@Boston Celtics

LIVE: Celtics vs Jazz Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs Jazz Postgame Show | Garden Report

Can you say hard hats folks hard hats lunch P steel to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a failure look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for Jay can I pull the John what are we apologizing

For what do we say what do we Do what’s going on guys hey I’m so happy cut it no I like it I like the bumper going I’m I’m to keep it going for a little bit you know happy this portion of the schedule is is over yeah there’s always a great game every year

Not just for the late nights but my God what did we do who did we piss off to get backto back Portland Utah West Coast games but here we are and here you are so you know if you’re here we’re here right absolutely appreciate the viewers always Nine’s not too bad we’ll get

Through it we’re fine nine is fine he’s talking about the game the game what are we supposed to do what are we supposed to do what do we talk about well cornette’s Gonna Keep forcing you to do a segment on him every night yeah 90 seconds John

Took took 90 seconds for that to qu yeah I don’t I don’t know this is the best one yet right after the two other best ones I thought he was present um no I mean look there was you know Luke was fine I mean it was six in

A BL that street it was fine it was fine again what’s interesting is that Luke lob threat especially against teams that don’t really have an interior presence there ums I like it the Luke lob threat opens opens some things up so it’s interesting because it is a nice little

Weapon that they’re doing using uh most interesting development of the night the Bucks are down 19 points to the Kings um in Sacramento which could move this to a nine and a half game lead in the East and 10 in the Lost column which again is almost Unthinkable but Celtics get back

In the win Celtics get back in the wind column Jason Tatum gets out of his little mini Funk um in a game that none of us wanted to see him play but played he played nonetheless we thought he was out certainly last night yeah guess he’s

Going for that MVP race again I don’t know maybe he thinks it’s one last bottom of the ninth here I don’t know he doesn’t like sitting Joe said it last year too doesn’t like you have the Suns coming up that’s gonna be a great test a

Great matchup why not just sit and you you think the Celtics really needed him to beat the jazz tonight I don’t know not only did he not sit tonight he came back and played like the last five minutes when they were up 20 and took like six shots down the stretch he had

To finish with 30 plus Bobby the campaign Still Still Still Alive I guess there’s no there never was look I there was never a legitimate Jason Tatum MVP campaign he started it though John face of the NBA like no I think Stephen A started it and then state run

Celtic social media you know propagated it and it made its way into the broadcast and whatever and you know we were forced to have these conversations and then it forces us to say no he’s not and then it forces us to come off as haters but he’s never really in the MVP

Race because again the best player on the planet is leading the best team in the NBA or one of them uh in jic and you’re just never going to come near that and then there’s other guys with just other worldly stats that are just going to be really hard so he was never

Truly in it um but I did think he could have snuck his way into a top three finish I just don’t ever think it was a realistic thing um yeah I just think people were having fun with it I just think it was a conversation that was thrown out there essentially after Joel

Embiid went out you know went down everyone knew he was goingon to be able to finish the season everyone knew that knocked him out of a contention for MVP because of the new rules so I think that’s kind of kind of when it started and then it was just like well wait a

Minute how long have the Celtics had the best record who’s the guy that’s leading it and then it just carried on from there and then you know he went on a tear but the those those two games against the Cavs and the nuggets on the national stage I think hurt him you know

For sure or at least hurt him entering that top four or top three uh candidates at least yeah so again Tatum was fine um you did get a you got another you know it’s good to see the things that we’ve seen in these last couple of games where

People thrust into action with uh Hower uh ay knocking down open looks um you know and it’s uh nice to see when he does that uh ended up four of 11 but he had a really good game the other night uh you know four 11 for three uh the other night Derek white

Riging down every potential three opportunity Pon Pritchard had a poor shooting game tonight but I thought was fine Off the Bench and we’re gonna sit here and talk about cornette we’re gonna talk about Xavier Tillman who was a plus4 uh in 27 minutes with eight rebounds and looked damn good in his uh

In his spot Duty so I don’t know if this is the day to be trumpeting the uh to blowing the Cornet horn because the guy behind him also looked like he had a really they play together in that stretch that boo it’s not a competition it’s not a competition it’s

Not a competition they’re both here to help the team win and tman was awesome tonight um awesome so uh good things off of tonight what stood out for you guys um well yeah you said it a little bit with the Derek white just going off the way he did keeping teams you know

Defense on their heels at least I just think they just gave him that bit of space that he needed to to just catch fire and and it happened um you know Drew holiday was was was was solid I think you know obviously tayum was was was incredible that qu first quarter

Start you’d love to see that sort of reminiscent of you know Jaylen what he’s been doing in the past you know uh six seven games but with Jaylen out I mean Tatum obviously did what he had to do and and he got going early you know and

I just think it’s it was one of those games again I don’t think the sub needed him to in order to beat the Jazz but you know he went off way he did and it’s good to see him kind of get back into his offensive Rhythm a bit especially

With this game against the Suns and it looks like Deon Booker’s going to be in it you know look like he’s back for those guys so they’re gonna be all in you know going up against the Celtics in Boston and it’s great to have Jaylen

Take that take that rest as well but I do think it’s time to rest Tatum at some point or at least it’s around the corner um but with with uh all that being said look the game game itself yeah it was it was solid look cornette did his thing

You know I know I know we had to spend some time talking about him because the the streak continues of of solid performances and this is this is right there you know up up there that that uh cornet LW the Luke laob I was calling it

On Twitter the Luke lob is is is real it’s a real threat I love to see how Pritchard was was going back to it he did it in Portland last night did it again tonight Drew holiday you know was successful a couple times Derek white as well that constant threat as a second

Unit with Luke with um um with um Hower shooting the way he’s been shooting it’s that’s a legit onew punch there coming off the bench and with whatever version of Pritcher shows up it’s always a is a plus on top of of course Al Horford but yeah look I want

To see more of that from the second unit for sure I want I want to see them more comfortable out there because I I do think uh some combination of those guys is going to be important in the postseason what and I’m thrw up this comment here and it’s worth addressing

Because you know at this point in the night you’re going to be looking at I mean this point in the season you’re going to be looking at those things who’s playing those I think that’s what they’re trying to figure out tonight who playing those bench minutes what

Combinations uh you know who can you trust uh and and and who’s there again my fear is that after the first round they’re gonna have a short leash with everybody and that includes Pritchard Hower cornette Tillman I don’t think you see Bret ever outside of a blowout you

Know and I understand it goes tight but if there think you keep saying this John they keep playing well because this is nothing this means nothing in the playoff this is an entire season in the playoffs when it ratchets up and you have people and you have weak spots and

Teams start to Target those weak spots and they they go with cornet in the post or they or they isolate Pritchard and they’re not pulling their own weight it’s G to be a quick hook we’ve seen it time and again and I think that those guys that’s where you’re going to really

See what it’s about these games who gives a crap like you know it’s this this game was somewhere in between you know playing the Denver Nuggets and and and and and uh and pritchard’s aaou game where he scored 90 points like it’s somewhere in the middle like it’s not

Even close to representative of what you’re going to get especially in the SE by the second round in the Conference Finals of the playoffs so that’s what I’m worried about is a potentially quick quick hook with some guys who who you’re a little who you don’t fully you’ll

Trust them in the regular season and I think that that that trust is going to be uh tested in the in the playoffs I I I I could see it for sure it’s just I have a lot of evidence in front of me from this season that all

Those guys are capable of playing well within their roles and they aren’t asked to do a lot they might get isolated they might get put into actions so that’s certainly something that could hurt them if that happens but O’Shea’s out there just grabbing offensive rebounds Luke’s out there setting screens doing handoffs

And defending the post pritchard’s out there knocking down shots and grabbing offensive rebounds these guys all have very narrow roles and you really only need one of them to step into the game and give you small minutes in the playoffs so I think all of these guys

Depending on the match up are capable of filling their roles they’ve shown it all year there’s very few games where I’ve looked at any of these guys and said man they’re really struggling you can’t play these guys I I they’re not now it’s just a different animal in the playoffs and

That’s my fear that’s but it’s going to be a much smaller role that they play when they get there and we’ve had that debate all year of you know maybe a guy goes down one of those guys have to step into a major role or at least a bigger

Role than they’re projected to be in right now so that’s where I think you have a concern with that group and why you went and got a guy like Tilman for something like that but if your top six are healthy John what do you need 10 minutes from a seventh guy 15 minutes

You don’t think any one of these guys are capable of that I don’t know I’m curious to see how goes I don’t know that you’re going to trust um I I think you’re going to get a lot of second quarter Subs regular rotations and then an extremely tight hook in that second

Half um if you see any signs of uh of things not necessarily working out uh the way you want them to so how much are you going to trust these guys and the type of contributions you’re going to get from your bench of the playoffs I’m

Still dubious I’m not saying uh I’m not saying definitively yeah these guys are cooked uh it’s just I still don’t think we know and so every time we ask that question I actually don’t know the answer uh I’d like to think that they can do it but I don’t know yeah I mean

Look I don’t blame you John I mean there’s been games you know throughout the regular season where you got close to nothing from the second unit you know and I think that’s something I don’t think that’s true that work what do you mean Bob I mean you look at the scoring

Yeah but they’re they’re not doing the scoring joose way right but I just think that there’s times where you look at the ball that’s kind of the point Bobby you’re writing Co the bench numbers are good on a plus minus thing because you’ve been riding coattails of starters

Every once in a while when someone pops off you have a good Houser shooting game a good prino game or cornette catches a couple of lobs and he’s active everyone’s like look see but like I again the numbers the scoring is still obviously way down and outside of Hower

None of them are specialists in any particular way that’s the that’s kind of the thing is none of them brings you anything other than rest for your starters outside of Hower who gives you Elite shooting they are just they’re just filling time and so that’s always

The fear is like can you survive those minutes in a play in an intense playoff atmosphere without them bringing you something that is of Great Value because they don’t Pritchard is on and off six guys who bring you something of Great Value so you’re they do and that’s why

The bench is always fine because in the regular season when you run regular rotations there’s three starters on the floor times but are you going to run uh three you know Tatum and three bench guys as you do a ton of times in the regular season of course not you know

Like so it’s gonna get tighter you know right now they they’ve proven to not be liabilities that was a worry can they be assets can they be used can they be trusted in the playoffs I don’t know I don’t know I think people have a right

To like question it for for sure like as a collective unit I just think you you see maybe one or two maybe that second guy who’s okay those those were two solid performances Off the Bench but that’s not a on a nightly basis I mean you know you have those games but then

Sometimes you’re wondering I mean those names change I guess that’s what I’m trying to say right those names change and sometimes it’s Hower like it was last night with 20 plus you know sometime it’s pitard other times Pritchard has doesn’t have it that night you know and he’s having he’s been

Consistent of late but that happy medium sometimes I’m not I wait for the the the other shoe to drop you know what I mean like I’m I’m thinking might be a string of of games he doesn’t show up at all and then all of a sudden he’s back you

Know so I just think that’s why you’re not quite sure who those guys are going to be I mean could be Hower had to guess I mean after after Horford you know could be he could have one of those games that I think you you look back on

During the postseason you say man you know something if they didn’t have that Off the Bench they would have really been in trouble I think we’ll have one of those games in the postseason Al Horford I think will be solid as well but you know to answer this guy’s

Question you know like that name can change it could be housing one night could be pred another yeah we’ll see we’ll see how it goes again the starters are so good and when you have three of them on the court at all time it’s not like as daunting as it was in the

Past before you had to survive lineups that had only one it’s totally different than before so you can survive these gu they’re the same guys they’re just playing with better players before Bobby you had lineups that had only one scoring option for the most part Tatum

Or brown and then a bunch of guys and you’re like how in the how in the world what happened every time you know like how in the world are you GNA survive here when you had Jaylen Brown and a non- Tatum lineup against Miami last year and they’re like okay we’ll just go

Zone and they won’t score for six minutes and then we’ll pick on this guy and get a bunch of easy buckets every be like oh my god get get Tatum back in the game and that was with some of the same bodies that we’re talking about now they benefit from playing around great

Players all the time so again you can hide them a little bit I just don’t know you know in the playoffs how that’s going to play that’s all it’s always been that’s always been my concern always been my concern with this team I think I think we’re fooling ourselves if

You just look at the regular season and be like they were fine here they’ll be fine there yeah but it hasn’t been a regular season where they’ve gone up and down and there’s been these crazy you know great games from the bench or man the bench killed you this night and it’s

Back and forth I think they’ve been pretty steady and consistent throughout the year and like you said because of the fact that you have players who are doing so much on the to six you’re asking Hower to hit threes you’re asking cornette to guard the post you’re

Asking you know just guys to do what they’re good at even brassette like he just comes in and grabs three four offensive rebounds every time he comes in like it’s nothing so these guys have been consistent they all Focus really on one thing each I think they’ve all

Gotten better at those individual things as their time has gone on here for the guys who have been here for a little bit and sure you have concerns about cornette against certain types of offenses that are able to spread own space you have concerns about Pritchard who sometimes just doesn’t have a shot

In these games and it’s similar for Hower but if you’re just talking about like you said going out there and holding the line I think they’re all capable of doing that and more often than not I think you’ve at least gotten one good contribution off that bench in

Every single game this year which is all you really need come playoff time from this group so when they get when they get exposed it looks really bad and that’s why people have a free out cuz how many times do that happen I know but when it happens it’s happening against a

Good team that you’re going to face in the playoffs and when it does happen you’re like oh my God these guys aren’t playable so when it happens it’s more of a indicator of what potentially could happen later on versus getting away with it against bottom feeding Eastern

Conference teams or that you know games where you know there starters injured or other people have thin benches too and you’re playing with three starters again Boston second unit if you’re playing a team that doesn’t have Boston’s juice in the starting lineup and they’re down a player and you get into their second

Units you’re you’re talking about the Celtics have three starters in cornette and those guys have one playable player and a couple it’s always going to be a mismatch there again that’s why I think they have a good Dynamic here people want to see them go out and get elani

Walker people want to see them go out and get all these different scorers Off the Bench you have enough scoring you have enough Playmakers Shooters all the rest you need guys who do little things and that’s what all the guys off their bench do so maybe you’re gonna end up

Being right John and you know in May I’m not saying I’m right I’m saying nobody knows and people in the comments being like Oh it’s so negative it’s not I I’m just going off what we’ve watched so far I’m and I’m going off what we don’t know

And so I’m just saying I’m not convinced of what we’ve watched is translates directly in the playoffs I am a little bit concerned that’s that’s it I’m a little bit concerned with these guys because you’ve had they’re not new you you’ve had cor you’ve had cornette Pritchard and Hower on this team and

Been afraid to play them in the playoff yeah we criticized them last year for not and so the same guys did not get Leaps and Bounds better everyone around them got better so the same guys you were scared of playing last year you’re all of a sudden confident this year I

Don’t know they’re the same guys you know they look good because they’ve got people around them you didn’t you nobody could throw a lob last year so half of cornett’s offense was neutralized you know like it’s it’s they haven’t been able to throw L for four years well I

Love the fourth quarter tonight great hands too yeah the fourth quarter tonight’s great to me because you got to experiment with things you might do in a playoff setting if you really need to down a guy you throwing Tilman and cornette out there together I think holiday and white were leading that

Lineup and then you had Hower out there with them perer at a certain point and you went on a 20 nothing run I know it’s a jazz I know it’s a short-handed Jazz team without marking in but to be able to leaning on those guys go on a 20

Nothing run it just speaks a lot to the way those guys are fitting their roles isn’t this crazy cornett’s probably had more lobs than Rob had last year that’s how bad that’s how bad the people handling the ball Point Tatum and Marcus were getting you know like it’s insane

White’s so good and that’s what really keyed that little run like you had tman and cornette doing some screening separately both of them were rolling in different directions I thought they did some really cool stuff on that stretch and like we talked about yesterday John when white has the ball in his hands

Even without Tatum out there in that situation amazing things happen I mean they were plus eight without Tatum tonight uh so it’s a real strength having him out there and other guys like you said being able to command those second unit lineups because I think all of those guys bring really good things

To the table you just need like you said the initiators the scorers the guys to drive those lineups a lot of times it’s been Brown this year too the second unit numbers with brown actually look pretty good this year this year totally different the Tatum last year it was

That massive disparity with Tatum off the court and it was ridiculous so those brown Le lineups were brutal this year it’s I it’s not flipped but they they the brown Le the the the non- Tatum minutes they’re winning them uh in you know by by convincing fashion so it’s

Totally different this year but again I think it’s because you’ve got able-bodied you know uh point you know point guards and guys who can you can run the offense through that are managing things versus those stretches when you would play either Tatum in subs and brown in Subs was just give those

Guys the ball and just let them see what they could get on their own because they’re the only ones who could or occasionally Brogden who could create his own offense there I think in some of those units as well and he was actually a godsend because he was for the first

Time in a couple of years the only guy outside of those two that could get their own shot off um now they’ve got a lot of those guys you know between you had that dma you had that dilemma end the games of are we playing bro that’s

Why they had to get rid of Smart yeah yeah right but then now you have guys that just between white and Drew holiday they just make things so seamless like in terms of the offense like when when guys like T or brown like either one’s taking a break they can just you know

Take take mat to their own hands without having to be the they’re kind of the same guy right it’s amazing they really are like I mean white gets more headlines and he’s prob simar Vibes more over effective but they are in in the sense that they they they they’re just

Pros they almost look they’re all they’re prone to turnovers from time to time too not every you can’t be perfect but it feels like they make the right decision nine you know 99 times out of a 100 when they have the ball and and and the way that they play defensively both

On the ball on their own everyone will look at like a time or two where one of them might get beaten straight up one-on-one but their team their their team defense and their instincts and the way that they move things around they’re just they they’re like two of the same

Guy it’s incredible to have two of these guys it really is yeah and the way I think that’s why when they approached Portland with that deal for Drew it was just like listen let’s let’s just make it happen you know whatever oh they want more than one first round pick

Let’s do it because it’s just that that security you know of having two of those guys Marcus Marcus in the rearview mirror you know you’re moving ahead with Chris ass but then now you have these two like pillars in your back court that is no other team can can compare

Themselves to you know like it’s not even close so no I mean you talk just the two-way ability of those guys and the shooting is just insane you know just watching them Watching White Tonight knock down all of their shots it’s so freaking good so I mean yeah

White was incredible tonight uh he he deserves he deserves a little bit of time too Louise I can see is not in the chat she sat this one out obviously because there was no uh Jaylen Brown um and that’s okay you don’t have to make every you don’t have to make every game

But uh what’s that brown injury skill Skil it’s like it’s like it’s basically ass okay he’s got it’s basically his ass it’s I love ddy tonight that was my favorite line of um of the broadcast tonight was that uh that that word was in the message or something by Grandmaster

Flash oh yeah yeah the way Drew played that off did he really know that song or was he that was a crazy reference wait what what was the reference the the injury Brown has Skil or whatever I guess that’s a line that’s dropped in the the message by Grand Master Flash

And then like Drew almost said it too fast he was like oh did he say that in that song and then I was thinking to myself you know that song that’s all right but I could be wrong I could be he could have known exactly what he’s talking about a crazy

Word but the pace in his response I was like he said a little too fast I don’t know yeah yeah no that’s true um so we’ll we’ll get into that a little bit uh little Eddie Eddie knows his classic man to exactly Bob to like to pull that

One phrase or line yeah it’s funny yeah um so uh more to come as we uh kind of roll through uh the final game of this five-game road trip uh and uh you know heading for the home stretch here Celtics about to expand their lead to

Freaking nine and a half games in the East if this buck score holds which is just insane um so uh we’ll keep it rolling here and we’ll uh take in some of your comments and and and whatnot we want to quickly tell you about our sponsor our wonderful sponsor prize pick

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Clns for a first deposit match up to $100 back to the Jazz game here it really is amazing and I know of course the Jazz are without marking in and I don’t know who else who else did they miss tonight anyone I think that was it they were pretty healthy otherwise pretty

Healthy second night of a back-to-back fifth game of a of a road trip before heading home playing in elevation playing short-handed it still is amazing that it’s like it’s s this is such a classic 16 and three now without porzingis it’s a classic game that team

Lose all this type of game teams lose all the time and you know i’ never felt like they threatened uh you know that that losing was an option I guess when you’re talking about the bench it’s nice to see bench players start play along with starters be effective not look

Completely out of place and be able to be as effective as some other team starters even though it’s a inferior team like Utah it’s still an NBA team uh and you know they’re not getting blown off the floor there they’re they’re they’re they’re they’re totally holding their own that counts for cornette that

Counts for Hower Pritchard the other night as well in Portland so I’ll give the I’ll give them that you know it’s a different animal when you get thrown in with the starters how many times we see Pritchard even a couple of years ago get a spot start and look like he just

Didn’t belong at all uh even Grant when that would happen sometimes just wasn’t playing well with the starters it looks you just look out of place you’re better off playing some people really can only play against second unit players it it is good to see the bench guys you know

Getting starter reps and being able to hold their own yeah they play those defined roles which I think is important and last year you had a good scoring bench between Grant and Brad and everything but those guys that sometimes throw your Rhythm off I thought Grant’s shot selection was

Questionable last year at times Brogden I know got a lot of criticism for the lack of passing the lack of lob ability in his sense he would basically just catch the ball and shoot in his and that was his role had a sacrif so it’s it’s just a

Group that and we said this at the deadline John we were debating whether the upgrade or not H there’s something to having a group that understands their roles and everybody on this team does that’s been a key to the starters figuring it out holiday you mentioned earlier was that

Fifth option there sometimes just looks invisible out there because he’s so uninvolved directly in the offense but he has that subtle impact on both ends in terms of things he’s doing out there even if it’s just spacing and calling things out defensively so you have guys up and down this lineup that are

Interchangeable which surprises me John because you know as big of a fan of the bench as I’ve been this year I came into the year looking at the dynamic of this team and saying if you have one guy out you’re probably in trouble if you guys

If you have two guys out you probably can’t even win and they’ve basically won every single one of those games this year when they’ve had multiple guys resting um multiple bench stepping into the starting lineup it’s crazy how seamless it’s been and you know Joe deserves some credit for that I think

Everybody who’s been around with this team for the last couple years developing some of those guys from the ground up deserve a lot of credit I mean this is a debate we had a while ago John like the development in this team bringing guys up they haven’t done it in

A typical way in terms of drafting guys in the first round and integrating them but they’ve been able to pull some undrafted ends undrafted guys in get them in the system figure out they want to play and those guys end up being really good fits and I think you’re

Starting to see some other guys lower uh in the organization now start being on the path to doing that now so it’s it’s impressive what they’re doing in that sense this year and it’s a big reason that they’re going to rock it towards 60 wins here is they’ve been able to rest

Guys consistently all year I mean what what was it 16 and three without porzingis if you said porzingis was gonna miss 20 plus games this year probably would have thought that would have had a big impact on this te I think 655 games was the dream that was

My prediction I think honestly but yeah yeah I I he’s done it in a way where it’s just been resting and they’ve gotten yeah I mean with with two they’ve extremely minor an ankle and a and a and a and was it a hamstring or a thigh or

Something a calf calf the calf yeah that was it but each one was like oh God I hope this isn’t a lingering recurring thing and it ended up not being so been pretty pry like I think that I think he’s only lost like five or six games to injury and the

Rest has just been straight up maintenance yeah exactly and you look at that record and that that’s that’s the part of it that I was worried about was is that going to be closer to a 500 record you know life you know I I called it life without poring I thought it

Would happen more often when we got that what was it about a week and a half or or 10 days I think it was that was the longest stretch um that I can think of where he he missed consecutive games but outside of that you know it’s just been

Really precautionary stuff with think is is obviously very important for this Celtics team uh going into the playoffs and making sure that he’s okay for the Long Haul for a team that’s that’s supposed to be playing in June but um yeah look I I just think with when guys

Like uh cornette and Hower jump into the lineup and everything looks just so comfortable and natural I think it’s a testament to what they’re doing on the defensive side you know I just think they look so comfortable there whereas before the switching and you know sometimes those guys couldn’t even hold

Down a particular stin because they were they were getting beat by their man it whether it was off the ball whether it was miscommunication on the switches now completely different you know and against a team like this you know the Utah Jazz without their best player or

Even with them you’re not going into it wondering oh I hope these guys get off to a good start yeah Jason Tatum went off for 15 that first quarter that helps but even before that you saw a lot of that um structured approach on the on on

Defense that that I feel like made things harder for for Utah even even out of the gates you know which obviously didn’t help when when Tatum went off and you the sub what was it they tied for the second time this year uh 44 points in the first quarter that’s the most

Most they’ve scored in the first quarter of this season do you think Tatum got right tonight John I mean again I think it was good to get him started early I liked one of the things he did um out of the gate that when he you know um uh

Drove you know down the right side contact on the weight of the hoop and then went up and slammed it through contact again I like that because we were talking about his problems finishing um he was really poor around the rim last game and you know kind of that cutesy foul hunting thing

That he does sometimes uh as opposed to just go up and go strong and live with the result and play through the contact so I like that I don’t know if that kind of set him you know uh you know put him in a good place and then

The shot fell early when he’s knocks when he knocks down a couple of those threes I think that’s good he’s very much a rhythm scorer so I think it is important there I think the only time gets himself out of it is when those shots start falling early and then he

Starts to then the shot selection suffers later in the game there’s periods of that but again you’re the number one offensive guy out there you’re gonna have to look for your shot and you know he definitely had a better game offensively there uh you know and I think getting started early

Helped you know and it’s not a you know it’s not a Jaylen wasn’t in so he you know so he did good uh but yeah it it makes a difference when you don’t have porzingis and brown who often times are your kind of hot first quarter guys

Somebody’s got to carry it right and he did it so I thought that was good yeah I think that’s why I stood out because those guys weren’t there either so it’s kind of like not not like oh you have to do this now but he just happened

You know and he just looked comfortable out there it wasn’t like he was fighting for those points was it five for eight he started off so yeah yeah good Pace from him too I think he’s compared to before in points and other years in his

Career when they have to go he’ll go and I thought they played with a great Pace in that first quarter Jazz kind of pulled him into it but for him to be able to thrive and succeed in that spot I think is important because even Joe

You know as many GPS as we have with him and the way he sort of manages tium sometimes wants him to go like there’s no debate there he wants this team playing fast getting into the sets quickly and yeah I love the stuff he was saying on the radio before the game two

And he talked a little bit about it you know after last game is all of a sudden I guess it’s just the way Portland guarded them and the Jazz guard them so I’m not sure if this is something that’s going to last and maybe it’s a little

Bit poor zingis being out too they got into some of those you know two three four pass possessions that I think they look at their best in and he can be a part of that he can initiate that I wish they leaned on that more often and it’s interesting Joe’s saying this now

Because in the past John he would say we gotta take the first open shot if we pass that up who knows if there’s going to be another good one and now it’s like oh we want three four now we want to work through it it was a strange

Departure for Joe uh to say something like that which is you know exactly that three four actions in a set yeah that’s what the Nuggets do you know like that’s that’s really not what the Celtics do they they they they whip it around until they find their first open look and they

And they take it I left this comment up here because it is interesting I’ve never loved the Tatum subbing out at the minute Mark especially if he doesn’t get a shot off because he’s playing it slow waiting for the game to come to him the rationale behind it always was is that

He’s going to carry that second unit by himself oftentimes late in the first into that second quarter when you go through your major rotations and that was essential because that unit couldn’t survive without him on the floor this year that with the Celtics having been better with Tatum off the floor and with

Other people running with the bench is it as essential that Joe sticks with this rotation because it’s what was necessary in the past and it’s almost a carryover from regime to regime where Tatum’s that first sub at the six- minute Mark but how the hell are you

Taking your best player off the floor in the playoffs at six at the six minute Mark it’s a very strange thing to do um and they’re G they’re gonna keep doing it because they’re not going to change all their rotations at this point in the year but I understood the rationale

Behind it before I don’t fully now so I don’t know that it’s I I wonder if that changes a little bit in the playoffs because it is a little odd to pull him out that quickly before he has a chance to make any impact on the game yeah I

Wonder if they would let him cook a little longer in the playoffs yeah I just feel like it’s just the way they’re structured it’s just their subpattern that they they typically stick with but I don’t know I mean after the SE e the Conference Finals I mean last year

Obviously maybe it took them to go down three but you started see Joe start doing you know things on the Fly Off the Cuffs I would assume if he feels compelled to you know he’ll probably do the same thing especially if Tatum’s going off something similar to what we

Saw tonight that’s that’s happening in the playoffs you can’t take him out you know by the six minute Mark he was the double digits you know so I in scoring so I I don’t think but again no porzingis no Brown so I mean I get right

The they flipped at the last home stand a couple of times I think you pointed that out John they took Brown out early they did a couple of those games and tat played the entire first quarter a couple of times and again that feels like they’re messing around what they did

Entirely flip them one game I asked Jo about that and he said it was more about keeping a guy who was rolling early in the flow in Tatum’s case so he does have some flexibility there he’ll see things like that and I think he will adjust

When he thinks it’s needed so I get that point you probably want to kick that rest back anyway if he’s gonna be playing like 4043 minutes and only have like one two maybe stints on the bench so you don’t want just come in six minutes into the game’

Be interesting to look back at how they handled that in the past there because they have done that for a while and like you said John was out of necessity so that’s something you can twe TW tweak with fairly easily I think but there is a dynamic on this team that Brown’s

Gonna be starting these games hot so he’s gonna be the one who stays in more often than not and Tatum will be stepping out a lot of the time like you said without major scoring contributions in the first quarter and I do think that impacted them last postseason at times

How involved he’d be early and if that extended beyond that first stand you see him not as involved in the other that’s why in the playoffs I’m nervous about that yeah I don’t love it I mean tonight you saw him blocking shots and stuff off that hot start I’ll say this also he

He defensively he is he can he can actually be he can flip a series with his defense right now he did that Brooklyn one remember he is so hard to get around right now how his lateral movement and his length make it so he’s almost impossible to drive by I don’t

Care who it is smaller quicker guys no one gets around him you see other guys get C get get beaten off the dribble a bit even the great Dereck White’s going to be first team all defensive he gets taken off the dribble from Tatum cannot be taken off the dribble when he’s

Locked in on defense sometimes maybe he might fall asleep or be late on something but when he’s locked in he a legit weapon and we’ve seen it a couple of times this year I did just want to point that out I had something here and

It disappeared and I was going to put it up Joe talking about stuff uh we’ll get it back and we’ll throw it in there uh where is it I really wanted to go to it it’s gone sounds important it’s gone it’s gone um so yeah I don’t know we’ll

See if there’s any more tweaking there I you’re talking about rest I was looking at the schedule you definitely want to roll everybody against Phoenix I think you do want to get those good tests done I know it doesn’t mean anything in the standings but if you look at it you’ve

Got Phoenix and then a back-to-back Washington Detroit I could easily see Tatum missing that Washington game that would give them from THS that would give him from Thursday to Monday off if he stays and plays you know versus Detroit then you’ve got that Wednesday game against Milwaukee then it’s Detroit Chicago Atlanta

Atlanta and then a couple more worth playing New Orleans Oklahoma City that’s fine but then the rest Sacramento Portland milwa they’ll have clinched so long before that it’s insane how early they’re going to clinch this thing is gonna be I mean four five six seven eight nine this thing by the time you

Get back from Atlanta Bobby they’ll have one they’ll have wrapped this up before April which is nuts yeah possibly in possibly in Atlanta which is nuts you’re already starting to think about potential first round opponents too and stuff like that so I like doing something like that cornette Tillman

Combination tonight because it’s time to experiment it’s time to rest and I think part of Joe I he said he’s gotten better at this this year but there’s still a part of Joe I feel like that’s like let’s go we’re winning this game we’re winning the next game then we’re win

After that and it’s great but there does have to be some foresight too of what the end of The Season’s about here which is seeing what you have some other guys sitting some guys I mean I can’t believe Tatum played in this game after he looked last night and it’s great he

Played the way he did and he got that stretch late in the game I guess to get some shots up but man gonna say how many times he rested this year I can’t believe he checked back in when the game I can’t believe it either um we were

Talking we were talking about it earlier and I think it’s going to be uh a continued theme regardless of how much people wish it to not be but I do think that the the bench is going to be wait till you see it in the playoffs and how

It works but there’s no denying they have been good uh through throughout the year uh not just the you know not just the guys who have been uh you know consistently part of that eight-man rotation that Joe likes to employ but the Stay Ready crew uh as well and

Here’s Joe uh you know giving props to those guys for being able to step in couple games everybody stepping up like it’s just kind of what we we’re trying to build where we have an environment or locker room or culture of like it doesn’t matter who’s in guys are ready

To play at all times and the work that the player development team does getting guys ready the the professionalism that those guys have they’re just constantly ready and I have no hesitancy putting any one of those guys in because of the work they do and it reflected over these

Two games you know and that’s kind of uh what we’re trying to fight for you know is uh is that depth and uh it’s it’s been fun to watch and every single Celtics writer will rush to their keyboard and that will be their story tomorrow it has been fun to watch Joe Missoula

And the bench being you know the Stay Ready crew because what else are you going to talk about in a game like this Joe by the way excellent at setting narratives these days he he can he speaks it into existence and then that becomes the public record um you know

Many times his clarification of what’s going on or the thing that he decides to emphasize in that post game has driven The Narrative uh of a lot of what’s being said right now so for Joe who we like to kind of beat up on a little bit

For being inelegant at times with uh with his press conferences he’s actually done a pretty damn good job setting the narrative this year yeah and that stuff’s calculated you know right oh he knows what he’s doing he’s good at it he’s got he’s gotten really good at it because that’s

Gonna be the story that’s remember against sver they missed two threes late that’s why they lost yeah yeah they’re all they’re all get they’re all getting good at it Jaylen and the 50 wins yesterday that became the story so um you know they’re they’re getting good at setting those narratives uh for for

What’s going on but uh yeah so you know a little bit more on the bench there but I think it’s a reasonable thing to talk about certainly on a night where you’re you’re down a couple of starters and you’re thrusting two guys into the starting rotation it is fun to watch especially when

You’ve do you come into this game with any doubt that those guys going to perform that they’re they’re going to win this game it’s it’s obvious at this point they could have sat everybody if it was a Tatum checked out night you know what I mean like you have those

Nights where everybody’s like like you have those like let’s see if the threes fall and if they don’t I’m I’m done they’ve had those games though but they’ve won them you know out of some holes in those games and yeah but by the second half though it’s just like you

Just see like yeah those are the games where but yeah I mean when Tatum went off you never got the sense that even if the J even when they pulled it to within eight that they were going to go on that run I feel like even yesterday today

When all five starters were on the injury report you know they could have started Pritchard Hower Brett and cornet and Tilman and won that game like I think that’s just how interchangeable it’s been especially in matchups like that you know I think they could have gotten by with none of their starters in

That game so it’s a real thing I I I love what that group’s done this year I’m gaining confidence in them I get why you have some skepticism John but even in a year like this to have a guy like kada come in and give some real minutes

When you were down big early in the year and we’ve been saying forever like man where’ the heat find those two-way guys that come in and just start playing well well you did it this year with a guy like kada who played his uh or was

Active for his 42nd game tonight at the NBA level so like given that they have these five expensive and just you know this top six with such a big cache for them to have the depth they do this year is really impressive and it you know goes back to

That 2021 year when we had those conversations John about how they couldn’t figure it out couldn’t draft couldn’t develop couldn’t find any Diamonds in the Rough and listen these guys aren’t amazing these aren’t guys who are going to go on to make $20 million but that’s great too because

Maybe you can keep a cornet after this year maybe you can keep a Hower after his next contract probably not because they’s that cash strapped now but oh yeah if you keep cycling them through as they’re trying to do now it’s it’s gonna make a difference

Yep yep no doubt um bucks are flying uh bucks are you know going down hard uh right now so this is going to be a nine and a half game lead playoffs the playoffs started today and the seven and eight seeds hold the eight seed is Miami

Uh right now it is interesting I know I know who you want to see round one John I don’t know I want to see the Sixers without embiid first off um you know I don’t think any of them are going to beat the Celtics but I think Miami is

Going to freak some people out um some PTSD but it also could be a Celtics romp because they’re considerably better than the heat um I think the Pacers are going to freak some people out but I don’t think the Pacers can I think the

Pacers can get get a game or two off you just by going you know going crazy and getting hot but I don’t think they can win a series guys too yeah so and Matan they’re going down I think I think they’re I think they’re hemorrhaging

Right now so they don’t seem to I I’m I’ll always say Miami is going to be the one and again maybe it’s not logical maybe it’s strictly emotional but um if we sit here a month from now and it’s Miami on the other side we’re all gonna

Be going uh oh it’s just natural how can you not after what we watched the last yeah but it’s also one of those teams where if the Celtics beat them it could be okay they could be anyone now because mentally they have to do it first yeah

Right right they have to do it first but I mean if they make the NBA finals we’ll all say it’s a disappointment I mean it is it would be if this team this team that we’re watching that’s this good they don’t make it to the NBA finals baring injuries it’s a disappointment so

Yeah I would love to see it just for the drama of it and just for the uh just the poetic finish that it would be to whatever happen after that remind me Heat’s future you know and all that I love to see just how that would would

Would look after the fact but and obviously I wouldn’t see how the others would look I really do think it would change them in that they finally beat beat the Heat they finally beat the bully yeah but it’s and you’re right it could change them and it could set them

Off into a good direction it’s like just jump into the icy water and you know get acclimated right away rather than you know remember 2022 we had the same debate that year yeah you know Nets or pox that year whoever it was right right but see they got they got there without

Facing Miami you know so you look at the last four years it’s a it’s a legit rivalry you know between these two teams yeah yeah and again I have no reason to believe they beat Miami if they drew them in the first round last year so you know you could have been talking

About being fired in the most catastrophic end of the season you know what podcast was it didn’t Joe make that joke during the offseason he was just reic yeah he said yeah it was reic right he was like what we face what if go probably I’m probably not here if that

Happen I’m probably I don’t have a job anymore unemployed it was funny too cuz he mentioned someone you know was was grilling him about them losing the one seed down the stretch of the Season that was me I was like you guys don’t care about the one seed and then after he was

Like if we got the one seed we would have got Miami and I would have got fired yeah yeah yeah it’s interesting um so I don’t know I don’t know I again I I I I don’t think anything is about the opponent I think in past years it very

Much is mattered UPS um and I and I honestly believe and I’ve always said this and everyone thinks I’m an [ __ ] for it that these Conference Finals appearances that they’d gotten to were just simply luck of the draw and not necessarily massive accomplishments they got you know you get a good draw you

Avoid a particular team maybe in 2020 I don’t know I I think a lot of times it ends up that way where but that was also that some teams might have given them problems I more mean that matchups mattered right like who you played could be the difference

Between surviving uh and going home there’s no such team in the East that exists this year anything that happens to the Celtics is going to be entirely self-inflicted it’s not going to have anything to do with who they play so you’re really more concerned and have been all year with whether they can

Continue kind of this level of play this professionalism cutting down on the mistakes staying you know kind of staying with what’s worked not devolving into panicky ISO ball you know when things get tough uh you know offense stagnating shot chucking settling for shots not working super hard for them if

They get into that that’s that’s what kills them it’s not the other team that’s going to do it it’s just whether or not they can kind of maintain discipline and play you know play this way right and I get caught up in the moment you know we see what happens when

Teams just hang around that’s all they really have to do which is isn’t isn’t hasn’t been easy throughout the course of the regular season for many teams but the tough ones you know they pull through they if they get it to a certain point in that fourth quarter they feel

Like they can make a run or if it’s still a two-point game it’s anyone’s game I mean we we talked about it time and time again about sel’s late game execution we’ll see what version of the Celtic show up in the postseason but yeah yeah it’s less about losing those

Series this time around John and more them extending and that was the that was the story to some degree last year too in round one that series should have been a sweep maybe five games at the most and almost went seven and then all of a sudden you’re down 3-2 in round two

Which never should have happened either but you’re right on the doorstep losing that game six and going home in round two so that’s what you can’t do this year and if they do do that early on you know depending on the match there’s some disaster scenarios John just with how

Weird the East has been this year where you know Nicks just keep sliding and then all of a sudden they’re fully healthy and they’re playing you round one because of some weird you know return schedule late in the year and bead’s return like is Philly going to

Slide down to eight and he’s going to come back and look great round one like that’s where you could really get screwed forget about the Heat and all the stuff that we’re just kind of you know irrationally scared of there there’s some real scenarios where you actually play like a second round maybe

Even an East finals team in round one because of the way the injuries are stacking up in the East here I still respect Indies play style too like they put the Celtics in a real frenetic place even though they’ve kind of slid a little bit there so that’s where you worry about going

Seven games round one and maybe you you’re going to sneak out of it inevitably playing at home in that kind of game but it’s like man you had to play that kind of series round one now you’re on the round two against a team that maybe played five on the other

Side that’s the only thing I worry about here I do think they inevitably get by round one no matter who it is but you’re the one seed by nine games John can you finally just get CH like a Chicago and beat them for nothing like that’s what

You’re supposed to get when you’re the one seed it doesn’t happen as much anymore no it doesn’t you’re right I mean yeah it’s yeah there’s not that there’s no cupcake there right like LeBron playing the Bobcats back in the heat days hey you could blame the playing for

That and I don’t the play is messed with it too yeah in a in a way it’s it’s good it’s it’s it gives those chance it gives those teams a legitimate chance and Miami he you know it only took a few years of them doing this thing where

Like they they’re the best example like they they reached all the way to the NBA finals so yeah the old format they wouldn’t even have qualified so they would not so yeah again I’m not super I’m not super concerned with anybody anything that happens there uh in the uh in that

Round in in in first round second round you know I guess losses are in play I I’d just be shocked to see it wouldn’t you with this team for sure last year this team shown it’s V AB ility time and time again we kind of just like overlooked it or at least we

We dissected the hell out of it but we never really said like hey you know maybe this is this is why this team may not be quite there and then the might heat boom you know one two three happened so quickly all of a sudden they’re down three 0 but they were down

They had their backs against the ropes Jason Tatum played one of the best games of his career to save that series against the Philadelphia 76ers I mean it’s easy to forget that I mean [ __ ] the organization forgot so quickly that they fired doc two days later you know like that

That could have easily ended their season right there and then of course they could have easily or the Miami Heat if one thing goes a different direction that Derek white thing or Marcus Smart Waits a bit longer and white doesn’t get there in time there is no game seven and

And maybe that changes things who knows but I just don’t think this team because of its strengths and its changes in so many different ways drastic changes I don’t think that that version of a Subs could can show up again but we have to wait see obviously I think sou fans know

Because of how many times they’ve been sort of teased with that okay this is it this is that team but we’ll see we will see it’s a different team different team it’s a totally different team it’s a different team the only fear the only fear is if they forget themselves right

That’s it like if they forget what they became this year and what got them here that’s the only thing because again you have guys you know that the the the the good and the bad thing you know about you know having the the the core players

Who’ve been here is they’ve kind of done it one way um because they had to um when it gets to the playoffs and everything is magnified again that that you know residual fear of the type of you know slow it down and walk it up and let the other teams set

Their d That’s the only thing that’s going to get him keep it was like a pride thing remember that it was like oh we’re the Cs we’re going to do our thing it’s go our way and if it doesn’t we’ll figure it out anyways like that whole thing trist

Thompson we’re playing something bigger yeah yeah that was that that team that team was freaking that team that those were not serious people that team I can’t believe that was only years that was a hell of a chapter though we were having like to Jeff Teague great debut remember that Squad

We were having discussions about the downfall of the franchise that year I don’t know how it ended up where they are now it is so crazy it’s pretty amazing what they’ve done uh to pull it together uh in a couple of different ways and Danny yeah both but not just that um

Between situation just Kyrie leaving um the all the wheels set into motion there and then having to undo all of that just to get back to like normal and then and then and then blowing it up again to get it’s it’s really hard to do what they

Did uh to get to this point so half off this never happens in the NBA never like this usually a a setback for a few years the Celtics we never really saw that they they continue to make the Easter Conference Finals one way or another or

Or at least give you that deep playoff run with after the after Kyrie Irv after that eror um shout out to Isaiah by the way playing out in Utah I know a lot of the writers made it out to his game this afternoon Danny signed him gave him the

G- leag deal yeah all out hopefully he hopefully he up back in the league down the seetch here give that man resilient dude you know you know you’ve gota I’d love to see it I mean imagine if he came in here and just played a couple of games down the stretch um when

You’re so against him for some reason no oh I don’t know because it’s a side show they were more against it before because people would have wanted it to be a thing um you think it’s possible this time no I don’t I don’t think it’s possible because there’s a I don’t know

If that story has an happy ending you know with this with with this organization I’m saying I’m not saying him coming back to the NBA as you know in general but joose way we you and me have talked about back we just gushed over how many uh different guards can

Can Thrive at that spot you know it’s comments like this this is why you can’t do it yeah and then it’s like it’s like here take this very last SP I saying no you’re get years ago I was for this man like three the era we were just

Talking about the the teams like those guys like they needed to do it Jo you and I you and I have talked about this they needed to do it when they did the Joe Johnson thing which was so stupid yeah right everyone was getting called

Up because it was that uh there was a six week off season because of Co and then yeah that’s a great Point guys Joe Johnson here that was the time to do it alfar ruk aminu was here you had all these random guys in and out the door that

Year you could have given Isaiah at least one game that year but they signed up for for the 2000s night at TD Garden while making me feel old but yeah like here is Joe Johnson 20 years later remember him what kills me about the Isaiah is I don’t necessarily want

To see it but I know he wants it so badly and I hate the fact that he can’t get like that remember he said he called smart you think he wants it badly for with with the Celtics though I I think he want I think he wanted very bad to

Come back here at multiple opportunities I think years ago yeah now I don’t think so but yeah every year for the last two and three years and they would never hey guys I’m I’m here and like you know can you just lose my number you know it just

Really he wasn’t getting he did do a lot tweeting people like Celtics fans being like let them know and then that was you know turning into articles and stuff yeah that’s true yeah yeah oh my God Jabari Parker holy crap H I forgot I forgot he existed it’s crazy because a

Lot of those guys players came camei Parker oh my God all these guys played for the team that went on to win the finals like that year to me is gonna like that year will never go away with me the fact that they were playing Anis and Jabari Parker and Herman Gomez to

Start the year and they had all those collapses Midway through the year and we’re sitting there saying blow it up and then they made the finals like that just still blows my mind that was what was happening in November happened that was the wild regular season turnaround we’ve ever seen that

Was wild right after the uh the uh Nick’s loss remember when the Knicks came back and and I think I think it’s when they had the the uncomfortable conversation damn it Tatum and brown well that was just one part of it but a lot of it was eay too guys let’s keep it

100 man like keep it 100 100 it was eay holding him accountable they that was like the last step of their maturation process like okay we have to hold each other accountable I refuse to speak to anyone whoever referred to semi oal as the Giannis stopper like I don’t even want

To I don’t want to know your name like I don’t want y leave shevy alone man I like Chevy what up I don’t care but people who bought into that stuff like oh my God yeah too bad he didn’t shink together the stops he didn’t shink together the consecutive stops against

Yis but it’s crazy it’s like what you what you convinced yourself was real and then you see this team and you’re like garan yabui holy crap then you see this team and you’re like oh yeah those guys sucked like you have AER right y you got a roster up right now oh

The F the French traymon Green Oh God gersan and all these freaking again state run Celtic social media with their dabs and their gifts and they’re dancing bearss and like oh my god oh that’s right the that [ __ ] that [ __ ] turns me into felger you know like reliving that

In my mind I’ll just go off on a frakin rant but yeah no it’s so glad that those days are gone it’s so glad that there’s they’re serious people now so by the way speaking of that lot of that was weird seltic Twitter too but yeah they were

They were they were they were buying into that they were loving that whole thing that’s true speaking of that conversation guess who guess who Isaiah’s playing with John out there and Salt Lake oh I my my guy I know Carson Ed Romeo he playing with Carson Edwards oh no Rome

Romeo right when he said that he put the Carson Edwards Romeo Romeo people used to cling to it’s like what that is though right I don’t know if everybody’s I don’t know if every Celtics fan is 14 years old and has never followed like a cycle of like

Basketball you know before with like guys like begar and Yan Madar to know that it’s those guys are never real I don’t know how people talk their talk themselves into this [ __ ] I like yeah but you know you know no you didn’t Bobby you just didn’t know any better

You didn’t to me to me the Romeo sign good in that last summer league to me Utah bringing Romeo is is Danny saying look I’m not done with this kid all right he could still be an NBA player I’m going to show everyone that that pick was was legitimate you know because

He got a lot of flag for that many so bad those last couple years exactly but but Bobby that’s when it started it was that Year everyone was like wait a minute like how many years are we going to let Danny get away with this with these with these late first round picks

Like granted they late first rounders but like these are misses in a half you know and I feel like that’s where really people really started to say okay you you have to hit here and then when Romeo didn’t pan out people were like okay like something’s got to change here by

The way Danny’s froster here isn’t looking too hard they were getting a lot of love last year that’s why I think he’s pulling for the Romeos and like those guys that like that John likes so much you know when they they kind of like they’re striking out the first

Three four years of their career and then you try to get the CHR Don that worked out for new surrounding and see what happen seeing Chris done to me is the funniest thing and I know we’re off on a tangent here uh but it is it’s so

Funny reliving some of these names of these people that Chris D is the guy everybody wanted instead of Jaylen Brown Jaylen Brown because they didn’t say Chris Dunn’s name which is insane to think about insane after that you know I thought about after that Dragon Bender who got picked

Uh after Jaylen fourth or fifth the only guy I liked in that draft actually was uh Murray um Mur that was the only guy I liked in that draft that was the only guy I said if they don’t pick Jaylen then go for Murray because I like Jaylen

I like Murray I like I like Murray I didn’t Brown was like that project guy Murray’s the only guy I liked in that dra good one but one year L like that was forget but sa bonus went in that draft too yeah no yeah and then a little

Bit low lower he wasn’t consider but we took the Celtics took yabui at [ __ ] freaking 16 oh in that draft but forget forget the and and then oh my God a zich talking ourselves into that freaking guy forget all that John you know forget the forget the and Murray go late in that

One you’re taking freaking Brogden goes that year you’re taking freaking yabui oh my God why are we doing this to ourselves forget you’re 16th right you gotta hand it to him though because one year later when everybody was taking the cheese on fols everybody everybody said

Fultz was one and they pivoted and went Tatum when there was still like a little Josh Jackson thing there too A lot of people like Jackson over Tatum too yeah but that’s the thing Bobby no one Tatum no one was questioning uh Danny a when it came to lottery picks he was usually

Pretty pretty clutch with that it was just like after that after the top 10 or and this is a guy who would value the sh [ __ ] out of those picks you know like okay they’re not no all this stuff still super valuable man he valued second rounders but you know first round pick

There was a gap there was like okay no he values these he’s gonna he’s gonna hit with one of these and and it was a lot of Misses especially those that were like right outside of of Lottery being a lottery pick you know insane misses insane misses no but despite all those

Misses the brown and tatm hits were so good that that’s allowed you to have this turn around you can never hitting at missing at the top three is is 100 times worse than whiffing at 13 14 16 18 look look at the teams that missed there

Imagine you take Josh Jackson in in that spot 10 year blow he you’re you’re you’re in the darkness for a decade you’re exactly right you’re gone imagine taking Bender over over Brown you’re done you’re done your franchise is in total darkness I mean the good thing is

You you probably keep picking that high over and over and over again but yes hitting on those guys the way that they did is franchise altering missing at those other ones just makes it harder to maintain you know the bottom of your roster and having guys coming up and

It’s why they’ve had to make as many trades as they’ve made because they didn’t have any uh you know any guys coming up they didn’t have their Maxis you know picked it you know they they they they had the wrong guy you know but Danny Danny wouldn’t wouldn’t made these

Trades though that’s the thing like that was that switch real quick like Brad stepping into that spot and then just going to work as soon as possible like all that used to drive me crazy with the p thing oh man like Danny I don’t even like I’d have to really like we should

Do this one day B J the off do like a deep dive of like alternative Universe if Danny was still in charge and and the whole brat thing never happened let’s say like they got a new coach or maybe Brad stayed whatever but like it would

Have been a very different p you know the Al Horford trade and fast forward to the uh Derek white and what happened this past off season for Drew holiday I mean look we all value that we value Drew at a high level but Danny he would

Have been saying guys he’s 34 are we really gonna put in two at first round picks we already got Chris that like I don’t know I don’t know if he makes that move I don’t even know if they if if the steps to get there would have even

Happened never mind you know what what happens right after that season that that Brad St stepped down you know when they switched but yeah so yeah anyway you know it’s self this history for you guys you know neither here there I don’t know how I think we were talking about

You know just how it pertains to the current roster and the current bench and just how set they are now where you don’t have to worry about these things if you’re worrying about the current bench that’s been playing really well in the playoffs again champagne problems considering how good everyone’s been

Around them so right now you’re really only again every time we talk about these things it’s not like the Celtics aren’t going to win because they’re bench which I think some people wrongly inter we better not have that conversation if they lose no what I’m saying is everything that we might bring

Up now is just simply a what could possibly derail them now I know I know but I just know that’s where the chat’s going if they lose it was cornette Joe and Luke and begaren well that’s what happens when you rely on these guys yeah right yeah

Yeah so anyway uh but yeah we’ve we’ve we’ve prattled on long enough where back Thursday these guys are kicking it back in the garden Phoenix that’s a that’s a fun one um should have everybody in that game so happy that this like I said this stretch

Is over um Celtics do well to close off this trip here on a winning note beating the Utah Jazz 51 and4 right now and again by the time is it over yet Bucks have they lost yet it’s over oh my God like the last game in the regular season

They got drilled 129 to 94 with their full lineup in there and again I can’t wait to see these guys been Boston next nine and a half game lead 10 games in the Lost column insane insane right now uh what a gap there is between them and the rest of buck

Team messed up start start from uh the the Yannis thing during the off season and pretty much just having him just kind of just redirect the team and then everything just kind of blowing up from there that had to be how people looked at the 2019 Celtics like what the hell

Is going on there yeah all that Talent they just and I do agree I do agree here but as Jimmy as Jimmy likes to say and I think it’s a very apt uh you know analogy you know these guys the core the Jays Marcus before him it’s like it’s like your

Children they can do no wrong everyone else is getting blamed if they go down but again I don’t think it’s happening not with this team not until the finals my point yeah I don’t I don’t see it but anyway thank you guys uh for hanging with us uh throughout the West Coast

Trip uh on a night where again you’re playing the Blazers you’re playing the Bucks and there’s not much to talk about uh you guys keep us entertained with your chatter uh and keep each other entertained when we’re talking about nonsense well here appreciate you guys man look at this always always always

Fun hanging out thank you guys again we will see you on oh let me queue up our little outro we will see you guys guys on Thursday good night wait am’s got an outro for us I think no he doesn’t he said he was going to work on an

Outro he had a phenomenal game phenomenal forit out I I think it’s an option that did not sound like a chair it was a freaking chair it does sound like a chair

The Garden Report goes live following the Celtics game vs the Jazz. Catch the Celtics Postgame Show featuring Bobby Manning, Josue Pavon, Jimmy Toscano, A. Sherrod Blakely and John Zannis as they offer insights and analysis from Boston’s game in Utah.

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  1. Goodness. With JT not having good shooting efficiency and a relatively rough handful of games after Player of the MONTH = cause for concern of a slump.
    JT playing a great game with a shorthanded lineup = should've sat it out + he's trying to bump up his MVP status.
    My gawd. They have a day off, and we'll have 3 rested guys out of the 6. They will still probably be sluggish to start the PHX game cos that's usually how first game of a long roadtrip is.
    "He started this MVP talk" YEah right… He answered questions being asked of him relentlessly by media looking for sound/meme bites. Yeah he could've shut it out ala Jokic, but seriously… you honestly think media won't stop bugging him about it? Yeah, right.

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