@Dallas Mavericks

The Biggest Reason the Mavs Lost to the Thunder + Kyrie Irving’s Great Play

The Biggest Reason the Mavs Lost to the Thunder + Kyrie Irving’s Great Play

On today’s show the Dallas Mavericks fall to the OKC Thunder without Luca donic but what was the biggest reason why they lost this game the turnovers referees called Josh Green injury all kinds of stuff we’ll talk about that and explain what it is on today’s lockdown M

I’m Luka donic and this is lock on Mavericks Mavericks chions it’s good and the Mavericks have won the game you if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away welcome here are lockd on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member NBA channel

Manager for the lockdown podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Making lockedown Maps your first listen today best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day on any podcast platform on Spotify Apple leave a festar review as well let

Us know in the comment section on YouTube what’s the one reason why the Mavs lost this game several but what’s the what’s the one give me the one curious what you think the one reason is the Mavericks lost this game let us know that you can also tweet me at Nick

Vanexit also Instagram and Tik Tok at nickv vanexit as well uh but if Tik Tok goes away forever I guess just Instagram that joining me on the post game as always what you got for me slightly biased Adam Silver if you dare ever schedule a 9:00 local start time again I

Can’t say what will happen but that’s it we will send the crew we will send the crew out Mavs have any more 9:00 p.m. start times uh yeah the West Coast I’m saying a 9:00 p.m. local start time is nuts makes no sense those children are not getting home at a

Reasonable hour no unbelievable the traffic in they don’t have Tik Tok anymore they’re already upset they’ve got a couple more 9ms but it’s at Sacramento at Sacramento at Golden State that Golden State one is so weird and then that that’s it that’s there’s no more local start 900 p.m. ones but there

There are a away game so today we’ll get into the Mavs loss to the OKC Thunder Luca didn’t play in this game Josh Green exits the game we’ll talk about his injury Mavs lose 126 to 119 and if you just look at this game you go man I

Can’t believe they lost Mavs can’t lose all these games but the Thunder were an 11-point favorite they’re a very good team yesterday we told you coming into this game like don’t expect them to win they’re not supposed to right this Thunder team is very good this is not

Your yesterday your last season Thunder your tanking forever Thunder like this is just a very different team they’re they’re well coached they’ve got a ton of talent Jayla Williams is is an upcoming Star SGA is probably going to finish higher than Luca and MVP and

We’re going to be all upset about it and the Mavericks shot themselves in the foot enough that it made me frustrated anyway it was I’m still Maps covered they they only lost by seven but I still got frustrated by this game because you start to look around you go all right

There’s a bunch of reasons why the Mavs lost this game I’m going to give you your pick I’m gonna give you your pick which which one you want to start with the questionable calls the 19 turnovers or Dallas closing small of those three which you think is the

Biggest reason why the map’s lost definitely not closing small tonight I don’t think that was really one of them you don’t think that was one of the reasons why they lost this game I I think Gafford played well I don’t think Lively played very well Shay was cooking

The Bigs when he got that switch every single time he cooked the smalls too yeah that’s true but um I I especially late in the game when you were down by what was eight points and you kind of needed some shots I sort of got where they’re going

I don’t think that’s you know if you want to be frustrated by that that’s completely fine but I I don’t think out how to do with it was the turnovers yeah 100% was the big reason why and to quote the late great Jay-Z moral victories is for minor league coaches he’s alive oh

Wait what does what do people mean when they say that no I’m just joking I was like about to teach you a new thing right now moreal Victor is for Min League Co es this isal Victory it’s a it’s a tough one tough it’s an act it’s an actual L

But you learned from it 19 turnovers 34 points off turnovers for OKC that’s the that’s the biggest reason and honestly that that’s the most frustrating thing is you just can’t allow OKC to turn those in because that’s what they do they take those turnovers they turn them

Into offense and the Mavs over and over and over again just had dumb drives where you go guys they’re good at defense Guys these are good these are good Defenders these are good perimeter Defenders you can’t can’t just keep driving it on these guys with OKC has a

Type they’ve got massive wingspans case Wallace Jaylen Williams SGA even even Chad down there diving feet first into a loose ball like they have guys with these Wings spans that you just can’t keep driving into them uh there’s only 10 turnovers or only 10 steals for the

Thunder so like 19 turnovers and like nine of them were not forced necessarily I don’t think and so you just go man just such dumb decisions sometimes and whether it’s because of the the way the offense is set up and I think we’ll probably get into that but it was just a

It was just unforced turnovers over and over and over again and that’s what really cooked the maps and it was the third really the third quarter because you look at it they lost the first quarter by six second quarter they won by four they won the fourth quarter by a

Point third quarter they lost by six and that’s when that’s when the Thunder kind of started to build or yeah that’s when the Thunder started to build a little bit of a I meant nine turnovers in the that quarter nine turnovers in that quarter and you said not a lot of steals

The Thunder had eight steals in that quarter so that was the quarter right there steel yeah where they had all they used all their steel magic right there and that that did you know you have you obviously have to give the Thunder some credit it’s not like the Mavericks just

Said here go guys here’s the basketball we don’t want it anymore like it was good defense well I didn’t think the maps gave the Thunder credit because they kept just make doing these drives where you just drive into them and you’re like okay this is just this is

Just dumb like give them credit they’re a good defense they’re top five in both offense and defense and you have to know how to play them and I I don’t think they came in and knew how to play this Thunder team yeah I thought there was some careless decisions there was Al two

Of the Mavs turnovers were just the current currently I think one of the worst things in the league right now and easily the most fixable problem the the league has where you have these this happens all the time I’m not singling out this game this happens all the time

Where a play the ball go out of bounds the the refs call it off of a defensive player and then they show a replay and the defensive player didn’t touch the ball because he hacked the offensive player and it was a clear and obvious foul but they go and review it and they

Change it because they can’t change it to a foul so they reverse it that is the two the Thunder one two challenges exactly like that tonight that is the worst rule in the league currently and I’m not I’m not like crying about it or what was me the Thunder like won because

Of that but they just need to fix it because any any audience is gonna look at that and be like wait what just happened this guy foul is this other guy but you can’t call it and they’re just so limited in the things that they can

Change in those like if a foul is not called like you can’t review it so if if it’s a non there’s certain things like that like I’ve seen people say well why didn’t kid challenges or why didn’t this coach challenge this call or this non- call you can’t challenge a non call yeah

You you like there are things that you’re just limited to and so yeah I’m with you on that one a couple of those were just just weird things but and you could see kid the second one was like talking to the ref he was like can I

Challenge like that because that was a foul and the ref was like no yeah I would hope that he knew that he can’t I’m hoping because kid doesn’t get mad or get teed up I’m hoping that was him being like hey you guys missed that well it’s also him probably being snarky

Which we exact it is great track record of of of doing right like I have to apologize that you felt that he should have played more that’s that is case in case in point it’s a hilarious quote I’m just the coach oh the first one’s hilarious there

Sometimes in the media room I I I laugh sometimes and I don’t think that I’m supposed to I think you’re supposed to say Stone face but sometimes kid just gets me just the dry humor it’s just can’t believe you just said that about the about major league and the bucket of

Fried chicken in the locker for Tim Hardway Jr I can’t believe can’t believe we just did that reference after this really bad that one was a weird that one was weird I’m not going to lie if you read that it didn’t know the reference you’re kind of like what is I had

Several people ask me about it yeah I had several people be like did he did he really say that yeah is it I mean I’m not gonna lie I didn’t know the reference and I was like I go look I had to go look it up too refh wild ref I

Knew it was like a reference to the movie when he said it but I didn’t I couldn’t remember what the context was the cont we don’t need to talk about that quote weeks ago go look it up on YouTube uh yeah Ms lose this game because of turnovers and it was just

Sloppiness and honestly it didn’t even come from from Kyrie the most part Kyrie had only had four turnovers a couple of them were not great but four turnovers with 12 assists that’s amazing 36 points 18 shots eight eight trips to the free throw line like he had almost as good of

A game as you could ask from your star player and so coming up let’s talk about that let’s talk about Kyrie’s great start to the game we’ll talk about some of the other reasons why the Mavs lost this game I do think going small at the

End was was the wrong call and obviously because they lost but we’ll I’ll tell you why coming up today’s episode is brought to you by eBay Motors eBay Motors has you covered for all kinds of parts that you could get for your car your ride or die and

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Us on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day we appreciate each and every one of you uh that listens on Spotify apple and all that uh Josh Lloyd just sent just sent me if you if you didn’t

Hear the ad read uh we do a eBay’s guaranteed fit fantasy pick of the week and he gives me fantasy players the line is this is literally what Jos Josh sent me this and I put it into the copy myself this is what like

This is part of my job is to do this the Raptors seem committed to giving us 30 minutes of Dick each night as they wrote in other players let what’s wrong with that nothing it’s factually correct it’s factually correct you know what else is factually correct is Kyrie

Irving had a great game tonight 36 points 12 assists only four turnovers as well for Kyrie four of seven from three eight of eight from the free throw line actually got to the free throw line I think some of sga’s whistle dust like yeah magic pixie dust came off of him

And and got to Kyrie and he got some calls he did everything that you could ask for in a in a in a star player I mean he just he did everything that you could have asked with Luca being out yeah Kyrie was pretty much Flawless

Tonight I mean 12 of 18 that’s crazy efficiency uh to get 36 points on 18 shots so he did genuinely we exactly the Mavericks needed you needed Kyrie to come out Step Up immediately like it couldn’t be uh you know one of these Kyrie feel the game out and take over

The second quarter or the second half you needed him to come out immediately and he had nine points in the first quarter hit two threes I think like immediately it felt like six in the first quarter too yeah six assists in the first quarter I mean perfect job I

Mean Kyrie continues to just be great we I was saying I was like you watch Kyrie play he’s due for like a obviously Luca being out kind of helped that but but 18 shots like it wasn’t like I mean he did have the ball more than he normally

Would but it’s not like he took more shots than he normally would either true um even even add the even add the four like free like free throw trips to the line to that to the shots I mean 22 shots is not like abnormal for Kyrie

Recently I mean this is why we sort of walked back the Batman and Robin thing because it really does feel unfair to Kyrie because he’s better than that I think he’s better than a robin Lucas Superman and Kyrie is Batman yeah that’s that was a perfect that was a perfect

Way to describe it like that is just a perfect way to describe right that one finish he had where he switched hands midair and look I love Shay he had that that was an insane finish by Kyrie like one of the better finishes you’ll see

Over the last like week or so of play probably one of the best ones and then Shay on the other end you know a nice little Euro Step but a layup you probably see 14 times over the course of an NBA game and the TNT guys were like

First it was Kyrie now it’s Shay it’s like all right come on calm down guys yeah come on come on stand b g dud that’d like me getting there and catching a pass and the easy lay up under the basket like whoa look at that

Man look at that man go to the rim we didn’t think he could even jump oh man Kyrie great game you can’t really blame him they needed more from him which is kind of you know a problem but they they just did uh even though he gave him a

Ton they needed they needed more from him in the end that’s not his fault though not his no I don’t think it was his fault but yeah the other the other thing that I think was the reason why the Mavs lost is because the Mavericks closed

Small I do not think that the Mavs got any kind of Advantage when they were playing that with the size at the end about five minutes and 14 seconds left in the game Mavs are down nine and they take Gafford out PJ missed the two free

Throws which was which was a tough one then they go small after that and I just don’t think especially against this team you gain any kind of Advantage like you needed that rebounding Advantage PJ with 15 rebounds six offensive rebounds 19 points total like you take that and you

Put Maxi in and like for as good as I think Maxi is defending on the perimeter and like knowing the defense and all that like that’s not enough of an advantage than what like compared to what gafford’s rebounding and finishing around the rim is Maxi’s just not adding

Enough there and I’ve defended Maxi for if you’ve listened to the show I’ve defended him for years on this and I just don’t think that it was an it was you’re adding anything uh cuz also he’s not taken as many threes as he has in

The past he only took one three in this game didn’t look like he was wanting to take threes in this game he’s been very bad offensively lately very bad but he had the one drive to the Rim Early in the first half was great and that was

Like then he missed the one three and those were the only two times he attempted a shot at all this was the first time he’s had a field goal since uh the Heat game where he had where he was one of three the game before that he

Was 0 three he’s been playing less but but still I think they should have closed at least with with Gafford Lively did struggle but you closed with Gafford closed with what was working for you yeah I I’ll say it didn’t work ultimately you didn’t win the game I

Think you know they weren’t playing well defensively either way so I guess maybe you could look at it and say oh well just keep Gaff out there and rebound but in that moment I think they maybe wanted to make a switch and it didn’t work and

This is hindsight and we can say oh it didn’t work so it was bad and that’s true that’s just how it works you know it’s not really fair but that is how it goes in sports there’s we have the power of hindsight coaches don’t I am the

Monday Morning Quarterback here I I get to decide if it worked or not and it did not and I think that they I said in the moment when I when they went small I was like oh I think this is a mistake they should have just stuck with Gafford

Stuck with what was working the man who cannot miss he missed yeah first putback attempt of the game it does suck that it was the first one because that would have been F like a fun buildup on national TV because they were talking about it I know that

Would have been a fun little it was literally the first minute of the game 14 seconds into the game yeah that sucks that sucks but it was still an incredible stretch and he did play really well tonight I thought he did 19 points 15 boards he had one block but he

He altered some more shots as well uh he didn’t get credit for a lot of them but man I I just think it was a mistake to to go in that direction like he play Maxi play Maxi with him if you need if you wanted more size there been doing

They have been doing that they did it in the in the game yeah I don’t think that was like a a major reason they lost to be honest with you what’s it what’s what was like the second major reason for you then PJ Washington yeah PJ maybe a

Combination of PJ and exom I think you needed both of them to play really well tonight to win this game and you I think you probably got xm’s worst game as a MAV honestly because uh you know two of eight we’re used to him being Uber efficient and you know some games you’re

Gonna miss some shots whatever that’s fine but it wasn’t even just missed shots it was like driving in the lane and fall down like what are what are you doing four turnovers in 21 minutes yeah it felt like maybe he was like all right I really need to step up here and maybe

Played outside of the role that he’s been really great at this year which is just the connector and doing everything being like an ultimate connector and glue guy and he you know there was some uncharacteristically because he’s such an incredibly smart player and he’s done so many smart things that there was a

Couple plays where you’re just like wait what what was Dante doing right there that was weird even the one where he fell down and got fouled by was it Jaylen or giddy Wallace yeah a third a third one we fou by you’re just like why are you doing that like what decision

Did you make that yeah that that was that was a real struggle vest for Dante exom yeah and then you know you mentioned PJ yeah PJ missed you missed seven threes one of your role players misses seven threes 10 straight shots and 10 straight shots and that can lose

You a game if it’s this close when the margins are that small and you turn it over that many times like if PJ makes three of those this is a completely different game yeah and this is a problem that has kind of you know before the trade were kind of talking about it

I was like well PJ is not a very consistent player either like if the Mavs want consistency it’s not like PJ Washington’s giving you that shooting wise uh but over his last even before this game over his last four shooting 22% from three that number is going to

Crater after this into the teens over his last seven games I mean defenses are gonna start to say all right PJ uh hit that shot man like we’re gonna defend you like Josh giddy hit it the calculus is so different for the Mavericks now we talked about last game against the

Warriors how the Mavericks can win games in different ways now but now one of their superpowers used to be all right we’re getting up 40 shots and one night we’re going to hit 21 of them yeah and like it’ll be Tim and Bullock and Dorian Vinnie Smith and Luca and Brunson and

Like there will be guys that’ll just come in and hit threes all over the play Maxi we’ll have a bunch of guys that can hit threes like that and like slowly but surely the guys that can hit threes for them are falling off or getting traded

Or somewhere else and now it’s like okay can PJ Washington well that’s a little bit more iffy of of a shooter than some of the guys in the past okay Derrick Jones Jr that’s more iffy than guys in the past even Josh Green he doesn’t take

As many threes as guys in the past Maxi has not been taking up at the same volume and so now like your options for can we hit a bunch of Threes they shot 41% he only took 29 of them that’s that’s just not enough and yeah Luca

Wasn’t there to create them or to take them himself but yeah you just didn’t it just wasn’t enough Hardy didn’t take any in this game uh exom made one of two Lively hasn’t taken him yet like they just they’re running out of like guys that can take a bunch of Threes which is

Why Tim still still plays and coming up let’s talk about Tim playing did Tim bounc back what about Hardy what do we think about Hardy’s minutes we’ll talk about that and more coming up today’s episode is brought to you by Stitch fix stitchfix sent me a box of

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Style that makes you feel as good as you look get started today at lockon lockon again that’s right locked on shut it down let’s go thanks everybody for hanging out with those unlock on Mavs appreciate each and every one of you subscribe on Apple or

Spotify leave a five star review on one of those platforms we appreciate everybody that listens on the audio stream all right slightly Mavs lose this game talked about a bunch of reasons we got a couple of interesting things though we did get some Jaden Hardy in this game everybody’s been asking for it

Uh Tim Hardway played 30 minutes because he kind of had to especially with Josh Green going down he had one of his best games in a while I thought at least on the offensive and defensively he had some plays actually he had some I have many questions about

That but 23 points five of nine from three he had nine rebounds in this game which some of them I think were because he was out a position of defense and so he he was there with no one around him what did you think about Tim hardaway’s

Game well he was like the he was the giddy cover which was do nothing they they had the cers on giddy but also I felt like Tim was supposed to be like hanging around the perimeter maybe rotating over and uh maybe the maybe part was yeah that was the G what

He heard I mean five of nine from three that’s I thought Tim actually played pretty well there was maybe one or two possessions where you’re like all right what like Tim hit his first shot of the game it was a nice little midi he his next two shots were horrible out of the

Flow of the offense shots that was a very tough heavily contested mid-range jumper and then a contested three that resulted in an airball and Stan Van gunny saying why did he take that shot and it’s like oh man Stan F you new buddy but

Um didn’t he coach his dad am I hold on I gotta go look that maybe but no I’m uh it was a good game if Tim is like if Tim maybe this is a something that jump starts Tim that would be nice for the team ultimately but you know it’s Tim so

You don’t know you don’t you don’t know from him but I did think that it it was finally like a a good Tim game at least at least offensively and they needed it yeah exactly you gotta give him his flowers for playing like this tonight because they absolutely if they were to

Win this game they absolutely needed Tim Hardway Jr to play well and them being in this game was due in large part to Tim having a good shooting night Stan was an assistant coach for the Miami Heat in 2001 when it was uh Tim hardaway’s last season so he was he was

There for well there you go 95 to he was there for the major he was there for all of as an assistant coach all of Tim Hardway seniors time in Miami man that’s crazy the map shot 29 threes tonight they really are a different team now which I think is ultimately good

Thing though they have different options but to to take as many threes as they like need to sometimes you have to have Luca and that’s he just creates them they’re off like here we go I’m I’m going into it we’ll talk about Hardy in a second their scheme we mentioned St gy

Several times one time he sees Jaden Hardy you know drive and like have the ball the whole time pull up and take a shot like a contested jumper and he goes man Jaden Hardy’s really got to stop doing some of that and he’s got to start

Stop start playing I was like well St that’s the scheme Luca is the scheme Kyrie is the scheme yeah that’s what they do on offense exen was doing the same thing which is why he had that mentality that he needed to force things like you were talking about earlier and

So hardy was doing the same thing we was like all right I got to create this offense and that’s the scheme and so if that’s the scheme then that’s what these guys are going to do and so to create the number of Threes that they need to

You have to have somebody that can that can create them out of nothing and that’s Luca donic right they’re not creating them out of these actions or sets or plays or anything like like they’re not doing that yeah that’s a good point and you are you are losing

Like 10 threes a game when Luke is not in lineup yeah yeah you are literally he averages 10 threes a game like that’s not an exaggeration that’s how many he’s shooting go from 29 threes taken to 39 threes which is about their average so yeah but staying with STI with Hardy I

Actually leave I’m leaving this game feeling pretty good about his minutes because you might look at the you know nine points on 10 shots is not ideal he did have a couple of possessions there where it was like tough shots and yeah that is kind of how the Mavs play but

They were early early possessions and Kyrie’s on the cor it’s like all right we can get that you know he had a really nice Baseline jumper at one point where the shot clock was at like two it’s like you can get those type of shots whenever

You want you don’t need to settle for those so early but five assists the playmaking flashes are what is really encouraging with him because that’s how he’s gonna play more that’s how he’s gonna be like a legit bench rotation piece absolutely he checks into the game at the beginning of

The second quarter and immediately attacks a close out because he got left all by himself didn’t take the shot he totally could but instead attacks the clothes out throws one up to Gafford for an aloop like just the heads up playmaking type stuff and that’s the stuff that he does

That Tim doesn’t do which is why people have been asking for Hardy instead of Tim and I get why kid is doing what he’s doing playing Hardy or Hardway instead of Hardy but I could understand that I like Hardy brings you just different stuff that you can’t get from Tim

It’s I think they feel like they need Tim’s three-point shooting definitely just talk about why yeah Hardy you feel more comfortable with the ball in his hands when it’s not a catch and shoot three that’s it that’s a wild statement that’s true though I mean anything catch

And shoot three I feel better even I mean some people might argue the catch and shoot three part but but like hardy hardy is known as a young player that needs to work on decision- making that does crazy things with the ball and we’re like I feel so much more

Comfortable with the ball in his hands than I do with that’s part of the frustrating start uh stuff was before all the trades when Hardy was playing his he was he was having like a legit playmaking boost like you could see it yeah it was happening in real time and

Then it just you know he falls out the rotation unfortunately but I’m gonna be real with you guys I don’t think Hardy’s in like I just if the team’s healthy again on Sunday I doubt Hardy plays right no I don’t think so either and I’m not saying that’s what I agree with I’m

Just saying I think that’s what’s gonna happen if Josh Green is out oh yeah for be out for the for like the rest of let’s say but I want to go even further than that the rest of the season what es for the maps that that one hurts because you

Don’t really have another I know I me it’s like a say AJ Lawson is the closest Josh Green replicant you have and I don’t know if he’s somebody you want getting like real regular rotation minutes here’s the thing that kind of hurts about the Josh Green injury is you

Saw it literally in this game Josh Green goes down start of the second or in the middle of the second quarter or even in the the first quarter no second quarter you get the Kyrie Tim Hardaway Hardy lineups and like those have scored well 119 points per possessions and also

Allowed 119 points per 100 possessions like really really bad defensively and it and I was shocked that the number was not worse defensively because those lineups have been very bad defensively that’s actually shocking that that’s that number I mean 119 is not even that great of an offensive rating when you have

Those three out there wait just Kyrie Tim and Hardy No Luca just those three I can’t imagine a lineup with all I can’t imagine there would be one with I’ll do it again I’ll you know crunch the number can you crunch the numbers again did they did

They run that same lineup with uh Curry on the floor instead of Hardy like that was a lineup that used to run a decent amount Luka Kyrie Tim and Curry oh that one was bad too yeah that one was a tough one but that was what I

Was always weird about is you looked at the numbers and it was like oh well here’s why they’re doing it is because they’re like waiting the minutes somehow even though it just does not ever feel like it but yeah I don’t know Jos scam is a significant time it’s more Derrick Jones

Jr it’s more it’s more exom it’s more maybe you lean into playing big and maybe omx get some more minutes I took Luca out of the the lineup with the with with Kyrie Hardy and and Hardaway and it both figures went down two points 117 points per 100 possessions scored and

117 points per 100 possessions allowed H that’s that’s really weird it’s not a lot it’s not a lot of possessions it’s like 220 possessions that’s not that’s not even the offense you would want there no that’s like a middle of the pack offense yeah it’s like a slightly above average offense

And a way below average defense that’s just really interesting so but but my whole point in all this is without Josh Green I think you get more of those lineups the the Tim Hardaway Hardy maybe they go bigger maybe they say Derrick Jones Jr playing more and if Josh isn’t playing we’re gonna

Lean into playing with some more size than having a replacing Josh green with another guard the other but the thing about this the whole thing is if he is out for a while we don’t know we’re just speculating yeah but Josh and derck Jones Jr were like trading spots in the

Rotation and I asked the question to you a couple games ago if you had to make a decision derck Jones Jr or Josh well the decision has been made if don’t ask a question like that again that’s put weird energy the the question might have God answered for

Us sorry basketball Gods I apologize I apologize to you all as I’ve Jinxed the Mavs a million times in my career so far doing this show I’ve jinxed them one more time apparently so what Derrick J Jun gets like 34 minutes a game now what

Did he get tonight 31 31 or 32 yep it’s probably it how do you think we match up in a in a playoff series against this team against the Thunder the thing is Luca like takes out a bunch of those issues we just talked about didn’t get

Up enough threes he takes 10 a game uh turn like the Mavs turn the ball over too much Luca four turnovers a game on insane usage for an NBA player and they don’t turn the ball over as much when he plays yeah uh the insane foul calls well

I I don’t know if he helps that or or doesn’t that might that might be bad that might be a bad thing but I think that the insane foul calls will be lessened it with a a playoff crew right this crew because they’re so scared of

Luca or at least because hey if we could get if the NBA calls and it’s like hey we could get the OKC Thunder From Oklahoma City or we could get Luca donic and Kyrie Irving into the second round right if you’re if we’re going with that if

We’re going with that wouldn’t they go for the Mavs instead yeah I’ll take a fraudulent playoff win if it was rigged what wimy should have came to the Mavs well they can’t rig it they can’t rig it fully they can rig games it’s been proven they could rig games

Ever since they switched from the envelope thing they can’t rig it was proven that they could rig the lottery they did do it yeah with an envelope true that was that’s crazy I think they match up decently I think they I think they do too them and the timber wolves I

Think I’d rather play the Thunder and it’s not I’m not like poo pooing the Thunder just looking at it objectively through the lens of well the Mavs will be a six seed or playing team and look at the top three seeds right now the nuggets you absolutely want to avoid at

All costs like honestly if if you’re the six seed and the nuggets are going to be the three seed maybe it is worth it just to drop into the playing tournament because at that point it’s like well you’re gonna lose in the first round regardless do we do we want the two the

Two games of ticket revenue or we rather like go for just one and then take the chance on a second yeah because I mean I the nuggets are the I’ve I’ve said this already but the nuggets are the one team in the west and it’s not I know I know

I’m slightly biased or anything guys just watch your nuggets game they’re not messing around any longer like it’s it’s done they had their fun run in the first few months where they would mess around they did the opposite of what they did last year last year they like had they

Played really well at the beginning of the season and then they coasted for like the last two months of the Season almost yeah and then this season they’re like they coasted for a while they kind of they’ve even like like backed up into the into the number one seed you

Know they are tied with the Thunder for the number one seed but uh the Thunder just with the with their size lack of size and the fact that they’re just so green like they’re it’s it’s very rare that a team goes in their first time and really makes noise like it’s not there’s

Nothing against the thunder it’s just historically it does not happen a lot yeah you us you need the scars you need the the blood bass I think Mike muscala has their most playoff games Gordon Hayward does he had he’s probably got no I looked this up wisc

Has more believe it or not you think about it and you’re like well he Gord herward was injured all the time in Boston and then he was on the Hornets in the Jazz he’s played 29 playoff games he played two series or two years with the

Jazz in the playoffs and then has series with the Celtics that’s insane there you go let us know in the comments section on YouTube what’s something that uh stood out to you what’s the re biggest reason why the Mavs Lost And subscribe on Apple and Spotify guys thanks much

For listening to locked on Ms peace out Boom

Despite Kyrie Irving’s best efforts, the Dallas Mavericks lost to the Oklahoma City Thunder without Luka Doncic. What was the biggest reason Jason Kidd’s Mavs came up short?

Nick Angstadt & Slightly Biased @SlightlyBiased breakdown the biggest reason the Dallas Mavericks lost to the Oklahoma City Thunder, how Kyrie Irving led the way, and how the Mavs hurt themselves.

0:00 Mavs Biggest Issue vs OKC
09:00 Do Not Skip This Ad Read (lol)
10:50 Kyrie Irving’s Great Play
14:00 Why did Dallas Close Small?
20:00 THJ Breakout? Hardy’s Play & More

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  1. If Luka played they would lose by 15 . He would take the ball to himself and ruin all team play.

  2. The point is that the drop off from Luka to Exem or PJ in the ball handling ability is major. Luka is one of the greatest passers in the league because he mostly makes passes to players who are open. Without Luka opponent defenses can maintain their ability to cover all the positions, Luka just forces defenses to adjust and double him creating open positions. Part of Luka's ability to draw the double team is that he does not move super-fast on the dribble. So, opponents think they force him to give up the ball, but Luka almost always finds the open players.

  3. I felt a terrible vibe with this one, first with Gafford losing the steak in the first possession, then Green injury after coming so energetic. I think the calls were obscene how they would whistle everything for okc and none for the mavs. I also think that max has been sooo blend for this team. All that said, the game was still within reach, I think we should see this game positively in the end

  4. Most of the mavs turnovers were uncalled fouls. That’s why they lost. They were getting hacked damn near every play

  5. PJ Washington is trash and has no business starting. There is a reason he was a bench piece on one of thee worst teams in the NBA. Absolute garbage

  6. I really want to like the PJ Washington addition, I really do. I want to see him develop into the versatile scorer and defensive presence that we traded him for Grant for, BUT the teams we play are already leaving pj open at the perimeter on purpose to apply pressure on Kyrie/ our given pg at the time, and they drive and quickly dish it to pj for the wide-open brick without fail. We fall for it all the time. PJ was like 0-12 and 0-4 at the line. Our opps are actively sending PJ into these opportunities, because they can see he's in his head. Watch how often this happens in the fourth 🤦‍♂

  7. If we can avoid injuries on key players the remainder of the regular season I am pretty confident we will grab a play off spot. Let's go mavs!

  8. Nick is my guy, but you can't get on here saying, "We weren't supposed to win this game," as if this team has won every game they were supposed to win. They haven't, and they need to steal some Wins. This could have been one of those games that we stole. It was there, but then Kidd goes back to being stubborn. Kidd plays Maxi for 21 minutes while getting 3 points. Maxi is a blowout minutes and a rest gap for the primary bigs. Maxi cannot play like he used to, but Kidd loves him. This game is about bad coaching and stubbornness when we could have won without Luka.

  9. Closing lineup. I thought they already decided Gafford opens, Lively closes? One game they closed with Maxie and Lively and that worked. Why is it that when the Mavs coaches find something that works, suddenly we don't see it again? They need to write that s*** down.

  10. They were on a 2nd game of a back to back without Luka. They played rather well outside of the turnover problems and too many open 3s missed.

  11. #1 reason. Dumb turnovers.#2. Kidd.
    Hardy is cooking, he benches him in the 4th.
    Plays a very ineffective Maxi. PJ and Exum stunk. Kidd once again zero creativity in lineups.

  12. We Lost when Kidd went to his STUPID SMALL BALL and they pulled away with a layup line and big dunks while 9-toe maxi-pad was at center! Why sit your Star Bigs and put in this loser who is Afraid to shoot 3's and can't score, can't play defense or protect the rim! Bad enough with the refs all working for OKC and giving them every touch foul while we are getting assaulted at the rim and no call! Again! Always 5 on 8! I see their coach arguing calls but never saw Kidd get upset or say anything about the outrageous calls for OKC and Kyrie and others not getting a call! Fire Kidd!

  13. I seriously hope and pray that Kidd doesn't give THJ more minutes just because of his stat line from last night, but I don't trust Kidd to make the right decision. On his best nights, THJ still sucks 100% of the time on defense and his consistently negative leaning, rally killing offense is a no go. For every 1 win he gives you, he will lose you another 6-7.

  14. You are exactly right about the offensive “schemes” and it is infuriating. It is one thing to have the OPTION of having or Luka being the “scheme” and another one to totally depend on that.

  15. The Mavs play soft. Their players are constantly beaten up, and don't get the calls. They are literally assaulted in the paint. In the meantime while "MVP" SGA is coddled by the refs. The Mavs need some testosterone injections. If you're going to foul SGA, foul him the way others foul Luka. Lay him out. PJ standing up for Gafford was the only set of cojones I've seen this season. Whenever the other team hits our guys in the face (3-4 times a game at least) a well-placed elbow to the opponent's star will make them clean up their act. Rant over.

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