@Miami Heat

The Miami Heat Are in Big Trouble

The Miami Heat Are in Big Trouble

When the Miami Heat went on their Cinderella run in the postseason last year going from almost being eliminated in the play and just 4 minutes away from being eliminated by the Chicago Bulls in the second playing game the Miami Heat suddenly turned it on after securing the

Eighth seed and making it all the way to the NBA finals and to the Heat this wasn’t a surprise for them because regardless of their seed in the Eastern Conference they knew they could compete with the best of them and turn things on when it mattered most and so while I’m

Sure most would assume the same thing with this current Heat team who have found themselves back to a similar position like they did last season currently sitting eighth in the Eastern Conference at the time of this recording most will say eh doesn’t really matter they’ll go to the playoffs anyway and we

Know they can beat Boston they did it last year handily the heat will be fine they’ve got one of the best coaches in the game they’ll be all right this is what they do to that I reply not so fast because the Miami Heat are actually in

Much bigger trouble than you think not only for this season whether or not they actually make the playoffs but for the foreseeable future as well and it’s what we’ll be talking about further in this video as always if you’re new to the channel and you like this type of

Content it would mean a great deal to me if you subscribe to help the channel grow I’m trying to reach 50,000 subscribers by the end of the year we actually just passed 40K so thank you all for that and in return I’ll be providing more NBA content like this now

I’m sure the first question that people are going to ask especially Heat fans is what makes you think this is any different from last season and how this team shows up in the regular season versus how they show up in the playoffs what would lead you to believe that this

Time the Heat are in trouble well let’s start with this season then we’ll talk about their future overall but when it comes to this season and look we’ll put aside the fact that it was an absolute failure that they didn’t land Damen Lillard or Drew holiday Dame in

Particular wanted to go to Miami and only Miami they had all the leverage in the world and they blew it and thinking they would easily be able to land him then after Dame gets traded to Milwaukee which included Drew holiday holiday becomes available which would have been

Such a perfect fit for them in their culture that I actually almost like the fit of Drew holiday on the heat more so than Damen Lillard but then the Celtics swoop in with a better offer and they get Drew holiday like we’ll put those aside for now as it relates to their

Offseason blunders but for the heat it boils down to two things Health which for some reason they have always struggled with in keeping their main guys consistently healthy and two losing some of their key role players last season in free agency for nothing Max stru we all knew stru was going to get

Paid and was going to be getting paid more than the heat would be able to afford but having stru as an insurance policy for some extra scoring when Tyler herro was nly out which he is frequently and currently is out of line up right now it was so critical for them to have

Max stru for their overall floor spacing and pace of the offense they also lost Gabe Vincent which yes I know he’s barely played this season anyway but he was a nice complimentary piece for them in the playoffs and they obviously won’t have him this season and I love Jimmy

Butler one of my favorite players in the league and as good as he still is he is starting to show some signs of Decline and not being as effective on defense still a high level Defender but he has lost a step a bit when it comes to

Keeping up with players on the dribble drive and he’s not as tenacious on the perimeter and trying to pick pockets and going up the open floor like he used to and while I’d like to think this is just Jimmy trying to get through the regular season doesn’t really care as much until

He gets to the playoffs Jimmy is in his mid-30s a lot of minutes and games played every year that passes it’s going to get harder and harder for him to be able to still compete at that level also I know trading away KY Lowry will seem like a whatever move but losing veteran

Leadership and experience and a guy who’s shown up very well for them in the playoffs is going to be an issue for them come playoff time and while I like that they got Terry roir to give them a boost in scoring that they needed it hasn’t really worked out for them this

Far as roer’s efficiency has dropped dramatically since being traded to them he’s shooting below 30% from three barely above 40% from the field his onoff numbers are particularly bad and while I get that it was expected to see an overall drop in production from roier going to the heat given his role and

Overall usage was going to decrease with the fact that he was playing on a very bad Hornets team but it’s kind of starting to look like roir was one of these guys who’s a benefactor of padding stats on a bad team and doesn’t really show up that well when there’s more at

Stake still early he’s only played in 18 games with the heat thus far but early Returns on that trade are not good a player they gave up a first round pick for which they don’t have a lot of picks to get him and also losing their veteran

And Kyle Lowry and then the Miami Heat are a bad offensive team not that they were a good team on offense last year but what’s different about this season is that they’re shooting threes at a significantly lower rate and also hitting them at a lower rate they’re

Overall 3o percentage isn’t bad but it’s more so the fact that they don’t like putting up those shots at a high rate because they’re not a good rebounding team and they aren’t stacked with three-point Shooters like they used to be for the heat they prefer a slow style

Of offense and getting the foul on as much as they possibly can you eventually get to the point where this becomes a math problem if you don’t generate more possessions and More Shot attempts than your opponent does it becomes very hard to win games you have to be very

Efficient to win a game if you’re taking 10 less shots than your opponent and for the heat that’s a common occurrence on most Knights they’re currently 28th in the league in shots taken and their opponent averages three more field goals than they do again it normally wouldn’t

Be as much of an issue but the heat are not an efficient offensive team currently 22nd in the league in offensive rating and 21st to an overall field goal percentage but putting the season aside for a minute because I still think none of us would in fact be

Surprised if they somehow managed to make another insane run of the playoffs but what about Beyond this season the heat are more or less B to draft Capital which limits their ability to one draft players they can work with for the future and two use for future trades to

Bring in bigname players the heat currently own their first round draft pick for this upcoming draft in 2024 and then far out into the future in 29 and 30 those are the only first round draft picks that they have available at their disposal to be able to trade and only

One second round pick which they don’t have control over as it’s a pick owed to them by the Clippers not a lot to work with when it comes to making impactful trades to position themselves for the future but what about their cap shei unfortunately for the heat they’re

Already in over the tax team and limited in their ability to sign key free agents even despite the fact that they will remain a free agency destination of choice for players around the league now obviously trades can still be made to bolster their roster but that hasn’t

Really worked out for the heat as of late with their inability to execute on Blockbuster trades and then trading for the wrong players who don’t move the needle for them the heat will still have their four core group of guys Jimmy Butler b bio Tyler hero and Terry roier

Under contract for the next two seasons after this one paying Jimmy over $50 million by the time he’s 30 6 paying her over $30 million when he’s barely able to make it through half a season and roier who’s going to be under contract for $26 Million by the end of 2026 when

He is 31 the only players currently on their roster who aren’t under contract to have a player option for next season are Haywood heith and a team option for nikovic their current salary projection for next season sits at $182 million putting them 10 million above the luxury

Tax line and 3 million above the first apron that kind of balance sheet was one of the highest average ages in the league at 28.2 you combine that with the limited to no draft FS to work with for the future and it’s not looking that great for the Miami Heat as incredible

Of the GM as Pat Riley has been over the years for this team with his questionable decisions as of late and failing to secure a superstar who handpicked your franchise to be traded to you do have to wonder if it’s time for Pat to hang it up and retire and I’m

Sure he and Heat fans are still just waiting on a prayer for this team to suddenly turn things on and make a championship run it’s not going to be in the the cards this year not with the way the roster is currently constructed and the increased level of competition at

The top but I would love to hear what you guys think though let me know in the comments where do you guys stand on the current state of the Miami Heat let me know in the comments as always be sure to subscribe and I will see you in the next one

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Discussing the current and future state of the Miami Heat and why this year is different than just a relaxed carefree regular season

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  1. The thing is that this video won’t change my mind on the Heat terrifying my Celtics in the playoffs because they usually have our number in the postseason. If they face us, there’s a possibility they could upset us and end our season like they did to Milwaukee last year. So we need to beat them in the postseason!!!

  2. As a heat fan, we are very inconsistent but we need herro to come off the bench for more scoring, start Jaime, and how much experience does a 30 year old really need?

  3. And1 I don't wanna see this 😭😭 I'll never doubt my team but we do need another definitive starter. I've been saying we need to trade tyler for how much he's injured, he's not worth it like embiid is we are good at finding good players in the draft while not having 1st round picks till later will hurt I'm not really worried. The east is weak I don't think we'll beat a team in the west rlly. I'm calling it now this could be a cool video with how the west is looking the east won't win a championship till 2030 minus any crazy trades. W vid tho bro

  4. Miami will be fine as they always have been. They will be able to attract free agents, they always draft well, and they can actually develop talent. This is a non-story

  5. Trust me its the regular season they make into the playoffs and jimmy will turn into the second coming of black Jesus i never count them out

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