@Toronto Raptors

Bruce Brown’s salary compared to other players

Bruce Brown’s salary compared to other players

by mMounirM


  1. NBAball05

    I would basically have anyone on this list except Evan

  2. therehego29

    Im kind of new to learning about the NBA salary cap (mainly watch hockey) but can’t this work in the Raptors favour by being able take more salary back?

  3. People still thinking we are getting a FRP for this guy are delusional

  4. AngryHelicopter

    This front office can’t stop stabbing themselves in the foot. They keep doing it. They never learn. Masai’s not going anywhere but someone needs to be fired so please, Bobby Webster, get the fuck out.

  5. they really said no to another first rounder. Who fucking cares if it was next year’s pick.

  6. He does have value because his salary can be traded at the draft and waived to clear cap space for a team in the tax.

    At this point he’s a good asset to have and not a bad veteran to have around if we end up owing the 2025 pick.

  7. Don’t worry, according to alot of people on this sub after the deadline, his value will either be the same or even better in the summer

  8. Fuzzy-Tale8267

    People in this sub are ridiculous. Raps rejected a trade for Dallas FRP in this draft because the draft is weak and they potentially will have 3 picks already. (Own pick maybe, indiana, Detroit 2nd).. why would they want a fourth lol next year Bruce will be on an expiring contract.. plenty of teams would like to have that, so he will still have a market.. at worse they will be able to get a late first in next years draft

  9. Alert_Bumblebee2385

    He was a solid contributor on a championship team. When you take in Poetl is making close to what he’s making that’s actual insanity

  10. Slacker_75

    We’ll be lucky to get a 2nd for him now. Raptors asset mismanagement 101

  11. This easily makes him look the worst on this list, by that age at least Evan was averaging 18ppg while shooting just under 40% from 3 on over 6 attempts per game and oh yeah is 6’6”. Bruce Brown is so undersized he can barely play SF let alone PF, bro is straight bricks on 90s level 3pt attempts. His game is so ridiculously specific and limited that you basically need to have a championship level roster with a great starting 5 like the Nuggets so he can come off the bench. Dude could’ve had his 2nd ring as a role player with the Nuggets if he stayed but decided to chase the bag. His value will be so low after seeing how bad of a player he is outside of a very specific setting. Wouldn’t be surprised if whatever teams picks him up next buys him out or just uses it to match salaries for a player they actually want.

  12. Stupidpupchef

    I’m not gunna lie I’ve been outta the loop, I wanna call myself a raptors fan. But who the fuck is Bruce Brown, where did he come from and why are we paying him this much?

  13. Strange_Blues

    Guys been playing like the 10th or 11th man on the roster.

  14. MsAbsoluteAngel

    We are getting nothing for BB when ever we do end up trading him 

  15. Brown opted out of his deal with a title contender to get paid. Teague on his show said that almost every player in the league would do the same as “chips” don’t mean as much as making money. But the guy just didn’t fit on the Pacers. Hali alluded to it on some show. Now he’s going to get sent from team to team as the new CBA absolutely crushes teams with contracts like Brown’s.

    Which makes trying to trade them tough. In order to move him (good god what if they don’t), they will either have to eat an even worse contract or package his deal with picks.

    **Oh**, and if they pick top 6th this year, they’re limited on the firsts they can trade because the pick to SA didn’t convey, which makes trading him that much harder….so difficult that they probably end up keeping him because trying to make a trade would be worse.

    Jeesh. Not trading their all stars when they had multiple trade deadlines and off-seasons to do so is looking worse and worse, when it was clear the team was a play-in tier at best. Looking forward to that upcoming Grange piece where he says they’re keeping Brown on the roster for his “vet presence”.

  16. onaneckonaspit7

    The last 20 or so games aren’t going to change teams opinions on him. Everyone saw what he did last year. He’s on a tanking team full of uncertainty and seems to have a nagging injury. Trust the FO

  17. Brilliant-Freedom906

    Our two major F up this last few years is not trading Fred at deadline and not trading this washed up role player at deadline

  18. I don’t want him to play another game for the raps, it’s really hard to watch.

  19. mantistobogganmMD

    They really should fake some sort of injury for the rest of the season so he doesn’t continue to drop his own trade value.

  20. HoboJackson05

    I really don’t understand this post. Are you trying to say he’s overpaid ? He’s the guy who most recently signed his contract on this list, the more recent the contract the higher it’s probably going to be, also about half of the guys are on their rookie max extension like they aren’t allowed to make anymore money then that and like a quarter are centres in a league where like 4 of them matter. I don’t get the people in this comment section complaining about cap space as if the raptors are going to use it to bring in a star anyway

    Having a decent salary isn’t bad at all, it being a team option is also even more important, being upset he’s making 22M seems so pointless when we aren’t really a competitive team

  21. i still don’t get why we kept him, so overpaid

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