@Denver Nuggets

NBA Playoff Seeding, Kevin Durant, Denver Nuggets Threats | Ticket & The Truth

NBA Playoff Seeding, Kevin Durant, Denver Nuggets Threats | Ticket & The Truth

5 minutes fellas 5 minutes appreciate it man okay you getting that bet at me before the boom yeah la all the way what oh come on man you know it’s Boston baby stage kg I understand why you say that but it’s la Jay are you serious you know

What it’s La why you standing up cuz I got to stretch on out cuz it’s La L you know what you ain’t scam me let me tell you something that a Boston Boston Boston it’s la la Morning everybody what’s up everybody how y’all doing peace that’s what’s up nice to meet y’all man how y’all doing peace Kevin man nice to meet y’all a this is lit this is Lit what up baby how you how you doing yeah yeah yeah what’s up my God my God my God watching y’all we got to bring Jack on bro real the Jack this look just like Pelican Hill I ain’t never seen this many black people on the golf course at one

Time straight up damn it’s lit what’s up boy boy I brought you some golf club you ready already already I stay ready yeah I just just got to kind of knock the dust off of it right you see that right right hey look I ain’t even you know

What I ain’t got no huge backs I got a the follow through my follow through is everything you know I’m technical you know you know what I’m saying you got to you know what I’m saying P time I’m moving down here it’s too far though

This ain’t far far as what you make it you got damn that Chopper to get back C chopping back and forth down [ __ ] we got a boat just cut I’m tell I’ll be out here I’ll be on the boat every day [ __ ] every be like man I’m chilling

Leave me I’m on the water fishing let’s get it it’s cracking out here today man we in Black Pebble Beach today man we’re at the 55th NAACP image Awards image Awards wow 5th get no better than this listen this is black Excellence at his Peak right here you feel me ticking the

Truth we had to take the show in the rad y’all know exactly what it is it’s tiing the truth let’s get it man they say uh what all the smokers up for an award all the smokers up for award uh shout to cont cartel we got a

Uh we got cinnamon all movie Cinnamon is up for an award that’s cracking shout out to uh all the smoke they up for something they got an images award we need a cracken award for movies and TV too craen Awards we need the Kraken awards for that too the we need to hold

Our golf tournament the Kraken Awards Kraken Awards the cracken golf tournament CRA golf tournament hey man we need to jump on this let’s get it all right uh first thing I want to ask you guys about the Nuggets uh Monday night did 20 22 Point deficit they come back and get a win

Against Toronto they’re 9- one in their last 10 uh the question I have for you guys who do you think is the biggest threat to the nuggets out west if I’m talking like just think listen straight up and down I I’m starting to see like I don’t know if it’s the wall but

In March you usually go through a rough a rough time is March cuz March is a hard month to get through especially when you going and you flowing into supposed to be put putting the gas pedal pedal to the metal right now this is where you lock in last 15 games and you

Got to turn up if you don’t turn up right now you ain’t you ain’t going to make no run listen I’m talking about getting through March yeah this is turn you always have that let down in March and then right before April get here right before the NCAA start or get ready

To turn off boom that last week of March is when teams really go into April with a bunch of momentum so I’m expecting like the layoff and stuff but man the Nuggets man they they know out of any team they’ hit the button any out of any

Team that’s playing right now they know the urgency and they look they look like they understand the urgency more than any other team you know what it looked like from them it looked like when I’m looking at all the other teams everybody came out sprinting everybody coming out

They just look like they G they just look like they knew how long the marathon was going to be and they gradually got better as the season went along facts and now they peing right at the right time so all them teams are they running under

The radar this OKC all this Pelicans all this Minnesota it look like it look like them teams just running out of gas I don’t know and and I mean Clippers it look like these teams is running out of gas can you peek too early yeah you can

Peek too early CU right now is where you need to be playing your best ball so it just looked like Denver they making a push for the playoffs Joker looked like he taking the lead on the MVP and and they look Prime but I’ll tell you this

About about about Denver I’m not all the way sold you know I’ve been watching I’ve been breaking them down I’ve been studying them if they they gota everybody got to play well for them they bench is light they bench light they who is that guy off the bench

That they had last year they had Jeff Green they had uh what’s my boy name yeah from uh went to went to Toronto Bruce Brown Bruce Brown Bruce Brown was a big one they La in De right now I’m noticing because you was talking about your boyas solid

But this first Jackson coming in there they’re not consistent as as green and Bruce pie right CU When I look at the stat sheet every night I’m seeing Joker 35 12 and 12 I’m seeing Porter Jr but I’m looking at you know what I’m noticing they all playing like 38

Minutes but hit me out that for that Denver has Jamal Murray you know you going to need some depth in the playoffs you need at least one dude Off the Bench or two Off the Bench you can count on where one of them them going to play well for you listen

You know that listen to me you can play Joker with four guys off the bench let him come out and bring inal muray Porter Jun I’m just talking about how you playing with it I’m just talking about they out of any team playing they understand when to hit the button and

When yeah I’m dissecting it though I’m not all all the way I like they can get through the regular season but I don’t know I’m not all the way sold cuz they they they they de who’s the most challenging to the to to the throne then most scary West the most challenging I’m

Going say man man watch out for New Orleans bro I keep saying this they peing right now too ain’t nobody talking about them Zion playing his best basketball ain’t nobody talking about them I think they gonna be spoilers I think they gonna be in the East I think

They gonna be in the Western Conference Finals I think they G to find a way Pelicans that’s that’s why I’m taking I’m taking Pelicans to end up in the west Western Conference Finals all they got to do is avoid Denver in the first round if they can avoid Denver in the

First round I think they can get to the Western Conference Finals damn that’s a lot nobody talking about them they balling they keep moving up they the one team that who who was never really slipped into the play in they’ve been kind of consistent all year and they’ve

Gotten better this spot right now they’ve been right there in the fifth spot with a chance to move up to four they can catch the Clippers what’s their record against 5 top 500 teams yo what’s their record that’s what we need to look up need to see what they look like solid

Solid I think it’s at least 5 20 and 16 with teams above 500 500 that’s great that’s great if you above 500 versus those teams that’s great so watch out for them seven games can you turn it on for seven game can you beat can you beat

Some of them the first five teams this year I think this year can you beat can you beat Phoenix I think this year do you beat the Clippers can you beat can you beat Minnesota can you beat who got the most approved who got the most approved you

Think anybody got more to approv than Zion Champs bro Champs got most proved it Zion and ingr got more anybody anybody conference cuz one Zion to show that he had to be healthy which he’s been healthy this year trying to prove that he one of the stars in this

League and I think they playing with an edge and when they get to the playoffs it’s going to be a problem do the Clippers have something to prove though absolutely absolutely I don’t know I was sitting here letting them go but yeah the Clippers bro the Clippers are

Probably the team to that’s got all the that’s another team that’s another team I don’t know I don’t know if I’m trusting uh the Pelicans in the seven seven game they’re young like Minnesota they’re young like some of these other get one of them naive teams that don’t know no

Better in the playoffs like what like they just not like the Pelicans they don’t know no better right you know it’s like that fighter they like I’m not expeced to do nothing I’m just out here swinging swinging they don’t know no better you know say like Francis Francis don’t know

Another team they got more pressure on got I hear what you saying know I’m say I hear what you saying this season’s been crazy in terms of 20po comebacks there’s been 29 games this year where a team has come back from from 20 point comeback uh I saw a stat the other day

In 056 that only happened five times so this year’s like kind of the most ever in terms of 20-point comebacks what what would you what would you attribute that to why do you think The Comebacks are happening so much this season with 20 points the fight the fight usually when you have

Teams that get blown out majority of your team had no fight you see teams that’s coming back from 20 coming down from 15 coming down from 10 that’s fight that’s your that’s that’s the fighting the team that’s your leader talking you know what I’m saying like ain’t nobody here to get blown out

By no 20 [ __ ] just practice 34 days to come in here and then you n that’s not that’s not the mindset so you know when you see teams coming back it’s because somewhere in that in that team’s DNA they their leaders or the ones that really you know cuz everybody care but

Man your leaders be on another level when it comes to winning and losing you know what I’m saying so yeah when I when I see stuff like that that means that not only is that team together but that team has another level of fight I think I think the reason we seeing so

Many comebacks it’s combination of things T High Pace too high Pace up and down pace is is better is greater right that’s another the scoring is up so when you’re down 20 right so when you’re down 20 with all D you can get back in the

Game in two minutes like you make two or three threes if you down 20 you make two or three threes you right back in you down 12 get a couple stops get to the free throw line with the with the with the lack of Defense with the pace of the

Game if you can say listen let’s get three stops if you score on them three stops you you never out of a game right with the game being so we played on teams where we might get 10 stops in a row that ain’t happening no more that we

Might shut you out the last three minutes that ain’t happening no more that would destroy a team yeah like now with the pace and play and the way the skill Shooters is yeah you can come back fact that’s a good point that’s a great

Point you know I mean we going to see a lot of it’s going to be a lot of Records broken it’s got to be your fight too though you know what I’m saying and you got to have them players to be able to do that you know you see Golden State

Come back and Stephan Kay in that little Zone uh they in that little you know any team any team you can you can pull out all the weapons of any team you got to have that fight of wanting to come back not just giving in you know what I’m

Saying that’s a great point though P yeah one big comeback you guys had that comes to mind is is Orlando um and then you gave that famous speech kg the bar fight do you do you guys remember that game yeah it was down how much it was

Down there around 30 I believe I’m be honest yo when you play when you play certain teams and you know that they got certain they got a certain uh characteristic about them a lot of them a lot of them teams man it may look like how how it looks from the fan

Perspective watching the game but we as players we know certain players will give in we know certain players ain’t that we know certain players right and that’s what you really playing to when we played Orlando man they was a tough team they had a real deep team but they

Also we also believe that they didn’t believe you know what I’m saying y’all having a good night tonight it’s going in but you know what soon as y soon soon as y start getting submissive you start seeing that doubt and then here come the [ __ ] talker and the [ __ ] talker actually

Takes the doubt to like a thousand because now if I say yeah put it in your left hand I’m going to take that [ __ ] and you actually switch up and go to your right hand turn your back like this is this all gaming [ __ ] but when you

Coming back you are not only fighting because it’s harder to come back from when you on the road cuz you’re you’re too and nail but you are all out everybody into it nobody in that whole everybody that’s on the team that’s coming back is in it you got 20 people

On the road with you with the equipment managers the the weightlifters the [ __ ] who give you Gatorade everybody’s in the security everybody’s in the Huddle straight up and when you come back fouls some [ __ ] ref ain’t calling some [ __ ] ref letting go that’s why I say it was a

Bar fight cuz we fought through calls we fought through just coming back you know what I’m saying it’s as simple as this bad teams always finds ways to lose that’s a saying in the league they always find ways to lose it was a 27 point deficit just looked it up you guys

Won by eight points in that game we had a game where we were down two 5 Seconds to go they in the bonus and their ball and we won cuz as a bad team what y’all don’t know well listen listen to what I said we down to their ball they’re in the

Bonus with 5 Seconds to go and we won in regulation they throw it in turnover ball go up in the air three ran out of there bad teams that’s bad teams find a ways and lose and what you got to know man is that we practiced that situations

A thousand times so in those situations we knew how to think we knew we be Doc put us in those situ man we would go to practice and we were in practice with game-ending situations and we got tired of it and bored and he switched it up

Okay you’re down seven now with with 10 minutes how you going to come so in them situations when you are built for it and you’ve been geared up to be prepared for those moments bro it’s almost it’s almost like bang bang you’re not even thinking you’re more reacting like oh

Yeah we did this remember when we okay they don’t know it the other team you know so we had plays and we was actually built for that I can say that Steph Curry has an ankle injury and towns a miniscus tear both costly injuries for teams out west which injury my brother

You clean over there man hold on come on the camera real quick look at look at this hey hold on keep the tape rolling look at this he clean right here look at that he clean what’s your name man bro what’s up dog tooo bro the see what I’m

Saying clean right here we to by the way we have the NAACP 5th image of Wars image of Wars baby look at this is this is this is it this is it watch out now we you clean though you clean I got you I got you no doubt no doubt he cleaning

Them all so towns says the meniscus CH he’ll be reevaluated four weeks de Curry historically has had a lot of ankle injuries he’s not playing Wednesday night uh we don’t I don’t know the status of him but what do you feel like is the more costly injury between the

Two towns meniscus or Steph Curry’s ankle which which is the the bigger the bigger one has to be towns bro cuz they’ve been in first place second place all year long they had expectations Championship aspirations go to state with a healthy Steph Curry they still was a playing Team you know what I’m

Saying so it has to be towns bro I mean you go from a team that said damn they in the locker room like we can win a championship y’all every night you know we we can win it and now your your second best player got to have surgery

It’s like it’s it’s like a cloud it turns into a dark cloud to where it’s just like damn it takes the air out of you you know what I’m saying when you lose the player that c takes the air out of the because all year we’ve been

Talking about we can do this we can win we up there the best and then he come down this late in the race it take the air out of him dog I say this I say this even though he’s hurt I don’t think that I think Minnesota still has pieces that

They can fulfill his slot I’m not saying n Reed cat from Championship I got that tender with him I got that I got that but you can still fulfill that role with a solid player Steph Curry it’s only one of him the way he plays the way he moves

The I mean his whole game I’m talking about his one piece within how they work right you take that one piece out that whole thing is different so even though Minnesota lost a valuable piece to the the whole makeup of how they got to number one I still think that they got

Enough pieces in there that can stay sufficient and keep them afloat and keep them they’re not going to drop not they they not a team want to stay upat though hit me out though okay so you got cat he leaves so you can put slow-mo or you can

Put Nas Reed in there and together they’ll make up for that right Steph Curry bro you see the movement man he pass one way come up the double come up the bro you don’t have any other no one on your roster that feels that that that when that’s not there I’m talking about

When he goes out of the games I’m talking about for when he’s not when he doesn’t play the fact that he got hurt you don’t have that one step Curry component and what’s that what’s that Nate 30 30 30 a night they losing yeah right around 30 night he’s he’s probably

Like what [ __ ] 70% of their their their offense if not more yeah 20 27 point assist that’s what I’m saying bro like you don’t have nobody no way so when you lost cat that’s that’s yeah you’re right but man you can’t replace Steph Curry and what he that that’s what I’m saying

So I think I think Steph Curry’s the bigger one to the piece of you not replace versus the stuff that you can actually put piece together and make up for with you in Minnesota cuz Minnesota’s young all right so let me tell you let me ask you this so if

You’re on a team that got Championship aspirations I mean not to say that go to they don’t they they probably feel like they they real I’m talking about reality talking about reality right I mean but they are n 10 with reality reality right with them oh

We playing well but we still a ninth T seed got you but take take Steph Curry off that team they’re not even a Ninth Place team you take cat off this team let’s go back to the old NBA they not a playoff no no we’re not we go back just

Just to the first eight seeds I’m not doing that though I’m saying today I’m not talking about oh I’m talking about if you take Steph Curry off there that whole thing looks different you take cat off off of the meno Timo you still got n you still got slow-mo you still got

Other pieces you can you can piece together and put in there and that’s still a one or two team is what I’m saying you take Steph Curry off a [ __ ] um golden take him off that I’m be more disapp I’m going be more disappointed if I’m on Minnesota than

Golden State because I’m Minnesota our we had championship and you still are not not without cat listen as good as we were taking with when you were down we was good we was we wasn’t going win it without you I’m not we not you talking eggs that’s the same thing

You talking oranges and eggs that’s a whole that’s a whole different mix bro mean which one tastes better no we ain’t talking about taste I’m talking about n Lord you talking about me going out and then not having peace we were still a championship team just without me we

Wasn’t a championship team without you bro bro stop we were wasn’t we was a we was a threat and we got lucky but we wasn’t a championship team without you bro label it how you want to I’m saying that okay are we still this I’m talking

About this you hear I’m saying Steph C that’s what I’m saying Steph Curry off of the gold State Warriors bro no that’s not you don’t have that same component doing that same thing you know what cat went out man you can bring Nas re he can

Hit threes he can get to the bucket he now is he cat no he’s not that but they still they don’t drop to the that’s what I’m saying a a threat cushion to BR they going to win some games man now Reed can get you 30 if you [ __ ] around that’s

What I’m saying he get you 10 rebounds and you got to play that [ __ ] slow-mo IQ [ __ ] come in do the little things bro you already know when you lose or you go through a uh injury man the whole team shifts and it goes into a balance you may have to play a

Little more defense or P you may have to come in here and get seven rebounds SCS take it out you know what I’m saying that type [ __ ] that’s what I’m saying but Minnesota is still a championship aspiring team Nas Reed can come in here and and substitute for cat and it it

Would miss a little bat not much though that’s all I’m saying from a defensive standpoint because defense is where they making their Mark at they to the ball they putting pressure on you you like that they they on your ass they getting stops they take it serious they take the

They took the uh the the makeup of their best player so they play with fire you know what I’m saying man you imagine if Steph Curry ain’t on the gold state world may ain’t even watching that [ __ ] nobody watching that [ __ ] best uh one of

The best defens in the league to to TI its points I’m just saying take Steph Curry off the Golden State World matter of fact you remember the year he [ __ ] his hand up didn’t make the playoffs didn’t nobody watch that [ __ ] yeah that’s that’s what I’m saying what I

Will say ticket is with with curry his injury timeline is unclear right now so he could come back in the next week or so whereas we know with towns it’s at least a month before listen to me the question was who had the bigger impact

On the injury and I said Golden State P said because of the championship of sping of Minnesota that it was towns and my argument to that was that you you have pieces to where their team is not just a one piece team they got they got me you got through Minnesota [ __ ] man

They got some [ __ ] pieces in there man we always talking about seven to eight pieces Minnesota got a decent bench they got a really good bench be honest and this is when you need that de for [ __ ] like this you take Steph Curry off that [ __ ] though bro they’re not

Doing and they’re not getting that productivity like that from anybody on their team what about Chris Paul though he’s come back recently I’m just asking stop he doesn’t have that motor to give you what Steph Curry’s G that’s what I’m saying yeah I got that and so so I’m

Saying that the impact on Steph Curry and what he brings to the Golden State is a lot more impactful from what what C brings yeah okay but I agree with you what you saying just because you got cuz guess what man that window of Championship it ain’t as open as it

Ain’t as big as you think it is and it takes one maybe two injuries to throw it all off as we’re seeing so absolutely so guess what Minnesota’s going to get better though you know why because you’re going to have some she goingon to have some guys that normally didn’t get

All this time that’s going to get some time and guess what they going to get better Nas Reed he he’s going to get better he’s going we some games remember that yes sir I like that young fell good Kevin Durant in the month of March 33 and seven he’s shooting 54% 43% from

Three I feel like KD’s a a player that we haven’t talked about a lot uh this season um where do where do you feel he is in terms of like alltime great of NBA players KD right there with everybody bro KD the new way when you talk Braun

Can’t talk Braun in new way without talking KD he in that he in that light however you want to put it you know my biggest thing with KD right now is I think that the lift uh is just heavy for him the other night I saw him Kevin book

Uh Devin Booker and um um and Bradley Bill all had a chance to play together they look unbelievable they was all explosive but it can’t be a heavy lift for him bro I’m telling you like I worry about his durability once you start getting into the later rounds you know what I’m

Saying not so much the first round he hasn’t had no no no games off he’s been playing majority of the games this year right 37 minutes a night that’s what I’m saying that’s heavy for him bro a lot and you know they haven’t been Full Throttle so he’s had to carry that not

Worri about that durbility going down in the later rounds of the of the playoffs I mean one of one of the great scores um but this the thing with me with Kevin Durant I put him you know at one point the best player of the league over

LeBron when he was in Golden State and so my expectations of him uh is a little higher but what we don’t do I don’t think we hold him a little accountable or at the same type of level like we do Bri like when Brion ain’t playing well

Or the his team is not playing well we jump on them we jump on the Lakers but we never do that with with Kevin Durant or or or Luca donish or or or or some of these other guys if we if we expect these guys to be at this level in

Alltime greates you know a team that’s led by KD has Championship aspirations and since he’s left Golden State we really haven’t seen him on a cont a contending team I mean he went to Brooklyn it’s not his fault though that’s what I’m saying you saying team yeah we’re talking KD individual yeah

He’s doing this part you can’t you can’t really say nothing that [ __ ] stats is always on point I mean stats is always on point always that [ __ ] no no no but you know as far as impacting on winning you know what I’m saying or saying when KD is on her team you

Supposed to say we’re the contender but we look up you know maybe injuries did something in Brooklyn even right now you know Phoenix is like number 767 SE keep it 100 P they had James Harden they had Kyrie Irving and they had Kevin Durant in Brooklyn and it could you know

Injuries it’s not on him then the next year it was just him and Kyrie then Kyrie right and then it was just him he still he still showed up still still delivered you can’t put that type of pressure on him why not he’s an alltime

I got that but what I’m saying is he’s delivering his part the team Lord you said Team not indiv visual so on the team he’s doing his part when you put him uh Harden and and Kyrie together you supposed to get something out of that

When you didn’t it’s not on KD I think a lot same thing with him and Kyrie I think this year same thing with Phoenix he’s doing his part it’s really going to say you know a lot because when the trade happened when they said we getting built before the season started

Everybody was like I even said it I was like I got Phoenix going to the finals before the season even started could say that without seeing for me to look here with 15 games to go and Phoenix is treading on making the playoffs or the play in you know what that’s that’s

About right that’s that ain’t right though so this is this is my beef saying we don’t hold KD as the same stand they’re not it Lord and the stats are telling you they’re not it you know how you not it your [ __ ] record says it that’s it if y’all ain’t been

Consistently in if y’all Ain been thre manned up like it was built to be and y’all win at the west then we would have a real asset but we can’t make that assessment with these guys being in and out they had 23 games you can’t make no assessment of anything with 23 nothing

Bro that’s what I’m saying so Phoenix is Right Where I think there will be and you still ain’t got a [ __ ] point guard right that’s a major issue that nobody wants to address that’s a real [ __ ] address bro you got two you got three killers out here and they all got

To figure out who bringing the ball up and fit nah nah it’s you you got [ __ ] thinking when they just want to be out here gunning and reacting bro they going to have to figure out the the the the the um the point guard situation and

This ain’t the East P that sh this might be able fagle when you was in the East you can’t do that [ __ ] in the west west got like 10 teams 10 easy teams Nate that that two two three weeks man you got a whole new shift the bottom can be

On top and the top can be on the bottom you hear what I’m saying that’s my argument here you know what I’m saying KD gets held accountable but it’s hard to hold him accountable when he’s being accountable for his own like okay y’all want me to show up get y’all 30 a night

Okay I’m going to do that okay y’all want me play defense it ain’t really what I do okay but you know what I do y’all know who I am right he hit you with that other it’s amazing that you know his consistency though at the age at durity durability it’s amazing though

Just to see him continue to do this and you know I haven’t really looked at the numbers uh but is he 35 right now 35 Lord and I don’t know what his yeah he missed he missed a lot of time but he would have been one that have been close

To getting 40,000 too if he never never got hurt KD GNA play Lord let me say something to you that two years helped him he going to play into 42 he going to play into his you know what you you know what he can do he’s a walking bucket

Yeah when ktie put one leg out the car that’s a bucket the other leg comes out two but you what I’m saying soon as he get out the car walking [ __ ] bucket shout out to KD man still doing it man cuz at 35 bro it ain’t it ain’t no

Jokeing devastating injury with him too and he’s come back from with Theus which which should be noted and is very impressive K straight up all next thing I want to ask you guys about easy sniper uh I saw a report about a first ofit kind men’s college basketball tournament

Uh called The Players era yeah I saw that 2 million in name image likeness deals to participating teams so it’s going to start in Vegas in Fall 24 eight teams just showing up you get a million if you win you get another million and all the hotels travel food all that

Stuff is Tak care of yeah for college so what do you guys think of a tournament like this similar to the inseason tournament in the NBA where there was a prize pool and all that stuff I think it’s great for nil man college is listen college is is

Upside down man they need all the I ain’t going to call it gimmicky press but they need all the new innovative ideas of 225 and on you know what I’m saying I think the nil came in and and changed the the the the the changed the

Whole concept of how we look at col you think it’s good or or or bad for college or or you know what what you think though like is this good for kids getting this type of money in college is it is it keeping kids in school longer

Is it making the competition better or worse so you know it’s a not it’s a lot of factors that go into give getting this type of money and as a college student because I’m thinking like [ __ ] if I had have got me a couple racks or

Or $10,000 in college I would have been popping popping 10,000 in college ticket I was working on like $100 a week still popping still popping you I’m saying if I had Sho if I had 10 racks I would have had me a whip Sho it would have been

Shoot I would have went on a couple dates so so I look at it like this apple bees come on baby let’s go to Apple bees I’m saying I look at it like this all the years of of whatever y’all did in college and the the whatever right you

Got to know that now we’re in a sense of it’s taking its own its own its own legs right nil is great for young kids being able to take advantage and tap into a value that they have early on in your life that’s dope right yeah for real

It’s when you become uncoachable it’s when you have ego it’s when you don’t want to grow no more as a player and have cut off and don’t want to actually grow no more from hearing it’s when you’ve cut cut all of the growth off of yourself only to hinder yourself under

The under the means of a high school or a Collegiate knowing that you got a whole professional level in front of you you got a whole professional growth in front of you that’s the only reason I think nil is bad if nil can create worth for young

Kids early on I’m all for that for but that kid has to stay humble that kid has to stay hungry that kid has to still stay focused and know that that’s not the end result that’s not the end goal the end goal is to get to a professional

And to live a professional lifestyle and I’m watching just these nil kids now just early on tap out early and become become like something else and it’s more ego than anything it’s more it seems like it ain’t about the sport it ain’t about the love of what you started as it’s it’s it’s

Actually transcending and going into another thing of I got this young ego monster that wants a bunch of attention and now it’s getting gimmicky versus you strapping up coming in here working on your craft getting better and then walking out of here and this is how you

Thinking every day and this is what you thinking every day you know the journey on the way to the journey bro you got to have a bunch of love and you got to have bunch of bunch of want man cuz you going to hit enough potholes you going hit

Enough uh hurdles that it’s going it’s going to Rattle that love so that love I really I I see this tournament happen I see this tournament happening May grow the NCAA tournament I say this tournament they have to put more teams in NCAA not ain’t that but think about

This this is going to grow Enterprise think how many companies are going to join this pool of hotels going to join this pool of restaurants going to join this pool of business yeah streaming betting think about all that that’s in here you hear what I’m saying merch you

Understand like this is I see the pool that’s being created I’m seeing it cuz streaming is going to take it to where now if I don’t want to show up I can still watch it on the couch right and and in my own confiance to where I’m at

So this is going to change the concept of the business of college and of sports that’s what this is this is the new wave you remember when we saw overtime and how we respond to overtime like what the [ __ ] is that that’s what this is this

The new new right here do you like the concept of during the season a tournament happens similar to the inseason tournament champions league and soccer do you like that do you like that formula well there’s always tournaments anyway but it’s in the middle of the Season that doesn’t count towards the

Regular season it do count guess what especially when you get paid for it especially when you get paid for it baby I mean college teams used to play n Season tournaments it do it do count why don’t it count all of it counts it all counts the fan doesn’t think it counts the

Player is training for it you understand hell yeah so you’all say oh LeBron y’all want yeah it’s listen I’m going tell you the new wave the Euro the Euro league format and structure is the new wave of how everything is you know why because soccer showed the R&D that you can have

A regular season and then you can throw a whole season in here of a whole another joint and then and they can actually listen the Euro uh cup is bigger than your your your your conference cup if you’re in uh the eepl and you’re playing and say you’re in the

So soccer league you got the eepl you got the Spanish league you got the German league bro all that [ __ ] is is cool man once you hit once you hit goddamn Euro league you ain’t giving a [ __ ] about that man you can win Euro league and you miss out on your [ __ ] now

I know in the EPL it’s you know it’s Liverpool it’s Chelsea all the you know the arsenals and all that [ __ ] but once you get the once you hit the Euro league and you in June [ __ ] all that went out the window you know what I’m saying that formula is going to be

Implemented more than more than you know and it’s it’s because of the money that’s flowing through those things no doubt um who’s cracking guys who’s cracking who’s cracking who’s cracking man I had this you know what I’m going start doing I’m going start showing you my cracking list I’m going start put my

Little let me look let me look at the teams first Kobe white is cracking Kobe kobby white is cracking he’s been cracking though he’s he crack been on the cracking leag he’s been on the cracking First Team all cracking right he’s cracking though and the crazy thing

About it he might not he might not make it most improved that’s crazy who you got most improved over man you got G over in Houston Shang he he cracking if we who cracking don’t really say man listen that kid from Golden State Jaylen green is that left

Hand kid from Golden State that play the five yam your ass he just threw wmy in he just threw wmy ass in hey look what’s his name TR Jackson TR Jackson from Indiana that’s D Davis’s son Trace Jackson huh D Davis’s son what yeah that don’t surprise me that don’t

Surprise me D Davis shout out to Dell Davis man one of the real ones boy that dun pretty nice man that was nasty he cracking you know CRA Bo Minnesota he cracking what’s his name Nas Reed is cracking Nas Reed is cracking he cracking that’s why I told you he had

Thir the other night he was on my’s G get more more runs n Reed can start in this league that’s what I’m saying to you he cracking yeah he cracking bro let me ask you something man why the kid uh homie uh in Cleveland a’t playing who

What’s the kid I like in Cleveland you like a few EV they they be sending them to the g- league and he he can play man hey mty Banks man right man free mty Banks man straight up man free m he play banks free m Banks man this

[ __ ] a walking bucket a walking bucket can’t get on the goddamn he played in the NBA games this year man man I don’t know what’s going on I guess they making him go through it you know young fell this what you got to go through go through it take your Leck and

Young fell you get out there let it hang out yeah you hear me don’t don’t waste nothing you know what I’m saying empty the whole J you hear me straight up he cracking I want to see more of him man straight up let’s move to some game

Picks let’s get to some game picks of the wi let’s get it hold on I cracked 4 and0 4 and0 we we must be winding down we must be wounding down to the playoffs it’s tied up 3421 for both ex every week damn must be winding Superman every week

Damn I’m say it’s just like saying the football season when I when I down a stretch I just start getting them wins you know you guys both have great winning records though so uh that’s a good thing uh first game I want to ask you about Saturday positive Nate thanks thanks guys

Thanks you guys are winning money that’s that’s what we should be worried about straight up let’s get it uh Warriors at Lakers ABC game who do we got Warriors at Lakers yes sir listen it’s Steph Curry out we don’t know yet he’s going to get re-evaluated today and then we’ll

Then we’ll know Curry it don’t even matter we in LA I’mma take a shocker in Golden State I’m G take Golden State they need to win they need to win he just want to be difficult in the conversation this is a big game this is a big game cuz they

Got to they they they got to beat the Lakers can they beat the Lakers without Steph cry yeah they just beat San Antonio that uh with wmy getting 27 and 12 so the wimy so so San San Antonio is is is the Lakers no they’re not the

Lakers but I don’t know who the Lakers are sometime you know they’ll beat Milwaukee you know they’ll beat a good team then lose to the team they supposed to be so you know that’s just how they season been why you think they the 10th nin 10th slot bro hey uh uh what y’all

Saying uh production uh no no no penis weti we gonna mark this we gonna come back to this we will man step man man they had LeBron the Lakers why why they better not let go to stay win watch I got the Lakers man I don’t think I

Don’t think go take can beat then without you know what I’m saying especially if we don’t know if step playing so I think matter if he playing or not think take the Lakers he he never plays well in crypto all right we gonna see we gonna

See all right next game Nick’s going to Sacramento to face the Kings I don’t even know who the kings are sometime but I I’m not rolling with the Knicks so I’m going [Laughter] sack so listen another thing we G to start we’re g to start doing classic p

Man this is classic P right here that’s a truth that’s That’s a classic P right there I can’t even man what you don’t know who on the Kings but you don’t [ __ ] with the nck so I’m going with the Kings I thought you said the ncks was cracking I rolling I’m not

Rolling I’m not rolling man it’s hard to beat the Kings at home man they got too many injuries I mean I know OG I’m go Kings too it’s h h yeah yeah I’m going to go Kings when is Randle back man any timetable on that uh let me check that

Real quick um it was a couple of weeks but could we could have an update here cuz the Knicks need to get their team back like now and then start you know [ __ ] this [ __ ] ain’t forever last week you took a light contact practice uh scheduled to come back some sometime at

The end of this month I I can see him coming back the first week of April and then them trying to ramp up for ramp up and have some momentum yeah I like that all right let’s go to Sunday Sunday Sunday uh Suns going into Milwaukee to

Face the Bucks ABC get on ABC get on boy you got the Suns going into Milwaukee who you got ooh taking the Suns I like what I I like I like I like what they I’ve been seeing when they all healthy and guess what we get to see them

Healthy yeah that’s what I want to see yeah they they healthy I don’t know the Bucks I don’t know they they lose to a Lakers they lose to the Lakers with no LeBron I don’t know sometime who they are they came out of the allstar break play well Phoenix right

Now when they healthy bill out there they a different team and I think that’s a I think I don’t really think that’s a good match up for for Milwaukee even though I don’t think that’s a good match up for them I don’t they got to they got

To match up with their wings they like Milwaukee don’t really got no Wing play cuz if Middleton ain’t healthy you know they don’t have no real athleticism at the wing and so they and Phoenix is all wings so I I think Fenix gonna get this I got Milwaukee at home man I think

Milwaukee man goes from beating the Clippers and then losing to the Lakers and then you I don’t I get it I get it but at home you got to at some point they’ve been playing well and I just don’t think think that you you know falling off the Lakers or getting beat

By the Lakers knocks you off anything I think that yeah I don’t know I’m taking uh I’m taking the Bucks in this all right and then lastly we got the Nuggets going into Dallas to face the Mavericks nuggets don’t even ask me nothing nuggets the Nuggets Bitcoin nuggets the

Nuggets up right now the Nuggets up right now chicken nuggets the Nuggets up 35 piece nuggets I ain’t hearing nothing I ain’t hearing nothing I’m going take the Mavericks you see what Luca doing you see what Joker doing you see what LCA doing you see what Joker doing see what

Luka doing you see what Joker doing you see what Luka doing I don’t see what Luka is doing I don’t see because they not on National but I see what the Joker’s doing yeah LCA going crazy yeah I see the stats yeah but I don’t see the

I don’t see the wins add okay you talking about the team or what you talking about I see what Luka doing I look at the stats talk L I’m talking about Luka I a say the Maverick they got a win though they got a win yeah they

Did too they not going to win bro put some Cays on it you like BS of I fit on Dallas team right now go out there and shoot threes and play no defense no you don’t you I can go out there and do that right now no you don’t you don’t fit on

No M I can I can why don’t no you can’t stop why can’t stop acting like you can just make some put a jersey on go out here and you you good I can make some threes and not play defense the G [ __ ] going to Bone you [ __ ] man you crazy

Man you crazy you can’t get 10 in the game right now on the Mavericks I can no you I’m here I love you I love you Lord you can’t they philosophy is no you cannot and shoot threes I can go out there and do that no it’s not you cannot

Get a bucket in the leag youzy right now right now today if I take this mic off and put a shorts on in a shirt I can go out there and get a bucket in the Le 10 you crazy I love you Lord I love you

Crazy Hey listen if you got a friend out there you love him tell them real [ __ ] you can’t Lord you ain’t talking to me you’re talking to church you can’t get a bucket in the lead right now I can get a bucket in the lead right now you cannot you crazy go

To the G league right now and get 20 I can’t get 20 I’m not you can’t go to the league and get nothing can you score can you get 10 in the G League okay you can’t get a buck in the league they be fouling too much in the G

League I get I get in the G League real to Smart my highq too high for them G leers I get 10 free all that 89 [ __ ] all that 89 92 [ __ ] that ain’t going they ain’t going P you got my [ __ ] Ain triple step back can you trip sh 89

Cuz I was step backing in early 2000 they just started doing it Bo you got that 89 they on that p i they not on my we out we out we out that’s it cut that’s it we Out Oh

This week’s Ticket & The Truth is coming to you from the 55th annual NAACP Image Awards. KG and Paul break down the biggest threats to the Denver Nuggets, NBA playoff seeding, the new NIL tournament, game picks and more.

#nba #AllTheSmoke #KGCertified #BullyBall #KevinGarnett #PaulPierce #nbaplayoffs #nbamvp #marchmadness #denvernuggets #stephencurry #goldenstatewarriors #minnesotatimberwolves #karlanthonytowns

(00:00) – Intro the NAACP Image Awards
(03:03) – Denver Nuggets Threats
(08:55) – NBA 20-point comebacks
(14:10) – Steph Curry & KAT Injuries
(22:32) – Kevin Durant
(28:36) – NIL Tournament & In-Season Tournament
(34:27) – Who’s Crackin’?
(36:37) – Game picks

Audio Versions:
All The Smoke & ATS Unplugged –
KG Certified + Ticket & The Truth –
The Ariel Helwani Basketball Show –
Forgotten Seasons –

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  1. The Truth was speaking facts about KD. The NBA & the fangirls never hold him accountable the way they do Lebron. Then they have the nerve to attempt to put him on the same level as Bron when hes far below that

  2. The Big Ticket and the Truth real talk and ballers perspective is a great insider point of view. Plus the laughs this was a great episode .

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