@Minnesota Timberwolves

“We Just Fought To Get Back.” | Nickeil Alexander-Walker Postgame Sound | 03.12.24

“We Just Fought To Get Back.” | Nickeil Alexander-Walker Postgame Sound | 03.12.24

He just what did it feel out there for you tonight uh season High um just everything going in what was what was the feeling like for you out there truthfully it’s just something kind of just took over just being in the in the moment I think it was

Very just peaceful just enjoying like being out there and just making reads and I think when we got down more focusing on trying to play to win like just bring SP bring Energy play hard I think for me that’s what brought it all together and then it just kind of came

Up from all of it what do the just turn for you guys in the second quarter tonight that you know you didn’t need halftime to turn this game around just it started flipping halfway from the second quarter for you what what changed you guys I think just like remembering

What’s at State you know games like these come back to Haun you in the end of April and you know that tiebreaker especially with the being so close small things are going to matter and this game was going to matter and I think the way we started it we put ourselves in a

Position that we needed to get back from and just fought to get back in general whether it’s you or Nas recently you guys gives you guys inter offens and seems like whoever’s night it might be somebody different each night that that might be going off more times than not it’s going to be

Somebody like that has to step up I mean teams are going to game plan now more than ever for an uh cat helped us because it was a little tougher to double them both or have to playing a whole defense Pedic to two of them so

Now being the one I think with the the talent that we have and the offensive pieces it’s just each night each guys is just stepping up into that role and being confident and playing and everyone’s feeding him giving them conf I think the good thing about this team

Is like we all care about each other and we all want to win so we’re doing right things right now to win I know I know La is partially home but every time you come to La you start going off Pelicans you had like what 38 39 that game this

Game you cooked up too talk about the opportunity you know coming out here in LA and then what that means to you coming out here and cooking up too as well I mean it’s it’s not the stable Center no more but you know it’s to me it’s the West Coast version of the

Garden you know like just the games here and like what it means to come out here and and it’s like Showtime you know it’s LA and I think having friends and family in town and want to just be my best and I think I’ve been able to catch a good

Groove from me my like you said just being out here working out in the Summers trusting my work and then just wanting to put on the show for like my friends and my family and then got to ask you shay uh MVP at the top one of

The top guys for MVP votes what’s your thought process on I know you rocking with your dog but just talk about his game in and how it’s improved over the years too as well what you’ve seen from him bro cuz you know he’s a dog so yeah

Yeah I mean all all in all just the the the work that he puts in behind behind the scenes and I think there’s so much hype around him right now and like it’s crazy that people don’t even know half of what he’s done to do this and he

Makes it look easy but I’ve seen him work since we were probably like as early as 15 to be in this position like it dates back to that like just the work he puts in the dedication to the game like the way he lives his lifestyle everything

Um is all greatness and so like what he’s doing right now is to me expected I remember like last summer during a workout like I was saying like I believe within the next six years he was going to get one I didn’t think it’s going to

Be this year but I I believe that he was going to be this close for you guys tonight given where you are lost two in a row you find a way find a way to you know get over Carl’s injury here down the stretch how was there a little extra emphasis on

Tonight’s game especially given how close these guys were are in the standings to you yes and no I think there’s a focus on uh getting that win uh for cat as well I’m grateful that he had a successful surgery and I now it’s just like all in all let’s just go and hoop

And and try to win games and we want we want that number one seed we want to be the best team we want to um set our ours up for a good run and I think building the right habits as well being playoff ready uh in March never hurts K you’re

Very skilled you can shoot with both hands you do a lot I mean you have great offensive ability too what can you say to people out there you know coming into the league and then finding a way to carve out their role and then you being

Able to maximize that too uh the main thing is just what I had to learn was you you come in with the mindset of the the goals you have and the dreams you set and aspirations that you have planned out for yourself um but the main

Thing you you kind of Overlook is the position you’re in because you always want more I think be the MVP in that position right now like be the best you can be in that position like whether you get five minutes be the best player in the league that plays five minutes and

Then slowly it turns to 10 and then it turns to more and one thing I’ve learned just from having faith is like um Matthew I think it’s 2529 the Bible just kind of talks about like to those who uh do with what they’re given they receive more and those who

Don’t um eventually lose what they had what little they had and so I think for me it was like any scraps I was getting any minutes I got win those minutes be the best I can be and then slowly it starts to turn more and then just about

Embracing all that I get what your ability offensively do you feel like you had to learn like okay defensively I’m going to get some stops then we could play a little bit more N Style that I want to on certain possessions or how was it for you in the early going it was

It was kind of tough just because we were down you know the energy so for me I was just thinking like we got to get some some life going like even the arena was kind of quiet everything was just uh felt a little dead the step slow um they

Were doing they were beating us to things that like we pride ourselves in especially defensively they got hot um and so we just figured like the main thing was just stepping up being ready and my mindset was just just get my body going and I think everything that

Happened was like a product of that mentality as important as how have you sitting and approach things I mean one thing about an I’m going to say is he’s very consistent and like an’s going to be an and I tell that to everybody like he’s going to come in

With that mindset like I’m trying to win I’m trying to play hard whether has hair whether he’s not and I think he understands that moment and he’s one guy you know he’s not going to be afraid of it and you know he’s going to embrace it

And so he’s taking that challenge and he wants to be great he wants to win so him you just see him like in his eyes like it’s the way he approaches the game like I want this for the team for himself and one thing I knew even with cat going

Down is like he didn’t waver in his mindset of a there’s pressure and it’s the same goals like much is given much is required and he’s aware of that and he’s accepting that and he wants that challenge


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  1. When really comes down to it based purely off of effort and mentality I want ant obv but then naw let's go!

  2. Such a valuable player and seems like a super down to earth guy. Whatever happens in playoffs this team is so easy to root for. Love the Mathew quote

  3. How could you not love this dude and his story! We got him and MN Mike and two 2nd rounders for D-Lo??? No offense to D-Lo but that is a steal!!!

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