@Los Angeles Lakers

FIRST TAKE| D’Angelo Russell drops truth bombs about rift with Lakers HC Darvin Ham – Shannon reacts

FIRST TAKE| D’Angelo Russell drops truth bombs about rift with Lakers HC Darvin Ham – Shannon reacts

Struggling I would have been able to come up come uh come to the coach and say hey bro this is what I this is what we should do like I can help you instead there was no dialogue I just accepted it and we got swept and here I am and he’s

Not and I like our chances uh I don’t think I I don’t think this is new I mean you you’ve been in you played this game with players having coaches that they don’t feel they can communicate with and I think I read somewhere in the article and I think

Somebody maybe it he spoke about it or maybe the uh uh players have spoken about it before it seems to be Darwin has a longer leash with players that he had prior relationships with so he was in Atlanta when shuder was in Atlanta with bu with bud and so he had a prior

Relationship and it seems like he had a longer leash with guys that he had a previous relationship with than not and so I think that’s what uh uh you know and I’m not here to make D’Angelo make EXC for DLo I’m anxious to hear what you

Have to say but he said that was one of the reasons that he feel that he didn’t have a a relationship with d ham is because ham had a prior relationship with shudder and he couldn’t communicate with him like shudder could I mean that’s that’s that’s that’s

Nature right that that is part of sports right um you know the coaching staff the head coach has better relations with certain players right you know when you’re talking about the the coach and the player relationship you’re talking about a bond um obviously the bond with

Shooter is going to be tighter than the bond with you he knows him he trust him they’ve been through War together so when he has to relate something to the team you’re the point guard he’s the shooting guard but we speak the same language so yes when he wants to get

Something to the team he’s going to go to the guy he knows is going to relay that message the way he perceives it and the way he’s trying to deliver it that’s just that’s just natural but as a point guard and as a player on the team you still have to try

To find your own way to talk to the coach right right this is this is no different than the relationship right if you don’t know what’s going on in the relationship and you don’t want to speak obviously can’t get done I think the biggest thing is G you know what I

Tell people all the time A lot of times I say you know what’s the biggest cause the biggest reason relationships in and people like to say infidelity people like to say uh finances it’s uncommunicated expectations see Darin ham had an expectation of what he had wanted DLo to

Do or DLo had expectations of what he thought but nobody communicated those expectations you see if I’m in a relationship man I thought oh she want me to take she’s thinking oh shanon gonna do this for my birthday you know blah blah blah he got this hotel rented

Out we gonna go get a dinner it’s going to be nice candle lit they’re gonna be playing some nice music then we going to go to the hotel he got she got he got rose pedals and he got I got a Birkin bag I got blah blah

Blah but see those are your expectations but they were uncommunicated after a while too many too many uncommunicated expectations so now it keeps building I you keep having expectations but you keep not communicating those with me sooner or later no matter how much you put it doesn’t matter how much something wa if

You put enough of that something on there it’s going to break my grandfather used to say boy he used to give give me my brother a task or something and I would say papa that’s that’s too heavy he said boy you can carry anything if you cut it up in

Enough pieces see I was looking at it from one standpoint a six-year-old trying to carry a 25 pound bag of feed or a 50 pound bag of feed he said no he say put it in put it in the in the in the foot tub and you might have to make

X amount of trips but you can get it done so because they never can whatever the case may have been neither person daring ham or DLo communicated but both had expectations so it was those uncommunicated expectations that caused the relationship to break down but let

Me ask you this Gil with that being said how rare is it for a player to say that while he’s still playing for their coach now that’s different hey that’s different right um but it’s easier for him to say now because he don’t have no no guy to go to

Right and I don’t really I didn’t I didn’t really understand where D was coming from because for the most part it was just the last four games it was against well he didn’t really play well against the Griz either but he didn’t play well but he

Did like the last four games or the last three games is the only time DLo didn’t take double digit shots other three series the other two Ser dowlo was in double digits and shooting just got a little uncomfortable those last three so we don’t know if it was how you started

The game and he just subbed you like it it’s that’s something that they had to have that conversation about but I’m looking at just one series and say man you didn’t show up you say well coach wasn’t you know messing with me then that that can be that’s all hear say at

This point but the fact that you you’re voicing it now like haha he’s gone so you got to deal with me unless you know at the end of the season Darin ham is gone so you don’t really care and plus I’m playing well what you gonna say now

Remember I dropped 44 when you didn’t have Braun if you look at the games that Brun didn’t play I’ve been playing well and I’ve been playing well as of as of late so and like I said look I’m not expecting DLo to dropped 44 30 but he

Has played extremely well the last 20 ball games let’s give him credit for that facts and so uh like his big shots this is the like this is the this is the DLo that I remember when he was first in La when he his first Ure here he was

Playing well then he went to uh Jersey was an all star right so you know even when he was in Minnesota he played well so that’s the D that we we we got back and we’re seeing glimpses of it so we know now he can

Sustain that type of play he just has to figure out how to do that while Bron’s on the court also all that every you know what Gil everything that DLo said might be true but this is what we know he averaged six points three and a half

Assists and two rebounds a game and no matter what the reasons are people are not going to hear what he has to say they like bro we saw those bricks that you were shooting we saw you average six we saw you average three and a half and

We saw you average two we don’t want to hear why you did that because that’s unimportant no facts Lakers the the Laker fan base they’re about results I I understand you got heartburn but can you deliver me a healthy baby that’s all I did I don’t want to about

Your back hurt your feet swollen just the so the Laker fans will said hey Just Produce just give us G just give us good to great games and we can live with every whatever whatever else happens but what we will not allow is for you to play bad and then seemingly give us

Excuses because everything that he said it might be true but it does not matter no it doesn’t no one cares no one cares if you’re injured right no you know it’s like when Dwight Howard’s here nobody car that you went do back surgery and you fall back nope no we don’t care

We don’t care if you look like you limping you can’t been down as long as you’re out there we’re judging you as what we’re accustomed to seeing because I saw 12 with Howard on the back a’t ain’t got nothing do Dr ELR went in your back and did surgery infused a disc or

Took something out or put something in we don’t care and that’s what I tell guys look if you expecting the fans to empathize that you’re out there and you’re limp they don’t care because all they do is that they saw eight they see 84 and they see sharp on the back they

Don’t care that I didn’t practice all week and I had 40 CC’s draw off one knee and 30 draw off the other and I had to get painkilling inje in both ankles they don’t give a damn they like all I know is that I want to see you go catch

Touchdowns catch passes get open and help the Broncos win this game that’s all I care about same thing with the Ravens they didn’t care about that and I understood so when I went out there on the field even though I took those painkilling injections every single week

Even though I was having fluid drawn off my knees I knew there was a level of expectation that the fans had I also knew there was a level of expectation my teammates had my was hey bro and they looking at that long ass needle going in my knee

They see the fluid being drawn off I mean in my uh not my knee in my ankle they saw that big ass needle and they asking me SHP man I don’t know how you do it but bro hey we need you today well damn you asking me you don’t know how I

Do it but then same breath you telling me you need me but that’s the level of expectations that when you play of being a player that they’re counting on and I looked at myself as a a a very good to great player I put those expectations on

Myself no and that’s and that’s that’s the thing that’s going on with BR himself we done see you at a level we we can’t there’s no way if if we’re talking about how he’s playing now there’s no way LeBron can average 17 or 12 in this

League no no no because our T the tickets we pay in the tickets we pay don’t come with no discount no n i don’t say well if ad got under eight and he’s limping he don’t play we give you money back no I’m paying full price yeah

Regardless and I want if I’m gonna pay full price I need to see full price results but and for LeBron for the LeBron numbers and them to win tonight with 18 and and the way he shot ad needed to probably have like 35 ad need

To have a game close to what he had the other night a 2725 game he need to probably have 37 and and ruy and Ru and Austin do what they did but you can’t have you can’t get you know 20 what was that 24 points between LeBron between LeBron and DLo

And they shot eight of 20 they shot eight of 27 from the floor three of 12 from the thatch like especially since you don’t got nobody coming off the bench that’s gonna give you 12 or 15 consistently no Prince gave you s we’ll be happy we get 15 between all of them you Got foree spe fore We Should spee spe spee for spee spee Speech fore fore spee Spee fore for Spee I’m Spee foree [Applause] fore spee spee spee spe In spee for spee spee can’t spe some spe for [Applause] got speech foreign speech foreign speech speech for speech show

FIRST TAKE | D’Angelo Russell drops truth bombs about rift with Lakers HC Darvin Ham – Shannon reacts


  1. HAM NEED TO GO AGAINST DENVER YOU HAVE TO PLAY jaxson Hayes at center and AD pf same with kings because AD won't get physical with the big men jaxson will give you effort

  2. That's common sense but we are talking about Darvin ham. He should start cam reddish and hayes for defense and let reeves and rui led the bench squad. Dlo just needs to hoop and let his play do the talking.

  3. Team is rotten to the core. They won't improve until they get an owner and GM who know what they're doing. Dr. Buss is rolling over in his grave.

  4. Darvin ham does not know when to put in a second man for Anthony Davis and he never stops the right hi pick and roll screen Austin Reeves got beat like five times and Austin Rivers does not put his hands up come on y'all and D'Angelo needs to be on the 2 and put witty on the one sometimes

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