@Dallas Mavericks

Mavs/Bulls: Luka’s 30 Point Triple Double Streak Ends But Gafford & Lively Dominate | The Get Right

Mavs/Bulls: Luka’s 30 Point Triple Double Streak Ends But Gafford & Lively Dominate | The Get Right

Your Mavericks get a win against the uh Chicago Bulls and I might I say a very easy win 127 to 92 um luga donic unfortunately his uh his streak of 30 point triple doubles Falls at Ends Tonight as he only has 27 points with 14 assists and 12 rebounds

Got up enough shots to do it just didn’t shoot particularly uh efficiently in that regard not that it was necessary against this Bulls team uh you mentioned Kyrie Irving didn’t have an incredible night himself either yeah but he was plus 12 Lucas plus 34 Kyrie shot from

The field uh two out of six from three and six out of 14 overall but he had 14 points usually he gets about 20 points himself didn’t matter they didn’t really have to have those guys go off 127 to 92 they had 44 points in the first quarter

It was 44 to 16 they never trailed basically but more importantly Lucas’s assists were absolutely amazing how much so how about Derek Lively had 22 points he was 11 out of 12 from the field he didn’t even start uh Daniel Gaff Gaff started he’s now 5 and0 as a starter he

Extended his streak his NBA his franchise record streak of now 28 straight shots made in a row he was N Out of nine and he was a plus 11 he had seven rebounds again Lively had 22 points he was a plus 22 Gafford was a

Plus 12 uh plus minus all those got PJ Washington a plus 19 he had five rebounds um two steals one block shot it was a block party by the way yeah it was a lot of it was a lot of taking advantage of a size Advantage clear size

Advantage that the Mavericks have um which honestly it feels good right this Mavericks team had been a team that had been clamoring and longing for size for a long time this trade deadline they do that and acquiring Daniel Gafford and PJ Washington and so you see that come up

Against a Chicago Bulls team that admittedly they’ve had injuries and the way that they’re built pushes them to where they have to play pretty small three three out uh three guard rather lineups where a dumu Alex Caruso uh Kobe white all I mean two of those guys are

Pretty much point guards with you know in the low six foot range and then demard Rosen who is like a a shooting guard when he came into League playing small or playing Power Forward they just didn’t have a lot of size and luckily what I enjoyed is that you saw Derrik

Lively and Daniel Gafford get involved in a big way and some the Beast were feasting yeah they I they played a combin 43 minutes together and you know they got the ball to them we we mentioned um as you guys uh you Alec Medford and Blake uh Blake Elliott not

Blake Lively uh Blake Elliott she’s handsome I mean beautiful she hangs out with Taylor Swift I mean I feel like you can use the word handsome I don’t know well she’s she’s with Ryan Reynolds that is true um but you guys talk to Michael finle AGM of the Mavericks yesterday and

One of the things he talked about is like the ways in which they wanted to have those guys you can get the ball to and let them roll figure some things out and that was very evident even outside of pick and roll there was just like

That guy in in the mid post and then they just kind or maybe not even the mid post but into into the post or in the paint and they’re just getting Lively or uh or um Gaff for the ball and then letting those guys make quick movements

To go and score points and I like seeing more of that them utilizing their size um and appreciating it cuz sometimes it feels like or has felt like early on in the trade that they had that size but they weren’t fully you know accentuating it it feels like they’re getting better

At accentuating it admittedly against some teams that aren’t that good yet but at least they’re utilizing it and they did not play with their food that’s what a lot of people were saying okay yeah they blew out Detroit but they play with the food the first half no no they they

Took care of business right early on and they also outrebounded the Bulls 49 to 43 but here’s a key stat going into this game they said okay you can’t get caught up with the Bulls game the Bulls even though they’re not a great team they’re not a sorry team like the Spurs Wizards

Or Detroit the 31 and 34 so they’re not a terrible team but they like to slow down the pace you think the Mavericks don’t have a a uptempo game the Bulls slow down the pace to beat the Bulls you have to keep it Up Tempo here’s a

Surprising stat I found that no a lot of people don’t aren’t even aware of what’s that you realize the Dallas Mavericks are number six in the league in Pace you when you think about the M you think about okay man Luca likes to Pound The Rock and half court and blah blah blah

Blah they are number five in fast pre and fast point breaks yeah fast break points rather that you’re like wait a minute the Mavericks well it goes back to what you were talking about earlier which is quiet as it’s kept Luca will sneak a ball past everybody he gets the

Rebound he will throw a full-court pass so it’s not just running down the court with the ball it’s passing the ball down the court and also if there’s a guy that’s a big that leaks back there guess what he’s getting his touches in a way it’s like yeah I’m happy even though I

Don’t demand the ball yeah this year they’ve definitely leaned into the you know acceleration of that pace but yeah I mean this look you had to do that to beat Chicago yeah you had to just run them off the court but I think also just

Like do do the things that you need to do correctly you’re right in bringing up the Pistons game I was watching that game I texted a few friends uh in in you know the general Dallas media and was like look man this is a nasty game if

You watch that game it looked nasty and not just like the Pistons play kind of a nasty branded basketball themselves at least they are prone to it because they’ve got a lot of athleticism and they’re very young and they don’t quit but they they don’t have they’re not as

Polished when it comes to the basketball especially like as a team in the team concept of moving the ball well and not turn it just looked nasty even if they would you know use that effort and that effort comes through it’s not all directed in one way and so it ends up

Being kind of a very disjointed style of basketball except the Mavericks you are the better team in this regard you should not succumb to that except a lot of times it felt very evident that they did suum to that all veteran teams and they say okay I just have to show up in

Detroit Mavericks aren’t good enough to do that but guess what they did they handled up on that game we shouldn’t dwell on that way no they want it but I think my point being I want to see that you guys recognize that that was a thing

That you don’t need to do and in this game at the very least and of course I’m not saying it’s a huge thing but it does matter that they came out and they immediately got to playing the game of basketball Nancy a couple of weeks ago I

Can’t be a negative so let’s say this we explained it from the beginning they scored 44 points it’s 44 to 16 to start the game think they handled that yes yeah exactly absolutely and I’ll give them their credit for that that they went out they did what they needed to do

In that regard and I was appreciative of seeing that Jaden Hardy gets seven minutes in this game four five on the field and of course like again you know he’s he’s getting clean up minutes mop up minutes once this game is over we’ve talked a little bit about I I don’t know

Exactly how and I want to make that very apparent I’m not the guy who is just here yelling without you know understanding the the limitations here but it feels like Jaden Hardy needs to find some men or it would be nice rather if he would find some minutes and it

Feels like this is the only time where you get to see that scoring prowess that he has appear and maybe even like show you if if you could if he can be some level of uh pal useful to you is in these types of minutes we were talking

About this a little bit off air there’s a lot of you have anything in your in your mind that there’s a lot of fans in media that feel that way and I understand the frustration when you see a little something but you really don’t know what’s going on all year long you

Don’t know about the match ups that the coaches are looking at you just want to see that guy cuz he showed you something you have no idea if it’s the rotation the way you want to use Dante Exmore you want to see if you can break Hard Away

Out of his slump you want to see if uh Kyrie can do the whole point I’m trying to make is there’s so many other intangibles that we just don’t know what it is and sometimes you find out later I gave Christian wood as an example because last year so many fans were so

Thirsty for Christian he’s a walk-in bucket he’s 20 points t i Jason kid is black balling his career no you find out later he doesn’t engage in defense coaches were calling the place for him telling him where to stand during the games he was late to practice all those things

That you don’t know and then you get and this is what I found out from Rick Carlo he told me a Rody bis story you don’t know and I’m not saying this about jayen Hardy I’m just saying we don’t know the whole stories on all these things

Yeah Rick Carlo told me something after uh Rody bad looked great in a game a playoff game against the Spurs and then you never really saw them again they lost the Spurs and what they were in they weren’t that good anyway Spurs going to win that series anyway and I

Said how come you didn’t play right Bo this season over and Rick said you have no idea how you can lose a locker room by giving the guy an opportunity who didn’t necessarily earn it in other words there’s the guys who were paid millions of dollars who perform in the

Fourth quarter you got to give them the opportunity to win or lose the game not a guy who flashed one time in a half of a playoff game and I went hm you’re right because we don’t know what practice look like we don’t know what the coaches looking like we don’t know

About the matchups we don’t know about the other guys like wait a minute I’m here and I’ve already won you a championship how come this guy who doesn’t do anything gets my minutes and again I’m not saying this about Jaden Hardy I’m just saying there’s things

That we don’t know and again I gave the Christian Wood situation there fans that think that Jason kid black bought him out of the league wait a minute nobody wanted him nobody and then he gets picked up by the Lakers oh he’s going to save the Lakers look up his minutes I’m

Just saying there’s things and this has nothing to do with Jaden a person we have no idea understood there’s just other things that are in as much as we may be thirsty for a guy that showed us something in a game right right right and I know for especially with Tim

Hardway Jr having kind of the slump that he’s had the idea was hey is there another guy that’s kind of like instant offense in that way Jaden Hardy seems to profile so you would like to see if he has anything there also just wanted to give a shout out Dante exom contining to

Rack up a little bit some more minutes 19 minutes in this one one of three from the field not necessarily a ton happening there especially when it comes to the three-point shot however those those uh four rebounds a couple assists those are the things that kind of you

Think of when you think of Dante X him on the floor just kind of being a connector making things come together that’s that that’s that third guard who actually can um give you some defense as well there’s some stats some Next Level analysis stats of uh IST stock Franco

Who he’s over there in Europe he’s from Slovenia Inc great writer from d magazine he has some Next Level stats about Dante exam’s impact on the game that are not just the numbers and he’s it’s like wow they actually the defensive rating for The Mavericks goes

Up and you can just see the way that Luca enjoys yeah and then Luca gets a guy he can throw and actually make that extra pass so there you go Mavs get a big time win well they get a win right they handle business 12792 guess what what’s that next game Wednesday night

Golden State comes to Dallas and Steph Curry’s got a bad ankle yeah and so that’s an opportunity opportunity to put a little bit of uh distance between the Mavs and the Warriors and also hopefully give yourself another opportunity to move closer and closer towards that six spot getting out of the plane I

Mentioned this earlier in the cross talk the Mavericks have been handling up this year against the teams they’re supposed to beat they didn’t do that last year this year their record is now 21 and five against teams who have a below 500 record the rest of the games this season

I think there’s 17 or 18 games left they have a lot of guys a lot of teams on their schedule that are not good teams they have the third easiest schedule remaining in the NBA so you get to play Detroit again you get to play Charlotte

You get to play Houston twice Utah twice Atlanta and Golden State three times and again this Wednesday we don’t know if Steph Curry’s going to play so I’m just saying the opportunity is for there for you to move up cuz guess what some of these other teams they a handling their business Either

Luka’s streak of 30 point triple doubles came to an end last night, but we bet he wasn’t too upset about it as the Mavs destroyed the Bulls 127-92. Reg & CA reacted to the win right after the clock hit zero, and talked about how good centers Dereck Lively II and Daniel Gafford have looked lately.

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#DallasMavericks #DereckLively #DanielGafford


  1. Who's going to speak against ya'lls coworker who defamed Daks name? I thought lawyers present their cases in court.

  2. This station is trash and is just doing Jerry's dirty work to slander Dak and bring down his value. Having that attorney on for ratings is tacky and in poor taste. Coming from a supposed "Cowboys content channel" is an insult to us real fans, I hope this page gets shut down.

    And the fact that you brought in a known racist (Mike basick) speaks volumes. Romo nor Aikman were ever treated this way.

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