@Houston Rockets

Rockets Vs Spurs Post Game Reactions #houstonrockets #spurs #nba

Rockets Vs Spurs Post Game Reactions #houstonrockets #spurs #nba

Lo Lo lyrics I’m binging keeping ring one more time MCS on the table there no F Tik Tok riss get mad but always always moving up theed bomb you back again oh cuz a little fire on the track again turn the music up VI like an icon icon

I yeah if you want we can go Psy psych psch head to turn the music on VI like an icon icon icon icon Icon load load the lyrics bowling bowling keep pushing on keep rolling rolling listen I told him told him one more time your favorite MC’s or Sil these raps here are on table to ried mix everybody that’s irrev like elephant keep your heart but you know that it’s elant get mad but always

Benevent always moving uph theed hting bomb she back again oh a little fire on the track again turn the music up like an ion icon icon yeah if you want we goso pschs head to head turn the music on like ion ion ion I I what up what up what up csg’s what’s happening what’s happening what’s good everybody appreciate y’all for joining us over here at The Chop Shop live stream how y’all been man I missed y’all man I missed y’all man the last couple of games I’m not going to lie to you it’s

Been they was kind of late I wasn’t able to really get my coming holl at my csgs I wanted to but it was going to be like a 20 minute live stream you know and I didn’t want to I ain’t want to tease y’all like that bro and tonight it’s a special

Night not going to have a a whole lot of time again but I already put the link in the chat man I’m not going to even talk to you but I appreciate y’all for coming by my csgs man I know a lot of people we

All we got we all we got man I know a lot of people r probably want to get they takes off so I’mma bring y’all up first I’mma do things a little different I’mma bring y’all up first man who in here with me two guy yo what’s happening

Sigga migs DJ Mill kurd Kenny what’s good space a713 what’s happening Jaylen Johnson the third uh 0339 what’s happening with you what’s happening with you red dragon 83 what’s chopping Trey 1000 what’s good James HS what’s happening on the reality what’s happening my boy KDC EF hutting in the

Building alist Augusta what’s good IC 1025 Third Coast Alliance what is good with y’all David Stone King K me what’s happening what’s happening King 98 what’s good with it if you want to shout out hit the chat hit the chat so I can shout you out toga

Aen what’s good with it him dunan in the building last name winner what’s happening what’s happening Keenan what’s good Keenan Voodoo what’s good Kagan what’s happening what’s happening shot by Esco what’s happening what’s good with it appreciate y’all for coming through kicking with me keep kicking it with me on The Chop Shop

NE deck personal what’s happening what’s happening oh we already getting started early what’s good with it man who that K me gift of the membership out who got the membership icy 1025 got the membership icy 1025 appreciate that KY appreciate that good looking out dang Curry you didn’t even get the membership

Fam you didn’t even get the membership what’s up car F appreciate y’all for joining us man that was a good game good game Shang goon is was on one that boy shanon man shenon was going was going off bro I I think it was a good game for

Everybody pretty much much I mean Dylan Brooks I a I’m starting not to expect too much from Dylan Brooks you know but uh as long as he was playing defense he was he was he was trying to hold he was even trying to hold wiy at sometimes but

Shang goon bro he was he Lo when be up like three times in a row cookies give me that cookies put cookies in the chat for shanon man that boy was cookie get all of them cookies man the boy had like five or six steals bro shenon defense 45

Points changon the man of the hour shanon is the man of the hour man I ain’t gonna lie Janny jayen he cooked a little bit too jayen hey did y’all see that reverse under the rim under the on the other side Jaylen what’s up with that

Jaylen I think jayen I’m not going to lie jayen been playing pretty good he man he was dishing it he was dishing it off shanon he was feeding shanon one thing that we didn’t get away from you know what I’m saying we was feeding a hot hand and shanon was just

Killing it killing it killing it killing it shanon what’s up Deon 95 what’s happening what’s good with you bro what’s good with it fluid what’s good with it fluid yeah man like jayen been playing well like the last two three games what about the last three games I would say

It seem like it’s starting to click maybe it’s starting to click y’all maybe it’s starting to click maybe maybe maybe you know what I’m saying al man Thompson what can I say that boy that boy all man Thompson is a silent killer he’s a silent killer he’s like a Deadly Assassin you don’t

See him you don’t see him coming in the attitude he ain’t going to take nothing off of nobody the boy almost fought like the last three games I’m man like man I ain’t I ain’t F I ain’t F to have that n all that disrespecting I’m a rookie and all but

Look I got something I got something and don’t be thinking you just going to do me any type of way trying to trip me I’m G to be at your nck and I love that bro that’s what Jabari used to do man I’m not seeing it from Jabari as of late but

Oh man the dude ain’t going to take no he ain’t going to take no losses you think you got a one up on me I’m I’m let you know about it you know what I’m saying I’mma let you know about it straight up Deon he

Got a twin they gonna come and link up fuse together man I love the boy attitude I love his demeanor I love the edgy you know he brings a little chip on the shoulder oh man oh man bro I’m liking our man bro I’m loving our man for everything I got man

I ain’t going to lie to you the boy got it you know what I’m saying the boy got it last name winner what space we told what you told me bro what you told me what you told me matter of fact hit the chat come up man y’all come up and get

In the chat come up and I read the stats off while y’all up here digging with me man I know y’all got some takes know y’all got some takes off about this game always good like I always say it’s always good to beat the Spurs Spurs in Dallas is always good to beat

Them come on up and get your takes off man hold on here we go what’s happening what’s happening what’s happening my csg’s if you in here with me man hit that hit the link man I’mma do I’m doing it a little bit different I’m doing it a little bit different I got my

Boy s bigs in the building what’s happening sigga sigga migs can y’all hear me yeah I can hear your space oh okay I was about to say man my audio tripping again can’t be yeah what you got man what how you like the game bro yo I needed this game the rockets

Need this game man what a great night finally for us like just San Antonio versus Houston wemy versus shenon just they needed this for their reputation yeah I agree I agree and you know it’s always good to be beat them boys Dallas San Antonio Golden State

Rivals yeah just the Rivalry like um OKC also but um yeah just like it’s much sweeter just to to see shenon just Punk wemi like just gu the whole year W’s getting his flowers and then everyone’s just like making F of the Rockets when Wy you know did a fist pump when Rockets

Got fourth pick but it’s just good to see um see that matchup and then just see shangu just Beast like yeah Wy put it I mean yeah yeah W blocked him a bunch like Wy yeah like Wy put up a fight yeah yeah but Shang goon he was he went back

And down and that’s what I like to see yeah you blocked me right right here you BL me and then that dunk when he just uh uh spin uh uh dunk I was like oh shanon in his back then a no look pass to cam that deflection from Wy and then no look

Pass to cam [ __ ] just man I was I was standing up for that yeah I was I was I was live for that I was like oh that shanon in his bag man shanon bro like that was a good game man 45 points what 10 plus rebounds I’mma read out the uh

Stats real quick 16 rebounds they 16 rebounds like 16 rebounds yeah man shanon just went he went dumb shanon went dumb let me read out the stats first let’s see how many wiby had 10 points on 31 minutes he play 31 minutes he had 10 points he was bad in the fourth quarter

Like he didn’t get any shots off yep yep yep let’s see my boy Jabar Smith Jr played 25 minutes he was one for six 0 for three three rebounds one assist negative n with two points Barry was bad this one of the worst games I’ve seen

Bar play in a long time but it he wasn’t just like eye popping bad he was just you know subpar I’ll put it like that he was subpar Dylan Brooks played 36 minutes he was 0 for three 0 for two three rebounds two assists two steals a plus 20 though he ain’t even

Score had zero points Alp the man of the hour 37 minutes 19 for 32 D I ain’t even realize he took 32 shots two for three from the three-point line five for seven from the free throw line uh 16 rebounds six of them offensive 16 rebounds three assists

Five steals a plus 18 with 45 big ones 45 points f van v vet he played uh 38 minutes he was eight for 15 from from the field five for nine from the three-point line uh 10 assists four rebounds four steals a plus 27 with 21

Points Jaylen 39 minutes he was 11 for 23 1 for 10 from the three dang Jaylen I didn’t know he’s one for 10 from three two rebounds three assists one steal plus 22 23 points it didn’t seem like Jaylen just was chunking up threes that’s I mean they was within the floor

Of the game so I didn’t realize like he had took that many threes uh Jeff Green six minutes he ain’t register nothing but a steal al man Thompson 19 minutes 0 for four from the field for two from the three-point line two for four from the free throw

Line five rebounds oh six rebounds one assist one steel two blocks a plus two with two points if you look at look at that You’ be like man he didn’t do much but he actually had made a big uh defensive impact he was he was everywhere cam Whitmore played 20

Minutes he was 9 for 16 from the field one for four from the three-point line eight rebounds one assist one steal -2 with 19 points and then Jack L down in the holiday they was just running around fooling people yeah but uh good game bro good game I can’t complain I can’t complain

So uh sigga go ahead man what else what else yeah also al man really impressed me just how tough and his defense is just man I hope he gets some he get some recognition by the end of the year like at least first team or something like

That all rookie first team or something should be first team all rookie I’m going have to look at the rest of the rookies and see I don’t see why he shouldn’t definitely second team though definitely second team should be with his brother yeah with I think his brother might make first team

Well nah he gonna be second team he gonna be the PS are pretty bad yeah he gonna be second team did you see soan like trip him and they had to fight soan yeah yeah oh my God soan I don’t I don’t know why I don’t like him it’s like he got

That punchable face you know how some people got that punch smug looking like prend like he didn’t do anything trip bro he did not like back down from it yeah yeah yeah Fred Van was good though Fred Van B was good um him yeah him fely Jaylen and shenon

Carried They Carried cam came in and chipped in too but uh yeah he carried he carried hey you remember when I was talking about t e I was like man I was I on the was I said this on The Chop Shop and I was like man why didn’t he just didn’t have

Surgery and sit out you know the beginning of the Season we probably have t back by now you know what I’m saying but that was I think they dropped the ball on on tar injury yeah it was kind of like he was like injured for a while or like some illness

Or like some kind of weird excuse to like keep him up but then they finally said oh yeah he needs surgery and it’s out for the rest of season oh okay like he could have dealt with that earlier but okay it’s fine yeah yeah so hope

Next we have t and uh Stephen Adams fully healthy seen old Aquaman on the bench that’s weird because like I always Associated him with OKC like even even after he left but it’s weird seeing him on the uh on the Rockets yeah yeah it is kind of weird to

See him over there but I see him over there man you know next year we going to see bro you know I wasn’t happy with the trade I wasn’t upset with it all the way but I just wasn’t ecstatic and the lady that we got a injured Aquaman but we’ll

See he he he he GNA serve a purpose he he definitely GNA serve a purpose on this squad what are you thinking about making us what do you think we can we still make the play in I don’t think so yes I don’t think so I yeah I’m I’m a

Doubter now but um yeah it’s just all the all the all the actual contending teams are like starting to click for them and then Rockets have been pretty bad recently so I don’t I don’t see it happening it would take some some injury luck for us so like you know like the

Suns could fall off or something like that like it it yeah it would take injury luck for rock make it in but as of right now I don’t think so yeah I think it’s a bit of a stretch bro I think it’s a bit bit of a stretch but uh

We might we we we might I’m still I’m still holding out hope bro I’m still holding out hope we won two in a row it’s always good to win two in a row this the first time we won two in a row since like December something like that

So maybe maybe we turning the corner look like Jaylen is starting to figure out we won Jaylen Le green leap away as far as you know how Frank say so maybe Jaylen keep it up we’ll be right there bro we’ll be right there oh man he got

Disconnected maybe he’ll be back but got my boy Kurt Kurt in the building what’s happening Kurt hey what’s up um you hear me well yeah I can hear you bro what’s good all right it’s been like a long while since I’ve been up here and ever since I’ve

Left we’ve been on like a huge losing streak it’s your fault Kurt man it’s your fault then yeah I know I know um but this game does not really make up for any of that I’m just going to put it at that for now um CU yeah the bad

Starts in the previous like 10 games it’s unacceptable um and while this game we were playing against the Spurs you know the Spurs I mean they they’re they’re on a hot um five game win streak but we ended that um but still they’re like the 14th team in the west I believe

Um well great window um I think the key word in tonight’s game is chemistry because we didn’t win by like any individual matchup it was like team basketball we were playing that won us this game um the jayen and shenon connection um yeah that’s really what sparked it

Um and we started the first half with only four only four players really scoring the basketball right um Dylan Brooks was not it Jabari was not it um jayen we were solely relying on that Jaylen shenon connection um and of course uh cam Whitmore Off the Bench as

Well was giving that um powerful lift but what I really want to say is um I think I don’t really want to call you out but I think you called you said sohan’s face was punchable I think that was just because he has like a gap between his teth I think that’s what

That’s why you said that but anyways anyone who picks on almond is like not who would pick on Alan you feel me like Alan though he’s like the nicest guy in the league the nicest rookie I should say in the league um but uh what else am I going to say um

Shenon really stood out tonight um I well I think wemi did great like defending him though because Wy 10 blocks on him at first he did yeah yeah when when when like shenon always tries to like um post up wbi whenever like whenever he sees this matchup but like

He he did struggle again um early on but then wemi got tired I think that was what that was why shenen got 45 points I think wemy really just got tired at the end he he did not jump at all on like those quick released you know off the backboard shots but anyways

Um I I think we’re still playing contenders not going to lie I think if we get that chemistry going we can be D dous we can be pretty lethal I’m right there with you Kurt I’m not going to give up hope yet I’m not going to give up

Hope um oh and one thing that really upset me this game is well mildly deranging I should say is how jant Tate or I should say Bayan Tate got no minutes tonight I think he would have been a huge presence if we really played um dang CT I just gave you some props

And then you come up with the Jan T PL no I’m always pleased not to see Tate him over Brooks though him over Brooks think about that he he would not be cardio tonight you know Brooks was cardio tonight I think Tate would have really um flowed well with the offense

Like passing the ball um dishing it out to the wide open guys he compliments the team well so um but yeah I I was on the tar e in Instagram um live stream earlier and it’s glad to see that he’s doing well um and shenon actually shouted him out at

The end of the game if y’all didn’t know yeah yeah that that that’s big time Big Time T would T would um yeah tar tar would fit well in his team if if he played this game and that’s what I’m going to say today appreciate you Kur appreciate and uh

Appreciate you bro and I agree man um I hate that we didn’t get to see more of tar man we probably won we probably would have won a few more games if tar actually played coming off with that defense and coming off um actually being

Able to he could score a little bit you know what I’m saying but it’s really his defense his steals his fast breaks that he and that uh you know he create off of the steals in his defense one more body we could throw at the you

Know the JS Lucas the the the even the Yannis or the LeBron’s you know what I’m saying so we probably probably would have won a few more games if T I mean if see now you got me saying Tate if Atari was there man uh I just hope he’s he’s well enough to

Where he come back and he don’t lose a step you know for for for next year so yeah bro I agree I agree kurk that’s all you got Kirk oh and landale was cooking tonight land looked at all right man yeah I mean I was I thought

Like Jeff grain would get the um you know get the positions that’s that’s higher up into rotation but like L landale got the nod tonight um and I’m not complaining because he did show out yeah landelle I I wasn’t displeased with landelle today he actually he

Actually did all right he did he looked like a serviceable a serviceable big tonight he didn’t look like he was just out there lost with like a chicken with his head cut off I agree with you Kurt on that too I agree man thank you thank you space

Thank you man Kurt with the lelle is cooking was about to blow my mind dog L was not cooking bro he was all right I guess compared to compared to what he usually bro compared to what he used to do he looked he looked all

Right no he did his thing he did his thing man but you know we gota you know that’s like saying you know he had the best game of his life that’s not saying much man n i i he wasn’t cooking like you know Chef uh like Gourmet he he had

A little bit of Chef Bard going on in the can you know what I’m saying he was just wasn’t Gourmet style tonight but he all right he he just just wasn’t you know he ain’t burn up the kitchen he ain’t burn down the kitchen bro um my got my boy Omni reality what’s

Up Omni where you been at Omni Omni well on to the next one he he’ll be back Hutton is on you e Hutton is on you oh man come on what what y’all doing everyone’s quiet tonight oh here go omy coming back what’s up Omni reality okay okay um so

Look hey so you know I got uh break right quick but I’m g go ahead and spit mine because you know my joint probably yeah you breaking up yeah go ahead um yeah know I I was gonna say was um Shan goon is a player that likes to rise

To the challenge he he showed the difference between a player who who likes um to be coached up you know I think I think playing against High tier centers gets the most out of him failing at times gets the most out of him I think that that bad game he had against

Chad pushed him to be better in this Game and at a point where it like he was going to break against another taller big man this in this in this league why he’s going to be one of the top centers going forward in the league um again you know his passing is a unique skill

That you can’t find um you know even in some guards so I mean like that’s not the kind of player you really want to get rid of you know that behind the back pass it was it was just phenomenal to me that’s the essence of playing good basketball it’s just something that you

Have to you have to love when you see it you know it gets your players involved it change the momentum of the game and it’s it’s just something that’s um especially as a as a guard you know it’s something that you love to see from a big man Jaylen again was aggressive I

Like the fact that he continued to shoot even though he was missing and he mixed it up with a heavy dose of going to the rim um Fred V Fred Van man is a is is an anomaly man because he’s a good oh come on man we didn’t lost the

We didn’t lost him he’ll be back om the reality you know oh I got my boy Frank in there what’s up Frank hey go ahead space I’ll come back uh Omni he quiet he quiet right now y’ can’t hear me yeah I can hear you Frank I can hear you okay yeah go ahead let me give me a okay EF hon back go ahead EF EF what is up with y’all internet today

No no I’m uh you know no all I was saying was that you know Fred getting off his threes is big for us you know I I wish I like when he’s hot but I also like when when it’s 10 points and you know that they came back every time we

Got a 10-point lead and your point guard steps inside three line knocks down a 15 foot jump shot around the free throw that is a is a benchmark of a great to good point guard to just notice though those little small things that I think sometimes he don’t notice but then

Sometimes I realize man he do you know he obviously he knows how to play the game I just like to see more of that Chris Paul mentality like I have to manage the game more you know um so those were my key takeaways man that 15

Footer when we got to 10 and they been coming back every time we got the 10 they go on a seven-point run and we got the 10 and Fred stepped inside and make that that 15 foot jump shot I think that broke the game open for us I think that

Was the that was the straw that broke the Camas back for me and um one more thing alond at point guard is like Victor with Manana at Center he’s just two lengthy PA and Elite at that position defensively and and it’s just overwhelming for other players man I’m I’m highly impr press

Still hey y’all can y’all hear me yeah we can hear you now Omni thank God I don’t know what’s going on but now e he’s gone again yeah I don’t know what’s happening me either I don’t know what’s going on with y’all internet but we can hear you

Nowy go ahead get it off well first off I already know what was the problem with Jabar today all right that boy hit up that Ryan Holland’s Barber beginning of the G before the game threw his whole Mojo that’s all I’m saying just peep that edge up just peep the edge up

You’ll see what I’m talking about man I ain’t even pay attention to his edge up bro bro I’m telling you I was like yo he got that Ryan Haring Spade with no never mind anyway anyway that’s where he messed up that’s where he mess up he think he got Barber TP uh Barbera

Uh tips from uh Ryan holl man was that bad bro bro look at just just try just try to catch one of them closeups now you gonna have me see you gonna have me looking bro yo be looking bro hey on one of your podcast you afraid bro try to peep it I

I’ll be watching I’ll be watching but um but no but at the same time I still like I still like jaar’s defense because it wasn’t like he was like giving up on the game you know what I’m saying like he wasn’t like down on himself so I ain’t really like tripping

On him nor am I tripping on on Dylan Brooks either Dylan Brooks is just Dylan Brooks at this point we just we just know how it’s going to be like that boy Jaylen yeah that reversal that but I like the whole the whole sequence to that reversal that he did because he

Went through all like literally all five of the Spurs and just did that just to just to let them know like y’all ain’t winning this game right I’m just Clowning y’all I’m just I’m just making sure y’all understand we better than y’all and then it it’s it does seem kind

Of like um s goon like took it personal a little bit after that check debacle and then he got into this game and he was he seemed like kind like not really in it but he was like trying to find his way and I don’t know what

Happened I don’t know if it was one of them time outs or something but something all of a sudden just triggered in that in in that man and he was just like you know what I’m G just go beast SM I can I can

Do this I a I ain’t no I ain’t no [ __ ] about these things I’m about to you know what I’m saying like I’m about to just go and just do my thing and now all of a sudden he’s shooting threes we shoo he shot two out of three on threes get out

Of here yeah what’s happening what’s happening you know so and then Jaylen it was like he he sustained us for the first time but in reality at at that point he really didn’t have to do much because it was like shenon would just had the whole

Game on lock it seemed like the whole game was on Lock and then all of a sudden everybody was just was just clicking everybody everybody just like made it made it understood shenon is cooking he and he got everything on lock so we just going to just run it and we

Just going to run it yeah it was that third quarter yeah that third quarter was special bro yeah that oh man that third quarter was hella special and I’m like it’s I’m I’m glad because it like not for not only for just shenon but the fact that they recognized that something

That they can go to that was going to be able to that they could take advantage of for the remainder of the game and all they have to do is just do the adjustments to that weapon right there whether it be jayen green or shenon or Jabar or whomever at least they finally

Like honed in and said okay this is how we’re going to get through this game this how we’re gonna win this game it’s just a shame for wimby because wmy had to deal with it and he just got he just started getting cooked now could it be

Part of his shoulder injury that they was talking about I don’t know n we ain’t gonna give him no excuses bro but we ain’t giving no but we don’t get no excuses over here he was out there he was out there playing then he got to live with the

Results he got take that now and then I think I said that ear earlier in the in the chat like you know you know you the other team is about to have a is having a bad game Lind Lindale gets a highlight and everybody’s like oh L dunking off you

That’s that’s a problem I for me I was like if I was San Anon I would call like three timeouts I would have been pissed off that’s all I’m saying are you serious y’ let anybody but L get it that’s what I’m saying like anybody but L what are you what are y’all

Doing um it was good to see Stephen Adams and that is weird to me as well like I just I just all I can just see is him pick and rolling with Westbrook that’s that’s literally it’s it’s so difficult for me to see him even even

When he’s in Memphis like that was just that’s still kind of tough that’s I don’t know it’s just weird I don’t know but but it’s going to be good I want to see how he is with with like with amen I want to see them two build some

Chemistry I want to see how they G to build some chemistry for next year because something tells me that he’s going to open up space to where cuz cuz cuz alen has some Vision so and he’s going to open up so many lanes as soon

As he come off that pick whether he I don’t know about I don’t trust him with the three-pointer yet but when he when he does his thing and he’s driving lanes and stuff like that and doing these a awkward angles on P passes and stuff like

That yeah I I can see that I can I can definitely see that so it’s going to be interesting I I was not expecting singon to be doing what he did today but I’m glad he did though because he really he he he needed it bro he needed it he it

It’s been a hot minute since he was like in in the zone like that yeah so yeah so it was it that was that was good to see that was good to see and I’m just glad for for a backtack win all of these fights though the other team need to

Stop it for whatever reason don’t piss off the Houston Rockets because once you do their whole Focus change Atlanta last year Atlanta tried to talk all that to uh to Jabari and Jaylen in the game in that game last year and then they end up getting cooked because they

They decided they want to pop off at the I don’t I don’t know why they do this they’re too young they’re too athletic they’re too they’re that our team is like one of those teams like we don’t know no better it feels like you know yeah so why do that like

Don’t really poke us because you don’t know what’s what you’re about to get in return because that can really spark something and you and you could have had all the momentum and now all of the momentum is that that that’s done at that point it’s just

Done so and then and then one final take outside as far as the playing goes you know it’s like for me when it comes to the playing if they make it great if they don’t the only way that I’ll be cool if they don’t is if at least they made it

Competitive throughout these last 20s something games and you can tell that they were really trying to fight to get into the play in you know what I’m saying there was no giving up something tells me that they’re going to be fighting hard because of because of how

Udoka is and it seems like they’re really starting like it’s starting to their his personality is starting to is starting to you know it’s start it’s starting to fall on them a little bit they starting to get that swag of how udoka is and then with Oka is sitting

There saying yo you know what I’m saying yeah we we want I want that I want them to be fighting like that that’s cool yeah like I stuff like that right there that’s only going to make them stronger and make them want to play for him even

More so I don’t know it’s a it’s all it’s all a win-win as long as they keep going in all of these Positive Directions because this version of Jaylen green and like like you said he was one for 10 for three like I was like

Who when you said that I was like damn he was one for 10 for three really like I didn’t even see that but just like you said it really was like in the flow of the offense it really felt like it was in the flow of the offense so that’s

Susceptable I’m okay with that that’s cool not even tripping and you was a plus I think he what a plus 22 or something like that or plus 19 or something around there so so clearly he was doing something right so so yeah so yeah it was a good game I am glad they

They didn’t play the Json Chase sorry my guy yeah I don’t know what c talking about I think that was that said I don’t remember who it was that said that but yeah I was like that’s probably why we won but but yeah but it was but it was a

Good game and I did notice that it was kind of like it like it seemed like Oka was like took it as like a playoff game in the sense that he only played with like eight players yeah in total a lot of people didn’t a lot of a lot of players didn’t

Play no Jeff Green no yeah it was exactly like a lot of players didn’t play it really it felt like he was like yo we winning this game and like I’m not trusting I’m only trusting who I can trust that’s how it felt like to me

So so yeah so that’s my take goes csgs you know how we do um man I’ve been out of town bro that’s why I haven’t been on here been able to say anything I try to peep y’all but it’s so difficult because I was out of the country so I couldn’t see

Anything n you good I’ve been uh hit and miss these days with with my job anyway bro but I gotta I got to come in you know what I’m saying hopefully I could get a more I mean it’s a whole another whole another story whole another story

Bro yeah bro I feel you bro you know that hey when that hey when the work house calls you got to do your thing you know what I’m saying them bills be tripping got to pay him bro gotta pay him got real I feel you but you already know

Man much love ghost much love csgs and I I pass on to whomever else my boy Frank Frank you ready oh what love frank good to good to say what’s up to you been a minute hey what’s up bro sorry my phone bugging tripping you can hear me yeah you good fam you

Good oh and by the way I think we were like we’re like eight games out of the play in yeah that’s that’s that’s everybody hit that like button we need to hit that like yeah hit that like button smash that like button uh before you go Kurt say he want

To talk about one play Frank what what’s up K Frank go first I no no go ahead go ahead if you going to make it quick you can go yeah I’m a quick Storyteller um f first quarter right just close your eyes and imagine this first quarter y weren

Even watching right some of y’all were just having dinner but I’m no casual so I was on the TV dang C sh Fred Van is leading a fast break right Jaylen Green’s running the lane on the left alond Thompson’s running the lane on the right right some of y’all know what I’m talking

About um so you know Fred threw it up J C it yamed that but then after that play you know Fred Fred came up to a aiman and had to like explain himself after um and that that kind of reminded me of like when um you know Jeremy Lynn had to explain

Himself to Kobe you know that one play and I I found it funny because like Fred Fred vanet has to explains um why he did not throw it up to Ammon but instead throw it up to Jaylen I don’t know if I was just reading the lines a bit too

Much but I don’t think he was explaining to him he just told him like I got you next yeah that’s how I took it yeah he didn’t he wasn’t I don’t think a man was tripping he’s just like you know you hooping with your boys and you got two

Options I’m G get you next time type stuff I don’t think it was like anything where a man care I don’t think a man cares about getting L he just the winner all right that’s fair all right I’m out yeah that’s what that’s how I read that

But uh space what do you covered bro what have you covered so far I ain’t gonna lie I didn’t cover much I just brought everybody up because I knew it was going to be some people in there that wanted to get him off you know what I’m saying so I didn’t really

Cover I ain’t cover nothing too much from my like own personal perspective yet oh okay no because y probably might not get to record tonight uh so so I we could just you want to talk about the game um I mean did you uh read the

Article by Kelly EO did you get a chance yet I read only like a little snippet that they posted in the chat I didn’t get to run through the through the whole thing yeah I’ve read I think I read like 50% I was driving trying to read it’s a

Pretty good article you probably seen most of it people posting different quotes on it um you know some good takeaways from it uh especially his perception on like the overall team and like looking at it like he doesn’t he’s he understands that they’re young and um like they’re they’re focused on winning

And development at the same time which kind of makes sense about like obviously not benching Jaylen which we all thought they should have done um and also just letting guys play and giv multiple opportunities for guys and also benching guys when they need to be benched in different parts of the game including

Shenon Jaylen cam um you know I think those are pretty much the guys that get B A Lot Jabari sometimes but uh you know thing to me if you read it bro it’s really it makes you feel better about the rebuild because he’s there because I don’t trust

Stone um on anything because I’m watching Al shenon drop 45 tonight and it’s got me thinking about that Jackson gallin somebody from the Rockets released to him that they don’t view shenon as as any like like a priority player in their rebuild and I’m like are y’all watching basketball bro

Like I said in my last video it’s one thing if you had a better player on the roster but you don’t so until then like what do we talking about you gotta you gotta maximize what you have like you gota you gotta even even if if you don’t

Think that okay this is the best you still got to maximize what you have like you got to maximize it you got to give it the opportunity to flourish because then one you’re going to be able to see what you got and second if it doesn’t work then at least you’ve given your

Best shot um but you know one of the reasons I don’t trust the rockets for off is because the Reliance on the kpj and Jaylen um in those few years and then you have like talent that actually does come on the roster like shangu Jabari and then they’re kind of put in

The sideways because they’re focused on this guard Centric back court of the future um but just to hear EMA in that article say like basically what I said bro I ain’t gonna lie he said what I said he SP my FL he said he said he a coach embid and I said

On the podcast rou that the more I think about it the am man and shenon thing is like embiid and Shang and a man and shenon is like embiid and Ben Simmons Ben Simmons I said the Rockets should look at that as a focal point for the

Rebuild and look at instead of because we always talk about sabonis and joic and I wasn’t saying he’s not embiid embiid is seven foot embiid is defensive you know he’s a rim protector he’s big he’s strong um and they’re just different players on defense offensively there’s some things there that you could

See and he basically said the same thing um the reason I think that’s an interesting way to look at the rebuild is because the dynamic of that post gravity it does make up a lot for the non shooting uh big the non- shooting guard like a man

Is and what he does defensively if people don’t remember uh Ben simm was a all all defensive team player and all three years running yeah and he was all NBA for like a year or two like when he was in his prime before he fell off the

Face of the Earth and without a shot that man didn’t even shoot to talk about he was doing hook shots Sky hooks running hooks dunks you know I mean that’s all he did and he was still all NBA having triple doubles and stuff 15

10 and 11 type gam um but you know just to me like all the same stuff that applies to any of our young players it applies to to shenon too as far as inconsistency the difference is though to me when you see a guy that’s like

Diff like good when they’re bad is not bad their bad is normal so when they’re good they’re like damn this dude he could be a star but then when their bad is like man he had 20 22 and and 13 man that that’s not we need more out of him

And people don’t even realize that this is the standards that we are setting and that’s why I’m be like I know he he bad at at defense like he can improve in that I know he got limitations etc etc but it’s like it’s like I mean it’s it’s

Like you know something and you’re seeing it but a lot of people don’t I I just don’t get it like the stuff he’s doing is not normal I’m gon keep saying that this St this is not normal not in any era I don’t care what’s going on

That is not normal it’s not normal to be triple team as he was being double team in his rookie year like that’s not normal teams are really selling out trying to create defenses to stop him and that’s another thing with DOA said is that when he got out early in the

Year teams adjusted and now he has to learn and counter that we haven’t even had a chance to see the counter and people like oh yeah he done like to me like just like in football a quarterback a rookie quarterback and speaking of like if see we gonna know if CJ strout

Is great not his rookie year but this year yeah because now people got tape on you they’re gonna look at your weaknesses and know what you bad at and for you to do it if you can’t counter then you can’t be a star you can be a

Good player so that’s what I need to see and I think for next season not saying he got to drop 45 but can he raise the level and then can the Rockets punish teams off of that but I mean the the defense the just everything bro is different when he’s going off than

Anybody else on the team because it impacts everything on the court because he can pass he playm makes he get guys involved and it’s not like he just isoing and everybody just standing there because usually when he’s scoring it’s like he give the guard the ball he get

The ball back he give the guard like it’s it’s it’s you touching the ball and that’s that’s a different than like a James Harden ISO step back three dudes get cold doing that you can be on a team with a dude that’s passing the ball back

To you back even if you don’t score you just cutting you touching the ball you moving around that that giv guys energy so um but obviously the Spurs stck it’s not nothing we can like oh yeah this the you know they’re bad team they’re tanking so but you know all around I

Think the Rockets I think they they one of the better games as a team because I thought they were going to lose like before this game I a lie yeah because earlier the day when I was uh we was texting in the chat you you you you had

Me like man I’m like man Frank spin spin facts but but man he he he got me discouraged for the Outlook of the future it looked Bleak you know what I’m saying it looked Bleak but then the Kelly EO article came out I read like little Snippets of it and stuff and then

I you know we ain’t probably ain’t in as bad as position as we probably can be you know I think it’s a lot of dead weight we still have on this squad to well it could be uh room for improvement no doubt you know what I’m saying with

The Tates and the landel and ban and like dead weight we got a lot of dead weight that people like they really can’t contribute if we if even if we wanted them to come in and contribute I don’t think they will make like a impact you know what I’m saying to especially

Like I would win lost record yeah they could probably make a impact one gamees you know a couple possessions or something but as far as helping us win like what are they doing you know what I mean like not a damn thing you think about it ja L just being playable how it

Transforms our team that’s how that’s to me like that’s how bad the roster built that we over here crying so who is it that saying he Wasing just him being able to stay on the court is like we like we doing back flips over that so imagine if they had

Like real positive bench players that were actually good like how uh Minnesota got like Nas Reed when he come in the game dude is like he te like he doing it like that matters bro like having a a second unit that’s really like NBA level players yeah that’s to me that’s like

That’s what we haven’t seen so yeah we got a bunch of like we got guys that don’t play I mean Reggie B play like five minutes today boban does not play at all obviously Stephen Adams is injured you know tar is out you got the the g-league

Guys on the roster that don’t play and you know I think coach play like eight or nine players tonight on a young team that’s not going to the playoff how you playing the playoff for attention let just tell you how bad it is bro so yeah

There’s a lot a lot of room for improvement and um one thing about this uh shenon playing defense thing um I think we kind of even even the best top tier centers in the league you you you get a defensive specialist guy to go along with them

Because you don’t want them to get in foul trouble anyway you know what I’m saying so I’m not GNA harp on him not being an elite Defender you know what I’m saying because we need a Zack R huh that’s what you’re saying yeah I mean even right

Right right because you still need a guy that’s gonna you know uh be I ain’t gonna just say a Punisher or Bruiser but take some of that cushion yeah you need somebody that’s that’s not scared to go stand in the way of a guy driv to the

Basket and the thing with like you just saying that’s a great Point bro if he’s gonna be dropping 45 30 35 I don’t want him challenging every single shot at the rim no because like you said once he get out getting trouble and I don’t know somebody said he didn’t play bad against

OKC he was cooking and then he got in foul trouble and then he was out the game so it’s like the fouls is an issue that’s been coming up because he’s trying to be more aggressive um but I mean he’s still gotta Play Def I love how they’re using them now more they’re

Trying to get him out of the pick and roll action and try to get our wings guarding the big so they can switch it and then he’s just like kind of playing Health side which I love because he’s smart like he got IQ you can rotate over

Help when you need to he’s still calling the defense from where he’s at you think think that’s kind of goes with uh Jabari not being such a good uh help weak side Defender like we thought he would that’s man Jabari is a terrible weak side Defender and that’s one of the biggest I

Thought he was gonna come in and you know be at least n that young honest he’s young that’s you got well shing’s young too they Dam near the same age but I’m saying like you got to know that like shenon he’s he’s played Pros before so he knows like Pro coverages so you

Notice when he’s in drop or even when he’s on off ball off the action he’s still calling all the switches and stuff for the guys like that’s so can I can I add one thing though especially especially this particular game because shun’s defense on wanyama with with all of them pokes them ball

Pokes was killing them PA bro that was a that was that was a doozy right there you just threw out every after got my wife came out the talk about that’s a tough one you just got there that’s a tough one my bad baby girl all

Right anyway but yeah so you know I mean I’m just saying like you know I I feel like I feel like there’s a there’s a there’s still there’s still a lot to be to be there for shenon when it comes to defense and I think that he’s just he’s learning a

Little bit more on how to play specific type of centers and specific type of players to really know what to do I mean because like I mean we just like you said earlier Frank I mean he young he what 21 or something like that he young

He still got so much to learn especially on defense side we a he ain’t gonna be great but I think he’s starting to actually understand that I can actually play some defense against these people even if they’re bigger or even if they’re taller than me you know and and

Even if they’re able to outmaneuver me in certain ways and certain situations I can still have an advantage in other ways and I think that that’s what what I took away especially from this game because I can guarantee you when he plays against Chad next time he’s going to take that he’s going

To take a completely different approach to make sure that Chad knows that he’s there and he ain’t going nowhere and if you play me one onone then you gonna get cooked just like when beama but can can y’all really understand the adjustment this dude made to playing Wan like the

Fact that he knew I have to get this dude under the basket to get my shot off because a lot of young dudes when the bullets start flying all that stuff coach went over with you and S it’s like damn that I’m just go to what I know

Like the thought in the middle of the A and in the war to say here’s the plan and I’mma do it I’m not you know even though he got blocked a lot of times it was still intentional and even you know P to jayen that’s what to me that’s what

Jaylen green is missing I think Jaylen had a great game you know this the three-point shooting uh this one of them games where bro you know take it back take it down the T bro like you can’t shoot 10 threes if you if you ain’t hitting after about you go two for six

To like just time bro did it seem like he did it seem like to you he shot that many Frank because it didn’t I didn’t I didn’t in the first half in the first at first remember he started off good then he was pressing he started shooting a

Bunch of three then he stopped and started attacking again then like after that it was like one or two or three throughout the second half but there was a stretch where he was like he checking like he thought okay it was on but he almost shot us out the game and Stu but

At the same time he turned the page and you like I’mma just I’mma drive and I love that to me that’s something I can see I’mma still wait I said I’m I want to give bro 10 games let me see if he can do something consistently for 10

Games it’s been game three we’ve seen good from Jaylen I’m not doing any I’m not gonna overreact none of that stuff move because we’ve seen this movie before this man could end April or whatever the next month is being the worst play on in the league so I just

Want to see 10 games from yeah I think he had a good game fin bro yeah the reason the reason I guess why I’m saying that the three-point shoot went back because they wasn’t like chot shot chunking shots to me he had a couple bro I ain’t gonna lie that’s long a couple

Of them long step backs um you know but they was wide open a couple of them like wide open I mean if you stepping back like yeah you gonna be wide open but you all balance and he just got to know where his bread is butter like if I’m

Not hitting the shots yeah of course keep shooting them but two of 10 bro that’s kind of like yeah I don’t know I feel maybe like four of them were like pressing I think I think yeah four of them were pressing they were kind of out of

Context early in the shot clock just walk up and pull up a three that’s not a good shot um yeah I seen one of them I seen one of them like what are you do he probably hit about 10% of those like really hard step backs he be doing

I hate that shot when he I like it when he does it in the mid-range he hardly hits him from three unless it’s like a buzzer beater or something that’s when he’s good um but see but but one of the things I’m glad about in that in those

Type of scenarios was because even when that was happen he was still playing defense he was still trying to passing the ball yeah yeah running Twan action picking up full court exactly you show me stuff like that bro you might change my mind bro like that’s

What saying I was like bro that’s what that’s what I like that’s what we’ve been that’s what we all been wanting to see is that right throw up however many we want you to throw up as many as you want to well not we don’t not yeah not not shoot us out the

Game we want you you know but we want you but we want you to be able to do all of these other things because we know what you can do as far as like as far as the offense with shooting the rock with with doing those types of things that’s

Cool but we need we need to be you know locked in on defense lock some people up you know if you got to think that everybody you have to defend is Bradley Bill yeah um I think the last thing we should be like impressed with Jaylen about is his offensive game because we

Didn’t seen him score 40 42 38 you know what I’m saying we know he can score like that’s the last thing I think we should be impressed with but he here of late that’s been like that’s even been missing for the most part of the season you know what I’m saying but like

You say if we we can see him using his gravity he was actually using his gravity like I seen like he seen people loading up to come to him and he over the man that over the top like he jumped up like he was about to and and and and

Uh kicked it back over to shanon I was like okay that’s somebody never really SE usually he gonna try to lay that up and get it blocked or it’s going to look funky you know what I’m saying but it seemed like he’s starting to process the game a little bit St process game

Somebody got Echo yeah I was about to say somebody do got Echo I think that’s EF come off me whenever you oh he didn’t left yeah yeah but like you’re right you’re right yeah like he’s showing stuff he’s starting to show something diversity should I say diversity now this summer he still need

To be in the in the league I mean in the league in the gym trying to trying to work trying to refine his game even if he got to take some things out of his game just to you know Implement something new like just get better at what you can what what

You’re good at then you know add stuff and this and that but just get dribbling if he could just get a solid dribble it just look like he’s he’s awkward with his dribble most of the time especially going to the hole and the way it’s like

Too far away from his body to where get picked a lot or tipped or something like bro your angling your positioning if he can if he can learn that type of stuff it’ll go a long way with his game it’s it’s the too F he like it’s

The pace he ain’t got he ain’t got change of pace all the best like guard finishers that get to the basket they they played that star and stop like they can accelerate decelerate you think of like J Kyrie Maxi like they all got change of pace

And I think jaylen’s thing is like once he get going it’s like full speed good luck like yeah it’s like we gon either we making this layup or I’m getting swatted so yeah I think I’m with you bro like to me his biggest problem is he doesn’t he’s not intentional

About the way or he’s not intentional about what he wants to do like he doesn’t have a this is my this is what I’m he doesn’t he doesn’t have a go-to like here’s how I’m G set you up and if you counter I’m G set you up like this

I’m G get you like this like he doesn’t play that cat and mouse with the with the with the with the defense and that’s that’s been what I’m waiting to see I haven’t seen that yet and to me that’s the difference between a all NBA score Allstar level player and just a very

Talented e you still got a echo bro yeah that’s e with the echo all right okay it looks like it stop but once he I don’t know that’s and to me that’s that’s awareness that’s IQ is knowing what that’s like I was saying with Shane goon like he knows what he’s

Trying to get to I’m trying to get Victor under the rim and I’m G get here by hook a crook and if I’m going downhill I’m G try to get that shoulder into him first because I know I’m trying to get to my left hand hook shot or my

Left hand floater while I got my right shoulder and so it’s like all the good like the smart players in the league they know what they’re trying to get you and they’re trying to set you up it’s just for him it’s so sporadic but I love

Like Omni was saying the picking up full court playing defense rebounding making the right plays if we can trim all that other dumb stuff out then you can kind of build up on some of the other stuff honestly I don’t think he’d have a goto move because he’s not that good he he

Does he’s not that skilled but his skill is getting better as time goes on like he’s finishing today was so impressive bro yeah like I’ve never seen him finish like that I don’t care if it was on air bro this a dude that be whiffing layups

But that under the basket Up and Under wow oh man that was so pretty bro and the dribbling be before he got there remember he got some dude behind the back behind the back yeah that look sweet bro that was some like I ain’t gonna lie that was

Kobish that was looking kobish I ain’t GNA lie bro eyes wasn’t wasn’t good bro you kind of had blurry vision you would have thought it was somebody else bro like that that was that was sweet bro that that probably won back a couple of the fans from like damn bro that’s Ultra

Facts bro that’s what I was talking about the whole the whole segment the segment of the whole thing just was just on point from because it looked like he set it up it looked like he did it almost intentionally you know what I’m saying like on exactly that’s what

Exactly I was like I I think he said I think he did that just to let them know today is not Char’s day today is not Char’s day I think I think he just a midair because he’s a super athlete but no I’m talking about the dribbling part like he

Was like oh yeah yeah yeah like yeah they was trying to remember he was coming through the traffic yeah swiping at him he went behind the back went under the legs and it was like Spurs just trying to get the ball and then to explode to the rim and just you get the

People trying to block it and go under um that’s tough stuff bro like if he gets bigger and stronger to me every his problem is just his mind bro like it’s not even it’s like this the tools are there if he has a good enough work ethic

He should be able to get better like his shooting should get better like the driving should get he’s only he’s 22 so you imagine he’s gonna keep improving but the mental stuff is when you know when to pick your spots and and I’m sure

He can get better at that like if he can I can’t assume a 22 year old doesn’t stop getting better the only thing for him I’m going keep saying this and this reality next year he cannot be the same player that he is this year where he

Have five game good stretch and be bad for 30 like we don’t even need him to drop 35 every night bro just how he played tonight even if he shot B from three can he play like that on a he had 23 points play good defense making the

Right plays and if you if you get an open shot shoot it you might go you know be hot one night just shoot your shot at least keep the defense on can you do this on a night toight basis like we don’t want to be like why are you lazy

On defense or why are you getting killed off ball or why AR are you just taking bad shots over and over again like do that on a nice and night basis then do you give yourself Runway to get developed into a better you got to give the coaches something to work with bro

And that’s the thing they got to have something that they can say like okay this is worth us doing it yeah if he play like this an entire season yeah he he probably do deserve to get that money um that he might be asking for um but

For him it’s consistency in that’s all he got to do is just be consistent facts facts facts and I ain’t go I ain’t gonna lie I I don’t want to trade him I don’t you know what I’m saying CU I can see through the you know it’s like a

Piece of cold but you can see a little piece of that diamond that’s in there you know what I’m saying and it’s like man we just got to wash all of this black cold off and then make maybe he’s just going to shine like but man that’s some

Is it’s it’s hard because I go back and forth if we going to get like a legit Superstar if we have to move him then of course he got to get moved but if it’s not like we’re forced to actually get you know get off of him and

If if he start if he’s showing Improvement I’m giving them mid mid mid midseason next season midseason next season you gotta midseason next seon come agreement they gotta come to agreement about what he thinks he his value is and what the Rockets thinking go that cont that’s that contract part

Again yeah that’s really what it that’s the NBA that’s really where it kicks down yeah exactly that’s where it kicks in that’s that’s the real conversation right there y we could all laugh and he you know you got potential till I gotta pay you bro then we start talking about

What you actually doing yeah yeah all that potential go out the window when money come out so yeah yeah dougas noua appreciate the super sticker bro LOL game oh no level game controller appreciate that man appreciate it good looking out good looking out yeah uh Brandon Brandon what’s up

Bro where you been that man ah [ __ ] just busy chilling what about y’all how y’all doing we good man we good how you feeling how you feeling about the game how you feeling I’m great I’m great man like so you know the jayen like what up B B I ain’t

Gonna lie You’ been gone hold on B you’ve been gone so long bro I ain’t gonna lie you kind of abandoned us so we don’t expect you to come back bro all right don’t don’t leave like that no more bro I don’t give a dam what’s going on bro at least write a

Letter be honest I went to court today my [ __ ] got set for trial that’s what’s been going on so oh man we a know you was dealing with some we a know you was dealing with that well we’ll say we’ll say a pray prayer for you then bro this is it might get

Dismissed before trial you never know you never [ __ ] anyway it up yeah I mean as far as Jaylen goes and trading them next year I mean you never know the only thing that makes me worri is like the discussion with you and uh roou is like

Know he got he he was frustrated with the six-man um idea right so if you’re frustrated at that idea we already know what kind of money you’re already expecting to get right so there’s that I’m not paying this guy 30 million a year even after I don’t care if he plays

If he balls out the end of the year and does half a season next year I’m not maxing him out I’m not rookie maxing him out and if that’s what he’s expecting you should you got to trade him this you know to really get the max

Value because at the end of the day when you come down to the deadline everybody knows you’re going to try to be getting off of them they’re not going to give you as much so as far in that aspect you you got to do something this year I think

He’s something is already we should have already tried to uh definitely better the the the roster right I mean it’s it’s it’s I think it’s despicable it’s to the point I think e is ruining I think he doing it on purpose I think his lineups are like

That on purpose he want Stone gone it’s despicable man I I I’m I’m I’m very disappointed in this year to be honest and I’m I wasn’t a guy that was expecting a 40 wins but you definitely after the first month of the Season expected a lot more uh competitive

Competition right sangon too he’s been lazy sangon has a lot of off games lately doesn’t he lately the whole team been late been bad yeah since like mid January they all been pretty trash I ain’t going lie def TR it’s almost like they hit the wall like some sort of wall you know

And this this what to Brandon’s point and this to me this what I attribute to if you only got about seven and a half guys that’s NBA level on a team that plays the style that we play which is gr and bran they’re gonna hit a wall we don’t have

Dep like you know what I mean it’s like you’re playing a playoff type game every game it’s not realistic for a team and it’s because the roster is so poorly constructed and um once again if you with the article that um kellyo did Stone reemphasizes some of the needs of

The team shooting another type of big man he said at the first press conference so he’s saying what he want um in multiple ways and it’s just you know uh what’s the name Stone got to deliver I mean eay saying what he wants Stone got to deliver and it’s to me the

Team should and even in that article he said e may said they dropped about 10 games in his estimation that they could have won um a lot of it was due to just you ran out of talent you had to put certain guys in the game was lost

Honestly some of the games was lost when we just made substitutions bro as soon as you took the starter off yeah it’s done wrapped up but about the substitutions when you’re really just watching them you know as far as when eem just on a day on

A game to game basis man you you you really start pondering right just looking at it like God why does he do this why why why does he do this I I don’t get it is he is he trying to play Reggie Bullock in the most horrible

Spots uh to show that he you know wanted something else we should have made some moves at the uh trade deadline I mean I really thought we’re at least going to try to better the roster a little bit man I’m not saying no big time move I’m

Just saying you could have e okay so a lot of people think second rounders don’t mean nothing I think this trade deadline blows that out the water when you look across the league second round ERS mean something man dud you talking to the they make

People make fun of us say we negative me space for um basically trying to educate the fan base um I think that like like I said what he was what space was saying earlier we were talking about what is like in our division bro we got John Mor

I think I think Memphis in our division right we got wmy yeah Luca Zion uh you know Oklahoma City I mean that like you look around the league the NBA is leveling up so we have we as much as we’re looking at the micro growth of our individual players you scale back and

Look at it compared to the NBA it’s like you know it’s all right you know I mean it’s it’s okay um we’re on track to be who we thought we were going to be this season next season which is like a 35 41 team next year if we kept everything as

Is and I don’t think that’s acceptable for the rockets and for the you know I don’t know ownership if they have any aspirations but being a potential Lottery team for half a decade is not acceptable by any regards it’s not and Frank let so let me ask you this one now

That you’re saying it’s not acceptable right to for this franchise right so don’t you think I could see man if we I would I would have taken James Harden and could kept Dylan and and Fred right now James Harden you can’t tell me James wouldn’t be at helping these young guys

Out and putting them in better positions to be better players I mean let’s be honest I mean as far as that cutting right we’re all like oh man these guys don’t cut they don’t know how to yeah put James there cut to the basket he gonna give you the ball it’s an easy

Layup like so I I just never understood why the [ __ ] we wouldn’t spend over $200 million on Fred and Dylan I said that from the jump before we got him I said those are two guys I did not want to sign and those are two guys we specifically went out

There and got I don’t get it it makes no sense to me hold on let me let me address the track that is not that is not Usman garuba in the chat man if y’all believe that y yall crazy they thinking they who’s mine not

The least I got D for Bruce Lopez that y yall leave talk about I’m and they believe don’t even speak [Laughter] English my bad I just had to let him be know man that man is not us man garuba bro stop it let him know bro let him

Know no but I mean I can’t I’m not because I ain’t gonna lie there stretches were I’m like damn maybe should have got James but we should have got James prank well hold on but but but that was ‘s decision so I can’t I get it I gotta

Trust that he got he he knows something about that that that we don’t know and I’m sure we would have won more games this season but I’m not sure if we would have gotten some of the stuff out of the young guys as far as totality including

Defense and all the other extra stuff that we would have got if it if it wasn’t for Fred and and Dylan now I’m not a big fan of Dylan Brooks um the signing for him especially with the four years guarantee um but but he does bring a certain him and

Fred bring a certain Swagger to the team that this the identity of the Rockets right now like I said is GD and grind and all our biggest weakness is something we thought would be a strength with his offense because if you look at our roster from the

Silence area it was like oh yeah they got a bunch of guys that can score they can’t guard now we got guys that can guard they just can’t score but to me the offense is there they just need to make some tweets guys need to get a little better but you have enough

Offense to really be something it’s hard to teach defense and make that a cultural thing that’s I agree that but I don’t think bringing in James isar gonna he may shut it down the one but e is the Catalyst for the defense so if he sees something and

Fred you know I mean I don’t think you can separate the two I think that he probably knows James obviously I think he’s he was in Brooklyn when he was there yeah for sure so so he knows that offensively if I bring James Harden I could probably have

A middle of the pack or above League average offense will be running on offense but I know what I want his vision of the team he’s trying to build he wanted to bring in some Grinders into the Rost into the locker room because you know like that one part earlier that

One part earlier when we was talking about that alley and what what he was saying to alen earlier I don’t think that if that was James Harden I actually don’t think that that would have been a conversation that he would have had with am I think just walked off and he

Wouldn’t have cared he was just be like right now but no I’m just no no no no don’t get me wrong I’m not saying he a selfish person hold on hold on let me let me clarify let me clarify Brandon I’m not saying James Harden is a self

Selfish person like he just don’t you know care about what what what what what the young dude what the young dude think I think he just wouldn’t have thought about it like that’s the right play I made it you know what I’m saying I made the right play like he would last

Year help Maxi develop his game to no other he’s averaging like 28 points this year who does he credit that to Maxi was C cold before and after yeah I think you you misreading what I’m saying Maxi wasn’t even averaging no 15 points before Harden got there he was that cold

Yeah we seen some poal for better but we didn’t see no he he was he was he was um he was cold he was C that’s why my didn’t want to remember they I know yeah I remember when remember yeah remember the reason they didn’t want to trade they didn’t want to

Trade for hard is because of Maxi so they obviously he’s he’s something so I think the whole in order for something to be brought out you gotta have something and I don’t think that I think Maxi has something like people just think just because you put a vet on a

Team just because you got a young guy with potential they’re gonna be good now you got to be good and then learn something to add to your game and I think that’s what Maxi did there’s a lot of that vet than a vet that we know will

Never be able to elevate a Young Guy’s game I think I think I think Shang I think Shang goon’s game it probably would have been elevated with James Harden too but I can’t say that as far as just overall that’s what I’m looking at in totality defensively I think

Especially on offense him and Fred I think Fred Van Leed has really made him turn this corner like that is one of the biggest reasons why shanon is having a great year is because he got a guard that I mean maybe any guard could have done it

So I’m not saying that you wrong I’m just saying that let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water I know we ain’t winning games but there is some I’m just saying I would rather Harden over both Dylan and but beyond that as far as eay being our

Coach and him not wanting him I fully support eay so yeah [ __ ] it we don’t have him whatever I’m good with it too because I’m a support coach but I think we also can see as this year’s unraveled and then looking at the trade deadline and seeing how it’s going now I really

Think EA has tried to push the GM to make a little bit more moves to help better the team more than letting us just sit on our hands in the same spot again this year so you can’t just no I just think can’t just let everybody keep developing at some point

You either got to pay them or trade them no I think this is the last year that they we can actually develop them because it’s no more time after this year no more we got a little wiggle room right now no more time next year next

Year it’s it’s it’s that time you know what I’m saying it’s that time when just think so getting traed to bring in another player because you know Fred is really on an expiring contract now no but just think just think Harden with his defensive limitations and shanon with his defensive

Limitations that would we we we we we we’re going to have to score at least 130 points a game just to even win cuz we know how Harden is on Def defense that’s like that’s one thing we can’t just sweep under the rug and then Harden ain’t going to just preach

Defense he might the the best way you can show the best way you can show um it’s the Lei example he might say hey man you miss your rotation this and that you didn’t do this you didn’t do that but people looking at him like bro you

You you’re not playing defense at least at least Fred is he like leads our team in blocks and he’s a point guard and then he Dam damnn near leads our teams in if I’m not mistaken like Fred got the the the cache to say man look you

Missing this and that’s why he you see him clapping and stuff like man bro that was a defense assignment because he know he’s putting in the work defensively but they going to look at harden like bro you you doing the same thing so you want me to cover up your you know your

Mistakes too you know what I’m saying I age with that statement now but then here’s the flip side of it right go so the flip side of it is look at the players that we drafted right we got Jabari we got green you got amen you got

Cam you got sangon okay most of those players are offensive players okay they’re not defensive players besides Bari andari okay so if you were to bring in Harden you’re going to elevate all of those players games to help them and then not only that you most likely are

Making the play in and you’re going to get them that experience that would have been the best Houston Rockets team hard ever played on you know I you really look at the roster upis PA yeah I you got the Chris Paul the the the Year too right so besides that that would have

Been the best roster okay but this I’m in with everybody up and down the lineup with the defensive players to go with it you got alen you got tar you got Bari okay so and that’s not even to add if you you would have added another you

Wouldn’t have just added James you would have added another player still would been able to get some else but so the whole point is your flip side of is is the is the defensive side that’s not could have helped out all of jayen I don’t think it would have

Helped I don’t think it would have help Jabari just sitting out there just you know he’s gonna have a lot more open shots you never know he he ain’t Fred FR he Fred’s got two reads running the pick and roll that’s it that’s all he got

Brandon calm down listen to me listen to me Brandon James can open that offense up so much more make it way more Dynamic to the point where all the other players are learning more getting more experience on that end going to the playoffs to play in and getting the

Experience whereas now we’re not that I think you missing what’s the team construct that Harden actually thrives in he thrives with having outside Shooters that’s going to just stand around the three-point line and they can hit shots and let him do his thing we don’t have no shooters we don’t have

Shooters cers are playing we don’t have Shooters like that the Clippers don’t just stand on the but they got 100 vet they got 100 vets that know how that already know their games they got 100 vets they got two superstars with Kawai and Paul George they G they got one1

Players they got one1 players that can break down thing that’s what we did that’s how Harden won the champ that’s how Harden won the MVP doing it I don’t get it that’s how Harden won the MVP You Gotta Have You Gotta Have we still just stand on the three-point

Line left that’s why Luka that’s why when Luca struggles he don’t have three-point shooting around him he’s the same archetype as James Harden if you don’t have Shooters around you harden going to do whatever but if he can’t kick it out on a pick and roll and kick

It out when he’s broke down the defense till somebody that’s going to actually hit a shot then it’s going to be absolutely asinine to bring him in with the roster construction that we have presently on this team if we had some three-point Shooters some legit three-point shooters that can actually

Punish a team when they double Harden then I I will gladly succeed to your point but we don’t Fred then Fred’s the exact same player in the half court he runs the pick and roll over and over and over and over again you got to have

Shooters and run the pick and roll and look what position we in we don’t have Shooters so we’re losing we’re not even in the playoff in the play in now I do agree that Harden bringing in Harden would make it easier but I would I would

Agree that Harden is a floor razor he’s going to raise your floor but in the meantime in between time these young guys are just gonna sit around with their hands and their pants waiting no Harden to passing the ball on the three-point line and none of them that’s

Not none of their games do that now that’s not none of their games no do that you see they do more stuff with dribble handoffs and stuff like that at least they get to touch the ball it we did at least get but at least they get

To touch the ball at Le bro it it’s hard for you to go five six possessions without the ball it’s hard just to even touch the ball it’s hard to do that and just sit around and think I’m going just be ready to shoot a three whenever James

Harden decid to give me give me the ball Harden and did it but listen to who you saying we had we had Chris Paul and James Harden and we had outside three and D wings that can actually shoot the three yeah they shot a lot of them but they at least they went

In we develop and D guys with Jabar and but it’s not it’s not conducive doing it it’s not conducive to not to find out what your guys can actually do before you bring in a guy that’s just going to limit their roles at least right now they can actually experience and see

What they can really do because fedan and and he’s not just going he’s not just hell of a selfish I’m not saying Harden is just hell of a selfish because if you lead the league and you know Assist can’t be that you know but he had three-point Shooters around him they had

Shooters that they had Shooters bro like we don’t have the requisite parts to bring in a James hard and think we’re going to be ultra successful still doing the same thing anyways G so what does it matter we’re doing the same thing with Fred running the RO spamming that

And got Shooters standing on the three-point line doing nothing so we all just not not bringing the best player to do it they’re not all shooting on sitting around the three-point line though I I think that once again once again we gotta account for the totality of the game not just the offense

Raises hold on hard Harden raises the offensive threshold for the team facts that’s that’s facts and he may even bring out more off defensively from shenon from other guys but let’s step back and I’m going look at it from E’s perspective and we’re talking about human beings now not just trying to win

Games you have a collection of young players um with that you see and their deficiencies mostly being the worst defense worst transition defense in NBA history um lazy um just just bad you watch film guys are quitting on plays so you have a a star a superstar in Jam

Harden that wants to come to Houston um but he’s not known on the court for the biggest effort guy right um so you are as a coach as the face of the franchise now you want to establish an identity for these young players because Harden even if he comes he’s a shortterm kind

Of a bridge to your players you want to establish identity em DOA naturally is a defensive guy so he went out and got the scrappiest type of players that he could get because that’s what he wanted to establish and I understand that because if you look at the talent on the team

There are like you pointed out be their offensively geared if I can get them to buy into that defense because at the end of the day defense is what wins at any level if you can get a good defense I can always upgrade to get my offense

Better and then so I think what they’re doing right now is just shifting the culture and like if you read that article he said some guys it takes a couple months some guys it takes a full season but they’re changing the culture of the team the identity like when you

Know you play the Rockets is Fred gonna be here next year he might or might not be at the de I don’t know bro but culture if you’re moving the point guard the next no the coach establish the culture point guard the coach the coach establish the culture Emil coach does I get

It General is what the point guard is the what you bring you gonna move if you move Jay’s gone too both of them will be gone because that’s just keep moving different point guards out with Jaylen every year like they they may both they may both they may both be

Gone if the right player is available but to me it’s not even about just Fred and J it’s about the team collectively there is a spirit you feel my point on that like as far as Jaylen goes right he’s the he’s the number two pick right right he’s the the highest draft pick

Since y since ya Ming or whatever right so so I mean if that’s your that’s the Focus right number one stone already [ __ ] that off focusing on kpj too much right and ignoring jayen and not giving him that so then now it’s now every year it’s a new point guard new point guard

New point guard new point guard and you expect jayen to to to shine I I I don’t I don’t see it it’s like it’s like that’s on jayen that’s on if jayen ain’t shining it’s on jayen jayen had all opportunities to shine this year it’s on

Jayen he just ain’t stepped up to the pl think yeah I don’t think you can because you could look at other players and be like they doing just so once again like I think Jaylen is not the the determinant of the Rockets they made it perfectly clear like even in the article

That a lot of rockets fan kick us away they did talk about trading them in the middle of the season so exactly we know believe that but it’s true we know that his is probably the prime player that they would move if they needed to to get

Upgrade that spot espe that scoring spot so to me that’s not nothing like oh Jaylen we need Jaylen for XY and Z to me the point is what I’m trying to say is email DOA is the face of this franchise because we don’t and as whoever shenon

Whoever’s gonna step up as they grow older but right now it’s aoka he’s the he’s the the vacuum filler of that Superstar role is our coach and the coach as a vacuum filler he has a certain swag and identity he wants to instill and in his mind James Harden was

Not that person that could help him instill that so if he’s the the standard he’s the the reference point of our rebuild that we’re going to have the identity of our coach until set players develop out then it doesn’t to me it doesn’t matter whether it’s a point

Guard is here or not if e may is there the guys on the roster are going to play defense they’re gonna play hard they’re gonna be held accountable and as they go get older get and we get better role players and bring in guys that culture

Is what’s going to help you win in the long run just not because you a better picking role player yeah they may help you but if you still if you’re not doing what you’re supposed to do on that end of the court you don’t have that grit

And grind that you need that all these great teams have the Lakers when they won their title the the OKC like we seen these Young Bucks OKC be clamping down on defense they can shoot but they clamp like we look at teams like the Pacers that are great number one offense in the

League them boys may be lucky if they make it past the plane because that junk being a high obained offense with no defense gets you nowhere and I don’t want to be that I want to be a team that we got a solid defense exactly if you

Can get see how Miami drag these random players to the finals every year with a great coach and you just need one guy that’s kind of special that can go into that that zone when you need him to so on the cool I compared cam to Jimmy and

A lot of people thought I was tripping I think if he could you know of course he’ll probably never be the defender Jimmy is but as far as size you know and skill he’s obviously more athletic than Jimmy but I think cam could be a Jimmy type

Player yeah I think Brandon um six seven you know I think in the short term I would agree with you if this if getting Harden was all about just winning this year I agree with you but it’s it’s it’s a slow role play we trying to when you

Changing the culture it’s a two three year span it’s not like I’m kind like that’s I brought up cam trying like I brought up the Harden thing I get it but yeah I mean it’s not that big a deal I’m an eay guy we can move past Harden uh

You know but you know no I was just trying to clarify with you just I’m just not trying to conversation stuck on Harden or anything you know I was just letting you know I’m not trying to be just anti Brandon yeah but cam I mean I

Think cam is is Cam and our men that’s what it is uh I still think think cam can be a better player than I’m in of course I’m in will be overall I know a lot of people love him in that’s that that of course you know he’s going to be

The triple double machine right but I think as far as the person that’s going to be that guy in that moment when it’s time to shine the the lights are brightest that’s your guy that’s your Jimmy Butler cam yes sir we see I will see what was you gonna

Add bro I know you was trying to get it in go ahead oh I wanted the draft I wanted cam number four say that again I didn’t hear you I was in regards to that James Harden one of one of the biggest things that I took

Out of the whole James Harden and all that stuff since we was talking about that earlier I know I know now we’re finally getting past it but um the biggest thing was how was his influence was going to be on all of the young players outside of the court and what

Was it going to be like is it going to be a tussle between you know is is is our coach going to have to be trying to fight for that that command with James Harden to determine on how it is that the team is going to play and I

Think that that was one of the things that was going that you know impacted part of his opinion as to who it is that he wanted to be as that point guard for this team at least right now because James Harden can’t do that with a bunch

Of veterans in in the LA he can’t do that with them so yeah so it’s working out a lot better of course it’s working out a lot better there because you know everybody everybody they’re they’re like Paul George like bro I’m a grown ass you

Know I’m just I’m bro you can’t tell me nothing the same with any everyone else mostly everyone else that’s on that team well for us a lot of them D better than too over there I think I think and that’s a great point because it’s like I think James is too good to

Be he’s too good for because honestly I think if they brought James they would have traded a couple of the young guys already exactly exactly they would be gone make the team better you don’t bring James yeah accept that personality to understand that personality that of

To fit him more and which is exactly what he win yeah but you got to go win now mode you got to go win now now but I think he probably wanted to compete and not just be because you can pay a player like Fred to be a babysitter on a team

That’s out of the plan I don’t think that’s acceptable because James puts pressure too like he just he’s too big he’s too too big of a player to do what we’re doing right now which is the development SL trying to win and I think that maybe didn’t want that pressure for

His first year and that’s exactly that’s exactly right bro and I don’t think that’s a bad thing let’s acknowledge that our coach didn’t want the pressure no no no not in a negative way I don’t see it like that I think he didn’t want I’m just talking I don’t think he see he

See the pressure on like on the on the whole team like we got to do this we gota do like let’s just you know what I mean but with the cam thing bro uh I think my problem with Cam is that um it’s just he gota just he just got to

Get out the tunnel vision bro I think that’s tunn Vision Vision it’s all cap total vision he got a little it’s to be expected it’s to be expect he got a little t e yeah yeah yeah but but at the same time and it’s so interesting too got realize

Knows what team he’s on our Ben is garbage we have no scoring Off the Bench now we Ain saying in and put that scoring up if he’s on a different team and they got better players Off the Bench obviously he’s not just going to jack up shots like that so you know

Gotta he’s allowed to do that right now I mean but the good thing is is that he has when you’re on the track that ain’t doing [ __ ] that’s why jayen been chunking up shots for three [ __ ] years he been on a trash ass [ __ ] team you know what I’m saying so yeah

When you’re on a trash team you’re G to Chunk Up shots see what it do yep man I think that’s been a good discussion man appreciate you Brandon for coming through man I got to get to bed man you know got to get up go to work you know I’m saying uh appreciate

All my CS no man you good bro this is what we do we all we got you know what I’m saying like we ain’t here to just hold hand sing Kay you know what I’m saying like we we GNA agree to disagree respect each other and move on keep it pushing

Because we the csgs baby Chop Shop gang you know what I’m saying appreciate everybody for coming out omy good to hear your voice man good to hear your voice man good to see you Brandon I’m glad I was able to do one tonight man we we play tomorrow too don’t

We against James Harden I think we got a back back to back huh yep the Clippers yeah we got the CLI tomorrow think at 6:30 or 6 o’ yeah ESPN ESPN Let’s cross our fingers cross my fingers yeah man we about to get thrashed bro I Ain lie we

About to get thrashed bro back to back bro this High emotional game Shang about to eat Shang about to kill zubac man after this game right now n it’s a back to back he ain’t got it I mean it’s gonna be hard for him to must up this

Type performance two games in a row Clipper’s really good too yeah Clipper’s good Clipper’s good it’s till they meet the Celtics and the Celtics oh no they they beat the Celtic about 40 on this this one game earlier this about probably about a month ago they ran through the Celtics but the

Celtics was on the back to back so oh he gota Shon gota deal with that boy zubach so you what you calling omy it’s a dub tomorrow or we losing man put on that but realistically realistically we probably gonna catch a l I ain’t gonna lie bro yeah Big

B oh we playing hard we Lo I’m going against the grain we pulling out the d man I’m in and cam the W shop cam have like 27 I’m in with like 22 10 and eight some [ __ ] like that they W shot watch bro if we win this one tomorrow if we

Win this one tomorrow gonna be the difference jaar GNA be thear yeah if we win this one tomorrow bro three in a row I’m my my my hopes and dreams might just come back thinking we can make the play in Frank what you got come on Frank you can’t you can’t do

This to me bro how many GES Frank like six right five or six bro but it’s like it’s the teams that it’s Lakers and Warriors bro they serious they starting to gear up yeah that’s what veterans come came out with too much thunder man we should have we should have came out with

Slow roll slow race you know what I’m saying they don’t know no better be that’s cuz they young they don’t know no better yeah we just came out there just you know that’s it space kind like a a young dude when you first get when you get a

Girl little girlfriend for the first time she probably let you do something and you excited hey you know what I you know that remind me of Frank Frank you know what that remind me of you remember the movie colors what was it colors it live a color no colors yeah yeah you remember

What the cop used to say he tell that little joke to the young to the young bull the young bull talking to the old Bull look at all them cows down there let’s run down there and you know do our thing he said n let’s walk down there we can do

Them all you know what I’m saying let’s not be so in the r that’s the young boys yeah yeah you know what I’m saying that’s the team bro but n tomorrow I think we get a l bro I can just see they gonna pick us apart bro I

Can just see it bro I just if we win then I’ll be happy but I just don’t see n you know why because I will I would pick and roll defense ain’t that good man and Harden you know he pick and roll Master he GNA pick us a yeah big he bigger than

Fred uh Dylan gonna have to guard Ka Paul George likeo they got too many mismatches on the we did play them pretty hard in that in season tournament in that inseason tournament we played them pretty hard but we’re a different team now and they are totally different team way better

Bro when they first started likeing who didn’t play there was somebody that didn’t play I think Paul George play one time another time Kaw playoff people went off on us both G he was playoff was cooking we going to see bro that’s it’s going to be a nationally televised game

I don’t know why they chose that game and not this game I know man Harden’s return I guess but he been back about 10 times yeah exactly but it’s still this always an occasion when he come back to to Houston last time he came back we beat

Him that was a game where uh I think kbj went off or something like that but no man I’m I’mma call the L I’m call the L yeah yeah we losing man we losing I’m just let know who called it hey we losing Big B man I’m I’m have to give it

To you we should have brought back hard nah man I’m just I’m just joking man so I knew that’s not but istically I still think it would have been a better move than Fred and Dylan n you g decide it bro who who they Bron yeah it’s on the

Table Yeah whoever whoever if the Rockets win tomorrow eay was right that’s they already beat us on hard and step back fourpoint play we we we set it right now bro right now that’s right now I dig it Frank right now okay okay we’ll start from the day no no hold

Hold on hold on how many games we got we played them three times this year or I think this the last time we play yeah I think this the last time time right and we’re one and one with him I think did we beat him we beat him in Houston right

Yeah we beat him once N I don’t think we beat them I think we did Harden Harden hit the step back three on us that step back three was it t yeah t f them and then I remember playoff P went off on us for like 30 something that one game

The uh season if we get it but yeah this is it chips in the middle of the table so everybody the csgs y’all heard it here if we win tomorrow then uh we got the power in the face but if they win then Big B was totally right all right so

That’s so so you know what we need to happen hard’s got to throw up a goddamn stinker he’s got to come out there and do a dud two for 12 he still can he gotta do for us to win he gotta come out there and throw out a dud bro but

You still got to deal with Kawai and PG that’s we can we can manage that that’s facts how do we but who you putting on hard real quick because they got so many problems to solve you gotta I’m putting I’m putting Dylan on him because he to yeah I’m putting Dylan I

Mean that’s yeah yeah I’m put and Dylan historically when he was inh G Harden very well yep like like just from match ups over the years yeah huh see this a game jayen J might be I’m starting in bro Jabari and Shang but I know they’re

Not gonna they see T be a nice match up with Kawai too yeah Kawai about to kill everybody there’s nobody on our team could got Kawai not nobody T could he you know he’s too strong bro he is but T would still give him a little fits here

And there you know we’re gonna have to do a Greg Williams um and you know from the the defensive coordinator from the Saints who was paying his players the hurt people we got to take a t t got we gotta pay Tate somebody di at dive at a hard

A for the team mess that up bro D probably miss he probably miss missing hurt himself Dam why don’t you like Tate bro I kind of like Tate no I ain’t got nothing against bro he’s just not good enough N I don’t I don’t like him not

For this team I know you don’t ghost I already know you don’t I’ve been off the T Train about two years man yeah it’s been a while bro it’s been a minute since you was twoed on that train yeah N I ain’t I ain’t rocking with take like

That man but no I mean to be honest that’s another thing Stone [ __ ] up you probably could have got somebody value for him you know um cheap contract somebody would have got him bro they you got got a second round pick or something I don’t give a [ __ ] trade that

[ __ ] me anybody calm down Big B I’m just he gave up he gave up look he gave up TI Tai he gave up garuba and gave up two second round picks to get rid of him the [ __ ] is wrong with this dude I don’t know bro I don’t know yeah

But we going to leave it out right there I got to get the bed man csgs man we all got you know what I’m saying all right talk to y’all later we all we appreciate you we all we got man I’m holl at y’all let’s go Houston Rockets already

Already appreciate you for joining us om the reality if you want to uh you know become a member hit the links merchandise and the link is in the description all that good stuff man we appreciate everything me and Frank man we going to keep it bringing that fire to

You hold on hold on change is coming let’s go Houston Rocket oh man and I’m out should had me something to drink

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  1. I can't believe people STILL arguing for us not getting Harden.
    Please let it go y'all.
    Its in the past, we don't have Harden no more. We NOT getting Harden back.

    Move on

  2. Amen need to practice shooting coz he is the target of spurs coach defense he always open him from outside and they man to man the other 4 plus double on alpi

  3. ALP played a great complete game.. props…If Sengun can develop a consistent jumper, he will be a problem… I still think he will struggle against bigger bigs that he can't bully, or with teams that Ime can't hide him defensively and put him on a Jeremy Sochan…. I think that's why he went off, he didnt have to defend Wimby on the other end. But all in all Sengun played an amazing game

  4. I stopped listening after dude started saying Tate should’ve played over Brooks 🙃 … lol he should never be back he had some trash takes 😂

  5. Great game. My favorite thing from this game was Jalen was looking to pass when he got in the paint. If he gets that, he'll pan out.

  6. I’m glad I checked out before this Harden diatribe. This man is talking about 💩that doesn’t matter anymore & is acting like Jalen has had a different point guard every year and that is false narrative. Fell asleep again 😂rewatching! CSG’s 🤘🏾🚀🤘🏾🚀

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