@Utah Jazz

POSTCAST – Boston Celtics notch 51st win of the year over the Utah Jazz

POSTCAST – Boston Celtics notch 51st win of the year over the Utah Jazz

The 50- win Boston Celtics came into Salt Lake City with the number one offense the number two defense and the best team in the NBA they looked like it even though they were missing three guys we’ll talk about it coming up on postcast you are locked on Jazz your

Daily podcast on the Utah Jazz part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day David lock along with Ron Boone is the Utah Jazz fall to the Boston Celtics 123 107 tonight the Celtics are a well oiled machine right now prepping to win the Eastern Conference and play in the NBA finals against the Denver Nuggets we’ve seen the two best teams in the NBA the

Last two nights without Lowry Mark and we are not at that level that is not surprising to anyone but still a great experience for our guys to get that time and opportunity and we saw some real moments particularly from Keon we’ll touch about the recap of the ball game

Quickly the first quarter of the Celtics scored 191 points per 100 possessions the way I described that was if the Jazz had played zero defense and allowed the Celtics to run up the floor and lay it up every single time they would have had a 200 offensive rating instead they had a

191 from there the Jazz actually battled pretty good the uh second quarter was close the Jazz uh lost the second quarter 28-2 24 they won the third quarter and got it down to a two-point game at 9391 and the Boston Celtics went on a 2

Run to just kill kill the game and you made an interesting comment during the game Run you made the comment that like to you it just seemed like they just turned it on whenever they wanted to exactly and and they started to make that run even before they made a

Substitution and then DH and Tatum comes back in the ball game and all of a sudden it’s it just starts to to spread and my impression of of Tatum playing tonight now we might see something different against another team is that he did what he want he could do what he

Wants and and it’s it’s nothing you can do you can stop him one one heck of a basketball player uh they spread the floor very very well and they shoot threes um something like University Utah they take the most the women’s team yeah the women’s team yeah uh they take them

They take the most threes of any team in the NBA and they took 49 to and they went 20 of 49 so they cooled down to 41% before it was over they were hovering well over 50% for most of the night um the jazz on the other end uh actually

Had a really good offensive night I mean that was kind of the crazy thing in the first quarter I think the Jazz offensive rating was like a 141 and they ended up the Jazz up shooting 48% and 47% from three uh and so it was a really good

Offensive night for the Jazz Tatum until the fourth quarter four quarter and then when it mattered they went on they went about six minutes without a field goal and then the fourth quarter they went six of 19 over were all um shooting Tatum you know it’s interesting there’s

So much discussion about Tatum and this and that where is and Ben Anderson did a nice job on a pregame show and postgame show with that here’s the one thing on Tatum tonight where I think he deserves a little bit more credit he takes a lot of really ill-advised shots that are

Difficult and seemingly unnecessary yet yet he takes 25 Shots tonight and scores 38 points right like that’s super like Jordan Clarkson had anaz great game tonight he took 18 shots scored 21 points so Jason Tatum while he’s doing all these other things and you know he

Takes his forces he kind of forces some shot his strength is his weakness that he’s 69ine and he can get any shot off he also went to line eight times so he just becomes a really efficient player tonight scoring 35 points on 25 shots like or 38 points on 25 shots that’s

Hard to beat and if they were at full strength he would not probably would taken that many shots but it’s just being efficient and I think you know looking at some of the shots he takes Bo that’s a low percentage shot but then you know he

Makes it so uh he’s he’s a very talented basketball player and and and and again he makes this team very very good okay two bright spots for the Jazz keante comes out just firing tonight he has 14 points in the first quarter he finishes tonight with 26 over the last three full

Games he’s played he’s averaging almost 30 points a ball game what are you seeing from key right now uh his confidence is definitely getting better and better Higher and Higher and but also not like maybe let’s use Tucker as an example maybe that’s over an overuse

Of of a guy shooting a low percentage shot but uh you don’t see that with with keante he he seems to take shots when they’re there and that’s exactly what will wants but his confidence is definitely there I don’t think he thinks that he can he can miss he gets 17 shots

Of a tonight um would he average 17 if lri was playing probably not but he’s still being that playmaker out there on the floor and another thing he did not let um well he didn’t start the ball game off with with holiday guarding him to the point where he didn’t get a

Chance to push the ball up the floor something like that so he was able to get off to a good start yeah I mean really there was a period of time where there were if you had turn about Keon one was his shooting numbers they were they were frighteningly low for a while

They were below 40 I think it was from the field and below 30 from three and like that combination for an NBA season if you do that in your first year it’s bad like there are not many there’s like two players who have ever survived that um and so that was disconcerting that’s

Gone he’s nine of 17 tonight he’s five of 10 from three the fact he can get 10 threes off every night is pretty awesome his stroke on the off the bounce three is about 36% for the season his catch and shoot numbers are really really Rising I mean it’s really all coming

Together for him offensively at a at an excitingly high level so so let me ask you this and and I think this just might be one of the reasons and one of the cases that he is starting to to play better uh and and make better decisions

Out there on the floor the J at the beginning of the year spent a lot of time on the road I mean they were out in out out that type of thing coaches talk a lot about practice and not getting a chance to to you know to practice and

And uh you know to develop players in other words and so I think the fact that then now the jzz are getting a chance to have some practices and know that might help there as well that’s good point the Jaz schedule has been a little softer as

Of late the other one was the Jazz had a really good 24 to9 run to make it 9391 Jordan was a large part of that was the high that was the best portion of the game for the J yeah it’s it’s and and it gets exciting there when when Jordan has

It going and and and he feels it feels it there as well yeah he had a very good what was that the second quarter third quarter when he when he he started to to to turn it on um but you know this our this team is not at this point uh built to

Tackle the better teams in the league well and we’ve got a bunch of games against those teams so it’s going to be it’s going to be a really interesting stretch I what’s it’s Will Hardy has a really tough task right here we’re talking about individual frankly the the

Final games of the year about individual development while trying to stay inside of a team construct that’s not the easiest thing in the world for a head coach to do yeah it’s definitely not let’s use the Boston Cel as an example use that lepre leprechaun as an example

Oh you’re gonna get mad now aren’t you yeah but uh you’re having to prepare for a team that’s as good as the the Celtic are so what do you take away you know the pickup point points they were very they were high tonight uh trying to get

Pritchard or Tatum or someone to give the ball up but in the meantime that’s what exactly what what happened spreading to court now they get open threes uh when you pack it in you’re still giving up threes I mean it’s awfully tough difficult for a coach to

Come up with a game plan when they’re when you’re playing against a team as loaded as a Celtics and when you’re out Lowry and Taylor and you don’t really want to play Walker and John together you really end up very limited I me we were playing four guards and John

Collins for a part of the game we were just so small one of the other highlights tonight M A Potter got some time first time he got regular time this is just a delightful young man um anyone who spent time with Micah Potter’s rooting for Micah Potter uh my biggest

Tribute to Micah Potter is that when the Jazz when the Jazz play a game and Micah Potter is not on the roster because he’s on the g- league and the g League team is not playing he comes to the game and sits in the crowd and I saw him the

Other day and I like congrat I said to him I was like I think it’s really impressive and he’s like well I’m a part of the team is like right you’re a part of the team so a lot of guys who are part of the team wouldn’t be willing to

Sit in the crowd right yeah and it just shows kind of the tesate to who he is as a person and as a professional as someone who’s trying to make their way in the league he’s just committed to it he led the league in g-league and three-point shooting two years ago he’s

Been a little lower the last year he hit I think he hit two tonight um so that was really nice to see I mean Micah got 12 minutes eight points two of two from three kind of a cool thing for him to get some of that time that yeah I

Watched him play u the other night against the Legends Y and and boy he looked good he looked really good uh obviously he’s in shape shot the basketball well rebounded very very well uh and so I know from our interviews at the beginning of the year his goal was

Not only be on the roster his goal was to be a rotation player there was nothing more endearing than him talking about his wife’s willingness to be on this journey for him to have this dream of trying to be an NBA player make it and how much she’s given up for him she

Actually works in the nil World um of the name image likeness um has really great job there so they’re a neat family they’re neat people so that was fun to see um all right who are your keante is a star tonight I would assume without a doubt yeah who’s your second star

Tonight Welly it it just H it’s hard to go away from Jordan Clarkson you know because the way he plays at home uh sah I’m sorry um Luca probably had one of his better ball ball games with seven rebounds I’m looking at Collins Collins happen to go up against carnette who’s 7

Foot one probably with 260 you know 280 and he couldn’t you know just couldn’t Rebound with him end of four rebounds so it’s kind John Collins was two of nine with four rebounds we haven’t seen John Collins have a line like that in a long

Time no not in a long time so we I don’t know maybe Jordan Clarkson and and keante yeah Jordan Clarkson Keon George are your stars of the night Jordan carried the jazzz in the third quarter for the 20 run put the Jazz to sleep tonight Celtics go to 51 and4 on the

Year Atlanta Quin Snider Returns on Friday have a great night thank you very much for tuning in we now send you to the first ever 247 National Sports stream it’s called locked on sports today it’s also available on Amazon Fire TV

The Boston Celtics show the NBA best offense at full display with 44 points in the first quarter. From there the Jazz battled and got it to three before the Celtics went on a 20-0 run to un away from the Jazz.

David Locke and Ron Boone bring you POSTCAST live after every Jazz game.


  1. We have to draft defensive minded players at the 2 n 3 An 5 because Kessler got to work on his post game the center position has evolved bak to the 90s meaning u have to have game at that position

  2. For reference, the Celtics had been doing this big to zero runs not just with you guys. Please acknowledge that.

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