@Atlanta Hawks



We might get a buzzer beater too B donov pass it out Baye for the three it’s your knowy man for the buzzer beater get it man CS a turn out man listen man we got the Hawks first the Pelicans hey man it should be reg good game you know we

Going to do the stat at the end of the video make sure you stay tuned for that also you already know your boy remain unbiased throughout this whole game we going to enjoy this game together but listen if I got a bet money on the

Team got to uh I don’t know you know what I’m saying but Trey young still ain’t back um yeah man I mean I might go with the Pelicans though I might go with the Pelicans though they got the big three here so you know we going to see

That turn out but uh that boy mum on back getting straight to it all right now Murray all right oh nice inside that capella easy peasy little lay he could have he could he could have dunk that thing down but he said I’m hit y’all boys with the easy l

But uh sh that boy Ingram inside ni slammed by Ingram hold on now the [ __ ] is slammed by Ingram we here for it all way out Matthews with a pump fake he going to float it up and he going to get it up and in let’s go to get a bucket then my

Boy because somebody from the Hawks GNA have to step up this game for show man no still no Trey you know Murray Murray been stepping up the last couple games you know dropping 40 stuff like that but um you going to need some help this game

For show man like a b though us you know all right then ba ba to the rescue he said I got you I oh what the heck straight dropped the shoulder on bonovich though but look hey B boy M Murphy out there on the three mad tough

Line let right though Marshall got it Marshall up top found that boy Zion going to weam it down all right big big Zion in the building man but vov okay yeah pull up mid-range is come on that’s easy that’s mad easy one second might get a buzzer beater on the way got Deni

At the buzz you thought it was sweet out here my boy my boy Fernando at the cut said get that up out of here come on now hey we in the second quarter Pelicans up by six make it eight or nine yeah um so far nothing too crazy bu donov with a

Nice little mid-range nothing too crazy so far Zion double team on Zion Go pass out okay then Murphy come on he a even got to think about it he just he just already know I’m I’mma Let it Fly bro he just already he he already made up his

Mind look us come on he already made up his mind he he said he decided I’m a splash today bro it’s that simple he said I already made up my mind Murray fre Fernando with a nice putb that was a nice putback all right that Bo Kelsey though I see hey that boy

Kelsey doing on the sideline man but B that boy hey that boy Murphy is splashing 1,00% nice save by Nano Zion got it fast break Zion found that boy Murphy nice alley up to that boy man Pelicans out here 20 clapping right now back inside capella going gliding through there them

Boys 20 clapping right now get mad active Murray pulling up on a dime that boy Murray hey get your team back in this game bro banovic yep is come on no hesy on them threes man listen no hesy on the threes bro you could probably they could

Probably beat the uh I could probably beat them through the three ball but then that boy I mean they can also beat you through with the three ball so I don’t know back to bonovich he could have probably pulled that and he still is bang M right over

Mallum kind of sun you right there not going to lie Ingram all the way with a nice little slam let’s ride there Ingram that’s cool oh we out the hunter going to keep it R it yep Oh yeah got that boy Zion just standing there going to lay that thing up in

There we got 3 seconds before halftime we got Murray he just going to pull up a course us come on bar gave him any room to land either it’s kind of crazy but look at the half time this game you know what I’m saying Pelicans was 20 balling at

One point there was 20 balling at one point now it’s looking like kind of you know I’m saying it’s a decent game they up by like 12 right now but Murray all the way with a nice little L come on man pass inside to Zion Dr that okay go

Bully it up inside Zion it’s going get it up in there you know Z be playing Bully ball out here man he could he could have been a full-time running back fulltime linebacker oh o that’s a nice setup hold on bro I thought I thought

Man was like a peer shooter man man got some man got some uh some some Dage to him you know what I’m saying hold on now 13p point lead Pelicans handling business though and then Murray lost the ball somehow Jones got it by himself going to Wham it down easy

Easy Adam mum take it in never mind back out Murphy with a three oh yeah you know he man listen Murphy waste no time he you know he going to let it go man he been doing it all game Fernando with a nice little bucket though that was cool that was cool three

Minutes to go in the third Ingram got it surprisingly Ingram haven’t been doing it I ain’t going to lie surprisingly Pelicans really didn’t didn’t need to use Ingram this game man Ingram been kind of chilling you know but they B donov could probably pull that but it’s all good though that

Boy m m Murray come on we might get a buzzer beater too B donov pass it out Baye for the three it’s your knowy man for the buzzer beater stop playing with him stop playing with him okay um even though we got a whole fourth quarter I think it’s almost safe

To say this game pretty much over with we in the fourth quarter with it with like like a 15-point lead unless the Pelicans just straight up just blow this whole leag ah you know what I’m saying I don’t know man I don’t know but they got a whole fourth quarter

And then Alvarado just straight up sto that off you Marshall got it and he gonna throw it up in there gets it up in there that boy that boy Grand Theft Alvarado Murray okay he GNA pass okay I think he GNA pass back and he is going to pass

Back to bonov and he GNA Pull It come on man bogey come on eight minutes to go pass inside n back inside of Zion nice hey nice slam nice set up muray could have probably okay you go spin off of that Murray all takes a contact lost the ball but Fernando gonna

Get it back down and in okay seven minutes to go Murray got it that’s a tough screen by Fernando kind of kind of moving screen my boy but uh beautiful three right there that’s kind of a moving screen though we can’t we can’t all like we see

That bovich though one one with Zion okay then B right over Zion boys got Shooters on day now even though they down Alvarado come on hold on B Dylan Brooks Jr hold on now inside of Ingram who’s been pretty quiet but they they really hey they they

Didn’t need to do nothing with Ingram this game honestly you know this this was like a off game for Ingram he like man I’m just here just to be here bro you know what I’m saying nice little three from banovic he said man I’m just I’m just here just to be here

Bro Zion out the way all right just going to bully it up in there and gets it up all right this um with two minutes ago do I want to pull up the stat sheet I don’t know Murray all types A contct gets it up in there

Though I want to P out the stat sheet I ain’t going to lie Jones he going uh throw it up there it misses Zion at the cut with a putb that man came up out of nowhere Murray back to Hunter he going to take it himself all the way easy peasy lay

Man with a minute to go I’m about to pull up the stash sheet low key I feel like I feel like I feel like it’s pretty much nothing else to see here man you know I feel like I feel like that’s pretty much wraps I could be wrong but

I’m about to PL up the stat sheet though cuz I’m pretty confident I feel like this this game pretty much WS um man yeah you know what I’m saying got stat sheet ready for y’all boys mum still saucing it up you going put the dagger in the game right there that’s my tough

Line mad tough line banovic nice three come on man that should do it right there bro hey Pelicans went ah took this game Let’s going look at the stat she get it but Murphy 28 points s rebounds two assist we got Zion 27 point6 rebounds seven assists got two

Blocks too we got uh McCollum 20 points4 rebound three assist let’s go over to the Hawks where we got Bond donovic 24 25 points one rebound seven assists had two steals Murray 23 points one rebound 11 assists okay had one steal and capella 18 points 14 rebounds man hey and one block too

Hope y’all boys enjoy this video if you’re watching this right now appreciate you see you in the next video bro


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