
How to Win ANY 1v1 Matchup in Basketball ๐Ÿ€

How to Win ANY 1v1 Matchup in Basketball ๐Ÿ€

What’s up guys this is Ryan Jones with IB Elite today we’re going to be going over how to read your Defender and beat your defender in one-on-one situations all right so to start off we’re going to talk about Triple Threat situations and you should play one-on-one with your

Friends with a three dribble Max or maybe even two dribbles to go ahead and work on this so the very first read that you’re going to have if I have the ball here if I go ahead and start with my jab if I can’t get my foot far enough where

I can get around my Defender with one easy step or he’s not close enough to touch the ball on my shot pocket or in my set point I got to be ready to shoot the ball and shoot this at a high percentage to make him respect that and

Play up on me so now I can make all these other reads so on Triple Threat everything is going to be played off of our jab so whether he’s playing you where this is his top foot or he’s playing you where you’re jabbing toward his back foot anytime I jab here and

They don’t move this foot and respect my drive I need to be able to get around them so I can mix it up with maybe a shimmy jab changing Pace or a slow to fast jab but if you doesn’t move that foot you got to go around every single

Time so now that I’ve proven that I can make this shot and they play up on me and I’ve also proven that I can rip P him and get by that top foot of that back foot now one of two things are going to happen I’m going to go ahead

And Jab here and they’re going to respect it and move that foot back so I have two options from here I can either jab and if I have plenty of space I can come back and shoot or I can jab and once he drops that foot I cross step

Over and then drive around the other side before I get into the next part of this video make you click the pin comment with the link and we’re going to go ahead and send you a free scoring workout so what’s going to be key for this to work is obviously being able to

Shoot the ball first and foremost but if I have a long jab here where I can get my foot all the way here and then I can get all the way back over to this side the quicker I can get in and out from jab to this crossover step back to my

Triple Threat the harder it’s going to be for him to stay in front of you cuz no Defender can jump all the way from here and all the way to here back and forth as quick as you can jab and get around them all right so now we’re going

To going to get into two main keys to be able to beat your Defender off the dribble and be able to cross him over or be able to snatch him at any time so a lot of players know about attacking the top foot here cuz if you get around this

Foot I have to turn and drop and run with you but attacking the top foot isn’t that easy so anytime I can go ahead and get my Defender leaning toward the back foot or get him stepping toward this back foot it’s going to be impossible for him to step and then open

Up and turn and run as quick as you can get downhill so anytime you can get him a good bait toward this back foot and get him leaning that’s the perfect time for you to cross over over the top foot so if you want to be able to snatch

Someone and take their ankles at any moment there’s one key that you absolutely got to look for so anytime whether it’s Triple Threat or off the dribble if I can get going downhill here and you can get this Defender to turn open and turn his hips here and decide

To run with this crossover step that is the perfect opportunity for you to snatch back cuz he has to stop all his momentum here and then come back and recover so once I get going downhill and he gets in that crossover step I can stop with an under drag I can do an

Inverted drag off the inside step or I can do a speed stop behind the back but I should have plenty of room here to go ahead and shoot it or I can even re attack once I have that space and get all the way to the rim so when you’re

Playing one-on-one with your Defender if you don’t score it’s either because you just flat out missed a shot or you simply made the wrong read because the defender can’t take away every single thing and every opportunity all at once so learn how to play out of your jab

Learn how to manipulate that top foot or that back foot and just make the right read and be able to make shots at a high level every week we’re going to be dropping a bunch of information and new basketball content to help you guys become better basketball players so make

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If you want to be a deadly scorer in basketball, then you need to be able to score in any 1v1 scenario you find yourself in. Coach Ryan Jones is here today to show you how to read your defenders and attack their weaknesses. If you have just five minutes today, you can take a big step towards improving your basketball game.

If you’re looking to improve your one on one basketball skills, and beat any defender with ease, then this video is PERFECT for you!

GET Our FREE Scoring Program From ILB Elite Here:

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