@New York Knicks

Knicks hold on to defeat the Trailblazers behind Brunsons 45 pts | Knicks Postgame Show

Knicks hold on to defeat the Trailblazers behind Brunsons 45 pts | Knicks Postgame Show

This is nbk nothing but Nicks when s pass the assist you know that it’s number one show that breaks down the game if you can’t play defense stay out my way dribble the ball come down the lane 5 seconds on a shot clock who going

Win us the game you want to hear Nick updates and Trade rors Post game reviews just the place you tune in tell a friend just to keep the ball moving like the page if you feeling the movement every game we coming to win give us a sub like

A player that came off the bench this and BK nothing but N Nicks family what’s popping it’s your boy it’s your boy Sim that is ladies and gentlemen and yes I’m tired very tired but got to do what we got to do you know what I’m saying the Knicks get the win tonight 105 to 93 over the Portland Trailblazers they do exactly what

They’re supposed to do right Sean I see you in the chat not funny but anyway you are funny but you’re not funny but good win for the New York Knicks tonight and you know it’s perfect timing with Jaylen Brunson dropping 45 you might as well go check out print

Jurisdiction and get you a captain clutch t-shirt or hoodie ladies and gentlemen and if you don’t get it from PR jurisdiction you know you got a knockoff you don’t want the knockoff you want the real thing I’m saying it’s premium t-shirts premium hoodies make sure you go check it out you’re only

Going to get it there nbk Comics yes that’s nothing but Nick’s Comics we got more comic heroes New York Nick comic heroes coming out in the future but right now we’re focusing on jayen Brunson and Captain clutch so make sure you go get that clap and clutch t-shirt

Or hoodie ladies and gentlemen cuz the man dropped 45 points tonight against the porting Trailblazers and just like they said on the in the show it was a quiet 45 points from Jaylen Brunson but 45 points nonetheless got to give it up for JB ladies and gentlemen uh listen from the

Beginning of the game I was a little bit nervous I thought maybe the Knicks were you know they started off strong thought they were going to blow him out right from the beginning but Portland never gave up I you know listen Portland plays hard I like that try bips has those guys

Playing hard regardless of their record regardless of the talent that they have they continue to play hard right and that’s a Hallmark of Chanty Bops and who Chanty Bops always has been right he’s always been the kind of guy that plays hard plays smart and I

Think he’s trying to teach these guys in Portland how to play that way but the Knicks handled business the way that they’re supposed to handle business tonight against the Portland Trailblazers again 45 points for Jaylen Brunson four assist Dante Devan chenzo had 12 O and noi had 12 points nine rebounds Josh

Hart seven points 15 rebounds everything else is spread out hartenstein had nine points nine rebounds not a whole lot of scoring because the Knicks only scored 105 points pre AA 4.7 rebounds miles McBride six points all in the first half first quarter maybe bonovich had five points

Alec brks had five points the grunt of the scoring of course came from Jaylen Brunson ladies and gentlemen you know so it was a good win for the Knicks you know good for theck to get this win tonight over a team that they’re supposed to beat but you can

Still tell you know scoring is uh you know I guess after the allstar break scoring’s been down across the league you know they across the league scoring’s been down but man you know the Knicks is still kind of I mean look at look at the numbers 43.7% from the field 20.7% from

The three-point line scoring is down from the Knicks but the defense the defense ladies and gentlemen as what does it for the Knicks this is the fourth game in a row that they’ve held a team under 100 points right they’re playing phenomenal defense they’re all over the place they hustle all over the

Place they’re Relentless they never stop coming at you and I don’t think a lot of teams have the type of stamina to deal with that kind of Defense the entire game and now the Knicks of adding ogan and noi back the defense is getting better right and will continue to get

Better I think and then when Julius Randle finally comes back Mitchell Robinson finally comes back you know who knows what this defense can be so Tom Tibido definitely has these guys playing topnotch defense in the NBA now can the Knicks offense can the Knicks offense maintain

Right now you know what I mean you know you know 105 points when you start playing better teams you know they’re going to score they’re going to score 12 more points than Portland the Knicks are going to have to be 108 109 110 until they get Julius Randle back to beat some

Of your better teams in the league you know what I mean so you know offensively the Knicks still have to figure out until Julius Randle comes back what are we doing how are we uh uh uh winning games on the offensive side I mean we know we’re going to win games on

The defensive side right we know we’re going to be there we’re going to be in games because we play defense can we muster up enough offense without Julius Randle there when it comes time to play some of your better basketball teams you know that’s that’s the question can you muster up enough

Offense because some teams you’re just not going to be able to shut down the way the Knicks have been shutting teams down right but right now right now I’m good with the defense that we’re playing you know what I mean because when when when when we do get into the playoffs

Things are going to slow down and you’re going to need the defense right you’re going to need the defense defense and the Knicks have the defense and you know that’s that’s the great thing that’s the beautiful thing about this New York Knicks team as far as the Portland Trailblazers

They were LED in scoring by DeAndre eight and 31 points 14 rebounds DeAndre Aton played a decent basketball game tonight and if DeAndre Aton played This Way in Phoenix he’d still be there probably but this might be a good look for Deandre might be a really good look for him 31

Points 14 rebounds for DeAndre Aton 16 points uh two rebounds two assists for Bon scoot Henderson 12 points seven rebounds six assist 10 points for Chris Murray and with scoop you know you know there’s a lot of people around you know there’s a lot of people that are like oh

Well scoop didn’t live up to uh you know the hype give him time man give him time he’s a point guard in the NBA the hardest position to learn in the NBA he’ll come around I believe he’ll come around you know and and and I think

He’ll be listen he’s got I mean that you look at the size of scoot how big he is he’s strong for his young for to be a young kid and to be as big and as strong as he is and that kid is going to come around you know what I’m saying um

You know and Chanty Bops Chanty Bops he might be the perfect guy for scoot you know to teach him you know to to to keep him in in an aggressive mindset but also teach him how to run a team johy bips was that kind of player an aggressive mindset an aggressive

Defender a straightup leader you know I mean scoop reminds me his mentality reminds me of a chony bips kind of you know what I mean and and not really his style of play but his mentality for the game reminds me of Chanty so I think that’s a really good

Guy for scoop you know he’s going to come around and I think he’s still going to be you know I think he’s still going to be a tremendous player in the NBA but not much production all around for the Portland Trailblazers you know what I mean Joe

Long you said you loved when Chanty came to the Knicks I did too I did too you know what I mean um I thought he was perfect for Melo you know the Nicks kept talking about can you find a guy to go in between Melo and Amari Chanty bips was the

Guy and I hate to go backwards with us looking forward but you know just for a second we can we can chy was the guy you know Melo always had his best years when he had a guy like chony or Jason kid when he had had those type of

Leaders out there on the floor guys that weren’t afraid to tell them no guys that weren’t afraid to get other people to basketball that’s when Melo had his best years in the NBA chony was that perfect go between with Melo and Amari uh and the Knicks messed that whole thing up back

Then now if they would have end ended up getting uh Chris Paul you know that would have worked out but you know we know how it all went down we don’t need to go back there because we’re on to something else now and we built something new we built something fresh

And strong and the Nicks for the most part ladies and gentlemen you know I forgot who I don’t know if it was Nick from Jersey may maybe it was Nick from Jersey who called in and said the Knicks are headed to the playin Tony was mad over that too that

The Knicks are headed to the playin but they with stood they with stood right and they’re not in the playing they they they came close they dropped down to sixth I believe no they didn’t drop down to sixth I think they only went down to fifth they only went to

Fifth right but they you know they won just enough games and then you had teams like Orlando Miami Cleveland all of these guys losing basketball games as well which definitely helped the Knicks to maintain uh and stay out of the playing you look now and you know with

The Knicks having OG back you see the way the defense is is playing and you’re like yeah you know they’re they’re probably going to remain out of the playing that’s exactly what we need to want I did not want the Knicks to be in the playing right you’re in the playing

You know you’re playing one of the top two teams in the Eastern Conference once you make the playoffs and I know everyone is saying we’re not scared of everybody anybody in in in in the EAS anything like that that’s cool that’s all fine and well I still want the Knicks to have the

Best chance possible and the best chance possible in my opinion is to not be in the playing you know I mean you know you want to start off with the easiest competition and then you work your way up you know you’re going to see those

Guys anyway I don’t want to see them in the first round anyway the Knicks again 1059 93 over the Portland Trailblazers they hit the glass tonight 50 rebounds for the Knicks Josh Hart another uh double digit rebounding night I mean no matter what yeah Josh Hart is the glue man no matter what

Happens he finds a way to fit in he finds a way to get in where he has to get in he does whatever is necessary whether that means shooting threes shooting mid-range jump shots uh trying to score in transition getting assist getting rebounds or just just being the

Guy that’s hustling all over the place which is what he does all the time anyway you know what I mean uh you know again no no Josh har slander on my timeline or in my chat I have a timeline over here but 50 rebounds for the Knicks 15

Of them by Josh har only 16 assists for the Knicks tonight ladies and gentlemen shows you how p the shooting really was 16 assists on 43.7% shooting um you know and teams are looking at listen the Knicks won the game because they’re better than the Portland Trailblazers no doubt about that but

Teams are also looking at how do you stop the Knicks and right now you’re seeing team after team they’re stopping the Knicks through triple teaming right they’re stopping the Knicks through um you know sending three and four guys when Brunson gets in the paint now you know is it

Stopping Brunson obviously no he had 45 points tonight right but it does make it so tough for Brunson to score the basketball you know I mean you know he’s dealing with uh bodies every sing single night three four five bodies every single every single night I mean he’s taking a

Pounding all right and and and I mean that in the most wholesome of ways so you know don’t start with the with you know y y’all get it y’all get it you know I mean but every time he goes to the B I mean how

Many times a game do Brunson end up end up on the floor right and I you know I’m I’m pretty sure some of it is Brunson you know trying to get the upper hand against you know try trying to get some calls and all of that but he gets hit a

Lot he gets banged around a lot and that’s what teams are doing with Brunson and you know without Julius Randle there uh you know he’s the center of attention so when he gets in the lane there three four guys around them especially on nights when the Knicks aren’t hitting the three tonight the

Knicks shot 20.7% from the three-point line your Bruns is going to see a lot of attention anyone going to the line is going to see a lot of attention right and if the if a team has length you know what I mean you know they’re slapping they’re holding you

Know you can’t call a foul on everybody guaranteed anyone from the Knicks that goes to the paint gets fouled three or four times when they get there because you can’t call a foul on everybody the Knicks got to figure out how to play through uh that aggression how to play through uh the

Constant fouling because it is there and they got to keep their heads too especially on Brunson though right especially on Brunson you know uh but the Knicks have been finding ways ladies and gentlemen 11 steals for the Knicks 10 for the Portland Trailblazers one block for the Knicks tonight only 12 turnovers took

Care of basketball again 43.7% from the field 20.7% from the three-point line uh only 8 well not only but 88.5% from the free throw line and most of that was Jaylen Brunson jayen Brunson tonight 15 for 17 from the free throw line you know the only other person that

Shot I mean no one shot double digit free throws except for jayen Brunson bonovich had uh was three for three from the three point from the free throw line Dante D jenzo two for two hartenstein one for one oan noi one for two Josh Hart one for one it was jayen Brunson

Who powered that free throw shooting tonight you know what I mean and while he’s not flashy and and and and all of that stuff he’s got the footwork and all that but that 45 points 15 of them came from the free throw line for Jaylen Brunson tonight Nicks dominate the points in the

Paint 58 to 34 second chance points 15 to 13 fast break points Portland trebles get that 20 to 19 uh but for the most part the Knicks did everything that they needed to do to win the basketball game on a night when they weren’t shooting the ball well 15 offensive rebounds for

The Knicks tonight five of them by Josh har three of them by precious Stanley man said let’s hope that Brunson can stay healthy through the playoffs I think that he can and I think that he will Brunson is tough man you know Brunson Brunson is just is tough his body is

Made his body is made to take that grind out type of game and that’s the way that he plays right he plays with that type of aggression I mean a lot of times Brunson is creating contact you know he’s creating contact he’s putting his shoulder in the

Players it’s got a strong upper body you know bigger taller supposedly stronger guys struggle to stop Brunson when Brunson is uh you know playing aggressive and getting inside the paint one of your top scores in the league in the paint you know what I mean you know you know you know teams

Just can’t do anything with jayen Brunson no matter how much they foul him no matter how much they send guys that are 686 n to come up against him he figures out a way but it is tough for him so I do understand Stanley man I I I do

Understand when you ask or you say will he let’s hope that he’s healthy when the playoffs roll around uh I think he will be healthy when the playoffs roll around you know what my concern is with the pounding that he takes can they go deep in the play can he will he

Be healthy if they go deep in the playoffs or will he Be will will will he tight or down how about that if the Knicks go deep in the playoffs right because at some point I mean think about it he played USA basketball right the Knicks were in the playoffs went you know deep into the second round last season then he played USA

Basketball right and um you know now here he is really really really taking the grunt of the load for this team you I mean b you know putting the team on his back you know he’s suffered a few injuries here and there but for the most part you know

He’s with with Julius Randle out he’s had to take he’s had to take the load on his shoulders so yeah if the Knicks go deep you could expect that Brunson might be tired I will say this though I will say this when you get in the playoffs you might get more

Rest right you might get more rest because the travel is lighter believe it or not and you’re definitely playing you know you play a game night off game night off sometimes because of the scheduling and TV scheduling you might get two nights off but there’s no backto backs in the

Playoffs right and because you’re on the East you know the Knicks are in the Eastern Conference the travel schedule shouldn’t be too bad unless maybe you’re you know you go to Cleveland you go to Miami it might be a little bit farther but it’s not going to be too bad and

Plus you’ll go to Cleveland and play two or Miami or wherever it is and you’ll be there to play two games so you’ll be there for three or four days right so you know you might get a little bit more rest actually when you’re in the playoffs

Than during the regular season cuz the regular season you know what I mean like boom you’re in Portland now the Knicks got to go to wherever they go next so they’re right on you know they’re on the the the bus or the plane tonight you know what I mean where if

You were playing Cleveland in the playoffs right you’d be okay I’m there for two nights three nights four nights before I have to travel again right before I have to travel again so uh you might be able to get a little bit more rest in the playoffs that’s all I’m

Saying doesn’t mean that the games are easier it’s just more rest so tonight you know listen the Knicks play Friday they play Sacramento so you better believe they’re jumping right on the plane to go to Sacramento or bus or however to get in there to go to

Sacramento you know I mean right after the game yep I get it they got food on the plane it’s all comfy and cushy it’s there’re still wearing tear on your body traveling that way you know what I mean but um yeah I get it let’s hope that Stanley

Man Stanley man let’s hope that Brunson you know stays healthy I think he’ll be healthy but you know going deep in the playoffs you know that’s where you know there’s definitely some concern for me Nick 100 said I don’t know about OG’s arm hey first of all I’m going to say this I

Think he needs something a little more with a little bit more cushion on that elbow right he banged it two or three times tonight two or three two or three times he banged That Elbow you know and he and it was hurting him you know I think he needs a little

Bit more cushion on that elbow next 100 he said scoot was roughing him yeah I mean and that’s what’s going to happen right that’s what’s going to happen teams know and listen they’re not going to just come straight out and just be like bam and hit his elbow

No but they you know they’re going to take the opportunity to bump it right they’re going to throw their body into him and accidentally accidentally on purpose hit the elbow that’s expected so yeah this you know there there’s still some concern when you see him grimacing hold his elbow but he was able

To finish the basketball game right um you know he didn’t uh you know have the best shooting night I guess you know I mean OG uh no never mind never mind 5 for 11 okay 4 for 25 from the three-point line one really really nice dunk from OG

Tonight I mean when when he does that it always kind of I’m always kind of like I didn’t know he had I mean I knew he had bounce he has long arms so it looks like it has a little bit more bounce you know what I

Mean than than maybe he really has but um yeah I just I like it when you you catch him going back door cut to the basket and he rises up and gets a dunk you know I mean that’s uh uh um and when Julie when Julius Randle comes back when he

Was here with Julius Randle you seen it not a lot but you seen it a few times him and Julie Rand will be able to connect you know what I mean but uh you know I’m still concerned about the elbow cuz I see him holding it see

Grimson you know get some more cushion on that elbow a little bit of a thicker pad I don’t know if it bothers his shooting form having a thicker pad on that elbow but obviously getting bumped hurts it now see someone say to shoot him up with Nova I don’t want to do

That I mean you don’t want to shoot him up with Nova Kane a Brooklyn Butch said when is Dante going to make a floater he’s terrible at it he better to work on that all off season he could easily be a 20o score but he’s a he’s horrible at

Floaters not just floaters also the mid-range shooting for Dante I’d love to see Dante be able to you know take a couple dribbles boop boop and then pull up and shoot he’s got the bounce so he can get up high right he’s got the bounce but he’s not good at knocking

Down those mid-ranges it’s it’s like when when he’s ready to shoot the mid-range he’s got to use his body to catch the Rhythm so it’s boom boom bump and then takes the bump and pushes it into his shot I’d like to see him be able to just

Po B poop off the dribble and then pull up like dece can do it dece can do it not super duper consistent but he can do it and he’s getting better at it you know what I mean Greg you said said you bet if it

Was me I leave my player and my players are screaming in pain I leave her on the court too actually no we picked them up and carried them off the court that’s what we do so there you go but elv show you said Dante does drive me crazy you know

What listen I love Dante Dev chenzo but sometimes he does some things that like he missed the layup in the first half first quarter it was whatever it was passed from either jayen Brunson or Deuce one of the two I think maybe it was Deuce he missed the layup I’m like

Dante what are we doing you know what I mean and those those are those little things that sometimes uh you know stops Dante from elevating to another level you know his decision making can be a little crazy sometimes you know I mean uh he doesn’t have that mid-range jump shot doesn’t

Have that much of a floater you know uh if he can develop those things that mid-range jump shot a floater and he easily yeah easily can be a 20 point per game scorer and maybe he will maybe he will and you know also you know don’t grab people by their

Legs and pull them down and do that kind of stuff you know what I mean cuz we we we definitely need him in the game definitely need you know just need that guy out there but the Knicks ladies and gentlemen staying the fourth seed tonight with a

Win all right as a matter of fact when you look at the standings tonight and we’ll take a look at the playoff brackets real quick they’re one game above Orlando the Knicks would be playing if the playoffs stopped if the regular season stopped today and the playoffs were ready to go the Knicks

Would be playing Orlando in the first round as the fourth seed Orlando would be traveling to New York the ncks a one game above Orlando remember Orlando does have the breaker the Knicks are 39 and 27 Orlando is 38- 28 you got the Pacers are 37 and

30 they’ve just moved into the six seed they’re well not just moved they’re currently in the six seed a half game over Philadelphia Philadelphia keeps slipping they keep slipping I can I I don’t see them slipping out at the playin but the fact that they’re in the

Playin and they might stay in the play in you know they they could get eliminated they play the wrong team they play a team like Miami they can get eliminated from the playing and maybe even Chicago you know Philly is dealing with a bunch of injuries as

Well the next 12 games above 500 see if we can uh Take Out Sacramento uh on Friday go go up 13 games above 500 that’ll be beautiful right keep getting that cushion the Nicks need the cushion you know I mean so they can keep that fourth

Seed take a look at the playoff brackets right now as we speak um you know looking in the first round ladies and gentlemen it would B in the Eastern Conference in the playin would be Chicago ninth seed the Hawks 10 seed uh I would take the Hawks to probably I’m sorry I would

Probably take Chicago to win that the Hawks just um I don’t know the Hawks don’t got together I think the Hawks are um you know this current Hawks team is done in my opin opinion I mean you they’ve got to make some changes then you’d have the Miami Heat

And the 76ers playing all right so the seventh and eighth seed with you know seventh seed the Sixers eighth seed Miami whoever would win that match up would move on to be in the seventh seed in the Eastern Conference and then eight and then whoever lost that matchup would

Play the winner between the Hawks and the Bulls number one seed Celtics they play the a seed right now the Bucks of the seventh seed uh or the second seed they would play the seventh seed you got the Knicks and the magic you got Cleveland and the

Pacers right and no matter what would happen if the Knicks were to win their series they would play the Celtics in the second round y in the Western Conference the Thunder they’re the number one seed right now in the Western Conference they’ play the eigh seed the

Nuggets are the number two seed they would play the seventh seed so you got to go to the playin to get that so right now the Lakers and the Warriors they’re in the ninth and the 10th spot the Suns and the Mavericks are in the seventh and the eighth

Spot and then you got the Clippers and the Pelicans four and five the Timberwolves and the Kings at three and six again Thunder number one the nuggets are number two that’s what the playoff picture looks like right now ladies and gentlemen a lot can happen between now

And then a whole lot can happen that’s what it looks like uh the playin Tournament begins April 16th goes April 16th through the 19th and then the playoffs begin on April the 20th yeah looking forward to it for those I don’t know I know some of you in

The chat joined us last year here uh for the next I don’t know the the fourth maybe it was the fourth game versus Cleveland at the Garden and in in one of the lounges we had a great time about 42 of us there you know this next week next week we’re

Going to begin taking deposits for the playoffs ladies and gentlemen deposits for the playoffs so if you would like to join us at the Garden for playoff game most likely in a lounge but you know those things will be determined we’ll take the posits the way to work

Will take your deposit we have a certain deposit will take the deposit and will then use those deposits to put down either on a lounge or seats and you’ll either get a refund if the lounge or the seat comes in less than your deposit or you have to add add some money onto

It if it costs more than your deposit that’s how it works so be on the look out for that ladies and gentlemen so you know you can start getting your deposits in now because as soon as the tickets are announced it’s going to be a super quick turnaround so we can

Start getting it taken care of now once the tickets are announced they released uh you know like some of the content creators we get a chance to get in a little bit early so that we can get those tickets out to you early you you can buy your

Lounge or your Suite or your seats however we do the group ticket together all right so just be on the lookout for that early next week ladies and gentlemen key plays and decisions for Theon night uh really uh I’m going tell you what was key for me tonight in the first quarter

The Knicks came out and it looked like they were going to blow Portland out the water but then Portland came running back and they took a lead but then I thought in that first quarter when Duce came in I thought he kind of changed the game a little bit I thought

He changed the trajectory of the game you know he came in playing defense you know he got some steals he hit a couple of big shots uh even though he only had six points in that first quarter though he hadit some shots that I felt swung

The momentum back to the Knicks and then the Knicks never really looked back from there you know they you know they contined to grow the lead grow the lead but I thought Duce was really really instrumental in that first quarter of getting the game back under control

Helping the Knicks to get the game back under control and then Jaylen Brunson and whoever else could take it from there now Jaylen Brunson did have you know whatever double digit points in the first quarter but at that point in time I thought Deuce really did did

Um get the game back under control for the Knicks cuz it started to get a little bit scary for me you know Portland was playing hard they were um looked like they thought they was going to win obviously they didn’t you know what I

Mean but I like you know du came in and and really get a n a boost there Big Boost player of the game tonight of course is Jaylen Brunson right 45 points for Jaylen Brunson Mr Captain clutch so you already know what it’s about you might as well check it out

Ladies and gentlemen there’s a link tab to t uh at the top of your YouTube chat it’s late so you know might be stuttering over myself a little bit but there’s a link on the top of your YouTube chat it’s one in the description of the video you can get you a captain

Clutch t-shirt or a hoodie all right there’s all different colorways as well I mean so make sure you go to print jurisdiction. comom and check it out you know and they got some other dope gear there as well but you can only get it from print

Jurisdiction I mean and and and and if you don’t have the tags on it that says nothing but Nicks print jurisdiction and then another tag that has jayen Brunson then you got it from the wrong place cuz if it comes from PR jurisdiction it’ll have those three tags

On it ladies and gentlemen remember that remember that so make sure you go get t-shirt or hoodie at least go check them out you got cream you got blue you know you got multicolored you got black and white everything player of the game jayen Brunson Mr Captain clutch 45

Points that’s how you do it that’s how you do it now Friday the ncks take on the Sacramento Kings another team in the playoffs right playoff Contender Portland’s not in the playoffs I’m talking about between the Knicks and and and the Kings right playoff Contender a

Game that the Knicks can win no doubt about it in my mind the Knicks can win this basketball game right but they got to just go out and do it they gota you know the Nicks need right now with OG being back uh the Nicks have a chance to string together some

Wins right now what are they three of their last four games they’ve won three of the last four games right we got to continue the string we suffered injuries and due to those injuries being suffered we lost games right we hovered around 500 well it’s time to flip it back flip

It back start getting some more wins like like like we’ve just did you know I mean so let’s go get the one in Sacramento uh Sacramento is always a tough team they can score the basketball right they got guys out there that can um light it up guys that can

Get you 20 30 40 so the Knicks defense is going to have to be on point right now they’re currently the six seed in the Western Conference but they got guys that can hoop thean Fox can light it up you know that Malik monk can get hot Harrison Barnes is

Steady you I mean Damonte sabonis you know he’s a walking double double might get you a triple double on some days so the Knicks got to be ready be prepared to go get this win against the Sacramento Kings you know and then from there you you know you got super tough competition

You got the Golden State Warriors you got the Denver Nuggets you know mean so you got to get the games that you got to get well you said the game is Saturday Friday Saturday whatever whatever listen Stafford I mean you got to forgive me bro Friday

Saturday I mean right now I don’t know if this I don’t know if I’m on Thursday or if I’m on Friday right now yeah the game is on Saturday cuz today is Friday see what I’m saying I don’t know which day I’m on it’s all running together for me so yeah on

Saturday on Saturday the Knicks play Sacramento on Saturday Saturday night another late game 10 o’clock all right the GNA their defense is going to have to step up because this team can score right you got to you’re going to have to keep this team I don’t know 110

Points and the Knicks got to figure out a way the score 110 or better it’s not going to be an easy task but it can be done the ncks can win it you know but ladies and gentlemen I’m getting up out of here you know cuz I am tired I got a

Long ride tomorrow that I got to take you know what I mean so uh you know I’m going try to go get some rest if I get back early enough you know maybe me and Tony can jump in and do a loses Lounge tomorrow you know I mean since we don’t

Get a chance to do it tonight or this morning or whatever you want to call it all right I appreciate your time I’m getting up out of here ladies and gentlemen before I do I just want to remind you smash that like button on your way out go to print J and

Check out those jayen Brunson Captain clutch t-shirts and hoodies yeah and I’ll catch you later out peace but assist know that number one show that breaks down the game if you can’t play defense stay out my way dribble the ball come down the lane 5 seconds on a

Shot clock who going win us the game you want to hear Nick updates and trade rumors post game reviews this the place you tune in so tell a friend just to keep the ball moving like the page if you feeling the movement every game we

Comeing to win give us a sub like a player that came off the bench this is nbk nothing but Nicks

Postgame analysis of the New York Knicks vs the Portland Trailblazers.

Jalen Brunson “Captain Clutch” T-Shirt or Hoodie –


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