@Portland Trail Blazers

031124 The Blazers Balcony, Episode 116 | Portland Trail Blazers | March 11

031124 The Blazers Balcony, Episode 116 | Portland Trail Blazers | March 11

This is ran wher and you’re listening to the Blazers balcony with book Al Zen Dam and Casey Al greetings Blazer fans and welcome to the Blazers balcony episode 116 of the Blazers balcony I’m your host Casey holdall or your co-host Casey holdall I should say I’m joined by my

Friend and co-host and uh cooworker Brook endam Brook endam how are you doing I’m good I’m good it’s been a little minute since done this so I’m excited to to do it um I think we’ll talk about it at some point but last night I got to go to my first remix game

Which we’ve been talking about going to for so long but it worked out perfectly and it was it was a blast got to see FY on one side Greg Brown III on the other I was not I was not expecting that that was that was awesome I was like no way

Could um anyways I a bunch of players were there so I just wanted to share that I finally got you one and I highly recommend super fun wear my handr Nation shirt and got a chance to see a ton of people it was it was it was fun so I

Highly recommend yeah no I’ve uh I was able to get to a remix game recently as well my first one of the Year too which you know it it I understand why they do it but it’s kind of a bummer that they schedule those games on the same days as

Our games because or Trailblazers games I should say where it’s all it’s all one organization but yeah and some of the times on it too it’s like guys like are you are you trying to make it more difficult to get to some of these games

Like I I want to go to more and it’s in the neighborhood so I’d love to go to more but I was able to go to one last week I didn’t go to the one on Sunday I probably should have I probably could have Brooke um and if I had known you

Were going it probably would have sweeten the deal as well but um Brooke passing by my house to go to the game and and maybe waving as she’s she’s passing by here in North Portland um but yeah I’m glad you’re were able to make it broken yeah they’ve got a few more G

They’ve got h four more home games this year um so check the schedule if you haven’t already uh definitely get up there on the peninsula it’s great time up a lot of basketball at up this weekend too a high school uh basketball championship as well congratulations to Central Catholic was really rooting for

The for the Roosevelt R Riders nor Portland to get that Victory but uh Second Place ain’t bad either congrats to everyone uh all the high schoolers out there who competed this weekend and congrats to the uh to the remix as well did did they win yesterday Brook no okay

Congrats on on getting better than remix they were up no it was a great game uh they were up big and then uh Texas Legends came back and then uh I think they ended up losing by seven yeah five or seven but uh there’s a dunk by um oh

His name is escaping me right now I just play uh yeah he he was we had him for a minute yeah Taj yeah yeah Taj that was ridiculous so yeah that was that was wild so it was a good game they just didn’t they just ended up coming up

Short well and speaking of good game GE Portland Trailblazers getting a victory at home their first victory at home since July or same since July boy if they had gotten their first victory since July at home one why are we playing basketball in July and two too

That would be a really long time since January 31st uh Blazers getting their first home Victory on Saturday night versus the Toronto Raptors 128 118 in overtime uh had quite a few players come back for that game as well DeAndre eight and returning to the lineup fairly important scoot Henderson

Also returning to the lineup uh Delano Banton having a great game against his former team as well so really just nice to to get a win in that one Brook against a team that’s you know kind of in the same place as Blazers are at

Right now quite a few guys out of the lineup and kind of playing out the string a little bit here but trying to get better giving young guys minutes and uh I I thought it was a it was a real fun night at modus Center too I I I

Thought and you know they they’ve we talked about this a little bit they they’ve been playing better basketball lately you know obviously they got the the two wins in Memphis which uh Brooke was was in Memphis for those games um holding it down so nice work there

Brooke um and then you know given a good efforts versus the Timberwolves uh even though they weren’t able to win that game either and then same thing with Oklahoma City uh pushing OKC to the maybe not the limit but at least making them play hard all the way through the

Fourth quarter uh before falling by eight in that one uh and then you know versus the Rockets a little bit of a of a step back I would say they’re one 23 107 on Friday but then bouncing back the next night versus the Raptors again getting back DeAndre Aon getting back

Scoot Henderson you know at this point you know it when it’s just ant basically with a bunch of the the young guys which is what it’s been kind of back and forth in matis and an out lineup too that’s going to make it hard to win any game on

A night to night basis but you know when they have guys healthy and available you know they’re able to to at least give every team a run for their money and as we saw on Saturday night versus the Raptors uh actually able to go out and

Get it I believe that you know the Blazers I think went up by like 18 or 15 in that game in the first half had a great first quarter um and as is the case in the NBA as as the game goes on the other team is going to to make a run

And as the Raptors did uh Blazers able to to not get beat out in regulation and then uh blow the doors off in overtime actually uh so a fun night fun uh fun opportunity to get a win Brook and again after going you know over a month since

Having a win at Moto Center and even though the fans have been coming and and have been really supportive too like I I think you know and that’s not blowing smoke like it’s I’ve really been impressed by the by the support from from the fans this season particularly

You know here in the last couple weeks so to get that Victory finally at home it just it just felt nice and it was a it was a good feeling in the building it was a fun game uh you saw a lot of young guys play well again Delano having a

Nice night a guy that that the team uh acquired at the deadline um so you know just a nice little uh little fun opportunity to get a win and uh and see a good game at motor Center Brooke oh it was great it had it had it

All it was it was drama but then obviously the outcome was positive what you wanted but when when DeAndre Eon missed that S I mean I asked him about you know after I said have you ever been so sure a shot is going in that that didn’t because like the whole Arena

Thought thought it went in it was just you know in and out so that was dramatic and then it was fitting that then DA got the first bucket in over time and then yeah they you’re right they just pulled not only pulled away but just doin they

Dominated that overtime it was like oh okay Pew because you never know when you know get to overtime oh great this go this really could go either way depending on how the game went just so many factors so please just yeah anyways it was good I had I it was a much needed

Win and I’m very pleased that we got it and you’re right so many different performances Toano band’s totally been impressing me and an for’s been you know kind of in that shooting rhythm I love that he’s feeling more like more like himself but yeah you’re right and the

Whole I the fans are I completely agree with you they they are through and through and they they’ve been really fun to talk to because it’s just like again not about wins and losses about kind of more more even more so comaraderie at these games because you know you kind of

You’re all going through it together through the same thing but it was a great win I was I was so pleased absolutely well let’s go through a few things there you mentioned Brooke DeAndre Aton 30 points 19 rebounds in that game and 40 minutes in the victory

You’re right he had an opportunity to get kind of a little tip in from from a Chris Murray inbound if I’m not mistaken a very nice pass from Chris Murray too by the way uh to really give DeAndre a shot at that even though Kelly oen was basically holding his jersey down which

I had mentioned that someone was like no DeAndre is pushing off I was like from my view of my seat I can see exactly where they’re at and you could see the white of the undershirt that that DeAndre was wearing while oen was pulling down his jersey so yeah he was

Being pulled down there uh but you’re right he almost got that go went around I think twice and then rimmed out um but then as you mentioned bro getting a lob dunk to start the overtime and then really from there I think BL just scored the first seven points overtime and by

Like a minute in it was basically over at that point so um gandre coming back after an extended absence with that wrist or hand sprain that he had I I believe in the loss to the Miami Heat and he’s been phenomenal you know like like obviously when when he’s I think he

Missed five or four or five games with that injury uh but leading up to that he’s been playing really well basically double double machine right now and just really in in his rhythm right now went 14 to 25 from the field in that Victory versus the Raptors um and you know I I

Imagine if he’s able to stay healthy here throughout the rest of the season like we’re we’re going to see quite a we’re going to see dandre put up some numbers I I think and I think he saw in that Raptor game too that you know when

When things kind of started to to slow down a bit in the second half for the Blazers they were shooting the lights out in the first half you know in the second half you know some of those things are going to are going to even

Out a little bit but he he’s just a guy right now where I feel like it’s like just give him the ball like like you give the ball to DeAndre in the post or or even you know kind of free throw line extended right now and like he he’s

Money right now so like I I would really like to see them try to utilize him a little bit more particularly when it seems like the game is kind of grinded up a little bit one of the one of my complaints I would have about that

Raptor win is like at the end of the game it seems like they were just getting too guard heavy like going too much kind of trying to to get ice when it’s like look man none of these guys can can cover DeAndre like they they don’t have anyone out there that

Can stop him so let let’s just try to give him the ball a little bit so I I definitely think the the play of DeAndre before the injury and now even in that one game after the injury uh really really makes you feel good about kind of what what’s getting accomplished and

What we might see from him going forward yeah it was funny he said he’s he’s like I’m down the stretch my legs felt great I just you know it was he said it was um his wrist was bothering a little bit not too much but he’s like but my my legs

Felt you know like I like I was refreshed so that’s kind of the word we were using it looked like he was just ready to go like this game he had been waiting to put up numbers like this like this opportunity like it was just so

Much fun to watch and I I think he’s going to get every rebound and he does almost does and it just yeah I’m I’m just so pleased for for him he’s uh he seemed pretty excited about it after the game and he was excited before the game

To get back so if yeah that that can be a consistent um night in night out thing and I and I don’t see why I can’t I don’t see I don’t see why but he’s a definitely a weapon and youever seen him play the best basketball this season

It’s been fun he’s not a guy who shoots a lot of free throws unfortunately and you would you would like that he would get more but he hasn’t missed a free throw Brooke since uh January 24th no way yeah he is uh he did not miss a free

Throw in February and again he only he doesn’t take as many as as you might like but uh but when he’s when he’s getting them he’s making them so that that’s kind of fun uh but he averaged 17 points uh 11 rebounds one block one Steel in 30 minutes basically in the

Month of February and uh coming out strong here in the month of March after missing like I said for like four or five games with that injury so uh really great stuff from da in that game and hopefully some great stuff from him going forward another guy that returned

To the lineup scoot Henderson scoot had been out for a while with that abductor injur injury uh came back in the victory versus the Raptors is no longer I believe on the injury report either if he is I think he He’s listed as probable um so hopefully that that’s been sored

Away but uh I thought scoot you know looked very good out there as well a guy who you know I think when you’re looking for for things you really want to pay attention to in this last you know five weeks of the Blazer season I I think

Seeing what scoot’s able to to do out there is one of the things I think fans are probably the most interested in scoot going five- 12 from the field in that Victory versus the Raptors 13 points five assists and one Steel in 26 minutes probably a few more minutes than

They wanted to play scoot I think they would liked to played him more if he hadn’t been on a minutes restriction uh particularly when have an overtime game uh but they were able to to give him enough minutes while also not giving him too many minutes uh and still able to

Get the victory so uh nice to get scoop back out there and really just more than anything nice to just have the opportunity to get all those players out there at the same time and uh you know I I think it’s again when you’re when you’re looking for for things to pay

Attention to or to be interested in uh re to tune in in these last couple weeks of the season I think getting scoop back out there is one of the the main things you want to see and so to to have him out there and to look fairly healthy in

His first game back hopefully he’s able to you know put that that that issue behind him uh good things there Brooke and again something to to pay attention to I he didn’t start in that game I imagine he probably will get back into the starting lineup at some point in

Time um though the other thing is man D has been playing really well so um but also you know he’s scoot he’s the uh he’s the guy who took third in the uh in the draft he’s probably going to be the guy they’re going to give those minutes

Too I will say case that the Friday Saturday game which makes sense because it’s obviously Friday and Saturday it’s the weekend but everyone was so excited like fans and then when were just excited to be in the building and just there know and they didn’t many of them

Didn’t even know about Scoot and da yet so I was it’s always fun to be able we’ve talked about this before to be able to tell kids and fans like yeah scoot’s going because that happened with a couple uh young men that came up they

Like is scoot gonna play and I said and yes like they’re so excited and we he needs to he needs to play as much as he possibly can so I he’s a fun fun story but that was that whole night just seemed like it was going to be a special

Night just had something extra with the return of scoot and da and then of course the game was the game so yeah it’s fun story lines to follow and you got the other like tumani coming back he look great mati that one sequence last night matis is kind of the he’s been a

Go-to guy on both ends as he always has been but there’s been something extra little ele elevation in mati’s game the last couple games but yeah there’s so much to be to to root for so many people to root for and so many things to watch

For yeah I I feel like both uh matis and tumani two guys you both mentioned there both have really kind of stepped up their at least they’re scoring as of late I feel like tanii since getting back in the starting lineup has really been more I feel like he’s looking for a

Shot more he he had he took 10 shots in the victory versus the Raptors for 15 points nine rebounds four assists and a steel and it seems like he’s just really being more aggressive on on the offensive end I think you know initially when he was playing with those starters

Really trying trying to be more of a complimentary player which makes perfect sense uh a guy probably more just taking kind of corner threes and maybe putting the ball on the floor you know if the shot clock is down but it seems like more and more he he’s just been more

Aggressive kind of looking for his own shot and and and trying to be more Dynamic on the offensive end and you know same with matis like he’s he’s really been a guy recently too where it feels like he’s putting the ball on the floor more he’s trying to get to the rim

A lot more often and uh and it’s it’s doing good things for the team you know when particularly when kind of the game starts to tighten up a little bit you know you need guys on your team that are going to be able to create a little bit

And who aren’t necessarily just going to be reliant on Ant or or scoot or or malcol when he’s in the game to to kind of get them going or get them looks and so to to have those guys now kind of extend themselves out a little bit on

The offensive end uh I think makes a whole lot of sense and and I think it’s one of the reasons why the team has has been more competitive lately is because you have guys in tanii and matis who are who are giving you a bit more on the

Offensive end on a 99 basis and that’s been for the last couple weeks now I would say say um I would hope that’s going to keep up but that’s also been something to to to pay attention to too particularly Tani because I I mean like

I I think we all kind of know what matis can do and it’s just more kind of what what role he’s put into on a night toight basis I also feel like matis has done a really nice job of you know he’s starting some nights he’s coming off the

Bench some nights like he’s just really and and his effort and his his intensity is like the same on a night to night basis you know it’s like we’re some guys if they’re starting and come off the bench like you’re going to get something different from them and and you know

There there’s probably some truth to that in terms of matis but I would say much less than other guys like it seems like when when matis is out there you’re kind of just getting what matis has to offer regardless of whether or not he’s starting and then in tumani you know a

Guy who as a younger player I think it’s a bit easier for him to start or at least a bit easier to understand kind of what his role is and what he’s supposed to do when he’s out there with the starting unit and recently again like it

Really seems like he he’s found his Groove offensively and and is trying to to maybe spand that part of his game out a little bit which is a which again is a wise decision it’s not like he’s going to get pigeon hold as a three and D guy

In his Rie season but you know when the team is you have a lot of opportunity to to experiment I guess if you’re a Portland Trailblazer right now is what I’m trying to say and if you want to expand your game if you want to show you

Can do more things you know now is the time to do it and I feel like uh Tani is one of those guys that’s taking advantage of that and and we’ve talked about already but Delano Banton I mean we we talk was three-point shooting didn’t know that was in his bag if he

Was but uh yeah that’s been fun to watch too where he comes in we don’t know a t i don’t know a ton about his game I know he looks like I mean the athleticism with him like what is what is the word that Michael always slithery slithery

And I’m like yeah that is a good word slithery but then to shoot the three like that I mean that just very impressive so that can be on more consistent basis too you mention experimenting I think that was probably DB experimenting a little bit because he’s not usually someone who has gotten

The green light two two shoot threes or least at least uh very much supported to shoot three and I don’t think he’s had in the past so so that was that’s part where he’s kind of experimenting but yeah I think it’s that’s for everyone even after the game coach said thank

Goodness we won that because I might have looked back a couple times to like well why did I experiment there why did I do that there if you know he doesn’t end up in the wind so I think everyone’s doing a little bit of that kji staff and

The players too yeah which I I mean I I understand completely what chony was saying there but also it’s like chance you can experiment man like if yes be nice to win this game if we don’t and you felt like you got something out of it through those experimentations that’s

Probably the best way to go anyways but yeah I I it it is nice to get those wins because I always talked about it’s just way easier to teach after when when you haven’t won a home game in over a month particularly when you had an extended

Homeand or when you had one in February and you’re in the midst of one now that starts to feel a little bit weird for for players as well so so to be able to get that win versus the Raptors you’re you’re absolutely right Brook and also too when you look at Portland’s schedule

It’s getting pretty tough I mean you know it’s been tough all year long but when you look at some of the the teams are going to be going up against the number of road games are going to be playing it’s uh it’s going to be hard on

A night toight basis so getting the wins right now when you can makes a whole lot of sense and and you mentioned Delano Banton and you’re exactly right Brooke a guy who you know not known for his three-point shooting which is why I think he’s kind of still been kind of

Finding a place to to try to be first two seasons with the Raptors shot 26% from three then 29% from three in his second season with the Celtics I don’t even know if there’s really thing you can take from his stats with the Celtics he hardly played only appeared in 24

Games seven minutes a game shooting 133% from three with the Celtics now up to 37% in 12 games versus or for the Trailblazers from three and that’s the part of Delano’s game where you know if he’s able to develop a consistent three-point shot if he can be like a 35%

Three-point shooter and even that seems high like if he could be like a 33 or even a 32% three-point shooter you know with his size and his ability to get to the basket you know if he’s able to to improve his three-point shooting and improve his defense like Delano’s a guy

Who could be in the league for a long time and would be a a a guy that that other teams would be really interested in getting as opposed to you know the way the Portland got him was you know from Boston and the Celtics sent cash with Delano Banton so basically the the

Celtics paid the Blazers to take Delano Bon now they were getting some some cost savings too I imagine um from luxury tax but still long and the short of it is they sent him to Portland for nothing and as right now he looks like a guy who

Who is a useful player for this team and you know he he’s been starting lately I don’t know if starting is necessarily going to be kind of what Delano’s future is with with the trail Bladers at least or I mean it could be he’s still a young

Enough player to where he can he can still write that story but as a even as a guy coming off your bench as a secondary ball handler again as a guy who with some size can can play in different positions you know that’s those guys are incredibly valuable in

The NBA but the one kind of caveat there is that you have to be able to shoot the three you know like if you’re going to be a big ball handler you got to shoot the three which is why you know guys like ET you know Evan Turner guy we love

Like the fact that Evan just wasn’t able to ever really develop like a a consistent three-point shot you know that was the difference I feel like for Evan between you know the career he had which was a very good career and the career he might have been able to had if

He could shoot the three which I think would have been in excess what it was but you know if Delano was able to develop that that’s going to go a long way towards giving him a long NBA career and at least in his first 12 games with

The Trailblazers 12 games is a a decent sample size too and you know he’s he’s maybe being utilized a little bit differently than he might be otherwise because of injuries and I think you know what scoot comes back we’ll get a we’ll get another sense of how chant is going

To use Delano assuming that that scoot does go into that starting lineup but you know 12 games he’s taken you know about two and a half or excuse me he’s taken about three and a half threes a game and he’s shooting 37% on those through 12 games for the Trailblazers

Like that’s that’s great news for the Blazers and it’s really great news for Delano and if that’s something he’s able to keep up here throughout the rest of the season you know that player option he has I think probably becomes or actually I think it’s a team option in

Fact it is a team option that probably becomes a bit more valuable and uh and maybe you know an opportunity to kind of keep him around for a little bit longer if nothing else and see you know how he works with the the young team that they’re going to have going to next

Season as well yeah and I said this to coach um a couple games ago or after it was after Friday nights before Saturdays I said you know have you been I know you’ve been impressed with a lot of aspects of Delano’s game but just like on a overall level like just the

Confidence that’s not that the position he came in with it was in it’s just come in seamlessly but also like looks as though not only does he think he know he’s knows he belongs there he wants to show off that not show off but you know

Show that he belongs here it’s just I I don’t know if I would have that confidence i’ would be kind of like I got to figure out you know it takes a while to get to know like your team the new team the new offense the new

Coaching staff and he just come in right away and the confidence you can see it on the floor you can see it off the floor he exudes it and I I applaud him for that because you got to keep your confidence up and people always that’s

Kind of the key to it and look at what he’s completely done that and he’s been a star I I’ve just I’ve been so impressed with everything on the floor and off the floor conversations it’s just yeah applaud him for just coming in and taking advantage of the situation

Right off the bat yeah so far as I mentioned through 12 games Delano Banton averaging 14 points on 43% shooting from the field 37% shooting from three 66% shooting from the free throw line got to improve that Delano um to go with 4.5 rebounds 2.6 assists in 23 minutes per

Game so you’re exactly right Brook definitely giv the Blazers uh something they need right now and as we’ talked about over and over and over again in this league from guys like any number of of young players who kind of don’t get the opportunity that they would like to

Get early on in their career you know is sometimes it’s just about getting getting that chance and getting your foot in the door and getting the opportunity to play minutes and play through mistakes and I feel like Delano had mentioned that you know in the in the post game after the Raptor game

Which was that or actually maybe maybe it was the game prior to that versus the Rockets where he put up his career high that a lot of times it’s like you know he he understands that he’s getting to play a role right now that he has not

Gotten to play in the NBA and he knows that like the his his performance is a reflection of that and you know a lot of times for some guys until they get a chance to kind of get out there play some extended minutes and play through some mistakes which is what he talked

About he’s like you know when you’re when you’re a young player and you’re kind of On The Fringe of the rotation you know if you make one mistake you know you’re you’re going out of the game and you know you might not get back in the game it’s hard to keep your

Confidence and it’s hard to just prove that you’re supposed to be out there if you’re not having the opportunity to play through some of those mistakes and uh with blazers right now he does have that opportunity because you know they’ve got a lot of injuries and you

Know they’re really playing to kind of find out about some of these guys not so much about trying to get every single Victory so you know a very good situation for Delano and which and was also one of the reasons why I asked him you know when he got to Portland on a

Recent edition of the other podcast that we don’t talk about is that you know he came from the Celtics you know the team that the Blazers are are playing Monday night if you Happ to be listening to this on Monday as well you probably maybe know the outcome of that game by

Now and you know obviously the Celtics are a team that you know they’re competing for in Championship this year you know like they they it’s it’s very possible that the Celtics could win the championship this year but Blazers are are are not there but if you’re Delano

Bon you’re not really getting to play with with the Celtics would it be nice to be on a championship team absolutely but for your development like that’s not really doing a whole lot for you and particularly for for young guys who you know in a contract year and you

Know with a team option trying to decide whether or not A team’s going to pick him up yeah winning a championship would be awesome but if I’m just a fix to the bench it’s not doing a whole lot for my career and granted I’m a team guy so I’m

Going to be a team player player but is this really better for me at my point in my career to be on the Celtics than it would be to be on the team like the Blazers where yes am I going to win in Championship this year no they’re not

Even going to make the postseason this year but I’m getting an opportunity to play I I’m being able to develop my skills I’m having the opportunity to show what I can do in the NBA which I would not be able to do in Boston right now so you know that that’s always one

Of those things for young players I think that it’s it’s a bit conflicting I I think because it’s like one hand yeah you want to be on a successful team like everyone wants to win and like you the point of being on a team is to have Team

Success and so you want those things but also like it is a business and every roster is made up of a bunch of individuals and and each one of those guys has their their own desires and and wants and needs and and hopes and you know I I’m guessing that most guys don’t

Want to just sit on the bench while the their teammates go out and play extended minutes and perhaps win a championship and so you know I think it for young guys a lot of times it can just be a there’s a push and poll there between

Like well I want to have success on the team but I also want to have an opportunity to show what I can do because if I don’t get that chance to show what I can do I don’t get to extend my career and if I don’t get to extend

My career then I’ll never be on a championship team because I’m out of the NBA so you know it’s a it’s with Delano it really is a encapsulation of the situation that a lot of young players who are who are trying to make their way find themselves in and uh you know he

He’s gotten some of that with you know getting drafted by his hometown team and playing there for two years and and being in the g-league and then going to Boston again a team that’s had a lot of success this season but hardly got to play to being in Portland now where you

Know he’s getting opportunity to to show what he can do far more than any other place that he that he played either with the Raptors or the Trailblazers so uh a good opportunity for him a good opportunity for the Trailblazers and uh and it it’s really it really kind of

Brings into Focus why the team went and made that move at the deadline which is like hey Delo B let’s see if this guy’s got anything the Celtic’s willing to move him for for literally nothing let’s give that a try so uh so far I would say

That’s been a pretty good move for the Trailblazers Brooke I no complaints here bring in a guy that’s automatic offense and is having fun with this group there’s a shot of him last night after that and one or it was just he ran over the bench and all smiles yeah it’s a

It’s an opportunity that he’s taking advantage of like you said you can be on a team that’s seen success but if you’re trying to have personal development and personal growth to show what you can do I think you would choose more of the opportunity to play and and get better

And show not just get better but show what you have been working on or what you know you’re possible you’re capable of what’s possible for you and that’s what he’s doing right now so goodness to him and I mean people are taking notice that’s s sure you came right in and

People are like who’s this this B and everyone had like the first time they say it at least for me the last couple days it’s not been said correctly but it’s one of those names where you know it’s easy to throw a different letter in you know or swap some letters funny

People the the pronunciations and guesses for last name of Delano Bon have been entertaining this week but happy really what how how do people pronounce it if it’s not Banton um Blandon I’ve got a Blandon a ton I dad made up one last night that I had never

Heard but it’s I know it doesn’t sound it’s not like one that you look at and be like I don’t even know how to pronounce that not that but for some reason a lot of people are just putting different vowels in different positions for it you know we I’ll figure it out

Because I’ve heard that too and and but yeah it’s it’s always been a very straightforward name to me too but I there it’s always been like an interesting name to me too I mentioned that on on my rare TV parents the other day I was like Delano B is like a good

Name you know like it’s a solid name um I saw that you were on that how did that go I mean I knew you told me but then I got a chance to see it out of the corner I uh I didn’t watch it after the fact

But I think it went okay like they didn’t they didn’t get the hook out or anything so that was good I don’t I don’t think I got bleeped I there’s always like a moment after where I’m like did I curse like I don’t I don’t

Think I did but like I kind of do a lot so I I’m always concerned after the fact that like I I don’t think I said anything I shouldn’t have but I guess someone will let me know if I did was say you here so someone would let you

Know that’s for sure well there be plenty of opportunities for these young guys to like Dano and a lot of the other guys to to play here in this last five weeks of the Season TBL is entering and after a real kind of light and Breezy

February beginning of March not a not a ton of games or least games but like pretty pretty light days off in between uh Blazer is really starting a a busy section of their schedule right now eight games in the next 13 game excuse me eight games in the next 13 days 19

Games left in the season over the course of 35 days for the 2023 24 Trailblazers a lot of road games in there as well um so a lot of opportunity here to to kind of play if you’re if you’re a young player I would imagine you know they’re

Probably going to to start giving more minutes to to some of those young guys which they have already you know like Chris becoming a regular part of the starting lineup I’m curious you know if that’s going to continue with with scoot coming back into the lineup uh are they

Going to give that I think at this point in time Chris is kind of playing the three so they they might go that direction particularly while Jabari is is injured so maybe they come back with Scoot and Chris which makes some sense too obviously you get all the all the

Young guys out there at once or at least a lot of the own guys you drafted uh who didn’t get to play as much as maybe would have liked to begin the season have been playing a lot more lately um so a lot of again a lot of opportunities

For for young guys to to come in and play uh obviously as I mentioned they’re playing the Celtics Monday night curious to see who the uh the Celtics tried out there tonight they had basically their entire roster was healthy in their Victory wor the Suns a few nights ago

And then for the Blazers half their team is now listed as questionable uh one assumes it’s because they probably feel like they can get that Win Regardless um I would say not to be entirely certain about that Blazers again playing better basketball right now you have to

Actually you know you got you got to play them tough right now if you want to be Portland in my personal opinion um then they they host the Hawks and then our good friend Josh Hart and the New York Knicks before heading out to see

Our good friend CJ in New Orleans and I don’t think we have anyone in Chicago or that’s not anyone that I no good friends there no in on there and then they come back for three games at home before heading out for that long uh 15-day

Seven game road trips so uh a lot of a lot of the games coming thick and fast here Brooke uh after again it was a I felt like it it was a pretty light obviously we we didn’t travel a whole lot in February I didn’t travel at all

In February and uh even those of you who did only a couple games there um but now a chance to really kind of get get basically every other day they’re playing a game and uh you know that’s that’s a lot of times when uh when you’re young guys you know that that

Gives them a chance to to play and play regularly and you know probably in a whole lot of not a whole lot of practice time in between those uh those games but but also like at this point time in the season like it’d be nice to practice but

Also like if you don’t if you kind of know what’s going on at this point like you’re probably not going to figure it out in the next five weeks anyways so uh chance for for a lot of uh a lot of young guys to play a lot of minutes and

Again that’s something where you know as you’re as I’m looking for things to kind of pay attention to in these last five weeks that’s that’s kind of where my interest goes to First is is these young guys and also like it’s Shan going to be

Able to get back out there you know they they keep saying that he wants to come back and and that they want to have him back he’s healthy um so I’m curious about that too uh and there’s going to be a lot of games for him to play if he

Wants to because again they they have a whole lot of games um in the next five weeks before wrapping this thing up yeah um Shaden by the way also at the Rip City remix game oh nice yeah I forgot about him um so yeah from everyone I’ve

Talked to that has talked to him and him personally the time of uh Shaden coming back all arrows point to they want to get him some a couple games under his belt some refs towards the end of the season and why not I think it’s a smart

Thing to do I mean might as well and shanen I know is itching into play I we’re not saying he for sure is going to but if possible if he’s cleared he is he is a strong yes he would like to come back and I think it’s just a good thing

For Shane just to get some rep STS the end of the season too but yes a perfect opportunity for young guys that’s what we’re kind of doing the rookie showcase this week for lasers broadcasting we’ve been talking about a different uh guy each day and then I talk to him so it’s

Everyone has a different story and fun to root for in different ways and reasons why so I’ve been telling people that too that maybe have been a little frustrated so just you know these guys are really fun to watch and their their stories are uh pretty impressive

All all different but there’s there’s a lot of guys it’s easy to root for so take this time to to you know keep an eye out on Tani’s deflections on matis deflections just fun story lines that you enjoy that I think that and then the young guys just taking advantage of it

Yeah the only other thing I would say to other than the young guys the thing that I’m kind of interested in paying attention to is the uh the friendship between Jeremy and matis want to do something about that here sometime in the not too distant future um they I

Mean you know they’re they’re guys kind of similar points in their careers uh particularly you know playing being veteran guys who are who are playing with a lot of young guys but um both have kind of view the world kind of a little little differently I think than

Than maybe your average NBA player does um both have interests I think you know a lot a lot of guys have interests but they they have kind of disperate interests that I think is uh kind of interesting and they they always like make a point of like leaving the locker

Room together and they they come out together during games um so I’m going to I want to kind of get to the bottom of that a little bit but uh it’s been fun to to see those two guys kind of uh hang out together and and do things together

And kind of talk about stuff in the locker room and you can always tell that like they’re they’re kind of they’re they’re talking about things in front of other people that like we don’t know exactly what they’re talking about which is always kind of fun too so um so yeah

That’s a that’s what I’m paying attention to the young guys and the uh the Jeremy mati friendship I like that I’m also paying attention to Da coming back and if he’s able to continue to play at this level I mean I don’t know if you can sustain 30 and 19 but just I

Mean to go out there and watch him offensively and just crash the boards it’s really it’s really beautiful things especially that 3019 game but if he can continue to just even do half of that I mean he had a double double at halftime but just the way that he’s coming along

So quickly since his return it’s been fun fun to watch so it’s like kind of I guess my my take is I want to keep keep watching da and watch the growth there and watch the chemistry build that you know they they haven’t had a chance to

Build because of injuries so I’ve been watching da I’m happy for him yeah da you’re you’re exactly right broke da definitely a guy to to pay attention to and uh and then kind of the the subtext of that too is kind of the the chemistry

With with ant and now that he’s back and healthy and you assum he’s going to be starting with scoot you know like because I think you know going into next season when you’re when you’re thing looking at things and being like what’s kind of what’s what’s something they’re

Doing now that they’re probably going to be doing next season as well the guard play and the the in play between your Center and your point guards that is something that that I think you can count on next season The Ant and Scoot are going to be playing with DeAndre

Aton so you know I think that that that is definitely something to to pay a lot of attention to as well and I also think to the play between ant and Scoot you know I feel like that’s been a little rough both of those guys kind of cussing

On balls the ball in their hand rough is probably too strong of a word but it just I I think they’re still kind of learning how to play alongside each other because they they do a lot of things kind of similarly so uh that that’s also something that I’m I’m quite

Interested in as well is what are those guys how how are they able to play alongside each other and are they able to to kind of figure out like what what’s the what are some of the benefits of having a backourt with an Scoot and maybe what are some of the things that

That you need to mitigate when those guys are out there together so and then obviously you have Shaden who you would assume that if Shaden was healthy he would maybe playing one of those guard spots and then you have to decide like well is it going to be Ant or is it

Going to be scoot like are are they going to do a three guard lineup are they’re going to try that again shanon’s got the size he can probably play the three but then does that make you UND siiz at the one and the two a lot of

That stuff that again I I think they would have liked to I think they probably have ideas about all those things I think they would have liked to have been able to see actual play on the court that can validate some of those opinions or or at

Least change the way they think about some of those opinions that they might have U to your point Brooke haven’t really gotten to see that so in these last couple weeks of the Season hopefully they will be able to see some of those things that would be the the

The best I think way for the season to end for the TR Blazers would be to just have a maybe just a couple weeks where everyone was healthy and and not even actually not even everyone just the young players too like the the more veteran guys you know I think you could

Probably make an argument at at some point in time maybe it might make some sense to to maybe get those guys some rest going into next season make sure that you know no one suffers anything going into into next year going into this offseason which I think is going to

Be a pretty important offseason for the Trailblazers probably have a couple pieces of business they might need to get done so you don’t want to do anything that’s going to put that in Jeopardy um but you would like to see the young guys get healthy and then play

Alongside each other and show kind of what this team might look like next season and in Seasons going forward and so again when you’re when you’re deciding like what am I going to tune in tonight what am I going to am I going to

Maybe go out and and see if I can catch the Blazer game you know if you’re someone who’s really interested in in what young players are are in how young players are developing and what you might see from this team going forward I I would say that if they’re able to get

Everyone out there and generally healthy um now would be a good time to see those things which we were hoping to see earlier in the season justtin pan out that way but it’s not done yet we might get some of that that work accomplished here before the end of the season I

Hopefully they can Brooke well that’s a good place to stop on this edition of the Blazers balcony we’ll be back next week um I guess from the road yeah I guess we’ll be out there we haven’t done a a same place Road Edition Brooke in in

Some time now so been a minute February we were Lu so lucky to be home for so long but it up too yeah so uh we uh as I mentioned quite a few games this week Celtics Monday nights and then another back toback a lot of Home backto backs

In this stretch too maybe that’s why it feels like they’re playing more games just cuz it feels like we’ve had backs lately uh so Celtics Monday night Tuesday night off Wednesday versus the Hawks Thursday versus the Knicks fly out to New Orleans on Friday to play the Pelicans on Saturday 4:00 start time

That one a little bit earlier on that one Saturday start time and then a Monday night game in Chicago 5:00 start time for those of you back here in Portland before coming back as I said for three games back toback or not back toback consecutive games verus the

Lakers and then the nuggets as I mentioned schedule getting much more difficult before heading out once again on the road but we’ll talk to you multiple times before we head out on that extended road trip thank you so much for joining us as always uh thanks

To everyone who uh gave uh who bought a broke heart your heart hat hat or donated money or just did whatever thank you very much and we will talk to you all next week peace out Oh Crazy

On this edition of The Blazers Balcony podcast, Brooke Olzendam and Casey Holdahl discuss…

• The Trail Blazers getting their first home victory in over a month Saturday night versus the Raptors in overtime

• Deandre Ayton returning to the lineup and picking back up right where he left off

• Scoot Henderson returning to the floor on Saturday after sitting out since the All-Star break with an adductor injury

• Dalano Banton continuing to impress in Portland, especially with regard to his three-point shooting

• Toumani Camara and Matisse Thybulle being more aggressive on offense

• Brooke goes to her first Rip City Remix game


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