@Portland Trail Blazers

Portland Trail Blazers vs Atlanta Hawks Recap and Highlights | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

Portland Trail Blazers vs Atlanta Hawks Recap and Highlights | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

E got e e got what’s going on everybody welcome into the Blazers upress postgame show here on a Wednesday night the Blazers get another win their 19th win on the year behind dominating dominating performances by dominating I will call him that now that’s how well he’s playing Eric I will

Call him dominating right now uh Domin as well as Anthony Simons 36 and 33 they combin for 69 points phenomenal performances as the Blazers I mean outside of those guys very quiet offensively did not matter because uh of some good oldfashioned domination uh I dropped a video on

Dominating earlier today by the way in case any of you want to check it out in your free time Eric how’s it going well now Taylor has to go change his pants thanks a lot Tori well I mean that’s assuming he wears pants that’s true I guess he was was excited

When we would get the uh the spam Bots the sex bots in our chat so I don’t know you know hopefully he’s wearing something but um yeah how’s it going how’s it going I’m not too bad so you end up going to the game yeah so I went

To the game and then I come home and then it took me like 30 minutes to make the graphics because uh I had to clear like 15 gigabytes of of space on my laptop to make the graphics so that was miserable if any of you ever use Photoshop you might know the scratch

Discs full struggle shout if you can relate to that but uh yeah man I mean was a pretty loud environment for the last three minutes of the game I’ll say that or actually starting with Chris Murray’s andw which I think was a little bit before then all of a sudden the

Arena was alive you know but it took them until a close game in the fourth quarter because we’re obviously in tank mode and it was funny cuz I was sitting up there in 300 level and there was a couple people like shouting start tanking start tanking

An missed the free throw we need a tag well aen misses a free throw and then Tani gets the board otherwise the Hawks would have had a chance to win man I mean I love the tamman hustle I also would have loved for them to get the

Rebound to see what would have happened CU you know I dude this win is cool it’s cool to see Aon play so well it’s cool to see ant after struggling he actually got three open Catch and shoot looks to start this game and missed them all and

He rarely gets open Catch shoot looks so I don’t know if he’s just not used to getting catch and shoot looks anymore or what but three open Catch and shoot looks to start the game and misses them all and it was like oh man this might be

A brutal game for him he ends up recovering putting up 368 and seven so fills up the stat sheet um it’s it’s nice to see those guys play well and it’s cool to uh to see these guys get a win at the same time this Atlanta team

Is kind of a joke they’re a joke with Trey young they’re especially a joke without Trey young and without J Johnson basically it’s just Deonte Murray trying to carry a bunch of uh Fringe NBA players and their only other their second best player was DeAndre

Hunter and he didn’t have a good game he was four for2 one for six had one assist one rebound and 33 minutes doing his best Jeremy Grant impersonation um yeah this game was just kind of comical at the start too Blazers only have 17 points in the first quarter

Uh like scoot struggles he’s on a minute’s restriction apparently on the first night of a back to back we’ll talk about that in a little bit but just a weird game that was basically ended up being a two verse one it wasn’t 5v5 it was two verse one and it was Aon and

Simons versus Deonte Murray that’s what this game was so uh it’s cool to see those guys play well despite you know the implications in the lottery standings for not only Portland but also Portland’s pick from Golden State because Atlanta is still within Striking Distance of them at least if they won this

Game yeah and I mean people are freaking out that we are costing oursel a chance at SAR it’s we’re costing ourselves 2% chance at SAR um it’s still like I’m not 2% the differ 2% chance of number one but he might not to go number one so I

Think it might be a little I’m just assuming it’s number one yeah but I mean we can still move up it’s not like it’s impossible and we moved up to from fifth last year it’s not doesn’t necessarily matter what happened in the past but it’s yes it sucks if if Atlanta would

Have pulled this game out at the end it would have been perfect I think um but uh yeah I I’m not too worried about it like last year uh last year I feel like every percentage Point mattered in terms of getting him and ultimately it did we

Off by one digit or whatever um but I don’t I’m not going to like get too upset about it although I was hoping that the Hawks came back and won this game I have no problem if people are upset at every little shred of opportunity to get a guy like alexar

Maybe they really want Zachary ret or whoever at the top of this draft right like I understand people being upset in terms of they want the Blazers to maximize their odds of getting a true Game Changer so they can be better in the future I understand that I

Understand that been right there with you um I also understand why people would be like I mean look at this draft there’s no clear-cut guy and even if we don’t move up like two to seven are very even in terms of prospects like does it really matter if you’re picking third

And sar’s not on the board or if you’re picking sixth um there’s not much of a difference I kind of agree with that as well um and I understand people rooting for wins like as Blazer fans I understand fans rooting for the Blazers TN games fully understand the entire spectrum of it

Like like I am not here to put down anyone in terms of them rooting for what they think is best for the franchise because some people think like oh yeah winning games like this DeAndre Aon playing well like this is going to be great for the Blazers like they’re going

To be able to build going into next year and some people are like we need every percentage chance to get Alex SAR who I think is going to be a true legitimate Game Changer right end of the day if you’re a Blazer fan as long as you want

The Blazers to like win a championship someday I respect your opinion on how you think they should get there whether that’s you know try and win as many games right now and establish a winning culture or get every ping pong ball possible for a true Game Changer in the

Draft and you know my my thoughts are probably lean more towards the latter in terms of like I want every shred a chance to get a guy like alexar but I do see the benefit of um establishing DeAndre Aon getting him playing like this part of the thing with Aon is I’m

Not sure if he’s going to keep this up because he’s had stretches like this with Phoenix before and he’s never really maintained it so we’ll just have to wait and see um you know credit for him for how well he’s playing maybe the best stretch of his career to be quite

Honest with you he’s dominating right now but uh yeah I have no problem with how you feel if you want pingpong balls or wins right now because at the end of the day I mean we all want the same thing and that’s for this team to be

Legitimately good where we can all root for wins as we win 50 games by March in instead of 19 yeah completely agree with everything you said um I think it’s very important to reiterate that is is there’s no right or wrong way to Fan it’s just it it’s not

Like there’s a chance that we talk about this when we do tank ofon right like last year we move up at the end from 6th to 5th and we thought winning a backto back against I think it was Det Detroit and Orlando or something late in the

Season we thought that was going to cost us the the fifth best odds and we’re all upset and then uh we end up getting the fifth anyway but if six moves up to one and like you know we’re all going to be mad that we didn’t win a couple more

Games you know so um it’s still yet to play out but I do agree also that I think Alex could absolutely change this and John Nash says in chat or asks with the way aon’s been playing does that change your opinion on needing sawar or whatever um I

Think the answer for me at least is no because I think SAR is quick enough defensively and good enough to play some four with Aon and I think you could then have one of those guys in the game at all times and I think that would be uh a legit

Way to get to contention is having two really good centers like that that both fit well with uh the other pieces we have yeah especially given that you have an undersized backcourt you’re building around uh guards with defensive questions if that’s the route you’re going to build you want somebody that

Can play a four that is an elite Defender right because the closest comparison to maybe the idealistic version of the Blazers right now could be the Cleveland Cavaliers right um obviously we want to be better than the Cleveland Cavaliers we want to be the best team in the league but what are the

Cleveland Cavaliers they’re a team that’s built around an undersized backourt Duo that struggles defensively in Donovan Mitchell and Darius Garland Mitchell’s a better Defender than Garland but Mitchell isn’t above average defensively some of that is because he has to carry offensive load but point is undersized back court that um isn’t

Super great defensively and then they play Max stru at the small forward spot he’s very undersized for that position and not the greatest defender in my opinion he’s solid but nothing to write home about but they still are one of the best defenses in the league because they

Got Evan Moy and they got Jared Allen and then Off the Bench they got Dean Wade who’s one of the most underrated defensive bigs in the entire league right so how do you replicate that you pair alexar with DeAndre and it allows you to uh use one of them to trap while

One hangs back and protects the rim es especially if you’re you have um eight and playing the five s playing the four and there’s a lot of point guard Center pick and roles that the other team likes to run you can start trapping more of those with eight and trying to force

Turnovers get out and run right that’s the Identity or it should be the identity identity of the Blazers but if the ball gets out of the Trap you have somebody that’s super rangey moves quick super long arms really good rim protector and SAR behind the play it

Mitig mitigates the risk of that so fully still on board with SAR I would love to see SAR played with Aon we should not be scared to go big we’ve done the thing where we’re small for so long we shouldn’t be scared to go big uh

And that’s why I really want Alex SAR but at the end of the day um you know whoever the Blazers get as long as Aon continues playing like this I mean that’s the the biggest thing right now that we can talk about from this recent stretch of games is this is what we

Needed to see from Aon this is how he’s needed to play I dropped a video earlier today and it was funny because somebody pointed out man your video did the opposite of jinam he had a great game today um 33 and 19 for8 and 15 for 20 I

Mean he dominated Clint capella Eric and Clint capella kind of washed like up there in age uh injuries have added up right but Aiden continues to play great and he had a super efficient night start 14 for 17 finished 15 for 20 I mean did you watch my

Video If you haven’t had time that’s okay I was just wondering like what you thought of some of the points I made in that but basically I just think Aiden had a had a better mindset he’s still shooting mid but he’s not just settling for mid-range um I think he’s being more aggressive

The rebounding as well yeah two dunks he’s just being more physical and you see it not only on some of the offensive plays but also his rebounding because he was not rebounding like this at the start of the year he’s dominating the boards um now we had a couple random

Games like the Raptor one early in the season where we had I think 23 rebounds but yeah not yeah I I mean Clint capella did have offensive rebounds there were moments when maybe he could have given a little better effort but I mean we had numerous instances of that earlier in

The season and you look at the box where Aiden has eight rebounds in 36 minutes 37 minutes I mean he’s averaging like 14 15 rebounds a game if you don’t count his uh Minnesota game where he fouled out and played less than 20 minutes right if you take that out he’s

Averaging like 15 rebounds a game in his last eight or nine games or so after this one so rebounding too he’s mixing it up a little bit more being a little bit more physical which I think is just the key for him don’t shy away from contact if you’re going to call yourself

Dominating you can’t be afraid of contact and I think some of it is the Blazers making an effort to establish him but a big part of it is just his mindset seems so much better and it it’s mindset when guys’s mindsets aren’t right that drives me crazy as much as

Anything so to see Aon just play like how he’s capable of is is definitely fun it’s it’s it’s crazy because I went from the ha and hater to just being excited to watch him play man like I I was truly enjoying watching him play basketball today yeah and he’s like I don’t

Know he’s he’s really stepping up but uh the there was the the offensive foul he had the charge I know was a turnover but I loved it yeah I like he almost got an and one he tried to take it strong um you know that’s a bang bang play like maybe

Sometimes you’re going to get that call um but like just the fact that he dribbled in and didn’t settle for the the jumper and then the next play he had a similar type situation and he still took it into the defender but didn’t go all the way into him and kind of shot

Over the top of him as he was going towards the hoop and uh yeah it was just it was nice to see him not just settle for the mid-range after that but I mean he’s been lights out from the mid-range too for a long time now and uh I don’t

Know if that’s like sustainable as high of a rate as he’s hitting shots um but I mean he’s pretty much automatic from mid-range right now if he’s open so um I mean why not keep going to it yeah yep absolutely uh they had a I know you were at the game

So you didn’t see this Tory but um the habber stat today um was that uh he made it sound like this was a good thing I actually think this is a bad thing but um Aon over the last two years has the highest percentage of points being two-point

Field goals of anyone in the league the last two years at I think it was 92.9% of his points were two-point field goal yeah I mean part of that is he doesn’t seek out contact so he doesn’t get to the free throw line so he shoots more

You know more twos and no threes some that is that he shoots no threes you know what I mean but um yeah like stats like that are always interesting feels slightly cherry-picked but whatever nonetheless what I’m saying is though like I don’t know if it’s that’s

Necessarily a good thing like we want a little more diversity I think in your shot like you don’t want it to all be field goals if he got to the free throw line more he’d be a more efficient player but that would make that stat go

Down you know what I mean that’s the context into that stat yeah um whereas you know it’s it’s like it’s not just I know some people don’t want him shooting threes they want him playing in the paint okay well still the one thing even though he’s playing better lately he’s still

Not really getting to the free throw line he shot four free throws today two of them were because he was intentionally fouled he’s still like I think before this had six free throws in eight games still shooting less than one a game like it’s I would like to see him

Get to the line a lot more than he does um which would uh obviously negatively affect that stat but it would be a good thing because he can shoot what 75 80% from the line so you’re get 83% this year 83 I mean that’s 1.66 just to get

Nerdy with the math here that’s 1.66 points per possession when he gets to the free throw line and shoots two free throws right that’s the equivalent of shooting um 83% from two right because two free throws at 83% is the equivalent of shooting 83% from

Two you know what I mean like so getting into the free throw line would be a super efficient play for him and also you get potentially get guys in foul trouble would be a really good play um so that is still something where I wish

He would a little bit but you know he he is who he is as long as he’s offici on the shots he shoots I’m okay with him not shooting free throws like he’s been shooting what 64 65% from the field in his last what 10 to 15 games if I recall

Correctly something like that um that’s efficient offense that’s better than 55% from two 65% from two I’ll take that that’s you know 1.3 points per possession like at basically there’s a point in terms of efficiency where a player starts to become more efficient than just your average offense and then

That’s a good score in option if a player is more inefficient than if you just ran basic offense with average players then he’s not really helping you by scoring a lot and that was kind of eighton earlier in the year when he was inefficient so he’s become an efficient

Player and it’s made his scoring much more productive in my opinion yeah his other two free throws were on a jumper that he got fouled on the arm yeah so it wasn’t like he got he got him by taking it to the room um but that’s see the

Issue is you have to shoot an insane percentage from the mid-range like he’s doing right now to be efficient and so that’s I I’m not saying I’m like I’m not like discrediting him or saying that like there’s anything wrong with the way he’s playing it’s just as long as he’s

Hitting a high percentage of them it’s fine but the games he struggles to hit those are you know makes like four out of 10 or something it’s going to look bad if he’s not getting to the line still and uh I think you made an interesting point that gets

Overlooked a lot and that’s when you never get the other team in foul trouble at all the Blazers are not good at drawing fouls um whether it’s Simons or scoot or whoever I mean scoot had a good run of it for a while um but it just

Seems like he hasn’t been able to get to the line much since he came back um so uh yeah I think at some point someone I mean Jeremy Grant I guess done a good job but I mean I think we both are hoping he’s not on the team next year um

So we don’t we wouldn’t have that um so yeah uh someone needs to be as Matt Cardell says he gets tired of watching people hunt for free throws but someone’s got to be a free throw Merchant on most good teams have guys who can get to the free throw line and

It’s not just about hunting free throws it’s about the more consistently you take the ball to the rim strong naturally the more you should end up at the free throw line yeah right um and it’s just playing with Force as well as Aon could use pump fakes and feast

Off them I feel like he rarely pump fakes yeah like especially that mid-range shot like pump fake that yeah pump fake that occasionally and see if you can get the center to jump into you and draw fouls like that’s not necessarily hunting free throws that’s punishing bad defense if your Defender

Is jumping in a pump fake and you draw the foul on them you know that’s different than swinging your arms unnaturally through the defender and like flailing and kicking your leg out like your Draymond Green um trying to ruin stevenh Adam’s career uh you know there’s a difference between those two

Things and I mean this stuff doesn’t matter now um but having a Center that’s this gifted offensively long term if the Blazers are ever in a playoff matchup against the San Antonio Spurs OKC Thunder Denver Nuggets right what do those three teams have they have star

Big men or big men that are going to be Stars right you got joic you got wanyama you got Chad hren like when you have a center that’s gifted like Aon it would be a game changer if he could actually draw fouls on those guys and maybe limit

Their minutes a little bit that changes a game in a series that could change an entire series if you can get niika yic and foul trouble in a game or two because he’s struggling to guard Aiden and Aidan’s drawing fouls on him you know what I mean so that’s where I would

Like to he just doesn’t know I don’t know I think part of it is he doesn’t really know how to get to the line because there was a comment saying like oh John Nash said he’s looking for fouls he’s complaining to the refs a lot um

Yeah you know but I don’t know it it’s kind of nitpicky right now when he’s playing so good but it is something I would like to see uh more long term but right now he’s hitting his shots we’ll see how long it lasts like I don’t

I don’t know how long he’s going to keep shooting the mid-range shot this well because it’s like almost automatic man it’s more efficient than it lowkey might be more efficient than Aldridge mid-range shot was I think it is I’m sure there’s a stat that backs that up but but I mean

To be fair to Aldridge most of his were like with a defender in his face and a lot of defenses now just give up that mid-range um because traditionally it is inefficient so I think a lot of teams still are letting the Blazers live with that um as their option versus uh you

Know Simons from three or or someone else getting going yeah yeah I agree with that that makes sense um because uh well two things one is you mentioned like sco or not uh Chad and uh wemy yeah the only thing I’ll say about them though is they have the ability

Especially wemi he’s such a game changer that like he can block those mid-range shots without even like playing him super tight so if you’re not physical with him um that might be a tough match up in the like two or three years down the line where you’re trying to score on

Wemi and he’s just not even letting to get those mid-range shots off very easily yeah it’d be fascinating to watch aen play against Wy first series um I mean he his his most of his self-created shots are shots where he catches the ball in the mid-range and like Jabs

Steps and actually doesn’t even take a dribble or if he catches the ball in the post and back guide down but that normally ends up in some sort of finesse shot too so seeing them go against a Defender like that you kind of got to go through them in order to get Buckets

Around the rim you got to throw throw your body into them use your body to protect the ball uh as a seven-footer most seven-footers aren’t used to having to do it at the level that they need to to score on the interior against wanyama so um long term if that’s ever a matchup

That’ll be a fascinating storyline yeah and then Matt says remember gravity works both ways if a center draws people in the paint the wings are more open to shoot but I don’t think that’s what’s happening here I think aon’s been so successful because he’s not drawing a

Lot of attention still like they’re like I said teams are just letting him shoot mid-range and if he’s guarded oneon-one he’s got I forgot who it was with someone say he’s got that nice little jab step that creates a little bit of space and you know he’s tall so he can

Get a shot off in the paint um but I don’t think like teams are crashing down in the paint whenever he gets the ball he’s just he’s getting it it’s often times on the roll where he’s catching it without anyone within a few feet from

Him and all he has to do is shoot the ball so I don’t think it’s necessarily a case where aon’s like collapsing the whole defense and it’s going to open up shooting um I think it’s more just teams are content with just letting him get his and and not letting Shooters beat

Him yeah I mean at some point you’ll see smart team start to just crowd his space in the mid-range and make him put it on the floor and then send a second guy like that’s how you that’s how you slow down Aon on a night like tonight um the

Problem is Clint capella is I don’t know slower and was worried about the drive but it’s like aton’s not somebody that drives and gets to the rim a ton anyway so it’ll be interesting to see how good teams maybe adjust to that I think he you know he’s finishing plays in the

Flow and he’s not Reliant upon like face up shoot a mid-range jumper drive off the dribble he can still get 20 points just off putbacks just off running the floor just off rolling hard off dump off passes uh you know an occasional post up that sort of thing so he’s not Reliant

Upon any sort of face up game any mid-range game but it does make it easier for him to absolutely go off like he has has in a couple recent games um but I was going back through a lot of his recent games just to get clips for

That last video I was surprised how many 20 point games he had while only shoot only making like two mid-range jumpers um or at least you know free throw line or deeper a lot of it was was closer to the rim and I do think that’s part of

Why he’s been more efficient is he’s taking more shots around the rim he’s being more aggressive occasionally on you know rolls and occasionally H off a drive to the rim and like his hook his hook shots he’s doing a better job of like standing his ground and shooting

Them you know from six feet instead of taking two steps a little bit away from the hoop and like fading away and all of a sudden it’s a 10t hook um and I’ve noticed he tends to make a lot more of his hook shots that are like where he’s

Going up and down and that’s the case even if there’s a little bit of contact compared to some of the hook shots where he was fading away earlier in the year um on a hook shot like as a seven-footer You Should Never Fade Away on a on a

Little sky hook cuz you’re seven feet even if you’re going up against a seven-footer you shouldn’t be fading away if you’re going up against one by y maybe different story but I mean that dude’s a game changer and there’s a reason why that dude’s so special so

Um yeah I I think it’s I don’t think it’s something he has to be Reliant upon so uh but it will be interesting to see if teams start guarding him a little bit differently given how well he’s played yeah the other thing he’s doing is it’s like immeasurable but at the beginning

Of the year a lot of people would come in and say well he should be getting forced touches in the paint or in the post and they tried to do that earlier in the year and he wouldn’t Shield his Defender off and his Defender would like

Spin around him or reach around him and tip the ball away and it was hard to even get him the ball a lot um but now he’s doing a much better job of when he’s in the post sealing the guy keeping him behind him not letting him get

Around and he’s getting the ball a lot easier and that’s that’s made a huge difference just just in terms of getting him the ball and getting him more shot opportunities because uh like earlier in the season like it did not look like this he was not getting the ball if he

Would he would be like kind of in a bad position because he would had to like go get it after it got tipped or whatever and uh I I think that’s that’s made a huge difference yeah there’s just little things to being a big man that you know

In terms of being available to receive a pass and I think he’s gotten a little better at that as well uh I want to talk a little bit about tman I mean he has that huge offensive rebound late that seals the game I thought he had some really good

Defensive moments as well um you know he got Deonte Murray had 40 points I didn’t even realized he was going off like that and it wasn’t anything where I felt like kamaro when he was on and played bad defense like he drew a moving screen against someone just by trying to fight

Under and the dude’s rolling and Tani keeps fighting through the screen gets a call um took a charge in this game I thought defensively he had some really good moments and continues to play well also has three assists a couple to eighton um he didn’t really Force any

Shots you know he shoots three times in in uh 30 minutes of play which he’s not somebody that needs to shoot to be effective he’s not somebody that needs to force to be effective he missed his only three today he’s been shooting the three ball well um but the rebounding is

Is nice to see because he’s athletic and tall man he should be getting um you know six seven rebounds a game in my opinion even at a small forward spot so uh just the little things that he continues to do is impressive and uh fun to watch and then if that three-point

Shot keeps coming along then uh at least he can keep defenses honest and be a floor spacer as well yeah for the record deante started going off when the Blazers were stuck at 17 for a while and yeah um so he he scored a lot of points

In the first half yeah um he hit that three late in the game but um yeah tamani I think has been playing really good defense uh he’s still trying to figure out like when to take charges and how to take them and get the call from the refs

Um but I I think he’s doing a great job of staying in front um harassing offensive players and uh I think he’s just he’s doing the things he needs to do right now I almost want to see him just cut a little bit more um and uh I I

Don’t know use his length a little bit more on the offensive end but other than that yeah it’s hard to find too many things to really complain about watching him yeah and some of those some of those Murray buckets were like that’s the best defense tamani

Could have played on him and he’s still shot you know at some point it’s always easy to look at the box score like oh this dude had 40 or or whatever in Portland man yeah like there was some he had some insane insane shots on tamman

Maybe not insane like you kind of expect it from Jon Murray’s really good but just shots where he’s like fading away heavily contested sha almost gets blocked and he hits a an 11-footer you know or pulling up off a off a screen and and Tani’s there but he’s still

Getting the shot off like the only way you could play better defense is if you somehow stop Murray from getting these shots off at all like you blocked every single one of them and that’s is not going to happen against a guy like Deonte Murray so um I thought Kamar even

On some plays where dejonte hit buckets uh played very impressive defensively and um I think I think the Blazers could have give gave him more help on some screens especially in the first half uh because there’s basically just tamman on an island with um the guy guarding the

Screener just sagging in the paint good old drop scheme and uh it’s really hard to navigate a screen by yourself no help and stay on a guy like that and stop him from shooting or getting a step um on you so uh tman continues to play really

Good defense been really happy with him the offense has been fun he didn’t really do much in terms of shooting the ball but uh continues to do the little things and that’s all you ask for just he’s going to be a really good glue guy

For year to come years to come and um happy with this play happy with this play yeah absolutely I I do want to see I mean I know this is scheme because him and Chris were like Auto switching picks I do want to I I feel like I don’t get a

Good sense for how he is navigating screens yet um so that’s the one thing I kind of wish they’d let him do the rest of this season is not switch as much and just try to see if he can learn how to get skinny through those screens and and stay

Attached to someone like deante um I mean I understand why they’re switching between those two but um I I’d really think in order to be an elite point of attack Defender like I think tman Ken you got to learn how to navigate those screens uh better and and so i’ I’d like

To see him practice that like right now the rest of this season yeah uh we we got to talk about uh since you brought him up we got to talk about your guy Chris Murray my guy yeah okay uh six turnovers today for Chris muray how’s that even possible he

Handles the ball so little that six turnovers is actually impressive we had the he had at least two maybe three illegal screens I think um say are you watching yeah it says he only has had one oh that was scoop that the other one yeah it says he only had one

Um and this clip isn’t even doesn’t even show anything with Chris Marie either he had that charge where he’s just like okay I want to talk about his dribble drive game okay and then I’ll talk about the charge because it kind of goes together um Eric he has so many drives where it’s

Just like that that just go absolutely nowhere and I don’t know dude he just how do I explain this without sounding like a hater uh he has a lot of drives where he’ll just catch the ball on the wing and then just dribble across the free throw line like going nowhere

Not even looking towards the rim and it’s just like what what are you doing where are you going and he’s just driving like dribbling slow and just dribbles across almost the entire court and then gets stuck and kicks the ball out I I don’t know um he has a lot of

Drives where it just feels like if he’s not able to like throw his body into a Defender and then like bounce off of it for space on a layup like he’s stuck CU he’s not beating anybody off the dribble if somebody’s in front of him the only way he’s beating somebody off the

Dribble is if he can just throw his body into him or if he has a gap to begin with right like off The Catch which I guess is fine if he’s going to be a glue guy whatever but he has that charge where he just he gets stuck with his

Dribble he gets stuck with his dribble and then just pivots and just pivots through Clint capella like tries to throw his body through him he caught the ball in the middle of the floor with a center on him and like had no chance of getting by him and didn’t know what to

Do and then a couple of the passes just like going downhill he had a turn over at the start of the gate where he came off hand off with and had his left-handed layup and tried to lob it in just terrible read like I I mean I like

That he’s passing but yeah that he had the layup there it’s just like he predetermined I don’t know um he also had that pass at the end of the game where it was like he caught the ball he caught the ball on the move and it’s almost like he was going too

Fast you know one where he like caught the ball going left and then skipped it to the corner right to the defender it was almost like he was going too fast I I don’t know he had some turnovers today that were just just just rough man um

And for a guy that’s solid glue guy you don’t want to see him have six turnovers yeah uh sorry I just had to deal with something in chat uh yeah um I like that he’s trying to pass but yeah you we talked about this uh several points this

Season the the players like Timone and Chris um they don’t have the ball enough to to have two or three turnovers a game let alone six so yeah you got to do a much better job of taking care of the ball however I will say when he got the

One where he stood around the free throw line and then got the offensive foul I was happy because I thought that gave the AL chance to win this game so I was like okay good job Chris tank commander whatever but um yeah so like I I was fine with the turnovers tonight because

I thought maybe it would lead to them uh the hawk squeaking out this game but um but yeah obviously can’t turn the ball over that much if you’re Chris Murray and have a low usage rate yeah um I just I don’t know I feel like maybe

This is a little bit premature but I just feel like he long long term even if he gets a little better is going to be a guy that struggles to play in the playoffs and the main reason why I feel that way is the game gets sped up

In the playoffs defense is there’s more effort on the defensive end refs let more go more physicality go and more often than not that’s going to benefit the defense at the expense of offensive players that like rely upon physicality in order to get get shots off on the interior and then obviously

If he’s not shooting the three ball well not spacing the floor and teams can play off him then it’s a problem it’s just he’s made some really impressive drives at times off the dribble but it’s it’s stuff that I don’t know if he’d have as much success against like Elite defensive teams

Consistently it feels like it’s more so it’s a you know he’ll play against a bad team he have some impressive drives I don’t know but a lot of his drives are just slowing down using his body and I don’t know against the best defenses in the league in playoff series if that

Translates because we don’t talk about this anymore we used to talk about this all the time on the channel back when we were a playoff team but the game in the playoffs is different than RoR season unfortunately we don’t get to experience that anymore but it’s it’s like a different brand of

Basketball and some things translate directly to the playoffs right and most of the time if you’re a star in the regular season you’re still going to be a star in the playoffs cuz you know you’re just that talented but there are certain things that don’t translate easily to playoff basketball and it can

Be from you know an individual Player thing all the way down to scheme all the way down to what sort of offense you run if you rely too heavily on isolation basketball and pick and roll when you get into the playoffs when defenses are allowed to be more physical then you’re

Going to have a hard time making that work because they’ll Jam you on picks they’ll fight picks harder without being called for fouls that they would in the regular season and ISO ball you can be a little bit more handsy a little more physical it’s a lot easier to stop an

ISO score when you’re allowed to do that defensively and I think we saw that in the past given some of Dame’s playoff struggles we more so due to we just ran him through pick and roll or ISO ball and that’s why he struggled a lot um but

At the end of the day probably too premature in terms of having this conversation about Chris Murray it was just a thought I had today yeah mean do a r he is I just he he needs to get quicker he’s so slow I don’t know some of the best creators aren’t quick though

Yeah but he does not have that L I’m just saying like it’s not quickness isn’t necessarily the determinant on that I think he’s a smart player so I think you could eventually maybe get away with some things if you use your body right um but yeah you got to be looking up too

You can’t just have your head down like he has a lot um but yeah I mean I don’t know since he’s a rookie I’m I’m willing to give him a little bit of time still I haven’t like completely given up on him or anything um but yeah um I mean I understand your

Concerns too yeah at the end of the day like if he’s he has to make threes cuz that makes those concerns lessened because he can just catch and shoot um the problem is right now he’s more of an off the dribble scorer than a catch and shoot

Scorer which is kind of insane I never would have expected that I would have said that about Chris Murray’s rookie year because you’re supposed to be a shooter that could maybe do a couple things U maybe attack a close out here and there because he’s a shooter but

Instead it’s you know he has to drive through people he did make a three in this game credit to him one for three 33% that’s a good percentage for him um but yeah I mean he has to he has to start shooting the three-point ball

Better and that three he got he had all the Time in the World to shoot the ball Eric and that goes back to when he has time and is wide open he can knock down shots but when he doesn’t have as much time if he gets rushed at all he’s off

And I feel like he’s one of those guys that you know in order to make threes at least right now he needs time to set his feet right he has a pretty wide base and he has a set shot that doesn’t have the highest release point and so he needs

Space to get it off he’s one of those guys that can only hit like wide open threes yeah so I mean there’s a lot of those guys in league but yeah I don’t know if it’s quite to the this extent though I was actually uh impressed with

His defense tonight I talked about not really seeing a lot of screen naig from Tani but I was watching Chris and I thought he did a really good job of navigating screens today and uh I I like his communication they had him miked up for the game um and he’s he’s a very

Quiet guy but I I thought he did a good job of communicating on defense which I like I like to hear um but I think uh defensively I think he’s been really solid and maybe a little underrated on that end um but yeah all the concerns offensively are legit ones for the

Future moving forward I think he’s an okay Defender if he’s not on somebody that’s quick I think I mean he did an okay job a couple times he got switched onto Jon yeah I’ve just seen him get blown by off the dribble a little bit too much um

Just by quicker guys which I don’t really expect him to stay in front of quicker guys but he’s like one of those Defenders that’s solid especially if he can play off ball um but I don’t trust him on a guy like deante well I mean there’s not

Many to yeah but I also don’t trust him on a guy like if he was on like I don’t trust him on a guy like Lonnie Walker even lowkey good this year by the way that’s not that big of a a dis but like Malik monk types Lonnie Walker types

Just guard scores like that I don’t know I don’t know if he can guard him we haven’t really gotten to see him guard him a ton but I’ve there’s been multiple times where I feel like he’s just been beaten off the dribble due to speed yeah but he

Was guarding bonovich tonight and he bonovich had a terrible game I think a lot of that was due to the defense that Chris played yeah I think bonovich I don’t think bonovich is as quick as Theon Walker or uh Malik monk but like that’s the thing a bigger

Guards who aren’t as quick I I think is one of the best archetypes for him to guard yeah I just think is as long as he can as long as he can as long as it’s not somebody with a great first step or a good first step he’ll be just fine

Guarding him that’s just my one worry the one type of player that I worry about him guarding is guys with a quick First Step that have good speed at a guard spot but I mean he’s like a small forward power forward like most of those players in the NBA can’t guard quicker

Guards so that’s kind of an unrealistic standard well I tamani tamman reaches that standard yeah but I mean tamman is an outlier I think like I mean there’s not many yeah rookie that play the way Tani does you know I just I’m not hating on his defense I

Don’t think his defense is bad I’m not saying it’s been bad I’m just saying that’s the one thing that if he could do that then I’d say be he’s a good Defender right I I think this team needs forwards with how much they switch especially they need forwards that can

Defend quicker guards on the perimeter that’s what made aminu and harkless so good together and that’s what makes Kamar a really good rookie Defender so but that’s not necessarily Chris’s fault that’s like a bad fit maybe but that’s not I I don’t know like that I just think it’s unrealistic to

Expect all of your forwards to be able to do that I mean I realistically or ideally I think you’d want that but they didn’t draft him to guard guards you know no no um at the same time I think he’s he’s solid defensively he’s solid he’s solid I’m watching back BD

Donovich bogdanovich’s misses right now looking for Chris stops um he does a good job getting through screens I will give him that I wish Jeremy did as good of a job as him getting through screens yeah um like he covers ground when he needs to yeah

He’s just a little stiff when he tries to slide his feet you know what I mean like that’s that’s just kind of by take on him I don’t know because he’ll run through a screen and then he’ll Sprint and actually bother the shot even if there’s space like he closes gaps decently

Well um man bgd donovich missed some over shots hello yeah well I mean you’re watching I thought you oh no no no no no no yeah yeah I have nothing else to say I have nothing else to say yeah so if you have anything to say go

Ahead I wait for cover to all we can talk about someone else who you want to talk about Anthony okay talk about Anthony well I thought this going to be a rough game for anony uh turnover first play of the game and then uh missed his first

Four shots I believe three of them three-pointers and it’s was like oh great here we go uh but that was his only turnover of the game and he shot well pretty much the rest of the game I thought he was fantastic after that little stretch at the beginning and I

Think only one of those the two point point shot he took was the only one he really forced um so I don’t think it was like he was playing bad or whatever um but yeah it just seemed like he was kind of in a rut and then he got out of it uh

But I have a question this goes back to eight and two why is Aon and aony playing over 40 minutes I mean why do why does chony make the lineup decisions in general that he makes I don’t know I understand they both had great games and stuff but

Like we’re there’s 50 we’re 15 games behind the 10th seed with 17 games now left like it’s pretty much mathematically impossible for us to make the play in like why are we trying to so hard to win games like I it doesn’t make sense to

Me no I don’t I don’t agree with it at all but Chon’s going to chy yeah and then I don’t I don’t know what happened with repair either but like he was clear to play and he was on the active roster and then there people Tred to say then he wasn’t

Available or something I don’t know um but uh yeah like okay okay so I had a tweet like manah comes in plays heavy minutes and it’s like you know he comes in before scoot and repair doesn’t play at all but I was at the game all I saw

Was a tweet from Blazers PR saying repair is available and then media guys saying well he’s nursing that ankle injury so he might not play I’m paraphrasing but like okay why the why the hell they make him available then if he’s basically not available like you know what I mean didn’t really make

Sense like if they didn’t want to play him to they have they only have eight guy or nine guys or something no they they had like Moses Brown didn’t play at all they had nine guys play in this game reath barely played yeah like they had 10 guys healthy without rupair at least

10 guys healthy without repair so they didn’t need to suit him up it was just confusing like why make him available if he’s actually not available well and then yeah like so I noticed going into the fourth quarter ant hadn’t subbed out yet and then they

Finally sub him out it was like 10 minutes or so left in the fourth quarter and he sits out one possession and comes right back yeah well scoot picked up his fifth foul but it’s like they didn’t even sub scoot back in to no potentially foul out you might as well

Just let scoot play until he FS out then yeah so that made no sense or play someone else like I don’t understand H like if he’s if if repair is too hurt to play I get it but don’t make them available then so the thing is that people tagging me with these media

Member tweets talking about his ankle like you know it’s it’s go ahead the only thing I’d say is maybe something happened at the end of warm-ups or something and then it was worse or swalled up they were saying that like 40 minutes I saw a tweet like 40 minutes

Before tip though yeah I don’t know you know what I mean it’s just just strange and it’s like okay yes I’m not Mr Insider but bro what are we doing like if we if we truly never planned on playing him there was no point in making him available like it just doesn’t

Really make sense yeah well the question is if he was healthy would that still have played out the same way did as he put man in over him and that’s the problem like when he’s made so many questionable lineup decisions people are going to question it right so but yeah

Uh I mean obviously it was fun watching Anthony and Aon go off tonight but what what are we doing like what what is the point of playing them 40 minutes I just I don’t understand what’s going on yeah an plays 43 minutes out of 48

Game at 48 minute game you know if he plays 43 in a double OT game okay 43 like we’re we’re running them into the ground we sharp yeah early reath was playing really good before Aon came back and now it’s like wath is playing 8 to 12

Minutes a game cuz we’re playing eight and for 41 when we’re 18 and 46 now 19 and 46 it just it doesn’t make sense to me at all um I don’t get it man I don’t get it but whatever but yeah Ania thought had really good passing in this game um

Thought his decision making was really good uh and he did this again against deante who isn’t the same Defender as he used to be but still it’s deante yeah um yeah I just thought he was really solid tonight and uh made a lot of good decisions got to the line 10 plus times

Which is nice um yeah I mean we’ve talked about this before but the Blazers haven’t been like winning um or been up with the ball where the other team has to foul very often so it’s nice to have a game where him and Aon get a few free throws at the

End because of fouls that have to be made um but yeah that it’s amazing when they when you have good numbers when you don’t even get the stat padding numbers at the end of games like uh Dame got a lot of that you know where he get fouled

Like three times at the end of the game and get six extra points because of free throws um so yeah it’s uh an was fun to watch I think after that rough start yeah he was great after the rough start you know he 235 for 13 three but that’s three open threes he

Missed right at the start so he’s 5 for 10 after that 10 for 20 after that and gets the line 11 times and makes all 11 free throws has eight assists one turnover seven boards as well like I mean he’s doing it all he’s doing it all

Um I thought rebounding was really good yeah yeah he looked he had some Stark caliber plays in this one man the the Inn out to cross with the right-handed layup On The Run where he got the end one the the kill dribble um in the

Second half or maybe that was end of the first half um that he got a layup off of just in the middle of the paint like he does certain things on his drives that gets him to the rim that I think honestly scoot will learn and I’ve seen

Scoot do similar things in the g-league he just is still trying to figure out how to effectively do it in the NBA I just see some Advanced drives and you remember how like rough he was driving the basketball as a rook I or even as a seconde player

Yeah that’s why people got to be patient with scoo because like an was not anywhere close to the slasher that he is now now he’s always been a pure shooter but he shot 33% as a rookie he didn’t play much scoots what 31% 30 31% like 35

34 35% with goggles was like whatever I don’t expect scoot to become as good of a shooter as ant but some of these little dribble Drive tricks that ant does On The Run just the way he can you know quick kill dribble and side step

And get to the rim that way and some of the angles he took in this game going to the rim were really good I think that’s part of the reason he got to the free throw line 11 times um I think scoot will have a similar development in terms of that durable

Drive game that a has had because ant’s development in that regard has been phenomenal the past three years and Scoot has all the physical talent and feel in the world in terms of um getting downhill and I say feel in terms of like I’ve seen him do it at the g- league

Level very effectively I just think he needs NBA experience and seasoning to be able to do it at this level at the highest level in the league in the world um so sometimes I just watch Ant drives and it’s like man I can’t wait till scoot starts doing that

Regularly yeah I will say a feel like Anthony has pretty soft touch whereas scoots a lot more stronger I think and it’s it affects him like he throws the ball off the backboard a little too hard a lot more um but if scoot ever learns how to

Spin it and use angles properly off the glass and learns how like to contort his body and stuff like that I think I think it would be pretty pretty amazing to see yeah see like some of these ant layups too that I’m talking about aren’t even necessarily layups that he had to have

Touch he was just able to get to the backboard because of a good move like that’s that’s the hope with scoot because I agree I don’t think he quite has ant’s touch but I mean there’s sometimes where ants touch I feel like hurts him where he’s like trying to put

Too much touch on the ball because he’s fading away from the rim and trying to like flick it towards the rim and he he’ll miss short or make his layups tougher because he feels like he can finish at just insane insanely weird angles or you know where his momentum is

Going away from the rim even so um well scoot’s first layup tonight he should have just dunked it and he probably gets the foul line or gets an andan um but like he tries to do like a really tough Layin but you said he probably thought

He had the angle but but in the past like against Lester competition you get those shots off easy but NBA it’s a lot tougher yeah um comment in chat from Javier says one for eight is good feel okay question for you Javier can you have good feel

And have a game where you struggle and don’t play well at the same time like is it possible to be a player with good feel and have an off game especially as a 19-year-old rookie like most most 19-year-old guards aren’t capable of even on a lower

Level doing a pickup from the right to the left into a twostep from the three-point line and get to the backboard and finish most 19-year-old guards even at lower levels aren’t capable of utilizing kill dribbles in the way that scoo Henderson was capable of using kill dribbles on dve

Protecting the ball at the g-league ignite level last year he’s not doing at the NBA level yet but he has a okay he’s 20 now he was what 19 last year for the G League 18 19 he has a feel for driving the basketball and he’s capable of doing certain

Things he just doesn’t have the NBA level feel yet that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have a good feel for where he’s at in his development as a 20-year-old old a fresh 20-year-old player the point guard position takes a lot of experience to be able to run effectively in the NBA

You’ll have your outliers but it’s the hardest position to learn in the NBA he’s learning it but he certainly has the feel for being able to attack the rim and I feel like anybody that says he doesn’t because he has a one for eight game is just overreacting to some of the

Growing pains that are going to come with him playing NBA basketball for the first season of his career yeah I would say there is a bit of a distinguish between I completely agree with you that he has a good feel of getting into the paint getting to the rim I don’t know if

He has a good feel yet once he’s there and hopefully he does hopefully that’s he you know what it is that’s better he doesn’t have a good feel for NBA caliber Rim protectors yeah yeah right which is a little different and I AB with that yeah but see you get the more you

Experience and the more you learn how to be NBA caliber Rim protectors you know the best Rim protectors in the world the more experience you get playing at that level the more you’ll the better you’ll get at dealing with it so that’s how I feel Dan was terrible and and then one

Year he just all of a sudden was good at it like yeah um so yeah definitely um you got to work on the right things Dame worked on certain layups and certain moves and situations where he knew he could get it off and then he had that confidence and especially that inside

Hand layup going left with the right hand um he could turn to yeah yeah he knew whether whether he could beat the defender to the backboard or not and he’d only shoot it when he could and that’s yeah those are things you have to but that’s feel and I I just it’s hard

For me to know whether scoot has that yet or not I’m not saying good or bad I’m just saying like I I still think that’s to be determined for scoop I just yeah I mean my whole thing with that is just players can look so drastically

Different from being 19 or 20 to 23 to 24 yeah of course like that that is a quite a long time that’s four years MH four years for a young player they can develop a ton and we’ve seen it with ant and that’s where it just makes me more patient with

Scoot oh yeah I don’t think anyone should be not patient right like I mean obviously we have to be patient like I don’t it’s patient it sucks being patient but yeah yeah it’s just the frustrating thing is like you see a lot of rookies come in and and like I don’t

Think the whole oh young players you have to wait to see how they are I don’t think that necessarily applies but I also think it does apply to certain players um so yeah it’s tough finding a balance between kind of being disappointed that he’s not as good as

People thought he’d be right away but also that he is still young enough to definitely get to that point at some some point in his career in the very near future yep um what did you think about Chon’s decision to have him come off the bench due to minutes restriction on a backto

Back what is that like like bro okay so that was the other thing in my tweet people were like oh he’s on a minut restriction like okay I didn’t know go into the game whatever at the same time though if the dude needs a minutes restriction because he’s playing a back

Toback maybe he should just only play one out of the two games on a back toback and play a normal lot in of minutes cuz Chanty in his postgame press conference said like yeah scoot could never get a rhythm oh hm maybe that’s because he’s subbing in 9 minutes into

The game and he’s been used to starting I I don’t know the thing is is you know he’s out for a month so was he really used to anything I don’t know but could he have been bummed out by not starting a game like this maybe a little bit

Right um he probably wants to start even though he’d say all the right things he probably wants to start um and chy said he can never find a rhythm it’s it’s like yeah well he plays for 6 minutes gets subbed out gets subed back in plays

For 5 minutes gets subbed out I don’t know it’s it’s a different playing pattern than maybe he was used to I don’t know I don’t know how much the minutes allotment factored in to him not finding a rhythm but it’s kind of ironic that oh yeah he just

Couldn’t find a rhythm in this game and looked terrible given how good he’s looked when he started since he began starting before the allstar break so you know and even even in games before that like this is worst game in what two months I don’t know I just don’t know

What to think about it Eric he Pro in my opinion if a dude needs his minutes managed especially if you’re in a rebuild if you’re playing on a back toback you should just play one of the two games and you should just treat it like a normal game yeah because I feel

Like if you if you put it in players heads like yeah you have a um a minutes restriction it can almost lead them to feeling like they got to do more with the minutes they’re given because they’re not be going to be given as many minutes and that could be a

Psychological thing so well the other worrying thing is so is the aductor still an issue well that’s my thing is like so why does he have to have his minutes managed if that isn’t an issue cuz they said last game he was off the minutes restriction and that he was is

Back to normal or whatever yeah so like that’s the thing when he didn’t start I’m sitting there like okay they said he’s off the minutes restriction why isn’t he starting then just man ey gets subbed in ahead of him like what the what the hell are we doing oh he’s a Min

Restriction okay I thought he was off why are we playing him if he needs a minutes restriction because that implies that the abductor still might be an issue and I want to play it safe with anything regarding core injuries yeah just strange all right I okay okay this this might

Be a bit of a reach so I’m just I just want to have a discussion about it I just I’m not saying this is the case or not yeah maybe phrase it like a question okay yeah remember remember last year when all of us wanted to see more sharp

Yeah and someone asked chony about it in a postgame press conference and he said he gets lost too much on defense I’m paraphrasing or something about he wasn’t picking up the coverages on defense right um and so he said that that’s why he wasn’t getting more minutes than he was

Getting do you think there’s any chance that they notice some of the things that I was noticing last game and uh but didn’t want to publicly say that and are using that like the the injury thing as an excuse for that instead of publicly blasting his defense or anything like

That because his defense was very very bad in this game he was horrible defensively and uh I I don’t know it was it was uh re it was really bad I don’t know I I don’t buy that at all because they let a bunch of other players give

Less than 100% effort getting back in transition so yeah but it’s not as consistently bad as John as as I mean I don’t I don’t I don’t think scoot was that as glaringly bad last game you know we discussed it last postgame yeah well it this was something

That chony had mentioned earlier in the season so maybe it was just something that they were I don’t think it’s afraid to challenge him like like if he gets asked okay why didn’t he start like well last game he I I think he really struggled getting back

On defense and he has to be better in that regard so we’re we’re challenging him with this to do a better job in that regard but they’ve been so protective like I don’t I mean the thing is is like we have it’s a very valid question I don’t think you’re reaching with this

But this conversation pisses me off I know you know why you know why it pisses me off is because we have to have these conversations because we have to guess it’s so many things regarding how they handle injuries and minutes and what is the purpose behind freaking everything

Yeah but like I I just all season I’ve been frustrated with the way they’ve coddled him you know and maybe they’re just trying to protect him publicly once again because you know dang well with everything that happened last summer they do not want public criticism of him from the coaching staff or whatever

Um and they they actually on the broadcast like asked chony they showed an interview with chony and they were they were trying to ask him questions that were positive about Scoot playmaking and things like that and didn’t go into anything like not necessarily have to be negative

But like anything he needs to improve on or or anything like that I just feel like this season they’re trying to like hide us from talking bad about Scoot and and I I don’t know I just I don’t know if that’s the right play or not but I

Feel like they’re just kind of babying them a little bit you know you’re muted I think no I’m not muted oh you’re not I like I mean you’ve been frustrated with the way they’ve coddled him right yeah I mean okay the question you asked I I I

Just legitimately have to think about it I right I literally I’m just sit once again I’m not saying that that’s that’s the truth or anything like I don’t know if I even believe that you know I just see like if I have to think that hard about something I tend to lean towards

Like what’s the most noral thing right yeah I don’t know like what’s the most logical thing for them to do so basically you ask that question I’m like okay like logically they should know they don’t need a coddle him that hard right like and it’s just he an

Injury he did come back from an injury it is the first night of a back to back like but the whole point is like he’s on Mis restrictions so like it’s going to be weird if they don’t start him again so so logically what do they truly

Accomplish if they just bring them off the bench for a game yeah and fake it as a you know what I mean like logically to me that doesn’t really make much sense but this organization is fully capable of being very illogical so I I lean towards it’s probably just

They’re trying to play cautious and like show the F you know they’re trying to be smart about ramping him back up from an injury he just came back from on the first night of a back to bag so they’re playing them on hopefully that’s it like

Like if I to guess it’s that but at the end of the day we’re just guessing um because because benching him for a single game isn’t really going to accomplish anything but it’s also the same coach that said he was going to start the rest of the season I yeah

Which that’s the thing is if if if chony wanted to start him the rest of the season and they come out and say that logically they should have known that okay this could come with some struggles from him or maybe something where we have to hold him accountable like that’s implied so

That’s why I don’t believe it’s anything more than just them trying to be smart ramping them back up from injury yeah because that makes more sense to me but if his if his core injury is flaring up to the point where they have to restrict him again is it smart to

Even play him I yeah but that’s the thing is is it something where it’s bothering still or is it something where like okay he’s fine they’re just we’re going to be smart with this yeah I don’t know it’s hard organization’s going to be smart about something at the end of the day it’s

Weird and some people act like oh yeah this is perfectly normal you always ramp people back up from from injuries and first night of a back toback like yeah minutes restriction it’s a back toback of course and some people think it’s just so logical like none of it should

Ever even be questioned mhm but it is kind of weird man for for all the reasons that we stated that I’m starting to get a headache and I don’t even want to rethink so I just kind of want to move on all right yeah that’s fine

That’s all we have to tell about it yeah shout out to Alex R for a $2 donation we forgot this like a while ago shout out to alexar appreciate you bro thank you for the donation says hit the like button do it do it now yes hit the

Freaking like button it makes us happy okay we’re at 51 likes 156 viewers the like button makes us happy so if you want to make us happy hit that like button if you don’t want to make us happy then that makes me sad yeah why would you not

So thyo has forist somehow today I mean step vau had a funny tweet just about how fun ma thy drives are because you never know what’s going to happen and it’s usually going to be bad but at least it’s interesting or something that but I mean today matis had four assists including a

Little like drop off by like kind of a behind the back to Aon um matis is driving more lately I don’t know if that’s a good thing he made some plays tonight so good for him what’s funny is all four of us assists we to

Aon yeah he just tries to feed Aon he had at the start of the game the nice like pick and roll the ball got swung to him and he hit eighton on the roll um nice pass cuz Anon have the angle but thel did a good job of recognizing it

Right away and I think they should utilize that a little more cuz um when ant has a lot of turnovers it’s usually because he gets the ball tipped out of the double team so if he throws it to the side and it’s like designed to get

The ball right into Aon as quick as possible I think that’s a good play and D’s done a nice job of showing that and then one of his his was was really pretty I forget which one it was yeah that’s the one I was talking about it

Was his third one the one where he kind of like dropped it behind him to Aon yeah I mean he’s doing a better job running into the catch and being able to like get past the the defender rotating to him because that Defender is running out at him and he’s running at that

Defender like he just has such a momentum Advantage it’s impossible for the defender to keep him in front um so like that that pass he did a good job running into the catch I think that might be a little bit of a point of emphasis cuz we’ve seen uh like scoot do

It a lot this year um but I mean some of it’s just he moves the ball quick some of it is just like you know there was a play where we had ant set a pin down for Aon uh halfway through the fourth quarter we just have ant set a pin down

For Hatton and he comes off the pin down and matis is the guy who’s supposed to make the read and just makes a good bounce pass like um one of them was just a a quick swing pass so you know it’s there is the one where

He drove and dropped it off behind his back which was more so like creation playmaking compared to just making a in the flow pass but having a guy like that that can make a pass in the flow of the offense is good like normally you don’t expect that to be matis thel

But he’s had some moments in some games recently where I’ve been uh happy with his passing and that’s part of that is I don’t have high standards for his passing at all part of it is he you know a game like this four assists I mean he had a couple nice touch passes

Yeah yeah I think he’s doing a pretty good job of playing within the flow of the offense and now that he’s not having to be the point guard maybe some of that stuff he learned while having to be more respons with the ball he’s applying to

His game which is nice um I thought he was pretty good tonight I wish he didn’t block that three point shot near the end and I wish cha didn’t challenge that other shot uh the three-point shot uh I didn’t think that should have been overturned because yes dant Murray

Kicked out his leg a little bit but like matis collided a little bit with his body MH by the way was heading into his landing spot anyway go ahead by the way just real quick anyone who still thinks that chony Bops is purposely trying to throw games when he has bad coaching

Nights or bad decisions like just watch this game and how he played a and and ant 40 plus minutes and challenges a play late in this game and calls timeouts and stuff like there’s no way that guy’s not trying to win games come on now people were saying that like two

Months ago even it’s like no no no like they’re just bad his coaching record is terrible and I you he doesn’t like that so yeah he’s trying to win freaking basketball games man you know what’s you know what’s sad though it’s just I’m looking at tinon we’ll look at it in a

Second why do we got to start winning now bro every night we win it was like oh man this would have been such a good night to lose you know well people were like oh it cancels out cuz Charlotte won too but then it’s like no we could have

Gained a game on them though yeah well we could have and also Atlanta still has a chance of passing Golden State Golden State or whatever but yeah yep so you know um they need to win a lot games so so it wasn’t really much of a chance but

Still yeah yeah um okay I’m going to stop looking at on because I got couple comments and then we’ll we’ll go to it uh Rip City retro rich is in here it’s been he wants credit it’s been like a month what’s up rich maybe not a whole

Month but it feels like a month R City retro says howy I take complete credit for lighting a fire under aton’s ass with silent Aon you’re welcome LOL yeah it’s funny Aon starts playing well and you disappear now it’s silent Rich oh yeah what’s up with that rich I’m up

Here I have to praise him every game after all my hate all my ha in on Aon earlier in the season and you’re just gone oh now I feel bad because I’m just joking he says health issues but good to see everybody well hope you’re doing well rich hope you’re doing well hope

Your health is doing well too hiding behind health issues damn no I talk to Rich earlier I know he’s going through some stuff so I hope everything’s good Rich uh but I think I think he I don’t know if if Aon keeps this up through the rest of the year Rich might

Have to have a follow-up album where he has a good Aon song instead of a a bad one yeah yeah facts shout out to the energy warning with a $2 donation set says just saying hey and show my support go Blazers thank you Parker appreciate

You bro thanks man and shout out to sud we got sud in here my guy sud man what’s up sud shout out to my guy sud with the $10 donation $10 donation says love y’all keep up the good work flexing emojis thank you sud appreciate you bro always

Good to see you in the chat man um Taylor says I knew s s with age four but they didn’t listen to me you know what’s funny Taylor you jumping off the bandwagon is what actually lit a fire under aon’s ass yeah don’t let Rich take credit for what you did

Man Taylor’s gonna act like that didn’t happen yeah yeah Hey listen Aon didn’t deserve to have a bandwagon the first half of the year you know okay you know what Dr with crazy one final thing before we before we get into tank ofon once again thank you everyone who donated

Um like a player for like the first half of the Season can play like terribly so he gets criticized and then the second half of the Season can play great and you have people that say see he’s proving everybody wrong that criticized him and it’s like no everybody that

Criticized him was criticizing him for legitimate reasons because he wasn’t playing good just because he starts playing good doesn’t mean that the criticism of him when he was playing bad is now wrong if anything that proves that criticism right that he was capable of playing much better like if he starts

Stinking it up the rest of the season and he sucks the rest of the season that doesn’t make the praise that we gave Aon tonight wrong you know what I mean so I I just it always baffles me how like how like if a player starts playing much

Better it proves anybody that was criticizing him before wrong because he he’s literally playing much better than he was earlier in the season he didn’t deserve to have a bandwagon earlier in the season he sucked earlier in this season like he was he was not playing anything like this earlier in

The season and he got criticized not only for that but some of his comments which at the time were ridiculous comments I talked about in my video so you know I kind of addressed that in my video I had a part Eric you know at the

End MH so do I justes so do I owe DeAndre Aon an apology no I don’t I know I heard that part hell no I said hell no like what are we doing here man well see this is the thing with DeAndre and I’ll say this about a lot of players

Um when you are as talented as DeAndre Aon there’s no way you should be playing as bad as you were playing at points of this season and it’s frustrating as heck um and so like to expect more or want more or a better performance from a guy

Like DeAndre Aon who is a number one pick has all the talent and ability in the world and isn’t applying himself enough is not I don’t think that’s like saying your your ow apology or anything like that so I agree with what you’re saying there yeah I mean he’s still

Having easily his second least efficient season ever you know um still setting a career high in terms of turnover percentage despite it being his fourth highest assist percentage his rebounding numbers are his rebounding percentage is basically right in line with his career like it’s not like

He’s he like it’s his it’s his last 15 games or so right last 15 to 18 games he turned a corner late January okay I think with how good he’s been playing lately those seasonal numbers still being what they are shows how rough he was to begin the season but also at the

Same time I’ll praise him for how well he’s playing we can’t sit here and act like he’s for sure turned a quarter and this is what we can expect from now on because guys those of you who watch the channel you know I’m cool with Suns

Valley podcast I’m cool with Gabe I have paid as much attention to the Suns as any other organization in the league maybe more attention to the Suns than any other organization in the league other than the Blazers I’ve seen these Suns fans the last 3 years get to the point where

They’re like I’m done with aan I’m done with it I can’t stand them get them off my team and then all of a sudden aan starts playing like dominant basketball and then they’re sitting there they’re loving it they’re like Aon you know proven his haters wrong and you

Know all of a sudden they’re on the Aon bandwagon and they’ll make videos talking about how great Aon is you know and then once they like fully buy into how great aon’s playing then he goes back to playing like garbage yeah and is literally just a roller coaster okay and that’s why he

Has not done this for long enough for me to fully buy into it and I see a bunch of people fuling buying into it because this is the first time he’s played like this in a Blazer uniform right so maybe it’s well we just needed time he was

Adjusting to Portland and people were getting used to him and this and that he just needed time to start playing this well right but at the same time you know we’re peing K or maybe we’re on the upswing I’ve seen this roller coaster dip too many

Times to think it’s going to Peak and then stay at a high level you know what I mean like there’s a legitimate chance that there’s going to be another dip and he’s just a player that cannot stay consistent so I I will praise him for this play and hope that it continues

With the acknowledgement of he’s had like this before and they’ve always been for you know 15 20 maybe for Lucky 25 games and then he drops off so we’ll see if he stays consistent so in my mind I compare aon’s situation a lot to Aaron

Gordon um no I mean Aon should be a better player than Aaron Gordon don’t get me wrong but um Aaron Gordon was bad had his first like three years in the NBA right and then has kind of a breakout season in his fourth year has a

Pretty good year um and then the next two years is worse than he was his fourth year so it’s like fifth and sixth year are worse and uh who I got what I got an ad playing in my ear ow not I have no idea where this ad is coming from

Welcome to my struggle what the heck is it still playing yeah like I don’t know where that came from I couldn’t figure out which tab um sorry have open uh just four um but anyways like so he had not got like so his fourth season he gets

Better and then he looks worse the next two seasons and he’s traded in the middle of his second season and um like people were like talking about oh like we should get him or whatever and uh like I was like no I don’t I hate players that like

Don’t get better and don’t like work on their game it seems like and it feels like a guy like Aaron Gordon who has insane athletic ability wasn’t applying himself enough in Orlando and then he gets traded to like the perfect situation and is is like a a great fit with jic with

His cutting and and defense and stuff like that but um I I feel like it’s the same way with Aon like he’s got he has a really good third season um last year or yeah last year uh he was a or two years ago he was uh

Mad that in his fourth season that he didn’t get the max contract extension the summer before and and so he’s kind of pouty and then last year they matched the contract and he and he plays it but um never never really um you know lives up to his contract and

Then he gets traded here and starts off playing poorly like that’s there’s I think it’s legit that he got criticized the way he did and I do think that players like him need to perform better than they were and it’s that’s absolutely fair game to criticize him

The way he got criticized if he’s not doing what he’s doing lately uh like all the time you know yeah well I fully agree and I mean legitimately on the season he’s still if you just take his entire season as a whole he still has not played up to a Max

Contract he’s 15 and 11 on 32 minutes a game that’s a good player that’s not a Max contract player we saw nkit put up those stats on 57% from two last season nkit shot 57% from Two and a let me let me look it up last season he averaged 13.3 points

9.1 rebound but played five less minutes a game right so pretty close the season before 2122 nerkish averaged 15 points 11 rebounds three assists shot 56% from two Aon right now is averaging 15 points 11 rebounds on 57% from two okay like that’s no better than nerk NK actually

Screens a little better passes a little better like and people at the time were saying you know ner isn’t that good this and that nobody in 2022 would say that nerk season was worthy of a Max contract so that’s the thing with Aon the last like 10 to 15 games you can

Make that argument but the last 10 to 15 games is who he needs to be on average in order to be worth a Max contract now given that the blaze is rebuilding maybe it’s fine if they overpay him what whatever this that like you can make that argument but just in

Terms of value on the court translating to value in terms of his contract the way he’s played the last 10 to 15 games he has to be that on average in order to be worth a Max contract yeah I mean and that’s just the truth I’m sorry it’s not like super positive

But that’s just that’s is just the truth like I mean there’s a chance this is who he is and moving forward I mean if it is then I’ll be glad you know hopefully this Colonel pancakes has $5 donation Aon is reaching a more mature age and his physical prime

I’m hopeful he can get his head right if he becomes a fan favorite here he will be great yeah I just I think it’s going to be tough without him doing anything extra he just at some point teams will start taking away that mid-range shot making him put it on the floor like

How’s he going to have the same impact as a scorer I don’t know I think his uh his defensive rebounding has been good but overall I still don’t think his defense has been great people really want us to watch the eight and interview I was I was gonna

Say no because of time but it’s only three minutes so we will watch it what is the thumbnail bro okay we’re we’re watching it we’re listening to it I’m just going to play it on my phone so you can listen to it through the through all right cool

Because Todd Keith says you guys need to watch that in postgame interview he’s cocky AF oh man oh man is this gonna make me regret saying good things here we go uh so first off just your thoughts on your performance tonight and that of the team my performance is IR regular

Just approaching the game way I want all right okay sorry I need to compose myself so I can actually listen to the seriousness that’s about to come out of his mouth apprach you know every night’s a big night you know playing with these guys and getting to know them

And you know just being out there with them and battling um that’s all I can say that’s what led to it to be honest do you feel like they like you’re fully unlocked now as far as like them being able to get the most out of you and you

Know the way that that you know kind of use in the offense and stuff yeah most definitely um I feel like I feel like um honestly um coming into these games you know I’m trying to I’m trying to do everything you know not also not only do my requirements my role

For this team but do a lot more and and that’s where I’m at I’m more you know dominant people like to laugh at it but it’s the truth what do you think that is I don’t know I don’t know I just be trying to bust that ass putting up the that’s about

It what is this [Laughter] interview he said oh man I like I you know what I like this interview believe it or not that shit’s just funny man what he making us laugh I guess oh man why do you think people laughing you call call yourself dominating I don’t know cuz I’m trying

To bust that ass quot of the Year man quoted the oh my goodness this dude is funny much than Rip City on the ass right I know facts oh my goodness now I see why people wanted us to listen to this oh man I just

Got and and that’s where I’m at I’m more you know dominant people like to laugh at it but it’s the truth what do you think that is you think people I don’t know I don’t know I just be trying to bust that ass that’s about it you can’t really I I

Listen and I hear it and I love it you know it’s I thank these haters for it you know cuz it’s it’s making me approach this game game in the right way and carry the PDX on my back all the way so I thank you’re welcome okay I’m

Wearing the cape all the way was that always how you looked at that at that type of stuff and that chatter or is that something you’ve come to yeah that’s why there reason why I’m in the position I am now in my career you know me trying to prove myself every day and

I I go through the extent of you know whether I look like the bad guy or not I’m trying to be wait he’s trying wait Eric wait I I have a question yeah okay so he’s trying to prove something now he’s trying to prove himself every day every day he’s trying

To prove on January 23rd he specifically said that he has nothing left to prove so which is it maybe his haters AKA us made him realize that he has something to prove maybe we’re doing our part in this rebuild guys all of our negativity is making these guys better

You heard it straight out of Aiden’s mouth I know I just love though how he says he has nothing to prove and now that he’s playing well it’s like see I proven to all these people like Todd Keith says you guys need to be nice to

Him no we don’t he just said his haters basically made him feel like he has something shouldn’t we be more hating then yeah good job da you still have a ton to prove bro maybe start shooting some freaking threes can we hate on him not shooting threes will we start shooting threes and

Making them like how far does this go yeah I I mean I’m not going to do that just to do that but this Aldridge wasn’t this goofy but like I don’t know it people think he’s like maturing or whatever but like I I don’t really see him as maturing I think he’s just

Like like he’s just not I don’t know I I don’t know he’s like um he can be a light-hearted guy I guess fun yeah it’s fun yeah like it’s not I don’t think I don’t think it’s anything like not mature or anything like that he’s a light-hearted guy he’s happy because he

Played great like I don’t know I’m not gonna read but at the same time it doesn’t give me confidence that he’s mentally stable enough to like continue this for Seasons you know yeah I mean I don’t but he’s funny he’s funny I like he’s funny I

Don’t like bro if he’s gonna say his haters make him better and now all of a sudden he has something to prove when a month and a half ago he was literally saying he has nothing to prove then uh I will run with it as kind of a meme you

Know what I mean as kind of something fun but also what in the world bro like why were you okay I agree you have a lot to prove why a month and a half ago were you saying you had nothing to prove like how what what changed what

Changed man I just it doesn’t make sense like it’s just like you know what he is you know what he comes across is he just says things just to say things yeah which is funny you know what I mean and you can’t really read much into it Taylor Packer says he started trying

To bust that ass that’s what’s different of well but like have some self-awareness when you gloss yourself dominate shouldn’t you be trying to bust ass when you gloss yourself dominating like when he like if if his whole thing is like I’m dominating and then he goes

Out there and try like plays his ass off and tries to dominate right and then says like I have everything left to prove you know I you know I I was the first overall pick I got live up to that and you know I’m coming to a new spot

I’m trying to make my mark like I’m going show Phoenix that that they were wrong to trade me or whatever if he consistently had that attitude on and off the court I would love it yeah but that’s why we had such a problem with what he said the problem is he doesn’t

Consistently have that attitude like that’s why we have a problem when he says basically has nothing left to prove like have that attitude all the time and play up to that attitude and I will support that 1,000% I won’t be a hater I’ll be a lover okay

Or whatever the that’s kind of a weird term to use what’s a less sus phrase for that I’ll be a DA fan there you go no I think we should love world’s lover lover okay we’ll go all in with it um but yeah I I don’t know I

Don’t know man like just have that attitude consistently that’s been the problem is his attitude waines it es and flows between dominating and whatever the opposite of that is like it’s just not consistent so hopefully he has that uh keeps this attitude consistent because this is the

Attitude he needs so I have no problem with him saying any of this stuff but you can’t say the stuff and then not bring it or you can’t say the stuff and then say things that are directly opposite of it such as I have nothing to

Prove MH so great I’m trying to be a winner in this league I’m trying to be known as that me trying to prove myself every day and I I go through the extends of it you know whether I look like the bad guy or not I’m trying to be great

I’m trying to be a winner in this league I’m trying to be known as that guy you around me you going you know what I’m saying you going to learn how to win where do you feel like your relationship with Aunt is developing now in the pick

And roll right now it’s pretty lit I ain’t going to lie I wish he was it’s pretty lit right now um uh you know we watch film together and we talk a lot and we you know we do our little Whispers and our one two punch talks and

Stuff you know we want he’s number one and I’m Number Two so that’s kind of fire right there we wasn’t even trying go back to the topic but yeah just you know in the pick and roll just you know feel him out you know I’ve been playing

Against a for quite some time since we’ve been in the league and I know his game a lot but you know also playing with debu back in Phoenix I’m similar to his style of play setting screens and knowing what he want sometimes he want to be off the ball sometimes he want to

Be you know on the ball being a ball dominant I’m just reading him whether he wants me in the pocket or not and everything is Flowing you know we we have this little language going on with it’s like our body language like you know eye contact and things like that

Where we know how the defense you know what the defense is giving us and it’s like music it’s just you know just just good chemistry going on it’s just making good music he knows what I want I know what he want what you think want getting

That rebound there the I just told I thank him I said him and T I said I told T I said thank you for blocking and leaving in the game for us I told tomani thank you for saving the game cuz that’s play off wins I’ve lost games like that

Because of rebounds like that people not blocking out and crunch time and things like that you know um I was very critical and you know to my hats off to to man just locking in and being focused man being focused the whole time Chris Murray guard the best players out there

Doing what he’s supposed to do all them sacrifices like to me and performan and on the other end and just you know got us in flow to win the game and that is that that is the da interview dominating that that interview do Rip City says uh the excessive use of

Dominating is kind of annoying well too bad we’re going to dominate you if you have a problem with us saying dominate ton respect it anyway back to the topic um Dr says 1946 it’s lit as it’s lit AF bro oh man you’re funny Dr um no I meant aan saying it himself not

You guys oh oh okay uh yeah no no I have no problem with it anymore now it’s fun okay now I have a completely different approach as a YouTube expert analyst towards DeAndre Aon okay he’s a fun guy he’s a fun guy I like his personality D says Tor will dominate

Your girl yeah I don’t know about that damn do you do something to drw I don’t know I don’t know Dro what did I what did I do to you bro I didn’t I’ve never talked to your girl does Dro have a girl yeah yeah I’ve never talked to her

So at least that I know of who knows maybe that’s the problem maybe maybe maybe anyway um let’s go let’s go ton let’s go ton I am me I am MD out oh my goodness that was funny but no Dr has a very lovely girlfriend and yeah yeah he does yeah

Anyway time for take a thought um Al righty so Portland’s still Fifth and they’re still two and a half back of Charlotte cuz Charlotte won today and uh Portland won today and Detroit’s won two in a row it’s funny because like I don’t know if we tanked a little

Harder all the people worried about us becoming Detroit like Detroit’s trying to catch us all of a sudden they’re four and six in their last 10 so are we we are Detroit now Tori though you can’t trade Brockton and Grant because we be Detroit well brocken and Grant have been

Out and we are four and six in our last 10 and so is Detroit after they traded their veterans so it no that’s a complicated math problem there yeah you you lose every game when you become the worst team in the league if you trade any vets so good thing we kept

Them thank goodness they’re sitting on our bench in stet close um Portland fifth Golden State lost there’s still a game behind La uh Chicago won Chicago’s only two and a half back so maybe Chicago can catch Golden State hopefully that’ be that’d be lit uh golden state is also uh three and

A half back at uh behind Dallas Dallas is the uh eight seed and it’s funny because the eighth seed in the west is tied with the fifth seed in the East kind of wild yeah a bunch of teams tied here yeah West top 10 in the west

Is going to be crazy yeah New York is the fourth seed in the East they’re half a game ahead of the eighth seed um it’s funny because New York would have the 19th and 20th picks right right now oh you know why you know why it was

Good that we won this game today Eric our second round pick our second round pick from Atlanta yeah let yeah let’s go um all right let’s just simulate this thing and then we’ll we’ll we’ll end the stream um because yeah it’s past midnight oh my goodness you’re gonna

John F ask what’s Portland’s record without Grant um well it’s about the same percentages with him yeah we’ve won two in a row without him we just we just won our first game though that that first win was the first one we won was out of all

Year see we’re figuring out how to play without Grant which we could have figured out how to play without Grant if we Trad him at the trade deadline too so I like the way the ball moved tonight though after the maybe not first quarter but after the first quarter yeah yeah

The ball movement is better without him honestly it’s kind of a shame Portland gets going State at 13 Chicago OKC Atlanta oh my goodness Memphis moves down how many spots three which means there’s one spot left in the top four M so we’re going to be eight yeah yeah so I’m already

Playing the the the sound bite because eight and if this happened we would be saying no because yeah we’re not moving up bro we’re not moving up eight is Portland seven is Charlotte what the hell man we complained about Chalk right oh you know who you know who moved

Into the uh the top four again freaking Toronto freaking Toronto who else did so did Utah and Brooklyn Houston via Brooklyn six is San Antonio and five is probably Detroit yep there it is so you got Washington Utah Houston via Brooklyn and Toronto in the top four at four is of course it’s

Washington of course it’s the one team that makes sense up there so Utah t so Houston oh my at three is Toronto at least they didn’t get one again at two is Utah which means that one is the Houston Rockets via the Brooklyn Nets

Wow oh God it would be better if you got the everyone pick good job Brooklyn yeah we can’t rebuild cuz we don’t have our pics so we got to keep male and then end up giving away the number number one pick anyway you know how hilarious that’d be

Given all the people that say why would we ever trade Mel for scoot we can’t rebuild all the people last summer yep anyway um so at8 I mean hopefully like I I mean hopefully we draft somebody good I don’t know hope I want a Matas or ton or

Someone I mean I think would be there at eight but Cody Williams maybe I I think Reed Shepard goes top eight instead of jacobe Walter here you you would probably honestly I think there’s a maybe not probably not but I think there might be a little bit of consensus as to the top

Seven and that is SAR Reet topit Cody Williams Ron Holland Reed Shepard and buellis yeah I think there’s still more information to come though yeah I I just if I had to guess at a top seven that would be the top seven and like maybe outlier Stefon

Castle I think Salon is going eight or lower he hasn’t played played as well recently and I don’t know I his shooting percentages were a little higher earlier in the season what’s he shooting now yeah under 35% from three now there’s no game log here but he was

Up closer to 40 earlier in the season so I don’t think he’s helping his case with this recent play I mean he’s had two bad games the nine games before that he was shooting 53.3% from three so I mean his three-point percentage is down to below

35 just based on that I remember it being up around 40 I don’t know I don’t think he’s raising his stock is what I’m saying um I think he’s Prime candidate to go between 8 and 12 if we fell that far that’d be the one guy to hope for I guess

Eric yeah I think Rob Dillingham deserves to be in that top seven but I could see teams bulking at him he just feels like the type of guy that falls to 10 or 11 is like every year there’s a pick that’s like a 10 11 or 12

That ends up being really really good and I feel like that’s going to be R Dillingham this year but you know who he’d really drafted eight if that was the top seven your guy who’s my guy right there I highlighted it for oh no your guy the next TJ

Leaf anyway brutal tank ofon Sim this is why we don’t do tank ofon past midnight this is why we don’t stream past midnight anyway chomi at eight uh I think CH I don’t think chamchi ures the draft I think he has a lot to gain by going to

College but yeah but those guys like salon and chi I think they’ll probably have like a pro day or a work some sort of workout and get feedback then if they start to generate a lot of buzz off that workout I think it could change the equation

Yeah it just takes one front office loving chomi as much as Eric does to keep him in the draft I think yeah so um probably Toronto at mikeith do you feel like he’s a Schmitz type Prospect he’s been so he’s been out of the game so long I don’t remember what

His like type is you know yeah but I wouldn’t mind castle if he’s legitimately 66 that’s just so tough yeah that’s tough did you see that dunk Andre Jackson your boy had last night dude he kissed the rim like aunt was supposed to oh my God yeah that was insane set it up

Like college football recruiting what the hell why did you start playing on my phone did you hear that what was I even talking about college recruiting no one of the uh why did dude it’s past midnight I don’t know what’s happening anymore one of the um uh Hoops Crush podcast on Spotify

Just started playing nice I don’t know why very weird yeah very weird but how long ago was this episode where does the Blazers young core rank against the rest of the league how long ago was that oops that was like our first episode or something yeah I was going to say I

Think the recent one crazy okay well yeah don’t autop playay that again I should just start playing your audio and mute you and then like take you off take you off the screen all right I’ll go to bed just see how long it takes chat to

Catch on that’d be kind of funny yeah that’d be kind of funny anyway anything else for the stream no I just appreciate everyone who uh stuck around and uh was here tonight it was a fun show and uh get to do it all again tomorrow night with

Two uh while Blazers uprise live in the afternoon and uh postgame show after the game tomorrow night oh my goodness man honestly I’m not going to watch the majority of tomorrow’s game I’m G to be at wreck uh yeah I might have that same for when is your game 7:30 it’s playoff game

So okay we’re GNA fake it till we make it yeah well I’ll be able to watch the first quarter and then I’ll or I’ll be able to watch the fourth quarter so and then I’ll try to catch up I’ll watch it while I’m driving homeid yeah I don’t I don’t know if I’d

Advise that um I dropped Nan video like I said right here on the main Channel you can go check it out I’ll plug the link in the uh chat as well as the top of the description the postgame show tomorrow night should just be chat telling us what happened in

The game that’d be kind of fun that’d be kind of fun like you guys run the show or maybe we yeah just do live Callins for once like we used to we have to act like chat we’ll just box score watch Whoever has a bad game we’ll just be like aony sucks B’s

Better we shouldn’t have told chat that we’re not G to be able to watch parts of the game tomorrow we should have just been like let’s try maybe we’ll have to do that with a game this year Eric just one random game we don’t watch it and then

We try our best to make chat think we did and see if they can catch on this is what we’ve resorted to considering we’re 19 and 46 fifth worst record in the league just trying to have find ways to have fun and you know what I’m inspired by DeAndre aon’s interview

Now I Just Want to Have Fun Eric that’s the eighton effect so yeah we just got to make it lit make it lit anyway I think the eighton video was pretty lit so go check it out Link in the chat and also putting it in the top

Of the description eight in video cool I’ve started putting highlights on videos chat where’s gr gray really wanted me to and I’ve started editing them in a way that I feel okay with with putting highlights on but we’re like 100 Subs away from 10K so if you know a

Blazer fan that would subscribe to the channel hit them up share this Channel with them but uh yeah we’ve been slowly grinding to gain Subs so all the videos are you know I’m inspired just to drop video after video to try and get to 10K Subs cuz we got to

Get to 10K before Suns Valley podcast they’re lucky they got Kevin Durant and Devon Booker in a playoff run and bu they’re almost at 9k so we got to reach 10K before them little brother is about to become big brother but it’s fine if we get 10K before

Them and it’s fine because we don’t have KD we got dominating though anyway anything else Eric uh no have a good night everyone hope to see you tomorrow y but we will catch you guys tomorrow Blazers up live make sure you tune in our second Channel

And then the postgame show should be a fun one anyway Blazers win again Dominate and dominates again so does ant ant’s been playing really well lately love to see it and uh the Blazers looks like they’re going to get at least 20 wins on the season right now it looks like they’re

Not even going to lose 60 games they they might end up with like 2425 wins Eric so shout out to them and with that being said we’re out of here I appreciate you guys thank you for hanging out with us thank you to everyone who donated thank you to

Everyone who liked the stream like the stream on your way out and until next time as always peace out go Blazers

#portlandtrailblazers #blazersvshawks #atlantahawks

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  1. Your take on Ayton is inaccurate. Ayton has always been efficient and consistent in Phoenix. He's also gotten better every year. Ayton was a scapegoat in Phoenix even Mikal Bridges said Ayton got unwarranted and unnecessary hate. A lot of Suns fans dislike Ayton for reasons outside of basketball.

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