@Milwaukee Bucks

Have Giannis & Dame Finally Figured it OUT?

Have Giannis & Dame Finally Figured it OUT?

This one was kind of a bummer because you didn’t have kawhai you didn’t have Paul George the Bucs hold him off 124 117 Damen Lillard 16 of his 344 five hello points came in the fourth quarter uh he had 11 assists I’m having a Chandler warning uh Yannis and Dame only

Second teammate since 1980 to record at least 30 points and 10 assists in a game um we waited we didn’t know if this would work seems to we working Chandler is this Twan situation settled now in Milwaukee I mean yeah these are two Elite offensive players they have the new

Coach now they seem to be making somewhat adjustments where they you know they go to a Zone they switch they go small they go big so I will credit Doc for to for kind of trying different things but yeah when you look at these guys we said it when that when the trade

Happened on paper this makes perfect sense you got one of the most physical downhill players in Giannis that can kind of get to the rim whenever he wants get out and transition and you pair that with one of the best Elite Shooters in the league that can provide him with

Even more spacing it sounded good and now it took a little bit while took a little while to figure it out took a little bit time for the other guys to know their role but yeah the same thing like the Lakers they’re clicking this team is clicking right now and they’re

Looking to be dangerous I think they’re going to snag that two seed uh in the East and kind of jump Cleveland here soon I think they’re tied with him now um but this team is is offensively they have so much power they have other guys too where they have you know the lopezes

The kons these guys can also throw in you know five threes so this team is dangerous and and it’s it’s going to come down to them in Boston it’s going to be a hell of a SE a hell of a series but it’s definitely you’re seeing it stting starting to work guys knowing

Their role guys knowing their spacing they’re running a bunch of different sets now and they look really comfortable yeah Lou I’m wondering if there’s when you watch them play now obviously compared to the beginning it looks different is there anything that they still have yet to master or are

They in a really good place where we are in the season yeah they’re going to have to adjust again when Chris Middleton’s in the lineup you know obviously that’s somebody who’s going to give them 20 plus points a game um that you’re going to have to work in other than that I

Like the fact that doc has figured it out he’s put these two guys in actions together you know he’s put a lot of pressure on defense is putting them in a two-man game where you got to really pick your poison you know whether dam is

Going to come off and shoot Giannis is a roll threat Janis is also a postup threat obviously Dame is a drive threat so putting him in actions putting a lot of pressure on on the defense it’s work for them and I think this is something that that they found to be successful

Opposed to them coming down on offense Dame have an opportunity to do his thing it doesn’t work now it’s a Swing Swing now it’s jiannis opportunity to do his thing and if it doesn’t work now they’re playing scrambled basketball instead they’re picking teams apart in a two-man game this this worked against the

Clippers so I think this is a great sample size the only thing they’re going to have to figure out is what are they going to do when it comes to that three-man game you know Chris Middleton is going to be a huge part of that but

So far for those those two guys to figure it out together and play off of each other’s energy to read and react on the offensive end it worked well for them last night this is great I mean you heard Chandler talk about how he’s he thinks they’re gonna grab that second

They’re in the second spot right now but it’s a half game so it’s a flip-flop for a while here but they got 17 games left do you think the bucks when it’s said and done regular season ends are they sitting in that two spot or Cleveland come

Back yeah but it’s in the air it’s in the air and listen they’ve been projected to be a better team than Cleveland since this trade has happened and even before that trade we had high high expectations for the Milwaukee Bucks so if they do snag that spot no surprise

There I think that’s what’s expected that’s what they should have had this entire year you know obviously with the coaching change they hit a little turbulence there but they figured it out um they’ve got everything right it’s smooth sailing right now and that team is rolling so I really think they should

And they will finish with that second seed Shams internally feels like a night and day from where we were just a few weeks ago with this Bucks team how are they feeling there inhouse about where they are confident for sure and actually we we do need to give Doc Rivers a lot of

Credit because what he’s brought to this team is I think structure and down the stretch of games you’ve seen the ball in Dam Lillard’s hands and that was something that was a focal point something that you know they just were not able to do under Adrien Griffin is

Really manage the game and figure out exactly where you want the ball to go and Dav Lillard the ball’s the game is best for the bucks when down the stretch of games it’s in his hands and you have to give Doc Rivers a lot of credit this team is completely flipped the script

Defensively that was the major issue on this team all year uh but they’re now hovering around 10th in terms of defensive rating in in the whole league they were 18th before Doc Rivers came in uh they were giving up a ton of Point uh paint points in the paint 24th in the

League now they’re about seventh in the league in points uh in the paint so this is a team that’s completely turned it around defensively and you have to give Doc Rivers a lot of credit for that yeah we’re a lot of us making a lot of noise

It’s going to be interesting where they end up Chandler this one goes to you first because it deals with daylight savings and I feel like you’re now our expert on that but Paul George and Kawhi Leonard set out yesterday’s game uh because it was noon Pacific and they

Played on Saturday at 1 so it was 22 hours in between games and Tylo said that that was extreme very extreme does he have a point yeah yeah I don’t has this ever happened before where a game with 24 hours that that is he definitely has a

Point and this goes against the whole Lo load management thing where this is a he gets an excused absence here by not by not playing these guys because that is I don’t like I said I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before where the daylight it doesn’t happen listen it’s confusing it’s

Definitely confusing in Michelle this is all news to me the the daylight saving situation but I think he’s got a point here with given given their state of their career where they are how good they’ve been this year everyone now in this position is looking for the

Playoffs so and they has when you have a situation like this where they played the day before and then they kind to go fast forward to this and it’s a it makes sense I would have done the same thing if I was him to me I would have loved if

James Harden would have really been aggressive last night kind of showed that he can still go and carry a team and carry a team to a win and dominate he was almost a little passive last night um but yeah to me I think this is the right call you can’t play a guy

Twice with within 24 hours that’s insane Lou does that about that’s ever happen is that everyone else is in Paul George and Kawhi Leonard with multiple injuries and surgeries in their crib yeah I but I I think I’ve I think I’ve had this um night game cuz when you play

For the Clippers or you play for the Lakers a lot of time you have same day games um you know so one team is going to play the noon game one team is going to play the 700 p.m game and so I think if I’m not mistaken I’ve played in a a a

Game or two in 22 hours where we’ played the noon game and then the next day uh we play an early game as well and it’s like a 22-hour window or something like that but I mean what’s the what’s the difference I don’t I don’t I don’t know

What’s the difference you know extreme to me is four and five days and traveling across the country and things like that those two hours are you know a hit or miss but you know everybody has the right to coach their team and do what they see fit so I thought this was

Interesting I’m sure the television network weren extremes a little much at the end of the day it’s two basketball games like it’s not extreme like yeah I’m reacting I’m I’m reacting to the word extreme that’s what but same they found they found a they found a loophole

To to get a guys some rest so they did I bet you nobody nobody will say anything about load management this game though because they definitely found a loophole in this 24-hour rle they’re like we’re not touching that one

On today’s episode of ‘Run It Back’ on FanDuel TV LIVE co-hosts Michelle Beadle, Shams Charania, Lou Williams, and Chandler Parsons talk about the Bucks and the duo of Giannis and Dame finally coming together.

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