@Toronto Raptors

Raptors Tonight | Mar 15 | Raptors vs Magic

Raptors Tonight | Mar 15 | Raptors vs Magic

The Raptors fall to the Orlando Magic 11313 welcome to Raptors tonight live jackon and Leo Ellis Javon I’m going to start with you I never start with you you’re over there eating your salad I like it I’m trying to get my myself right yeah you look right um Jordan War

Hits a couple threes in the third crowds into it w go go up and then Orlando responded what happened well I think the big thing is Joel Eng Les happened right and his midp picking role just really picked the Raptors apart and you know 36 years old he’s experienced he’s been around the

League and he was just talks a lot of trash yeah no he talks he has a lot of fun he has a lot of fun playing the game but they really couldn’t he looks 36 he does every every bit of it every bit of every bit of it

But they they really couldn’t manage his mpck roll and then you know SI the size happened as well right they were just you know they go 610 across the board and the Raptors just didn’t have anything to match that Paulo Ben Carol he didn’t really score much but when they went to

Doubling him you know he was really moving the basketball and getting to that second side corners for open threes Leo what did you see your Vantage Point you know every time the Raptors either you know got the lead or put themselves right there in the game it’s they just have these little segments

Where you know you take a few bad shots a few defensive lobsters and all of a sudden boom it’s a 10-point game again and obviously it’s tough you know based on Personnel uh injuries and you know who’s out there it’s hard to sustain but that’s where you know trying to find I

Think if you’re evaluating at this point you want to see what guys do in those situations right uh like when War hit those threes everything was rolling all of a sudden bat up bat up batot turn up bump right the gamees out so you want to see how guys can react in those

Situations going forward um but you know hey hey I tell you what I give Orlando credit for a for a young team when we watch teams around the league and see young teams they look like young teams they play like young teams they take stupid shots they don’t

Play good defense for a young team they they they very disciplined they take good shots uh they’re very good defensively right I mean they’re one of the top teams in the league as far as how they defend so it’s impressive to have a young group like that uh they play they play well

Beyond their years put it that way it’s funny to your point as well as young as Orlando is they’re not a team that’s just getting up and down and R beating you in transition and you know getting playing Above the Rim they’re actually doing a lot of their work in the half

Court and I credit Jamal Mosley for you know really coaching this and he coached him every possession and he has a good connection with them it’s no surprise that he got that four-year extension this this week here and you know what you know what Chef he’s got coach guys

Yeah y I mean these guys are receptive to coaching you can see that they’ve all come from places you know they’ve been coached uh you know sugs coach of Gonzaga right B Caro coach of Duke you know and uh these guys all got France Wagner W world champion in Germany these

Guys have have been coached they accept coaching and it shows well I heard one of them say before the game talking to one of the assistant coaches said oh it’s a fun group we have a fun group and they played like that Jack they play like enjoy being around each other

They’re an unselfish team yeah they enjoy each other’s it’s a long road to get here it’s been a long road and uh you know to to uh Javon and Leo’s point you know you look at this young team and they they you know what they have six

Guys in double figures the ball moved they gave up you know when the two guys came to the ball someone had a better opport opportunity the ball move to the next guy so to me I was just really impressed that and their poison and composure and it’s interesting you look

At the Raptors when they ran the ball tonight they they they got great shots when they didn’t that defense is very sticky and difficult to score against it helps one if B Caro would decide I want to take 20 shots who’s going to say anything right

He doesn’t play that way he take plays plays the right way takes good shots right and when you when your best player plays that way it carries on the whole team yeah speaking of carrying the whole team Leo you’ve been doing that for a long time a lot of years on this Earth

And your birthday is next week you’re not going to be here so we thought we’d bring the birthday this is just for you you can decide to share if you want what do we got here chef wow we got sticky toffee pudding okay Tru and mango Tri all right appreciate that

Appreciate I won’t share share sh sharing happy birthday Leo happy birthday Leo hey you know 40 is not that bad it really is 40 is really not that how old are you huh how you heard me 40 Leo you got to blow out the candle

Though you got to make a wish right make a wish this is the one though you have to tell us what the wish is or do we want to know we don’t want to know no you can’t wish after you’re still [Laughter] here you can’t wish Leo do you have any reflection

There’s a lot of people that watch this show just to listen to you speak well more to watch you eat I apologize but do you have any Reflections on the 40 years that you’ve been here on this Earth whoa you want the whole earth a whole earth picture wow uh no you know

What no no no I’m just having a good time I’m just enjoying it hanging with you guys you know that’s it well we we appreciate you man no I appreciate this of you a Canadian basketball legend a hand for Leonard R Happ birth all right Cheers

Cheers um Jack Ken or ly let’s go back to the game because that was enough for that the last time I tell you he’s like it was my birthday next week can I get the day off I’m like yes um Orlando can they make some noise in

The playoffs do you do you can they upset anybody in the first round right now they’re fifth place in Eastern yeah all depends on who they play uh it would be really cool for them to get the fourth seed because you get home court that would help a young team a little

Bit um but I you know personally I think that uh they struggle to score offensively uh at times uh but they they really locked down so if they could just keep the games close and keep it more of a slower Pace why not yeah you guys

Think they can I think if they come forth they’ll play the Knicks probably do you like them against the Knicks it’s tough because you’re right they don’t they score as fluidly they don’t score as much as you you’d like in today’s game but the part of the game that they

Do do well is they turn you over right and when they’re not turning you over they’re still getting deflection so deflections are always going to be disruptive to an offense so I think you know if they get a home court advantage and they’re playing that brand of

Basketball you don’t want to see them they’re not going to be a cakewalk and they’re physical right that’s the other part of their game they’re extremely physical well the game Leo was intense right from the beginning you know but I think you know as much as we’re saying

They don’t show a lot of their youth now playoffs is a different animal right and I think uh I think they lack shooting uh they don’t have a lot of shooting on his team and you know usually what happens in the playoffs your weaknesses get exposed right um and when you know their

Defense is good but they’re going to have to up the anti of that area as well so um they’s still I think there’s still ways in their growth but you know they’re there’s also no pressure to win right now as young as they are there’s

No pressure for them to Wi right now I don’t think anybody thought them thought they were going to be fifth right this at all so playoffs for them that’s that’s a good situation opportunity for those young guys to get playoff repetition game time repetition in that you know intensity that when those

Stakes are that much higher for this week and they’re the only franchise uh in the NBA this year that hasn’t made any inseason Chang at all so they’re going to let this marinate and develop and then they’ll make a decision after the uh season you know what moves they

Want to make but I think their foundation’s really good no it’s really good but I think uh like a lot like we talked about the Raptors for the last few years right got to had some shooting you got to had some Court spacers you got some guys that can really ball if

You put some spacers out there uh you know and U you know even even even another Banger a guy guy could really throw some bodies around him right right it’s it’s funny cuz you know as good as they are you you look at sugs and I can

I can imagine you know Raptors fans were a little disappointed when you didn’t get sugs a couple years ago but it’s clear as day now that Scotty Barnes is light years ahead of of sus right like that was the right pick so as good as they are I’m still happy with you know

That pick and had how it transpire for the Raptors uh switch to the Raptors again jack Gary Trent another strong game 30 1 73s playing well down the stretch here what are you seeing from him uh as he heads into free agency this summer well what do you say First

Impressions the last thing so are last Impressions so he’s finishing on a strong suit you look at him his last three games uh he’s playing at an incredibly high level uh I think he’s you know one of those guys I wouldn’t call him a guy that’s a break down get

By do his thing you know he needs to play Within the structure and and get some shots off of actions and he does a very good job when the ball gets to him of making making shots and making the right play so uh he’s a valuable guy

When you know you can shoot the ball North to 40% in this league you’re going to get paid and paid handsomely you notice you notice something about the group that we’re talking about the Gary Trent so what was what was the talk at the beginning of the season with darko’s

Offense five well 0 five I can’t figure it out well it’s not really really my game I you hear a lot of that right are you hearing any of that right now are guys getting good shots are guy so you know doesn’t matter who’s out there the

Assists are still way because and if you’re a Gary Trent or you’re a quickley or you’re RJ if he’s playing or if you’re Scotty this a great offense to get get great looks and and a guy like Gary Trent if you’re aggressive you can get a ton of shots in this offense right

And you know the that kind of bothered me when I heard you know players early in the season saying well I don’t know if it fits well if you know how to play the game it fits fits yep it’s simple and and when when we had the trades coming and the

Guys came over you had guys that all of a sudden automatically were playing it well how did they figure it out instantly because it’s simple instinctual it’s move move move move and uh so like I’m impressed with the way these guys a lot of things these guys

Are doing it can only get better G’s also we’re also we’re also seeing his maturation right your first couple years in the league a lot of young guys always this the first time they have to play in a team system you know these these first round guys or second round guys they’re

Used to being the man right using used to having the ball on their hands and I think Gary now like that H sorry you got to get into this sorry I’m not for you guys I think Gary now is at a point where he knows what he does well and

He’s sticking to it and now guys he’s trusting himself guys are trusting him and it’s paying dividends and at the right time right you want to get paid all these guys are playing to put food on the table speak you want some of this Jack no I’m good I’m off the sweets for

L you are I can I can barely recognize you I turn you sideways and mark the abson um let’s talk about thanks for the compliment you’re welcome you’re welcome is that good it’s really good yeah happy birthday um let’s talk about Jordan War because I think when he came here coach

Wanted to see we we knew he could shoot we know the guy’s an offensive minded player coach wanted to see him defend right and it feels like he’s working a little bit more on that side of the basketball I mean especially with the rebounding he’s rebounding at a Prett

Good clip for uh for his position what do you what are you seeing from him jack well you know it’s interesting tonight they went with him and they didn’t go with McDaniel at all and meanwhile a guy they gave a a two-year deal a decent

Money to and he didn’t even get on the court tonight so that’s a bit telling um you know and and you look at uh wara yeah he has a good offensive skill but he you know his attention and detail has to be there defensively and you know

I’ve mentioned this a few times on the game he’s got to be he’s got to be self-disciplined offensively and I know young players always think I got to score a lot it’s done uh to impress it’s done and uh get another one you don’t have to always do that I think you got

To score efficiently to impress right particularly in this style because if you go kind of Rogue and kind of go out on your own a little too much it kind of messes up what they’re trying to do so I think he he’s as long as he has that balance

Offensively you want to be aggressive but smart aggressive and you know play your tail off on the defensive end he’s going to give himself a chance here yeah that’s an interesting you know sort of balance Javon that you have to make as a player like you come in here you’re a

Shooter you like to score you know how to score but you still got to do it within the offense and that that takes you got to do it within the offense but you remember a lot of these guys their agent is telling them to put the ball in

The hole that’s going to get them paid their their their Inner Circle telling them hey hey you need more shots you’re better than so and so you deserve more minutes but nobody’s telling them play Within the offense and then you play more minutes right the most important stat for all

These young guys is minutes played cuz the more minutes played you have the more production you can get so for war and you touch on it Jack is just really fine-tuning his game right and taking the right shots taking good shots he’s about 68 69 so he can impact the game on

The defensive end he’s a good athlete do it on both ends but he’s just got to really fine tuneing all right let’s pause it there for now welcome in our fan of the night please give a round of applause for Buzz Johnson Buzz come on in Here right you’re excited I love it have a SE how you doing hello happy birthday thank you I I was going to have some cake but you’ve had it all go ahead nibble away there we got plenty we got plenty to share here as you know these

Guys this is Jack Armstrong Leo Rens Javon sheer hello I hear an accent where where’s it from I haven’t got an accent you got an accent no no no I do have an accent I’m uh I’m from Australia from Melbourne hey mate hey mate Jack you got to improve your Aussie

You like your catchphrases are awesome but you got you got to add some more Aussie ones how do you how do you just go home and practice or is that like in front of the mirror I well that’s my question to you where do you practice your catchphrases is it like in the

Shower you’re doing it in front of the guys being like check this out pretty much anywhere I love to sing so uh hey mate how’s that little wait where is a good like Australian catchphrase that we could use like in our daily lives that’s a great question I don’t

Know cuz they just flow out of Aussies right we don’t know what’s a catchphrase like you don’t know what’s a Canadian catchphrase because it just sounds just sounds different yeah right that’s good point you you you told me a great story uh off camera what what you share with

Your group yeah yeah so I’ve been I just became a Canadian citizen all right welcome two weeks ago and that’s actually true not like being 40 oh no you don’t believe me I’m no I I do friend so now the fact you’re a Canadian citizen the most important

Thing is you know who Wayne Gretzky is right yeah yeah yeah I you’re in that’s it know Wayne gry you’re a Canadian citizen part of the the ceremony was like I had to get Wayne Gretzky tattooed on my but yeah that was just two weeks ago and I actually came and celebrated at

The raps game wow one of your you’re the singer um Douglas tranqu that opens your games invited us along as his guest because I actually learned the words to O Canada at raps games coming along watching Doug so it was it was wicked but anyway I’ve got off topic so I uh

Doing great i’ been I’ve been uh coming to a few WS games we had a big year in 2019 it was one of the first years I lived in Canada we came to every home game that we could get to and a lot of the playoff games as well so I burnt up

A lot of my salary on just WS tickets right so life does s we burned up a lot of our salary after those games yeah yeah I got to get an invite to those parties but uh so my question to you guys is is how how long have I got to

Save until the next bout like how how long have I got until the next championship how long have I got to save and build out my income question you got to start saving up well championships are hard so you know a lot there’s a lot of teams out there that could be really

Really good and you just can’t it’s not your year and or or you’re just playing against a team you know you look at those poor teams in the East that couldn’t get by the Chicago Bulls with Jordan so uh I think a lot of it comes

Down to this build looks like the build that they did the last time and trying to kind of build a core and build chemistry I think they’re starting to put some good young pieces together and uh if it takes time so be it I I I you

Know I I think it’s one of those things that you got to put the building box in place they didn’t have like a fstar superstar respectfully to Dear de rozan and Kyle Lowry those are the main faces and yet when the time came they made the

Move and got the next level guy in Kawai so and then trade it for marus Sol as well and got him over the hump so I think you just acquire assets you build you try to have a winning program and then little by little you you know you

Know the talent the building it takes a bit of luck as well right so it’s hard to really put a timeline on it because you can get all the talent in the world but then that that missing ingredient is always chemistry right and when that clicks it’s really hard to say because

You can you can give guys a two three four year development plan but that group has got to click chemistry-wise and that’s why it’s so hard just across the league there’s a number of teams that don’t even have a championship right and winning is not easy and I

Really do agree luck is a big one right think about it and you got to gamble like there are raptors you make a phone call you get kawhai that was a gamble he hadn’t played in a year and a half right how do you know he’s going to even be

Able to play yeah but so there’s some luck involved as well as you take a chance uh remember Kyle Lowry was traded New York said hey you’re not going to fool us again yeah so the Raptors keep them that’s that’s a little luck right so there’s got to be I don’t care who

You are you’re not winning a championship without a little luck yeah I say another thing I think salary cap Management’s big if you look at the Denver Nuggets players six through 15 nobody on that roster on the bottom 10 spots is there makes more than $5 million it’s

All between a million and five million and the top five guys are you know you got to spend wisely you got to get the right guys and then you got to have to you got to get really good satellite players so for the Raptors right now

That’s going to be now you know you have a guy like Emanuel quickley up deal is up you already have purle on a deal and you got you got Kelly Alin and you got RJ and you know now you’re going to have to give an extension to

Scotty Barns and quickly and then you got free agents potentially in brown and Trent you know how you fill out that core of your roster is going to be big in terms of you got to be able to get some bargain players that can contribute

For you you ready to uh spin for a prize and shoot for that prize yeah let’s do it all right it you don’t need any luck you don’t need any luck let’s go let’s go I don’t all right spin the wheel have you seen the wheel do you know what you

Want just all of it all of it okay give it a give it a spin give it a spin my how come it never stops on tickets it does stop on tickets a travel bag hey that’s not bad but in order to get that you got to shoot came to Canada

She doesn’t need a travel bag yeah she doesn’t need a travel bag that’s right wait do we have it yeah you ready for this I’m ready I’m watching buckets hey buckets buckets this is for when you can travel inside of Canada hello you have a a shout out you want to give a

Shout out to everyone do you want something else Leo Leo s come on don’t be cheap come on do you want something else yeah what do you want everything come on think she need a too Randy got 15 games left in the season what you want it’s like a clearance

Everything must go there you go she got an extra hat all right all right a little shout out to someone watching yeah right all right so everyone that’s uh in the some patties Day Parade on Sunday give it your all have a great time all right all right

Thanks Buzz nice to meet you appreciate it yeah Round of Applause for Buzz great great job great all right great awesome thank you you oh here we will take the ball stick the ball too I love it you know you know Randy it’s amazing that you notice no matter how many times

People spin it how hard they spin it it never lands on tickets you know fun do you think that’s that that’s bad Lu that’s funny because I think he’s got a side deal going on tickets no the side deal is called dates it never lands on

The gift card either there’s a $100 gift card there that’s we only got a few home games left so you know everything must go you weren’t here when we G when we gave the tickets away what tickets we gave tickets away never given twice two times I see you at the games with

Company I don’t see you any I ain’t buying what you’re selling that’s not true that’s not true unbelievable this guy’s this guy is a scammer I bring him about cake on his birthday and this is how he oh that was your brother Christian that got the cake

Not you that’s true that’s true he’s thoughtful all right we’re going to stop it there I love you NE next game for the after Sunday gets the Orlando Magic tip off goes at 6 p.m. live after the game thanks for watching we’ll see you next time you are for happy birthday dear Leo

Jack Armstrong, Leo Rautins, Jevohn Shepherd, and host Randy Urban break down the Toronto Raptors’ 113-103 loss to the Orlando Magic.
#Raptors #TorontoRaptors


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