@Utah Jazz

Keyonte George is the real deal for the Utah Jazz

Keyonte George is the real deal for the Utah Jazz

George is looking so legit every single night the Utah Jazz lose to the Boston Celtics but the Jazz have something special in key let’s talk about it it’s the Hoops nerd Show all right guys before we get into it let’s just give a shout out to our sponsor priz piix you go to use promo code Hoops nerd you will have a blast it’s a lot of fun go look at what they’re going over and under on Keon George and you’re basically going

To pick the over at this point he is going nuts every single night the three-pointers are falling he is figuring it out go to they will match up to $100 when you use promo code Hoops nerd it’s free money five bucks they give you extra bucks you want

To go uh pick Keon George the over on three-pointers made go do it they’ll double your bet basically it’s a lot of fun I personally enjoy it it’s great all right let’s see let’s get to it the Utah Jazz lost to the Boston Celtics who are very very good uh

You know they might be the second best team I think right now the Denver Nuggets are probably the best team in the NBA be just because you know Nicola yic is Unstoppable in a lot of ways but this Boston Celtics team minus a bunch of players you know Chris STS doesn’t

Play Jaylen Brown doesn’t play and it didn’t really matter because they just took care of Utah but there’s some and you know we could talk about the Celtics a little bit Tatum was awesome 38 points they have great depth Drew holiday is great but I do want to say that Drew

Holiday and Derek white are one of the best defensive back courts in the NBA and keontay George was phenomenal tonight once again yes is the defense not great no but he’ll get better with time I think he’s actually better than you probably think but you know the advanced numbers aren’t super friendly

But Keon George did special things tonight all right let’s just go through it this might not be as long I mean the the Utah Jazz are kind of doing a 2K Sim to the end of the season but there’s still a lot of things to enjoy and I

Hope we’re not under appreciating what keontay George is doing and I really hope we get uh Taylor Hendricks back soon in fact I need to tag the Jazz in some sort of tweet and say hey you said Taylor Hendricks would be looked at in one week and we have not seen an update

Yet Utah Jazz don’t lie to me I write about it I’m waiting give me the update so anyways Bryce sensah got 23 Minutes tonight he was mostly quiet tonight uh four assist four rebounds is nice to see but the shot he wasn’t getting a lot of

Shots in general this is a very good Boston Celtics defense and he just looked a little just a little rookie is out there he did not get a lot of shots and he’s just going to need time as well and and maybe that’s the overarching theme and what

We’re going to need to see next year for this team I think we’re definitely seeing a little bit of what that we’re going to have next season for the Jazz in fact I need to maybe look at that with an article in a video because I think what we’re seeing the team doing

Now is also what we’re going to see the team doing next season uh we see we saw a lot this season a lot of carryover from last season except for the addition of um of what was it John Collins who they got from Atlanta but a lot of the

You know there wasn’t a lot of free agency pickups that were BigTime signings there wasn’t a lot of BigTime trades you know outside of John Collins for a second round pick and so I think a lot of what we’re seeing now is what we’re going to see next year

We are kind of just seeing the plan unfold and I know some people think oh the Jazz are rudderless no I think they’re defin itely in fact let’s talk about that a little bit tonight I think we’ve talked about it before but I I believe I don’t know everyone watches

This show every night um if you do I love you if not you’re you know if you do watch it every night you’re a Hoops nerd and I love you forever but if you don’t that’s why I’m going to repeat some of these things just to make sure

It’s very clear to people what’s going on with the Utah Jazz Gabriel bodley member for 12 months that’s a year baby JC and Kess make me sad but that’s old news yeah you know we’ve been kind of talking about Kesler this year I know people were me

Included very very very um excited about Kesler this season it’s why I thought the Jazz would be a potential playoff Contender and Kesler has been not great this year you know I think he’s getting traded to be honest why you know it get I guess it depends on what happens in

The draft and what the Jazz have in the draft but Kesler has not really I mean has he really shown that he is a future Cornerstone I think he’s shown he’s a rotation player in the NBA even this year where he’s been just a little bit underwhelming and and not you

Know not very forceful and dominant like he was last year he’s still a rotation player in the NBA and I think there’s a lot of teams that would love to to bet on him getting better and that’s why the Jazz if they’re going to trade him are

Going to get something nice or they might just keep him because someone like that who’s proven what they can do is not someone you want to give away just for nothing so unless the Jazz get a nice offer they’re not trading him but if they get a nice offer I would not be

Surprised so Lucas Sonic played 14 minutes tonight uh seven points he did have that one drive and dunk on Jason Tatum which was kind of like oh okay uh 50% from the field he knocked down the 1 three he took but he only played 14 minutes ah sorry and I think that was

Because the Jazz wanted to give a chance to Mah Potter who was perfect from the field three for three from the field two for two from three and he was awesome the Jazz just had a stint in the fourth quarter and I don’t know if they would have won this game

Anyway but they had that six-minute stretch in the fourth quarter where they could not score literally and just go like the Celtics went on a 20 to0 run and that was basically the game but Utah played pretty well in this one enough to keep up uh John Collins didn’t have a

Great shooting night from the field but he did shoot the three pretty well nice to see 10 points four rebounds he played Just 29 minutes tonight which actually makes me wonder um are the Jazz playing tomorrow I don’t believe so but let me just double check to be sure today is the

12th let’s see 32 oh no the Jazz don’t play for three days man oh man well that gives me time to get up other stuff for you guys so anyways uh 29 minutes for John Collins this was a little bit of one of her you know at least statistically one

Of his worst nights uh not super impactful from him but you know what this Jazz team I think kind of knows that the playoffs are kind of Out Of Reach at this point and so guys like John Collins may not be doing everything to just you know get injured or whatever

I don’t know it’s going to be interesting but every time we see effort from this team we should appreciate it uh Colin sexon you know we’ve kind of had a regression from Colin seent recently but then you look at the numbers and he’s 20 points seven rebounds five assists he just puts up

Numbers it’s pretty impressive his ability to get up stats every night you know and some of the knights they’re not that great but I mean consistently seeing things like this seven rebounds five assists at his size is really impressive you know he’s just he’s just

A guy that you know we talked about that just now like there’s going to be guys that aren’t going to go as hard because they don’t want to get injured stuff like that knowing that the playoffs are getting harder to attain well Colin seon goes out and he gives his all every

Single night you know maybe defensively not quite so much and in all honesty him being six foot 6 foot one whatever he is at the shooting guard he’s just always at a disadvantage You Know It’s just tough but I tell you what this back court of seon and George to do what they

Did tonight with this efficiency pretty impressive stuff uh this is against Derek white and Drew holiday probably the best defensive back cour in the NBA if not one uh you know pretty impressive for them to score like that now the Jazz can’t defend for anything um it’s really

Tough like they don’t keep guys from getting their shots they don’t really contest very well it’s just not a very physical team and the Jazz one thing they’re going to have to really get in the draft and just they’re going to have to improve on is just basic General

Physicality this team just needs to learn to be more physical defensively they’re just very not it’s very much a finesse team right now and they need some physicality and I don’t know when that’s going to happen I mean you’ve got physicality from Chris Dunn but even like Walker kessle is he someone that

You think is just like a physical player someone that just kind of forces his will on people out there you you just don’t see it you really don’t it’s just not a very physical team and there’s a lot of like athletic deficiency on this team as well you know just size Talent

Athleticism there’s just got to be upgrades all over the floor um I do think that Taylor Hendricks brings some of that you know and that’s one thing the Jazz Miss I cannot wait for him to come back and get these Lucas minutes because he just needs them and he needs them all next

Season too you know the Jazz need those guys to get their minutes Keon George is already showing what he’s got and you know next season is going to be a lot of learning in terms of just defense can he become a plus Defender I think actually

You know I know talking with some of the guys on the SLC dunk team they look at the three-point defense numbers not great ke is really not measuring out to be a highle Defender although I think some of that is not necessarily his fault and I I think honestly at some

Point we should probably just give him a little bit of of leeway because he’s a rookie uh but it’ll be nice to see that kind of improve and if he can kind of show out next season defensively all right you know what’s weird last show I talked about how I was

Going to talk about keontay George the whole show and then I ended up not even talking about him so let’s talk about keante George uh I put out a stat tonight I had the wrong thing on Twitter and I posted that I you know what I had a bad twitter night

Tonight because I messed up a couple times um but one thing I was not wrong about is how good keante George is I hope people and I know the Hoops nerds here watching this you guys are the best of the best the cream of the crop you

Are the ones that will appreciate this but one thing that the Casual fans and yes they’re casual the ones that only like the Jazz if they’re winning they only watch the Jazz if they’re winning blah blah blah they’re missing out on some pretty special stuff right now I

Mean for him to put up this 26 points on this type of shooting he had an even better game against the Denver Nuggets last game he is doing special things now everyone I mean against the Denver Nuggets I did not post this but it was crazy Keon was like five for eight from

Three against the Denver Nuggets outside of Keon George last game they were 16% from three everyone else that was last game tonight Keon George once again Five for 10 from three he is a major part I mean Keon George accounted for onethird of all their three-point makes

Tonight look at that the next highest level was either John Collins Chris Dunn or mic a Potter making two threes the stuff that keante George is doing right now is special he is a special offensive player now if someone wants to mention the defense sure he’s

Got to improve but I get I’m telling you right now he is he is special offensively and he has a chance to get better defensively I don’t know if he’s going to ever be an elite Defender um because what one thing that’s been nice that has helped him has

H been him getting so losing all that weight so he gets his quickness back basically what he needs to build at this point is strength not weight but strength and that just comes with he’s still just a kid he’s like 20 years old you and let’s just look at the raw

Numbers now so 12 and a half points per game 4.4 assists 2.8 assists or rebounds per game and he’s doing this let’s see while shooting now 36% from three for the season that is absolutely Bonkers he is a 40% field goal percentage shooter this will go up it’s just truly fantastic what he’s

Doing this three Point shooting is special and half of these are like pullup threes you know these are this is this is I mean I just I just think that the Casual fans who don’t watch unless the Jazz are winning and by the way I actually have a soft spot in my heart

For the older casual fans who grew up or you know fell in love with Carl Malone and John Stockton because it was a special special era but the ones who are you know kind of younger that never got to see Carl Malone every night um I I don’t know if they realize how

Good this is you know like honestly the 30-year-old the late 20s early 30-year-old jazz fan who’s probably too young to have watched car Malone but grew up watching like you know Darren Williams maybe that was their Guy this is this is special stuff this is Darren Williams type numbers it’s Bonkers in

Fact this is better than what Darren Williams was doing to be honest it’s pretty crazy stuff and so I you know they’re losing these games but you kind of it’s kind of this diamond in the rough idea where you have just a lot of kind of junk happening around him but he is

Absolutely shining it’s incredible and he really can do everything offensively what can’t he do offensively right now I mean he can improve in terms of his polish and decision making and there’s like little things here and there you see that he can just improve on that’s just kind of comes with with experience

Lots of Veteran type moves and and stuff like that uh but man what he’s doing right now as a rookie as the Baseline is special stuff do not underappreciate Keon George don’t underappreciate this this is special stuff and for so for all of us that are all of us that are

Watching these games and watching the Jazz just get smoked you know what it’s pretty fun for me because you’re seeing the future I mean literally every single other player on this team outside of like Taylor Hendrick and you know one could argue uh lry Markin and in fact we

Probably need to talk about that but he’s absolutely Untouchable Untouchable in fact I just think that this Jazz team is going to build through the draft and they already have one of their core Championship Contender pieces and guess what I’m like stillar now I am lisan Al lisan

Al the as the Ben jerat have foretold the lisan Al G will come and maybe maybe Keon George is the John the Baptist that is ringing the bell the great prophet that would come for telling of the one that will come and his name is possibly Cooper flag but anyways whatever Keon

George is right now he is special he’s special capital s special and he has a chance to be an All-Star player 100% you just you don’t and this was against by the way this was against the Denver Nuggets reigning Champions and now the Boston Celtics they you know you look at their

Defensive numbers they’re top I think they’re number two defense in the NBA and part of that is because of Derek white and Drew holiday and Keon George does this against those two it is special stuff it is special special stuff and so the Jazz have the

Guy he has absolutely all the tools now is he like you know is he Anthony Edwards where he’s got that huge size and just physical dominance and he can also lock people down defensively no but he for sure has the offensive prowess to do some special things with this team

And imagine what he can do if you put him next to another Superstar on the floor you know give Keon George two seasons maybe three and watch him cook watch him cook as the kids say right let’s let this pot simmer we got the ingredients now at least we got the core

We got the meat we got the beef We Got That Beef that beef’s now cut it’s in the crock poot we’re adding some we’re adding some stock now we got to add more ingredients okay but we need more we need more ingredients to this this this uh to this beautiful stew we’re we’re

Cooking and keante George is one of the main ingredients of that beautiful stew okay it’s going to taste delicious it’s already delicious for those who have an eye for good meat let’s see Robert Hall member for 37 months the OG the oldest of the members the longest standing Allstar

Robert Hall of Fame The Holy War has begun it’s true leisan Al stand back and let the prophecy be fulfilled every single night and for the Jazz fans who are watching it now they will appreciate it more when the war goes to the Haren in when we build our

Armies in the south of Dune and we build up and we get our draft picks we bring them in Taylor Hendricks keante George Bryce sensah we’re going to draft someone in this top 10 let’s hope it’s let’s hope it’s Cody Williams or someone like that and get another guy and

Another guy and another guy and we’re going to build up this Army in the South while they get fat on all their their uh referees doing everything for him the NBA giving them all their social media attention while the Utah Jazz will sit in the southern parts of Dune behind the

Wall of dust protecting us from them and then pretty soon the Jazz will come out and they will show them what we have but it takes time to build an army behind the lisan alib it takes time you have to trade the right pieces okay in fact

Let’s discuss it I don’t have much else to say Chris Dunn solid Walker Kessler honestly I mean eight rebounds is nice but man this guy I just want to see some toughness from Kesler and I just don’t see it Jordan Clarkson um actually had a pretty good night shooting the ball and

Then ton Horton Tucker why is ton Horton Tucker not playing oh why is he playing over Jason Preston I want to see Jason Preston I don’t get it I actually do not get it at all Jason Preston needs to play over taen Horton Tucker Diego I don’t understand anything

But I love it and go see Dune baby go read the book by the way absolutely such a good book and honestly the the book on tape I loved it there’s some people that didn’t and I think it’s one of the best performed book on tapes because in the

Most important scenes they actually have specific characters played out by specific voices which helps you at least helped me follow along a little better when when Paula tr’s dad is assassinated oh no spoilers but I guess now you know what coming but he’s betrayed I won’t tell you by who once that betrayal

Happens that book just takes off it’s so freaking good and the movie is good too but I recommend the book because it’s it’s definitely very good all right so we’re build building the the Jazz in the southern parts of Dune they’ve just got to keep building

And you know I know and I’ve had many talks with people about this about what the Jazz should have done last year we had you know obviously there were fans that wanted to add to it and you know I think some fans kind of treat the Jazz

And the NBA like it’s college basketball or or not College basketb like college football or the NFL you know we just went through we just went through um NFL free agency opening you know any of you who follow the the NFL and all these teams filling specific needs the thing

About NFL free agency that’s different than the NBA is that there’s 22 players that play for NFL football teams on offense and defense right and you can fill and I I think I’ve talked about this on before so sorry if I’m just repeating myself but you want to know a

Great podcast to go listen to really interesting in terms of basketb is um what’s his name uh dang it I already for God uh Malcolm Gladwell and he talks about team building the difference between building an NBA team and like he talks about building a soccer team but I

Think it works for football it’s a little different for football because you do need a good quarterback so quarterback matters you do have to find that guy but outside of quarterback you’re really filling holes and you just do it every year and then you just hope that your your coaching is good enough

And you stay healthy and you you you know can win the the championship the NBA is different there’s only five players on the field and one of the things that was interesting about that Malcolm Gladwell podcast talking about team building is that they looked at soccer teams and like the team that got

The Superstar they actually talked about Messi and how these teams in Europe if you go out and spend all the the majority of your money on one star like a Lionel Messi yes it’s really fun and yes he helps out a lot but those teams did not win more and you actually found

That the percentage of wins came from teams that really improved the the weakest link on their team like if you you know you know it’s like much more effective for a soccer team or maybe even a football team to go out and of those 22 players to go improve on like

The six worst players right go out there and improve on your six positions fill them with free agency and then you’re actually a much better team you’re actually filling a lot of the gaps and you need depth in basketball there’s five players on the court that’s it and

So you need that that one player it’s like do you have a good thumb or do you have a short little thumb you need like a good thumb on your team to to hold the bar and if you don’t you’re going to not end up being the championship team you

Know and so why didn’t the Jazz tank harder last year why didn’t they trade everyone and just detonate the team well I think it’s important to go back and look at transactions by a team like the Portland Trailblazers who made bad trade after bad trade after bad trade and yes

They tanked better than I guess better than the jazz or at least more effective but that’s partly because they made bad traits for years which led to them losing Damen Lillard which led to them never getting to the the championship each trade and each draft they made they made mistakes big- time

Mistakes for example they take Zack Collins over uh bam adabo he was right there you know and I think they actually traded up for Zack Collins didn’t they trade up for Zack Collins uh in fact I’m going to look this up we’re live I don’t care okay Zack Collins arrived in Rip

City in the 2017 NBA draft via trade with the Sacramento Kings the Blazers shipped picks number 15 and 20 to Sacramento in exchange for the rights to Collins so they traded two of their picks in that draft for a worse player than bam adabo okay bad moves and there are a ton

Of those if you go look back at the moves that the Portland Trailblazers have made it’s really bad really bad like the Evan Turner trade and things like that they’re really bad really bad and so yes it would have been nice to get wimy but he was only going to go to

One of 15 teams right that’s a fact and everyone who said they should have just traded everyone to get there well yes I wanted to do that too the receipts are there I wanted that but at the same time what I appreciate about what Danny a and the

Utah Jazz are doing and by the way I was actually wrong Justin zanic and they had let it was like two weeks before so I think Dennis Lindsay was part of it but Justin zanic and Ryan Smith were over the Jazz when they made the trade to

Send Derek favors to the Oklahoma City Thunder and gave them a first so that’s on Justin zanic just as much as anybody so we got to give a little credit to Dennis Lindsay he made the terrible picks but Justin zanic made that trade too and Ryan Smith thumbs uped it right

And it doesn’t mean that Dennis Lindsay and them weren’t working on it before they got rid of of of of him but Justin xanic made that trade so guess what if I’m G to give credit to Danny a I’m gonna give credit to Danny a stop

Telling me to say Justin xanic unless I want to and I like Justin zanic I think he does a good job but that was a big time mistake and one of the reasons I appreciate what Danny a has done and maybe that trade actually influenced

Ryan Smith to bring him in shout out to Ryan Smith to learn from mistakes Justin xanic as well it was a big one but anyways bringing and by the way they were trying to fix the mistake that had already been made by Dennis Lindsay so a mistake compounded by another

Mistake and so those mistakes you can’t afford to make them as a small Market team you just can’t I was talking to Harrison Pagan he oversees the Lakers and we were talking the other day just you know the Lakers can make mistakes it’s not fair but they get it’s

Just how it is the Lakers get to make mistakes the Miami Heat get to make mistakes and then they’ll still end up getting a baloney trade by the way speaking of the Miami Heat don’t piss me off but you know how stupid the Portland Trailblazers are for taking on Hassan

Whiteside to allow Miami to get freaking Jimmy Butler for absolutely for Hassam wh side they make that trade so that makes it possible for them to do it the stupid idiot Portland Trailblazers I have no sympathy for them I have zero zero sympathy for them zero nor should

You nor should you they made their bed they should sleep in it and every single time you see them complain or whatever that let them know that they’re the ones who decided to wait to trade Damen Lillard they’re the ones who still won’t trade someone like Anthony Simons now

There’s no value and you’re still bad so what did you get for all the people talking about how the Jazz you know could add more players or didn’t get enough for all these traes well guess what they’ve done pretty darn well since Danny a came in pretty darn well and the

Thing that matters and this is the point of this not to just rag on the Portland Trailblazers but D Danny a has not made a trade that didn’t get at least satisfactory value for their players if not insane value when you consider what they got for Rudy goar when you consider

What they got for Donovan Mitchell they had no other choice there was no other choice and we cannot forget these things there was no more cap space with that team and they were not playing well Donovan Mitchell gave up in the playoffs he requested a trade twice that

Season they made it happen Okay that was behind closed doors but that happened that was real they had to make the moves and the fact that probably everyone in their dog knew about it in the NBA anyway because they all work with the same agents they all know everything he

Still gets the value that he did which brought over Lowry Markin brought over Colin seon three picks two swaps from Cleveland oh by the way Rudy goar who everyone said can’t play basketball goes to the the Minnesota Timberwolves Danny a takes advantage of bad ownership once again like he did against Brooklyn he

Does it with Minnesota what is it four first round picks two pick swaps or three I can’t three first round picks it was three first round future first- round picks they got Walker Kessler and multiple pick swaps including 2026 which you know may not actually happen but the

Picks are happening and guess what the player we’re talking about tonight the one we are enjoying the lisan alib came from the Minnesota trade okay so what Danny Ang is doing is getting value on every single trade and if you’re doing that it takes patience it takes time but

You cannot skip steps and that means you cannot trade a player for less than what they’re worth for a 14% shot if you could even get there I was thinking about this the other day sorry this is going along it’s what we do it’s what we

Do but the Jazz did and it’s just more it’s more still guard stuff it’s more like it’s more still guard Lis Al he’s it’s more of it because I was thinking about this today by the way I might have broke my toe last night and I as my toe

Hurt and I was sitting there lying in my bed my body shaking with in shock I I walked up the stairs and my freaking toe my light’s so bright right there I was like like a stupid idiot this is what happens when you get older but stupid injuries happen to you it’s really

Annoying but I walked up and my toe curled underneath it as I stepped on the steps and for whatever reason I could not move my foot and all my white went down and the front digit bent all the way it hurts so bad my toe is purple

Like the Jazz uniforms today it hurts so bad um anyways it takes time to do this and I apologize to people that are frustrated that the Jazz aren’t better but this ain’t college football where you just get new players and you just hope that your recruiting class is better than

Everyone else this ain’t the NFL where you just fill gaps you know once you have your quarterback then it’s just fill your gaps you know like the like the Kansas City Chiefs they got their quarterback or the Buffalo Bills they got their guy or like my Green Bay

Packers who we have our guy now and now you just fill in gaps it’s not like that you have to get your star you just have to and you have to have two of them you really do there’s no jazz in the finals if they don’t have Malone and they don’t

Have Stockton there’s no Bulls in the finals if they don’t have um Michael Jordan and Scotti Pippen there’s no Denver Nuggets winning the championship if they don’t have joic with Jamal Murray right the Nuggets don’t even get close without Jamal Murray you have to have them both it’s just the way it

Is um so anyways the thing is is the Jazz and Danny an refuses to not get value and he’s gotten value every single time and we haven’t even seen the beginning of all these fruits we’ve seen some of the fruits of that labor with Keon George already we would not have

Keon George on this team without that trade you know and we got L marinin with it but now there is really a a question now of what the Jazz do moving going forward and I it you do have to ask yourself can you lose enough games next

Year with low marinan or can you keep low marinin and and you know can you keep lry Markin and and and lose enough games to get that Superstar to play with Keon George or do you need to move him to make sure that happens that’s the question and I

Think that is definitely something the Jazz will talk about whether they do it or not is another question but one thing that’s interesting and I’m writing about it on SLC dunk is they made all these trades they traded all these veterans they still got more veterans back oh I

Forgot I got myself all mixed up the first move Danny J did the one that doesn’t get talked about enough is he signs will hardy it’s just a sign that the Jazz are building through the draft you have to get a really good coach if you’re going

To build through the draft you have to you have to have a great coach that can get these players to play and play hard and buy in and do it yes the Jazz defense is not good but offensively they do some special stuff and players like Keon Georgia are shining in their rookie

Year this team plays the right way every night they do they play the right way are they are they great Defenders no but I don’t know if there’s any plus Defenders I mean you look at this starting unit look at this Bryce sensas somic John Collins colins ston keontay George how many of

These guys would you consider a plus Defender and they were in this game they were in this game until the fourth quarter it’s pretty impressive stuff so Danny a signs or picks up uh will hardy who the Celtics ask the Jazz for him back by the

Way and the Jazz were like uh no sorry um that was the first step and they’re building through the draft they’ve already started the question is with Larry Marin and can you win can you lose enough with him and so when you get someone like Cooper flag or Ace Bailey

Or mu mu malow watch malow watch I got to get I keep wanting to call him muaat it’s malow watch if you get someone like that and you can keep lry Markin and you know maybe malow watch would fit so perfect with Hendrick I’m like a fan I

Tell you what I tell you what go watch the malow malow watch tape it’s it’s freaking malow watch next year malow watch 2024 2025 whatever anyways I think they might trade him I really do I think there is a a world where they’re like you know what I don’t know if he fits

The long-term timeline he can go and win with someone else and the Jazz can continue to build through the draft and continue to build and add players although they might be able to lose enough with him but the thing that’s interesting is that year they they first the year after they trade

Donovan Mitchell and Rudy goar they ended with the ninth seed and they did a lot of what they’ve done this year they traded veterans they traded the best they could they got the best value they could at the trade deadline and then they ended up with the

Nine seed after tanking the last 20 or so games the same thing’s happening this year they started off with what they have a lot of players that they kept from last season that they weren’t able to either trade or had value they trade uh um Kelly oin they

Traded actually I was pretty surprised they traded traded oaji but he hasn’t looked any much different with the Raptors than he did with Utah and they traded uh if the Italian Stallion Italian Stallion um fonio you know and they got they have now three picks in this draft I think

They’re going to make those picks and I think they’re going to play them it’s a long game like Robert Hall 999 I really appreciate it man I definitely think there’s a long game I don’t think the plan was lwi Markin and being that good so from average user perspective it

Seems like rebuild isn’t working my hunch is he’s traded for a longer game I just I that’s the thing that’s the question Robert H and by the way $999 is incredibly generous I appreciate it so much um but I think we are seeing a long game in fact everything the Jazz say

Suggests that there is not a point where I mean yes we see some rumors about the Jazz and like you know what was his name in the Atlanta um dejonte Murray and things like that but those were according to Tony Jones kind of overblown um they do check in on some of

These players like they checked in on Miles Bridges thank goodness they didn’t bring him on cuz I don’t like women beaters on the Jazz in fact that’s one thing we should also apprciate is these are all really good guys they’re all great guys High character great locker

Room guys we don’t have to watch someone who’s a wife beater on the Jazz which I appreciate now knock on wood who knows if that happens in the future but thank goodness for now uh but anyways um I think it’s a long game and I the question with lry marinan and this

Is what I’m writing about is basically the same thing has happened the two last two years Utah has traded Veterans for picks and has tried to tank the end of the season and both seasons will Hardy has made this team better and punch above their weight each season you know

The beginning of last year was when it happened you know a third of the way into the season the Jazz had that crazy run and both now they’re in the ninth spot again literally the exact same spot as last year the number nine and so you

Have to ask yourself like what the Jazz have going out there right now this group of players is bad enough cuz look at this if you just look at these last records look at this Washington’s 2 for8 Charlotte’s 2 for8 Utah is 2 for8 that’s a bottom three record in the last 10

With what they’re doing you can go get look you can go get one of these guys Cooper flag is the dude it’s like it doesn’t matter go look at look it up flag has become the most dominant force in high school basketball after reclassifying he’s the odds on favor to

Be the top pick uh Ace Bailey number two they don’t even have malow watch on here yet he is like Joel embiid level rise it’s crazy so this draft was already incredible by the way get your tickets to watch Duke vers ruers because malow watch from Africa who got just

Discovered honestly recently he’s 17-year-old it’s crazy it’s crazy go watch Rutger Duke next year that is going to be an absolute must watch game holy smokes cuz Dylan Harper son of um Ron Harper on the Bulls that broke our hearts awesome player 6’5 uh BJ Edgecomb I need to watch more

Of him but look an Elite Talent at the shooting guard position with all the physical tools and intangibles to be great Hugo Gonzalez from what I’ve been reading and and there’s malow watch at 7 I tell you what he has a chance to be number one but Hugo Gonzalez apparently

Is a lock down Wing from Spain and he’s an AB absolute sniper you know there are guys in this draft that are crazy and so if you combine them with Taylor Hendricks and Keon George and allow them to grow after this draft then maybe you

Go but only if you go into this draft and you feel like you got your Superstar but it might take more time and you know speaking of the long game Robert it really does kind of come down to that pick in 2026 it’s top eight predicted

And I think the fact that the Jazz did not kind of go for it this year to win more games is a sign that they’re probably going to just be bad the next two seasons they are going to let keonte George cook he’s going to be in the

Rising stars next year he’s going to be you know pushing um incredible numbers next year but they’re going to put young players around him and here’s the thing it’s not a bad thing it’s not bad it’s it’s fun to watch but it leads to losses and why is that because young players

Make mistakes sensah is going to have a lot of turnovers you’re going to see Taylor Hendricks have turnovers whoever they draft in this draft in this mock you know let’s say they who’s the mock what what are they getting like let’s say they get who rob Dillingham I doubt

They draft a point guard um but let’s say they get lucky and they get Salon who I think they should pick because you just don’t get a chance at 6′ n guys like that on the wing going to have turnovers going to have to grow what we’ve talked about

This before these French prospects are insane 18 years old you know what go get that guy then go make two more picks you know whoever ainka is go draft him 6 fo8 I’m in I have no idea but you know what go get some of these guys Dylan Jones oh

He’s from Weber State yeah do it let them play lose a lot of games let them develop find out one of those three is a stud and you keep him and then you go get your superstar in this draft by the way the Jazz get three picks in this draft

All of us get your get all your voodoo dolls out everyone get your voodoo dolls out so bad things happen to the Cavs and the and the and the the the Wolves man Drake Powell is go look at Drake pal tape this is what’s crazy about this draft this guy looks incredible he’s

Huge one of the most explosive players in his class A true high flyer and great open court athlete with ball skills as well go watch the tape I can’t believe he’s going 11 he would be like the number one pick in this year’s draft and he’s going like 11 in this one it’s

Crazy Jalil Betha absolute incredible scorer just an absolute going to score the ball like crazy insane obviously some of these guys can’t work out but man what a draft and so I think the Jazz are going to be bad they’re going to get to I I need to watch Edgecomb I need to

Go watch some film because if he’s going going four and he’s like above there and they have him above malow watch and stuff like that Holy Smokes must be good 6’6 was pretty good number for Michael Jordan right in the height range so anyways longterm I you know

What it’s tough though in terms of the present day I know it’s like for me it’s like hopeful thinking about what the future might look like but get you know what Danny an has traded every veteran for good value he really has and it’s the stuff that allows you you know know

It’s kind of something that allows you to make mistakes because Portland can’t make mistakes and they make them all the time including and I was wrong I was wrong I was completely wrong uh you know what Charlotte made the right pick Brandon Miller looks awesome I was

Wrong scoot Henderson isn’t even as good as keontay George the Jazz got a better player than scoot Henderson and I thought scoot was going to be an absolute just force and it hasn’t really translated doesn’t mean he can’t get there doesn’t mean he can’t I still like

Him but man there’s some things it’s especially like the inside scoring that needs to be better with him it’s I thought he would be kind of Chris poly with like that free throw line jumper he can just pull up into and it doesn’t mean he can’t but man it’s a little

Tough and it could be that they’ve just not made good decisions and not built a team correctly and have a not a very good coach you know that’s why when people have things and thoughts to say about Will Hardy I’m just like well what Keon George is destroying it Taylor

Hendricks has looked really great these players are being set up to succeed Bryce sensah has had moments this season where he looks really nice so the Jazz have the right coach they already have nice core pieces keontay George is especially and honestly Taylor Hendrick who knows who

Knows what he can become he’s such a such a um like a high ceiling type of guy and he keeps kind of showing flashes of extra things he can do so who knows but he can’t do it if he doesn’t get time on the floor and he already missed

Out on a bunch this year I do think the Jazz wanted to win to convey the pick in uh this season so that 2026 they didn’t have to worry about anything but now they do and I think basically the Jazz said you know what this is Direction

That’s why I think you know Kesler is possible although I don’t know if they trade him we’ll see uh any everyone’s on the board except the rookies you know everyone and and it’s it’s going to be interesting so Lowry marinin can you are you really willing

To miss out on something like this for Lowry marinin when you may be able to get an additional three or four picks you know and ensure that you also get a guy in 2026 in fact could you imagine if the Jazz got cam Boozer in 2026 look at this

Cameron Boozer right there 69 truly special Prospect is one of the top prospect I thought he was number one overall I don’t even know who AJ Deans is 67 Wing Deans will now be in a battle with camboa for the top spot in 2026 he’s an elite shooting Wing who looks like a

Future Superstar at the NBA level I just think the Jazz have to get that guy and let’s end with this and I think I talked about this before but how many here grew up watching car Malone I did and I tell you what in some ways it was incredible in some ways it

Was cruel because we didn’t know what we had we truly didn’t appreciate what he was and what we had and the fact that you had an all NBA point guard getting him the ball in John Stockton we didn’t know he was so good he was a literal MVP

And every single night he crushed people you know it feels like I’m talking about like a story from Legends or scripture or something from back in the day an an ancient ancestor that we talk about he was truly stronger than all and he crushed everyone and he was literally

Knocked people out with his elbows they were so huge and yet he was so strong he also had the softest touch with his little fadeaway jumper and going to the basket he had incredible touch around the rib while also being just an absolute force on the rebounds and defensively a wall

That could not be brought down he was unbelievable and every single night he just crushed people he got his 25 and 12 every night and just every night without question and you know John Stockton threw him the ball all NBA point guard every night every night he got his 10 to

12 assists every single night and it was impressive every single game and when Stockton was on the floor everything felt right in the Jazz ecosystem of basketball because he always put everyone in their right spot the Jazz had their their Predator their alpha predator top of the food chain guy in

Carl Malone who just ate everyone for lunch and it was beautiful and amazing and I want Jazz fans to have that again I want Jazz fans and myself included to have that because I would like to go to the finals again it’s the most incredible stressful experience you’ll

Ever feel because you just don’t know but you know what they need to get there and I think they can but they’ve got to go and they’ve got to get some of these guys they just have to you have to and as nice as L marinin is he wasn’t even

An All-Star this year and by the way the Jazz did everything they could to get it for him but he didn’t he he regressed a little bit and so he’s a nice player but I don’t think you should put your Championship hopes on hold for low

Marinin you know yes the Jazz if they had lry marinin plan right now and if they had you know Taylor Hendricks maybe they play kind of a certain level but it’s not good enough and is it really something you want to make sure you have for I mean are you kidding is that

Really what we want is to just be a bottom feeder team in the play s every year not me I want to be a championship Contender and all you need to do that is get that guy and with a front office that is led by Danny a they make the

Right choices they don’t ever make a decision without getting the best value possible they don’t wait they get the best value and so that maybe means uh low Markin and rest a lot next year if he’s all in sounds like he wants to stay in Utah which is great but then that means

You have to be on board with the plan gone are the days of doing things to just make stars happy do you remember when the Jazz signed Eric Pascal just to make Don Donovan Mitchell Happy who by the way is not an MVP candidate not an MVP caliber guy um remember

That that was weird they we should not be doing moves like that what you do is you make moves to win that’s what you do and that’s what the Jazz have been doing for 2 years and they’re going to continue to do it now maybe they’d make

A mistake maybe they do something that makes me really mad but right now it looks like that’s the direction they’re going and I honestly applaud them for it because a lot of jazz fans who never saw Carl Malone play Live you know don’t realize what that’s like and how big a

Deal that is it’s a big deal to have that guy it’s just absolutely a different level of enjoyment it just is you know so anyways that’s what I want for this Jazz team I want to have another Carl Malone for this Jazz team and they

Can get it and who knows maybe they get a guy in this draft maybe you know maybe one of these 10 guys is actually that dude I tell you what if they go number one I bet they do pick Alexander SAR just because that’s the style they want

To play as a spread floor and that guy defends he got he was out out for injury and he came back and he’s been playing in the playoffs for them at Perth or whatever and he is just like blocking everything um he’s not he’s only 217 pounds at 7 fo1 so he

Is skinny but the guy look at that 3.1 blocks per game he can spread the floor a little bit um really nice so there’s a lot to there’s players on here that I think are rotation level players but I don’t think you’re going to get anyone that’s like that guy and

That’s why I think 2025 and 2026 really matter man it would be cool if C Boozer came to Utah uh kg10 to th5 you would be DW to you’d be kg to to CB right camb Boozer just not Carlos his son camb Boozer is Carlos boozer’s son

And I tell you what Carlos Boozer is probably more than happy to have his son come play for the Jazz and has a lot of nice things to say about Utah so all right well is that enough blathering for the night let’s see let’s bring this over do I have it

Up no um what we really need to do is give a shout out to the allstars oh by the way we also got to look at our Lottery if the lottery was today what would happen last time the Jazz won when we made the pick so let’s see what happens for the Utah

Jazz if the draft was today all right guys if it’s Lottery night the Jazz are sitting at nine I actually think by the way Brooklyn won again let’s see Brooklyn won and they own the Rockets pick so it’s really nice so if the Jazz can just

Get to eight they might be able to get Salon let’s see what happens if it was today Boom the Jazz jump again although they take Rob Dillingham no thank you I would rather have Cody Williams please can guard one through four I love that kid

I’m a some I know that one I forgot her name she writes for uh Yahoo she actually lives in Utah she has Cody Williams as her number one Prospect and I have a hard time disagreeing when you have a 68 Elite defensive prospect that can shoot the three I mean are you

Kidding I don’t know I would like that guy on the Jazz anyways let’s give a shout out to our allst star tonight thank you guys for being a part of the show um every single night all right let’s give a shout out to the Tim protector Robo Nathan but nett burkart

The dirty dirty Jazz Car Wash Channel Fly Eagles Fly Platinum Eagles the real deal large jarvin and just buckets JB baby Elliot mats and Christian house money toas The Outlaw Jesse James Nelson and SEC rbe the man for down under sea lexat bill for tough Alexander toughs

Arag Jordan the goat best roll tgd toal game domination Tyson price the pric is Right Austin R Grant editor extraordinaire kg10 to th5 plus possibly kg to to CB in the future I hope Patrick K kuo the kosur and Robert Hall of Fame guys like And subscribe to the channel

If you haven’t already I will talk to you next

Against the Boston Celtics, Keyonte George shined bright once again

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  1. The last two teams went after KG in a big way. You can guarantee yourself of that. He’s the man just like we’ve been saying before the season Nerd.

  2. I’m sorry but i have to ask, if you don’t want miles bridges on the jazz (I couldn’t agree more btw) how are you okay with Karl Malone?

  3. Jazz fans saying we didn't try hard enough to tank for Wemby are being disingenuous. We completely gutted a playoff team, NBA writers had us finishing with the worst record in the league at the beginning of last season. Then Will Hardy turned into an amazing coach and Lauri Markennan unexpectedly became an all-star. They tried again at the trade deadline by removing even more talent. We sat our best players down the stretch with fake injuries and then Kris Dunn and THT started inexplicably winning games. I'm not sure what else they could have done

  4. Nerd, totally agree – Preston needs to play over THT – I can't take any more "circus shots" call – it's pathetic. Also Why do we have zero ability to defend the 3? And Dune 2 was great!

  5. Hendricks has a real issues with his toe. They will play him soon enough but it’s obvious they are taking extra precautions. The jazz will continue to evolve as they search for the right talent to launch 🚀 a real challenge to the more dominate teams.

  6. There's a reason Kerr didn't play him. Get his ass the f@#$ out of here. We don't have time to wonder if a guy can play ball. You're either a baller or not by this age, and it looks like not. Get these f#@$%@! nice guys out of here and get OUR Jazz a Draymond.

  7. These dumb Mf's want to be out doing the cabbage patch at night. They say you can't do that in Utah. It's gonna be hard to find that player without serious luck. Better build some clubs so they can do the running-man

  8. U the man hoops but we are not tanking an entire season for cooper flag we are building threw draft gathering picks yearly plug play n development n we b fine n Kessler will b fine he can b our bak up at least but still gotta develop post game 1st n development of 3point shot

  9. I think they probably need to deal Lauri for picks/prospects. He is in his prime and can be the best 2nd option in the league for a championship level contending team. It's not right to keep him on a rebuilding squad. They could end up with one of Flagg/Ace/Boozer/Dybsanta but Lauri's prime doesn't match up with them.

  10. James, my friend… truly, what do you think of Ryan Smith, why people dont acknowledge that he seems to not be interested in making Jazz a Champion… this guy is more worried on bringing an NHL team and building new Arena for other purpose, while he is not investing money in the team!!! That drives me crazy. And he wants peoples taxes to fund… this year was waisted…

  11. Is Kessler a "new Gobert" or a "new Ostertag" (respect for our 90's Big fella" !) ? I still Hope he Can be a "Rude-y" kind of payer ! C'mon Utah ranger ! You're right about the C's backourt. Hope you're right also about the rebuilding !

  12. Ill say this, if Will Hardy was the coach with the Donovan Jazz, we probably would've if anything won the conference finals. I really feel like the coaching of Quinn Snyder shot those chances way down outside of the off games the Jazz had.

  13. Btw "Frank Herbert got the name "Harkonnen" from the Finnish name "Härkönen", which he found in a California telephone book. He wanted a harsh-sounding name for the villains of his novel, and "Harkonnen" sounded "Soviet"."

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