@Brooklyn Nets

Scottie Barnes and Toronto Embarrass Nets in Kevin Ollie Debut

Scottie Barnes and Toronto Embarrass Nets in Kevin Ollie Debut

Up the Brooklyn Nets took on the Toronto Raptors on the road but someone forgot to tell the coaching staff and the players Jack V doesn’t live here anymore 28 point loss on the road we break it down coming up next you are locked on Nets your daily

Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day br ah yes my friends it is the locked on Nets podcast right here on the locked on podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day over there is Doug Nory I’m Adam marck we thank you as always for making us your

First listen of the day we are 100% free on all those great platforms and let you know today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s

Locked on NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions they do apply and terms and conditions should have applied to the interim head coach making his debut Kevin Oly the Brooklyn Nets they all rallied around one another and said Don’t You Worry boys we’re g to get this

Thing back on track 28 point loss to the Once Upon a Time 19 win Toronto Raptors Doug what a mess oh buddy the more things change the more they stay the same in Brooklyn Nets world uh you know come out you got to love consistency go

Into the All-Star break lose by 50 to the Celtics uh over the All-Star break fire jacqu vaugh fresh start with Kevin Oly and then they lose by 29 to the Raptors in the first game in the first game back and that is just how you can basically sum up the issues here in

Brooklyn it’s one game obviously you’re not going to judge Kevin oi’s coaching performance after just 48 minutes of basketball though if you were looking for a tone change around you know getting back on defense or being the hunted instead of the being the hunters instead of the hunted and the uh all the

Superlatives that come along with playing really hard and that’s who’s gonna play I mean we saw none of it so it’s a little frustrating because you hoping that you’re gonna come out first game with a new coach looking for performance looking to kind of Step things up knowing that maybe not all

Minutes are going to be safe and it looked like effortless inspir inspiration basketball for another 48 minutes completely run out of the I mean literally run out of the gym by the Raptors in terms of Fast Break points and we’ll get into some of the confusing

Decisions they made sort of just to sort of you know in this new look Nets but like I said at the beginning the more things change the more they seem to stay the same when it comes to this team really got to look into those 17 egps I

Mean I don’t know I don’t know how many we’re gonna say got checked off tonight but we don’t have a definitive list so we really got to get into the weeds here a little bit you mentioned it man I me listen I’m going to bring a lot of humor

To to this discussion because it feels like you got it it’s how you avoid kind of crying over what felt like was supposed to be a turning of a page here and you mentioned the key thing there effort energy hustle just that that that Baseline thing that you assumed from

Some of the ways that a lot of the players were talking at the back end of jock Vaughn’s 10-year and and wanting to see something different things have to change they came out just as lifeless as they have over the past several weeks like that to me is easily the most

Alarming thing and while I I won’t make this one game reflective of Kevin Ali as a coach what I will say is it feels reflective of this team for the next 27 games like maybe that was it like we’re good we’re going to go ahead and check

Out on this thing I I I know I’m being way too over reactionary to this but it’s a 19 now 20 win to Toronto Raptor team Whoa by the way there’s only one game behind you now in the win column which is constantly the reminder here

About where this team is and where this roster is right now well the hope that you were going to see here was like I think when we going into this game us as fans you know doing the podcast and analysts and whatever you want to call

It we were hoping to see a couple things right we were hoping to see a step up in terms of just overall effort and energy right that has been lacking at times again they just came off a 50o loss that effectively got jock Von f it was other

Things but um that was like the straw that broke this um this camel’s back right like they probably didn’t want to fire vaugh but when it’s so bad and there’s like sort of dissension in the locker room and there’s a listlessness around maybe just what the overall plan

As as a team and then you get just brutalized by 50 points in the All-Star break the timing kind of just is what the timing is and and you move on so going into this game The Hope here was okay let’s see a little more effort let’s see maybe a little more creativity

In the offensive end I get it’s only been a couple days so you’re not going to make wholesale changes let’s maybe see some maybe different combinations we’ll talk about that in terms of rotations and what we got was I mean literally the same exact thing like right down to

Confusing pairings on the court combinations that don’t seem to make a lot of sense getting completely crushed in transition in fast break I mean the very definition of like a team that’s hustling when you get crushed in Fast Break in just in in terms of the opponent fast breaks that’s the first

Thing you can point to be like hey are we getting back on defense well no um and then I mean really at every single level it was just a confusing head scratching low energy frustrating I mean whatever pejorative words you want to put in here to describe the game I mean that’s

Literally what it was and it’s just another blog we get back we get into the bench of garbage time and there’s just not I honestly My Hope here was to go and and say like hey if they don’t win the game let’s pull on a couple threads

That we can see that there was like active changes no nothing all the same all the same and so that as a fan just can be really a frustrating thing because the hope around a coaching change and a coaching you know sort of like you know well just changed I don’t

Even know the word is that there’s going to bring new life or some other thing to the table and it just didn’t happen at all yeah and one thing that we probably won’t get into too much here and we’ll sa for an off day that I will just add

At the top of the show before we move into rotations and other things that bothered us tonight is that you also got Rumblings reported by uh Michael Scot of of clutch points that there was some level of of issue around Jack vaugh and his dependency on Ben Simmons as being

The C focal point of the offense specifically attached to Spencer diwy maybe even to male Bridges so then when you come into this as well I I will say it just put an extra little layer of oh what is this going to look like for the

Last 28 games here because now you have the potential of not only is this head coach with primarily the same roster going to try to change and and re reestablish what the hierarchy is in the pecking orders on this team but then you also maybe do have just players that

That don’t necessarily feel like they all fit together from a pure basketball standpoint so you’re going to go out there and you’re going to see similar combinations and you’re going to keep running up against the same issues I I I’ll say this as well because you reiterated this time and time again on

The podcast over the last several months frankly since the start of the Season maybe uh that jock vaugh you you fire the coach but this team and this roster has issues like they are collection of pretty good individual players that don’t necessarily all mesh well together to create cohesive units and this

Tonight I think was the first foot into the Waters of right this roster just has problems and even if you could have done a lot of things better tonight it doesn’t change the high level perspective on where this team currently stands and the issues they’re going to face going forward yeah and that’s

That’s basic that’s basically all it is that that sums it up perfectly is that this is the reason I thought jacqu vaugh to some degree would stay around as coach right is that like why why get rid of the guy that when when the groceries are rotten they always use that cliche

Right the grocer are kind of a hodgepodge they don’t make a great meal together so why change the cook it doesn’t change what the ingredients currently off but as we’ll talk about here like in a second and we’ll get into this in a second I do think there are

Things they can do I think we both we both think there are things they can do here that can look different that they seem hesitant or reluctant or unwilling to try and so yes no like I know you’re about to Tee It Up but like yes this is a flawed

Roster but it’s not flawed to the point where there aren’t some combinations that would seem and by the way have worked like have worked in the past that they just don’t seem to want to try or and so I we’ll talk about a few of those

Things in a second because we saw them crepe up tonight but I it’s not like there there’s no hope here there are basketball players here it’s not a perfect roster it’s not a championship roster it’s barely a playoff roster but it’s not a lose by seven 80 combined

Points over the last two games roster like that like that it’s not that right and so this is not like like the ultimate tank ofon here like they they shouldn’t be getting crushed like this and I do think there are some changes they can make that would make it at

Least more watchable this is not a 12193 loss on the road to Toronto Raptor style roster and coming up here in a second we’ll highlight why was Kevin Oly still choosing to play Ben Simmons with Nicholas Claxton or Dron sharp somewhat stubbornly so it appeared we’ll get into

That in other rotation notes in just one second all right going to make myself feel better here by telling you about our friends over at Stitch fix you know that instant confident boost you get from putting on an outfit that just makes you look really good that’s what

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Forget about going into the stores to shop you got to go into Stitch fix style that makes you feel as good as you look get started today at lockon that’s lockon lockon all right so as we continue the postgame episode Brooklyn Nets 121 to 93

Falling to the Toronto Raptors on the road getting absolutely dumpstered in the fourth quarter by the way we remind you head on over to weot and pick up your free ebook when you sign up with your email five stories in five days all about the big moments

Throughout the Brooklyn Nets and New Jersey Nets history buddy I could tell five stories from the last two games for the Brooklyn Nets you get over there we also have a forum you can send us a message ask us a question voice your complaints about what’s going on with

Brooklyn right now we got sign up for that free ebook today okay so let let’s talk about the Ben Simmons Nicholas Claxton Dron sharp of it all because it clearly has not worked but even more than that there are plenty of sample sizes that do work when it comes

To Ben Simmons tee up the conversation around what they should have been doing more of especially when you think about turning over a new leaf with Kevin Ali at to hel okay so one thing with Simmons is like we’ve seen it pretty clearly the Simmons plus claxon thing doesn’t work

Right like there’s not enough spacing they don’t really kind of know what they’re doing on offense there’s too many sort of like weak side stuff with him where he’s just standing cornered there’s no you never need to guard him weak side strong side really at all like

And when claxon’s around it’s not like he can kind of get into the dunker spot and initiate actions or just run a lot of like even drible handoff actions because you can just sag off him so much because you know you’re not going to get hit from outside I think they have to

Come to some kind of realization here that those combinations don’t work but here’s the thing other combinations do right so like yes it’s not look good for Simmons in the half court but part of that is that they don’t put enough speed sping around him the one way that you

Can unlock his biggest skill set is to put spacers around him it’s shown time and time again that he is excellent at this they cannot make that work when they’re playing with Nicholas Claxton Daron sharp every single moment tonight he was paired with one of these bigs it

Makes no sense and they have some of the other Personnel to be able to do this a lot let’s say this a lineup of Simmons Plus cam Thomas plus Mel Bridges Plus cam Johnson plus dorin Smith yeah there’s no true Center on there you’re going to have some Rim protection

Problems you do have something like enough length you can probably get away with it I’m not saying start this lineup but at least try the lineup try things like this with at least four other spacers around Simmons Simmons this season in 231 minutes without Claxton

And sharp on the court the Nets are plus six next rating 121 offensive 114 defensive 231 minutes is not nothing like and that this is basically the same team yeah there’s no DWI yeah there’s no Royce O’Neil you have some other big spacers on the team like cam Johnson like

DFS like Bridges honestly he’s not huge but like you have guys that can play with them try these lineups they they they I mean the the par I’ll get into the guard stuff here in a second on the other side of it but just I don’t understand like there’s a long track

Record of Simmons being able to be a positive player with these kinds of guys around them I mean and every single time tonight check in claxon’s there check in Sharp’s there what do you expect to happen they can’t space face it’s like I don’t know man it’s mindboggling

To me I get it started for five minutes because you kind of feel like you need to start both the players because they’re two of your five best players after that maybe Dron sharp needs to sit like maybe they need to do other things but just can’t keep running these non-s

Spacing lineups out it makes no sense and that’s what I wanted to get into here because let’s let’s save the guards in the backourt conversation for the third segment of this episode there’s plenty of things that really bothered us but I think what doveet tales off of

This nicely is that part of it right so the reality is and you know it and everybody knows this is that okay you don’t want to play Ben Simmons with Nicholas Claxton or dayon sharp then where are these guys playing because I tell you what you’re not going to turn

Around and do is put Nicholas Claxton and dayon sharp out on the court in a large ball second unit lineup right you’re not going to break those guys up and then say well we’ll have a lot of rebounding and nobody to shoot no one to go at the basket and all those other

Issues that you run into now yeah let me just interrupt you for one second Simmons played only 21 minutes it’s not like he plays 40 minutes and you can’t get away from this like 21 minutes this is the both end of it because so on the one hand like you just mentioned it’s

Like okay then if it comes down to Dron sharp you don’t get to play because we can’t afford the issue that gets created is the point that I’m making is you end up you don’t have nobody in this front court and Ben Simmons counts as a front

Court guy nobody can shoot nobody can do anything other than either rebound individually or be a ball hander be a facilitator like Simmons is but to your point when he’s coming back of injury and he’s only playing 20-some minutes then you can break them up because

Effectively if you look at Dr Ron sharp and Ben Simmons who combin for 37 minutes in this game will’ll go ahead and break treat those as one player right those are one player they share their minutes overlapping or him and claxon vice versa these three players effectively occupy two bodies on the

Court at any given time and then you spread them out accordingly why I say let’s save the guard conversation is because you get into garbage time in this game and it’s the first one I understand that I’m not even really listen trendon Watford has had some little minutes here and there never been

Anything substantial or consistent but we’ve had this conversation about Jaylen Wilson going back and I thought we didn’t get to get into this after the jock vongh firing before this game tonight I thought one of the big biggest benefactors was going to be Jaylen Wilson he’s already shown that he can be

A rotation player he’s already shown he has a nose for the ball it looks like the kind of guy that Kevin oi talked about in his introductory press conference comments like I want guys that have that want to hustle do the dirty plays The Grind stuff he can shoot

From the outside he’s one of the bigger players that you can work into this rotation and effectively take out use dor Dorian finin Smith in combination with Nicholas after you take Ben Simmons out if you’re going to bring in drron well then go ahead and bring in a Jaylen

Wilson who has some size and perimeter shooting and floor spacing it’s seemed like tonight again first game you talk about repeating old bad habits which is playing Simmons and claxon and dayon sharp together in any combination and then also seeming to be committed to things that have not worked for you

Either which does bleed into the smallness of these lineups Jaylen Wilson deserves minutes I I was I was shocked I know it’s the first game but I was just shocked that he did not see the court inate game like this against the Toronto Raptors team that has a lot of length

And a lot of positions he shot 69% from three over his last five games and couldn’t get it couldn’t get onto the court garage time and and here’s the thing with Simmons and like and so you’re right so you adding Jaylen Wilson as like another floor spacer sort of

Like big decently bigger body that can kind of be out there to muck up the works a little bit I know the push back and I got some of this from like people that cover the Nets I don’t want to say who it is because I like these guys but

Like the but it was like oh well the defense is going to suffer if you if you only play Simmons hey I hate to break this to you spoiler alert they just let the Raptors hang 121 points on them the defense already stinks so like if if you’re worried about the defense they

Couldn’t stop anybody tonight so at that point if you’re just if you’re already having problems with this and the defense hasn’t been like horrible horrible but and it should be better theoretically with claxon and Simmons and they you know the beting of the fourth the third quarter they came out

Looked pretty pretty Lively and there were there are times for it but it’s not like this is like some I mean this isn’t the 85 Bears right like with their with their defense it’s like yeah they’re going to give up some points but maybe they can run and Gun

And Jack threes and really get up and down the court and yeah they’re going to give some up on the defense but it’s not like they’re not doing that anyway so I just I can’t hear the part where you’re going to give it up on defensively they can’t they’re not they’re not shutting

People down anyway so at that point just try combinations that seem like they’re going to work and I and I will say that it does seem like that’s one of the things we talked about this with Simmons at the defensive endend of the floor is

Just not the same as it once was for him whether that’s still ramping up Etc or he’s just a step slower and he’s gotten a little bit older all those things right and and I do think that factors into it in all this conversation about who he should or shouldn’t play with it

Is also like again it’s only 21 minutes by the way which then bleeds into the question of like what are the other combinations and rotations that you’re working how are you finding success that’s 21 minutes out of 240 so you had a lot of other minutes on the floor

Without Ben Simmons that you needed to find ways to be successful and the Brooklyn Nets were unable to do that as well well so we’ll talk about the backcourt concerns we’ll talk about even all the way up to the three spot and some questionable com combinations that

Kevin Oly put out there tonight but before we do that though our friends over at eBay motors have been doing us a solid teamed up with lock on Fantasy Basketball host Josh L you know this guy to bring you some of the best fantasy picks each and every week all season

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Break different teams dealing with a bunch of different injury just up on the injury front got a dunu he’s fully locked into the starting gig right now with the bulls Patrick Williams out and they lost Tory Craig for a bit over the All-Star break as well so io’s minutes

Are really locked in and if you’ve been watching the Bulls at all you know that they’ve been really pretty generous with the starters minutes I mean these guys can push 40 minutes uh with the best of them so you want to take a look at I the

Tunu Keon George it feels like he’s locked into the starting gig right now uh at the two guard spot for the Jazz they are still bringing Jordan Clarkson Off the Bench but they’re running these three guard units and kante George um at the starting point guard he’s getting a

Lot more minutes he’s going to get shots he put up over 20 shots before the All-Star break You’re Gonna Want to take a look at him Marvin Bagley third sorry about to insult him by saying Mar Marvin Begley Jr Marvin Begley the third got the starting gig at center now that

Daniel Gafford is out in Washington they made another move too putting Bal kabali in the starting lineup here instead of Jordan P so a bunch of stuff happening with some fantasy value over there in Washington don’t forget Trey Man Too been in the starting lineup for the

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YouTube as well so where you’re watching the post game and we also have bonus content coming out on all the different platforms we got included in that as well now here’s the thing for me um I I the one get into this backcourt situation the one thing that didn’t

Change and this is something that I thought I found funny so cam Thomas comes out plays 30 minutes 8 of 16 struggled from Deep two of seven right didn’t really get to the line much at all he seems really frustrated 19 points in terms of maybe not starting to get

More calls feeling like he deserves a little bit more of the respect of the referees I didn’t I I didn’t suspect that he was going to be anything different and some of the fans seem to feel like and we heard this gave him a big hug Kevin oi you know after the

First practice ractice but he was already playing 30 plus minutes under Jack vaugh like the idea that this was going to unleash some new level of a player that that fans were irritated by Jack vaugh early in the season he’s already doing that so that wasn’t one of

The changes here one of the things that was so wasn’t that so start interrupt you but wasn’t that so confusing I mean like he was averaging 34 minutes and 19 shots a game over his last like weeks and weeks of basketball like I I was confused by what they thought was going

To get more of like he was taking all the shots not in a bad way but he was just already doing it so what was I found that so confusing about like what now now we’re gonna unleash this guy he takes all the shots anyway no that’s that that’s the you know

That’s the uh residual memory of him not playing last year and not playing sooner and and you want to you want to just dump this thing onto Jack vaugh as he heads out the door totally fine he was short to he was too shortsighted to make

That move earlier in the season but he’s already been doing it and just to round that out as we’ve seen as well of late the only two players that were really successful tonight for the Brooklyn Nets were cam Thomas male Bridges 35 minutes 7- 16 4- 10 from Deep got the line a

Handful of times they combined for 40 points like that’s been their offense there hasn’t been a lot of other contributors and certainly on night when you have Cam Johnson coming off the bench for 21 minutes and only giving you one of seven and 0 of six from Deep

That’s not going to help you either but that’s not why we’re here Doug we’re here to talk about this sweet sweet beauty of finding the shortest possible players on this roster and getting them on the court together at the same time yeah look when you I was joking about

This but when you have a lineup of a 61 guy a 63 guy and a 63 guy on the court of the same time at point guards shooting guard and small forward like two of those dudes better be Hall of Famers because otherwise I don’t know

What you think is gonna happen here on defense and this is what they consistently ran You’re Gonna Lose by by 28 points Dennis Schroeder plus Dennis Smith Jr plus Lonnie Walker Dennis rer plus Dennis Smith Jr Plus cam Thomas like it’s they got crushed on defense

It’s obvious like I don’t know what you think is going to happen and all of a sudden this is just like this is just what happens and I just and they continually kept on doing it like the entire time and so when you if you’re going to make K and not like anyone’s

Making this case but if you’re gonna make the case that like oh defense is g to suffer if you just play Simmons at the five or something like that well the defense is going to equally suffer when you play three really small guards at

The same time and then a full and then a regular Center and that’s just what happened like against a Toronto team that Trends bigger anyway and so I get that they have they have roster constrictions here because eventually you just run into problems like you’re gonna run into combinations that just

Don’t really work I get it but I also I mean that just might mean some of these guys just can’t play right like I you might just need to see fewer minutes from some of these guys and I it’s it’s a hard problem to have and it’s it’s an unenviable

Situation but in general we just just can’t see these like really small three guard lineups and maybe just one of these guys can’t play and I don’t know if it’s a minutes issue with DFS and cam cam Johnson and they just haven’t ramped up the full minutes yet because you know

We only saw let me think I think it was only 15 yeah 15 minutes from Dorian finny Smith and another 21 from cam Johnson and maybe you just run out but this is what makes the non Jaylen Wilson thing even more confusing too yep yep I

I I that that I know I said it once but I’m just going to and even trendon Watford to that extent but the Jaylen Wilson one is just confounding to me because you you look at and you see these type of versions when you see that that lack of size across those three

Positions and go just insert them just put them into the lineup here and guess what you know cam Johnson came off the bench again coming back from the injury we don’t know if that’s like entirely permanent or if it’s a product of that you mentioned only 15 minutes for Dorian

Finy Smith that seems concerning as well but you can feel free to go ahead if you’re if I’ll put it if you’re going to trot out the uh Ben Simmons and Nicholas Claxton starting lineup well then stick Dennis Smith Jr in the starting lineup just so you take one of the small bodies

Out of the second unit then use Jay Wilson there or use you know just do any combination that balances out the size because as we’ve said before too like when we talk about the size on this team well we know Nicholas Clacks in his slight of frame he struggles with bigger

Matchups we know that Dron sharp isn’t the perfect Center and we know that by the way even Ben Simmons you say not playing with the pure five right he’s not always going to play that spot and if you do like he has not shown at any

Point this season that he is going to hunker down in the paint and body up against a big and prevent them from getting into basket that’s not a part of his defensive game at least at this current state so at some point you just need to think about this team one of two

Ways and I wonder I wonder if you agree with this either balance the roster from a size and skill set perspective because you have duplicates of a lot of things okay fine and mitigate these issues where you’re super tiny and mitigate these issues as you said at the top

Where you’re playing two non-shooters or shorten the heck out of this rotation I get that you feel like we can go 10 Deep and you know there’s so many talented guys Lonnie Walker and everybody else maybe it just doesn’t work work who are our best seven guys that compliment each

Other the best and we’re going to run them like we like like certain teams do like the Knicks do with their best players like Chicago you mentioned right with their with their players they’ll run them 35 40 minutes then that’s it then that’s the version of this team

Because every time they try to expand the rotation it always gets muddled and it seems to be fraught with missteps about who should play on a given night and which matchups make sense for them seemingly that are obvious at least from the outside looking in yeah it’s like I

Said this is tough you’re dealing with some guys that are kind you know sort of Veteran guys you’re dealing with bigger like slightly bigger contracts guys that are going to feel like they should play um I get that it’s a hard spot and guys who have been like pretty good for you

At times this year like Lonnie Walker and Dennis MC junr and they right but at some point I yeah I just don’t I just don’t know it’s like the one of the only ways to do this is to just reduce some of these guys minutes unfortunately because they just can’t play with the

Other guy and and that’s a hard spot and I it’s I don’t love saying that because we’ve rooted for these guys you know and this is It’s almost like one of the problems of being healthy they they they bailed themselves out at times the season by not being healthy all the time

And that’s led to sort of like easier it’s not been good for the team but it’s led to easier decisions right they’ve had easier decisions across this roster because Simmons met missed a lot of time or Cam Johnson was out or Dorian V well now they’re all back and they just kind

Of seem to not know which combinations work best or work at all and part of that might mean one of these guys doesn’t play a lot right like one by the way donon Sharp’s injury also helped them with this little Claxton Simmons and everything else by

The way it doesn’t help them as a team but it helps with the decisions like that like that you want all the guys to be healthy but the problem is when they are all healthy they still do not have they do not have a hierarchy of

Talent on this team they don’t know what the hierarchy is they don’t know what the combinations they want to run they haven’t tried them enough and now it’s feels like they’re trying all the wrong ones now that they’re all back because they probably don’t want to upset

Somebody or some guys think they should be playing and all guys have kind of like on an individual level have mostly deserved to play and that’s the other problem it’s like e so because if you say bench one of these guys it’s hard to actually make a basketball case for it

On the player level because a lot of the guys have played pretty well but you can’t make a case for it on a team level when you see that it’s like Dennis like I go back Dennis schroer plus Dennis MC junr plus cam Thomas 61 63 63 it’s over it’s over like they’re

Not GNA be able to and and it’s gonna hurt all of them like across the board I just this is a hard spot and and ultimately my last two thoughts here ultimately if you said you say you said hey tonight Dennis mitt Jr you’re not you’re not going to play tonight because

We just don’t want to get caught in that right and then maybe you’re down though and and you need a defensive guy in the back court and you look at the bench and he’s there right holding true to the idea of we’re going to try to break up

Some of these night overnight minutes to try to create better lineups the last note that I’ll make here is mention about schroer listen I hate to break it to everybody here but there may be an issue just about coming in any spot where it was once occupied by Spencer

Dey because after what was an electric debut for shuder for the Brooklyn Nets he’s gone six of 25 from the field so all of a sudden 23 Minutes tonight another bad shooting night for him he’s a veteran he gives you some good things he gives you some bad and ultimately if

You’re going to start looking at him as occupying mines it actually introduced a new problem cuz remember we said this about when they want to trade for dejonte Murray good let’s get thinner and guess what when they got rid of Spencer D and they got back shuder they

Got thinner they got lighter they got slighter inside of that backcourt combination space and you see that getting exposed now even to another degree whatever Spencer dewy was not so they they got rid of a problem that they felt like they had on their roster in Spencer diwy but now they introduced a

Functional issue potentially for how they make all these combinations work and you know it’s funny about dwy like not to like I mean there was plenty that didn’t go right here he did take a lot of the hardest defensive assignments Mo like on a lot of nights like he was

Guarding like Lori marinan and K KD like they put him in those assignments and not like that’s the best spot to be in like you probably don’t want to do that but he was taking those and you know not really doing much on offense but he was I don’t know those

Are his primary assignments and like they’re probably missing I hate to say they’re probably missing that a little bit as well because they don’t really have like a defensive lock down guy either not like he was either but he did take those guys like they did put him

Into situations so anyway a lot of problems here we’ll see how they kind of clear up here over the weekend I hope we’re hoping to see some different combinations but yeah one game into the Kevin Al era of coaching like we said at the top uh the more things change the

More they stay the same okay we’re gonna get out of here we’ll stick around for a few minutes here in YouTube uh live much appreciated everyone that jumped in following a rough loss make sure you go to weot um and grab a copy that free ebook make yourself feel better

Read some stories about the Brooklyn NS we got time is a figure eight at its Center the city of deja vu why that’s Robert burrow oh one of the altime great PS we back a tomorrow no next week with more Brooklyn NS basketball and a second on YouTube

With more Brooklyn NS basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball hey that was a bad loss basketball basketball basketball yeah oh when the podcast ends the post podcast podcast begins talking to you guys the Brooklyn Nets faithful chop it up with you after what was a miserable loss as Doug mentioned here hey here’s a

Couple of fun facts throw up the at lockon nets got a good a good note about some things happening organizationally at the joei level that we’ll just touch on for the fun of it also worth mentioning uh Spencer dwy in two games with the LA Lakers listen he’s given you

Seven assists four assists he’s played 31 and 28 minutes and uh give you a four six the last time out there on the floor two of four from Deep uh you know listen sometimes the change of scenery is good enough for everybody and when I talked

To the ceny brothers they were they were over the moon about how I said his negative defense could still actually be a little bit of a positive as you mentioned taking on all those larger matchups for Brooklyn getting him in a better role in La could do him some good

Uh I will unless you got something you want to jump in with Doug just hit this one real quick from John frequent flyer mentioned about here about the Koch family wanting to get a stake in Brooklyn does this signify size relinquishing some level of control to handle the operations or is this selling

Later on I I don’t as more details come out we’ll get into it all I know is the Koch family has a ton of money even more money than Joe Sai and we saw Mark Cuban do this with the Mavericks he relinquished nothing other than selling

Off a little chunk of the team and making a ton of money in the process which I’m assuming is what well no well no Cuban relinquished majority control and they he still runs all the operations though yeah but we’ll see for how long we’ll see for how long when you

Don’t own the team like I get that he’s kind of the mascot but um when yeah Rich guys tend not to like love listening to other Rich guys telling them what to do is my is is yeah but that that was his process sold off majority correct good

Correction he’s still running the dayto day and who knows how long that lasts but yeah David Koke I mean they said he’s um negotiating for up to a 15% stake in the team remember like Sai was a minority owner before he was a majority owner too right like sometimes

There’s a passing of the Baton this way who knows I mean this this hasn’t even happened it was also reported by Nets daily uh that they’re asking for a discount on the price um the valuations of these things get all over the place and so we’ll see but I mean I mean I

Guess you can call it a somewhat controversial figure because I think there’s like some you know deep political stuff going on here but um I don’t really have tons of thoughts about this really like I just that it’s going on and if it impacts it in any way shape

Or form you know we’ll keep you keep you breast of it and to any of the stuff Beyond I guess it’s Julia Coke that’s um it’s going to go to the to the grandkid it’s going to go to like the family it’s you know down the line down the coke

Family line not necessarily to the Head Coke which I think is like 88 years old so it’s an investment from what you can tell in that regard and we’ll see what happens with it but it doesn’t really I guess the point being John it doesn’t mean anything at this point we’ll see if

It means something at some point but you know it didn’t mean anything does it mean anything that sa owns the team does it mean anything that anybody owns any team I mean real realistically it only matters if the team is good or bad on the court and if they’re willing

Maybe to spend money so if you if you think back to where you and I disagreed on that Jo s oh he didn’t want to spend money around certain things we never thought that that was the case but if you’re a segment of the fan base that thinks somebody with even more money

Would be more willing to blast through luxury taxes then maybe that’s the guy for you to say nothing of of his uh Endeavors away from this business potential transaction let’s get into uh Jean Rome it seems every fourth quarter the Nets become lazy the guys aren’t moving or rotating enough on offense I

Will just say you walk out of this game where you’re like ah the Nets got dumpstered and they lost by 28 so they did get dumpstered but they also got absolutely like trucked in the fourth quarter they came out from the second quarter into the third quarter they went on a 15-2 run

Like they got back into the game and the The Familiar Thing theme to me was it’s like yeah but no real adjustments shots go in good shots don’t go in bad and then a total lack of defense or ability to stop Scotty Barnes from getting towards the basket and that was it like

Nothing really dramatically changed from the first to second half in this one by the fourth quarter yeah they all they all pack it in because they know it’s over yeah they just couldn’t stop anyone in transition they did stop they got a few stops and steals to start the fourth

The third quarter which is what got them back into the game but ultimately you know the offense was still the same problems they were still I mean we kind of already covered a lot of this it was like they were running out lineups that just are going to struggle just on their

Face to do anything and that’s just going to be a tough those that’s going to be a tough Hill to climb I like I I don’t even know if it laziness really I by the fourth quarter of this game I just thought it was kind of mostly over

Right but it was um but it was Mo it was L there was just no adjustments and there was just or or sorry there were adjustments they just didn’t make any sense uh this good from nater egb every game bad see you don’t know what it

Stood we didn’t know what it stood for we just know there’s a lot of tenants of it and we want to see how it goes out there um I I’ll throw this other question anybody else at lock on Nets I’m not seeing a ton tag to us but feel

Free to hop in sometimes it’s just good to commiserate do you feel like if we watch the next couple of games and it’s this type of vibe that will again go right back to the trade deadline and say like you know Dorian finy Smith what you

Know what were we not doing here at this point even guys like Lonnie walk one of the things I will bring up is like Lonnie Walker and Dennis Smith jior both on one-year contracts and I said it at the time leading up to the deadline you should maybe make tough choices about

Those kind of players if teams were are willing to offer you something on them that never really seemed to come up even at a rumor level but here you are like that the whole point of that was like clear out some guys so that it makes it

Easier to put in Jaylen Wilson and just play certain players because they’re here and available for you yeah I look I I I really think that there’s a good chance we look back at this trade deadline especially with the male thing and like maybe some of these other guys

And really think that they blew it like I just like Zack low the other day had it on his podcast that he thinks that the the the the offer from the Rockets about all the picks and swaps back was like real and when I and that’s like a

Real that’s a real you know Source reporter that doesn’t just say that stuff unless he’s like pretty solid on it he’s not a w bomb guy like he’s right like Zack low I’m not telling anyone who your Zack low is but the when I heard

That him say that the other day um in the episode with Bon Temps I was like my my stomach sank because I I I really think that that’s this is independent of this loss or the or the Boston loss we thought this anyway I I think if that

Was true and it really feels like it was honestly we’re going to look back on that and be like man they blew it they blew it like they had a chance to kind of get out of this in a new way and reset and make some you know homegrown

Toal in Brooklyn and it was going to be a five-year plan and you’re gonna have all your picks plus the sun’s picks plus the whatever’s left you know getting it all back and yeah it’s going to be bad for a couple years but have a chance to like really build something

And now it’s just it’s like so hard to imagine like you look at this team and you think it’s like do what’s Donovan Mitchell making them this is this is this has been my push back we talked about this this was my he’s like the best player he’s the best player

Mentioned like they like yeah and and I would call it 5050 I wouldn’t even say 50% like I I put it at something like 30% chance he comes here or something like that that’s even too high I I it’s probably lower even if he came for

Free like for free like with where you don’t give up any picks or anything which they’re not going to do because you’re still on their contract like how good is the team and Mitchell’s been great but I just can’t like are they better than Cleveland is

Now no way not even close not even close and so I just it’s just so hard to see it maybe marks and Company see it differently and they have a vision and they kind of know things and they look they’ve done it before so it’s hard to

Like totally you know hit the eject button here but man they just feel so far away so far away from anything positive and that’s a tough I just such a tough spot to be in and I saw some people commenting here like you can still turn around this off season and choose to

Make that trade with Houston if it’s potentially still on the table and you know and you can still shop male Bridge like you can still make that choice it just there’s just something so I are they gonna trade it if that’s a lottery pick I like no right yeah right too like

Well not not starting this year like not not in this year now it’s in you know be a lottery pick lose one this is gonna be a lottery pick I mean God forbid this thing ends up in like the top 10 or something but like the you know what

Okay because here’s just to because now you’re now you’re pissing me off the Houston to not take them back and again to then also like it’s like at that point trading away Royce O’Neal because like he he’s a veteran get whatever you can from him but you you are still

Battling the don’t end up in a lottery pick situation for Houston to just sit there and enjoy it how that feels the most EG egregious part of it is that like you know look at your team you’re TW you have a 20 you’re 21 and 34 how

Can you go into that deadline even if you think like hey maybe in the summer we can go get Donovan Mitchell as you mentioned then be realistic what does that mean for this team a seven seed you know a back end of the playoff team okay great winning a first- round playoff

Series maybe maybe not getting but whatever it is but you’re not going to necessarily move the needle to the extent that you want so then if you don’t think that that’s going to be top four seed move to go get him then you come right back to square one that means

That all this is is an elongated rebuild process and what you’re saying is like we’re willing to tell you that we have male Bridges and it’s all going to mean something but then every night you go out and you see in spite of him being talented in spite of Cam Thomas being

Talented getting blown out on the road in Toronto right like you’re still a bad basketball team it’s just so egregious yeah it’s tough It’s and again I’ve said this we’ve said this many times over the years but the these are always usually these are usually the worst times to

Evaluate teams right like when you’re coming off loss now the problem is they lose every game so like you don’t get a chance to not evaluate it in this in this loss culture because they literally lose every single game and so they’ve lost right they’ve lost six to their last seven

And so I it’s always it’s always tough to do it but you know they just keep losing now maybe after this it’s like Minnesota that’s going to be tough but then Memphis they’re still without everybody you know the Orlando Atlanta Atlanta Memphis they could you know

There’s still a run to be had here so it’s not it’s not White Flag time all the way around but just two games against the you the magic and two games against the Hawks you know I I Circle those just saying like hey you want to make a run be in

The playing tournament Circle those two games but this goes back to it’s hard you can’t look at any team on the schedule and say like oh well they’ll win that game no yeah exactly well that’s the problem right it’s like you can’t you can’t put because I the best

Way to do it would be the really the the the the exercise is where are they going to be favored right like just looking at it now not g to be favored against Minnesota at Memphis they’ll probably be favored if like but it won’t be by much

But I’m not even sure about that not gonna be favor Orlando two back two two home games against Atlanta my guess is there’s something like minus one for each of those games home against Memphis they’ll be favored there home against Philly not going to be favored home against way Detroit

They’ll probably be favored by a little I mean so maybe maybe I’m talking myself back into it because I once I go down this list they probably are favorites in like more than half these games I think I’m not positive about that by the way and here here’s the problem is that and

Really I think is that because we said oh if the next 10 games which included the two Boston games we said they can go six and four and the idea was they’re going to lose those Boston games but then they’ll come out and they’ll beat Toronto lose to Minnesota but you’ll

Beat Memphis lose to Orlando but then the games against Atlanta Memphis again right Detroit hornet down the road there too like the teams are there but the only way that you instill my mental confidence is by getting one of those wins like go get one of the wins that

You think are the chalk ups and then even this one if you had lost this game in the last couple possessions that would feel different too it’s that you came out first game for Kevin allly and it was like Hey I don’t know I guess

Maybe or maybe not you know it just it felt so that’s the wor that’s the hardest part man the hardest part is to like to say new coach New Life new Vibes and to lose again by like 30 is really troubling like because usually you can

Get it going for one game or something right just like go all out just all the energy and to lose it like sort of across the board in terms of hustle is actually really disturbing it’s yeah it’s really it’s just such a bad sign I mean they indicative of a collection of

Players that doesn’t want to be here like you know what I mean that that to me is what it’s not it’s not turning a page you like getting ramping it back up here it just feels like it’s indicative of like a collection of players that if

You went down the list a lot of them would say including M Bridges I wouldn’t have hated it if I had found a different home at the deadline 46 to1 in uh fast break points 46 to 10 like it just doesn’t get worse than that

It’s like it’s so bad 50 to 40 points in the paint ton of fouls by Brooklyn you know 20 how many they end up with 20 I was just going to say they lost the turnover battle 20 to 11 right like they just it’s like every single stat every

Single stats terrible like that’s that’s really it is is just you can’t look at a single thing rotation stink make no sense they get you know can’t put up a 100 points whatever it’s just like it’s just it’s terrible I don’t know uh we’re gonna get out the door here because

Otherwise I think we’re going to start the spiral but I will just throw this last start the spiral hit the bottom of the Spiral what comes after to the spiral I feel like I’m in the west world I’m going to get to the center of that of that Circle at

Some point I’m going to answer this one go ahead was I only I put it up here I knew it was probably gonna fire up Doug there’s a there’s a difference you’re gonna answer this but yes they’re two of the four best players but not all top

Four best players on a roster are created the same across the league the Nets are unique in that way yeah it’s unfortunate the coach that can make it work good luck like the only thing that’s ever made this pairing work across multiple coaches well I guess Nashville wasn’t really there was Kevin

Durant and Kyrie Irving like those guys were able to make it work because they’re generational Hall of Fame scorers that can mitigate two guys that can’t like can’t really score at all on their own out guess what brid and cam Thomas had great nights tonight but they’re not those two players they’re

They’re not that player that makes it okay that you know makes it’s look maybe there are schemes that can do it and like you’re going to have to talk certain players into doing certain things I I just not going to happen it’s not going to happen it’s just not a good

Pairing it’s it’s just not like go look around the league go look around the league and tell many how many teams are playing two nons spacers to this level like to this degree two guys that do not take any threes at all right and that that play together I

There aren’t any I mean closest the closest is probably it’s not even close because it’s probably like mble and Allen and those guys are just like significantly better on defense when you pair them together and and and they have like Donovan Mitchell and Darius Garland

And guys like this on the team who are like sort of elite guards and that was G be the I was gonna say was even take the one thing you mentioned Kevin dur and kyri take one aspect of their game passing like Court Vision Right male Bridges Dorian finny Smith even cam

Thomas they’re not those guys like not even in that facet of their game they’re not those players that actually matters ball handling melbridge is you know doesn’t cannot ball handle like Kyrie Irving almost nobody can nobody El cam Thomas doesn’t ball handle like Kyrie Irving like every and they still can run

Pick and roll like that team can still run pick and roll with Mitchell and Garland and the other two bigs and they can kind of get away with it and those guys are better on defense and aren’t like one of them is not required to like

Have the ball in his hands so there there’s just no other examples across the league of two guys on the court for long periods of time who can’t space the court at all playing together and I mean I guess the only other one I mean maybe like Precious Chua and isah

Hartstein I like kind of like when they but they were kind of forced into that situation because Julius Randall was hurt and it was like Randall was hurt and then oh Mitch Rob got hurt too like those guys played a lot of minutes together but and they Al but they also

Have like Jaylen Brunson so I don’t know like they there’s just and those guys are probably just better combination defensively because they’re so huge and they’re good like you know harden steen’s a great screen Setter there the other thing too like the Nets have terrible screen Setters um just on their

Team in general so they can’t run a lot of these different actions it’s just it’s just apping doesn’t work it just doesn’t work I forget it it’s they just have to get they have to get away from it I think you can play both the guys you just can’t play them as much

Together that that’s that’s all it is hey we appreciate you guys for coming here after a loss like this and chopping it up with us Doug mentioned what because their next basketball game is uh Saturday night I was trying to look I was looking

At that before I I I I just head up in front of me hold on one second I’ll get back I think it’s Saturday night and I think it’s a slightly late game which would mean that you it’s in Minnesota should 9 o’clock start baby

You’re not going to see us on a Saturday night special I hate to break it to you unless you know the Nets blow them out or something we’ll hop in no most likely so you most likely will not see us on Saturday night for the post game uh

Against Minnesota and then the game after that will be what two days it be on Monday night Monday night at the Grizzlies 8m tip we’ll be right back in here doing the post game and we’ll have a Monday episode up as well maybe taking a look at combinations and rotations

Let’s set those lineups for Kevin Ali so that he can have success and get his first win of the season if not over the weekend uh get us out of here Doug all right thanks so much for everyone jumping in here following another rough game for the Nets but we’re still gonna

Come at you every single day of the week weekdays uh with our Brooklyn Nets talk and really appreciate everyone that’s here make sure you go over to we got net and grab that free ebook you better believe it guys uh I want Hunters if you hunt you play if you don’t hunt you

Won’t play Nets need 15 new players oh my God happened too fast basketball basketball basketball yeah we’ll see you next time

Doug Norrie and Adam Armbrecht discuss the first game back from the All-Star break, and the debut of Kevin Ollie as Nets Head Coach.


  1. Why was the front office so stubborn in dealing with Houston? They were willing to give you the picks back that you NEED in order to properly tank. Is Bridges really a superstar? Why are they holding onto him like he’s a HOF’er

  2. This loss is on the players. Totally gave up on so many plays. You could see them literally slow down and give up or step to the side as Raptors would drive. And so often 45:36 they didn't even try to get offensive rebounds. I watched Simmons constantly turn towards his basket as the shot was thrown.

  3. Great move by this team to not trade DFS, why did they think he was so great?!? Also,, what the hell does Cam Johnson actually do?!? He was the worst free agent signing in the league last year. Sean marks is an idiot

  4. Also, according to you guys (from less than 2 weeks ago) they’re gonna go 6-1 in their next 7 games because they were gonna go 6-4 before the Boston games. You can argue this loss was worse than the second Boston loss, because at least Boston is a good team.

  5. Marks said that he is responsible for the roster. We have pieces that don’t fit well together, we are to short and too skinny, we have guys who can’t shoot and space the floor, we have no top level talent, and we have gone through a slew of coaches over the past 5 years and so on. Hmmmm…what does that tell you?

  6. I have a feeling the Houston picks were heavily protected. I think Marks plan is to try and get Mitchell in the summer to pair with Bridges, play better next season together to attract a superstar FA in 2025 and then make a championship run.

  7. Trade Bridges before everyone realize that he is so bad. Same for C.J and DFS, but it s too late for them i think

  8. I regret saying that we have a star or two to bloom from within the team … I was simply urging mgmt to not trade much before developing the talent we already have (talent I've seen spark but that's not being directed well).
    The fact is if there are guys in this group thinking I meant them, they may negate that possibility by being 'me' over 'we'.
    This team needs a solid sense of 'we' more than ever before. A band with one guy playing too loud all the time sucks.
    You can either straighten up and play well with a humble realization that you all need each other, every moment facilitating what the team needs, or you can fall apart.

  9. There is absolutely No hope.Nets are as much "Hunters" as the deer that roam central New Jersey. "New look" Nets same results….Why did Sean Marks trade for Ben Simmons ????????

  10. 6”10, 3xAll Star Guard, 2 pnts, 4 assists, 4 Rebounds in 21 minutes, no one even thought of guarding him let alone double teaming him like it is always said “Ben needs to be hard doubled”

    He needs to thank Embid for them 3 all stars he was handed

  11. Lineup 1
    Nic Claxton
    Mikael Bridges
    Cam Johnson
    Dennis Shroeder
    Dorian Finney Smith

    Lineup 2
    Cam Thomas
    Ben Simmons
    Jalen Wilson
    Dayron Sharpe
    Lonnie Walker IV

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