@Orlando Magic

Orlando Magic learn their playoff lesson: They need to be comfortable with the uncomfortable

Orlando Magic learn their playoff lesson: They need to be comfortable with the uncomfortable

Lessons Learned for the Oro magic as they get back in the wind column what Lessons Learned what what what are we learning here time to think about the playoffs more than the opponent it’s what the magic learned and how they’ve got to get uncomfortable to be more comfortable with the playoffs it’s

Locked on Magic you are locked on Magic your daily Orlando Magic podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day and you are indeed locked on Magic today is March 14th 2024 my name is Philip Roser I’m the expert and site editor over at you can find me on Twitter Philip rrd on today’s episode of lockon magic de line of magic get back in the wind

Column they do so in a very similar way to the way Sunday’s game went the lessons of magic learned from Sunday how they applied them and why it’s important to be uncomfortable right now we’ll get to that plus talk about pao’s passing prowess it’s an alliteration you got to

Love it we’ll get to that coming up here in just a moment but first we want to thank you again for making lockdown magic part of your day every day no matter when you listen to us whether it’s first in the morning whether it’s right when we upload we truly appreciate

You making lockon magic part of your day every day remember there’s great lockon podcast covering every single team in the NBA just search for lockon and the team you’re looking for the lockon podcast Network it’s your team every day today’s episode of lockon magic is brought to you by priz pic the easiest

And most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to shock. NBA and use code allow case locked on NBA for a first deposit match of up to $100 so we saw how Sunday’s game went the magic raced out to a big lead they were playing fantastic they were moving

The ball they were defending at a high level and then slowly but surely they got frustrated you can feel that frustration go growing they fouled a lot so that ruined their offensive flow because they’re playing against set defenses all the time they uh gave Indiana that life of seeing the ball go

Through the basket with their free throws they had to back off a little bit because of those fouls you could see their frustration growing and then their inability to make shots only made the problems worse on top of that they came out flat out of the halftime locker room

They got blitzed and that was essentially that the magic never really recovered never really able to get back in the game and even though they they did some okay things in the late third early fourth quarter it was too little too late um we noted that that was a

Game where the magic just did not have the intensity that that they’re going to need to win and compete in the playoffs because at the end of the day that’s all we care about right now um that’s like seriously that’s all we care about all

We care about is is this team ready for the playoffs is this team ready to compete at the highest stage at the highest level they’re going to compete at this season um and obviously we looked at those two games against the Knicks and the Pacers uh from Friday and

Sunday and came to the conclusion that okay this this team didn’t show that it was ready that it that could handle that pressure quite yet so here comes your next outing and it’s always funny how this happens your next outing presents a lot of the same challenges the magic

Raced out to a 15-point lead once again they dominated the first quarter they moved the ball everything seemed to be coming easy they seemed to be so comfortable and then the bottoms started to drop out then the team started to really struggle um then the Nets got to the foul line

The officials started to inject themselves into the game the magic started to get a little frustrated they had a really poor close to the quarter and they found themselves only up seven at the half so how do the magic respond what do they do they come out they get two turnovers

Right off the bat they score four quick points they re-extend their lead and while Brooklyn did get the lead down to six the magic extended it back out they used their swarming defense they used their great passing they made shots um they extended the lead back out and

Never really looked back leading by as much as 19 in the game but the G the deficit never really got under 10 until the very very end of the game and so Brooklyn made their runs and Orlando responded every time to make sure this one was not close and while the final

Score certainly suggest the game was a lot closer than it was 114 106 it was not the magic won this game essentially by double digits their starters came out they were up eight at the time um but again just not a huge deal not not a huge deal at the

End this is a game that the magic took what they saw against Indiana especially saw a lot of the same elements a lot of the same things happen and applied those lessons so you know if we’re looking for signs of growth here it is the magic

Took a big lead got frustrated with the refs had to regain their composure and had to put their foot down to start the third quarter they played with more urgency players said you know we we knew we did not play with urgency in the game against Indiana they did not make that same

Mistake and that’s ultimately the growth you want to see now Brooklyn is not Indiana Brooklyn is 26 and 40 Brooklyn is uh 10th or 11th in the playoff Chase orando are now five games away from five uh Magic numbers five to clinch a postseason spot this game

Knocked off two a Magic win and a n loss this is not a playoff team and while I think Brooklyn is a little bit more dangerous than they showed the magic thoroughly routed them the magic had a wide margin of error certainly a wider margin of error than they had

On uh Friday and Sunday the magic were able to get away with some turnovers with some shoty interior defense with some shoty interior scoring with missing six free throws they were able to get away with a lot but still survive and that’s fine they they got the job done you still

Have to get the job done but there’s still clearly more work this team has to do but for now take solace in this I thought Cole Anthony made a great Point um after Sunday’s game where he said you know they got a little comfortable they’ve been beating

Up on teams they were you know cruising you know they they were able to make mistakes and you could see that start to slip in against Charlotte and against Washington and so when they headed to New York and they faced a Nicks team that really wanted to win and they were short-handed

Themselves they got blitzed they got absolutely blitzed and when they faced Indiana they got blitzed when Indiana made them uncomfortable Orlando gave into the frustration and backed down the fact of the matter is this is the biggest lesson this is the biggest takeaway to to have from these

Two games the biggest takeaway is the playoffs are all about being uncomfortable the playoffs are all about how you respond when things aren’t going your way when things do not go your way um that is that is what’s at stake in the postseason in the

Playoffs you have to you have to be you have to dot your te dot your eyes and cross your teeth this isn’t the time to mix up that say and that means even sometimes when it’s not going your way you still find a way to make it go your way to succeed in

The playoffs you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable you have to find Comfort when the other team’s taking away your first option and that’s something the magic haven’t really had to do um I’ve often kind of described this team as as a little bit of a house of cards where

Everything is really particularly and and carefully set up and um and and when something gets knocked off kilter the whole thing can kind of collapse that’s part of part of this team’s problem um and long-term problem one that you know ain’t going to get solved this year because the trade deadlines

Pass but the magic have to get comfortable with that if they want to succeed in the playoffs if they want to take that step they’ve got to get comfortable knowing that it’s not always gonna work and that’s where the magic have the most room to grow and so yes against a

Team like the Nets to be able to do that and look the magic were not super uncomfortable at this game let me be perfectly clear on that they were uncomfortable against the Knicks the Knicks really pushed them around the Pacers they were frustrated more than uncomfortable they weren’t comfortable

Against the Pacers the magic were pretty much comfortable the whole night Brooklyn wasn’t doing much to stop stop Orlando we’ll talk about one of the things Orlando did to just absolutely destroy the Nets in a moment but the Magic The Magic did the job that’s that’s the story at the end of the

Day and despite giving up 11 free throw attempts in the second quarter despite 13 turnovers despite and I believe eight at the half despite 46 getting outscored 46 to 38 in the paint despite having a lot of things that the magic like to do kind of teing away Orlando still won

Comfortably and we will take that especially after this past weekend as a small victory and something to keep building and growing on as we get closer and closer to the moment that really matters the playoffs we’re going to talk about one of the things that magic did really well

In this game to separate themselves offensively we’ll talk about Palo B Caro’s perfect game we’ll get to that coming up here in just a moment but first it’s time for quick word for our friends over at prize picks prize picks is America’s number one fantasy sports app with more than three

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Why like we talked about what this game means and what the magic may have learned from this game as as they go through the season again 16 games left magic number to clinch a playoff spot is five that means for those that are uninitiated five magic wins or five Nets

Losses any combination of those and the magic will officially clinch a postseason spot that clinches them at least a spot in the play and ter so we are getting to it we’re almost there almost to achieving our goal Mission 83 Mission 83 is almost accomplished obviously we have bigger Ambitions now

Than maybe we thought at the beginning of the season the mission 83 remain the first Big Goal that the magic had to achieve they are five games away from doing it hopefully we will see that happen next week and be able to celebrate it at home uh during we will

Certainly celebrate it during the home stand I have no doubt about that um but uh how did this game happen like like how did it actually break down um so much of this game starts with poise um and and that’s that’s that’s really what I’m talking about learning how to play

Uncomfortable when defenses and teams make you uncomforable you got to have the Poise to still execute to find ways to still break that down and that’s what the magic struggled with against New York and Indiana they they just couldn’t figure out how to break it down and so

The magic were very determined from the start of this game to play at a faster Pace you can just tell the energy was picked up and certainly some of that’s Jaylen Suggs being back in the lineup we’ll get to him when we go through the

Box score here uh in a moment but a lot of this starts with the magic star player like like any team your success begins and ends with your star players and so just starting here the magic had 29 assists on 40 field goal makes which is really good you know more than 50%

Almost 75% of your P of your field goal makes are assisted that doesn’t even get into free throw assists um 29 of 40 field goals were assisted 15 of those 29 assists came from Pao banero and fron VOD their unselfishness their ability to move the ball their ability to find Cutters to

Find passers to absorb pressure that’s why the magic were able to win this game and and that’s ultimately what the magic envisioned from their two young players that’s ultimately what they see from these guys that make them unique that make them different than the other teams in the

League they ultimately want those guys be Playmakers and make smart decisions with the ball and that’s exactly what happened I’m going to break down this hopefully in a video on on my patreon tomorrow um but palan KIRO was just in his bag all night long and not in his

Bag scoring wise he took only six field goals for the first time in his career he made every shot he took six for six from the floor scored 21 points off six field goal attempts um that’s eight for n from the foul line he was really dialed in offensively but he understood

This was not his game to be a crazy score that wasn’t what the team needed from him what the team needed from him was to get the ball wait for the defense to trap him and then swing it to the open guy and sometimes that meant a somewhat tricky crosscourt pass that

Sometimes meant a tricky pass along the Baseline to a cutter that was still a cumbent on his teammates getting themselves open and presenting themselves in space but poo was just on it passing all game long and I think while we’re all obsessed with the scoring and and the scoring is really

Really important and and we’re you know we’re expecting po to elevate his scoring when he gets to the playoffs what makes Pao so unique and so special and what puts him in the class of the Luca donic is and LeBron James of the world for his age is that he

Averages five assists per game and Florida stting with five and a half assists per game if I’m not mistake I think he at 5.4 at this point um he is an excellent passer and when he is locked in making passes and his teammates are presenting themselves he’s

Really good and and what he does so well especially for a player his age is absorb pressure he’s patient he waits to see where the defense is coming from before he makes his attack he’s a lot more deliberate with his dribbles and when he displays that patience and Poise

And teams commit to doubling him that’s when he has you honestly I think teams are going to learn that you want to stunt you want to show you don’t necessarily want to double him fully and then he’s gonna have to understand if they don’t double him he’s got to take

That shot you know he’s got to hit that mid-range jumper which he’s gotten so much better at Paulo is still learning what these reads are and so sometimes he does make mistakes he still turns the ball over a lot you know he’s still tries these risky cross score passes but

He’s getting a lot better at them and in this game whether it was Finding Jaylen Suggs on a crosscourt pass throwing a baseline pass down to Wendell Carter for dunk or feeding the ball to Marquel Foltz in the middle of his zone defense that was collapsing around Pao on the

Wing Pao had great vision this game and just made everybody’s life easier and a lot of that again with with a superstar player like Pao and you know he’s getting to that qualification I don’t know if he’s quite there yet but but he’s getting there um with a star play player like

Paulo what they’re good at is absorbing attention that’s their that’s their superpower it’s not always about the scoring they’re going to find ways to score they’re going to find Pockets to score what they do for their team in the way they make their team better is they absorb

Attention and that’s what Paulo does every time he touches the ball Brooklyn had to send two sometimes three players at him because they were just trying to stop him from making these great passes to the Magic’s open Shooters Orlando shot 51.9% from four 14 for 32 from three this was

A clinic offensively for Orlando Paulo B Carol’s passing is a huge reason why and it honestly this he’s grown in so many ways this year his mid-range jumper a lot better his passing has taken Leaps and Bounds too and if this becomes a permanent part of his game and

Becomes a more consistent triple double threat or double double threat with his passing he’s gonna be really good he’s previewing that he’s gonna be one of the elite players in this league and it’s probably gonna happen a lot sooner than we think think considering how much better he’s gotten his second

Season we’ll go through the rest of the box score talk a little bit about what we saw from Individual players we’ll get to that coming up here in just a moment but first it’s time for quick word for our friends over at Robin Hood let me

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Dealer okay let’s go through the final box scores the Orlando manic defeat the Brooklyn Nets 114 to 106 um like I said this this game game was a really great offensive clinic for Orlando uh there you know Brooklyn just was not able to slow Orlando down for long stretches um their best defense

Honestly came uh in the second quarter when they were able to get to the foul line a little bit more and that’s that’s so they scored 38 points in that quarter and that that boosted them a little bit but uh Orlando really got whatever they wanted offensively and so just you know

Again it’s a matter of you know Comfort when I think of comfort more than anything when when Cole Anthony said you know got a little too comfortable I kind of took that as a little bored um honestly like things were just a little too easy to execute you know you’re just

Kind of going through the motions like teams need the challenge they need the challenge and unfortunately like they’re playing teams that give them a pretty wide margin of error they can get away with some mistakes um and so you know Brooklyn’s another team where you can get away with some mistakes and the

Magic did get away with a lot of mistakes even in this game so there’s there’s plenty of room for them to get better but they had a really strong game like so many players just played really well they put seven players in double figures Paulo ban Carol led the way with

21 points perfect six for six first time in his career he has gone perfect from the field in the game one for one from Beyond The Arc eight for n from the foul line nine rebounds for him he did have two turnovers but just a Fant H nine

Assists not nine rebounds he had three rebounds um but a really just fantastic game where he controlled the tempo and controlled controlled how he attacked you know Brooklyn just could not throw bodies at him enough to to keep him from making passes and he found guys all over the place you know

One of the chief recipients was Wendel Carter another really nice game for him 15 points eight rebounds five for eight shooting four for six from the foul line wendo Carter was out to get every rebound early in the game I think he had five rebounds in the first quarterback

Let me check that real fast uh four rebounds for wend Carter was not far off four rebounds for wend Carter in the first quarter he was really determined to own the paint and I thought he did a really good job with that had a couple blocks um how many

Blocks they credit him with uh one block but he I thought he played really well did did get weaker as the game went on um you know I think Nick Claxton was able to get himself going and and and kind of make a dent in the paint you

Know again Carter I think had to step up a little bit defense defense got looser as the game went on I thought the defense was generally pretty good Brooklyn shoots 46.9% from the floor they do have 46 points in the paint which is pretty good defensively um but

More than the magic scored this game 7even for 26 from three they missed a lot of Threes And and that obviously helps the magic a ton because you know they’re not going to be able to catch up as much with their three-point shooting um 23 for 27 from the foul line is

Probably the biggest thing for the match just fouling way too much game got really Mucky and in the second quarter there were four technical fouls in the game all of them C four uh let’s see um four five five technical fouls called in the game two of them on the magic called

In the second quarter so game got frust frustrating and the magic let it get to them a little bit but they were able to kind of tighten themselves back up Buton button themselves back up and get back to work and that’s when they frustrated Brooklyn and Brooklyn picked up a couple

Technical fouls um because they were just they were upset and frustrated with how the magic were be able to be physical with them um wend Carter thought did a good job establishing that early and again just faded a little bit late magic fade had a big burst offensively they outscored Brooklyn 3316

In the first quarter jayen sug scored 11 of his 14 points in the first quarter he was five for 12 from the floor four for eight from three just good to have Jaylen Suggs back like he just gives this team so much energy you know Balaban Carol said in the walk-off

Interview with Dante Marcelli that Jaylen Suggs is the team’s heart and soul like he is the team’s heart and soul and uh uh and you know he does such a great job just pushing the pace and pushing the tempo on both ends like he just gets into whoever he’s guarding

Defensively we know that he’s just going to be the head of the snake offens on defense as as Jamal Mosley says but this game I really he really noticed how much he pushes this team offensively like he just gives them a little extra pep in their step just gets the ball

Down the court quicker gets into the paint and even just occupying the defense for a little bit and getting them to shift toward him when he resets and kicks it back out now the defense is in balance and Orlando is able to attack real quickly so sugs his ability to just

Get downhill a little bit in transition and his willingness to run in transition even going one on four even if he’s not trying to score that stuff matters for this team and so having him on the floor was just a huge boost he’s become a great shooter he continues to shoot the

Ball really really well um and he he played you know he did he did the job he did what he needed to do even though he got most of the scoring done early he played really well Gary Harris 13 points four for eight shooting two for five

From three magic did you have a great record when Gary Harris hits more than two hits two or more threes fron Vagner 14 points six for 14 shooting one for four from three five rebounds six assists three steals for him um I I’m a bit surprised that vager had such a poor

Shooting percentage and didn’t shoot the ball particularly well um the jumpers still just a little bit of a mess just been an off year for him jumper wise but I thought he was really really strong getting downhill you know inviting attention inviting the defense to collapse around him um I thought he did

Just a really really good job overall in this game and you know I’m pretty happy with how he played to be perfectly honest we’ll talk more about fron I think on tomorrow’s episode of lockon magic just a little bit about what the mag need from him because they they do

Need him to pick up his efficiency a little bit more um but a solid game for him gave the magic exactly what they needed just like how Paulo was uh was soaking up attention having to pass the ball fron was doing that too he was finding people and obviously keeping the

Ball moving which is ultimately what matters for the magic like it like yeah they need their stars to score but if they’re creating points for others that’s also them scoring that’s also really really important for them too uh Jonathan Isaac had a fantastic game 11 points four for six shooting three for

Five from three two blocks just a menace defensively like usual um he played really really comfortably the magic tried him a little bit at Center um you more intentionally this game um and again it it it worked because the magic made threes I I will say that I haven’t

Looked at the full lineup data yet but I think it worked because the magic made threes uh and and so you know when you go small the idea of going small is you beat you know you get what what disadvantage you give up with your size you make up with your speed versatility

And three-point shooting and obviously the magic aren’t going to rely on three-point shooting Isaac’s an improving but not a great three-point shooter yet um the magic I think did well in those minutes um they gave up a few rebounds but they compete hard and contested everything so there’s there’s

Definitely more to explore and I think the magic are going to use some of these games coming up to explore that uh a little bit a little bit more um Markel FZ also I thought had a great game 10 points eight rebounds four for 10 shootings so the shooting

Doesn’t look great missed a couple shots around the basket missed you know missed a couple jumpers but he did a really good job occupying space in the zone the Nets were trying to use their Center on him to clog the paint he made himself available in Pockets where he could

Score where the defense was leaving it open and he made those shots he made them pay and and ultimately that’s what the magic need from Marco folz if they’re gonna leave him open get to spots where you can make shots and make them pay for leaving you open make them

Make them put the guard on you that’s kind of the directive now whether that is a direct Ive that will work when we get to the playoffs I think everyone is fairly skeptical on it um you know again the magic were able to make it work in

This game so there is a formula to make it work but it still depends on Marquel making shots and that is unfortunately not always a guarantee the magic shoot 51.9% from the floor 14 for 32 from Beyond The Arc they do only have 13 turnovers for 10 points I believe they

Had eight at the half so much better half of basketball in the second half as they maintained and and kept their lead for much of it um Brooklyn also had 13 turnovers for 12 magic points again they shoot just seven for 26 26.9% from Beyond The Ark 46.9% from the floor

Orlando with 29 assists on 40 makes including 15 from Paulo and fron an excellent offensive game for Orlando they took care of their business at the end of the day we could say all these things and all these takeaways that we want to have from this game at the end

Of the day the magic took care of their business they beat a team that they’re supposed to beat they beat them not handily they never they led by as much as 19 they never like really kind of blew the doors open but they took care

Of business and at the end of the day that’s what matters the win is what matters the magic got the win they can learn their lessons they can prove from that that’s what matters against these teams you’re maybe not going to learn whether this team Stacks up or measures

Up to an leite team we’re not going to see a playoff team until Thursday next Thursday not tomorrow next Thursday against the Pelicans um it’s going to be a while then you have that run of pelicans Kings Warriors Clippers that run in the eight game home stand that’s

That’s going to determine whether eight game home stand is a success it’s gonna be a huge test for the magic so we are already eyeing that stretch and eyeing what that could mean for the magic um but right now they just got to take care of their business win these games beat

These teams and Stack Up wins because ultimately that’s what’s gonna give them the best advantage that they can have when they get to the playoffs and set themselves up with a high playoff seed but that’s going to do it for me today I want to thank you all again for

Listening to today’s episode of lock match course find me on Twitter Philip roron subscribing to the podcast and apple podcast your tuned in him gole Spotify Odyssey and all podcast to your podcast enabled listening device for lates down the Orlando Magic be sure to check out Orlando Magic you

Can find us there on Twitter om Magic daily be sure also check out my patreon page yourl magic club like I said on the on the Orlando Magic Cup tomorrow I am planning to break down Palo ban Carol’s passing what looked different from the games against the Nickson Pacers to what he did

Against the Nets so you can check that out tomorrow on the Orlando Magic Cup at Orlando Magic up and as always thank you for your support that’s G to do it for me today though uh I want to thank you again for listening to today’s episode of lockdown magic for

Your next listen be sure to check out the lockdown sports sports today 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now available on the Amazon Fire TV free Fire TV channels app lock on sports today for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local

Experts of locked on plus our national shows covering every League find locked on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app that’s going to do it for me today though I want to thank you all again for listening to today’s episode of lockd on Magic for

Orlando Magic daily and lockd on Magic this has been Philip Ross and Reich we’ll see you again next time for another episode of lockon magic for

The Orlando Magic struggled in their Playoff tests this weekend. They needed to learn how to handle the ups and downs of the chase and Playoff intensity. They needed to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. They took a baby step in that direction with their win over the Brooklyn Nets.

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