@Los Angeles Lakers

Excerpt from McMenamin’s article on DLo. States DLo’s thoughts on Ham and Schroder’s relationship last year.

Excerpt from McMenamin’s article on DLo. States DLo’s thoughts on Ham and Schroder’s relationship last year.

by Icy_Quit_7177


  1. HydroThermia

    Sheesh and if you guys saw DLo was not happy when he was playing against Dennis lmao they were talking serious trash well DLo was.

  2. ProblematicAndCrazy

    He’s right. Loved Dennis but Ham’s infatuation with him was obvious even to us fans.

  3. And McMenamin’s article next year will be Austin talking about Ham’s relationship with Prince.

    Ham, the rookie coach who plays favorites among his ex-players. Smh.

  4. KingNephew

    We gonna hear the same from some players regarding Prince/Reddish next season.

  5. theboss232123

    Dennis was flat out better than DLO in the Denver series.

  6. lolxddavid

    Darvin Ham has a tendency to favor guys he’s been with before like Prince. Not sure why, maybe it’s to secure them a bigger paycheck, we’ll never know

  7. Jumpy_Novel456

    Ham was doing the same thing with Austin & Christie for his boys Prince & Cam. 

    Don’t need an article to see the obviousness either.

  8. sandbagsander

    I nearly spat out my water this can’t be real lmfao

  9. goodchild101

    Fuck you ham. You can’t even do one thing you were good at as player coach smh

  10. Public-Product-1503

    I mean Schroeder performed over expectations vs dlo . But yes it wasn’t just Dlo plsy but rumours of attitude being off in that series . I’m glad that seems resolved cos I think it’ll be important if team is tested .

  11. ktran2804

    D’lo hates Ham lmao pretty obvious he is one of the sources that leaked stuff earlier this year. Austin hates him too I think. I still think short of championship Ham gets fired this offseason.

  12. LakerLand420

    Wow there’s so many ways this could be interpreted

  13. Ifinishfast42

    Random shit on Dennis day cause Ham played him lol.

  14. Vexing_Pie

    Good to see r/lakers catching up to Ham’s German infatuation lol Twitter been calling Shröder Ham’s man.

    Shröder was great but definitely overplayed sometimes, especially the Denver series.

  15. nottherealstanlee

    Yeah easy to take that one out of the article. How about the rest of this though?

    “A film session in early January, following a 110-96 loss to the short-handed Miami Heat, led to Ham and Russell clashing. The coach wanted to see better effort and execution; the player wanted to see sharper schemes. Ham was headstrong in his instructions, illustrating through the film where his team would “half-ass it through possessions,” he said.
    Russell dismissed the lack of execution, focusing rather on an alternative approach he believed would be better for the team.
    “There’s times we agree to agree, agree to disagree or come to an understanding,” Ham said of his relationship with Russell, acknowledging his responsibility to improve their discourse after last season’s finish.
    “But it’s not so much the dialogue as it is the access to have it. And I can’t stress that enough. I can go to him and let him know how I feel and meet him halfway, or tell him I need him to come more over to my way, or [it can be] him telling me how I need to trust him more and come more over to his way. And it’s a workable relationship.”
    Russell invites the back-and-forth. “We played tennis with that,” he said. “I hit the ball back, he hit it to me. … That’s the season. That’s what you use 82 games to develop, and we developed it.”

    The two clearly had to develop this relationship but it’s in a much better place now as stated by both of them. This isn’t as controversial as it seems at first blush. Schroder signed here again in the first place in part *because* Ham was here and *because* they had the prior relationship. Then a new point guard shows up halfway through the year, it’s no surprise Ham went with who he was comfortable with.

    You also have to read this is coming from Dlo’s perspective. Literally almost this entire sub was calling to bench Dlo in that series because he was getting bullied off the floor. Dennis was more effective. Now obviously Dlo is going to see things differently, but most everyone was absolutely crushing Dlo for his performance in that series.

    This article reads like a Renaissance of Dlo which is great to see. Clearly his confidence is in another space compared to last year or earlier in the season. Hopefully he can keep this up. It’s actually great to read what’s happened behind the scenes and that Ham, Bron, AD, and Dlo are more on the same page than they were earlier in the year. Those 4 are the main decision makers on the floor so it’s important that they all have a voice and Dlo has clearly found his.

  16. niknokseyer

    Dennis contributes well enough but Ham overplays him. Same way he overplays Reddish and some of Prince.

  17. I mean it was prevalent in the whole playoff run that when DLO struggled, he would get subbed out for schroder. The whole playoff, there was no adjustment. Am I faded for this? It’s going to be the same with Cam. Watch

  18. Anyone else not a fan of this being released today? I feel like this is not the time and might mess up with the team

  19. LALakersForLife

    Never really saw the allure of Schroeder, he actually held the Lakers back in the playoffs. For some reason coach ham and him decided for Dennis to be on Jamal Murray the entire time when Vanderbilt was the correct (and barely used) choice for that assignment. Obviously the undersized and underweight Schroeder got cooked by the larger and more skilled player and Dennis was not able to make up for his bad defense on the offensive end.

    I’m glad he is gone so we can’t make that mistake again, but Coach Ham and his lack of IQ still remains a problem. If we have any hope of seriously competing we need to just fire him.

  20. cyborgspider

    I loved Dennis. I love D’lo. I REALLY like Lebron and want him to get one more ship for Los Angeles.

    The only side I’m taking is the side that gets the team into as deep into the playoffs as possible.

  21. But wasn’t the main reasons they got him was because he’s was a locker room guy who understands players because he played in the league

  22. Wait can someone translate the exact quotes by DLo?  Or have the full transcript?

    He’s saying most coaches would have a dialogue about lineups but Ham just shuts him down?

    And what does he mean by “I’m here and he’s not”.  Like was there another quote before that statement?  If Schroder was favorited by Ham then why would Schroeder leave, didn’t we give him an offer or did he just walk away?

    Schroeder was good and consistent for us despite his ups and downs (especially during covid) and he’s also the FIBA world champ MVP

  23. corybekem

    There’s no way in hell Dlo actually said this lmao. I mean it sounds about right but verbalizing this now is crazy.

  24. clintoy47

    Dlo still so emotional when it comes to these things. Why cant he just stay silent and focus in this last push for the playoff spot instead of creating drama and ruining team chemistry?

    And for the record HE IS the reason why the lakers got swept by the nuggets. Such a thick faced statement by him in the end of this interview saying “we got swept and im still here and hes out” like bruh, you averaged like 2 pts per game in that series and got abused to death by bruce brown. Dennis at least made the clutch 3 against twolves to send the lakers into playoffs.

  25. seedeegeecdg

    You guys are misremembering- Ham was so pro DLo that when Dennis was at least somewhat keeping Murray at bay he started second half’s with DLO instead of Dennis and that cooked us.

    Love me so DLO but let’s not forget what an absolute liability he was-being hunted on defence by Brown & Murray where Dennis had shown he was at least able to keep up with Murray some in his limited run.

    Edit: Also Vando over Dlo for defence was not fried enough.

  26. alexcantswim

    I’m not gonna front DLO is making up for his less than great moments on the team currently but I’m not gonna stand by and pretend Dennis wasn’t integral to our success last season. I’d love to have him back on the team in a second unit. The menace played through snapped ankles and was a great agitator. 17 is a legend

  27. Dennis was actually good in the playoffs last year tho when DLO played like shit. Can’t fault Ham on that.

  28. Dlo def proven a point here, we are good when he plays well. But dumbvin ham want to cater to Prince and cam instead ☠️

  29. Ham is biased and unprofessional. Not a good decision-maker. It’s obvious he has lost the locker room. A fucking shame we are wasting generational talent with him.

    He needs to make the proper changes as a coach or gtfo.

  30. Wide_Fee8209

    “I like our chances” lmaoooo lakers aren’t getting past the play in💀💀

  31. Why DLo talking shit about Dennis. That is effed up…

  32. CabbageStockExchange

    Ham is really unlikable. He reminds me of Brendan Rodgers. Just someone deluded, clueless, and plays favorites.

  33. blacPanther55

    Dlo has been trash in the playoffs his whole career so he can’t blame it on Ham. However, Ham did play Schroder way too much.

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