@Minnesota Timberwolves

Who needs to step up for the Minnesota Timberwolves + best and worst playoff matchups

Who needs to step up for the Minnesota Timberwolves + best and worst playoff matchups

Hello and welcome into another episode of Locked on wolves today on the show we’re going to talk about the player that the Wolves most need to step up if they’re going to maintain a top four seed in the west speaking of the top four we’ll also talk about some first

Round potential matchups good and bad for the Wolves we’ll look at wolves Clippers too it’s all up coming welcome in you are locked on wolves you are locked on Timberwolves your daily Minnesota Timberwolves podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day hello and welcome to the lock on wolves podcast part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day my name is Ben Beacon I’m the host of lock on wolves today’s episode is brought to you by Nissan are you the kind of driver that likes to push things a little

Further ever wonder what Adventure might be around that next Corner take the Nissan Rogue Nissan Pathfinder or Nissan Armada and go find your next big adventure check them all out today at hello and welcome in and happy Tuesday everybody uh it’s also a game day we’ll stick on the Clippers

Tonight uh we’ll get to that a little bit later in the show a lot to get to first um want to talk a little bit about the player who I think really a lot hinges on here over the next several weeks at least in terms of the Wolves maintaining their top four

Spot in the Western Conference we’ll talk a little bit about that and then also the standings potential first round matchups just real briefly uh obviously as we get closer here we’re what roughly 30 days from the end of the regular season we’ll talk a little more in depth

About some of the potential first round matchups for Minnesota but now that like it’s pretty clear the Wolves could land anywhere from one to four and and theoretically they could slip to five that that would be a pretty dramatic fall um and I don’t think that’ll happen

But you know not the easiest schedule upcoming either so we’ll talk a little bit about that we’ll close with some thoughts on wolves Clippers as well so lots to get to today a big thank you here off the top for making lockdown wolves your first listen every single

Day of course this show is free and available everywhere that includes YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms wherever you like to listen to podcast you can find this show you can also watch on the lockon sports Minnesota app that’s on both Roku and

Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X at lock on T wolves and also at B Beacon with two be’s to E cken I also want to remind about the postcast not only do we cover your team every day but we’re also giving you instant episodes after every

Single game of course you could check out the lock that wolves postcast you can get the audio right here on the lock that wolves postcast feed podcast feed excuse me you can also stream on the lockdown Minnesota YouTube channel you can get rapid reaction to all the

Biggest moments with the lock on wolves postcast I’ll actually be hosting this evening late following wolves Clippers at I think I I think it’s a 900m tip so go live probably a little before midnight central time uh with Jack Borman on lock done Sports Minnesota on YouTube it’s usually hosted by Luke

Inman but I’ll be hosting this evening along with Jack the editor-in chief at kupus so be sure to tune in tonight and if you can’t catch it live or if you can’t stay up to the end of the game I get that but you can also listen right

Here on this feed uh on Wednesday or I guess whenever you want to listen but it’ll be posted to the audio uh overnight here uh at lockdown wolves all right let’s talk about the player who I I don’t want to say I’m most concerned about but I would say the Wolves need

The most from Beyond what they’re getting currently because if you just say the most important player obviously Anthony Edwards Rudy goar is probably a close second in terms of I mean we saw what happened when Rudy wasn’t on the floor against the Lakers on Sunday they need Rudy goar desperately but if those

Guys are on the floor and they do mostly what they’ve done this year the Wolves will be okay there aren’t very many guys on the roster who haven’t lived up to what our expectations were coming in Kyle Anderson would be one uh and although he’s played better

Post trade deadline and obviously he was hurt and missed the game Sunday he’d probably be the other one Nas Reed is has been what everyone expected maybe a little better nikel Alexander Walker same thing Mike Conley pretty much the same thing probably overall this year has been

Better I would say the player that the wol need the most from that they’re not getting it at this point in time is Jade McDaniels Jade McDaniels has basically turned in the same season this year as he did last year but he’s not shooting the ball as

Well and I mean like depending on where you look defensive metrics aren’t necessarily in agreement about his defense this year I do think he’s gotten even more difficult assignments so far this season McDaniels has I don’t know that his defense has been any better in

Fact I would say I’ll just say that well let’s let’s start there I think McDaniel’s defense the sum of it is probably about what it was last year but I think it’s been higher variance I don’t know that he’s been as consistent this season and I don’t like it’s more of just

A night in and night out thing where I like there’s nights he gets blown by quite a bit and there’s other nights he’s the same old seat belt that wolves fans have have come to love right there’s just less consistency from Jaden McDaniels it it’s it’s volatile it’s it’s high variance

And while that leads to spectacular moments and he can step up in big moments against BigTime opponents the consistency has not been there and it’s been partly papered over certainly by Rudy Goa but also nikil Alexander Walker being as good as he has been and the Wolves just having really good defensive

Personnel ant stepping up Big Mike connley and Kyle Anderson veterans that are strong team Defenders now Monte Morris went healthy would fall into that same category so I don’t think the defense has been as otherworldly as the the Wolves expected it to be everywhere else

He’s the same or worse than he was a year ago in fact this isn’t like the only way to evaluate a player but it’s a bit daming if you look at at like just look at the advanced stats box on basketball reference at all of his rate basas stats

Every single one of them except for his turnover rate has gone in the wrong direction his offensive rebound rate is down his defensive rebound rate is way down his total rebound rate is down his assist rate is down his steel rate is down slightly his block rate is easily

The worst of his career and it’s gone down consistently rookie year to second year to third year to fourth year the block rate continues to Tumble turnover rate is down slightly but his usage rate is also down okay every single one of those numbers is going in the wrong direction his three-point percentage

After an5 showing against the Lakers on Sunday is down 4.7 points year-over-year his overall field goal percentages too I would prefer to break it down three and two point twoo percentage is actually up slightly and if you look at his shot distribution I was surprised by this I

Was expecting to be unhappy with his shot distribution but he’s actually shooting more threes this year and he’s not shooting a whole lot more from the mid-range he’s shooting a little more from that 10 to 16 foot range and you know three ten0 of a percent more from

The three to 10 foot range that doesn’t really bother me I’d rather him be more aggressive putting the ball on the floor and he has seemingly been more comfortable doing that this year and that’s a good thing so I actually think the shot selection hasn’t been all that

Bad it’s he’s not he just isn’t getting to the line as much which is a little bit weird uh because I think he’s been more aggressive the free throw rate is actually a career worse for McDaniels and while he’s shooting more threes he’s making them at a at a worse clip so he’s

He’s shooting like per game he’s getting to the line almost one freeth throw less per game he went from 1.8 free throws a game to one so that’s essentially a point there that’s being shaved off his efficiency from three even though he’s shooting more in terms of rate he’s shooting the

Same number per game and he’s shooting them at almost five points worse from outside the arc so the offensive numbers are all going in the wrong direction even if the actual feel of the game I don’t feel like is necessarily worse he’s just not making shots the same clip he was last

Year and it was part of my concern coming out of last season I was worried that there’d be some regression because remember just two years ago he was under 32% from outside The Arc and he wasn’t putting the ball on the floor and being aggressive and the assist rate was

6% all that stuff is up since then but he’s just not even though the threes were way better last year now he settled right in between he’s smack dab in the middle of where he shot threes in terms of percentage two years ago and where he was last year so maybe we

Shouldn’t be surprised the problem is that especially now with no Carl th towns and in a game like against Lakers the other day with no Rudy either and and O Kyle Anderson McDaniels gets pressed into doing other things he’s having to play more at the four instead of the three which he

Barely has done this year at all in fact uh like he nearly doubled the number of possessions he’s played at the four just in just with the game against the Lakers and he’s also career worse rebounding like not even close just a horrific rebounding year so far for Jade

McDaniels and he’s being pressed into play in the four and teams are just playing off of him we talked about this extensively on Monday on the postgame pod that like that’s what the the Lakers did is they played Anthony Davis essentially at free safety playing off of Jade

McDaniels and were daring McDaniels to beat them and he could do it now a lot of times just being aggressive and making a couple of baskets will you know caus the opponent to to think about that coverage differently that didn’t happen in this game maybe it happens next time out

Right like Jaden’s still a capable offensive player and like I said he’s improved in some areas but to have him regress in all of the those areas across the board rebounding and then some of the defensive metrics steel rate block rate Etc and then also shooting almost five

Points worse from outside the arc is a problem and if this team wants to get out of the first round like let’s just call it what it is now we’re gon to talk a little bit about this next like they gotta get out of the first round and that’s the first

Challenge they need Jade McDaniels to do more than you know go over five from three and pull down three boards in a game right like they need more from Jaden McDaniels and it’s it’s simply shot making when it comes to three-pointers I think he’s picking his spots okay on offense again the shot

Selection the decision- making is fine it’s not incredible growth but it’s fine he’s just got to make more shots and he’s got to be more consistent defensively and he has to rebound the ball he just has to that’s been the number one issue with him uh you know

Take the bodyw work over almost four full seasons and that’s been the biggest problem with jadeen McDaniels is the lack of rebounding all right I want to get into some of the potential first round matchups not spend a ton of time on any one of them necessarily but just

Kind of talk about like sitting here right now with the wolv second in the west what is this thing shaking out to be actually technically the wolves are now third in the west they’re half game behind Denver uh after Denver’s most recent win and actually as I’m recording

This Denver is about to beat the Raptor so they’re going to be two games behind or a full game behind Denver I should say so we’ll talk a little bit about what the first round could be shaping up to be we’ll do that here next and then we’ll close with some wolves Clippers

Talk today’s episode is sponsored by better help sometimes we all need the opportunity to get something off our chest big or small certain things can really start to get to you and it’s important to let that out especially to someone who’s unbiased on your life so

Today I want to say how I really feel about something you might even be thinking about the same thing this week and that is the Wolves being unable to break out of this vicious cycle of referee complaining and experiencing the Wrath of the referees because once again the

Wolves were massively out free throwed on Sunday against the Lakers and yes at this point a lot of it’s their own doing by the way the Wolves were top 10 in defensive free throw rate for a long time this year they’re now 17th they’re plummeting because they’re and it’s

Catching up to them in terms of their overall defense it’s still obviously the number one defense in the league but they’re allowing teams to shoot does of free throws a game and it’s partly their own doing it’s partly you know this not seeing eye to eye with the officials I

Think is probably a very polite way of putting what happened with Rudy on Friday and it’s a problem and it goes both ways it’s not only the wolf’s problem it’s not only the offici and it’s both and it’s a serious problem for Minnesota here moving forward now therapy looks different for everyone and

Surely there are bigger problems out there than my take on the Wolves officiating issues but it’s still important to things to get things off your chest every once in a while and and frankly that’s been on my chest now for I don’t know call it multiple decades at

This point all that to say if you’re thinking of starting therapy consider giving better help a try it’s entirely online it’s designed to be flexible and it’s suited to your schedule visit lockdown MBA to get 10% off your first month that’s betterhelp lockon MBA lockdown has launched the first ever

National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now it’s also available on Amazon Fire TV and the free Fire TV channels app locked on sports today is here for you 24/7 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of lockdown plus our national shows covering every League find

Lockdown sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app all right let’s talk about the Western Conference standings and where the Wolves sit right now so exiting play on Tuesday entering play Wednesday would be a better way to say that that the wolves are going to be one game behind

The Denver Nuggets for number two in the west and two full games behind the OKC Thunder I’m sorry no one and a half games behind the OKC Thunder for first place of the West so there’ll be a game behind the nuggets the Nuggets will be half game behind the Thunder the Wolves

Will be one and a half behind OKC of course they split the season series with OKC they’re one and0 against the nuggets with three games still to play against them the Clippers are two games behind Minnesota and the wolves have won two out of three games against the Clippers they of

Course play the Clippers on T tonight Tuesday night okay and then there’s still a gap the Pelicans and Clippers there’s two and a half games that celebrate celebrate that separate the Clippers and the Pelicans for four and five in the west so there’s still a clear top four and if the Wolves beat

The Clippers on Tuesday night it’s a really big game they will create three games of separation and affect L for because they’ll also have the tiebreaker against La so they’ll be in great shape in terms of staying in the top three if they can beat the Clippers on Tuesday but if they

Lose there’s no tiebreaker and they’re only up by one game so it’s actually a really big game for the wolves on Tuesday night you can bet that an is going to play I know he’s list as questionable uh Gober is gonna do everything he can to play I know I don’t

Really have a good handle on how serious the Monte Morris thing given how quickly they’ve been ruling him out they’re probably going to be very cautious with that um with only two games this week it’s just Tuesday and Saturday the wolves have Wednesday Thursday Friday off between um

LA and Utah so it wouldn’t shock me if they’re if they’re cautious here with uh with Monte Morris I’m not sure about Kyle Anderson that one’s that one’s tough there’s not a whole lot to go off of with that one at this point but all that to say

Um it’s a really big game against the Clippers after that the Pelicans are in in fifth they’re a game and a half up on the Suns who are in sixth then there’s another game gap between you know the the the playin teams which are pretty locked in the Rockets are five games

Behind the Warriors shanon’s hurt now although it thankfully doesn’t look like it’s too serious but he’s going to be out a little while I would think so there’s pretty much your your like five to 10 seeds are locked in it’s just a matter of who avoids the play in but if

It if it shakes out as it currently looks which I think it’s going to be pretty similar the Wolves right now if the playoffs started today would be taking on the Phoenix Suns in the first round which I don’t love I really don’t love that at all uh Minnesota does not

Match up all that well with Phoenix and actually here’s here’s kind of here’s the problem in my mind um Minnesota actually matches up better with the very top and the very bottom of the western the likely Western Conference playoff picture I like how they match up with

The Thunder I know they split four games but I I don’t mind that match up I think over the course of the series the wolf size would wear down the Thunder now SJ is obviously hor horrifying to play against he’s so good and that of course you know OKC’s

Number one of the West for a reason and Denver’s number two for a reason and they’re reigning champs for a reason but the Wolves match up better against OKC and Denver and the clippers for that matter than they do against the Pelicans Suns and Kings who are all directly

Below the Wolves so the wolves are in that group of OKC Denver Clippers all those matchups are advantageous for Minnesota tough teams obviously better teams than the other teams that I’m I’m listing but they match up better the match up the Pelicans are scary to me the Suns the

Wolves don’t match up great with the Kings has been a bit hit or miss and I think of all these teams I’m lising I’d rather play the Kings but than the Pelicans are Suns but the Kings aren’t a great match up either I like how the

Wolves match up with the Mavs a full strength wolves team I like how they match up with the Lakers and Warriors too actually so really the bottom three and the top three teams are are the teams that I like the matchups the most the teams that I’m most worried about

Are the middle three the Pelicans Suns and kings and right now if Minnesota stays in three they’re going to play the six seed it’s very likely going to be the Pelicans Suns or Kings if they move up a spot they’re going to take on the seven seed that could be anybody at this

Point but you know it’s from that Kings Mavs Lakers Warriors group most likely if they go down a spot and they’re in the Clippers spot the the four spot they’re very likely going to face the Pelicans Suns or Kings or maybe even the Clippers I like initially I was like I don’t know

If it matters one through four as long as you get home court but now I’m starting to think that one or two is that much more important and again we don’t know how the playin shakes out but I do not want the wol staff to face the Clippers excuse me the Pelicans

Sons or Kings in the first round I would much rather face the Mavs Lakers Warriors and if you get up to number two that’s the more likely scenario you may still have the Kings but I you know I think the Wolves could handle that matchup the Suns thing I mean the wolves

Have only seen the Suns once that was November 15th it’s like four months ago the Wolves last saw the Suns and it was that back toback after playing I think at La the night before the Wolves got blown out in Phoenix uh on that road back toback it

Was the Wolves first road first back Tob back of the year they don’t play them again until April 5th they’re going to go nearly five months between playing one of their Western Conference opponents in the Phoenix Suns April 5th and then they play them again April 14th

Which I both believe is the Wolves last regular season game is that true it is weird they play them at Phoenix on Friday April 5th which is the sixth to last game of the year and then they finish the season with a MAA at home the only home game they play against the

Suns all year on April 14th at 2:30 PM game which hopefully won’t matter for seeding at that point but you never know so all that to say this Clippers game is very important because if they beat the Clippers they effectively have a four a four- game lead on the three

Spot in the west and whether they finish first second or third I would much rather get to first or second I don’t care if it’s number one number two is fine I don’t want them to be number three because then you’re you’re right in that Pelican Suns Kings range so

Let’s get up to two or let’s get to one it’d be much better than three or four in my opinion all right let’s close the show with the Wolves Clippers preview as the Wolves take on the clippers for the fourth and final time that’s tonight at uh Arena

Let’s preview that matchup here next today’s episode of lock I wolves is brought To Us by our title sponsors over at Nissan are you the kind of driver that likes to push things a little further ever wonder what Adventure might be around the next Corner our friends at

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And final Time of the Season they won the first two meetings and then last time around they they lost that um uh barn burner an 89 88 game although compared to that what was it Nick Sixers on Sunday that was like the lowest scoring game in seven years seven and a half

Years in the NBA crazy uh but anyway the Wolves lost by single point to the Clippers just over a week ago like a week ago Sunday I believe and that was a game where you know the Wolves did a pretty good job on Paul George they did

A great job on James Harden and defensively were very good but they could not get out of their own way offensively um cat had 189 and8 in this one Edwards had 27 points on 20 shots and uh Rudy had 12 and 16 and three blocks um The

Wolves well okay let’s let’s say it this way so the the frustrating thing about this game there were a couple things that were frustrating one the Wolves dominated in the paint they were plus 14 on the glass uh you know they they won every category you would want to win

When it comes to paint defense Etc but they turned it over 15 times themselves which is a major problem cat Conley and ant each had three turnovers in that game and they held James Harden without a field goal without a made field goal in this game he had four points four

Made free throws 0 of 10 shooting an 0 of six outside the Arc was James Harden and the Wolves still managed to lose this game remember they got up huge early 30 to 18 at the end of the first quarter the Clippers had the big second

Quarter and then um you know down the stretch this was a uh I mean the whole thing was physical it was um kind of like no holds bar the whole thing down the stretch in this game and um and oh and also remember Russell Westbrook didn’t play this was right

After he got hurt and of course he’s still out uh but aita zubot was good for them the Clippers just decided remember two games ago against the Wolves they played Ultra small and it didn’t work um but actually no zubot was fine he started the game but then it was Daniel

Ty that actually was really difficult for Minnesota and well the Wolves won the rebounding battle by 14 Ty had 13 rebounds himself he had I don’t know a third of the rebounds total for the Clippers were Daniel Ty Off the Bench that matchup was difficult for the

Wolves and um Minnesota just never got offense going and in the times when they beat the Clippers I mean they hung 121 on the Clippers uh the time before that it was another really good cat game a super efficient game ant didn’t play well um offensively but Rudy had a big

Game that was when the clip tried to go small and the Wolves blew them out in La uh two games ago and in the first match up it was a much closer game and uh it was this was one of the first games in that big or I guess it was early January

So it was after the Clippers had started that massive run you know with Paul George and kawhai and James Harden and and we dominating everybody and the Wolves shut down like James Harden has not played well at all against the Wolves this year and Minnesota in that

Game full strength um at least in terms of their starting lineup ant had 33 on 16 shots and the Wolves won that one by four um I don’t mind the Clippers matchup because the Wolves can have Jaden McDaniels Niki Alexander Walker Anthony Edwards guard the Clippers big

Three in terms of perimeter players the Wolves can play big and they can play small now playing big becomes more difficult certainly if Rudy’s not available um but even Bru and batter like the Clippers are clearly the favorites in this game like they’re they’re they should win this game against against a short-handed

Timberwolves team but assuming Rudy plays the Wolves should be in this game because they have the perimeter Firepower to to combat the Clippers right now the Clippers are six-point favorites over at FanDuel um it’s in La the wolves have all the injuries the Clippers are relatively healthy but the key for me

Is doing what you did to James Harden last time which I know was easier said than done but be physical with him Force the ball out of hand out of his hands make him be a playmaker and that’s you know a step in the right direction um the other thing

Is the Clippers offense like it’s a top five offense and the wolves with Rudy goar have been able to slow it down by running those guys off the three-point line and Harden’s one of them but I mean the Clippers are number two in the league in three-point shooting the

Wolves are I believe number three I’m G to check that yeah the wolves are number three the Clippers are number two in three-point shooting so there’s a lot about these teams that’s early similar um but the Wolves the wolves have to keep the clippers off the free throw

Line and and I just I mentioned this in the last segment or maybe it was two segments ago um but the wolves are now just 17th in defensive free throw right they’re fouling a ton the Clippers are top 10 in terms of drawing fouls and getting to

Line offensive free throw rate so the Wolves need to do their best to defend without fouling not get sucked into playing the foul game not get sucked into the officiating games run the clippers off the line defend with their feet not their hands move their feet

Stay in front of people uh don’t grab all that stuff um the Clippers are a pretty mediocre uh rebounding team so again with goar the Wolves should be able to control the paint without goar it becomes a lot more difficult Daniel Ty and a zubot become a lot scarier if

You don’t have size and depth yourself to um you know to to combat that now neither Paul George or qu lard played against Milwaukee on Sunday they’re both listed as questionable for the game against the Wolves of course no Russell Westbrook I would anticipate everyone that’s questionable to play just simply

Because this is a really big game the Clippers want to draw within a game of the Wolves the Wolves want to build what would effectively be a four-point lead or four point four game lead excuse me a three- game lead plus the three to1 tiebreaker in the west over the Clippers

By winning this game it’s a huge game so expect anybody that’s questionable to try and suit up in this one because remember the Wolves also have the next three days off they get they’re off Wednesday Thursday Friday before playing a pair of games in Salt Lake City so um

Look for the Wolves to try and get everybody out there as much as they can in this one all right um that’s all we have for you today a reminder will have the live postcast that I’ll be hosting tonight following wolves Clippers also if you can’t watch the game live you can listen

Over on SiriusXM of course alen Horton every Bucket from wolves Clippers on the hometown broadcast with serus XM on the sxm app just search Minnesota Timberwolves to check out wolves Clippers again that’s 900 p.m Central this evening on the sxm app and live postcast over at lockon sports

Minnesota on uh on YouTube and then the audio here at lockon wolves the game of course is on TNT nationally televised um so we’ll see we’ll see if that also influences who’s available to play for both teams as well all right that’s all we have for it today here on the show a

Big thank you for making lockdown wolves your first listen every single day of course this show is free and available everywhere that includes YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms you can also watch on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app on both Roku and

Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X lockon wolves and also at B Beacon with 2bs 2 e cken reminder that lockdown has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube now it’s also available on Amazon Fire TV in the free Fire TV channels app lockon sports

Today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of lockdown plus our national shows covering every League find lock on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app lockdown wolves is part of the lockdown podcast Network remember the lockdown

Network is your local experts on all the biggest stories once again I’m Ben Beacon this is the lockd Wolves podcast and we’ll catch you next time

The battered and bruised Minnesota Timberwolves need one of their starters to step up in a big way if they want to hold onto a top-four spot in the Western Conference. Ben Beecken (@bbeecken) explains the areas in which Jaden McDaniels has been lacking this season and where he needs to step up if the Wolves are going to hang tough over the final month of the regular season. Plus, a quick look at the best and worst potential first-round playoff matchups for Minnesota, and why Tuesday’s contest against the LA Clippers is so important.

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  1. I'm not that guy that wants to trade everyone, but…Jayden for the most part is actually overrated. That makes it the perfect time to trade him. He's one of those guys that you kept on thinking would get a lot better and he just doesn't. Look the way he walks up and down the court like he's loafin it on the street. Often he doesn't seem to care that much except when he punches the wall and breaks his hand. It's clear he's not a smart player.

    We could get a star and a 1st rounder for him. I say we do it in the offseason. Trade for a young PG and an established SF that can consistantly hit a 3 and has defense. This offseason is the time.

  2. Jaden stinks. I swear most of his shots clank off the front iron.
    How does a defensive specialist get into foul trouble all the time???

  3. We're going to get spanked in the playoffs.. like the last few months, when the game is right in the 4th, our offense will sputter. This team is not built to win by 25. They just don't have the horsepower.

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