate Cunningham was out all last year so we kind of got robbed with that what I will say is I think the blueprint for how

This can work is the only way I see it personally working is Jade naivy has to be a movement shooter Jade Navy has to be that cutter and you saw that last game you saw him cutting to the basket you saw him coming off of dribble handoff screens and being active and

When his three-point shot is falling like it was I think he hit six three-pointers and he attempted nine of them then the whole offense opens up not just for Kate Cunningham but for Jaden Ivy yeah um and someone had left a comment uh it from Brady Odum on her

Facebook uh live stream right now and I think this is the sentiment with a lot of Pistons fans because the Pistons throughout their history have seen a lot of great Detroit Piston back courts and he says of course those two can work together the Pistons have had two great

Guards playing together before Isaiah Thomas and Joe Dumar two time Champions back to the back chony bips and Richard Hamilton who won a championship in all four and gave us I think they SP spers personally they go in the work crew spoil Pistons fans um in my personal

Opinion but you kind of see the blueprint Richard Hamilton was that guy that you know ran off screen just outworked everybody I think Jade Navy has to take that same type of approach because I would much rather have Kate Cunningham run the show right now than

Jade NY not to say that I don’t think Jade Navy is a bad like point guard but I know he’s not really a point guard i’ much rather have Kate Cunningham with the ball in his hands because I believe Kate has that Killer Instinct when he

Need when he wants to turn it on he can turn it on and when he wants to involve people he can do that um because I I’ve talked to EAS about this yeah I I’ve talked to e about this before I mean this is going like pre-draft evaluation

And one argument he would always we would talk he would say like he was just like okay Anthony he’s like when’s the last time yeah you saw an arch type like a cade Cunningham who’s a you can call him like a point forward if you want and

A fast Twitchy combo guard win an NBA championship and I told him I said probably like LeBron and dwade in Miami I said but like if that if that’s your debate and that’s your argument um I said I can’t really do much for you I

Said but not every NBA team is going to win a championship like that that that was always my argument with them I think they can fit together and they can work together this is to your point we have to be more patient like 58 games

Together isn’t a whole lot of games um I think it can work and I think there’s a blueprint for success with this back court but Jade naivy has to be that movement shooter he has to be just I don’t need you to stand in the corner

Still I need you to be moving off of screens I need you to uh look for the those back door cuts and just work on that three-point shot work on the mid-range we all know that you you’re one of the fastest players in the NBA um

But you just need to slow down because there are instances where he just plays way too fast and he he kind of makes like those Russell Westbrook esque like turnovers where he just plays way too fast and he gets excited and it’s just a bad possession and a bad turnover yeah I

Think if he can slow down a little bit this back court can 100% work we just have to be more patient to your point yeah I I again I it took it took Jaylen Brown Jason T 420 games and people still have their questions so I like in a

Perfect world yes you want your you want your skill sets to be completely complimentary of one another when when it’s your two best your two best players but in an that’s an ideal world that’s a Utopia and that doesn’t often exist there are a lot of pairings that that

Have very similar uh overlapping skills and they and they they can find they can find ways to work it’s about how you construct the roster around them it’s about about them developing games that compliment each other and that’s just that’s just the truth so easy I agree

With I agree with his logic to an extent like like what he’s saying isn’t wrong in principle but I I just feel like in this in this case you know it more time I think will give you will give you the will give you

The answer of of can it of can it work or not you can yeah you can be the first one at the party and you know what and if he he’s if he’s there I’ll I’ll tell I’ll tell him he’s right but my point is that it’s it’s too ear

It’s too early there’s a world in which it there’s a world in which it works Jaylen Brown Jay Tatum again they went through multiple coaches multiple roster constructions and they still haven’t cracked that that final spot they that they want to be at so give it time man 59 games is nothing

And that’s like that’s like three or four NFL games you know people talking about J and gof getting the chemistry and like you know that’s it t it takes time everything takes time I I I will say because I I think when you’re comparing two wings like

Jason uh Tatum Jaylen Brown I look at a similar situation and obviously these guys aren’t teammates but they were I looked to Cleveland I looked at Darius Garland and Colin seon yeah right now those were two guards that obviously there were questions about fit and this will probably help E’s argument in his

Case they elected to trade Colin seon so they could land out ofan Mitchell um I think there’s a world where maybe it doesn’t work and maybe to some people’s Point like they both need the ball in their hands to be effective I think you can sacrifice and there’s parts of Jaden

Ivy’s game where when you watched him at Purdue he didn’t always have the ball in his hands and he played a lot of off ball a lot of catch and shoot I think any championship team or any NBA team that is successful they have sacrificed parts of their game where maybe they’re not

Showing you 100% of their skill set but they’re just really honing in on what that team actually needs and I think with Jade iy’s case if he just plays like he was playing at College playing off the ball catch and shoot you know curling off screens it can work um yeah

I I I think there’s a blueprint but I really I don’t like to compare Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown because they’re such an anomaly to me because I think they’re both talented I think both of them could be like if you split them up that they would both be stars on the

Respective teams yeah but I think the reason why people always question the fit with those two um isn’t because of can they work together it’s always kind of been their style of play and their style of play kind of mirrors each other in a sense where they’re both really they they both

Really like to play isolation basketball at the end of the day yeah um with Kade and Ivy I I think it’s a little different in terms of we know Kade can play one through three we know Kade can be a selfless passer um but he can also

Get his with Jade Navy we know he can score the basketball I mean he can make passes but he’s not as selfless as Kate Cunningham um I can’t really look at a backourt of recent memory off the top of my head where their their play Styles

Kind of mirr each other like the the one that came to mine was Garin and seon I mean you could make a case with Tyrese helbert and dearn fox yeah um obviously like you know halberton was the the playmaker of the two and fox was more of

That you that score to get to the basket and you know fox has a similar game to Jade iy maybe that’s more of the back court maybe you could make a comparison to but just off the top of my head I can’t really think of a back court of

Recent memory that is has a similar skill set to both of those guys yeah yeah that’s that’s that’s a good point it’s hard to it’s hard to think of one right now in the moment but you know again you don’t need fits to be perfect

You need them to be good enough and and that’s and that’s where where it’s at you know like I agree with every every logical point that that EAS and those people make when it comes to when it comes to Kade and Ivy not fitting but

Again not only is it time but it’s like you just need it to fit you just need it to fit enough essentially for sure for sure like I said I I I think they can work we got to be a little bit more patient I I know

Like I love e uh it’s really hard to debate that point yeah that he brings up because I mean like there’s a select few of small forwards that can pass and you know athletic guards that have won an NBA championship like I like I said the

Only one I could think of is like Dwayne Wade which is like a great stance by him right like to like like he like if the pisses don’t even win a championship if if if Kad and Ivy become a a Powerhouse in the East and they reach the and they

And they’re in the bosses situation where they never win a championship EAS will still get to say he’s right and it’s incredible that bosses had that much success and you could still you know like say like oh the Jaylen Brown Jason Tatum experiments failed I would disagree with that I think being so

Successful like they like it’s I would I would not call them a failure but you know people people can because at the end of the day we’re judg we’re judged by Rings Patrick Ying Allen Iverson Charles Barkley like they’re greats but not getting it done it just means so

Much in basketball so br brilliant stance by easy yeah I know I love them but I just I I disagree with them on this [Applause] [Applause] Yeah

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Chris Platte of Woodward Sports the topic of discussion was can Cade Cunningham and Jaden Ivey could coexist together in the backcourt

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  1. Not even close. They havent shown anything.

    1 good game. Slow down the hype. They dont work.

    What we learned is we won because Jaden hit all those 3s. We need a shooter next to Cade

  2. LOL. Comparing Celtics to Pistons. Silly. Pistons have enough time to see.

    This team sucks. Yall only want it to work because we drafted him. Thats it. It wont work.

    SPending money on Jade and and Cade will be a disaster for this organization. Jaden will be a FA soon. Horrible.

  3. LOL, Jaylen Brown and Tatum stay competing for a Championships.

    Worse argument and dumbest I have ever heard bro. They ahve cracked it, theyve been to the Finals.

    Cade needs to be next to a shooter. A pure shooter who can hit a 3.

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