@Minnesota Timberwolves

NBA’s insecurity is always loud…

NBA’s insecurity is always loud…

by tie_myshoe


  1. XXeadgbeXX

    Damn that is ridiculous seeing that side by side now.

    These fucking refs man. They don’t generally like Draymond Green either but the differences in severity between these two is night and day.

  2. PlayInChampions

    At least Gobert did not get to miss games. Draymond missed 5 games which costed him ~$1.5M, so it’s not just $25k fine.

  3. The refs can eat my ass, they’re all babies and can’t handle an ounce of criticism

    I’ll be waiting for my fine in the mail.

  4. ANTfanclub

    NBA really believes in equality, fighting for what is fair, and striving for justice.

    Also, the NBA really really fucking hates being questioned.

  5. LetUsGetToBusiness

    Funny this is Rudy didn’t even do anything in that picture and Draymond just had to come up from behind like a cheap ass and start choking him for attention.

  6. Party_Fly_6629

    Only way you can protest is stop consuming their product

  7. Low_Imagination_545

    Fk the refs. If they can’t do their job without getting their personal feelings involved, then they’re not qualified for the job. It takes a certain type of personality that can remain level headed and neutral in roles such as this, they need to develop these types and let the hot heads and ego driven ones go.

    Also, the league is to blame for not prioritizing uniformity in reffing. Fouls aren’t called the same from first half to second half often, much less from game to game. I’ve been watching the NBA for over 30 years and it gets more disheartening every year. In all my time watching it, in this era they have the most talented players (from a skills and athleticism stand point) I have ever seen. BB IQ, especially with our wolves, needs some work…but the league needs to get out of the way and let this guys play.


    The uneven applying of punishments and fouls has to stop. None of this having to earn the ref’s respect or getting a favorable whistle sht. And, if the league is just going to protect the refs with their 2 minute reports, why even bother (bad calls that happen in first 3 quarters have an impact too). The few of us fans who are even looking into that type of thing see that this has become nothing more than a way to cover your own ass.

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