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Orlando Magic Podcast – Ep. 190 – “Sweet 16“

Orlando Magic Podcast – Ep. 190 – “Sweet 16“

Live from Orlando Florida you’re listening to the Orlando Magic HQ podcast the voice of magic fans join us every week for a unique fan perspective on all of the latest Magic news and updates the show starts now up magic fans welcome back to another episode of the Orlando Magic HQ

Podcast brought to you by the believe podcast Network and bet all on line we’re your host Al myself Anthony today is Friday March 15th and in today’s episode we are talking Klay Thompson to the magic or so those there might have been a chance during the trade deadline

Going to be talking about Coach Moos and his extension and the return of Jaylen Suggs but before we get into um those topics quick word from our sponsors bet online continues to be your number one source for all your basketball wagering needs including pro and college hoops

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969 the game um who just joined the believe podcast network if you’re looking for more Orlando sport content not just uh in regards to Orlando Magic we know that a lot of locals they are fans of UCF of Orlando city um and any any of the top stories in Central

Florida that sports fans care about check out the zon heads Orlando podcast Bren and Kravitz and his crews are dropping four episodes per week and it’s awesome because uh we’ve had um Stephen Cameron from our closeup um uh Magic podcast where he’s been joining uh Brandon kravit on 969 the game every

Wednesday uh sometime between 4: and 5: so uh great Orlando Magic HQ representation out there in the radio world as well so really really good stuff make sure you check them out and now that we got the the some of the ads um out of the way Al what’s up man how

Are you what’s going on man I know we had to get through the the ad reads there for the week the important Stu the important stuff yeah well pay the bills um doing good man doing good it wasn’t uh the week that we expected and we’ll

Talk about that more here in the episode as we goes on but um doing good how about you man how are things on your end good good good man as we get closer and closer game by game the the season is coming very very close to an end and

It’s been uh it’s been a little bit of a roller coaster ride man if you really think back of how the season has been a lot of highs a lot of lows um there there’s moments where we’re happy there’s moments that we’re frustrated uh this this season has been has been a

Lot to be um proud of but because we have so much Um passion because we have so much love because we have so much expectation for this team I feel like our emotions have been really really on a big big roller coaster and and I feel

Like this week was like a perfect week to kind of sum that up right we we lose against the New York Knicks this is uh our first game without jayen Suggs and then we lose against the Pacers 11197 again no no Jaylen Suggs no markal folz

And then we get jayen Suggs back and we play against those pesky Brooklyn Nets that they they they kind of put a whoop into us um you know the our our first two showings and then the last the last two man we were able to match that

Series up um and kind of let them know that you know we’re we’re a really good basketball team and and and for whatever reason Macau Bridges had our number in the beginning of the Season not not so much towards the back end so um let’s talk about that

First I mean two flat performances for the magic without Jaylen Suggs we magically get no pun intended jayen Suggs back into the lineup and the magic end up playing the way that we’re used to and expect them to play um when it when you see things like that happen do

You do you feel like jayen Suggs deserve way more credit than what we originally thought when it comes to his importance uh to this team I think without a doubt right so the fact that he is now one of our best Shooters I think it’s an added

Element to our team that we just didn’t have before we didn’t have that expectation on him in the past but now going forward you miss it like we saw it this week when we didn’t have him out there in the stting lineup it felt off it felt like the offense wasn’t flowing

As well and and you missed that guy that can kick the ball out to hit that that open three and just yesterday he came back he against the Nets hit three three-pointers in the first quarter so right away making his presence felt and of course that is not considering the

Fact that what he brings on the defensive end as well which is something that you cannot put enough words into what he does on the defensive end is he’s such an impactful Defender I think of him as ji is against bigs he is against guards like he just puts that

Pressure on guys that ball pressure he pushes the tempo um such a Difference Maker and again it’s truly all happening this season like I know in years past we saw glimpses of it this year’s kind of all come together he’s been healthy he’s improved a shooter he’s scoring in

Different ways he’s finishing better at the basket and he’s still bringing it on the defensive end so in my opinion it cannot be denied the impact that he has um it’s unfortunate that we didn’t see him against the Knicks and against the Pacers because again those two games

Meant a lot to us in the standings it meant a lot to us in the playoff race um and we just didn’t look like the magic that we have seen for the past month or so um so that’s my take on J let let me ask you what were your thoughts

Initially on that weekend Series against the Knicks and the Pacers after coming up those two losses what were you thinking about the team what we’re headed I saw people on social media saying oh we’re not ready this is what we’re going to be seeing the playoffs we’re going to be getting spanked and

This is what we’re going to see a lot of in the first round were those your thoughts or or what were you thinking no I mean the the manic were just coming off of you know a a the a league leading uh uh game games where we we’re

We we were win winning streak right we were winning a lot of games so I felt like the magic were were due for one I think the part that’s a little upsetting or or kind of upset a lot of uh you know people in the fan base is the fact that

They were really expecting that that Nicks game to go our away they didn’t have Julius Randle they didn’t have OG they didn’t have a lot of their their big pieces so you know on paper You’re Expecting for us to win that game Jaylen Brunson we we didn’t know whether or not

He was going to play we didn’t think he was he was a last minute add in a game time decision ended up playing and ended up going off man it’s as simple as that so you take a look at the last two games that we lost we lose against the Knicks

Who the Knicks who they’re they’re you know they’re they’re led by a very offensive driven point guard and Jaylen Brunson then you look at Indiana and Pacers the same thing you can say about tyres hurn so you don’t have jayen Suggs who’s a pesk on the defensive end when

It when it comes to these guards and the magic are we’re just going to struggle it it it is what it is you go against you know Brooklyn obviously their their main gu is is M Bridges so um you know you you bring jayen Suggs back in there

And he just brings a different Dynamic I I love the fact that we have him in our start I don’t I don’t think that there’s anyone that can take that point guard position from him at this very moment I really like seeing him there is he the

Greatest point guard um you know in the NBA of course not absolutely not there’s there’s still work to be done but defensively man I I like our odds with him there this is somebody that is energetic he’s going to give his um absolute all his his three-point shot is is

Respectable um you know we we don’t need jinen sugs to go out there and drop 20 points but he can and the times that he does you know he’s still bringing it defensively um and I think that he is he is definitely somebody that needs to be

Respected um you know Paul George was talking about some of the players that um he he has seen improve and likes uh when it comes to the the exact words was he likes being able to see players who who finally figures it out in the NBA that

They finally figure out what that thing is that they’re good at that they do that they can kind of um stamp their game around he and he he mentions Jaylen Suggs as one of those players that that finally has figured it out took him a couple years to really do that because

The conversations that people have in regards to jayen sugs today completely different than last year complet way different than the year before and this is a debate that I that I have over and over and over with with raptor fans online if I can go back in time I I’m

Not I’m not trading I’m not I’m I’m still picking like Jaylen Suggs is still my pick I am super happy I’m glad Scotty Barnes did not fall like there’s there’s so many different elements to what Jaylen Suggs brings that is not you can’t just look at his his points per

Game like his his game and what he adds his value to this team is so much more than what you just see on on points per game that he really helps impact the team in winning basketball and I think that with Jaylen Suggs playing you know

You you like your odds because it it takes off the load of you know France and and Paulo and they’re so many that they can trust to be able to to shoot the three-point ball and he’s our anchor on the defensive end so it’s it’s I’m

Happy to see he’s back I’m glad that that you know that that little injury that he had is is finally kind of worn off a bit I’m sure he still feels it a little bit but we’re different basketb we’re a different basketball team with Jay the SS on the

Floor oh for sure and I think you talk about that Raptor situation and and them debating whether we should have drafted you know Barnes and sucks whatever it may be I still agree with you I think the fact that he was a better fit in our roster no matter what we needed guards

At the time he just fit better it’s as simple as that so um and it’s funny we’re going to play this weekend against the Raptors Friday tonight and Sunday so unfortunately Scotty Barnes is not playing he’s out with an injury but jayen Su will get to go back to uh

Toronto tonight and hopefully put on a show out there uh for those Canadian fans that that have talked too so much trash about him over the past couple years and I want to bring up one more name to you and that is Jonathan Isaac what do your thoughts on how he has

Looked the last really week or so uh starting with a game against char charlot uh which we won 10189 but I’m seeing his stats right now 11 points against Charlotte 11 against the Knicks nine against the Pacers 11 against Brooklyn shooting the ball extremely well from three-point range but most

Importantly two blocks in the last three games and man those blocks are insane blocks so what are your thoughts on ji after the injury scare we talked about a few weeks ago he’s come back better than ever shooting the ball really well but again those highlight blocks that we’re

Seeing every night what does that do to our team man because in the arena I’ve been there for the home games and I mean it’s electric once he gets those massive blocks on dun dunk temp like I think about the um topin one against the Pacers like topen went added hard and

Gii just sent him back like nothing and I forgot who it was yesterday uh from Brooklyn attempted a big dunk over him and same thing sent him right back and the arena was going crazy so what are your thoughts on ji how he has looked

The last uh week or so listen he’s he’s your exactor Jonathan Isaac doesn’t do anything anymore that surprises you this is what you expect from Jonathan Isaac Paula Bank Carol recently in on a podcast um with Taylor Rooks talked about how Jonathan Isaac doesn’t get talked about enough he’s our exactor and

He’s the best defensive player that he’s ever seen and Jonathan Isaac is that um you know we we’ve seen the analytical stats where they say that you know his defensive percentage per whatever possessions based on the minutes that he play what whatever whatever whatever those stats are right he is considered

To be the best defensive player um and one of the best defensive players in the NBA but it’s not just what he what shows up on the stats if you’re really watching these games Jonathan Isaac is is altering shots just by his presence like not not actually even like going

Out there and and blocking just he already has this respect Factor on the defensive end that people when they’re driving to the ask and they see Jonathan Isaac you know they’re they’re thinking about those things right Paula benero in that same interview talked about how there’s there’s moments where you know

He’ll let a Defender Go pass by him because he knows Jonathan I got got his back and you know he he knows that Jonathan Isaac is is going to be able to you know defend um at a level where you you have trust in guys that that are

Going to be able to step up so you know Jon Jonathan Isaac I’m I’m so grateful and I’m happy that we’re at the point of the Season where we’re we’re really talking postseason um basketball and and Jonathan Isaac is is healthy playing more and more minutes um and I think

That the magic have him in a a best position for him to be impactful for the team but yet still being careful where they’re not putting too much on him right because the magic are clearly a way better basketball team with Jonathan Isaac and in comparison to you know

Either the beginning of the Season or the end of last season where people really were giving up on Jonathan Isaac saying you know it’s can he can he even still are we going to get the same johnan Isaac can he still play basketball does he care more about the

Outside stuff than he does you know the on court stuff and nobody talks about those stuff anymore J Jonathan Isaac is is a ball and Jonathan Isaac isn’t getting booed like people aren’t talking smack about Jonathan Isaac anymore nobody’s saying anything all those Whispers have gone away it’s been silent

Because Jonathan Eisen is backing it up when he’s on the floor you know his his his his average plus to minus is is ridiculous Jonathan Isaac is is a Hooper and when you have Jaylen Suggs and Jonathan Isaac leading your defensive efforts man you’re you you got a you got

A really good U defensive basketball team and that’s that’s something that we can hang our hat on because it’s it’s a pillar of of who we are our identity our culture um and it it really begins with them yeah and I like the fact that he’s also been playing again more in the

Fourth quarters and we’re seeing him a lot more now playing the five so we saw him quite a bit this week playing the five with Paulo France uh at times Jaylen sucks and Gary Harris and that to me is just a really really good lineup

Man I I like Wendell we know that uh but I do like the look that just having ji out there with France and Paulo gives us I think it’s faster I think it’s more athletic um the way he’s been shooting the ball from three-point range even

Better than Wendell at the moment uh but to your point he to me is The X Factor we got to do what we can to keep him healthy but at the same time ramping him up for the playoffs so if we can get him to 20 to 25 minutes a night heading into

The playoffs keep him healthy I think again no team in the NBA wants to CGI in the playoffs uh whether is you know Janis against him whether is whoever it may be that we throw him Julius Randle for sure does not want to see him in the

First round uh playing defense on him so it’s exciting to have two guys in jayen sucks andji you can throw out there and say hey lock down that guy think about the Knicks that’s the most likely scenario that we that we have facing the first round today right a month left in

The season a l can still change but if it stays as it is right now you would have Jaylen sucks going against Bronson and then you have ji times going against Randall that’s that’s exciting man I know the Knicks have a great team a lot of good shooting they added at the trade

Line but I like those odds I like those winning a couple of games at the very least against the Knicks it will be a great experience for a young team to go into that crowded MSG if that’s what happens in games one and two um but man

It’s lighting up to be a really really fun first round for whoever we face as long as we stay healthy yeah um Jonathan Isaac also talked about how you know he he was told by coach MOS that he was going to play some extended minutes at the five and

That you know he he he would be honest that he isn’t fully comfortable there yet like he’s still you know trying to figure out that that position now and I I love his attitude man I I think that that’s one of the things that um you

Love the most about Jonathan n is that he has his positive figure about him he has the fact that he’s willing to do whatever he has to you know for the team he’s not he’s not finding to be a starter he doesn’t it doesn’t matter to

Him what matters is is being a team and when you talk about value um you know this is this is somebody that I cannot wait to see what the next contract looks like for him because the magic are not going to let Jonathan Isaac go there’s

No value out there that would make sense that would be able to replace you know what Jonathan Isaac um is to to this team so um the M that’s that’s a great thing the magic have have this this Arsenal in their back pocket that you can literally play Jonathan Isaac in so

Many different ways at the five at the four at the three like you can really uh customize and fit and this is this is what our foundation is right being able to have you know High character players that that you they’re they’re not stuck in a specific box that you can literally

They can play two three different positions Anthony black you can play in one two or three um you know jayen Suggs the one and the two you know everyone’s being asked to do more and I think that everyone is fully bought into to this guy that has literally been leading the

Fort for us uh I think has surprised many many people exceeded expectations and was rightfully deserved a contract extension in coach Mosley so I want to give your thoughts on that cuz we just got the report from um W not not about a couple days ago when the report came out

But you know signs an extension with the Orlando Magic um what are your thoughts on the news coach MO is going to be here for the foreseeable future um that will take him through uh it’s a four-year contract extension that will take him through uh the 20272 28 season I mean I

Think you tweeted this out I read it a few days ago saying you know one of the most exciting things that come with this news is the fact that we’ll have continuity for the first time in forever it feels like I think since Dan Van

Gundi was here we haven’t had a coach be here for such a long time um and that’s the exciting part so he’ll be able to grow with Paulo with France with Jaylen sus so that core that we’re building he’s their coach from day one in the NBA

And I think that’s exciting for for them to able to say that and grow with him he’s getting better as a coach he’s not perfect let’s be clear there things some things has to clear out I really really hope this offseason we add a an offensive coach more of an offensive

Minded uh coach because again I think that’s a weakness for him at times that creativity that we we lack at times um like this past weekend when we scor 70 points on back toback games like it would have been nice to have hey someone else get creative out there and find

Different looks for Paulo for France so that’s a weakness that I think can get a addressed um in the offseason with his coaching staff but outside of that man you could not be happier for this guy the fact that he came here every single year the team has improved they’re

Playing hard every single night for this coach and from our players to the away away teams that come to town the a players that come to visit or that have played under him like Luca and those guys nothing but positive thing things to say and one thing that they all say

Is he’s the ultimate players coach and guess what this league it’s all about play players coaches right now that’s what players want that’s what they want to play for um so the fact that he’s again young he can relate to this guys he played basketball in college he’s

Still young he can get out there on the court with them so many things to like so if you ask me was this deserved are you happy with the outcome of course why wouldn’t you we won from 22 wins to 34 to potentially over 45 this

Season with two guys that are 21 years old at the moment that they they’re just they’re just getting used to playing in the NBA imagine what this team can look like three four years from now as they continue to evolve and uh and again build a roster around him that fits his

Stle I still think that this roster is still not built to Mosley’s standards and by that I mean Dallas like I think of Dallas days they had Shooters everywhere I think that’s kind of what he would love to have here while also having guys like ji sugs Anthony black

That can really lock it down so I think we’re getting to that point now where we’re going to start building the roster around Paulo France Jaylen and coach mostly but imagine how great this team will be again one year from now two years from now with his leadership the

Continuity and guys that want to actually come to Orlando because they see the greatness happening and they want to play for him so nothing but good things to say about the decision yeah you know who you are there were individuals out there that didn’t believe that coach Moses was going to

Get you know to that second contract right they they compared him to You Know Jack vau the guy that we’re going to have in the very beginning till we get that next coach right the next coach that was going to get us to the playoffs and and again this is somebody that came

In and larly put his standard he he’s a rookie coach right and and this is something that um that Brandon Kravitz had said on 969 the game where he talked about how we we give flexibility to rookie players to allow them to grow but when it comes to coaches we we don’t

Have that same level of um Compassion or or patience right um coach MOS is not perfect you you can you can call things out in regards to his decision making to his rotations what whatever it is but let’s be honest no coach is going to be perfect there’s always going to be that

One little thing right um and I think that when you look at the candidates that the magic were initially looking at in that pool um so when we hired coach M back in 2021 names that were in consideration was chony bips jiren Collins Mike donon Willie Green Becky

Hammond Penny Hardway Jason kid Charles Lee Terry STS e udaka and Wes unel like coach MOS was the perfect fit the perfect hire you know Penny Hardaway was a name that a lot of people wanted because you know it’s it’s he he’s such a a a piece of the Orlando Magic fabric

Um but man I I really really love what coach mus has done and in this season you know again exceeding the expectations this is somebody that deserves he won’t win it um but definitely deserves some level of recognition nomination some level of votes for coach of the year um because

He what he’s been able to do with his team deserves to be applauded and this is all without you know an associate head coach that can really drive you know that offensive um you know pillar that that we’re missing because we know that he got the defense down pack like

He got that he got that easy with his eyes closed behind his back you he pushes that um but man imagine being able to add somebody like Terry stots as your associate head coach right next to you know uh coach m i I think that that would be beautiful that would be amazing

And I think that I love the fact that they didn’t rush that higher either um I like the fact that they’re they waited until this season to kind of roll out and maybe they won’t hire anyone maybe they’ll they’ll just you know promote you know coaches from within their um

Their their coaching team now we we have a really good coaching staff so who knows but man I I I I love love love that you know we we made that extension happen it’s welld deserved and the players they they couldn’t be even more happier for him and that that’s the best

Part right like all the players are happy for him um again the front office is happy with him ownership has to be happy with him so again nothing but good things to say congrats to coach MOS again really really welld deserved uh recognition for him and again now it’s

Time to show us what he’s got man again we have a month left in the season uh playoffs again it feels weird it’s our first time since we launched this podcast that we’re truly just prepping for the playoffs it feels weird like we’re not prepping for the draft we’re

Not prepping for you know tank ofon we don’t care about that right now we’re legitimately like prepping for the playoffs I don’t know what to do myself I’m like I’m looking at seating every night and who’s playing are the Knicks playing is Philly playing like I it’s

Again it’s surreal we kind of went through this back in a 1920 when we made the playoffs but even then it was different like it was a it was a late season push uh kind of came out of nowhere and it was a team that had a

Ceiling this team again we know for a fact this is only you know part one of what’s to come and years to come yeah so uh kudos to coach most man um now something interesting it was like a random report that came out of nowhere but Klay Thompson the Orlando Magic

There was some connection out um in the media I believe this was from Mark Stein are you able to confirm that was it Mark Stein I believe it was it was I believe so I can get you the name hold up I’ll look it up while you you report that so

Um so the report came out saying that the Orlando Magic showed interest in Klay Thompson at the trade deadline um and the report read Orlando has had some interest in trading for Golden State clayes Thompson prior to the trade line per people familiar with the matter

Thompson will be a free agent this off season and the magic um as we all know will have money to spend um so I guess the first thing would be do you believe that report because there there’s always a level of of belief right we we always

Hear the consist the magic don’t leak anything all right so um on a scale of 1 to 10 like are how how where do you fall on the believable Spectrum um and then is that is that something that you would want would you welcome somebody that roots for the Golden State Warriors as

Your West Coast basketball team um you’ve seen a lot of Klay Thompson basketball do you see there being a fit with clay in Orlando and do you see him being 34 years of age signing a 4-year contract to where he can really give us good quality basketball in the next four

Years so it’s a tough question right because the the the guy that watches the Warriors at ruford sta has seen Klay Thompson hit big shot after big shot it’s like man like this guy in Orlando would be incredible also think about the fact that he would move to Orlando and

Now pay so many taxes like he pays in California like that would be a massive Plus for him also but the reality is I’m having a hard time understanding why he would leave the Warriors He’s got a legacy built there he loves playing there he loves St

Unless things are going crazy behind the scenes that we don’t know about I truly don’t see that core of clay Steph Draymond Green breaking up um I think they will do whatever they can to keep it together as much as possible if not let those guys retire in their own terms

Because they’ve earned their right to do so they’ve won 4 rings together that’s my thoughts there now this report I cannot find the writer but I do know it’s a New York uh New York uh beat writer that that came out with this article he’s a ni a ni beat writer so I

Just can’t think of the name but um he’s talking about the magic pursuing him at the trade that line and I really don’t see what it was the magic were going to be offering to the Warriors to get him unless it was a package around maybe Marquel folz Wendell Carter cuz I know

They need a big guy and maybe picks I don’t know so that’s what makes it a little bit kind of challenging for me to understand what it was we’re going to offer for him if in reality we were trying to acquire him and then again why would the Warriors

Trade him in the middle of the Season that would that would not Mak any sense to me so I would tell you belief Factor I’m 40 60 40% of me believes believes it 60% doesn’t just because again I don’t see it for either team the magic have

Been very clear they don’t want to you know rock the boat too much to see and they want to really explore you know what they have and the Warriors I don’t think they’re ready to break up that coure just yet so that’s where I stand on that what about you do you think

There’s any chance that that was real and that we should actually pursue him in free agency um I I I I love reading these reports and kind of dissecting the words that they utilize right because when you show interest like what is what is the definition of shown interest does

Shown interest even constitute a conversation like what what is really shown interest is it you know I’m hungry what what should we eat today should we eat you know TGI Friday should we eat you know Al house like what is that showing interest like what what is what

Is that level and and I think that a lot of times when it comes to these reports a lot of it is is speculation but it’s also like speculation that makes sense Klay Thompson is a shooter magic needs shooting so it that to me makes makes

Sense like you can make that report and nobody is going to deny that report you know it’s not like the uh Jeff Wiman is going to say I never said that no one’s going to deny that report so do I believe it I’m 50/50 on believing it

Truthfully I I I really don’t I don’t care I like the fact that we’re in those conversations I like the fact that we’re connecting the magic to a big name player like Klay Thompson is either Klay Thompson that you know we we would see in Golden State who knows man you’re

Taking a player from the west coast to the east coast and and this is someone that can still shoot lights out I guess to me it would all depend on you know the the contract does the money make sense um in doing a little research I I

Also read articles where you know execs around the league don’t foresee him going anywhere and just staying with golden state and signing you know1 $120 million contract to stay in Golden State and you know honestly I I see that happening Klay Thompson’s playing a reserve role so he’s getting paid good

Money to stay he’s at to stay with people he’s familiar with to come off the bench um and still provide a lot of value I I think it makes sense man he’s 34 years old still you know dealing with nagging injuries and and you know it’s

It’s a safe bet for him to stay you know in Golden State and you know his post career you know I’m I’m sure that there’s still going to be a lot of work to be done with him and the Warriors in in some capacity so I don’t I don’t

Think he ends up leaving they’re going to retire as Jersey going to build that man a statue and and call it a day I think so too man and again if he does come to Orlando trust me we’ll receive him here in Orlando open arms I just

Don’t know if he’s the one guy you want to you know bring at this moment he’s been dealing with injuries a lot the last couple years the contract will not be Team friendly in my opinion I think that he’s going to want to get paid one

More time um so if you’re hoping to get him to be your starting shooting guard I think those dayses are behind him even now in Golden State he’s being brought Off the Bench some games and he’s even talked about how he kind of idolizes Manu Jovi as as that kind of next tier

Player that he wants to kind of emulate because he’s getting older or even Ray Allen who transitioned from being a starting shooting guard to them being an Off the Bench guy for the Miami Heat when they won that ring uh back in 2012 I want to say um so he’s already

Thinking about coming off the bench so if he’s okay doing that in Orlando and that’s the expectation you are six-man going forward by all means but as magic fans I think we want a starting two that’s kind of what we’re going for Cay Thompson may not be that guy but again

As a six-man or or Off the Bench guy all day long yeah so um we we’ve heard a lot of people that were for it against it um regardless of what it is uh you like to hear the magic connected because this is what confirms to us this is what we hear

This is what we’re able to view as a magic looking to improve the roster in any way that they can um and I think that this is this is good step for it um and allows us to be able to be a little more futuristic with with our thinking

We have a lot to be excited for right now with the postseason but man who knows what what our options are really going to be once the magic have an opportunity to really highlight what this team um is like on a national level in a playoff capacity um because again

There there’s no better marketing for any team for free agency than the playoffs so we’ll see what ends up happening um so Al the week ahead we have tonight against Toronto Sunday against Toronto uh first game uh so today is going to be in Toronto uh Sunday will be at home against Toronto

And then Tuesday uh we got Charlotte Thursday against New Orleans when you look at these upcoming games uh what are your predictions um ideally we go three and one uh I think the p have been playing really really well as of late um they’re going to be a tough out however we are

Playing at home so I like our chances facing them at home um ideally you beat Toronto twice you beat Charlotte so you got to take care of business right beat those teams you’re supposed to beat New Orleans up in the air so I’m going to go three in one um and don’t forget

Starting Sunday we’re starting an eight game homeand the the longest of the season so we’re here pretty much to rest of the month uh this is our time man we got to build some nice cushion in the in the Eastern Conference so far just for those that are keeping track um the

Magic currently again are sitting in the fifth seat the Knicks are playing right now so they’re playing Portland I’m going to assume they’re going to win that game so we’re going to be a game behind the Knicks in this in the standings for the fourth seed we have

The fifth sixth today is Indiana they’re a game and a half behind us seventh is Philadelphia two games behind us and eighth is the Miami Heat currently two and a half games behind us so big week for us to again continue to get some some ground round there in the Eastern

Conference get some nice buffer because again you want to when every game matters now we’re down to the final stretch here of the Season uh and again we’d ideally want to be top six in the East that’s my ultimate goal I know people want to get top four but if you

Get me top top six this season that would be incredible for us so three in one this week yeah and then just kind of kind of thinking ahead so the Knicks their next four games they got the Kings they got the Warriors they got the nuggets and then Brooklyn so their next

Three out of the four games they’re not they’re not going to be the easiest game for New York I’m not sure what their what their rosters really looking like I’m not sure when OG is planning to come back but I know they’re still dealing with their injuries so this this next

Four games are really going to be key it’s going to be important for us to really come out show our dominance take advantage of of these Toronto games in that Charlotte game um to get us um to push because we we want to be closer to

That fourth seed then we do the six seed I know we’ll be happy with six seed but if we can if we can take advantage of this this home stretch that we have um and really solidify homecourt presence for the playoffs it would be ridiculous

And it would be a very very welcome back to the playoff ceremony at home fashion for the Orlando Magic so I’m expecting for the magic to go out do work especially if we’re going to have our our whole roster I’m I’m going to I’m

Going to go out go on a limb and say for 4 and0 I think we go on the street I love it I love it if that’s the case then I pretty I feel pretty confident that we’ll be in the fourth seat Again by the time that we record next week so

I’m crossing my fingers so we go four and0 and we are here celebrating the fact that we are fourth Again by the way Nick’s F talks so much trash yeah they do after they beat us and they made they mocked the whole play the song thing

Just to go and drop 73 points the next night against Philadelphia so hey hope they enjoy that who was it who was it it was it was Josh hard that was talking about he was he was motivated to get the win against the magic because he didn’t

Want to hear the Orlando Magic and a bunch of cows dancing on Tik Tok so I I hope that the the magic PR team or or the social marketing team I hope they remember that and the next time we beat the Knicks um do we play the Knicks

Again I don’t I don’t even know we don’t unfortunately in the playoffs hopefully all right so maybe so the next time that we play the Knicks I hope they remember and they they make sure that we have some dancing cows for them in our in our

Post um on that note man it’s a wrap we’ll see what that magic end up looking like this this past week please don’t forget man we got ton of a ton of content out there um visit Orlando Magi for all our upto-date recent articles we have spaces going down in on

Twitter after every single game we got you know Stanley and and Bryce and skinny that do an awesome awesome job leading that um and then check out our YouTube BJ does a really good job dropping videos and and keeping us up to date and then interact with us on social

Media Instagram uh Twitter and and talk who’s with us on that note man it’s a wrap I appreciate everyone for listening um check out our podcast check out Stephen Cameron the closeup and check out uh Brandon krait’s new podcast on the believe platform uh for zon heads

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In this Orlando Magic HQ podcast episode:

– Magic bounced back after two disappointing losses
– Jalen Suggs impact on this team
– Coach Mosley’s extension
– Did the Magic try to acquire Klay at the deadline?
… and much more.


00:00 Introduction and Sponsors
03:25 Discussion about Recent Games
04:22 Importance of Jalen Suggs
12:18 Jonathan Isaac’s Impact
19:48 Coach Mosley’s Contract Extension
25:57 Magic Rumored Interest in Klay Thompson
27:47 Discussion about the Likelihood of Acquiring Klay Thompson
34:54 Discussion about Upcoming Games and Playoff Push

***Apologize for the video issues on Anthony’s side at times during the recording. Unfortunately we were not able to fix it without it impacting the full episode. ***

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  1. Good episode fellas 👌🏻
    Can't believe we're at this point this late in the season
    Possibly home field in the playoffs
    So proud of our team
    Go Magic 🔥

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