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The Detroit Pistons should adapt their team-building strategy to the modern NBA | Pistons Talk Q&A

The Detroit Pistons should adapt their team-building strategy to the modern NBA | Pistons Talk Q&A

Sounds good um this is a very great question I like it says what do you want the Pistons identi to to be um I I’ll just go first and I don’t know whether you’re gonna agree with this or not but I I constantly hear Troy Weaver and

Press conferences saying that we want to restore the Detroit Pistons we want to be the Detroit Pistons of old and my only issue with when he says want to be a hard gritty defensive team is we live in an era where defense isn’t valued right now yes offense is

Valued um I think the Pistons need to adapt with the times um we can still love and respect the bad boys we can still love and respect the going to work Pistons locking people down defensively but you can’t play defense like that anymore you shouldn’t be drafting guys that are more

Defensive minded and offensive minded when the league has shifted to more offensive driven you can still get guys that are you know good Defenders that can defend right now currently in the NBA but um I I I think where I’d like the the identity to go is I need the

Pistons to uh just modernize and adapt with the way the NBA is heading adap with um getting guys that can get a bucket can hit a three-point shot get to the free throw line I don’t care if they can guard five positions they can’t shoot that’s not going to win me

Basketball games at the end of the day that’s just my opinion I think that’s that’s the way they need to re re uh what’s the word I want to look for just kind of re not restore uh I don’t want to say reinvent but like just try to modernize a new

Pistons way because I think the old the the old Pistons way of trying to lock you know teams down def defensively it’s it’s just not going to work in 2024 when there’s hand checking rules and you can’t even touch a guy defensively um I

Think it just needs to be a more of a offensive driven mindset versus defense that’s just my opinion though no I I I I do agree I think that that like restor the grit of of of Detroit as much as I I have such fond memories of that of that

Going to work pistons and also you know just obviously wasn’t around for but grew to appreciate the bad boys through through the secondhand experience that I that I got so I would love for this team to be you know defensive minded tough but that to me is is is PR in a sense

Like I like it just if you’re really trying to build a team that way you’re probably not going to build anything great and maybe they are because they haven’t built anything great so maybe they really are trying to build that way but I uh all all drugs aside you’re

Right you do have to modernize this team get with the times and and I and I think I think Troy’s Approach at least for the prospects he’s drafted they’ve all been pretty what I would call Modern prospects I don’t think any of them are really traditional like he’s

Going for super athletes but they’re all Playmakers like you know like like like assar he trusts his playmaking ivk Playmakers you know Jaylen durran shown some flashes as a playmaker like he they they kind they kind of like beef St in that way like they’ve shown

That they that the kind of blueprint of what they want to build and and they’ve even though they’ve been taking just best player available they have kind of had this one identity in mind and it’s going to be interesting to see where they where they go from there but I I

Want the pisses identity like you said be more offensive because what’s the last team that was like a championship team where they’re where their where their true calling card was defense like EV every championship team has for the most part had a pretty has had a pretty

Good defense uh but like what was the last team that was like like Cleveland last year was like Far and Away the best defensive team in the regular season they got destroyed they got smoked in the playoffs so like you do have to build obviously both sides of the ball

You can’t just ignore defense but you damn sure in today’s NBA Can’t Ignore offense so you build around Kade Cunningham Ivy their potential aar’s potential and then you and then yeah you hope that Jaylen dur is an awesome Rim protecting uh Center you hope that Kate and Ivy are good enough defensively you

Know assar is is great defensively so you hope that those pieces all fall into place defensively but offensively you’re looking at how do Kate and Ivy work when we talk about that back court it’s funny we never talk about the defensive side of it you know we never talk about that

We only talk about who’s going to be the shooter and can Ivy like you said be a movie shooter or like you know like that we only focus on the offensive side of the ball because that’s where today’s NBA is yeah I I because I was just

Interested I I looked up the the top 10 teams in the NBA with the defensive rating obviously Minnesota’s one um Minnesota situation is unique because they have by the way yeah because they have Rudy gobear and Cat’s going to be out for who knows how long and Anthony had words and Jade

McDaniels like that team is just going to be in cap space hell in in a couple probably this summer yeah start I think it starts this summer yeah this summer for sure I mean Boston’s number two um yeah they have a defensive rating of 110 just for people wanting to know

What the Pistons defensive rating is it’s 119 which is 29th out of 30th in the NBA Washington is the worst defensive team in the NBA um like I said if you want to hang hang your head on defense you can do that but you need to get guys that can play two

Ways you need to get guys that are two-way players like the Pistons try to get guys that are good Defenders but can’t put the ball in the basket Killian hay yeah like if if no shot at Killian Hayes by the way for you all right you did it not me

But like I said if if you want to be a defensive team because I know someone had mentioned Miami the only difference with Miami is Miami actually has players that can score the basketball like they have Tyler herro they have Duncan Robinson um you know bam manab bio some

Nights can score some nights you can’t uh Jimmy Butler in the fourth quarter is just insane to me I don’t understand it but I mean if you want to be a defensive team that’s all well and fine but you have to have players that can score on

Both can score and play a little bit defense the Pistons have guys that can play defense but they really can’t score yeah I I no I I I agree I agree it’s just everything the NBA has shown us and they talked about oh they’re gonna they’re going to change defense

You know are they’re gonna kind of tweak things where it’s more favorable for the defense because it’s gotten a little too out of hand for the offense but this offense league and it’s it’s just it is that it is that way now so you got to always keep in mind off

Again you got to be good at both sides of the ball to win a championship most times and you damn sure can’t ignore the offensive side the wall yeah like I said it’s just to your point I think it is a a PR stunt by you know Troy and the

Pistons saying we want to restore um what used to be great here when it’s been on life support for 15 [Applause] Years [Applause] [Applause] He

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Chris the topic of discussion was what the new identity the Pistons should switch to since you can’t play defense like they used to play during the “Going to work Pistons” played.

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  1. I think the league is gonna go back to favoring defensive players more. There’s already discussions about it having guys like Grimes and Asuar can get us ahead of the curve.

  2. Pistons need veterans with deep playoff experience on their Roster.

    That's they main problem, Cade & Sasser could use a veteran point guard to help give them rest, too.

  3. We should try and bring in Klay for vet help if he decides to leave GS. We need vets, scoring, and defense

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