@Chicago Bulls

Coby White AVOIDS Major Injury with Mild Hip Sprain

Coby White AVOIDS Major Injury with Mild Hip Sprain

We’ve got an update ladies and gentlemen on the Kobe White injury and apologies I don’t have my microphone on me because I’m currently actually supposed to be working but Kobe white is uh revealed a mild hip sprain sources are telling ESPN and that he will likely only be out for

This upcoming game tonight and is even expected to return by Saturday against the Wizards which is such such good news for the Bulls because the way that he looked after hitting the ground after SE yakum fell on him the other night had me extremely worried I mentioned this in my

Postgame video uh last night that what concerned me the most was the way in which he left the court limping on that leg and it looked like it was going to be a knee injury and obviously knee injuries are going to be considerably serious and we also have a history of

Pain and PTSD as Bulls fans when we see a Bulls player go down with a knee injury um but the good thing was was that afterwards in the game Casey Johnson had mentioned that Kobe was in good spirits he didn’t talk to the media but that Billy said it was a hip injury

And a hip injury obviously is uh much better news than it being something to the knee so Kobe is going to be returning which means that the Bulls can still continue to push for the playoffs that play in push because without Kobe white even as great as demard roseen

This bin I would find it very unlikely they would be able to make any kind of noise even in the play and to try to squeak in to the playoffs so this is great news for Kobe this is great news for the Bulls and especially with the

Season that Kobe White’s been having on an absolute tear I know that he struggled a little bit in the last couple of games but still in a position to be a top candidate for the most improved player of the year award so stay tuned hopefully we get to see Kobe

White back this weekend I’m actually okay with him missing a game against the Clippers because it’s most likely going to be a loss anyway good to give him a little bit of rest obviously he has tallied the most minutes so far this season across the NBA has played in

Every single game so far this season so for a game like the Clippers when you’re anticipating that that’s most likely going to be an L might as well rest him and get him healthy for when the schedule starts to lighten up against the Wizards Blazers and then of the

Brooklyn Net so appreciate you guys tuning in just wanted to provide a quick update there and my thoughts and reaction to it as always be sure to subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one

Reacting to the breaking news on Coby White suffering a mild hip sprain that will only keep him out one game

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  1. Hi. As a player he needs to learn about the details, tips and tricks of the game from DeMar. This is where the Bulls are a mature management and ownership team almost missing in the NBA who are managed more like a post college teams. They surround the team with veterans and the younger players develop over years, patiently and after their mid twenties they flourish. Other NBA teams get away with things because either they have a super talent young player or most players in teams who play each other their skills aren’t mature enough, thus the decline of the NBA in viewership.

  2. Gonna have to show this video to your boss for slacking off at work lol 😂 But yes, grateful that he's healthy and not injured. Also, not even a thank you from Siakam to Coby? Coby literally saved his life from having a head/neck injury.

  3. Nah…

    1 Corinthians 8:4-6 — As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, andthat there is none other God but one. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

  4. It never looked like a knee injury. From how his body contorted to where he was grabbing, it looked like hip issue.

  5. Nah this is BS! Coby has been hurt for awhile now. It's so stupid making him play injured just because AK guy's Zach and Patrick quit and faked injury to put an end to their pathetic seasons. All we have is hope for the future and I can't heat my house on that crap! F The BULLS!!!

  6. Im still scared because the bulls seem trash at properly evaluating injuries, hope it doesn’t turn into “he’ll be out for a few weeks”

  7. He got very lucky then. Having a hip injury from playing ball I know how bad these can be. I knew it was a hip when it happened. Looked very bad. Don't be surprised if the bulls idiot doctors screw up the diagnosis on this.

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