@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors vs. San Antonio Spurs 1st Qtr Full Highlights | Mar. 11 | NBA Highlights 2024

Golden State Warriors vs. San Antonio Spurs 1st Qtr Full Highlights | Mar. 11 | NBA Highlights 2024

Defense is going to be important sometimes it’s not who you play it’s when you play them and the Spurs have won three out of five beating OKC beating Indiana beating the Warriors and add the last second loss to the Kings Trey Jones Deon Vel Julian champeny with Jeremy soan and Victor

Wanyama and the Spurs they made all the threes the other night they opened with the three and it’s Vel that hits it so a different starting lineup for the dubs Chris Paul Klay Thompson Andrew Wiggins Jonathan kaminga and Draymond Green has slipped on that screen Draymond slipped that screen kick it out to

Wanyama and the elbow jumper is perfect oh he’s off to a great start this game last time it was in the second half he’s like I want to get started early yeah kaminga at 26 in that game Saturday but it was the second half for JK that was so amazing this is

Interesting you got Wiggins on wanyama is he a center is he a small forward he’s a great passer but Sohan could not finish there Warriors know they’re one of the best cutting teams in the league Warriors are number one but they were ready for it that time you

Could use a game from Wiggins you know he missed the entire road trip and and kind of finding his sea leg since he came back and wigs hitting That lyama 8ot Wing SP put that up and in you see the dexterity they run a lot of pick and roll roll man where they throw it to the guy because they gotama you see why playay Thompson a little show and go shot clock at seven Draymond with the

Running hook and when Bama the rebound this is where he’s special it’s 73 to handle that way champ peny missing that three Chris Paul the rebound champeny had a season high on Saturday he went for 17 dead ball he gets it h the 1 three now three Spurs

Paying attention to him so reverse to Clay on the wing three missing to the right and Bama from Deep he shoots 33% but you watch him warm up and that percentage will improve as he gets into the league longer kaminga off iron and the Warriors don’t mind the tempo going back and

Forth that’s what they want just got to make sure you get back in Transition theama on the Baseline and he was fouled I don’t like Wy still to figure something out andama flipping that up and in it’s the size you got Klay Thompson on him small Defender Kinga that’s after a made basket my goodness and that is the JK we

Saw in the second half on Saturday that is F1 acceleration moving at a different speed than everybody else Jones had 11 assists the other night a 4 to1 assist to turnover ratio he runs it soan giving it up with a shot clock at seven the cell will launch the three and

Drop another one in here we go again he’s their best three-point shooter at 38% he didn’t play the other night you said they weren’t going to shoot 50% three-point R they’re not all right they Topson missing the three I only say that cuz the Spurs have done it one time all

Season Draymond saw that the whole time here comes kaminga again running with Clay sets his feet and drops in the three that’s what happens when you get back in transition you’re able to Counterattack you can throw the ball ahead champ peny rattles home the three lay Thompson at last three is two 200th

On the year he’s done it nine times Steph has done it 11 times Wiggins Wing jumper Wiggins looks locked in offensively he does he’s aggressive and assertive and he’s pulling up in between the switch Warriors like him in that mind state soan was fouled on the reach in oh

Year he talked about he’s like we don’t really have a serious go-to guy we got some really good players but we have to do it together and that’s really been the papovich way since he came Zach Collins just checking in and then flipping it up and in played him with

Wanyama and then now they’re playing the one big just getting some good drives in there like that good drive from kga Jones is super solid in how he delivers to the big [Applause] guys again off iron but clay the offensive rebound he basically boxed out Jones Raymond head of the key3 those are

The ones he liked go on fire there any quickest man to the ball be Spurs basketball out of bounds where is his superactive is shooting 64% Warriors 43% but it’s a two-point game because the Warriors are playing with a lot more energy Collins inside that’s a Nifty

Move and finish wait a minute so Zack Collins has six W’s not the only big man that can get active I called him wmy I’m sorry but that’s that’s what you can get used to it [Applause] he’s too good he deserves the Warriors turning that over I mean AEM elijan was the dream

Yanis is the Greek Freak you’re not not call a generational guy wimy well that’s part of his name I mean big Vick could be we got to come something that’s that’s worse that’s worse okay clay missing there we don’t have to come up with it San Antonio people have to come up with

It let’s someone else do it but even goar has the stifled Tower and the French rejection that’s true it it’ll present itself it’ll come Collins was double team soan for three soan three so the San Antonio Spurs have started four of six listen he he’s normally a guy you don’t want to close

All the way out to but lately the way this team’s been shooting the way he’s been shooting maybe think about closing out a little more turnover Draymond is trying to force passes that are not there and the Warriors have had some giveaways and the nickname will come

Tell me if I call him Wy I’m going to give you 50 bucks I’m trying to get out of you now pepy with the wing three and the Warriors designed that out of the timeout well that’s just transition so Trace Jackson Davis Moses Moody with gp2 for jsky and

Kaminga Sohan has made threes but didn’t want that three takes it inside to flip it is well that’s the problem you you go under the screen cuz you still don’t want to co all the way out to him but then he eats up the real estate you just

Have a bad angle to cut him off he had a 20-point game on Saturday all the Spurs played well in that game jsky hides behind Trace bottoms another three and Wesley went behind that screen too Brandon last six games was only five of 15 on threes and

Averaging seven a game oh boy he’s got six quick as well as he’s played as a rookie he gets his three ball going watch out come on now Vel has been amazing I’m I’m saying this is your fault you didn’t have to say they weren’t going to shoot over 50% as a

Team now they’ve gotten off to this incredible start here again it’s a long game it is I’m just saying kaminga attacking Collins met him up top great defense well they got a third defender in there for the ball screen s with gp2 painted on him high ball screen for Collins and the

Skip pass to Kellin Johnson Corner three the airball did it went right to Blake Wesley air balls go to the offense of course Steve ker is going to use it but they were outrebounded on Saturday night they’re being outrebounded tonight 105 you just got to put bodies on people it

Happens way too much in the NBA guys get a running start unencumbered getting rebounds as Chris Paul gets to that floor they’re staying with aora there you see that a lot with Trace Jackson Davis to work on tjd just serves it up with the left

Hand he’s so long you think you kind of forced him away from the basket then he just goes Stretch Armstrong and it’s almost like a layup for him MinGa missing that three wanyama the rebound had the 8ot wings span and he posts up and then he longatti threes but it’s still better

Than having him two feet from the bucket Jackson Davis still contested pretty well kaminga you saw Wy change that [Applause] shoty good close out on Kelvin Johnson and then he goes for the mid-range kin Johnson’s been playing well too they got so many guys that have been playing so

Much better lately K Johnson is a game where he was Bench cuz papovich was like guys too many mistakes he’s making and since then he’s responded scoring is up he’s playing way better two men jumping Kingo JK going to work on soan and off back higher so San Antonio

14 of 21 the Warriors are nine of 22 Spurs have been absolutely [Applause] amazing Paul fouling to wyav my goodness in terms of size and bounce I’m sure it makes things easier for him Warriors go in his Zone here taking out of rhythm if they can and he finally had a misfire

From Malachi branam he had a big game the other night too [Applause] Y and without step where do you go offensively they’re going Chris Paul Trace Jackson Davis you said it they’re staying with tjd so Chris Paul’s got two straight buckets and Chris Paul’s anticipating because it looked like Wy

Was going to stay with him on that but he just kind of fak at him and got back to trace Jackson Davis Helen Johnson Bing that three it’s tough to watch a team go six of 11 on threes I mean you think you’re trying to pack it inside because wanyama

Is so good but they’re shooting the lights out they’ve been hot a lot of games in a row now since Allstar break here’s Paul’s been hot too listen three of three from the field they’re making him a score he’s going yeah I can score I’m good with

That Blake Wesley got the absolute jets in terms of driving on the open floor brandom he had a good look there but kaminga sold out on the mama fouled by he’s an 82% free thrower split it there oh he did it again in the habit of doing thisly one final 3

Seconds here’s Paul to end the quarter oh he’s got it stuck on automatic he is four of four S

Golden State Warriors vs. San Antonio Spurs 1st Qtr Full Highlights | Mar. 11 | NBA Highlights 2024


  1. If Kerr started one of the centers instead of cp3 this is a good lineup. Is kerr completely incompetent or sabotaging the team on purpose?

  2. its impossible to watch the nba now. the refs are so bad they should be arrested & thrown in jail. i cant believe the nba isnt doing something. dont they realize their product is being ruined. its the 2nd quarter now and after reviewing a call they said draymond fouled with his elbow when he went up for a shot. how are you supposed to shoot the ball if you cant use one of your arms? it was absolutely a normal shooting motion. one of the stupidest calls ive ever seen AND IT WAS AFTER THEY REVIEWED IT!!!! unbelievable. forget it you can keep your stupid crap. cant watch your garbage anymore

  3. Is it just me, or did the Warriors stop setting picks after the all-star break…? It's like the motion just went out of their motion offense. Seemed like that the whole time during their last two losses. No?

    Oh… and thread-the-needle passes by people who were open enough to shoot.

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