@Sacramento Kings

The James Ham Show – We Know Who the Sacramento Kings Are

The James Ham Show – We Know Who the Sacramento Kings Are

What’s happening Hammer uh good news on the Alper and shenon front yeah breaking news from Adan wowski did not uh suffer any major injury on his lower leg severely sprained lower uh sprained ankle and a bone bruis in his knee I thought it would be catastrophic that’s really good

To hear yeah that was a all all alltime bad look on the camera for sure uh Ste maey here on kfm West Sacramento 98.5 FM carck qd2 Sacramento ESPN 1320 always live on the free Odyssey app and live with our 1320 Kings Insider James ham of

The Insiders uh 10: am to 12 pm uh here Monday through Friday on ESPN 1320 Hammer I’m GNA steal a phrase out of your vernacular when you’re talking to these guys postgame where are you at with this team H um I you know like I I don’t we keep

Having this discussion like every couple of days right they just they’ve they’ve shown us who they are and we should believe it and I think that’s the end of the story like this is a solid you know middle of the road playoff team in the Western Conference um they have like tremendous

Holes that they have to F fill in order to take any reasonable step forward after this season and we shouldn’t expect them to win the next 19 games or whatever is left uh we shouldn’t expect them to be anything more than maybe 11 and eight over that stretch or you know maybe 10

And nine over that stretch they are a 500 team and they’re gonna win some crazy games that they shouldn’t and they’re GNA lose a lot of games that they also shouldn’t lose and that’s just kind of going to be who they are the rest of this season and if somehow they

Change that and they surprise us and they become something more um that would just be jarring and stunning and I I mean you could applaud it but at the same time they we have a large enough sample size to know exactly who this group is okay I

Mean anybody who feels that way I understand it I get it like um theyve they’ve been a team that you can’t really get a grab on and when you can’t get a grasp on you just look at what it is um with them being a team that’s you

Know playoff back into the playoff SL playin type team I we were talking about it earlier I do think that uh some of the the the guys who aren’t playing well will play better I think keeg Murray will play better I think uh Kevin herder or Harrison Barnes will be more

Consistent down the stretch and play better and because of that I think the team will play better I mean I I think they’ll be a little bit more than the 10- nine 500 team and like I said I I get it it’s semantics or whatever I mean

They’re not a 500 team they but you know just like just like they started off the season uh playing a certain way they could revert back to that I I don’t know I just I look at those those individuals and I think those guys will play more to their averages which is

What they have not played to to for the last month month and a half or so yeah I mean you could hope that some guys like snap out of a single a season long Funk but I just you know like at a certain point like you have to

Understand the limitations of a team now you know if they they played nothing but bad teams from here on out like I would like to tell you that they would be better than 500 but that’s I think that’s the bigger problem it’s that they can’t take care of things that are

Sitting in front of them and and actually walk into a game and and make you feel like they’re a serious serious Contender on any level you know like there just isn’t that feel to this group and again they could end up with a very similar record to last season maybe that

Maybe one or two losses less maybe they somehow get to 48 wins but there is no confidence in in like what they’re doing at this point uh you know they live and die by the three and at this point most of their Shooters are shooting well below their or shooting below their

Career averages you can point to a guy like sabonis and say yeah well he’s shooting above his his career average but he he shoots so few that it doesn’t matter you know they like I I wrote last night like this isn’t like an anomal the three-point shooting anymore this is

This is their identity and I’ve asked Mike repeatedly what he thinks their identity is and and some of the players what they think the identity is and they can’t really say anything other you know like a a hard-nosed team that that you know is gonna give you a tough out and

All that like I don’t know what it is but I can just tell you that you let a team it seems like almost every team in the league is horrible at shooting the three until they face the Kings and then they’re no longer horrible at shooting the three

And even we saw it last night with with the way Houston walked in and just troun the Kings from behind the ark and the Kings just again they don’t seem to have their legs uh they got guys who are trying to make adjustments to who and

What they should be and that’s not going very well um you know I think outside of that you got a guy like Malik monk who’s literally going out there and trying to will his team to win every single night and you know I can excuse the like the

Sabonis turnover thing sabonis has had that happen to him like three times a season that’s it’s gonna happen you’re gonna have a game where he has nine turnovers or 11 turnovers every once in a while that happens but I don’t know what to make of some of these other guys and like

There’s no excuse you you don’t show up to a bunch of games and there’s no other way to put it you know I I would like to give like more praise out there but I I don’t see it and and that’s really kind of it’s just a reality that this is who

They’re going to be this season Hammer you you you mentioned the the horrible three-point shooting that Sacramento had last night and Kenny and I were having the discussion and this you know went in the king’s favor in the fourth quarter but weighing defense versus just missing shots what was it

Last night Mike talked a lot about Houston and the way that they were defending and how that’s a a tough team it’s a physical team you feel them all of that stuff but was it was it what Houston was doing or what Sacramento wasn’t doing that led to one of the

Worst shooting displays of the Season well I I mean that’s it’s kind of a tough question because like if if it’s what Houston’s doing and that’s it like you’re then you don’t take 32 shots where you’re only going to hit six of them I mean that

Doesn’t make any sense so I mean I get that Houston is tough they’re physical they have long athletic players they have you know a handful of players that are the type of players that we talked about that the Kings had to go out and get during the off season

That they had to go out and get you know at the trade deadline that they didn’t go get and so you keep coming to this point where you know that’s not a good basketball team the Houston Rockets they’re an upand cominging team they have an opportunity to be good and they

Can beat anyone on any given night but they stomped you three times this season like that’s a team that you can’t match up with and and that that’s a problem like how many we have all of these teams in the league now that you’re saying well you just

Don’t match up well against that team it’s like okay well then why didn’t you fill that roster spot that would help match you up against a team like that and and the Kings don’t and so um again I don’t want to take anything away from Houston because I think they’re they’re

Really welld designed um I I think that right now they’ve they found a way to I mean they’re again they’re not a good team yet they’re they’re a team that’s growing and trying to become good um but they’ve sort of married the two timeline thing with some solid veterans that

Intertwine with their young players and their young players are impressive but you know you know like not all of the impressive players on that team are like high tiered first round picks some of them are but you know a lot of the guys on that team they’re just gritty and

They play hard and that’s something where like the Kings should play harder like especially at home you at some point you’ve got to figure out a way to harness home court advantage you got 18,000 people showing up every night and the kings are barely over 500 at home

What are they 16 and 11 something like that 16 and 12 that’s not acceptable yeah that’s just not acceptable like this team in order to take the big step they needed to win 30 games at home they’re G to fall I don’t know eight games short of that seven

Gamees short maybe nine and that’s again that’s just that’s what’s going to be on your gravestone at the end of this season yeah and they they’ve in a situation like last night you got to make your shots you know what I mean like that’s what this team is we talked

About it before they’re not designed to win a game where they only make six three-pointers it’s just not who this team is you know and they score 104 points had to scrap really to get to 104 points they’re not designed as much as Mike Brown would want them to be to to

Win some type of defensive Rock fight so when they when people ask what their identity is and who they are if they say anything other than a scoring team that goes as their scoring goals they’re lying to themselves that’s who they are and honestly to be to be

Quite Frank the sooner they Embrace that I think the better they’ll be they may never embrace it this year but Mike Brown and all these other guys the sooner they Embrace who they truly are that’s when I think they’ll take off but they may that may not happen this year

Yeah I mean the fact that they didn’t walk into this the season truly embracing the the fact that they’re high-powered offense and and that’s who they should be to me was kind of jarring in the beginning of the year but we’ve got to this point and they haven’t been

Able to get back to who they were like asess and sure since the All-Star break like the nine games they’re I think they’re number four in offensive rating oh Mike was pushing that tough last night but they’re last in defensive rating like and that’s that’s just not

Great and Mike was pushing that last night and for me it’s like okay there there should have been like we talked about this last year but the fact that the Kings like basically went out and and you know drafted Keegan Murray traded for Kevin herder added Malik monk

But then they they added that group to you know the two guys that they had traded for at the deadline which is sabonis and and and Trey ly you know at the end of the previous season and then all of a sudden they walked out on the court and were the highest offensive

Rated team of all time that didn’t make any sense because that’s not usually how offense works you don’t just walk out on the court and all of a sudden you’re you know Showtime Lakers that usually takes a couple years of of just development and of chemistry and all that stuff so

There should have been if you package that up and you walk into the next season you should have had that style of offense and then built on that offense there should have been the counter to the counter the what’s next in the development of this offense and maybe

That’s something that you know you kind of expected because you know we we went through like the early the late 90s and early 2000 Kings where you know the Princeton style offense as guys got more and more comfortable within the setting they the read and react was something that became

Beautiful basketball you just watch guys do new counters and new moves and they all knew where each were going and you could just organically feel the thing growing I expected more of that this year I expected this team to not remove sort of who they were but to add to who

They were and to continue to grow as a squad and that’s why you run it back you bring back the same group because there’s that hope that if you keep them together another year and another year they can make incremental improvements on the defensive side of the ball but

Also on the offensive side of the ball to something that’s already great and like whatever has happened this year it it just sputtered and it’s uh you know again they’re not that far off of who they were last year but they are like the the look and the feel we can talk

About expectations we can talk about all that stuff I don’t I still don’t buy that nearly as much that kings are gearing up to play the Sacramento Kings that they’re they’re doing all this film study it’s an 82 game grind everybody’s going through the same things you just

Aren’t playing well and that’s that’s it like your team just came out a halftime last night and and just got your butts kicked like you they showed up and you didn’t you had a day of rest and you you should have been ready on your home

Court and you didn’t show up and that’s kind of the frustrating part about this team is it just like the Jaelin hide nature of it where from one game to the next one quarter to the next you have no idea what team is going to walk out there and take the

Court who Bears the responsibility for what you just said about the way that they came out in the third quarter I think all of them do like I mean everybody from top to bottom and I mean all the way to the top all the way to

The bottom so like that’s it’s a it’s not just a trait at this point it’s an identity and that’s you know that goes for the guys to put together the team the guys that coach the team the guys that step out on the court and continue

To put up a a subar performance in you know 45% of the games that they play so I mean you know I would like to say hey I’m gonna give a a free pass to Malik monk because he came out and played really really hard and okay that’s one

Game and you know maybe we can say that for for a lot of games this season but then there’s there’s games where he doesn’t have a great night there’s you know and and players are allowed off nights it’s just too often that this team has this type of performance where

You’re just left shaking your head like I don’t even know what I saw I don’t he man it’s tough it’s tough it’s tough to see them going down this road and playing the way they do I for one I think I think they will play better down the stretch I understand there’s nothing

That really shows those words are going on your Tombstone buddy I tell you I think they will there’s nothing there’s nothing there’s nothing that shows uh that they will one of the things that I do see though is aside from last night last night I just didn’t think they they played well

And particularly in that third quarter I think for the most part they they they’re playing good basketball more times than not um the the thing is they haven’t been able to hold a lead which isn’t a good thing like I’m not saying it like

It’s good thing but you have to get to a certain point to even have a lead to blow if that makes any sense you know what I mean so that’s one thing that I look at if man this is potential Senator Kenny caroway right here running for

Office like man you you’re talk you are talking in political terms I know the election just not too far behind us shout out Dr Flo but man I’m I’m just saying like I I think I think they will play better uh down the stretch and more consistent in a in a

Good way down the stretch I always have that hope that you’re you’re going to watch something different and then some nights you get it and that’s the frustrating thing you know again they’re over 500 so it’s not like you know they’re nine games over 500 I’ve covered horrible basketball teams here in

Sacramento this isn’t a horrible basketball team it’s a frustrating basketball team but it’s not horrible and the fact that that they haven’t been able to embrace success is it’s it’s almost mind-numbing you’re just like you’re confused by it you’re you’re waiting for this moment where they string together this win streak and

Everything’s great and and then you get to this moment right here where they they you know could have gone to three games in a row and that would have been impactful in the standings and that’s just not who you get uh each and every night with this team and and again I

Think that there are some some really good things that are happening this season I do like the fact that sabonis has become like consistently superb that that’s something you point to the fact that fox has been able to you know step up and become even more

Than what he thought he could be and the fact that Keegan Murray continues to grow into who he’s going to be as a player and we all want more from him like quicker than he’s willing than he’s able to give at this point uh but there’s still you can see the outline of

Who he’s going to be down the road and you know I I brought up mon SM like Malik monk has been brilliant like he should be now the odds on favor to win the Sixth Man of the Year and he should he should win the six man of the year

Without any question and the fact that he’s trying to carry this team is for me it’s it’s just another sign of of how valuable he is and what he means to this group but there’s also just this overall disconnect between like the whole entire Squad and I think that’s again I’ll

Point to early in the season uh there they made shirts they say connected and that’s like the last thing I see right now is connected they don’t feel connected as a group and I don’t know how to fix that and and that’s something that you know should have worked itself

Out by this point in the season um like the chemistry is kind of weird so you think and I asked uh Casey this earlier you think there’s any splintering at all with this team do I think they’re splintering yeah well I mean that’s why you have a team

Meeting yeah I mean I don’t think that there’s like like major problems but like we’ve seen it in wins we’ve seen it in losses you know I I know Malik got frustrated last night um I I don’t really buy into all of the stuff when it

Comes to herder and and uh Trey lyes and in the wind the other night where you know everyone took all these like Pruder film like still shots of you know Kevin herder walking by with it like his hood over his face or Trey L sitting on the

Bench um Trey L sitting on the bench was hilarious though funny absolutely hilarious I gotta be honest like I I think Trey like you talked to Trey we talked to Trey the day L the day after he’s just frustrated that that it took that that that that’s how they had to

Win the game he is he’s frustrated like he’s searching for that accountability and like how are we holding each other accountable and it’s I I think that wasn’t like hey I’m pouting because I’m not in the game it was a how do we escape with this win that we probably

Didn’t deserve and that’s what that’s what that look is more uh now I like I don’t know that that’s the same with every single player but yeah like it’s it’s difficult like I know earlier in the day uh Kyle and I were discussing sort of the the the Keegan Murray situation right

And to me I’m not concerned with Keegan Murray’s development I think Keegan Murray’s been really good most of the Season he’s been great defensively on a night in and Night Out basis every once in a while he gets in foul trouble and that takes away from it but it’s hard

For a second-year player to grow in to be the defensive player and the offensive player at the same time and so I expect him to come back next season and be better prepared to play defense for 48 minutes and play offense for 48 minutes because right now he keeps

Getting worn out that’s what it feels like and the Kings have it like one of the the top things that they have to do this this offseason they have to find someone else who can play defense like Keegan Murray so he’s not the the guy who has to defend the toughest player on

The other team every single night and and get worn out so he can’t also be an offensive player and that’s that’s something that they have to find and so I I see the path forward for some of these guys and a lot of it makes sense

But it’s just kind of tough to watch him go through the growing pains um because you know they it’s not like this team wants to to be this way they don’t they walk out of a game like last night and they don’t get it either they they don’t

Feel like they’re a bad team they don’t feel like they didn’t try hard they they’re as confused as as we are in a lot of ways at least from what I can tell yeah and and and a guy like Kean um they need him right now you know whether

That’s asking him to do too much too soon or or or whatever but they they need him to be more consistent on both sides of the ball like you said I think he does a good job on the defensive end but that that can’t take away from your

Production on the offensive end with this particular team like they they need that from this particular team and just a little too up and down uh right now from the keegans the Harrison the the herders and guys like that um they’ve got to find some consistency well King yeah yeah well and

I mean to that point like look what I’m I’m not advocating for you know like for like complete wholesale changes everyone’s got to go and like this Keegan Murray is is a bus and all that that’s that’s not what I’m saying that no what I’m Sayer James ham Keegan

Murray is a bus dot dot dot no game what I’m saying is is very clearly is like players players have strengths and weaknesses right we all know that and some of the the players that you have aren’t complimenting the weaknesses of of the stars that you have at this point

And by having Keegan Murray defend the toughest guy on the opposition every single night that’s not the best way it’s fine for him to do that half the time or to to do that for 20 minutes a game but if you’re gonna ask him to do

That as a secondy year player then he can’t be a guy averaging 18 to 20 points a game those two things can’t coexist and so either he has to take a major step back as a scorer and just be that defensive guy the whole game and someone like Harrison or someone like

Kevin herder has to step back up and be the offensive player or you need to find the three and D guy that compliments Keegan and that’s something that like I I’ll just keep saying is like it doesn’t matter what you do you can’t make Deon sabonis his arms longer and you can’t

Make him a a premier shot blocker that’s that’s just not who he is you have to embrace all of the things that are good that he does and then you need to find players to put alongside him that give you the other thing that he lacks and that’s what I’m waiting for

Because it’s the same thing with him it’s the same thing with with dearen like you need complimentary pieces to play off of each other and I think for year one of this saying it did work they they found a way to to build this thing out really quickly but as you morph and

You become you know year two and year three of a team there’s always going to be change and now you I I think you have a better idea what you need for this team and that’s length it’s athleticism it’s three-point shooting it’s uh but it’s also guys that can take the

Pressure off of some of your Star level players and even complement them more it’s one thing to have guys who just shoot the they shoot the three and space the floor for Deon sabonis and dearen fox the next iteration of this team needs to be guys that can do that but

Also our Elite defensive players or really good defensive players that complement them on both ends of the Court not just one end of the Court we’ll come back we’ll talk more with our King’s Insider of the Insiders our man James ham here is D when Casey Roll Along on Sacramento sports leader ESPN

1320 just real quick it’s two two two two quick things and I’m I’m not sure like sometimes I catch things late like I’m not sure if I I am not ham I saw something you messaged earlier I’m not sure if you Michigan loves his boxing but he calls Manny Canelo like the serial

Connection in the chat like he calls him Canelo so I’m not sure if you picked up on that um but I just thought I’d throw that out there uh also for those who haven’t been keeping track uh Dr Flo is number two in a razor razor razor thin

Race uh for the mayoral spot no one’s going to get the 50% um but if they get these damn votes counted uh Dr Flo right now is in the two spot but only by by a shade under 200 votes so every vote counts man and and hopefully uh Hopefully Dr flow will

Uh be leading the way come November that’s all yeah she’s second buddy she’s second there’s a lot of a lot of craziness in the chat I I’m not trying to be negative I’m trying to be realistic I hope people get that oh mama Fox just said she had to be

Talked off the ledge like we all feel the same way like yeah like I’m not like this isn’t the end of the world this is just a really really hard growing pain you know what I’m saying it’s like you just get to a point you have to you

Have to be honest about yourself and you got to be honest about other people like that’s that’s why I try to I try to approach this thing about to ksfm the show and stand up from way back here sometimes you got to do it well James would do this maybe he

Wouldn’t make those noises when he stands up that’s what I just felt like I stood up I was like oh that’s not good move around I blame I start feeling like ham I blame you you don’t have arms on your chair over there only only only

The guys on the other side of the room get the arms did you break into the Fortress Big Boy seat I’m like Draymond I just I just got this by my teammate that’s it a big I didn’t do anything to get this this was my teammate okay that wasn’t a necessary

Shot at Draymond Draymond ain’t bothering nobody what you oh don’t do that you just took it don’t do that did you break into the Fortress of snack itude snack itude I didn’t I brought my lunch today so so far I’m good that that’s only break glass in

Case of emergency no you you’re always welcome yeah I’m gonna go take a peek I I ain’t gonna lie I don’t bring as much food as Kenny does so okay and you know where it’s at where the code is I’m just going to put the code into all of I got

You I’ll show you they got it organized and everything it’s crazy man I’m going have to go see this thing oh wait a minute it’s assorted and everything oh wow I thought James like a bag of chips in there or whatever no it’s just legit it’s legit we got peanut butter

And Ritz hiding in there but like a real jar peanut butter and real sleeves of rits got any tuna and crackers no we didn’t do tun on crackers but I do have like a cup of soup um I do have like the the Costco version of like the kind uh

Bars MH uh um we’ve got uh what’s the skinny pop and we’ve got James hasn’t told us is we have to leave $10 behind every time no it’s like the it’s like the it’s like those hotels where if you move something Char it charges your car $10 I’m gonna mini bar your guys’s

Asses you move a a bag of popcorn and all of a sudden your alert pops Up5 uh Hawaiian chips got Hawaiian chips in there fig bars oh yeah vending machine guy’s gonna be pissed moving I am moving in on his territory yeah be mad beef in here boss whoa whoa here we go James all right quick alert for everybody we’re big Cavs fans today yeah

Beginning at four 4:30 the land hash theeland Manny we’re big fans of the Chicago Bulls coach Molly big fans of the Chicago Bulls tonight they’re back home I think after this in Chicago yes indeed Mavericks are in Chicago tonight uh Cleveland host Phoenix and uh damn

What’s what is it goic what’s well no what’s what we got to get these right is it the land is it what why are we why are we pretending like it matters you had set the pace is the Tweet last year yeah and the Mavericks could not keep up with the

Pacers Pace Works wow you’re really Hing hat on that one huh so let’s see we’ll go um we’ll go the land hash the land yeah hashtag shot town okay hashtag go Spurs go I do know that go Spurs go yeah it’s the Warriors at Spurs uh no

Word I just closed the injury report do do we have a word on Victor Haven seen anything yeah so um is James Frozen I thought he was just waiting for us to finish talking no James froze I was like James James has got nothing on these games no he’s just straight

Up Frozen let me let me let me put these in here while we get James back here now James will thaw out here in a minute and we’ll talk more uh Kings basketball but coach Molly chimes in and says go Bulls yes indeed uh Bulls host the Mavericks

Tonight uh suns are in Cleveland and the Warriors are in San Antonio Victor wiama is playing he is playing back tonight no minutes restriction let’s go Vic is is Deon Vel playing let me check he didn’t play on Saturday Warriors lost without out there your Spurs inside right oh you

Got okay you got you made a you can’t do that you can’t you made a like kind of a face and a and a like an implication you I was surprised okay I thought they were gonna win on you just need to know it came across a certain way in Deon Vel

Game time decision you know may or may not have been there like like ma well you you you you I thought that that was uh uh octavus Spencer and you can’t TW yeah you can’t tweet like that I’m just I just some of you need to get

Under look I was looking around the corner I saw that and then what happened then what happened then what happened nothing happened it was Saturday the Kings went to six that’s what happened well they did they did and the second they played a game they went back to

Seventh so the good news is they don’t play tonight and could very well wind up back in six he’s back hey I need I need the Kings to be in six uh for Wednesday so when they put the graphic up during their ESPN game it has well that’s it’s

Almost impossible because they play Tuesday they could so they’re just not going to win huh is that what you’re telling me well at the rate it goes no no it’s better to not play at the rate it goes they’ll probably win I keep telling you guys if you’re gonna say this you’ve got

To be consistent with it no no no because they won two in a row no team that means they win H that’s the story of this season it’s not inconsistent they’re consistent they play well against the good teams they don’t show up against the bad teams they’ll probably win on Tuesday yeah but

When they when they have two wins in a row they usually lose the next two let’s see let’s see here here’s a win streak of four lose to the heat well no that that one they didn’t they won six of seven so maybe it’s possible that was only almost almost two months ago

But maybe it’s you know that’s okay that’s okay James’s team is maddening dude team ising I mean they they’re driving us to drink at at this point I mean you know the amazing thing is yeah some of us don’t need a ride there uh the amazing thing is like all of this

Heartache what do they want to playing and then won a playoff series like hey it could it could happen we just saw it a year ago like we’re putting ourselves through all of this like begging because we believe that there’s this road that’s they’re supposed to take whereas when you know

Do what the Lakers did last year right Lakers won a play did well that they went all the way to the finals well I’m just saying just win one series say go to finals yeah just do that say that look I mean they can if they want to

I’ve been accused of being overly optimistic I ain’t gonna be that optimistic here to say they get to the I did say uh last week and I still believe they do have a second round ceiling I think a lot of people people think if they get in what does it matter they’re

A first round and out team oh it matters a lot get to the first round that that’s the most important thing I do think they can win a series though cool let’s find out how about that why not yeah I also think it’s possible they don’t make the playoffs

That’s very possible that would suck very very possible yeah and someone asked earlier like is there a way to work things out with Atlanta not really Atlanta’s not going to take your 2020 for a first- round pick if they don’t have to they’re they’re not going to

Like before this season sure you might have been able to work out some sort of deal but no no at this point nobody is enamored with the 2024 NBA draft and they’re going to uh like turn down the opportunity to take your pick if they if

They have that choice so by way did you see like the whole Celtics team is on the injury report for their game against Portland tonight like the whole starting five is on the injury report are they out or they no no I don’t I don’t think they’re out they’re

Or at least they haven’t been ruled out yet uh no they’re just all listed with something I think I think porzingis and holiday are out the rest are playing okay there you go porzingis and holiday are out I think they were just cracking a window just looking to see what Adam

Would let him get away with better not see that on Thursday I know that Thursday’s Phoenix yeah yeah I’m also like today is the day so um Donovan Mitchell won’t play tonight against the Cavs I mean against the against the Suns that makes him ineligible for postseason Awards yeah

Yeah that’s crazy yeah opens I guess I I guess it opens the door for dear and domas I I don’t know I have no idea like I I feel like Anthony Davis already has his spot set in stone um oh yeah after not after not

Seeing him for a week he play plays a game like that on Sunday yeah oh clearly he’s a NBA yeah Dom have like four of those and it’s never made a ag this guy’s been non-existent for a week and he plays you know a really good game

Last night not taking away from the game but all of a sudden oh yeah that’s yeah Anthony Davis all right hey I also think you know thanks to Bleacher Report everyone believes he’s nine and0 against uh Anthony Davis is nine and0 against sabonis all time just saying gonna build

A graphic and put the guy yeah they they said you know again sabonis is nine and nine and0 against Anthony Davis it has a big nine a dash and an O on the by the nine is a picture of Anthony Davis by the zero is a picture of deonis sabonis

Like hey you might have well their faces were screaming that way so it made more sense it’s like no you needed to find a different picture or just invert the picture how about that that just flip it I do feel the need to stall Anthony

Davis this out he did have 40 like a couple days ago a week ago a week ago 20 and 25 yesterday a little over a weekish didn’t I say that’s what I said we hadn’t seen him for a week well he had 22 and 13 the

Game before D had 42 that he he had a Batman did he had a Batman so he could you know do his little thing who had a Batman ad he didn’t have to be Batman he had a Batman oh oh oh oh he had a Batman

Got you got you got you got you got you got you got you because that was a game LeBron didn’t play yeah LeBron was on the sidelines okay all right we don’t need to we don’t need to revisit that again oh it was fun it was fun um and to

Be fair we crack our jokes but we both agree Anthony Davis is having all NBA caliber season you know should he make it over damont sabonis I don’t think so but that doesn’t mean think should he isn’t having that type of season statistically I think it’s just

Frustrating that he has he has it’s like so much noise for him to make it win by the slimmest of margins his team isn’t better and his numbers aren’t eye popping like he’s on the Lakers and that’s all we’re talking about is LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers like

That’s what we’re talking about and not not you know you know Dom’s teammate dearon Fox and the Sacramento Kings it’s like they don’t have that cache and it sucks because Dom’s season is for phenomenal and there’s a very real chance he walks into the offseason with

Like nothing to show for it after having an All-Star bid and an all-nba bid last year James there’s a very real possibility that delos walks into this off season with neither one of those oh no I think that’s very possible and then add in the fact that he has a $1.3

Million bonus for making the All-Star team that he already lost and $1.3 million bonus for making all MBA which he may or may not get I I think he could be aided by the fact that this year number one there’s a bunch of players who are not going to be eligible because

Of games played um but also I I think the second piece is that um that they they’re just drafting on the top 15 players they’re not drafting position wise if I’m not mistaken so even at this point like embiid can’t make the all-nba team joic is number one you would assume

That ad and and domanis would be number two and number three in in some order uh but then there’s always bam anabo who could sneak in and somehow steal one of those spots I don’t know what’s going to happen I I just know that um winning CES

All and that’s something that you know except for teams like you know again like the Lakers which it doesn’t matter whether they win or not they’re going to get representation and I’d say the same thing like the the inconsistency of of Anthony Davis this year is one thing and

He is like a like he’s not a onea he’s a 1B for sure but then like Paul George’s season to me is really baffling that he was he’s considered just like a lock for an All-Star because they already had a representation in Kawai and then Paul

George really hasn’t I mean to me every time I see him play he’s not excellent um he’s he’s a guy who’s admitted the fact that he can’t go out there and put up 50 anymore you know he’s not that guy anymore um but he still gets recognized

As that and he’s still a really good player but you know a player who averages 23 five and five isn’t doesn’t compare to someone averaging 20 13 and a half and and nine um that it’s just you don’t and and so I’m confused there there are multiple guys that you can

Kind of look at their All-Star but also what they’re going to finish the season as and make a case for sabonis to be much higher on everyone’s board than he should be and than he is right now man I sure hope he gets there I wonder how many people vote on Old habit

Like not selecting like oh yic but like get to guy number 10 or whatever or and think oh you know what we need one more Center like not because they have to just out of habit and trying to balance it out so there’s not 15 guards and forwards or 14 and joic or

Whatever you know what I mean oh yeah I wonder I’m surprised too I keep running into people say you know if I had a vote but I I don’t have a vote anymore and I I just think that that’s an interesting like it seems like a lot of all the

Local guys don’t have a vote anymore or most of the local guys even I believe Jonathan Fagan from the Houston Chronicle told me that last night that he doesn’t have a vote um but uh which you know at some point I believe he did have a vote so it’s just kind of an

Interesting wrinkle that I I think different I think most of it is National and Jason Jason Jones of the athletic would tell us all the time he doesn’t want that like he doesn’t want to influence whether a guy loses $70 million or not like he does not want

That responsibility yeah no I agree I I don’t blame guys for going I’m good like no I’m cool it’s something Scott Howard Cooper talked about all the time he hated it like he thought it was it should not be a function of their job because you’re voting on whether a

Person that you have to go stand in the locker room and talk to and if your vote ever got out you know how do you think someone like I mean sabonis isn’t going to say anything but you don’t think he would be pissed if he knew that you

Didn’t vote for him and it cost him 1.3 million bucks you know that’s that’s a lot of money it’s a lot of money even for a multi-millionaire it’s a lot of money um but yeah that’s kind of it’s weird how it’s attached to somebody’s salary and

You know whether somebody is is up for a super max or not yeah those that’s the killer it’s the it’s superx G of money we’re not talking or two million we talk 40 million yeah yeah I I wonder I guess maybe they had the chance recently and they they kept it the same

Way I wonder if they’ll get rid of this this type of system because they thought this system they the NBA thought this system would help them yeah in theory it makes it makes sense but it’s just because because once again it’s you probably think how can we trust the

People that would probably look to pay you the absolute least they can how can we trust them to do what’s right and pay you maybe what you’re worth so we’ll put it in the hands of these guys but it just Theory it’s a good idea in actuality it’s not maybe just do away

With the whole system of incentivizing all NBA or something like that that probably is the best answer and if you want to be able to offer somebody more it just be because you you know you had them in your city for two years already or something like

That there’s just so much football news going on right now it’s crazy so yeah well Jaan Jennings uh resigned with the 49ers on a on a tnder deal so basically it allows them to keep negotiating I think it’s about $4.3 million uh second round Tinder um so

Surprised a little bit I thought he was going to be gone for sure but it looks like they’re still trying to work some things out I hope they can I love Jan Jennings I think I think he’s he’s a perfect number three receiver for what

They try to do um third and Joan was not just something that was said Loosely like he was money on third down so I I I hope they can OB he’s back next year for sure but I hope they can work out something a little more long term what

Are your thoughts on the Niners Landing Leonard Floyd oh he made a he made made a a a slight air on his tweet today what I didn’t I didn’t see his his he was excited uhhuh he said San Fran oh they got him yeah yeah that’s like tweeting

Sack town here I come like oh buddy that’s not real that’s not real uh as soon as I saw it I was like oh no D I haven’t even checked the comments and mentions I’m sure it’s hey buddy welcome but don’t do that it’s not what we do we

Do uh I like Leonard Floyd I think he’s a little he’s not the same guy he was you know in their Super Bowl years the Rams but um you know yeah let’s see what he can do I think they they’re really gonna be trying to revamp that that that

Defensive line yeah um and they’ll try to do that in free agency and in the draft I think this draft is really they’re they’re really looking for that that next wave you know of top tier players top tier Playmakers another receiver another tight end offensive lineman defensive lineman I think this

Is a big draft to really try and get those that that next wave good news is this is the year they’ll hit in the second or third round and we know they’re going to hit in the fifth and six so oh man that’s money great great

Spot for these I was talking about my My Talking uh to one of the homies about it man look man Kyle and John they got a track record at this point they know what they’re doing they find Talent they find good ball players so I don’t I

Don’t feel like that’s going to stop yeah agree yeah I agree uh any thoughts on Garder meno hammer and the Las Vegas Raiders I like him I mean be honest I like him I like him more than I like Jimmy grappolo I do I just I you know he’s

Proven to be a really good backup quarterback but also a dude who just comes in and you know like he can definitely lose a game that you you know that he shouldn’t but he’s also a fiery guy who I think people get behind and you need to go out and draft a really

Good quarterback and have him develop behind him or draft a really good quarterback and and give him a start and if it doesn’t work out you need to back off from that then throw Gardner menu out there so I I I don’t think it’s bad I I would have

Enjoyed him as a San Francisco 49ers backup quarterback if they’re not going to bring Darnell back I don’t know what’s going to happen there but um you know like he’s a he’s a solid you know above average backup quarterback that’s what it looks like to me they should

Draft the 49ers should draft a quarterback that would be my thought you brought him up you think even with Brandon Allen I’m not crazy about Brandon Allen well I just meant like another young guy like you want you want another another young guy in the locker room or in the

Quarterback room I guess yeah it’s fine I think part is is ready to you know be the leader yeah all right yeah I think you have bran greasy there right as their their quarterback’s coach yeah yeah that that’s a good say oh my god really that’s crazy quarterback coach

That makes a lot more sense yeah yeah yeah quarterback’s coach yeah that’s good stuff um I don’t remember what football related things I was going to ask you so I guess we’ll just close out with the Sacramento Kings huge week ahead James Milwaukee and Los Angeles the next two

Nights uh and then they hit the weekend with a really tough game against the New York Knicks and James I’m sure you saw this looks like and OG and anobi will be back by then it it appears he’s going to return to the New York Knicks tomorrow

According to Sham shiran even if the the the Knicks get a little cautious and decide not to bring it back tomorrow it seems pretty clear he’s be back by the time the Knicks take the golden one Center on Saturday yeah that’s that’s big for them

It’s a brutal week yeah it’s a but you know what that’s that’s why you have to take care of the games against teams that you should beat so when you have weeks like this especially you know playing the Lakers again on a backto back you know you’ve got to go out there

And find a way and I think the one weird thing about this Kings team is we can talk all we want about you know the blown losses but also the big wins who knows I mean they they had this Bucks team beat and they miss free throws um

They’re three and0 against the Lakers uh I think this is the first time they played the Knicks right Am I Wrong second I know they lost in uh oh no this the first time because they play in New York in about a couple weeks yeah yeah

And then the Kings have that weird road trip into what is it Toronto is it Toronto New York and Orlando something like that they got a they got a Toronto Washington Orlando Washington and then a Boston New York Brooklyn somebody else goodness gracious that’s two separ road

Trips yeah yeah yeah I think that other one is it Philly do they have Philly in that road trip I Philly Philly comes here they’ve played already so Philly comes here yeah there’s definitely a lot of um like there’s there’s plenty of ways to make up and to sort of get back on

The right track here but the strength of schedule is tough and you if you somehow beat the Lakers on Wednesday I mean you put the nail in their coffin as far as like what they can do against you specifically just because you would be you know like you already have won the

Season series but that would push him even even further down past you but I I just I would like to tell you that I know who’s going to show up and who’s not and that’s just not the case so it’s definitely a weird team uh we do not know

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  1. This roster is not deep. So they can’t have their shooting guard disappear for months. Huerter is terrible. Just say it.

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