@Milwaukee Bucks

Khris Middleton Press Conference | 3.16.24

Khris Middleton Press Conference | 3.16.24

It’s been a long road so can you just speak to what it felt like today to go through a practice and looks like you’re ready to get back on the court yeah I mean um just feel good enough to play at this point I mean uh been frustrated

Sitting out for so long but you know when I have an angle spr as bad as I did um it just takes time sometimes take a little bit longer than others but um I’m happy to be back yeah so to confirm the plan is for you to play yeah if anything

I mean hopefully nothing happens knock on wood um but yeah I expect to be playing tomorrow yeah when we talk to you in San Francisco yeah you talking swelling kind of still need to leave so all that’s kind of cleaned up and you don’t have I mean I’m just I could play

I mean that’s that’s what it is right now um we all go everybody’s going through something at this point I mean um so I’m going to have to play I mean ankle Springs they linger for a little bit of time um but my ankle’s good enough to play on right now without you

Know causing severe pain or anything like that so I’m good yeah I could said you were going through just like two on two three on thre that kind of thing and as you said in San Francisco you’re like I don’t want to be a cone out there was

That also part of it of just feeling like you you could participate the right the way you want to defensively yeah I mean um you know with injuries a lot and coming back is you’re able to control a lot of your movements in rehab but you

Know once you get in games especially on the defensive side side it becomes more of a reactive um thing and you know I wasn’t be a I wasn’t able to react in the way I wanted to off the movement Garden picking rolls guarding guys off the dribble um without you know Comfort

The Comfort I needed to to go out there and play um so that was you know the last little bit of hurdle that you know I was trying to trying to cross you had been back for months yeah um but did this is there any guess two parts any benefit

For your knee no in a way yeah no no yeah no this had this had nothing to do with taking extra time to let anything else heal um this was legit like a serious ankle sprain that I just had to take care of and get right um you know

Stay as active as I could um to keep the knee going keep everything’s feeling fine and um somewhat in shape I feel like tomorrow’s going to be a little tough but uh it’s good I mean just got to play through it you know um that’s

The only way to break the rust off is to go out there play through it all um so I’m excited for it I’m excited for the process you know I’m glad to be back back like I said and just knowing that you know it’s going to be difficult the

Way I’ve been moving um but I’m confident enough to go out go out on there and play um without feeling pain yeah so with that I mean you’ve been playing it I know it’s you’ve been off for a few weeks just lungs wise you just you yeah I mean now that part I

Don’t know I don’t know what the minutes is going to be like I don’t know what my win is going to feel like um until like get out there tomorrow like I said I’ll be doing everything I can to somewhat stay in shape but I think you guys know

It’s hard um nothing can emulate you know NBA game um playing with those guys up and down as a fast paace rehab just rehab sucks though it’s horrible right I mean mentally physically sometimes it can hurt it can feel like a lot of work for little reward what part are you like

Glad you’re never going to have to either do again or not do as much as you the whole the whole process of rehab yeah I think every every athlete knows rehab is always worse than actually playing um you do twice as much work um there three times as long as you

Normally are throughout the day so I don’t want to say but I mean um so I’m happy to to P that part to the side um but you know still continue to work on my body overall um to be in the best shape and you know the best strength

That I could be going forward Bobby Bobby had mentioned that he was obviously very excited for whenever you were going to return he obviously tell us um two-part question being out how would you assess what you’ve seen from this offense ball movement and things like that yeah it’s been tough I mean um

You know with Giannis and Dane being the primary ball handlers and Playmakers everybody else been trying to do a little bit more um you know they been step stepping out on their role I think they’ve been doing a great job you know I think I don’t want to use frustration

Um as a word I think how do I say it like I feel like the guys felt like they weren’t playing up to their potential and that’s just because they had a missing piece out there kind of you know I like to consider myself a Bridge which

Is you know connecting the pieces and being a playmaker at times being a scorer at times so we lose a guy that can playmake and help pit other guys in their spots that they’re comfortable in um they Thrive so that’s what I’m hoping you know to add as I come back do 15

Games give you guys the opportunity to find that consistency you kind of need before the playoffs we need it we’re going to have to find find it as quick as we can um you know heading into playoffs y going to be somewhat playing your best form or best style of

Basketball so I think we’re in a great spot we been through you know some rough road trips on the west coast but we learned a lot from ourselves and we survived them I mean um we had a couple bad losses but still won a couple games

We still in this uh two or two through three four whatever playoff race so we’re in a good spot I think now we just want to you know figure out ourselves and like I said play the best basketball um heading into the playoffs obviously this process you know we see talk the

Sidelines trying to help them out what you’re seeing on the floor um doc has really leaned into the two-minute game d um I’m curious what are you seeing on the second side right now as far as you mentioned being a bridge being a connector as far as what you can do yeah

Just you know letting those guys work that tw- man game and you know if it doesn’t work we still got options on this backside where it’s not NE necessarily A Catch and shoot guy um a guy you have to you know maybe come get the ball back from um just to help him

Out just a guy that you could throw I’m talking about myself a guy you can just you know throw it to the second side once nothing happens on that first side we still can get some type of action um some type of continuous ball move or

Some type of two-man action with me and somebody else on the other side so I’m excited for it I mean we thrived in a couple uh games that we had together and possession that we had out there so hopefully this guy will stop stomping down the stairs I’m

Talking but uh but no I’m excited um to to be there and like I said just be on that that opposite side just waiting waiting for my opportunity waiting for those open spots and the open gaps Without You Dr Le into Bobby on that second creating CU what have you seen

From him to maybe go outside of his comfort zone a little bit where it’s not you know someone else setting him up but he’s kind of the Creator yeah I think I think Bobby loved it for sure I mean knowing Bobby but I mean he he’s been

Doing that you know not just since I was heard not just this season he’s been doing this for a while now being you know a primary postup guy that we could throw it to um when we’re struggling or just need a basket um so uh I don’t want

To take away too much from him because he’s rolling right now I just want to help make it easier for him


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  1. So you’re coming back? Let’s fucking goooo we need offense because our defense is good

  2. Weird coincidence that the last game he played in was vs Phoenix and the game he’s returning to is against Phoenix again😂😂

  3. we can win the chip this year but Khris HAS to be healthy. A big weak point we have is our Giannis + Bench players lineup, with Khris coming back he could replace Galo in that lineup and it could boost our struggling offense.

  4. Watch out for KD's big feet on the step backs!😂 Pay back the Suns for your pain and misery…show them your greatness!

  5. It's good to have you back khris. Hope you're finding your rhythm because we're going to need it.

  6. Khris changes things dramatically. The Bucks instantly become the most deadly trio in the league because of their balance. Using a military analogy its like a sea/land/air attack:
    3)Dame:Long range/Air
    Elite scoring at all three phases of the halfcourt, with very good playmaking. Also Giannis is the best transition scorer in the league, so you have that as well.

  7. Please stay fit and healthy. I'm only concerned about Denver and Boston. But with a complete and healthy Bucks, I'm confident 😊

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