@Toronto Raptors

Competing with the Nuggets & NBA MVP | Raptors Show Full Episode

Competing with the Nuggets & NBA MVP | Raptors Show Full Episode

Hello and welcome to the Raptor show on the sportsite radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new chunky spicy soups time to get fired up make sure you find the Raptor show wherever you list in to podcast subscribe rate review the program I’m your host way Lou we

Continue to have a rotating cast of co-hosts joining me today JD bunkus hope host of the JD bunkus show what’s going on JD you were like hope it goes well I was cop between two mon hope it’s all right who who’s the Chunky Soup quarterback to

You you got to explain that one to me man oh see like Chunky Soup used to always have like Donovan McNab their spokesperson now they got me well yeah that’s what I’m saying now to some kids to Young Raptors fans you are their Donovan MCN like all right but then they

Started to go through it and it was like it was a a badge of honor to be like who is really the clubhouse leader of being the Chunky Soup quarterback or the Chunky Soup football player yeah it’s you okay yeah I feel like I quarterbacked this show as I bring us

Back to this um JD I appreciate you first off I I understood that I mean I didn’t I wasn’t made aware of this fully but when I said I was like hey you know Blake’s going to be away for another week let’s let’s go through a couple

More ideas for co-host and I threw your name out there and I I reached out to you and not to make you brag on my show right now but one of the things you told me was I’ve always wanted to do this how long have you wanted to do this bro you

You’re we work in the same building we could have just grabbed you at any moment it’s not but it’s not the same time and you guys have one of the things I love about your guys’ show is that it’s like you not only get the biggest

Names like once in a while you’ll end up being like oh crap Adam Silver’s on yeah okay it happened once but that’s okay yeah but hey that’s more times than it happened with me shouts to danelli once again okay ultimate assist the closest I got to Adam Sil was when it was weekend

And I walked near him that’s it like I walked in his presence that’s the closest I got to it but yeah you guys do a good job of having a real Community feel to the show where it’s like okay it’s it’s these people it’s like characters so it feels familiar like one

Of the things I like doing with your show is knowing who’s on what days of the week yeah and when you’re listening to me a a sign of a good show like a good podcast good I don’t know what you call what do you call yourself now it’s

A podcast to me still still podcast at heart yeah I think that if you’re a true podcast than everything’s a podcast everything’s a podcast yeah yeah it’s everything’s a podcast it’s the right way to be think sometimes I feel like in real life I’m doing a podcast like I

Can’t I can’t tell when the content ends and real life begins and that’s a real problem I got to work up you know what the real problem is is when you start doing jokes with your friends and you think you’re like a standup comic and you’re like that’s a bit like that’s

Something or you have a sports conversation with someone you’re like are you going to use that is is that your thing has somebody else said that before has anyone else done that on a pod being friends with a podcaster is insufferable for yeah it’s annoying but

A good podcast you want to feel like you’re hanging out with someone I think that the biggest sign of respect biggest sign of respect the podcast can have is if you’re listening to it and you feel like desperate like you want to weigh in on something like you’re listening and

You wish that if it was like us to right now we were sitting at a bar and you’re having a chat and you know when you overhear people having like an interesting conversation like I was at a bar on Saturday or was was it sunny out

No was it was dark it was dark and Drury it was a rainy night my friend but I was listening to two guys talk about the Inu fight okay and one of the guys was Irish so I automatically gave him like this guy knows what he’s talking about he he

Knows yeah he know he know so I’m listening I’m kind of like EES dropping not really listening to my friend and all of a sudden I wanted to like interject cuz I’m like this is a good conversation so a good podcast has that feel but you feel familiar with the

Characters and I think you guys do a good job of that thank you man I appreciate that honestly like I’ve always felt that when I went on your show the thing is like you know uh like I’ve done lots of guest hits on the station on other people’s podcast things

Like that um I just appreciated that usually when I went on yours first off I felt like I ate up the whole show but it was good that we were able to engage in conversation that sometimes was like really analytical or like this is we got

To get in the weeds with something but also sometimes it’s just like it’s conversational and we’re going back and forth with some of these ideas and that’s kind of what I wanted to do here today was obviously we’re going to talk about the game the Raptors played last

Night against the Nuggets Raptors lose once again but it felt like a win all right the the best loss I’ve ever had you know that was one of those games uh we’re going to talk to Dwayne Casey he’s actually going to call in um former Raptor’s head coach former Dwayne uh

Former Detroit Pistons head coach as well just ask him about I mean look there’s lots of things to ask on a radio program about the Raptors with Dwayne Casey so we’ll call Dwayne Casey at 2:30 and then 3:00 we’re just going to like honestly go back and forth talk about

The league talk about the Raptors in general but typically speaking there’s there’s little story lines that I always come out of our discussions and I’m like you could you can approach I guess a Raptor’s discussion or just like doing radio in this specific way M and even

Though for me I was like you know we were able to get into all the details but I also left with more questions so hopefully that’s my goal for today’s show dude that’s the best that’s the best thing that you can end up having now we’re in a compliment off yeah end

The compliment off well okay fine to to change that before we get to the the Denver Nuggets um I think if you are going to come on the rapor show you do have to answer for a couple of things okay I I did not tell you this is going

To happen but I did put in down and you could have looked at the rundown but didn’t I didn’t end up looking at the rundown because Fabro pulled me into his office and was like can you talk to me about uh the things that he he cares

About and I didn’t and I was like yeah all right let’s go yeah that’s uh that’s that’s our boss um so number one you got to apologize for the Austin Matthews Raptor tweet the infamous one that that six Buzz uh that that six Buzz put out there so for the context I never

Apologize the context here this is from noted news publication 6buzz okay everybody in Toronto especially of a certain Agee understands what this is the Tweet with the blue check mark says JD bunk has recently stated on sportset yeah that he would rather lose the entire Raptor’s organization than Austin

Matthews so I I can’t really let you go on with until you clarify the statement so first of all I actually thought that the thing I said that was far more offensive in the joke was right after that and I remember you say afterwards man I said that the way that Austin

Matthews was playing that he should get Braveheart rules where it’s like he shows up at your wedding and he’s like I’ve actually decided that I’ll be first with your wife wow all right I was like that’s how good he was playing in the city of Toronto the brave heart rules

The Braveheart wedding rules I was like okay so we avoided that one um I’ve always had that joke with my friends I bet you if you look up this is actually more probably more embarrassing than tweet itself I bet you if you look up my Twitter handle and like fold the

Franchise that it comes up way too frequently like fold the franchise you know I might do this right now so this is uh this is again you already put yourself out there as not like a major football guy yeah yeah there was a Monday night game between the Chicago

Bears and the Arizona Cardinals and I want to say 0607 it was when Tony Kornheiser was doing uh the was doing the color for Monday Night Football which was crazy now in hindsight like they just kept going through like all these different casts yeah right and there was a kick

They were they were going to kick it to Devon Hester who was the greatest kick returner of all time uh the Bears yeah yeah and they’re like the Cardinals had this big lead and Tony hor Heiser goes if they kick it to Deon and give up this

Lead they had a massive lead they should board up the stadium and fold the franchise and they kicked it right to Deon Hester and he ran down the field and he punched one in and the Bears W and you might know cuz the Cardinals coach at the time he had the famous clip

Afterwards of and we let him off the hook yes yes yes that’s from that game oh okay okay good good good full the franchise became like part of the Lexicon of the friend group in got what was first year university and every time like a team was bad you’d be like and

Then you fooled the franchise yeah you used that as like hyperbole Matthews was playing so good and I’m like yeah old I I don’t even know I went through probably like eight different things that they should do for Austin Matthews and one was full the Raptor franchise

And what’s funny is when I first saw it my first thought was 6buzz did this amazing Drake might see my name you’re sick man you’re a SI I was like I was like Drake might see this Drake follow six he probably did he honestly and he

Probably hates my guts cuz he just read it and he’s like this man is serious so yeah I was like all right I think anytime you say a J you will so this was a joke this is a joke right well I mean of course okay good good that’s all

That’s all you know Raptor fan base like can be quite sensitive and not sensitive just like protective I think protective I think both okay oh I think both I actually I said protective to be clear I said protective but you know what I will

Say is like I I love Raptor fans I think that there is a protectionism that comes with being a blue jays fan and a raptor fan that is different than being a Leaf’s fan like a Leaf’s fan you’re Top Dog right you’re top do in the country

All the coverage is about you you’re the Lakers essentially the main media coverage comes from here with the Raptors there’s always like an inferiority complex that happens same with the Blue Jays right if you get disrespected as you get put it like you get overlooked on a list or someone

Doesn’t put you on something you get mad right it’s also the Canada little brother the us thing 100% you remember Middleton versus dear was like one spot and people were like we can’t stand for this I mean I think to go I couldn’t stand for it because I never like

Midleton’s game guess what we have a segment coming up later I had to Omit his name he would have been on the old he would have been on the old list for we have a segmenters we have a segment coming up that’s basically just let me hate on these players yeah I’m actually

Quite excited to do it I’m excited to see how many of these guys actually link up with you or who actually syncs up with you oh I hate that guy too yeah Chris Middleton was you know were my meling on that we do but I do think that

That’s in general there was like a feel from the fan base that’s like if you take a shot at the Raptors you’re taking a shot at all of us all of us I just would have thought that as someone who did a basketball podcast for like purely basketball podcast for what like six

Years someone who here at the station had always been like we got to do more Raptor content we got to be doing Raptor stuff is that said often in this company in your experience no okay but I feel like I set you up with that one sorry I

Could say I was that person for a long time in the building when it first came to like radio andos man radio used to be afraid to do a lot of raptor stuff they were like you’re going to lose it you got to do be doing Leafs you got to be

Doing Blue Jays like that’s it right it’s those two things that are moving the dial Raptors are too Niche remember when I first started doing this I was like no we got to do more raptors raptors are good got to be more Raptors got when I first showed up the station

People were calling it shooty Hoops that’s that says a lot but yeah that says a lot yeah dude are we on dangerous territory we’re not on dangerous Terr anyways all I’m saying is I would have thought like you know what people know me as a basketball person you’re like

Nobody knows you you’re nobody this is six buuz this is going to millions of people so yeah that one went from haha to oh my God this is overwhelming but you know what was the best yeah did you read the quote engagements oh some but then you’re like it’s poisonous bro you

Start reading some and you’re like oh yeah you can only take so much of a beating where you’re like okay and then you know what CU everyone I know from Raptor’s Twitter is on this quote engagement like I recognize most of these faces my family’s in here hey guess what

I was going to say I tried to remember some some people took shots where I was like I’ll never forget your name did or not to be honest actually no I don’t think I did but I mean I think we were working at the station at the same time

Together you know you and I had a conversation you remember what one of the first times I got aggregated was actually about you say trading Kyle Lowry what’ you trade KY Lowry for no I didn’t trade Kyle Lowry I did a podcast where I was like it was when the Raptors

Went on the West Coast Road Trip it was when I was still doing free association and they didn’t have Kyle and it was early days they played Portland and they had this gutsy game against the Blazers and they had just gone on this like what year is this 18

No yeah uh and they they were like oo the Raptors could be like in a pivot point uh and I we did a a thought exercise of should the Raptors trade Kyle Lowry and that went out someone wrote like an article off of it or like

Aggregated it oh I remember this yes I do remember this I might have dunked in you then honestly yeah but the crazy thing was the podcast the whole thing was that was just the question of the Pod and then both Donovan and I were like yeah absolutely not you can’t do it

Like it’s kind of actually a crazy thing but it’s something that popped up I think there there is something to the idea of social media um where you essentially want to there are people actively looking for like Chum to like for all the sharks on Twitter to like

Quote retweet it 100% you know what I mean so I’m not saying this was not a joke I mean I’m not saying that this was like inside and serious like I know this was a joke and this is why I asked you this but uh yeah that was the number one

Thing people are like hey hold J’s feet to the fire bro people got mad you know what’s crazy though is that that has like lasted for me I went to go speak at a school once and the first thing was like a kid asked me he was like why do

You want to fold the Raptors I was like oh my God see you you don’t understand six Buzz to torontonians is like wo to MBA dude again the the craziest thing is I guarantee you that had it been the other way around had it been like kawai’s leaving what would you do to

Keep Kawai I would have been like I’ll fold the mate beliefs I’ll 100% that’s what I’m saying I would done this exact same bit about any single team I just don’t think that uh with Raptors fans it came off different it was like oh man how dare you how could you do the

Disrespect how could you say that you do this because I think that the the thing that first started here in this city which was when the Raptors came in and man like Alex’s book like it really points us out like you forget what a like Mickey Mouse operation this thing

Was like sky games and like basically being completely little brother to the Maple Leafs like you had to buy Raptor tickets to get Leaf season tickets yep yep that it takes more than a generation for that Stu to go away you know what I mean and I think that sometimes maybe we

Discount that as media members I’m not saying you I’m saying other people that have been doing it a little bit longer where you’re like oh yeah this is fine and everybody gets it and that’s the joke but that the little brother hey this is a Leaf’s town and your sport

Doesn’t belong on this network or get talked about as much as the other sport like I don’t know if like I think that lingers and so when somebody sees a joke like that even though for me I’m like oh this is totally harmless like who gives

Crap what are you talking about this is like an out the whole point of this bit was to be like as outrageous as possible to incite like how you know much you’re feeling about how someone’s playing in the moment that for some people that they’re like you know what this is my

Like the Raptors are a big part of my identity I love this team they’ve done a lot for me and so what you’re saying is something you know is is it basically still big media saying like we don’t take you seriously for hockey so I think

It just Taps into a whole bunch of like the past here no it was look listen I mean for people who know you like you you’re actually a true Hooper like this man he’s such a true Hooper you’re hooping in Yukon yes I used to shoot

Free throws in the driveway like with uh winter time as cold as it gets because in my mind it was always like you’re the only one out here doing this meanwhile discounting the fact that there was a globe know like you know what iting the world I got more questions about what

Was like growing up in Yukon than I do about your Raptor fandom okay so Raptors lose last night 125 119 against Denver like I said a loss so good it felt like a win which is kind of really sad but that’s where we’re at right now the

Opposite really that one kind of crushed me in a way that I didn’t know I still had feelings left for the RS okay it crushed me when I saw the whole lead go away and the Raptors were up 20 yeah and they lost it Denver was just knocking on

The door the Raptors made a couple threes to maybe like delay the inevitable but it was inevitable and then once Denver took the lead even though RJ kept scoring towards the end and we’ll start with RJ but generally speaking that game was kind pred decided honestly and the third quarter the

Raptors just made way too many errors um to to sort of let the Nuggets uh build a lot of momentum RJ though finishes with 26 7 and N where are you at with the RJ’s future like role with the team like are you very comfortable with him being

Here long term now especially because every game it feels like he’s got 20 plus and he’s efficient so I’m an RJ fan okay uh I think probably on the spectrum of like what he’s shown so far and in his NBA career I’m still in the like I haven’t fully

Letting go of what RJ we we kind of hoped he would be when he was at Duke okay you know what I’m saying like I still have the when he was the third overall pick and people are going ah this is so disappointing for the Knicks

I still had that hope of like we’ll see sure I he was the number one like Prospect going into college going to Duke that year not just that but yeah like I’m a huge Canada basketball fan yeah and RJ represented a turning of the tides with the program

He’s going to be there okay like all these other guys he no other choice his dad is L the GM and his Godfather Steve Nash like he’s going to be the beginning of Canada basketball a prince correct and so to me it’s like RJ carried something special that we hadn’t had

Since Wiggins at Kansas where he was Maple Jordan and we got to all those televised games and everybody watched him on tape delay whatever he was like yeah he was the prince that was promised RJ Barrett so I still have those like lingering feelings towards him which I

Think probably make me a little bit more forgiving of the mistakes but do you feel Vindicated watching what he’s doing with the Raptor because like the fact that he had 26 seven and N is like really imp like if Scotty had 26 7even and N we talked about this for 20

Minutes but with RJ it’s still like oh do you believe it yeah but here’s the thing is just with the Raptors this year are you a good stats bad team guy because with RJ it was a good game but then also and it’s not like anybody’s perfect right like other than basically

The guy that Raptors were playing the the seven-footer the Serbian you’re like this guy’s a robot he never makes mistakes but even in that game like there were some questionable decisions from RJ where I went like it’s the the game is turning right in the third driv traffic yeah he’s driving into traffic

Sort of like not with a plan like I’m just going to attack and he does have a stubbornness about his game which I feel like helps him get to the rim as often as he does but it also means that if they cut you off then you are also

Usually stuck so I think that’s why Darko keeps talking the idea that we want to he’s really been hammering the whole like I want you to average like seven assists I don’t think he actually expects him to average seven assists like like LeBron could average seven

Assists you know what I mean but I think with with RJ he’s looking for him to make more of those balanced reads because you’re right actually he did play a really good game but then that third quarter when they desperately needed somebody to turn around it was

Like Bruce Brown just like I first of all I don’t know what Bruce Brown’s purpose is the two adults the two adults were the worst two players during that stretch exactly and and and so like that’s that’s the reservation I have at times with where I’m like okay here’s

The things you never need to question the motor it’s always going to be there he loves to play everybody that I texted that was either a Knicks fan or a person that has covered the Knicks or who just watches a ton of Knicks games when the trade first happened the same thing

Comes back where it’s like lunch bucket guy who loves his job and shows up to work with the same energy every single day which was I thought an important component of the trade is you’re going to be a bad team yeah you need some competent guys but you also need some

Culture Setters who are happy to be here in whatever role they have and never going be Mal that’s why they got Kelly as well exactly he’s not a Mal content oai and Noir are both like their dads were friends with MSI yeah I’m not even kidding when I say this they’re all in

The same uh uh WhatsApp group I’m not even kidding their father’s and MSI I got to tell you that’s my biggest fears with messai and so hearing that is like I didn’t know like no I didn’t like that one I I don’t want any type of uh yeah

Advantage in uh meritocracy which is team sports uh but anyways who that’s how the world works man let’s be honest especially here in Toronto I like RJ but I think that he ultimately does sort of top off to me anyways as a good six-man who can run a second unit who’s going to

Be able to score who’s going to be able to buckets but then can flip up into a top unit and not look out of place but ultimately like if you’re relying on him in crunch time minutes on a finals team I’m not sure if I no that’s fair on a

Finals team absolutely that’s well that’s what the event goal is right like do you think RJ could have played for what role what do you think he would play on the Nuggets that we just saw what he prac I don’t think he’s no I don’t think he’s I actually starting

Five I guess is different but closing Five I don’t think okay is the thing like what does he do God I hate that I feel like I’m here’s the thing you you’ve already said that you are a big fan of RJ you’ve been a big fan of RJ we just saw him

Have a really good game yeah but I think we’re just sort of looking ahead a little bit and I think for me I had some more thoughts of like defensively you know what I mean like I think you can be a little stronger there the playmaking

The sense of the moment can be a little stronger there but those are things that I think honestly he can reasonably improve like he’s 23 years old I’ve seen lots of 23 year olds become a lot better defensively when they get to 27 or 28 and I don’t think R.J is starting at

Such a low level like you know when Demar started it was like all right man this guy is like really he’s giving away like 90% of his points that he scores on defense yeah RJ is probably like maybe giving away 50% but I do think that he

Can get to neutral and then that’s where he T himself to become more of like a net positive type of player if you think that then I think you can see him in a closing lineup one of those teams yeah like to me I I don’t think he’s ever

Going to be a plus Defender and he would be someone that if I had to picture him again on a finals team or floor I have a hard time thinking that he wouldn’t be the guy that opposing offenses don’t attack I don’t know I I’ve yet to see

The teams like specifically attack RJ but then again when you’re going against against the Raptors right now you can attack anybody I was like who’s on this you’re right they’re not do it on this team because he might be the best defender on like dude they were throwing

Him against Zion they were like all playing the Falcons tonight RJ you’re playing Zion yeah yeah that was uh that didn’t that didn’t work look RJ I just I think like to put it this will be my last football reference go ahead man I like it you you do versatility on your

Show you do like every single sport I think but like he’s a change of pace back so it’s like the other guy to come in and give you a little bit of a different feel and I think that’s ultimately what his ceiling is as a player is like he’s an elite change of

Pace back who you bring in who can give Tempo to your offense who can give you like a feel of this guy can run it this guy is going to get other players involved good transition player um but I just I don’t know if the jump shot’s

Ever going to get to a point where you’re like like have you ever felt like yes RJ shooting yeah that’s the thing I’ve caught I’ve caught a little Flack on this people like you know he shoots 4% will what do you want from him I’m like dude I that’s exactly what I want

For him but I still sometimes don’t buy it you know what I mean like it’s just when you watch warmups and stff like that it’s it’s it’s off to the side you know but again these are things you can nitpick the thing is the core of what he

Does is actually a really effective player so I agree you know that’s why not even that surprised that he had a 267 to9 I also loved his quote this is from uh our teammate Michael Grange who said after the game that RJ walked past uh Darko and RJ obviously was out the

Last couple games with the flu or whatever he was he was sick but uh graen just happened to be there as RJ walked past and RJ told Darko I gave you everything I had I love that but that’s what I’m saying I yeah okay there’s a nobility to him man he’s the prince

We’re a segment later about and and one of the premises is I can’t stand watching basketball players who I don’t think make winning plays that are out for themselves it’s the same thing like if you play pickup you play any level there’s the people that you hate playing

With because it’s just like man you know are you trying to get a highlight right now even though there’s no one filming CU there’s lots of guys that do that yeah and with RJ Barrett I don’t think you ever have to question that he’s giving you his all I don’t think that

You ever have to question that I never questions intentions one watching him play I just think the guy wants to win he’s a winning basketball player I do not think that it’s a bad thing to have him on your basketball team all I just again if you’re trying to slot him in is

Like okay well what’s the future I don’t think that he’ll ever be a number one which is pretty like who is right dude I mean yeah I don’t think the expectation is that I think my question was like can he be a number two or even number three

I think three is the ceiling okay personally yeah like if you if you had to ask me like you know full truth serum I think he’s a three on a good team offensively BL all right oh yo Melo no that was Melo Melo Melo did kind of went

After but see I got protective and then but what happened points right or what he did really have like a six-point game right afterwards but he’s typically been really reliable okay we got like two minutes of about Grady di 17 points seven assists four rebounds dark gave

Him a lot of compliments after the game he said uh a lot of things he’s been working on off ball screens how to set up his man how to play off of them he’s really starting to master those situations and I thought for me the big

Takeaway last night for Grady is he got to 17 points and seven assists only made two yeah that means he was doing a lot of other stuff and I know that every time there’s one of these guys it’s like you know the such a strong push to be more

Than a shooter more than a shooter it’s LeBron’s more than an athlete but for for wide Shooters it’s it’s more than a shooter okay you know what though can I say that I did have the thought watching some of the plays he made yesterday going like he’s not just Kyle

Corver thought that last Kyle corver but no seriously he had a really effective game what you like about Grady well one is I actually thought his play of the game was the the pass that he made to baji for the n one which was also my least favorite play of the game which

Was when McDaniels took the technical free throw yeah why did Jaylen McDaniels of all people take that that should have been Grady’s tactical free throw to shoot he shoots like 90% yeah obviously it should have been Grady and I don’t know if it was did they I don’t know if

They asked about it in post game they it wasn’t that big of a deal probably but then it was a big deal to us man well it was a big deal because they ended up missing both free throws and then uh there was like a run at that point where

All of a Denver grabs momentum and I thought you know they were pissed off there Michael Porter Jr gets a tech he’s slamming the basketball againsts like the you know he’s he’s just like this is this is we’re pissed we’re trying to make a rush and or a run and we can’t

Put it together and the rppers keep finding something and then the two Miss free throws was almost like oh okay we got I was like oh it’s the Raptors yeah we’re come back yeah like these guys are bozos we’re going to come back and we’re going to do this thing no we actually

Got to get to the bottom of this why did Jaylen McDaniel feel like he was it was okay for him to take the technical so great is that he did my bad after though so I was like was your bad dude but that’s what I mean I was like did you

Get the green light to do that or did you say it’s mine and that’s why you did my bad because I don’t think you would do the my bad if Darko called it over I think he grabbed it I think he grabbed the Rock and decided it was for himself

But uh I think that the playmaking and just the overall confidence of the game is really starting to show up with with Grady dick and the thing that I I’m just really enjoying watch about him or watching about him right now is his feel for the game is good nice like he’s a

He’s a basketball player for sure you know like he makes good Cuts he makes good reads there’s not too many times where you know and he’s obviously got the confidence of a shooter where he just gets that little bit of space and he’s not afraid to pull the trigger as a

Rookie I like that he took two dribble up pull up threes one yic again first quarter was like I’m not going to come above the three-point line yeah he’s he’s starting to do those like little scoop shots near the basket a little bit more a little short mid-range pull-ups I

Just he’s showing a package that we definitely saw at Kansas again I didn’t watch him religiously at Kansas but I saw him a few times for Kansas yeah of course you’re going to see him but he was that this is like we’re seeing that actually translate to the NBA which I

Think is huge for this guy that in year one during a first half where we thought the confidence was so broken that we weren’t sure what he was ever going to be or whether you’re going to see him this season for him to go to from that

From the guy who went to the G lean was not hitting jump shots to a guy who’s taken those pull-ups as as you mentioned who’s making that kind of confident playmaking M who’s looking for his shot outside of just catch and shoot threes I think that’s just an incredibly

Important development for the Raptors and if like I’m sure you’ve done this game a million times but now with Scotty out yeah it’s like what are the things that you care most about I’ll be honest I don’t care as much about Quickly’s volume shooting and pull up three-point

Shooting because it’s kind of like well I just think that that’s going to be there and that’s a part of his game and he’s going to have a lot of opportunity he’s already established player in the league he’s looking for a contract the Grady dick stuff to me is

Like if it’s it’s more informative of potentially what you might have in the future which is pretty positive no for sure and I think especially for rookies I’m not necessarily looking for the consistency every single game you always knock down 40% like there’s obviously still ups and downs like the last game

He was quite down but to me what I’m really looking for for him as a rookie is these kind of highs the fact that he could get seven assists in a game like this just playing within the system not even having the ball that much yeah seven assists yeah yeah that’s nice so

Um Grady RJ thank you for making last night’s game watchable Raptors lose but still you know again they made it competitive against the Champions so we’re going to take our first break I’ve been your host will you’ve been listening to the Raptor show on the sports night radio network brought to

You by Campbell’s new Chucky spicy soup when we come back Dwayne Casey welcome back to the Raptor show on the sports night radio network I’m your host continue to be joined by JD bonus working in the afternoon for once man how you feeling you good is this like

This is usually what do you typically do at at at 2:34 p.m. as we wait for Dwayne Casey to answer the phone so this is usually like my most downtime this is usually workout time really yeah that’s like a Hardo answer but it’s the truth

Do you um do you use the work gy here I do not so one of the things we’re we’re we’re raling a lot about how this this company works but yeah go ahead yeah no the work gym is actually nice work gy is really nice work ESP when it was free

Now it’s 20 bucks a month that’s very reasonable still unbelievable very reasonable for incredibly reasonable yeah I should use the work gym more for the machines but I don’t I’m just a I’m a creature habit I got give me your routine give me your routine which one

Okay give me a list of your routines the list of routines though today is actually today was supposed to be legs so you like forced me to Skip Leg Day this is devastating I’m I’m really torn up about it I mean it’s not like there’s

Not more time in the day no there is this is the only time that was allotted for this and there’s absolutely no way that that’s going to happen after this that’s the best part about wrapping up at 4 p.m. is just like I can it’s

Perfect happy hour time like I I never I very rarely go directly home like I go see somebody or I’m like I’m just going to go like I brought my basketball just it’s it’s nice out so for me I’m just going to go shoot after the show you

Know dude you have the advantage of two because I used to do one to four that was my first time slot yeah I did one with your game sorry man I did one to four with Anis when we I first started doing like radio all right all right

When you’re 4:00 yeah you get to be the person the friend that’s like you’re leaving work always at four but your friends who work till 5 you’re their like cheeky fun friend where it’s like leave a little early yeah sneak out have a little not that important yeah but to

Them to them it’s like oh my God I’m having the most fun time and to you it’s just routine but you’re built for it like you’re training every single day to be the fun friend who gives people like an early outlet from their job for an early especially right now patio weather

Perfect weather shooting jumpers weather yeah oh I you know what thing to sweaty I don’t even check the weather as much cuz whatever the weather is going to be what it is oh you’re the wind conditions oh wow you’re that kind if it’s over 20 I’m not shooting okay it’ll ruin my

Confidence a little bit if I miss that many yeah so I think today is like 13 yeah the last time I checked so no this is ideal this is like when you can show up and you just put the shorts on and it’s not shorts weather to be clear it’s

If you’re shooting and you’re running around shorts and a hoodie why am I running around I’m just shooting by myself in the park you got to run you got to move I got my hand you just shoot it yeah you got well you got a rebounder

No man yeah that’s it I just don’t miss that much okay stre straight shoot one shot from the same spot see I’mma move around I’m working on fadeaways like I’m always well yeah that’s what you got to do you got to work on like a turnaround

Like it’s having you got to make the most of the time by yourself otherwise I get bored like I’m just I hear you meticulously like shoot threes or like shoot free throws I do I do make sure I practice certain things I always make sure I end my shooting routine with 10

Straight made free throws see that’s nice yeah and it’s like if you don’t get to 10 consecutive you just don’t leave so sometimes it could be a little longer that could be a little longer could be like an extra 30 minutes just like getting to seven free throws and then

Missing one is is very pain I put in I’m about I’m about that I put in my time with free throws I know that I’m never going to have them again in my life so everything else is just screwing around having fun hey by the way um so I’m

Looking at the Jersey behind you there’s a FAN 590 hockey jersey yeah black and um yeah that’s what conspicuous yeah I think this is actually your buddy mck’s Jersey that we just decided to hang in the studio once in a while but um uh he

Told me that you guys used to have a basketball team a work basketball team here as well kind of we had a work basketball run okay which by the way gr but you were part of that right yeah oh of course yeah basically ran that yeah

Okay tell me about the Run tell me about who who are the real hoopers in the building well first of all let me tell you something Brad Fay yeah sweet stroke okay you leave Brad Fay uncovered you give Brad Fay time and space okay he’ll knock it down like from anywhere

Like is he is he like a he’s got to had the toes on the line or no like well behind the line Brad Fay range like wow okay true range wow but most of the guys that I played with are like very unassuming Brad F because he’s the

Nicest guy you ever meet the only time I see him is when I had to do little TV hits yeah and I come through and he says hi and little comment he’s just a nice man true Jimmy like he can shoot it from 30 I wouldn’t be nice if I could shoot

From 30 I would be rude to people I would be like I can’t respect it you can’t shoot from 30 yeah that’s correct okay so he’s sweet guy actually he the the Run was a little bit of a chippy run because it’s uh it’s like a Welsley and

Sherborn run uh and so it wasn’t just like sports s people it was like everybody in the community is showing up and then it’s like sports people trying to get in it too and I think Fay got smashed in the face once and he was like

I do TV so that’s it for me like that y’all could be ugly on radio that’s that’s that’s a wrap for him that was a good got to bring sh Hamilton in out I missed that run no he could shoot it like he could abely shoot but like yeah

This the only like actual on air guy because gra never showed up for it running from the grind literally well the the pro no the I I heard Grange could really ball back in the day no not even just back in the day like in the

Current but the thing is is like gr is vicious gr is vicious okay give me the Scot report on Michael gr so that’s all I’ve ever had never played with gr shocking but so it’s just like Legend This is like will chamber’s a 100 point game Michael gr a Hooper yeah no not

It’s it’s definitely not Legend it’s definitely like facts okay definitely established facts because I’ve heard it from enough like true hoopers yeah okay like former college players that have played with him in runs oh okay got you yeah but let’s just put it this way he’s

Not shy with the elbows and he’s not shy with why am I Laughing Man I Feel Like is gonna elbow me the next when I see him at Raptor’s Magic on Friday he’s gonna deliver a said this a million times on air but R is like one of the

Realest guys in the building in terms of like actually roots for others in the business 100% why Burns me so much when people slander him online I’m like I awkward you can’t do it no like I I do for that man like truly truly truly like

Has been in my corner from basically day one has definitely like put me in my place a couple times but like that’s what you need an OG to do man that’s correct is like dude no he is the ultimate like caretaker of like this industry like the to but I think if you

Tell me he throws bows and he’s an OG so you tell me he’s like Udonis haslum like yeah he’s Sports as Udonis haslum yeah in a checker suit yeah yeah I you know what you know what he is too it’s like uh remember remember when Vince Staples

Did respect the Mar Rosen yeah like insinuating like the the danger underneath yeah I think that we have the same thing as toward where it’s like respect Michael gr respect Michael gr this is good I feel like I’ve only been here three years so I don’t actually have the full

Scou report on everything appreciate this perspective I I don’t think by the way I don’t think Dwayne’s going to be on I wasn’t really familiar with your game yeah so we’re gonna have to talk about more things from last night’s game I have a question for you about last

Night’s game jonte and Kelly at Center both productive I thought J I thought did a really admirable job you got to in the tweets you were like he’s doing it he’s shutting down dude every time he stopped joic I tweeted once so I tweeted three times and all all things

Considered that’s a hattrick of stops for me um did you yeah what what do you think of jonte you like jonte uh let’s put it this way out of all the guys that came off the bench yesterday I think he’s the closest thing to someone you

Could see like on the fringes of uh regular rotation this is the this is the faintest um compliment you can give somebody you said out of jayen McDaniels Jordan wara uh and Javon Freeman Liberty out of those three other guys that he’s the closest to being a fringe rotation

Guy yes okay all right do you do you agree disagree no 100% agree man I think jonte has come in at certain moments and every time I see him I’m like okay he knows what he’s doing out there maybe there’s obviously limitations you see limitations like he’s for a big man like

Obviously not going to finish Above the Rim or you know even like offer a hard roll whatever but like you can pop it a little bit and I’m happy he took a bunch of Threes yesterday cuz that’s what he needed to do also the Nuggets were like wild disrespectful they were just

Setting off everybody which is weird because his brother’s on the team and I would have thought that they’d be like can he shoot like you somewhat he’s like okay how much okay this is a side conversation how much do you think the Nuggets prepared for last night’s game

Zero that’s why are you kidding this is the whole at half time they’re like oh wow all right we got it we got to strap in and then they did and then they won actually one of the questions that I wanted to ask you today was if the

Raptors would have been healthy for this game do you think that the Raptors would have had like any point led by double digits okay you got quickly you got yakob largely I think if they were healthy with the whole group they would probably run a lot of pick and roll at yic that’s

What they did like even last year the Raptors had some pretty good games against Denver and it was Fred Ronnie pck roll yakob remember they got they got robbed at the end of that game last year that’s when you know they popped off with the official Scotty got ejected

At the end of that game they LED for the whole game they just they just lost it at the end kind of like this one honestly that’s a much better team though it is a much better team I guess um I just think that Denver I don’t I

Don’t want this feels like I’m taking away credit from those guys they played hard and it was some but I think that it was the perfect combination of you got dudes who wouldn’t normally get an opportunity like what is McDaniel’s average minutes a game eight seven eight

This season I’m gon verify this for you don’t worry that’s my guess if I had to do G averaging nine wow nine minutes yeah it’s really good man nine yeah nine but he only played in half the games I was gonna say so that’s because games and those last two games that he’s

Actually played minutes have bumped that number yeah the last couple games but the Raptors Trad all their other forwards and all the other ones getting injured I’m like all right McDaniel’s actually coming in and making a positive impact McDaniel’s looks very much like a

Guy when he’s on and I yeah I I would say that if you were just giving me he was hitting Fade Away jumpers yesterday I was like what dude where was any of this I texted you if you just saw the the mixtape of him from last night just

Like the clips and you were like happened against Denver yeah is he like what is he in the league you’d be like oh he’s at least a mid-level exception guy right yeah like that makes sense for him so he looked all right so I guess it

Would be down between him and jonte I thought jont played a good game but then yic is a basketball genius and he figured him out and yeah he started to torch him and Jon’s is one of those guys where I actually thought he made some clutch threes there was like that run

Where once it started to fall apart in the third quarter and you could feel like oh this game is doomed I think he hit two yeah well that’s the thing a lot of other guys were like okay when you’re playing well the nuggets are playing terrible like everyone looks good you’re

In transition you’re dunking the ball you’re moving it against a defense that’s not moving like again things look good when things got bad I actually thought jont can was maintained his level yeah which is important to Mee there’s certain players that can only ENT not not Front Runners but like

Essentially when the whole team is confident in running they can go and I think jonte was able to make a couple of those you know what he has too is like he reminds me a little bit post- defensively at times this is a steep exaggerations player

Like a little bit of Chuck ha where it’s like trunk legs that if you’re trying to move theer he’s going to be and he’s going to like stand his defensive position well yes which is actually what I thought joic struggled with a little bit earlier cuz like did you see that

Moment where yic slams into Kelly and then Kelly’s like what the hell was that yic has that to his game he’s nasty he’ll test you physically for sure yeah he’s Michael gra yeah he is actually his brothers his brothers are Michael gra just his brothers are Michael gra coming

Out of the stands to scrap you out uh I I don’t think Jon like I think he can he can hang with that a little bit got you you know what I got a little nostalgic for though yesterday is this was always a really fun game on the Raptor schedule

Because we got to see OG defend oh right yeah no I know well the thing about the old days of the old days now you got Jon that’s what saying you thought you thought those that they were the old days what you’re talking about is joic I think coming into this matchup not

Really being that I mean I’m sure he’s familiar with Kelly but like cuz Kell’s a veteran but like he’s probably not familiar with like jont all due respect to jont like I’m not expecting the MVP to know these things so I think this first half yoka just like all right I’m

Gonna get him in the post and I’m gonna give him a spin and I’m gonna hook simple basic and I think that jonte did a really good job studying the matchup I’m sure he was up all night like figuring this one out trying to do a good job going up against his brother

I’m sure his family was watching and everything they had the whole Jersey Swap and he’s like all right he’s going to spin this way I’m going to sit on that spin and I’m going to be super strong and beat him to the spot and that’s how he got a couple of those post

Stops yic going to halftime was like all right now I kind of know what he’s doing and there was one move and I think he only did it once CU he didn’t he could score in a variety of ways but got him in the post gave them that sold the

First original half spin got jont like oh I’m G to go he’s doing the move again I’m gonna bite I’m gonna get there on time and then he spun back the other way for a little soft hook and I was like this guy’s a genius man it took it took

Him 10 minutes yeah Nick laoka just parked belly yeah he he was in the first half second half I don’t know man this guy was a monster is there a player that you enjoy watching more than yic um no honestly probably this year Wy to W yeah yeah there’s and there is

Yeah like and now wemy will always have a special place in my heart too because I went to that game and sat in good seats oh yeah he showed out like an in just an incredible way um and 10 blocks man and he recovered possession on every

Single one of them except for one where the Raptors got the ball back and then he blocked him a second time and got the ball back so he kept that’s basically nine steals as well yeah you know what I actually one of my favorite things with

Him is not even just the blocks it’s the way that he Alters shots where guys think they have space like I watched a little bit of the warrior Spurs game yesterday yeah and oh dude you’re a sickle cuz you also watched Portland versus uh but the Warriors The Warriors

Spurs game was actually good for a little bit and like they didn’t have Steph so I want to see kind of like what this looked like right okay uh when like how many mid-range jump shots you think Chris Paul has taken in his career uh I don’t know man like 5,000 yeah exactly

Thousands and numerous how many times have you ever seen Chris Paul Judge the space around him like oh yeah I’m G to get like like this is not the ideal time to take this midi yeah yeah it turns out lots of shots for sure for sure and

There was one play in that game where it’s like wemi is under the basket M and Paul he gets a ball he’s like oh it’s mid-range time and within like a second W’s there and he and he didn’t block it but Chris Paul has to shoot like you

Know this High shot to try to get it over wemi and you’re like there’s nobody else in league history that covers that ground and makes Chris Paul one of the best of all time in that spot get altered that way yeah I mean as a rookie he’s leading the whole league in blocks

And it’s not particular close he’s incredible He he’ll go down as the greatest shop Blocker of all time like without any shadow of a doubt oh yeah yeah no way the only thing that’s changed is in the past people played so much in the post that you could easily

Not you have more chances to block shots in close like it’s harder to block a three than it is to block like a guy try to you know turn in the post and throw up a jump yeah but he’s still G to get that he’s still G to get some of those

Yeah like he’s still G to get some of those like jump shots where he actually blocks them no I think you’re right but there will be nights where teams go at him and there’s a weird thing where like guys try to challenge him and it sucks for him because he actually did get

Flushed on hard yesterday did you see that oh yeah and Jackson and the call was like he just put the whole nation of France in the basket and I was like oh that’s a tough one so he’s he’s going to get crammed on every once in a while but

Dude but that’s like the first time it’s really happened this year that you felt like it was a real poster oh yeah that was I think Giannis wanted him as well but it was like a he stretched to get the dunk this was like he got he got

Banged on no no he got it it was a bad one it’s the most random player too but I think he’s going to get a lot of blocks still early on because guys still want to test it and there’s like a thing like you know I respect it you got you

Got to take a strong though you got like like when IB had 70 that was also against w i mean w wasn’t the primary Defender it was also a lot of no one’s going to remember that but like you got to go super strong in him before he gets

Strong cuz once he gets strong as well y I don’t know man no it’s over well I don’t know but right now too I think he’s got a little bit of um you’re are you tall enough where people try to challenge you in the bar sometimes what

What does that mean what chall me in the bar yeah like usually that this is these are cultural differences to usually okay maybe CU what drink we just pull out a Mong table and then we challenge each other there all right or karaoke so for

I think if you ask a lot of like big guys uh that have been like in a lot of late night establishments that every once in a while the person who gets a little bit too much confidence decides like you know what I’m going to test you

Like you’re the test because you’re the big guy yeah and so let’s try to take you down I think there’s a bit of that when you say take me again this is C okay got you have a scrap go outside have a have a fight or maybe not outside

Maybe you do it in the bar inside yeah I mean that’s you got to you got to respect the establishment you take it outside I don’t think that if you’re that type you respect asbl this is all new to me I don’t think that’s your primary concern but I think

Wy has a little bit of that where there’s a lot of guys in the league that are trying to attack the rim at him going like you’re skinny I’m going to go through you and then all of a sudden it’s like nope he’s actually holding on to the basketball a lot with Chad

Actually guys always look at Chad like I could take this guy yeah and Chad actually has that toughness the thing with wemi is You’ seen so many highlights now it’s like dude if you don’t know better that that’s on you that’s fair first week of the season

When guys were trying to like Kyrie was doing his sign wigin he blocked him easily I was like okay I get it like guys need to adjust if you haven’t seen a million 1B highlights by now and you don’t know The Scouting Report then but I’m saying like finishers too like yeah

Barnes went at him well actually was hurdle went at him early in the Raptors game where it was like what are you doing yakob like this is not your time oh you didn’t like yakob uh posting up l in a 20o loss no I didn’t I didn’t think

It was the time to try that out but I do think that the dudes Who attack the basket relentlessly they got to they got to T the water it’s part of the job it’s part of the hazards of the job you know you don’t want them to actually just

Back down like yeah it’s clear that you and I both really love watching Wy but W but otherwise yeah well just it’s what you talked about yesterday where it’s like how the the frustrating thing to me so many times is like a fan and you know

Mostly just an idiot who hasn’t been in these situations but who gets to judge it from his couch is like decision-making right where you’re like and especially now I think as a modern fan you’re so everything’s about like efficiency efficiency efficiency and like the thing about Denver that just

Makes me feel like they’re going to be the Unstoppable force and that is so fun is that it’s like how often do you see yoka truly make mistakes every once in a while he’ll kind of have that little like fall away it’s the end of the clock

Frustration shot that he shoots he does a lot of hold the hands up for the complaining for a foul yeah he’s a big hold he’s got a signature he’s got a signature complaint he he got a take foul yesterday because of it yeah yeah he’s a he also does smart things like

He’ll tie his shoelace to give the team more time to look at the video because every team has like one employe that’s like literally holding an iPad at the end of the bench who’s there to just review tape and so he’ll tie his shoelace so that the referee can’t give

Him the ball to inbound it yeah to give his own like coach more time to review things like that or roll the ball out or like slowly come like he loves a lot of wasting time things but generally speaking he’s so smart he’s incredible

But the I think we focused a lot on the playmaking cuz he’s such a good passer but it’s like my favorite thing with him was just like identifying guys and backing them down from like the top of the key where he’s like I’m going to

Bump you all the way down and I’m going to score and you’re like well who else is supposed to do and I can’t I can’t double you you’re going to find everyo shooter and also Jamal Murray is there so we’ll talk about Jamal a little bit more after this break actually but we’re

Going to take another one sorry no Dwayne Casey today also a pump fake I’m sorry but uh we’ll maybe get him another time we’ll take a break been your host will you be listening to the Raptor show on the sports night radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new chunky spicy soup

Welcome back to the Raptor show on the sports radio network I’m your host L to be joined by co-host for today JD bunkus uh I said before the break that we don’t have Dwayne Casey today that means I doubted my producers because they made sure to get in touch with Dwayne Casey

Former head coach of the T Raptors former head coach of the Detroit Pistons Dwayne how you doing good how you doing I’m doing really well I’m doing really well Dwayne I I appreciate you taking the time um checking in with the Toronto Market once again we

Saw you actually on the the the Raptors broadcast um I think about two or three months back now but I think that led to a lot of people asking the question you know what is Dwayne Casey doing right now it’s good to see him again so Dwayne

I want to put that question to you what are you up to well I’m in the front office with the Pistons and St still here in Detroit and I was there in in Toronto we were visiting Prince for Christmas uh that’s something I was you’re able to do when you’re in the

Front office you kind of make your own schedule instead of going by the 882 game schedule yeah so uh we were there we still have a lot of friends there in Toronto um enjoyed our time there tremendously uh had you know at that time too um you know Pascal was still

There so we still was really close with Pascal and they had already traded OG but um so probably Pascal is probably the only kid that was there that I’ve coached that was well yakob was there also so I saw yob but uh but I always loved going back there had a chance to

Visit with Messi and and saw Bobby and so uh really enjoyed getting back there catching up with everyone yeah well you know Dwayne I kind of wanted to start with the beginning that’s okay at least in Toronto where Toronto is in a similar position as when you first took over

Right there’s there’s a couple talented young guys but there needs to be one of the big challenges for Darko big picture is how do you put an identity around this group how do you get the young guys who individually have to play together how do you establish a defensive

Identity Raptor obviously not very strong defensive team we saw it again last night um as they blew the lead but getting that culture in that’s the big picture and I think that that’s when you came to Toronto that was at least to to me at the time just being a fan that’s

What I understood your job and your mission was so can you take us through sort of you know the process that you went through to build that culture and establish that culture that has lasted in Toronto for a very long time well well Darko is doing a heck job I like

Darko I think he’s a good young coach he you know he’s a guy that that um is has been at every level and again you’re exactly right one thing that we did when we first got there and uh to start the process to start the program was to

Establish a defensive identity I I think offensively we’re probably in the late 20s as far as offense was concerned but I’d be dagg on if we weren’t going to play defense and that’s something we hung our hat on uh was a defensive approach and I think that’s what Darko

Is trying to do again it takes time with young players uh to to to understand the nuances of especially against a team like Denver to understand uh the NBA systems but uh again it took us a couple years to really establish itself I think we in the top whatever defensively my

First couple of years and then the offense finally came around but to start a a rebuild you have to start with a foundation of Defense uh a found of playing hard competing each and every night no matter you know when you go out you’re going to be outmanned by

Superstars so to speak when you’re rebuilding until Scotty gets there get to that level but uh I I I do know that’s the route you have to go to build it through defense discipline hard play and and playing together sharing the basketball and and I I see I see that

Coming with the Raptors and uh their players yeah for sure you definitely see the ball movement that’s been really good under Darko defensively it’s going to take time as you explaining here I guess so my question to you is um how how difficult is it to get younger

Players to sort of really buy into defense and playing at a high intensity because to me it feels like a learned skill that veterans always talk about like you got to know how to play hard that that is a skill onto itself how do you develop that you know will and

Identity to to Really lock down and play defense cuz a lot of defense is more than anything else effort and commitment towards playing it in the first place no question that’s a great point and I think one thing you do is demanding holding guys accountable understanding what are your non-negotiables is transition defense

You’re non-negotiable if you don’t play transition defense if you don’t get back get matched up are you coming out of the game if you don’t box out are you coming out of the game some you know you can’t everything can be a non-negotiable but certain things uh guys have to

Understand and I’m not just talking about the Raptors I’m talking about teams in general they have to have non-negotiables and that’s something that uh tried to do here my you we started our rebuild here you have to have things that hey if you don’t do this you’re not playing right uh if you

You don’t crack down if you don’t talk if you don’t whatever your your rules are um you have to have three or four things that uh that are non-negotiable and I think that’s what’s really important and that gets guys attention if they don’t they know if they don’t do

That that hey coach doesn’t care if you uh the first pick the second pick third pick whatever you are you’re coming out of the game if you don’t perform that action and uh you don’t have to be a a Whi and chain guy you don’t have to do

All that but they players have to know um that you they G to be held accountable and I think darko’s doing that uh you know I think what’s hurting them defensively now is uh Yak up their Center position you know you’re smaller in the center I think they miss him

Protecting the rim you got to have Rim protection you got to have some body back there protecting the rim uh and and erasing mistakes out on the perimeter because guys are so good guys are so athletic uh even back when I first started with the Raptors offensive game

Has changed so much guys are so skilled at all five positions they can shoot the three they can put the ball on the floor uh so you’ve got to be on your p’s and q’s on the perimeter and then have somebody at The Rim protecting it yeah I

Mean I was going to say I mean you know when you first talk with the Raptors if the Raptors give 100 20 I’m sure you would have been pretty mad you would have been yelling at these guys or at least making sure that they understood that that’s not acceptable certain

Nights these days in the league if you hold a team to 120 you might say hey great job defensively tonight really good job no question and uh that does I don’t know if I would say that but that would be that’s gonna happen I don’t

Care who you are it’s G to happen the 120 night because one the emphasis on the quality shots I know when we were there uh I think 2017 18 we were like top five in offense and we thought we were cooking and probably now we’d probably be in the middle of the pack

Because the scoring is gone up and and shooting has gone up and uh teams being disciplined with the analytical game so it’s so many things offensively teams are doing now that um that uh you know but again you still have to have non-negotiables defensively to make sure

They they keep up uh to stay with the game plan hey Dwayne now that we’re we’re we’re on the subject I’ve always wanted to ask you this um and I came into the media game a little bit later on so uh you know I’m not exactly Doug

Smith I can’t I can’t just walk up and ask anything I I’ve always wanted to ask you to tell us the story of how you brought the rock right because that’s the thing everyone knows the Pound The Rock philosophy we know that it the origins came from the Spurs or at least

That’s what I assume but the the idea of having a physical Boulder in the Raptors in the building and tell us about that where’d you got that idea and how did you get make that happen well I matter of fact you’re exactly right we’re all a

Thieves and I I did steal it from from coach pop uh I know Kansas University of Kansas had it a couple other colleges had it and so I we had uh uh one of our assistants to go out and get and and also Brian Colangelo to go out and get U

Uh a rock he went to a rock C there in Toronto outside of Toronto and brought this big rock in again it’s really where we were at the time and um it you know every day you had to chip off at the Rock work hard at that time we didn’t

Know how good we were G to be it could be we struggled the first year but we just kept on chipping away and so that Pound The Rock image and that Mantra really really fit our team at that time yeah Jose Caron you know we had Jamal

Mcore we had some hardworking uh hard hat guys at the time uh demard de Rosen was a young pup at the time so we had to hang our head on something and that just stuck we got it we put it right there in the hallway outside the coach’s office

There and guys would see it as soon as they come out of the locker room and go out some of them would touch it as they went out and I think the marketing department went out and got some pounder Rock little miniature rocks to put

Around so it was a it caught on pretty hard and yeah everybody around when I went around the country around people say Pound The Rock so it caught on and but I think the better we got the less it you know the less it stuck uhuh

And uh we moved on from it but I thought it was was pretty good you know and once once it did catch on yeah Dwayne I got to tell you I started a podcast this when I was working at a different company at the score and and we were

Trying to name the podcast and I named it Pound The Ruck because you know it was it was started out in like 2017 I think and uh yeah that was the name that we like too it’s a good phrase you know I’m happy that players actually interacted with like I don’t know if

Anyone was like hammering The Rock trying to break it but the fact that players coaches were touching this rock too like I like it it’s it’s met they didn’t went in and touched it and and I thought it was cool I to be totally honest I didn’t think it would would

Catch the way it did but uh I would go speak in Winnipeg I go speak in Vancouver and people come up to me and say hey Pound The Rock so that was really cool and and made you feel good good that we did have an identity the

Team had an identity that fit the country that fit where we were as an organization as a team and uh it helped us kind of work hard every day and and we did work hard I I look back now and uh and probably I would say 80% of the

Practice was on defense and because we just were we were challenged offensively just because of the Personnel but the one thing I knew we could do we could defend and and the got stuck with it and then it it you know once we got better offensively we took off so Dwayne we we

Can’t talk about your time with the Raptors without talking about Kyle and thear right these guys are fundamental Foundation pieces I want to ask since we’re talking about the beginning what were K Demar like in the beginning because right now we see them as bed’s best buddies we see them clowning around

I’m sure you’ve seen you you’ve seen this more than literally anybody on Earth how much these two guys like to clown around but at the start of it what were they like and how did that relationship between them grow yeah grew it grew it didn’t start out I mean they

You know they started out sh one thing was what what kind of was tough was C came in and I think right after that we got Rudy Gay and Rudy and Cal Rudy was I think C’s uh one of his sons got was one of Rudy’s God Godfathers or I can’t

Remember which way it was they were really close and so they kind of you know so automatically C and dear didn’t weren’t close right off the bat I mean they you know they were cordial each other practice but I think the year that we really took off they got close I

Think you know their relationship grew now they like brothers they text all the time yeah like I would be with with dear and and he’ll FaceTime with Kyle and Kyle will face time with dear and so they’re like freak and Frack now but you’re right it took it a little time to

Take off and grow uh two beautiful human beings Cal I never forget Cal Jose Calderon was starting in front of C yeah yeah right and uh so C was backing up Jose ceron and so and Jose is one of the most beautiful human beings you ever

Want to be around right and so I felt sorry for Jose because Cy would come in on a mission every day in practice and kick Jose’s butt I mean I felt sorry for Jose he was gonna make sure he took that position yeah and he finally did and I

Think we finally moved Jose but yeah but uh c c was on a mission to prove that hey I’m better than Jose Calderon and which it turned out he was and uh the rest is history the rest is really history no I I really enjoyed Kyle

Because I feel like to to fans I mean I don’t have to say this to a lot of people but Kyle really has a really great case her greatest RPP of all time he was here for so much of it including the championship such a beloved figur as

Well and I think the one thing with Kyle is he always had that chip on his shoulder he’ll he’ll go he’ll compete in a way that 99% of players won’t go to that level to compete but I got to imagine that means he’s a difficult personality to deal with sometimes too

As a coach so he’s a pain in behind but he’s your pain in behind that’s the good good Pro good thing to have I love Cal we text all the time now and I love him to death but when we first started we didn’t you know it was it was tough we

We was trying to I was trying to sell him out one thing that Cal was great at and we was trying to break not break him of get him to cut back on was offensive rebound he would get one or two a game but the other times the other team would

Run back in transition and break us down right so I was always on C Cal don’t crash for us get back get back and he finally broke it and uh but that was our first FA first confrontation was getting him from crashing from out to the three-point line and again he getting

One or two a game by coming and getting offensive rebounds and going up under big guys and still he could really jump back in the day we you know he really could and but no but K really he worked to where he is he became a great three-point shooter uh and again the

Team took on his identity yeah I mean he was a gritty grimy hard playing hard-nosed guy I don’t know how many years he led the league and taking charges yeah and um that he already leads the Sixers in charge is taken for the season he’s played their eight games

Oh wow see that there you go right there and so your team takes on that Personality yeah so that’s worth this Wai and goal right there and and how great is it that he gets to go back home to Philadelphia he’s a huge Eagles fan uh I never forget when the Eagles won

The Super Bowl C came in green head to toe he had a green Eagles hat on green jersey green shorts green socks he was so excited about the Eagles winning the Super Bowl yeah so uh you guys gave him permission to go see that Super Bowl

Right like I think it was midseason yeah it sure did he he he ched his own plane and and uh went to it and Al he went to Villanova’s championship game too right so uh that was uh that was that was something I I don’t regret that at all

Because that that’s you know something once in a lifetime achievement for Villanova and if it had been demard de R rozen with USC in the champ I would let him go that’s part of coaching you know you got to know when to to give that sort of like give and take and obviously

Those guys have given you so much of course you know exactly so again it it was but so happy for Kyle and and Demar both of them have grow gone on and grown in their careers OG and anobi OG I started him as a rookie everybody thought I was crazy but he’s developed

His game into an excellent three-point shooter uh one of the top defenders in the league uh Pascal seum started as a rookie yep and uh now he’s one of the top players in our league and so uh just just happy to see where all these guys

Have grown and gone on to uh Jonas valent Tunis I remember yeah everyone getting on me about letting Jonas is Jonas going to start is he G to play more and uh brought him along slowly shot the three slowly and uh but again just great to see him grow as players

And most of them now are fathers and husbands and family men so all those things are what’s coaching is all about for sure I mean that I think that speaks to this this Golden Era that the Raptors went through that you were a big part of which is like you know the Raptors

Before you took over and before they went on this like decade run it was like a lot of like I think that the most games they won in the season was 47 they won the Atlantic division like one time you know and and then you saw the the

Progression and it was like year after you guys would always bump up a little bit more a little bit more you know one year you guys got the defense ready then you got the offense ready and then you know 2015 I think that year I think Kyle

Got really injured and so you know without him like obviously you guys are going to have some troubles and the Wizards series is probably one of the lower moments in that stretch but generally speaking it was steps to grow and step to grow and of course to see

That all be capped off with the championship was such a beautiful journey to be part of I I didn’t realize how fortunate I was as a fan to watch all this but I do realize it more and more in hindsight you know you kind of take it for granted as you’re going

Through it and you like you said you forget the hard part and but again I give it to Larry tanon bomb Tim La Wiki MSU jury Bobby Webster all those guys they all had a vision they stuck with it uh like you said the the Wizards the the

We got beat by the Wizards in the playoffs they could easily said hey Dwayne get out of here I remember next year we said good things about Kyle but I remember Kyle gave an Infamous point in in the post game where they asked about him and you and how you guys were

And I think Kyle’s words at that time was like Dwayne’s the coach I’m the player and to me that’s like oh that’s kind of cold but then you got stuck it out right yeah yeah we sure did no it’s one of those things that it it you go through those tough times

But you come out on the other side and you see the fruits of it and you know I wasn’t there to see it but I was like a proud father from afar even though we were trying to win here in Detroit yeah but I was still a proud father of what

We had built and what the guys had put together and and that type of thing I was happy for messiah and Larry tanon bomb they you know they went through the hard times and uh it it was and and the city the city was is a passion sports

City and to see that for Toronto and and uh it was great to see it was it was a very proud moment once they won the championship yeah no doubt no doubt um I want to ask how are things between you and Messi seems like you guys are good

But I just I can imagine that it was a bit of an awkward phone call because Messiah always talks about the two hardest things he’s had to do um in his job is telling dear that he was going to get moved and earlier that summer you

Know pacing around him and Bobby like he he tells the story like they’re in their office they’re huddled and they’re building up the confidence to walk across the building in OVO to come to your office and let you know obviously the news that they were letting you go

Are you guys good now and and what was it like back then we good no it was it was good it was hurt it hurt like anybody would but you know I understood it and we had gone you know R like a hamster we’ kind of gone through the

Ringer at the time I probably would have fought if I had known they were going to trade for Kawhi Leonard I probably would have fought a little bit harder but no I understood it like you said it hurt um but no we were’re I’ve seen mide

Hundreds of time since then uh I worked at the Giants of a Africa Camp the the basketball with our borders in Africa for a couple of Summers now we spent time over there together I’ve seen it uh quite a bit and then I was just saw like

You said last at Christmas time spent time with him there in Toronto so no Messi is one of the top exec a sports Executives period in sports uh to come where he come from to start the where he started uh it is a story within itself and what he’s done for the franchise

There in Toronto is big time but just his personal Journey uh how he got to where he is is is is second to none and so I’m I’m proud to say I’m a friend yeah I didn’t I didn’t like being being fired by a friend but that’s part of it

I’m a big boy but uh no he and my family uh he gives my wife a hug and kids a hug every time we see him and I watched his kids grow up and so no it everything is all good and wish him nothing but the

Best uh in whatever he does hey um that’s first off that’s great to hear right because you know I think when I think about Dwayne casy I think about again in this golden period like you know people can disagree about certain things you know whatever ultimately the

Big thing was LeBron was in the East and like looking back at I know in the moments I was like oh man as a fan even as a journalist I’m like I think you know maybe Dwayne could have tried this maybe he could tried that I think when I

Step back and I’m like honestly he could have tried anything man if LeBron stepped on that Court well I laugh with I laugh with Brad Stevens and Eric spoler every time I see him because what do he go like nine years in a row and once I got let

Go everyone said well we should have got let go too because we couldn’t beat him so we everybody tried you know and and mide did what any executive you got to switch it up and change it up and you know it’s it was a decision he had to

Make and and it and it worked so yeah um but you know it’s one of those things that he was a nemesis and everybody’s rear end and I laughed with LeBron about it I told him he was the reason why I was in Detroit and we laughed about that

So uh Lebron is like you said about the golden years the only thing negative about the golden years was his butt in the in the East so and then when he left he left uh Cleveland he went to Miami then came back so he never left East

Until until we left Toronto so uh he’s a he’s one of those players that you’ll never forget but like you said those years I think will the his history books will be good for Raptor basketball at that time yeah my theory is um every time he looked over at you he remember

2011 with the Mavericks and obviously you were the defensive coordinator that time you know just like you know I’m going show D Wayne this time and then uh he did it three times but um he did I wanted to to Pivot a little bit and ask

About about Nick as well I mean there was always sort of the speculation and I don’t know if it’s fair or not so that’s why I want to ask you right now but where things were okay with you and Nick nurse when all it went down because obviously Nick dick take over right

After you and he had been your assistant for five years how are things between you and Nick at that time right well Nick did what he had to do he took the job I I haven’t matter of fact I haden’t had a long conversation with Nick since

Then we’ve you know spoke and everything but there’s no hard feelings with me and Nick I’m more happy for the city of Toronto uh I was happy to be able to bring Nick into the NBA uh give him his first interview his first job in the NBA

And and just happy to see him take the Reign and go forward with there’s no animosity or oh no jealousy or anything like that uh you know between Nick and I know a lot of people made a lot of of that yeah of you know he’s gone on now

To Philadelphia and done a good job there Nick’s a basketball guy and uh so that but again he did did what he had to do he he took the opportunity which anybody would have taken and um you know gone he ran with it but I’m happy to

Know that I you know matter of fact the first conversation I had with Nick he was playing in the championship game in the G league and I called him because I was ask I was asking a friend I said who are some of the top g-league guys in the

G-league and uh you know they gave me Nick nurse’s name and another couple of names and so I said Nick I’m G give you a call once you done with the G league and I think they won the championship that year and probably about a week later Brian Colangelo and myself uh

Brought Nick in for an interview and I think the next week is when Brian was let go and I said well Nick I can’t hire you right now until we hire a new general manager right so then we had to wait for messiah to be hired and then we

Brought Nick back in for another interview so he could meet Messi and um that’s when we hired him as as as a coach it was a kind of a roundabout way to get there but we finally got there and and um everything turned out good all right

Good because the the stories I think but when people were sort of putting two and two together I don’t think it was like I think it was just people putting two and two together and just thinking about sort of how it all went down but I’m happy to hear that everything’s all good

Um right right no that’s that’s no and just like everybody made a big deal about um you know us coming back and I think that was my next question that was my next question and we were just trying to win I mean we made the playoffs that year Blake was

Healthy yeah Blake Griffin was healthy which was huge and um you know we we had had a good year that year so just luckily we were able to beat Toronto and everybody oh they wna he wants to beat Toronto worst no we wanted to win 82 I

Don’t care if you’re Toronto New York yeah Cleveland chicag we was trying to win and uh but everybody tried to make a big deal out of it and and uh I think the first game we got a tip in By Reggie Bullock Reggie Bullock I remember this

Very clearly and I was excited not because it was I was excited just because we won the game I mean on a tip end a play that we drew up and so uh it’s uh so it it people can have all the narratives they want and and that type

Of thing but that’s that’s you know that’s why they call them fans Hey listen I I I hear you I think honestly speaking for myself personally and I know I’m alone I think I was just salty cuz we were like come on we want these wins too and why does Casey keep beating

Us thing about it I did you know I did know the players I knew I knew the strength and weaknesses of the guys I knew they you know they were still running a lot of our the same sets we were that had run that year year

Previously so we knew some of we knew the calls we knew the sets we knew the Tendencies got that type of thing but it wasn’t any extra oh I want to beat him we got to beat Tor no all right I you know we had a lot we had a lot of fish

To fry that year and yeah and so U but uh it it was it was fun hey you know what it wasn’t fun in the moment but I when I look back at all these moments I I just genuinely appreciate all this because it was a really really good time

In Toronto and um you know yeah I don’t know you still got to itch the coach do you still want to get back or what what’s what’s your situation I’m not sure you know I enjoy what I’m doing now we’re in the middle of of watching the

Draft I’m getting ready to go to the SC tournament and a couple other tournaments to see I miss coaching I miss the the camaraderie with the players because when you’re on this side you don’t you don’t have you don’t travel with the team you don’t have your your coaches meetings every morning and

You’re you’re you’re your uh strategy sessions and that type of thing so you miss that but um you know so we’ll we’ll see but I enjoy what I’m doing now I enjoy our owner Tom Gores and Troy Weaver and our people here working with Monty and his staff has been fun it’s

Been tough we’ve gone through a tough year a young year kind of what you know probably not to the extent that uh the Raptors have gone through but we’ve gone through a rebuild here for the last few years which is these are the tough times

For us but but we can see the light at the end of the rainbow which is great and um so we’ll you know we’ll see what happens in the future but I I’m enjoying what we’re doing now and watching these young players grow yeah all right Dwayne

I appreciate your time thank you so much for checking in once again and uh it was it was really great to go through some of these times it really was so thank you no problem guys great to talk to you and I will see the Raptors tomorrow

Night hey we will that’s good timing you’ll see a lot of raptor fans in the building too I I that’s got to burn that’s got to burn some people in Detroit the fact that Toronto just comes in and invades uh Little Caesars every time I told every I told the ticket

Office when I was coaching the Raptors we knew we were going to have as many fans here in Detroit and we somehow someway we’ got to block those tickets and not let and but they still they still come and they also do it with the maple eaf when the maple leaf play the

Wings the Red Wings it is packed with with Maple Lea fans they bring buses down and and you were right here on the border um you know I went over and spoke for Richard Petty who used to be the president he’s right over in Windsor and

Done a heck of a job and build he’s got a bookstore there and hotel and really done a heck of a job in downtown winds are there so there’s a lot of raptor fans right here next to us right so uh I don’t know we have to kind of check the

Driver’s license and see if where they’re from before we sell them tickets no but it it’s great I think it’s good for basketball to kind of have that boundary and that rivalry next to each other and Raptor fan fans travel well you can go anywhere in the NBA LA Denver

Wherever they’re going to be there and so which is great for for the league and for for the Raptor’s organization there you go all right Dwayne thank you so much okay thank you guys yeah former rtor coach SL Casey JD man I’m sorry I cut you out the whole

Interview it just we were flowing this is your I don’t I set back and enjoy oh okay I got to tell you so you asked just about every question that I would have asked nice is that a good thing or a bad thing that’s a good it’s a very good

Thing yeah good yeah glad I’m glad you had some Nick nurse because I knew he was all right with Messi yeah didn’t know about Nick nurse I’m happy they’ve talked and a little bit and something about that too like I don’t know if it’s like you’re like super thrilled but you

Know they did work together like side by side for five years okay it’s hard to to you know can I play uh read between the lines guy go ahead go ahead I love this so I like Dwayne Casey a lot he was the how could you not you just heard him

He’s such a nice guy I know but he was one of the first people like in sports that like I remember when I first met him I was like an intern uh maybe just started my career and and he’s someone who would like talk to you for a second

And like treated you like interested like what are you about what’s going on this be that like down in a media day like a little bit of that too for sure that’s that’s good but I remember like I was I grew up a huge Seattle Super

Sonics fan okay yeah like that was my team that was my everything right and Casey’s a Seattle guy so we started talking about Seahawks a little bit Sonics a little bit and so it was always nice to have that back and forth Rapport um so I believe him I know he’s a

Genuine person I’m not I’m basically just giving you this preamble to be like I don’t think he’s a liar what I don’t think it’s a coincidence when he throws in stuff like I hired him I gave him his first NBA interview yeah yeah uh I don’t think it’s a coincidence

When he likes to remind people and I think that is a good thing because I’d be the same way and I don’t think that the way he handled that as Petty at all but going like we had seak we had OG and people thought I was crazy when I

Started OG and people question the way that I started seak a lot of those people that question some of the stuff about me it ended up being a part of the championship team and if I was Dwayne Casey I would feel like everybody gave deard Rosen his flowers after he left and

Everyone felt very empathetic towards dear rosen’s parture especially since it was like very open in public yeah yeah he went on ESPN and Toronto was like villains dude remember msai after making the trade of his life like when he goes back and looks at all this his legacy is

He made the kawhai trade and that it was very much the right trade at the right time at the right price yeah but when in the moment that press conference he was sweating like crazy he was getting pressed but with Casey the difference is no one thought at the time anyways not

Sorry I shouldn’t say no one that’s too uh extreme but most people thought it was the right time to move on yeah they had the very public um disagreement after the LeBron there were more questions I could ask them yeah but but there was should you have doubled LeBron out of uh game

Three but the the Raptor telling was this guy won coach of the year and he went up there and accepted that award as he had already been fired with like he was a man without country at that standpoint thankfully he had already gone on with the Pistons at that point

So at least he could he wasn’t a FR agent but anyway yeah point so it’s like but no one really wept for Dwayne Casey and I think that when no one weeps for coaches man that’s what I’m but that’s what I’m saying and so you got to be

Like a urgen club you got to be like a Greg papovich like pep guardio like that that level of like say everyone else is kind of like no offense but a little bit fungible But ultimately sucks but you know for sure but ult and that’s the business and like that’s what I’m saying

I’m not weeping here but ultimately the guy is the Winsley for the Raptors got 320 wins and I do think that he kind of built a stable program he built a foundation cuz when the Raptors again like it was the last time the Raptors in this iteration were Rel the show talking

About what Grady did what RJ did yay we lost by close margin yay we had a lead the last time we were like this was 2011 2012 when when Dwayne ultimately took over around that time and that’s it and that’s all I’m saying is we haven’t been

There since then but the hard part is you dig yourself out of that hole actually build a found in place and grow up from there and that’s the thing no one will know for sure I think the Raptors are actually in a better place right now I think honestly talent wise

We’re a little bit higher than we worth back thenone but still there’s not a guarantee that you grow and actually build something that means something like for a while it meant something to watch Raptor bball for players to wear a Raptor’s uniform for fans to go and get

A specific experience like it was there it was established and I feel like we not only have lost that we have to rebuild that now yeah and it’s not a certainty so the people who actually did that should absolutely get their credit but but that’s it is I I feel like out

Of everybody we kind of trip all over ourselves to give credit to everyone for their contributions to the the championship and I think that probably he’s the most left out and yet when you look at it you’re like if you want my truth is no I do

Think that having Nick nurse be the head coach was important then too like he alluded to the thing about like if I would have gotten Kawhi Leonard and I’m like I don’t think it’s that simple as to if it would have been Dwayne Casey with kawhai that the championship happens you know

No trust me I’ve made the same point before too and it’s like you got to be pretty special to to go Innovative at certain points and you know what Nick did at certain moments like figuring out the fact that you had to play two bigs together Serge and Mark together that

Was the key to even surviving the six series because Raptors could have lost that earlier in the series probably even in sixth in Philadelphia if they didn’t figure that thing out um you know the boxing one in the finals against step the the defensive strategies they were

Able to use against Milwaukee at that time the building the Giannis wall you know obviously it helps that Ka can once in a while be like well not once in a while but sometimes Ka like hey I can guard Jimmy berer tonight or I can guard jannis tonight and that helps a lot

Talent wise you know obviously Dwayne had way less to cook with than what Nick did but Nick did also cook those dishes so he absolutely deserves those credit that’s it yeah it’s like the guy came in and he had the success and it was like yeah but I mean that’s that’s ancient

History I mean I think it’s just nice to it’s nice to get him on and just go through those times but that’s what I’m saying is like I I like way Casey a lot and I’m glad to hear that he’s buried the hatchet with the front office and I

Hope that somay when he’s like you know that he feels like when he’s here that fans stop him and are like you’re the man like we loved you too that same way that fans did love him at one point that’s true that’s true well yeah those are fun times man we got

To take another break our last break of the day I’ll tell you this too as someone who has put proteges under his wing and had some oh you got some Nick nurses in your your I’ve had Nick I’ve had Nick nurses he’s a better man than I ah yeah

Yeah I I think that’s absolutely true cuz I all cards on the table I’ve given Dwayne a fair bit of flock as well as honestly part of your job as a coach is to take the pins and needles so that your players don’t have to hit them as

Much I think he understands that too but I was I always fair to Dwayne absolutely not and you can go check through my coverage but hopefully you don’t because I apologize for that now anyway especially when I got to talk to them I guess not face to face but directly for

For 20 minutes it was great want to take a last break been your host will you’ve been listening to the Raptor show on the sports radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new chunky spicy soup welcome back to the Raptor show on the sports radio network I’m your s continue to be

Joined by JD bunkers I got to say man feels feels very smooth feels very natural right now and I’m going to ask you the question that I asked you offir but we just saw yic is he your MVP right now unquestionably okay because this

Sets me up for the spicy take of the day brought to you by or this actually a stat never mind it’s a spicy stat of the day brought to you by a new chunky spicy super he really got fired up okay my spicy stat honestly is very simple is

Nine as in there have only been nine players in NBA history to win three MVPs or more the list of those with three magic bird Dr J Moses you say one word you instantly can picture a whole career with these names those with four MVPs on their Ledger LeBron and Wilt that’s it

And those were five Jordan and Russell and then the only only one with six MVPs in their career is Kareem so I agree with you joic would be the front runer right now probably my pick to win MVP right now as well so if he wins it now

He’s going to get to three and joic is 29 he’s squarely in his prime he as far as all the superstars very very healthy very rarely miss his time you know what I mean it’s not like the mbid thing his team is Elite they’re locked in they’re

Also in their Prime so my point is they’re going to keep doing this and after he wins the next this year which he most likely will and again guys have already dropped out like embiid because of injuries yep he’s probably going to be the favorite to win it again next year so my

Question to you coming out of this is when if ever will voter fatigue ever hit for joic because if we give him another MVP he’s he’s in that he’s in like LeBron and will territory he’s already one with three he going to be in Magic bird Dr J Moses territory and I’m not

Saying don’t give it to him because you know what you got to protect this no if he if he’s the most valuable player which he is clearly right now give it to him but I just want to know cuz voters typically change their behavior over time yep

So because both my parents were big basketball fans yeah and both basketball coaches I I feel like very sentimental about the past like I’m I’m a protectionist when it comes to the past and like my natural inclination when people are like well this guy is the greatest player since this is usually to

Actually push back with basketball more so than any other sport like I get emotional when I see the NBA Finals uh what do they called montages that they do video packs they do with O’Brien it’s like that that rings in a way to me that nothing else really does got I think yic

Is going to be a part of that group like I I just all of those names that you said I don’t think it’s going to be inappropriate at the end of his career that we mention him among them I think he’s that good and it’s for the reasons

That we said earlier in the show which is it just the decision- making is Elite the ability and just about every single phase of the game is above average I even think like his defense is a little bit better than he good defensive that he gets credit for um he’s an alltime

Great my thing is I don’t think he’s going to stick around maybe long enough where he gets the bonus end of the career one so he’s not going to be LeBron with 4 40,000 points which such an absurd number by the way don’t you think that part of the Legacy with yic

Is that he’s kind of like the death of voter fatigue because that ended up happening well LeBron should really be on this list with like six for sure for sure but they stopped giving it to LeBron they just LeBron’s like okay yeah he’s the best player but guess what

Westbrook’s better this year like not not no one said Westbrook’s better this year but we’re giving it to Westberg we’re giving it to hard this year yeah yeah but that’s what I’m saying is that now it kind of does feel like we tried to do that with yic already MH like

We’ve already gone through these cyles we already had we actually just did this with giving it to embiid because realistically he was the MVP of last year as well so he should already be on three on the verge of getting four that’s that’s how I feel about it is

That we’ve already done this and that we’ve already had these cycles and now everyone has got to see him now he’s won a championship so even the casuals of the game have seen you can’t deny him man what he did last year yeah but that’s it is like he’s now become this

Undeniable Force it’s like how many times has he beat the Lakers in a row now seven he’s just their daddy like he just he loves taking him to the fourth quarter and then and then showing them what’s up he’s like maybe this time and then he’s like no not this time actually

He’s actually I’m so happy LeBron has his version of lebronto dude that’s it and so all I’m saying is LeBron I like I love this this take but I kind of feel like he’s now sort of risen above it and we might not get voter fatigue what I do

Think will happen though is that year where it’s kind of a split where it’s razor thin like last year where it was embiid like let’s say Giannis has another season that he puts together where the two of them are neck and neck yeah I think that voters will probably

Still lean towards the other guy that they view it as like a 52 you know 48 split right yeah because the thing was the Nuggets is like it’s not like last year even last year where by the way he didn’t win it he had a better season last year statistically his team was

Also definitively number one in the west this year the West is a little bit more jumbled right Denver’s obviously the top and and sometimes have been number one but like still it’s not like ahead of the pack same way his efficiency is actually a little bit down from last

Year and yet it’s like when you watch him especially especially now we seeing the rapid is like yeah I’m not going to pick anyone else for MVP he’s the guy I least wanted to see so if your life’s on the line you’re picking him in any game

There’s no question can I just give you some spicy numbers go ahead go ahead all right this player is 58th in Wind shares tied with Michael Porter Jr and Dante dant chenzo third and third in three-pointers made this year is Dante d chenzo okay that’s I couldn’t believe

That’s actually like a that’s almost more shocking than C could be the spicy St yeah that’s that’s extra spicy no way I Dante chenzel third in the league in three pointers made this year this player is 36 in point per game behind cam Thomas and Jeremy Grant this player

Is 31st in PR he’s 26th in box plus minus he’s 37th in vorp behind Mike Connelly who is this player I I know who this player is but you let the audience know because it’s setup yeah yeah so you watched him last night where it becomes

This two man game with him and joic mhm and it’s brilliant and he can do it all on his own and yet you have these raw numbers he’s never made an All-Star game he never gets any credit because he’s beside the greatest player of all time he truly to me is becoming modern-day

Scotty Pippen where it’s like we don’t really know but at least Pippen had his season alone that kind of established him as like oh no Scotty can do it he’ll win the regular season games he’s all that great I guess what I’m asking you

Is like how do you how do you slot Jamal Murray in the NBA because late in games I feel like he’s one of the players I’m most confiable especially in that two-man game but that’s it but how much of it is the other guy like what could

You bring in there like if you brought in dearon Fox what would it be that was the guy I was going to ask you about because dear FOX also didn’t make the All-Star team this year yeah and I was like that’s nuts he’s so good first off he would

Have fully made it in the East he’s he’s great yeah he’s incredible but yeah I think with Jamal it’s so different because he’s two players mhm usually but sometimes within the same game like in the first half last I’m like Raptor attacking Jamal Murray a lot Five Points

He wasn’t scoring much wasn’t that aggressive and honestly wasn’t even playm that much I’m like all right like the fact that him and Reggie Jackson played each other to an equal is wild I guess the other half of it is sometimes he’s Reggie Jackson the other half is

Sometimes in these crunch time games he looks incredible to me like one of the best crunch time players and you could say that like yeah he gets Yoku just screen off of him and that means that the big never comes over to help because they’re obviously attached to yic or

Maybe sometimes they switch and he gets a mismatch that he’s playing in a mismatch of course there are advantages playing with yic but so much of his him creating on on his own you saw late in the game there where because and I think yic benefits from having another guy who

Can dribble and handle too that he can also get himself free to score a little bit easier they help each other no doubt but there were moments where Jamal’s stuck and then he has a moment of magic mid-range pull-up from any angle um Fade Away contested thre ones where he was on

Kelly had him stuck he’s like seen you since you were a teenager I know how to guard you I know your little tricks and he got him stuck and Jamal Murray’s like okay I’m going to stop step through Lean Like a finger roll from five feet and

It’s going to bounce in so I think yeah there’s just two Jamal murres when you average it out he doesn’t look like as exceptional but absolutely within him there’s two players I think that we discount him because we try to fall over ourselves MH complimenting yic because

We already did the thing where we didn’t compliment yic enough and now it has to be like extreme all the time and I feel a bit of that too I mean he’s also that good no he is that good but that’s it is like in his world in his orbit he’s so

Incredible that I don’t know what like I said to you that I think if Michael Porter is on any other team I’m like this is one of my least favorite players in the NBA and I think that he kills teams and you’re like well there’s certain there’s certainly guys like we

Saw Will Bon come from Denver to Toronto look Bruce Brown Look At Bruce Brown yeah you like watching Bruce Brown I don’t understand why Bruce Brown feels the need to take over as much as he nobody asked for this that rotation at the end of last night’s game I still I

Was he asked for that one what why why but he’s just G like I feels almost like I’m too good for this for sure and honestly you came off a championship I get it but like dude uh yeah he’s got to chill out Brucey B um just yes or no

Quickly before the show ends because I think that Jamal Murray is actually one of the most clutch players in the NBA like if again oh yeah undeniably is on the line I’d like him a lot but it’s like let me just list some players off and you say the which one or Jamal

Murray Donovan Mitchell or Jamal Murray Jamal see see that’s what I mean dearen fox or Jamal Murray that one’s actually really close I feel like if you gave dearen Fox joic the play off I might actually take Daren Fox I mean he does have kind of baby

Yic yeah yeah actually I don’t know though man that’s really close that was really close push Jaylen Brunson now come on yeah okay no no offense no offense of Jaylen Brunson this what I’m saying Jaylen Brunson is like he’s Top’s be all this year think about the oxygen

That some of these guys get as number ones and that Jamal Murray is just willing to be a number two with and clch it’s like uh this is this is uh would you rather Dame or Jamal you can’t disrespect Dame I Gotta Give it I would disrespect today d uh

It’s Jamal Tyrese Maxi yeah that’s not close come on we haven’t seen it which we haven’t seen Maxi do that but who could you ever say that but who could you ever say that about where I listed those stats those statistics overall that picture and then we both agree

Where we’re like yeah no that guy it’s crazy don’t that’s the thing though Jamal’s two guys man half the time he’s ja the other half the time he’s like Jamal Murray you know he’s incredible hopefully he does that for Team Canada just shows you how much clutch goes like

How far it goes you know how good our back court is going to be if we get clutch Jamal Murray like not Reggie Jackson Jamal Murray and also Shay like goodness man like the US can bring whatever guards they could bring Stephen whoever I’m still so sad they get ID I

Hope he doesn’t show up yeah well that one uh that one I hate Z Zak I hope this I hope you get a run up do I hope you’re ready yo can Mar marcool worked in in Toronto for two years can we can we naturalize marcol please Kelly Alin just

Had uh he went head-to-head with joic for three quarters and we thought it was an actual Balan match up for a second I got a naturalize jonay Porter after that match up that yeah you you’re trying everything you’re like he’s the yic stoer Canadian 45 tweets of the yic

Stopper jante triple double oh jie this was great yeah this was fun man thanks for having me appreciate man thank you for taking time out of your aftera to do this it was awesome we just got to just got to chat but mostly you know talk

About how radio works in a way yeah yeah it’s a very specific thing that’s the thing for me I always came out from a podcast perspective so I see some of the slight differences and try to learn and appreciate the nuances but uh yeah appreciate working with the pro here the

More you can blend the two the better and I think you do a really good job of that thank you man appreciate it thank you that does it for us today I’ve been your host will you’ve been listening to the Raptor show on the sports CER radio

Network brought to you by Campbell’s new chunky SP soups time to get fired up make sure you find the Raptor show wherever you listen to podcast subscribe please R rview the program thanks once again to producer al man our board producer Derek brandale Jennifer wck Davis say J Man helping behind the

Scenes Big thanks to Dwayne Casey for coming on the program that was awesome and big thanks to JD bunkers as well we’ll be back tomorrow

William Lou and guest host JD Bunkis recap the Raptors staying competitive against the Nuggets. Dwane Casey joins the show to reflect on his time with the Raptors and helping build the foundation for the championship in 2019. Also, Will and JD discuss who is MVP and the historical context of a player winning three MVP trophies.


00:00:00 – Raptors Competitiveness
00:29:11 – Raptors VS Nuggets
00:49:18 – Dwane Casey
01:26:30 – MVP trophies


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  1. I’ve honestly never turned off one of your pods, JD is such a leaf’s blow hard, leaf’s are the most oversensitive fan base in Canada.

  2. Glad to see JD on the show. He's a great personality that isn't 'bland' that I would like to see on Raps show more often

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