@National Basketball Association

“I know people love the Kobe era, but Tim Duncan had a lot to say in that era.” Norris Cole gives Tim Duncan his flowers

“I know people love the Kobe era, but Tim Duncan had a lot to say in that era.” Norris Cole gives Tim Duncan his flowers

by Mechaultima


  1. MasterTeacher123

    If Kobe never existed Duncan would probably be considered like top 3 all time tbh. 

    Duncan has I believe a minimum of 3 more finals appearances(2001,2004,2008) and a lock one more title(2001). No Kobe means they win the WCF in 2001 and they go on to defeat the Sixers in the Finals. I don’t think they can get past the Kings in 2002 but  2004 I believe they beat the Wolves and have a really good shot in the 2004 finals against the pistons. Do they beat them? I’m not sure I mean they beat the same core the next year. 

  2. NotManyBuses

    Yes, however Kobe won their playoff head to head and seemed to play the Spurs really well.

  3. I bet Shai doesn’t even have Tim Duncan top 15 in his list

  4. Western_Candidate31

    Norris Cole fun fact: Won rings his first 2 seasons in the league on the 2012/2013 Heatles

  5. gridironk

    Kobe and Duncan have very similar bodies of work and their careers basically overlapped.

    Both won 5 rings, both played for one franchise for a hella long time, both made a ton of All NBAs and All Defense teams.

    It’s kinda like the 2000s version of Magic vs Bird.

  6. captain_ahabb

    Wow an r/nba thread about how Tim Duncan is underrated and Kobe is overrated

  7. Valeficar

    I hate when people downplay Tim because of Pop or Manu or Parker, but will gas up players like Magic or Kobe who had fellow top 10 talents on their teams. Totally ridiculous.

  8. Timmy doesn’t get enough respect and I think it’s because…

    – *He wasn’t a guard so no one did the “Him vs MJ?” thing*

    – *His game wasn’t flashy enough.*

    – *They never repeated.*

    – *He wasn’t a star off the court in the way Kobe, Shaq, MJ, Bron were.*

    – *He never had cool shoes.*

    – *He took a back seat offensively later in his career instead of demanding shots.*

    Some of these things sound trivial but I think they matter when it comes to cultural impact and how people perceive players later.

  9. motherseffinjones

    We all know he’s great but yet he’s still underrated

  10. Bonesawisready5

    Manu doesn’t foul Dirk in game 6 WCF 2006, spurs three peat imo

  11. Borktista

    Been saying this to everyone in my life whenever they only bring up Kobe. TD is top 10 all time

  12. GetDownDamien

    I absolutely hated the lakers when I was kid, I always rooted for the spurs in those finals match ups, was my dad’s favourite team back then

  13. turdfurgy69

    Finally! We’ve all been waiting for Norris Cole to chime in

  14. moserftbl88

    Is this the weekly Duncan is actually underrated post that seems to be happening now?

  15. Said it before and I’ll say it again. Tim Duncan won the first title after Jordan, and the last title before Steph Curry. So if anybody divided the “Grindy 90’s” and “Pace & Space,” it’s Tim Duncan.

  16. Yall Kobe stans have really turned him into one of the most overrated players in the history of the league.

  17. LemmingPractice

    Lol, there is no such thing as the Kobe Era. How exactly does a one-time MVP winner purport to have an era anyways?

    Kobe was like the 4th or 5th best player of that era, with Duncan and Shaq being clearly better and more accomplished, while Dirk and KG are the disputable ones.

  18. Terraldo_

    Duncan was definitely the man! I remember when I was younger I didn’t appreciate it him that much cause he wasn’t flashy. It was until his last 4 years where I really started to like him. He is definitely the greatest power forward ever

  19. DigOlBick99

    Tim has been waiting for Norris’ flowers for years

  20. youngstunnaserg

    Why doesn’t he get brought up for longevity? Man is easily top 8 ever.

  21. Repostbot3784

    Tim > kobe in all ways.  Also im totally not biased at all.

  22. Electrical-Mule-2057

    As a Spurs fan, I got nervous when Spoelstra put Cole in the lineup during the Finals. Dude was a fantastic bench player that could go off any minute.

  23. TrillCozby1980

    People love to say “Every other domicile player was able to eat on Lebron’s watch” yet, Duncan has 5 rings DURING Kobe’s run. Fuck it, let’s not count the one from 97. That’s still 4.

  24. needaburnerbaby

    Fucking finally. Never understood the Kobe stans. How could the man be the greatest of all time when he’s not even the best player of his own era, or the team he played for. Madness.

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