@National Basketball Association

[Orsborn] In French, Wemby said of Jackson-Davis’ dunk: “Getting dunked on is nothing. It’s part of the game. I dunk on a lot of people and a lot of people dunk on me too. But I think I block more often than I get dunked on, so that’s positive.”

[Orsborn] In French, Wemby said of Jackson-Davis’ dunk: “Getting dunked on is nothing. It’s part of the game. I dunk on a lot of people and a lot of people dunk on me too. But I think I block more often than I get dunked on, so that’s positive.”

by Kimber80


  1. Dude has never dunked on a guy taller than him though

  2. This is like the one time I watched a pro bowler in my small-town league bowl a 299, he just shrugged it off and said “meh, I have more 300s than 299s”

  3. CarryTheHellOn

    It’s ok my glorious king, it was an offensive foul anyway

  4. roblox1999

    I don‘t see the issue here. Not contesting a dunk, because you are afraid of being posterized is just pathetic in my eyes. People need to stop immediately trying to clown guys being posterized. It‘s part of the game. Everyone gets dunked on, unless you purposefully evade them all, which is just cowardly.

    That said, still a fantastic dunk by Jackson-Davis.

  5. Dishavingfun

    You always fight.

    Guy gets you, fine.

    But you did your job.

  6. xenoz2020

    head already on straight. very mature for his age and not crying to Nike to delete the clip lol

  7. “I know I’m gon get got, but I’m gon get mine more than I get got doe.”

  8. Real rivalry is between Wemby and TJD. Chet is not a rookie.

  9. If you’re not getting dunked on then you’re not playing defense

  10. MonsterOctopus8

    Yo this is almost EXACTLY what TJD said I just saw it on r/warriors sub!

  11. renaldorini

    First thing I thought when I saw that dunk was Shawn Bradley quote basically saying “They don’t show all the times I blocked them”

  12. Sure_Station9370

    I remember Yuta getting obliterated by Ant and it was brutal but it’s the effort that counts. Except in Zions case. Best to just move lol.

  13. Difficult-Set-7269

    if gobert said this everyone would be shitting on him, but since it’s wemby its quote of the year

  14. Is the obsession with getting dunked on fairly recent or am I tripping? Like <10 years. Obviously posters were always cool, but I feel like the overfocus on it, like it’s preferable to not even be there to contest, is a nephew thing on SM that’s played too much 2K. In real life basically nobody dunks on anyone so it’s really only an NBA player thing and I doubt they care as much as we do.

    I understand ankle breakers more, if anything. That’s relatable.

  15. New_Essay_4869

    This is not the last time he’ll get dunked on. But in the process, he will find himself with a few DPOYs to go with it

  16. BamaboyinUT

    – Marshawn Lynch translated to French then translated back to English

  17. Guys like Wemby and Giannis don’t have that American mentality of “getting dunked on”. They’ll always contest every shot they can at the rim.

  18. BuddhistInTheory

    Last guy to dunk on Wemby (Kai Jones) went crazy and hasn’t played since.

  19. msolelh1027

    I’m more impressed that Wemby does not back off from posters.

  20. Counterspell_God

    Love the attitude. Will Stan this man for his whole career.

  21. Wemby is a better man than me. I would have been petty and claimed the rightful offensive foul that wasn’t called. You know the one where the warriors player pushed wembys hand down and away from the ball just to be able to dunk uncontested lol

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