@Los Angeles Clippers

Post Game Thread: The Minnesota Timberwolves defeat The LA Clippers 118-100

#Minnesota Timberwolves at LA Clippers Arena- Los Angeles, CA




|Time Clock|

|MIN |21|34|29|34|118|
|LAC |34|29|15|22|100|

###Player Stats

**Minnesota Timberwolves**

|J. McDaniels|23:24|0|0-8|0-4|0-0|1|3|4|1|2|0|1|4|-8
|K. Anderson|28:48|10|5-8|0-1|0-1|3|2|5|7|0|0|2|1|7
|R. Gobert|33:26|8|4-7|0-0|0-0|7|4|11|3|2|2|0|2|11
|A. Edwards|36:30|37|15-29|2-8|5-7|2|6|8|4|1|0|2|3|22
|M. Conley|27:28|23|9-15|5-8|0-0|2|1|3|3|1|0|1|0|4
|N. Alexander-Walker|27:37|28|9-10|5-6|5-6|1|2|3|1|0|1|2|3|14
|N. Reid|21:56|6|3-7|0-3|0-0|1|4|5|3|1|1|0|3|15
|T. Warren|13:44|2|1-4|0-2|0-0|0|0|0|1|0|0|1|2|9
|J. McLaughlin|17:03|4|2-3|0-0|0-0|1|5|6|2|2|1|0|1|24
|W. Moore Jr.|2:31|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-2
|J. Minott|2:31|0|0-2|0-0|0-0|0|1|1|1|0|1|0|0|-2
|D. Nix|2:31|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|0|0|0|2|0|0|0|-2
|L. Miller|2:31|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|1|1|2|0|0|0|0|1|-2

**LA Clippers**

|K. Leonard|12:00|6|2-4|1-2|1-2|0|2|2|2|0|0|0|0|13
|P. George|35:07|22|5-11|2-5|10-10|0|3|3|3|1|0|5|4|-12
|I. Zubac|26:42|10|3-5|0-0|4-4|3|5|8|1|0|0|2|2|-19
|T. Mann|27:38|7|3-6|1-3|0-0|1|1|2|0|3|0|1|2|-20
|J. Harden|33:51|12|4-10|2-6|2-2|0|2|2|7|2|0|4|1|-15
|N. Powell|27:57|11|4-9|1-2|2-3|1|3|4|2|0|1|1|3|-18
|B. Hyland|17:53|8|3-8|2-4|0-0|0|2|2|3|0|0|2|4|-19
|A. Coffey|18:14|8|3-6|1-4|1-1|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|1|-7
|D. Theis|15:14|10|4-5|1-1|1-1|1|3|4|1|1|2|1|0|3
|B. Boston Jr.|8:50|2|1-3|0-1|0-2|1|0|1|0|0|1|0|1|-4
|J. Miller|4:08|2|1-3|0-1|0-0|1|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|2
|K. Brown|4:08|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|2
|X. Moon|4:08|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|2
|M. Plumlee|4:08|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|3|3|2|0|0|1|0|2
###Team Stats



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  1. thahovster7

    “I’m on my bully shit this season” 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢

  2. apacheco0709

    With Kawhi guaranteed to be out for the entire second half, the other part of the Clippers “Big 3” in the second half:

    PG: 9 points (2/3) 1 r 1 a (5 TO’s)

    Harden: 4 points (1/3) 1 r 2 a (3 TO’s)


    Great to see in a big game without their big dawg they laid down 👍

  3. I’ve stopped watching Clipper basketball — it’s better for my mental health.

  4. We are getting that 2nd half Sixers Harden that Doc was talking about now

  5. lolwtferic

    [me thinking about how many years the clippers have shaved off my life by being stupid, but also realizing it is helping me fast track the end of my existence on this dumb earth](

  6. Kawhi be like aight we up 20 imma clock out early whats the worst that could happen?

  7. Don’t know how to feel team just doesn’t look good another disappointing season

  8. Once Kawhi went out, the entire team went to cancun.

  9. shuckyduckquack2x

    And PG wonders why he hasn’t gotten a new deal yet. smh

  10. SirThixcksAlot

    It was expected for them to cool off a bit after the run they went on but they’ve been playing some embarrassing basketball the past month.

  11. floppelganger

    That was demoralizing. Holy titties. How many times do we have to watch this team crumble? So often throughout this era we get sequences where it’s just turnover, opponent-offensive rebound, turnover, bbq chicken defense, bricked iso, opponent-offensive rebound, turnover. It’s absolute garbage to watch. I can only wonder what Ballmer must be thinking watching this shit unfold courtside…

  12. WhyAmIAFanOfThisTeam

    In four seasons with Ty we haven’t finished above 4th once. Even Doc finished 2nd his only season with these two and they’ve been healthier this season. I’m just sick of this regular season bullshitting man and there’s no proof it’s going to change suddenly in the playoffs.

  13. BlackjackOC

    you know i don’t even really like basketball i think i’ll read a book or learn an instrument or something

  14. Salty_Watermelon

    First of all, I fucking hate that Bill Simmons was right to expect this team to collapse.

    Now, given that we’re almost definitely losing our upcoming game vs New Orleans (worse matchup than Minnesota, kn the road, 2nd game of b2b), is a 5th place finish now becoming a best case scenario for us? Any further slippage and we’ll need to count ourselves lucky just to remain above the play-in spots.

  15. Scoobersteve321

    Not gonna lie, that was a very disappointing end to a game that started perfectly.

    I will say, that first quarter that we actually had our best player in the game really looked like we had them figured out, forced them to go small after playing Gobert off the floor, honestly looked elite.

    Still, super lame and unfun game overall haha

  16. As a Clippers fan, um…hope springs eternal. Onto the next. Let’s hope Kawhi is alright.

  17. nepats523

    Championship teams find a way, but for the past two years this team finds ways to do the opposite. Crazy what became of the team culture they had from 20-21 and 21-22, although Im not going to pretend like the 20-21 was perfect either. But this is just awful and you could see it in bits and pieces like how awful they continue to start matinee home games against awful teams (and ironically showing up despite undermanned against the Bucks, which actually shows their pick and choose attitude). Need to bring consistent effort but we can barely keep our interest for half a game, and its costing us now. We did nothing to correct our bad habits from last season, and now it feels like we’re engulfed by them

  18. im_not_witty_

    What I miss the most about lob city was the fact that cp3 would never allow multiple games of us blowing 20 point leads in a few weeks

  19. Anybody else notice Edwards with a smirky ass smile when he mentioned kawhi was out?? Mf could not be any more annoying

  20. At this point, the Kawhi injury is what matters. Everyone is calling for Ty Lue’s head, but the question has to be why does Jason Powell still have a job. He’s never been able to help any Clipper stay healthy.

    This may also be the time for any other injured Clipper to say something. Namely Harden.

  21. shuckyduckquack2x

    I pray to God Kawhi’s not out for an extended period of time. Because if he is, we’re definitely dropping to the 5th seed. Maybe lower.

  22. Russ_Culture

    Harden flat out quit this game, he has no heart.

    PG with another shameless performance against a contender.

  23. Regardless of what happens with Kawhi it’s hard not to think this team’s season is over. There are four quarters in a game and this team can only ever muster 1-2. They’re old and increasingly washed. They’re comfortable and play with zero pride. Teams enjoy embarrassing them because they know that when the going gets tough the Clippers will fold. The team needs to move on from Ty Lue and really shake things up. Bring in someone who will expect something of the players.

  24. wolferan_maximus

    I’m a pretty positive fan on almost every game, even when the team does bad but not tonight. Tonight, I’m a very disappointed Clippers fan. We really are a mess as a team when Kawhi is out.

  25. littlebigdog92

    There’s a lot to be upset about rn. But the reality is, it looks like the 4th seed is our destiny. It is what it is. Just gotta pray the team can get back to peak performance and string together some momentum by the playoffs. Then just gotta hope for favorable matchups. But the guys are playing some really uninspired basketball atm.

  26. This team is old, slow and has no fight. We’ve been embarrassed on our home floor so many times post all star break and it continues to happen in big games. I’m concerned about the character of this team. Some might think that the vets will turn on a switch in the playoffs, I think the west is full of young hungry teams that’s passing us by. At this pace we’re going to be lucky to hold 4th and play the Pels rd1. And ya I’d rather play the Pels than the Suns

  27. PG had 5 turnovers? I could have swore he had a part in 8 of them

  28. RippedHookerPuffBar

    Once my roommate, who I told I was going to watch games until playoffs, told me we were up I knew it was over.

  29. IgnorantGenius

    This team thinks they can ride Kawhi, but don’t realize they are killing him.

  30. Prosado22

    They didn’t take care of the defensive boards and came back to bite them. Harden played his worst game as a Clippers, and PG allowed not getting calls to get to his head.

    I simply loathe the lack of pride in defense and getting defensive rebounds. None of the shots by Conly and Walker were contested.

  31. iamkarlhungus

    RIP my Clipper fandom (1999-2024). Don’t think I’m gonna tune in the rest of the year.

  32. Prosado22

    Not a single play was run with PG at the elbow. But I am most disappointed at Harden. No effort on defense and was playing dumb on offense. Too many turnovers.

  33. HotelSlight22

    We are a first half team. We have no urgency. We dont make adjustments. We are a bunch of losers. I understand why everyone hates the clippers now

  34. PeelADomenBail

    The only max Harden and PG getting is a maximum amount of good West teams’ Nutz in they fuckin mouth

  35. Hairy-Visual9664

    any of yall watching the TNT post game show?Candace Parker doubts Norman Powell’s ability to create his own shots and thinks hes more of a catch and shoot guy, what the hell she talking bout 😂

  36. Conscious_Chicken264

    honestly, we all probably should’ve just stopped watching when Kawhi left, there wasn’t anything to be gained from watching at that point

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