@Dallas Mavericks

How the Dallas Mavericks Showed Growth with Luka Doncic & Their Centers vs Golden State

How the Dallas Mavericks Showed Growth with Luka Doncic & Their Centers vs Golden State

On today’s show did the Dallas Mavericks just get lucky in a game against the Warriors or did they finally stick to their guns change the script and get a win that they really needed we’ll talk about that and more on today’s lockdown MAV and this is lockdown MAV Mavericks NBA

Champions it’s good and the Mavericks have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you are locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member NBA channel manager for lockdown podcast Network your team every day thanks for being

Part of the show Making lock on Ms your first listen today but the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day leave a five star review and comment anything below let me know what one thing that stood out to you in the

Mavs win against the Warriors as we let it RVE that’s right this episod is brought to you by prize Pi the easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to loock innba and use that code lockedown NBA for our first deposit match up to $100 and

Joining me as always on a post game whether he’s turned this way or he’s turned back around what you got for me slightly bias forray wins baby we back we back up we back up I’m thinking I’m back oh my gosh they had me in the first

Half I was getting nervous when Steph Curry was going to be out and then Draymond Green was a late scratch I was like I’ve seen this play out the Warriors Got The Warriors out an nice number today on the books seen this play out before I’ve seen them lose a game

Like this before but the Mavs get the win 109 to 99 hold held the team again under 100 points and so I got a couple things we want to talk about today we’ll talk about the map staying big I thought that that was a real interesting thing

That happened and that the Mavs didn’t you know s succumb to a team going small for once it feels like uh they also the the centers we’ll talk about how the centers played really really well and they’re not necessarily living and dying by the three cuz they won a game that

They didn’t shoot the ball well at all from three but we got to start here and we don’t know as we’re recording this just yet what exactly Luca’s status is but Luca donic leaves the game with about six minutes to go and he didn’t return they called it left hamstring

Soreness and so his status for the game against ok on Thursday is probably in question but we’ll see um we’ll see what what happens with him we don’t know anything about that but I want to talk about how the Mavs won a game that Luca didn’t really play that well in yeah no

I one some of the physicality that’s allowed to get away with at times and it’s this has been talked about adnasium that uh over the last couple of weeks that scoring has dipped pretty dramatically across the entire NBA and as a result of that uh foul calls have

Dipped kind of dramatically and you you have this reputation as a great defender like Gary Payne was being very handsy and they probably could have called a few things here and there so the warriors were doing a pretty good job defensively against him and you know

Just like the rest of the team tonight I thought he got the looks that he usually you usually like with LCA the thing with Luca of course is you know his his shot diet the degree of difficulty on his shots are are so it’s so insane that

When he misses it you’re like oh maybe Luca should take better shots but then you think about it like those are the shots those are the shots he always takes he just usually makes them so I didn’t think it was like a it’s some some weird turnovers throwing the ball

Off the rim you know I didn’t think it was like a disastrous game not a disastrous game and for Luca it’s not going to be but for his level for his like expectations it was a disastrous game for him right like that is it’s just sort of the level that we expect

From him to have a 30-point triple double six times in a row it’s just like what we expect from him at this point but I thought early on especially his handle was really loose which just seemed weird to me uh the physicality from Gary Payton and from others I

Thought definitely and Wiggins for sure I thought definitely affected him a little bit but it was just odd things like his handle being loose I didn’t think was that’s not something we’re ever used to Luca doesn’t turn the ball over because he mishandles a dribble right that’s true he turns the ball over

Because he Chucks the ball like 40 feet the like one way and then somebody catches it or it tips off somebody’s hand on the way there like this just not the type of turnovers we’re used to from Luca he only had three rebounds too

Which is is kind of weird to me but the map’s played big the whole time but yeah you’re right about the shot diet like he was shooting the same kind of shots and really the thing that I praised him for yesterday was how good of a three-point

Shooter he’s become uh before this game I’m sure it’s not that way now but before this game he was shooting better than Steph Curry on unguarded catch and shoot shots that’s actually crazy he’s shooting 51% and Steph is at like 49.7 or something stupid but uh but yeah he’s

One he shoots one of six from three and if he hits some of those threes and that’s kind of the the story the Mavericks this whole time if they hit some of their threes this game looks a lot differently but for Luca you know just they didn’t he didn’t have the

Greatest game he didn’t have to score 45 remember the that stretch where the Mavs only won games the Luca scored 40 40 points in like that seems to be gone from this team because they now have other options and Kyrie led the fourth well to uh true and in the third quarter

Though when it you know Luca had a stretch where I think he had like eight straight points for the Mavs uh and that was a stretch of basketball there where they needed that offense because the offense was kind of difficult to come by for most of this game for the Mavericks

And uh he stepped up in that third quarter Kyrie stepped up in that fourth quarter so the Mavericks I’m I’m sure we’re gonna talk about this later but I just pulled up some shocking stats about the amount of Threes that they hit in this game despite winning that I’m I’m

Excited to share they did not hit a lot they went six of 27 from three total in this game which is 22% like the LA on do you have the last time the Mavs won a game with when they shot 22% or worse so what do you when do

You think the last time they won a game despite shooting making six or less threes that’s what I looked up making six or less okay I looked up in the middle of the game uh 16% or lower and it was and it was 2012 or something like

Stupid like that um six threes I’m gonna go two years ago the Western GS finals run they have never done it in the Luca era it never no this was the this would be the first time in the LCA era they win a game making six or fewer threes

Where’s a book I need a book do I have a book somewhere does anyone have where they’re turning they’re turning the page they’re turning the page basketball changes so fast they had a they had a three-week stretch in 2017 when they did this four times and wins where they made less than six

Threes well I I just recently did a video project for the freed Dawkins Channel where I went back to look at the 2011 Mavs Lakers series and they’re like oh my God the Mavs are making so many threes and it was like seven yeah that is a ridiculous dichotomy between the basketball I’m

Looking at now and then this series where like the Mavs were so hot from three and they went you know like they made 11 of 30 or something like that from three you’re like oh they can’t overcome this but but for the Mavericks that’s sort of been their story too is

That they they’ve been living and dying by the three for so long that if they didn’t hit threes then they just didn’t win the game and in this game they shoot 16% from three forever and then they finally start hitting some threes I mean when did they hit their when did Tim hit

That third three uh fourth quarter right I mean they three of 20 Luca oh Luca hit a hit a transition three with 435 left and that was their third three of the game uh in the third quarter so there was only four minutes left in the third

Quarter when they hit their third three which is just insane that this team got away with a win like that but it’s because they have different options now Luca could can attack they hit the bigs a lot too in this game we knew the Warriors play small and they play even

Smaller since draymond’s not there you know with Trace Jackson Davis and Kavon Looney they went with Dario sarich at a 5-2 which is essentially their version of Maxi uh for lack of a better comp uh so they had the bigs PJ Washington I thought had some good moves too

Transition they they went out and scored uh 21 points off of turnovers the Warriors always turn the ball over whether Steph’s playing or not and so they they took advantage 68 points in the paint too when’s the last time the MAV scored 68 points and it didn’t

Happen to them yeah I know I mean that’s that’s you got to give kids some props because we talked about the same thing where it’s like all right you do you do kind of have to you got to give some I’m I’m going I’m going to I’m in the second

I have a thing all right all right I won’t step on your toes no no go for it no go for it no because I’m gonna say exactly what we’re gonna say in the second segment so then we gonna talk about the second segment the maps I’ve got some new

Conspiracy theories to throw around you have conspiracy I’m ready for conspiracy theories that’s that’s a do it at the end of the show Mavs found a way to win a game that they weren’t shooting the ball well Luca didn’t have an insane Supernova game and I think that’s turning the script for

This Mavericks team I know there was no Steph Curry I know there was no Draymond Green I know that this you know Warriors team did not have the Firepower that we’re used to from a different team they didn’t have the obvious advantages over the Mavericks they didn’t even shoot the

Ball that well from three either nine of 28 but I think it shows some growth from the Mavericks it shows they have different options shows they have shows they have different things that they can shows they have different things that they can do and uh I think

That that’s positive I just gave out a sticker to a to a listener shout out to the racco you just heard yourself in the background you’re a celebrity now they’re always there coming up let’s get into the props that we do have to give to kid because I think he made a choice

He’s stuck with playing big and we’re going to talk about why that was a good decision coming up today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks prize pick is daily Fantasy Made Easy all you have to do is go to prize picks it’s super fun you can play

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Bucks they’ll match you 20 bucks put down 100 bucks they’ll match 100 bucks so check it out lockon NBA thanks everybody for hanging out with us on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad like that guy over there that just ran up to me

Appreciate each and every one of you for sticking with me and uh and slightly here we’ve got a daily uh show that covers your team every day locked on Sports Dallas if you want to check out all the many things that Cowboys are doing in free

Agency sarcasm uh you can go check out lockdown Cowboys on the lockdown sports Dallas stream on YouTube and Amazon Fire TV all right slightly I wish you could combine like the Maverick’s deep desire to go out and get free agents with the Cowboys ability to get any free agent they want if they

If they wanted to go out and do it yeah um but I give up on them I yeah you did you have given up you have given up on them and several of you I think listening have as well and several of you listening don’t even care

About the Cowboys so we’ll move on we talked about the choice that Jason kid made this has happened over and over and over again in the Jason kid Luca donic era of the Mavericks basketball where a team goes small they put out Dario sarich at the five they’re playing all

Wings or they just go all small in general and kid immediately goes we’ve got to match it and so he puts Maxi in and then they just play into the other team’s hand and the other team has bigger wings and they just play right into what they want to do and the Mavs

Seem to lose those minutes a lot they used to win them and it used to be a good you know used to be able to play that really well but lately they just haven’t had the wings to be able to pull that off and so in this game The

Warriors do that they put out Dario sarch they play smaller they play their wings Wiggins kaminga Clay’s out there even Brandon paj jimsky Moses Moody whoever they put those guys out there and kid sticks to the bigs it’s something that I think I’ve been talking about in this show for like several

Weeks now just stick to the bigs because you are a big team now Dallas Mavericks you are a big team you have a seven-footer that you can leave out there for 48 minutes and Gafford and Lively combined for about 45 minutes which is basically all of the game and

They combin for what like 20 uh 22 points they combined for 22 points hold on I have it in front of me 22 points 14 rebounds nine blocks in 45 minutes and that gamble ended up paying off in the end yeah I mean the small ball lineups

Can work but they work really well whenever you’re like taking advantage of maybe a team like the Suns with nurkic out there and it’s like all right nkit we’re gonna have you up on the perimeter the entire time and we’re gonna force you to defend or maybe a team like the

The small ball lineup I thought worked pretty well against the Cavs because they had Jared Allen and and Moy and you’re forcing those shot blocking bigs outside of the paint yeah in a match up like this this is where you deploy your size in a matchup you know that’s what

They did against the Thunder too and why they a big reason why they beat the Thunder by whatever it was 40 points that one time is because they took advantage of a team that didn’t have an answer for it and um and it uh you know it worked incredibly well I mean Gafford

Was dominant again I mean he the stretch of basketball he’s putting together is just Insanity man five for five again I didn’t even realize it because of everything else going on but he continues to be he can’t miss five what is that 20 no it’s like

33 34 33 he had 29 coming into the game right yeah so I think he needs what is it three to tie or break wilt whatever the case may be Daniel Gafford if you haven’t been following the story Daniel Gafford had 29 straight made field goals

Going into this game and a field goal is when you put the put the ball in the basket it’s not a free throw basically that’s that’s what a fi that’s what a field goal is I talked to somebody the other day who did not know what a field

Goal oh it was my sister who does not care about basketball was like no field goal is football I’m like no they do and she’s like but they but nobody really calls it that I was like well not really but officially it is a field goal if it

Doesn’t if it’s not a free throw basically yeah I can see confusion yeah he goes five of five in the game seven blocks his Rim protection I thought was was a real deterrent and really uh like the I didn’t feel like the Warriors really wanted to attack the rim

Especially when he was in there and that’s not something that we’re used to with the Mavericks is having somebody back there that’s intimidating that literally changes the shot profile and the shot diet of another team uh the Warriors went 17 of 30 at The Rim 17 of

30 they shot 56% which is the 18th percentile meaning that is garbage for for another team so that’s absolutely insane and so uh yeah Gafford I thought his Rim protection was great Lively had some good blocks in there as well well too this is what like a match

Up like this for the Warriors one they’re already kind of small and with no step you know they’re already kind of pushing it with like Draymond not being somebody you really have to worry about shooting even though he’s been shooting well but Draymond runs all those dribble

Handoffs and stuff so the big has to go out and play because you don’t want to leave Steph open so uh with you know no Steph no Draymond this really was a great opport opportunity for Gafford and for the Mavs bigs de Feast because you know Trace Jackson Davis isn’t really

Shooting the three Sarge can do it but you’re not like overly concerned like you’re not overly concerned about kaminga you’re not overly concerned about Wiggins I was a little concerned about Kingo oh I’m talking about shooting threes like kaminga no I’m not but like as as far as shooting threes go

So this was a perfect uh matchup for Gafford and he feasted shout out to kid for keeping the bigs out there and not not falling into that Temptation because I know it was there he didn’t do it speaking of Temptations He didn’t he didn’t play that much in this game

Either yeah yeah what was it Tim eight minutes he played uh five minutes in the first half 14 minutes overall did did Timmy 105 from three classic I mean it’s with a with a classic he he waved off Kyrie a Kyrie screen and immediately turned the ball a standing turnover

Where he’s standing with the ball in his hands and then he turns the ball over like without moving his feet or his hands or anything that was that was indefensible okay we’re I’m I’m done talking about Tim that’s that’s all I’m going to talk about Tim today just

Because you said Temptations and I wanted to make the pun no that’s oh I didn’t even I didn’t even get it that’s a good one that’s a good one tempt Temptation I should have but I was watching the Kings and the Lakers Lakers you’re dead to me Pelicans lost so

That’s positive for the Mavs I’m worried that they have I worried that that ground might be a little too much to catch up it is it’s not I mean it’s not easy not impossible but the other thing is if the Kings beat the Lakers let’s say this happens then the Lakers move

Back which is positive for the Mavs because you don’t want to fall into that 910 so it’s it’s a positive either way for the Mavs that is true and they the Mavs really just got to catch the Suns right like that’s the one that they really got to catch and then they got

Two games against the Kings to do that so yeah I mean as long as the Mavs take care of business which is what I’ve been saying but we’re getting to the point where it is so tempting to just look at the standings every morning but if the

Maps take care of business they will be fine oh fall to that Temptation live and die by this because this is the fun part right you all the whole trades and free agency and training camp and interviews and lineups and rotations and complaining about all this to like make

It to a point like this where you’re in a run and you’re just focused on your team and there’s nothing more fun than the 2022 run because you just lock in on a team and then that team that team ended up like fulfilling all of our ones

And dreams and more and we ended up going to the Western Conference Finals I’m like if you’re like I don’t want to lock in on this team just do it it’s fun that’s what we’re do that’s what we’re doing here it’s also too like uh one of

Those funny things where years past I’m like that the planing tournament was just such a great idea like it’s so much fun and and now I’m like the planing tournament is the worst idea that so ConEd get you took the you took the LeBron route yeah where LeBron yeah yeah

Was that was that during the bubble it was a great idea and then all of a sudden he has to play in the play and he’s like who’s stupid ass idea yep I love that that’s exactly how I feel oh so we talked about the bigs I

Also I wanted to point this out about the bigs too with with Gafford is that I have been pointing out that Gafford is amazing against teams that are small that don’t have a lot of shooting so like your Detroit’s your Washington’s uh you know teams like that

You’re your Bulls he was great in that game obviously but this was the one where he did play well against a team that didn’t have a lot a ton of size but they do have shooting and they do have a lot of spacing they played smaller and

So this is starting to prove that he can play against teams like that I did not think the Mavs defensive rotations were like great in this in this game necessarily I thought there was a lot of like kindergarten soccer bunching around running around trying to figure out

Where you’re supposed to be uh and a lot of overh helping which ended up working for them which is why I think they got so many blocks like PJ Washington got three blocks and I think they were all helping at The Rim or running over to

Somebody and I think if he doesn’t get that block it turns into a wide openen shot somewhere else yeah so just a lot of gambles from the Mavericks I felt like but 13 blocks the gambl end up paying off in this one yeah I think uh I

Think we talked about it after the Bulls game too was like they gave up a decent amount of open look so I think their defensive rating might be a little uh you know you might look at that and think they played a better defensive they actually did not fraudulent because

They did play well defensively but it wasn’t like this Elite you know defensive performance but hey you know what they were due they were due for some shooting luck regression to the mean there like they were due for it so it’s good they were they didn’t get their own shooting luck though they

Didn’t hit a didn’t hit a bunch of Threes let’s talk about this team let’s talk about what else we saw in this game how the Mavericks got this win and let’s talk about the Mavs and the standings and what’s going to come up tomorrow coming up today’s episode is brought to you by

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Points on 16 shots little bit better he didn’t hit his he didn’t hit a ton of Threes he hit the first three for the Mavs and it was the only one for I don’t know 45 minutes it felt like they that they hit got to the free throw line six

Times that’s huge that’s huge for Kyrie but 10 assists I thought he was letting the game come to him and I thought he was taking advantage of what the defense gave him because the defense on Luca we talked about the physicality and then they were kind of doing similar thing to

Kyrie where they’re just playing him so tight and so then they would send help over and somebody would be open and I thought Kyrie took advantage of that 10 assists great assist in like playmaking game for Kye not just 10 assists nine assists in the second half so he really didn’t you

Know fourth quarter Kyrie second half Kyrie didn’t really you know blow the doors off scoring wise but yeah he was really good and I’ve been thinking like you just watch him play you know he’s he’s making the right reads he’s taking great shots it’s just we’re due for a

Big Kyrie performance at some point in the very near future and if Luke is going to miss some time well that could be the opportunity there but uh yeah Kyrie’s just Kyrie just plays good basketball man that’s really all there is to it he does he just has fit in so

Seamlessly I mean we’ve talked about this has been the kind of the the storyline with Kyrie basketball-wise is that he just fits in and he fills in what the Mavs need On Any Given night on offense if they need him to go get a couple of buckets he’ll go do that they

Need him to get 10 assists and playmake he’ll do that and give what the defense gives him if they need him to get like six rebound he’ll rise up and grab those six rebounds yeah I thought he was going to get a triple double for a little bit

Tonight he got close two two rebounds away two rebounds away from a good game for Kyrie so sucks sucks to be him that’s the Lucas scaler at the seven minute Mark of the first quarter he had one of the most insane finishes we’ve seen from him the one where he like what

Is it was it Wiggins was on his back and he flips the ball with two hands from the opposite side into the like into the basket it was like it was like an inair granny shot from the opposite side of the rim I mean that was crazy and then

He that lob he had to Lively I don’t even know how he held onto that ball it looked oh wait I’m thinking of a different play but uh he has so many moments where like it doesn’t feel like he should have the basketball in his hands anymore like the way that how

Tight his dribble is it really is like we you other NBA legends have said it there might not be another player the history of the sport who has the handles that this guy has and he’s at the peak of his power still I mean he is it’s in

A different way it’s not huge scoring outputs every night even though you know if he was forced to do that I think he could but he’s you know like we’ve been saying man he he just playing some great team basketball toss well and he is shooting the ball well one of five from

Three in this game but other than that he’s still you know shooting the ball well uh also can we talk about the Mavs this is like parallel with what Kyrie did Kyrie shot 50% overall and 20% from three the MAV shot 54% over all and 22%

From three which just shows like the the quality looks the Mavs were getting from two in this game and just how well they shot from two taking advantage of all that stuff at the rim and the centers and dunking and all that that’s that’s been what’s been really encouraging is

The uh the fact that the Mavericks during this little stretch here haven’t had a game where they’ve shot the lights out of the basketball which used to be how they won games like that used to be it it used to be you have to pick your

Poison with Luca and if you’re going to help off Shooters and our roll and our roll guys hit threes going to win but if they don’t hit threes then we’re in some very serious trouble and and then we would sit here and go they’ve got to play Christian Woodmore why are they not

Playing Christian Woodmore you don’t know how happy I am that we don’t even have to talk about enter enter whoever’s name into the equation lean into Christian Woodmore why don’t they do that I even got to that point at the end of the season where I was like you might as well just

Lean into this live and die by the three thing even more if you’re going to do that but this is a different team PJ at the end of the season last year I was like who’s on the javel McGee can he stretch the floor maybe a little bit for

You like we’ve seen him shoot he made a three a couple nights ago with the Kings can we just run point javel and just see what it looks like yeah can we just try something no I’m looking at right now 69% on twos nice tonight that’s that’s what like their offensive execution has

Been pretty on point I mean even in a night like tonight I kept seeing people who are like stop shooting threes stop shooting thes I mean they’re all wide open like you’re never gonna even if you’re in a shooting slum you’re never going to be like hey guys don’t shoot

That wide open Corner three don’t shoot that wide open top of the key3 I thought their first half offensive execution was just so listless it did not feel like their offense had a lot of purpose to it felt like it had a little more purpose in the second well I

Thought they got good shots there was just some bad turnovers here and there and some some rough I mean they shot in the first half they shot 77% on twos that’s just crazy that’s a yeah it’s a lot of good numbers can we just talk about the thing that I’m most happy

About with this win what’s that beginning of the game I’m sitting here and and uh they haven’t on the national anthem yet so everybody’s warming up and all of a sudden you just hear a murmur from the crowd and you go oh who just walked in you know all of a sudden you

Just hear the like you just hear it like somewhere over there and I look up and of course it’s dirty 41 D leg probably just a bunch of Patriots excited about the National Anthem being sung Durk nitzki well around here you can’t joke about that there are a lot of people that sing

There are a lot of people that sing the national anthem well I have to finish the Dirk story then I’ll go back to the Dirk walks in and he sits down Courtside and Dirk was there and every time he comes in and he W he’s at a game whether

He’s in a he’s in a box or he’s sitting cour tide you just go just don’t embarrass yourself in front of Jes basketball Jesus like just don’t embarrass yourself in front of Dirk like that’s all you want for this team and they didn’t do that as a player I feel

Like that would be as a player in this league I feel like that would be uh a little like just turned into Derrick Harper real quick yep I I’ve always like I’ve always wondered about that actually when you see somebody Courtside now there’s like studies out there if if you’re

Really good at something and there’s like a big crowd you perform better with with that type of pressure because your your brain just almost shuts off and it just goes into this you know all that all your training comes out but if that was me out there in Dirk like if I’m at

LA Fitness playing some hoops and Dirk’s just like hey I’m working out I just want to just want to catch y’all’s game real quick just I love basketball so much I want to watch this ROM pickup game it would be worse than it would be worse than it already is how bored would

Dirk have to be in life that was what he was doing okay so the national anthem though we mentioned the national anthem the guy that played the national anthem was on a saxophone and like if you ever listen to jazz music you know that they don’t play the right notes on purpose a

Lot to like you know you play out to a certain to a certain note and then you come back to it and the resolve makes it feel so much cooler and better this man played the national anthem on a saxophone and I think he played 50% of

The actual notes of the national anthem and I think he played 50% of just his own notes throughout it and it was very hard to follow so if anyone actually sung the National Anthem today that is an an insane level of patriotism and musicality hey love to see

It shout out to that guy love a saxophone incredible instrument I love a saxophone for the national anthem anything that that’s different especially if you change it up a little bit um uh XM in this game well I was I was just going to ask Dante XM was good

But are you uh four game winning streak are we this has the ceiling changed or um no well what was what was your ceiling was it like my ceiling was they like in the middle of the seven game win streak I was like all right if they’re going to

Continue to execute like this and play defense like this I think they should win a first round series and then after the five out of six losing streak I was like well if they’re gonna play defense like this they could win a first round Series right like they could get there

Oh that’s not what I was thinking and so that’s right that that’s what downgraded me there because I just didn’t trust their defensive execution I’m still kind of there because they’ve who they won against Chicago yeah Detroit Warriors without guys I mean we’re not talking

About the Miami was a good win that was a good win yeah but you’re not talking about these insane tomorrow will be an interesting one I’m really curious to see if Luca plays and all we saw from Jason kid by the way I’ve been sitting here watching on Twitter he said we’ll

Have a better answer tomorrow I think that’s all Jason kid said unless you saw something different no that’s what I saw too it sounded like it wasn’t too serious though from like just the tone I don’t the tone of the Tweet the tone of the the tone of the tweet I could just

Tell from kids’s voice it just popped into my head I hear it all the time when I’m going to sleep no one’s dying yeah I’m like dozing off when I hear that huh kid what is what does the OKC game mean let’s just let’s end on that I mean do

You want me to be I’m just going to be real and the way the NBA Works slightly biased the way the NBA works with back-to-backs if they lose nothing if they win everything all right and that’s the truth if they lose it means nothing to me second out back toback 9900 PM

Local start time that’s garbage but that’s right yes you know whatever who cares means nothing 9M local time in OKC as well it’s not like they’re getting yeah that’s what I’m saying it’s that’s terrible I mean when when they when they lost five of six I was looking at the

Rockets I was like man if the Rockets go on a winning streak the Rockets are the Jazz because the Jazz were closer true but the the Jazz are just training down Mar had an interesting quote any any of the marke in markting to the Mavs people he had an

Interesting quote last they could we could still trade Maxi for him I know some people didn’t want to do that at the time oh I I I don’t want to speak because I was one of those people I think yeah but they did the m still

Didn’t have a first to give at that time that’s that was what the whole thing was about it like yeah like oh would you give up Maxi for him it’s like maybe but they don’t have a f first so didn’t matter and that was Markin in after the

Bulls like that wasn’t that was even before Cleveland yes he wasn’t good so that was a wrong that was a wrong uh wrong wrong take though it was well he obviously proved that wrong he became an All-Star I’m not ashamed of it when I was wrong slightly and I will be back

Tomorrow for the OKC game and we’ll have you covered for that game guys thanks for much listening to locked on Mavs peace out boom a

The Dallas Mavericks got a win against the Golden State Warriors when Luka Doncic didn’t have the best game, they didn’t shoot the 3 well, and Jason Kidd didn’t revert to Small Ball.

Nick Angstadt & Slightly Biased (@SlightlyBiased) breakdown why the Dallas Mavericks win against the Golden State Warriors was a turning the page for how Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and Jason Kidd’s Mavs used to play.

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  1. Idk if you can call it growth.. the warriors without Steph and dray stayed close until almost mid 4th quarter. 🥴

  2. Gafford / Lively their chemistry Doncic / Irving is great. Gaffords scorring 100% efficiency is cherry on top, beside his blocks.

  3. Kidd had the Dallas media and half the fan base convinced that you can't play with a center most of the time

  4. I feel like we just need a star and a player that’s an upgrade for Maxi that can stretch the floor and we really can’t be stopped.

  5. The Mavs are finally playing a brand of sustainable basketball. A brand that works in the postseason.

    Bombing 40 3s a game while giving up 70 points in the paint is not real basketball.

  6. If you think the Mavs can win a first round series, then you think they can win the championship. They are going to play one of the best teams in the NBA in the first round no matter what seed they get.

  7. The Warriors without Curry and Draymond……
    That's basically like winning against the Pistons.
    Good for the seeding because every win is important now but it's also nothing amazing

  8. This is exactly what every true mav fan should celebrate a w like this that let defense portray outcomes if we start off cold offensively but we need same defense even if we start hot

  9. This game solidified that we are not just a "Live and die by the 3" team anymore. We are dangerous everywhere on the court especially when we get our bigs involved and feeding them with easy buckets.

  10. Mavs beat the 10th place Warriors w/out Green or Curry: "Let it ride" "We're back!"…..Dear Lord. The bar is so depressingly low.

  11. It was a tremendous inside game by the Mavs over all, against those Warriors. What a game from the League's most skilled player, Kai !!. Kai proved that he has lots of trust in all his teammates – Kai shared the meals to his brothers and cook up great without Curry & Green veggies for himself! Now, Mavs on to taking out the lightning from that thunder, next!

  12. I’ve also noticed that everybody on the team is passing to the bigs now too. Having everybody being able to assist to each other takes this team even higher

  13. nobody ever said C. Wood was all everything just that he was better than Maxie and Dwight . nothing has changed he still is lol

  14. Odd how luka has hamstrins issues yesterday, which was the last day he had to play to qualify for awards, now he gets ti rest. I hope its all smoke and mirrors.

  15. Weird everyone’s saying Kidd is the proponent of small ball when he’s always paid homage to the Vogel x2 big defense.

  16. 21-3-9
    7 of 18 from the field, 1 of 6 from 3
    6 turnovers

    Was this the worst Luka performance in a win, ever?

  17. Mavs fans need to temper their expectations… We’ve had runs against subpar/western conference teams. This is a repeat of our run prior to the all-star break… I’d like to see some consistency against play-off/contending competition. With that said, Gafford & DLIVE are heavenly additions to this team. GO MAVS.

  18. It was a grimy game but the Mavs were in control the entire time. It was fun to watch imo. I just hope Luka is okay.

  19. Gafford has been great. I also really like Exum, he is one of the only Mavs I'd trust to handle the ball that is not named Luka and Kyrie.

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