@Chicago Bulls

How do you guys feel about the Anthony Edwards/MJ comparisons?

How do you guys feel about the Anthony Edwards/MJ comparisons?

by Common-Evidence7722


  1. I’m not angry at it, he has the attitude and the athleticism, wish he was a Bull

  2. raynitschkesghost

    Similar profiles and makeup but MJ is MJ.

  3. StoicRetention

    MJ had a maniacal dedication to his body and cardio performance, don’t let the cigars fool you. I don’t know if Edwards has the same drive

  4. They play similarly, but Jordan was already the best player in the league by year 4. He was MVP, DPOY and ALL-NBA First Time in year 4. Closer to D Wade, which is great!

  5. aquamarine9

    Stylistically similar and he got that dawg in him for sure, but he’s nowhere near the best player in the league right now.

  6. BoysAndGirlsClubCU

    MJ is actually he is father. You all will find out in 2028

  7. Lil_we_boi

    Some of his facial expressions remind me of MJ (just like Jimmy Butler also does), but on the court he has to continue proving himself and win some accolades before we have that conversation.

  8. sharkchoke

    I think the body movement reminds me of mj. He just sort of move in a way that looks like early Jordan. But I also think it’s kind of unfair to ant. Nobody is mj.

  9. P3rc3pt10nsnd3pth

    Id feel better if he wore a Bulls uniform

  10. Ok_Ostrich2974

    For better or worse I consider both the Wolves and Bulls to be my team. 

    To be clear, Ant didn’t want the comparison and doesn’t ask for it the same way that, say, Tatum does with Kobe. Fans give it to him. And not even Wolves fans, from what I’ve seen, it tends to come from casuals who watch highlights and see similarities in the athletic profiles. Where it’s frustrating is when fans associated the comparison with Ant and use it against him.

    As a Bulls fan, nobody is MJ and invoking the comparison at this point in Ant’s career is insane. It’s like a worse version of when folks compared Pat Will to Kawhi. 

    As a Wolves fan, he isn’t MJ. We love the confidence and trajectory, but, c’mon, there are many steps between Ant to MJ. There are many steps between Ant and D Wade. He’s 22, just let him be Ant. 

  11. No comparison – he’s nowhere near Jordan’s excellence.

  12. Common-Evidence7722

    For the record i am NOT comparing him to MJ I’ve just seen a couple posts ab it and wondered what Bulls fans thought. I think he needs more postseason success for the comparisons to align more. His play style is very similar to MJ tho

  13. skullcandy541

    The comparisons wouldn’t be as big as they are now if they didn’t look so similar lol that’s the main driving force tbh

  14. collect_my_corpse

    There’s a long list of MJ comparables. Nothing about AntMan makes him any different. They all pale in comparison, fall apart, and don’t capture the hearts and minds of NBA fans. In short, ain’t nobody touching MJ…not LBJ, DWade, Penny, Miner, Hill, Kobe, Butler, Whatever asswipe u want to add to the list.

  15. He could be a budget MJ for sure. Even if Ant becomes the best player in the league he’s still just budget MJ because MJ was that good. I see the similarities. Both have very charismatic and fearless personalities. I respect the hell out of Ant, particularly when he takes the challenge of guarding the other teams best guy

  16. Low-iq-haikou

    The closest thing to MJ in the NBA rn is a combination of Ant and DeMar. And I do think Ant is gonna be one of the guys to help carry the mantle moving forwards once LeBron retires (assuming he does so before Ant)

    But, the comparison ends there. Mike is Mike. Of all the young guys in the league though to be compared to MJ, Ant is one that I can at least get behind bc he seems competitive as hell.

  17. Let the “MJ’s love child and Jimmy Butler’s brother” conspiracy theory rolling 🤣

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