@Denver Nuggets

NBA Gametime | “Nikola Jokic being 1st in the West” – Shaq reacts Nuggets beat Heat 100-88

NBA Gametime | “Nikola Jokic being 1st in the West” – Shaq reacts Nuggets beat Heat 100-88

Left hamstring soreness Daniel Gafford a perfect five of five tonight that means he’s hit his last 33 shots in a row from the field good great not a wow some out efficient know what you shoot man only dunks and layups but that’s smart right absolutely Know Your Role know where who

You are and you know your skill set you’re not following with the rest of the league shooting three as much as I we talked about early much as I love the three-point Ball but imagine if Lively and Gaff say you know what let me venture out to the three they’ be like

No big guys you see looking them no getting back in that paint the analytics they like the dunk just as much more even more so than the they but you can like it but you can’t shoot the three that’s different you might like it more

But if you can’t do it I’m still going back to that paint I I it’s just smart I mean the way the game is played it’s high pick and roll you just run to the rim and if you don’t get it you suck everybody in and then somebody gets a

Three-point shot done your job that’s it your job that’s Steve Smith Dennis Scott right there I’m Matt Wier good to have you with us here on a Wednesday night on game time game of the night no surprise a finals rematch the Denver Nuggets in Miami tonight trying to sweep the season

Series they’d won 11 of their last 12 meetings including the finals bat M bio Nicole yic Ready to Go Nicole yic in for an interesting night not a high score points to really put this game away you know what Matt 3D I would love to run pick and roll with Joker they

Don’t leave him and they scared to step up on you so Denver has now won 10 of their last 11 games and 11 of 12 no now 12 of 13 against the Heat going back a few years and joic took just eight shots in this game we we did some research on

This our guy Rodney in the back found that going back to his first MVP season the nuggets are now 12 and two when y takes fewer than 10 shots how many MVPs in the history of the league can get away with that you know what I’m going

To think about it man I I guess we had to go all the way back to somebody like Bill Russell I mean that’s that maybe I don’t you know early magicly magic because that’s that’s when you know you’re really good when you can have an imprint on a game and still be

Considered the best in the game without taking shots that’s that’s amazing I’m no longer surprised guys because we’ve seen it now with four or five years now where he’s really a team player and then every interview I’ve done Smitty with him when he’s only taking 10 or less

Shots and we still want to interview him he’s like why he’s like I just want to win I’m not caught up in all the other things so I think we ought to appreciate and just keep rewarding and just saying praising him for being that way we were

Joking about the screen setting but it’s a a real impactful thing especially if your MVP can do it because of the gravity he draws and also the size of him I mean you we get a chance to watch if you’re a guard defensively you you can’t really get around him mat I mean

And if you go under uh it’s so hard because then you you giving a guy a wide open shot as we see right now good job of manipulated having a guy set a screen as you can see the guard is just stuck on him it’s like you’re on his back you

Didn’t know whether to get around or go over next play similar he goes on obviously to the the right side of the defender right now the defender Just Hits him and then there’s the big and you can’t blame the big 3D because it’s

Like if I go up and help and he drop it off the Joker it’s an automatic to from him or Aaron Gordon for a live one more time he goes under right now now Reggie Jackson’s filling it if you give me two three shots I make

Now he he is putting his imprint on the game with just setting screens and not rolling Matt that’s the D other thing yeah screen and roll is gravity comes with you he’s screening and not popping screening just stopping yeah he just turns around and looks and say just

Throw it back to me I’ll make a play or you make a play he’s not a wob threat that’s what I’m he’s not that guy but he’s not even popping out to get ready to shoot a three to me it’s fun because now they’re worried about his scoring

When he really wants to be a passer so when you look at Aaron Gordon and Michael Porter Jr every night they have easy shots how many nights have we been in here Matt and Smitty where we’ve seen Aaron Gord going back door to get a dunk

Or or alley or something of that nature to your point most guys roll to the basket to dunk or to popping back in today’s NBA to shoot a three you hit it around on the head he’s kind of hovering around that free throw line area see him

What mistake the defense is going to make and any picks to poison so Denver with the win moves back into first place in the Western Conference now half game up on the Oklahoma City Thunder and with all firsttime Champs there’s always some skepticism about oh well can they do it

Again you know they didn’t have to face this team they didn’t have to face that healthy player etc etc Denver is as good as it gets right now they are as good as they get I believe in I guess the biggest question is you lost Bruce Brown

Will Reggie Jackson pick up some of the slack he did last year you lost uh Uncle Jeffy now was the young fell pton Watson ready to step up and last but not least uh you throwing uh where was my man um Zeke Nai big guy you need some more

Rebounding because you know those are type of things in the playoffs many we know you need one of those big bodies to come in and do some dirty work when things don’t go well can those guys step up with more opportunity I it was interesting this year Joker didn’t play

DeAndre Jordan came in had like 20 and 13 he had played like yes had flash 20 dmps and I was like it’s amazing how he came in and played I I think another guy who I think has a chance to just be solid in the playoffs as Justin holiday

Because he’s a wing guy that can kind of catch lobs can kind of get out on break and also can catch and shoot doesn’t need the basketball I think he might get enough playing time and he’s a veteran he’s kind of been around he hasn’t went

Went far far into the playoffs but I think he could be a big help for the Nuggets Denver gets the win back at top the standings in the Western Conference right now all right let’s check out the Cavaliers and the Pelicans wrapping up their season series Donovan Mitchell

Back after missing seven games with a left knee bone bruise Brandon Ingram ready to go interesting play right there Carin for the corner three at 27 Cavaliers plus 48 from the three-point stripe plus 48 that’s hard to do that’s that’s kind of hard to do isn’t it not as hard when the

Opposition goes four of 22 from three but Cavaliers were 20 of 45 out there uh they’ve taken a little bit of a dip post Allstar a lot of that without Donovan Mitchell but they’re now six and six I believe since the All-Star Break um H how do you assess the Cavaliers with all

The parts coming and going this season excellent job with all the guys in and out and to have the record that they have I’m just worried about um is less is more better for them or their full team 3D and Matt is it comes down to can

The two guards play together versus both those guys standing watching one another and then can The Bigs play Big in the playoffs because last year Jared Allen and Mobley got dominated by the front Court of the New York Knicks that can’t happen again and I think they obviously

Uh went to the summer knowing that can’t happen again I love some of the pickups I think Matt strs has been phenomenal for them I think they’ve gotten tougher and they gotten bigger but it’s going to come down and see what they can do in the playoffs would somebody have some

Front court that is very physical Matt Smith we’ve been around before like what did last year do to how New York went into your building just kind of manhand you you had all the other points round the head you added the right pieces you added some shooting but those bigs have

To step up and and really control the paint and then you hit on the head the two small back court guards can both of you guys enforce your will and both of them go for 30 each night and now the opposing team like how do we slow down

That back court that’s what I want to see what did last year do to you does that bad taste still be in your mouth to motivate you for this season it’s not like they forgot right exactly no they know and they know what people have said about all season long that’s what

Everyone’s talked about and everyone’s waiting to see how the response come springtime time for the Breakthrough play of the game presented by for V fore I’ll give it my all First Blood well just faster stronger and definitely prettier has been defeated you have been defeated and an ally has been

Defeated you have been defeated enemy ultimate shut down and they’re off your tower has been destroyed let’s dial it up to an enemy has been defeated how many Fingers can’t be late get him to speed an enemy has been defeated you have been defeated enemy double kill an ally has been defeated one cycl coming right up an enemy has been defeated enemy onslaught double kill give it my all you have been defeated enemy double kill kill

Ultimate how Bas is under attack Where in the speed force are we an enemy has been defeated I must protect everyone I love your team has destroyed a tower an enemy has been defeated we was unexpected victory e for going Foreign speech speeech speech foree you

NBA Gametime | “Nikola Jokic being 1st in the West” – Shaq reacts Nuggets beat Heat 100-88

1 Comment

  1. We are witnessing a top 5 player in the league all time when it’s all said and done. Enjoy it while you can.

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