@New York Knicks

Knicks News: Former Knick Talks OG Anunoby Return, Julius Randle Injury, Nova Knicks & More

Knicks News: Former Knick Talks OG Anunoby Return, Julius Randle Injury, Nova Knicks & More

Tim when you when you talk about tibs you know when you were here it was a time when it had appeared that it was kind of turbulent culture really wasn’t established but with tibs you kind of see a structure here a foundation they look like they’re going to be headed to

The playoffs three out of the four years you’re you’re at many of games up close and personal from your Vantage Point what what’s been you know some of the keys here over the years that you watching this team in terms of how tibs is kind of running things

Well I just think like you said the foundation of of being a defensive minded coach that goes along way um teams know when when you do play the Knicks it’s going to be a dog fight um especially um scoring the basketball and the schemes and and traps that that

Coach love to uh you know put on certain scores um throughout the season but that Foundation is there right so you look at all of the guys that you know they made moves for for those guys are defensive guys that can actually score the basketball you know so again um we we’re

In an era now where it’s a lot of points scored per night um a lot of scoring so a lot of um organizations have been going out getting the scores but coach is um you know fine with you know sticking to his his strengths which is

On a defensive end and and you know obviously having guys that can obviously score the ball as well so um I I love the balance I definitely love the balance and I love the foundation of you know um the direction and where we going what’s been your impression of OJ

Anobi uh being a New York Nick hopefully coming back soon they need him back soon as well yeah yeah no I mean he just does so much man I mean he he play multiple positions I mean it’s it’s kind of rare to find a guy especially in this in this

Day and age that can play you know so many uh positions and do it well you know so um he’s going to guard the best player you know he’s gonna you know um he knock down his shots from that corner you know and he’s just a glue guy man

And and every team needs you know a few of those guys and that’s what we have you know we have that in Josh we have that in OG you know and um I think I think he’s really going to help us in in the future once again we yeah go ahead out okay

No no no I was just going to agree just saying I like what OG’s brought to the team yeah I was just gonna hit hit the reset salute to everybody in the chat once again hit that thumbs up button for your boy CP the franchise Alex raros

Former Nick Tim Thomas in the building and also the head coach of pamis Catholic shout out to Tim Thomas man also the head of the Tim Thomas Academy so Tim doing great work uh around the community man um on the on the Randall front TI uh tib a lot of speculation

When is he going to come back how is he going to play uh Carmelo on his podcast said you know just going to be a big adjustment having to you know use that that non-shooting shoulder and get used to the physicality have did did you ever

Suffer a um a shoulder injury like that over your career or you know what are your thoughts on on on recovery and comeback I mean that’s a tough call because it is a shoulder right it’s it’s uh most people would think you know it it will heal proper and You’ be able to

You know um maneuver and and do the things that you you know once was capable of doing before the injury but I think it’s I think it’s um a situation where it is going to be tough you know for him to kind of you know get a feel

For um just just the game and and what he can do with the shoulder if it’s you know still pain if it’s stiff if it’s you know if he’s Limited in you know Mobility you know all of those things play play a huge huge Factor because you got to remember in basketball you’re

Always stretching your limbs right so if you shooting you’re raising your arms you know if you’re playing defense you know you got your arms on if you’re trying to deflect the pass you got your arm if you’re passing the ball you using your shoulders so um so many different

Things that’s going to come into play but again um you know these guys now that they’re playing with um you know um us older guys we like to call it the trick of the trade with the new medicine and and new technology and all those things so you know hopefully um you know

He’s he’s once he comes back he’s comfortable enough to be able to get on the floor and uh do the things that he’s comfortable with doing or else you know it’s just going to be um one of those things where you know he’s kind of forcing it um and then obviously if we

Take a loss then the blame game and all that stuff going to come in so I just you know next time I get a chance to talk to him that’s one of the things I’m going to probably bring up just make sure that you’re comfortable with playing knowing that you know you’re

Limited in in so many different um elements of your game so but I I played uh I played with a broken hand so I don’t know if you guys remember the the Stefon Marberry clip when he uh he did the spinning pass spinning pass yeah

Yeah so if you if you go look at that clip uh that spinning pass he hit me and I think I caught it with like one hand and part of my body like a football player and just fli flipped it up on a on the backboard with the opposite hand

So yeah you gotta kind of check that out but um yeah I play with a broken hand but nothing nothing with the shoulder obviously you know you have you know your uh Jam fingers dislocated fingers sprain ankles stuff like that but nothing never with the shoulder and then

Playing with the opposite uh the opposite shoulder I mean that’s uh that’s something else you know now hopefully Randall does come back and he’s able to play comfortably as you’re talking about Tim but let’s talk about when this team you know with with all the injury reports it seems like

Everyone should be coming back at some point maybe even Mitchell Robinson were luy enough to get him for the playoffs if this team is fully healthy where do you think they stack in the East oh man I mean fully I mean listen we I think overall again I think the

Pieces that we BR in are great pieces great additions for the playoff run right because you’re going to have guys getting double you got to have guys to be able to make shots um you know it’s going to be a roller coaster so um I I I definitely you know

Love our chances against you know what the East presents you know especially with Boston you know Philly um and Milwaukee you know so um I I love our chances man we got we got two guys that could score the basketball very well um great group of you know

Role players so and the the one thing that’s I think going to keep us in a lot of situations is the fact that our foundation is defense first you know so um yes the game has changed it’s more about scoring but you know in the playoffs I always tell people that ask

Me um you know how is it why is it always such a grind because I’m like once The Scouting Report goes out the window it’s it’s it’s over with you know so you know um The Scouting Report is going to be there once guys understand you know each other Tendencies and you

Know game plans and stuff like that now comes down to you know who can actually get it done so you know um again the the guys that we bring in great group of guys anyone could give us you know that boost that energy um the scoring um that we’re going to need in

Tough situations and um you know I I love it man let’s just get it on and and let the chips fall with they made right I know everybody’s itching right now ready to get to April man ready to get to April man yeah yeah it’s like these

Last you know whatever 12 games is like let’s get it over with man let’s get to the playoffs definitely is that is that how you saw it as a player like when you were on teams that that were looking forward to the playoffs was it easy to

Kind of Overlook these last couple of weeks of the season and kind of look ahead to see like who we going to play how we going to match up I got to make sure I’m healthy for it is it was it easy to kind of get you know overload

These last couple weeks of the Season no well you know I played in the 90s so that’s like the toughest era you know so but but still I mean it’s it’s um right now it’s all about positioning yourself right for home court advantage all those kind of things um obviously

You know um you want your team to go into it fully healthy so that’s obviously not the case with us right now but um no as a player man you you definitely know that it’s around the corner um I don’t think no one tries to uh slack off of anything but you

Definitely start trying to prepare yourself to get get ready for that so you know might be certain things that you know you might need to work on within the system of itself and and kind of stay away from the the regular season stuff where you’re just out there trying

Different stuff you know you want to get more consistent more um realistic within you know the system and and your strengths and your weaknesses but you know outside of that yeah definitely around this time of the year man got to start you know getting that that playoff

Uh you know bug going so it’s it’s it’s a good time it just feels like a formality at this point like like as a Knicks fan especially dealing with all these injuries I just want to get everybody healthy do like the 2K s to the end

Let’s see the playoffs I want to see what it all looks like you know I’m just over it at this point yeah but I mean the good thing about it for us though is that you know um guys have been injured guys are going to be coming back so these last few

Games kind of help us Jael a little bit you know get a rhythm things of that nature um and then really start making that push you know um teams like Boston is doing it right now you know it’s a few teams that’s like really gearing up to let people know like what’s what’s

Coming so um I’m I’m just excited to you know like you said earlier to be able to see you know our full team and a full strength you know and kind of see what we have at that point so Tim you you mentioned early that that you know

You’ve given some advice to Dante dant chenzo you mentioned that you will talk to Julius Randle when you get a chance is that something that’s been kind of official as part of the team or just you just being the OG around the team you feel like you know you you want to

Impart that wisdom as a OG and Mentor yeah yeah I mean you know I’m always watching the game you know I grew up a Nick fan so um you know it was definitely a blessing to be be able to play for the organization twice so when

When I am in the building um you know I’m watching the game having a good time but anytime I can you know share some information um I’m always willing to do that like the big fella Robinson I told him about the free throws I’m like your

Hands so big man just you know get your left hand off the basketball just open your hands wide and shoot the ball with your right hand you know and um he started doing it he started making his free throws started looking you know a lot better so yeah I mean that’s just a

OG thing man you always want to pass on you know some wisdom to the to the young cats especially when you’re you’re there and you kind of see what they’re what they’re struggling with that’s dope and and you mentioned Mitch and hopefully they get him back soon but fortunately

For the Knicks they front Court depth especially the big man rotation they haven’t really fell off because hardenstein came in he picked up what Mitch left off hardenstein went out for a little bit then presses a CH has been another Revelation what’s been your your your um thoughts on the on the Nick

Center rotations since MIT Robinson went out I love it I love it that we got a three-headed monster now um you know I went to a game where uh we was home against the Sixers and andb was basically um beating up on our bigs you

Know had our bigs in in in foul trouble because of the all of the isos and the post and stuff like that so you know having having three guys possibly four with OG because he’s guarding a little bit of everybody um that’s going to help us you know it’s definitely going to

Help us you know so I I love again I love the additions and and and you know what we what we have um BR in now it’s just a matter of you know getting a chance to see the whole entire group out there and see what the rotation is going

To look like and you know all of those things um you know coach is very old school you know he he plays you know sometimes six sometimes seven you know if you’re lucky eight the people in chat said we need Tim on the bench they say we need we

Need depth man are you ready can you give them a couple of minutes man last game I was at I told Dolan I said I’ll come back so I was joking with him I said I’ll take 50 I said I’ll take 50 cash right now he said

Oh you cheap he said you at least he said you at least got to get the minimum yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s funny so speaking about how tibs likes to go like six seven man rotation deep that’s kind of the situation we’re right now what do you think about this experience for

Dante and Hart playing so many minutes playing above what their roles are for this team how do you think that will help them in the playoffs well I mean early on uh once Dante got here obviously you want him to kind of fit in and and you know get adjusted but you

Got to remember those guys been around each other for years in college so you know the chemistry and the bonding that’s stuff was already there um between that group um but you know the one thing that I that I I do see with with the guys is that

They’re always going to be Fighters you know the Nova guys they always G to be Fighters they’re always going to play hard give it their all um I just think uh at some point coach might need to go at least eight deep or maybe nine deep

You know to keep guys fresh so again hey we we might see that in the playoffs because now we got a deeper bench but we might see that in the in the playoffs a little bit um obviously now with guys being hurt you got to play you know hard

In those guys you know more minutes so you know we’ll see um hopefully he does that you know and we’re not um wearing these guys out you know too much for when the playoffs do come around

Knicks News: Former Knick Talks OG Anunoby Return, Julius Randle Injury, Nova Knicks & More

🏀 Dive into the latest Knicks news today with former Knicks player Tim Thomas in this exclusive interview! From discussing Coach Thibodeau’s impactful leadership to sharing insights on Julius Randles injury, Tim provides an insider’s perspective on the team’s current status.

🛡️ Learn about the foundation of the Knicks’ success under Coach Thibodeau, focusing on a strong defensive approach and a well-balanced team. Tim explores the team’s potential playoff prospects and the importance of maintaining a defensive mindset in a high-scoring era.

🌟 Get the inside scoop on OG Anunoby’s anticipated return and how his versatile playing style adds depth to the Knicks’ lineup. Tim highlights Anunoby’s impact on multiple positions and labels him as a crucial “glue guy” for the team.

🤕 Delve into the challenges Julius Randle may face upon his return from injury, particularly with a shoulder injury affecting various aspects of his game. Tim reflects on his own experiences with injuries during his playing days.

🔄 Discover the depth and versatility of the Knicks’ center rotation, featuring players like Mitchell Robinson, Isaiah Hartenstein and Precious Achiwa. Tim praises the team’s three-headed monster and its potential to address matchups effectively.

👴 As a mentor and former player, Tim Thomas shares valuable advice with current Knicks players, emphasizing the importance of passing on wisdom and experience. Plus, witness a lighthearted moment as Tim jokes about returning to the court for the Knicks.

🔔 Don’t miss out on this engaging and informative interview with Tim Thomas, offering unique insights into the New York Knicks’ journey this season. Hit the like button, subscribe for more Knicks content, and share your thoughts in the comments below! #Knicks #NBA #TimThomasInterview #BasketballTalks


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  1. Congratulations to Tim Thomas 🎉👑🏀 He was one of the first bigs that could break you down, get to where he wanted and shoot it with range or get to the cup .

  2. Tim Thomas is the classic example of talent not reaching the levels expected. At his size and skill sets he had HoF written all over him. Between himself and Derrick Coleman, they should have been more and done so much more…

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