@Los Angeles Lakers



by lakerconvert


  1. Iamsohi23

    Someone just show ham this maybe he will understand

  2. Appropriate_Tree_621

    “You can find a similar stat for the best player on any team in the league. Of course our top guy has to play more when we’re in a tougher game!”

    – Darvin Ham, probably

  3. Lumpy-Fig-8486

    or maybe we don’t rely on Prince as much when we’re winning?

  4. Nervous-Guava-7390

    TP has his moments. We went on a hell of a run with him playing with the starters last game cuz he played great D on ant, but he’s still our third best SF.

  5. Lord_Laxus

    Ham is lowering Prince’s minutes since post ASB, especially when LeBron and AD play. What’s the point of this post? That being said, let’s hope he doesn’t change his mind and flipped mins with Rui (or Vando if he’s healthy).

  6. nottherealstanlee

    Vando played just 29 games this year. Rui missed 14 of the first 39 games as well. Prince is the only one who has been healthy and around for us and stats like this make him look worse. It’s not his fault that he was the only one of Rui and Vando that was healthy and in rhythm through our only really bad stretch of the season (12/12 to 1/13). Rui missed a handful of those games and Vando was working his way back to health (Vando didn’t even look like himself until basically halfway through January).

    Ham has overplayed Prince. No doubt. But I hate these kind of blanket stats.

  7. Tall_Succotash

    It was funny when ham benched Austin and dlo for their mini slumps and yet the common denominator in us stinking it up was Prince starting and in general being overused.
    Why did ham think a 8 or 9th man rotation player was Chris Middleton ..we will never know.

  8. Thelife1313

    24:29 is gonna be hams goal from here on out.

  9. Hour_Insurance_7795

    I am no fan of Prince, but these kind of stats are absolute rubbish. There is a ***lot*** more going on than “Prince sits, we win. Prince plays, we lose”

    These kinds of stats prey upon people who don’t want to think too much and want low-hanging talking points. Life is complex; one tweet won’t solve any problem.

  10. surfynugget

    Prince has been killing it off the bench. Enough slander he knows his role when we are healthy

  11. Ok-Figure5546

    Warriors have a similar stat with Klay Thompson playing too many minutes lol

  12. sEiize_err

    this is one of those stats that people bend over backwards to find to prove a point. aint no one on earth counting seconds unless it’s to find what fits a narrative.

    i’m not saying prince should or shouldn’t play. i haven’t watched to much to give an opinion on that. but finding the exact minute and seconds a player needs to play before a losing record happens seems wild.

  13. Similar_Reach_7288

    Yeah but according to some people on this sub they’re still a mediocre team even with Bron and AD, we just have to accept it! Also stop blaming Ham for everything. Just because he sucks at managing rotations, doesn’t call timeouts, barely calls plays, and never adjusts mid game doesn’t mean he’s the reason the team is bad!

  14. adocileengineer

    How many times are we going to post this?

  15. jiffythekid

    Prince is a great rotation player…for like 15-20min a game.

  16. peezy2408

    Numbers don’t lie, and they spell disaster for you ham, if you keep playing prince at sacrifice

  17. Ok_Concentrate_75

    What’s the overlap between him playing more and injuries?

  18. Musa_2050

    This stat is dumb. It doesn’t account for other players availability.

  19. Classic case of correlation does not equal causation

  20. Apart-Bad-5446

    There’s a lot of weirdos on here who thinks it’s cool and funny to just mock Ham for everything.

    Oh, AD is playing too many minutes? That’s on Ham.

    Oh, D’Lo is out for defensive purposes and the Lakers needed another scorer? Blame Ham.

    Oh, Lakers can’t stop Jokic from scoring? Blame Ham again.

    It’s getting tiresome. Mods need to just start banning these posts.

    Is Ham a good coach? He’s probably just average at best. But you can’t seriously blame him for every thing that happens. The players also have a responsibility to play better, not miss open shots, etc., which they did in December/January. Some of ya’ll could fail a test and find a way to blame Ham.

    The fact is, Prince has consistently been the only available perimeter defender the Lakers have. Are his minutes too high? Probably. But that’s what happens when Reddish (who is NOT better than Prince) and Vanderbilt are injured and guys like Christie are good but only in spurts.

    The stat shown is stupid because it ignores that if Prince is playing heavy minutes, that means the other dudes ain’t healthy. In no scenario would Prince be getting 28+ minutes if Vanderbilt/Reddish were healthy. So obviously, games where Prince is playing bigger minutes by default means the Lakers as a whole are not healthy and thus, more likely to lose games.

  21. Tyronetyroned

    This isn’t rocket science! He is a rotational 6th man. Play him as such!!

  22. Prince was never meant to play this critical of a role, guys – the hate he gets is ridiculous – he has showed up every day and dude is better than Troy Brown, who all of you screamed about last year every time he missed a shot

    Once Vando is back he should slot into where he was meant to be – he will be needed in the playoffs

  23. Ghostbeen3

    None of this is taureans fault. But it drives me absolutely crazy when he fumbles easy passes and throws the ball out of bounds or right into the defenders hands. Otherwise he’s a solid wing off the bench

  24. Chadsawman

    from the account Goat James surely nba twitter is reliable for these stats. unserious fanbase

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